Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Spectrogram'
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Lampert, Thomas. "Spectrogram track detection : an active contour algorithm." Thesis, University of York, 2010. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/956/.
Full textBehr, Michael K. "State-space multitaper spectrogram algorithms : theory and applications." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/107033.
Full textThis electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 63-67).
I present the state-space multitaper approach for analyzing non-stationary time series. Nonstationary time series are commonly divided into small time windows for analysis, but existing methods lose predictive power by analyzing each window independently, even though nearby windows have similar spectral properties. The state-space multitaper algorithm combines two approaches for spectral analysis: the state-space approach models the relations between nearby windows, and the multitaper approach balances a bias-variance tradeoff inherent in Fourier analysis of finite interval data. I illustrate an application of the algorithm to real-time anesthesia monitoring, which could prevent traumatic cases of intraoperative awareness. I discuss issues including a real-time implementation and modeling the system's noise parameters. I identify the new problem of phase censorship, by which spectral leakage hides some information necessary to relate signal phases across windows in time.
by Michael K. Behr.
M. Eng.
Hansen, Vedal Amund. "Unsupervised Audio Spectrogram Compression using Vector Quantized Autoencoders." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-264947.
Full textTrots de senaste framgångarna för neurala nätverk på en rad olika områden är musikalisk ljudmodellering fortfarande en svår uppgift, med karakteristiska egenskaper som spänner över tiotusentals dimensioner i inputrymnden. Genom att formulera ljuddatakomprimering som en oövervakad inlärningsuppgift undersöker detta projekt användbarheten av vektorkvantiserade neurala nätverkbaserade självkodare på spektrogram – en bildliknande representation av ljud. Med en nyligen beskriven gradientbaserad metod för approximering av vågformer från rekonstruerade (realvärda) spektrogram, producerar den diskreta pipelinen lyssningsbara rekonstruktioner med överraskande ljudåtergivning jämfört med okomprimerade versioner, även för exempel utanför domänen. Resultaten tyder på att den lärda diskreta kvantiseringsmetoden uppnår ungefär nio gånger hårdare spektrogramkompression jämfört med sin kontinuerliga motsvarighet, samtidigt som den skapar liknande rekonstruktioner, både kvalitativt och enligt kvantitativa felmått.
Kotte, Timo Oliver. "Application of Image Processing Techniques for Lamb Wave Characterization." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/4787.
Full textLamel, Lori Faith. "Formalizing knowledge used in spectrogram reading : acoustic and perceptual evidence from stops." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/14780.
Full textBleakley, Steven Shea, and steven bleakley@qr com au. "Time Frequency Analysis of Railway Wagon Body Accelerations for a Low-Power Autonomous Device." Central Queensland University, 2006. http://library-resources.cqu.edu.au./thesis/adt-QCQU/public/adt-QCQU20070622.121515.
Full textTsiappoutas, Kyriakos Michael. "Byzantine Music Intervals: An Experimental Signal Processing Approach." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2004. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/470.
Full textDias, Fábio Felix. "Uma estratégia para análise visual de Paisagens Acústicas com base em seleção de características discriminantes." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/55/55134/tde-29102018-172305/.
Full textThe growth of data volume caused by current technological development has been strongly evoked as a premise for use of techniques that help exploration, analysis, and understanding of data. A subset of these techniques is yielded by the field of Data Visualization, which provides visual manners to identify patterns and trends, as well as the extraction of hidden data features. Such approaches can be applied to problems that aim at data analysis with a strong exploratory component. One such problem is the use of sound as a tool to describe environmental landscapes, named ecological Soundscapes. A visual approach to analysis Soundscapes is presented in this master research. The approach contains two steps, and the first step applies visual (tSNE Multidimensional Projection) and numeric (Silhouette Coefficient) techniques to evaluate attributes groups that better describe a specific Soundscape. The second step employs visual techniques to analysis global differences and specific features of the terrestrial and underwater environment. To achieve these goals, the research used Heatmap, Parallel Coordinates, and xHiPP, an extension of HiPP projection. The xHiPP enhanced HiPP to improve its analytical capabilities and flexibility. The presented steps were able to show evidence of the Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients is an effective attribute collection to represent and segregate Soundscapes. As well, visual techniques employed in the analysis are capable to highlight similar audio features, making exploration easy, allowing users to focus relevant environmental attributes, instead of analyzing individual audios to extraction some information.
Kalm, Helen. "Acoustic Soil-Rock Probing : A Case Study in Gubbängen." Thesis, KTH, Jord- och bergmekanik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-256081.
Full textLacko, Tomáš. "Akustická simulace jedoucího automobilu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-218916.
Full textNerušil, Václav. "Vyhledávání CpG ostrůvků z DNA sekvencí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-221308.
Full textIm, Jinhyeok. "Numerical analysis of spectrograms in attosecond photoionisation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASP175.
Full textSince their first observation in the early 200s, attosecond light pulses (1 as = 10^-18 s) in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) range have revolutionized the study. of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules. Attosecond spectroscopy based on laser-dressed photoionization has made it possible to observe ultrafast processes such as time delays in the photoelectric effect. This approach consists in measuring the kinetic energy of photoelectrons released through the ionization of atoms or molecules by an attosecond pulse combined with a laser pulse. Although the released photoelectron behaves as a quantum wavepacket, its coherence is often degraded for both instrumental and quantum-mechanical reasons. The goal of this work is to develop and apply computational tools to extract decoherence information, in the form of an electron density matrix, from photoelectron kinetic energy spectra. In that perspective, it is crucial to evaluate the reliability of these numerical tools. Therefore we have performed a theoretical study in order to identify the ambiguities and artefacts that can arise in the reconstruction process and to find ways to manage them. We have then analyzed experimental spectrograms previously obtained through the ionization of neon atoms. This study allowed us to confirm quantitatively the origin of the instrumental decoherence observed so far in these experiments. Finally we have for the first time reconstructed a photoelectron density matrix obtained by the ionization of both the 2s and 2p shells of neon
Loeffler, Dominik B. "Instrument Timbres and Pitch Estimation in Polyphonic Music." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/10568.
Full textCavusoglu, Mustafa. "An Efficient And Fast Method Of Snore Detection For Sleep Disorder Investigation." Master's thesis, METU, 2007. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12608236/index.pdf.
Full textlhane Military Medical Academy Sleep Studies Laboratory. The episodes taken from 30 subjects (18 simple snorers and 12 OSA patients) with different apnea/hypopnea indices were classified using the proposed algorithm. The system was tested by using the manual annotations of an ENT specialist as a reference. The system produced high detection rates both in simple snorers and OSA patients.
Yang, Wu. "Traffic Surveillance Using Low Cost Continuous Wave (CW) Doppler Radars." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright1347404224.
Full textHliboký, Samuel. "Studie nestacionárních jevů čerpadla v turbínovém režimu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2021. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-444276.
Full textBergström, Joakim. "Transfer Learning on Ultrasound Spectrograms of Weld Joints for Predictive Maintenance." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Signaler och system, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-424726.
Full textTiger, Mattias. "Sparse Linear Modeling of Speech from EEG." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Reglerteknik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-108048.
Full textYao, Bing. "ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC BIO-SIGNALS ASSOCIATED WITH MOTOR PERFORMANCE AND FATIGUE." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1140813534.
Full textMateus, Gustavo Daniel Pedro. "Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada realizada na Escola de Música do Orfeão de Leiria - Adequação e enquadramento do uso de palhetas sintéticas no ensino do saxofone." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/29092.
Full textРезчиков, С. Е., and В. А. Сергеев. "Генератор НЧ-шума с независимой регулировкой показателя формы спектра в двух поддиапазонах." Thesis, Сумский государственный университет, 2017. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/65294.
Full textKubánková, Anna. "Automatická klasifikace digitálních modulací." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-233424.
Full textDAK, HAZIRBABA YILDIZ. "IMAGE-BASED MODELING AND PREDICTION OF NON-STATIONARY GROUND MOTIONS." OpenSIUC, 2015. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/dissertations/1008.
Full textKrejčí, Michal. "Fourierova transformace a spektrogramy v analýze DNA sekvencí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-219249.
Full textPostránecká, Tereza. "Porovnání metod pro konstrukci barevných DNA spektrogramů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-220019.
Full textBardauskas, Justinas. "Kalbos atpažinimas kompiuteriu." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2012~D_20140704_172117-57906.
Full textŠiame darbe gilinamasi i kalbos atpažinima kompiuteriu, atpažinimo etapus, problemas, o veliau meginama sukurti kalbos atpažinimo iranki. Pradžioje, bendrai apžvelgiama garso signalo, kalbos savokos. Veliau pateikiamos kalbos atpažinimo esminiai uždaviniai, supažindinama su matricu algebra, kuri naudojama aprašytuose algoritmuose. Pateikiama informacija kuo remiantis ir kaip išskiriami požymiai. Šiam darbui dažnai naudojamas LPC. Šis algoritmas yra vienas iš populiariausiu išskiriant kalbos signalo požymius, todel jis šiame darbe yra apžvelgtas, kaip ir jo modifikacija WLPC. Toliau tekste pateikiama kalbos atpažinimo teorija, apie išskirtu požymiu panaudojima. Skyriuje „Akustinis modeliavimas“, aprašomas kalbos vienetu atpažinimas ir vienas iš dažniausiai naudojamu akustinio modeliavimo technologiju - pasleptieji Markov’o modeliai, sekantis skyrius „Kalbos modeliavimas“, aprašo kalbos modeliavima, skirta jau turimiems duomenims sutvarkyti, remiantis žodynais ir analizuojamos kalbos struktura. Likusioje teksto dalyje koncentruojamasi ties kalbos atpažinimu panaudojant spektrograma ir kalbos atpažinimo sistemos igyvendinimu. Po to atlikti eksperimentai, kuriais buvo tiriama pateikto algoritmo atpažinimo kokybe.
Johansson, Jimmy. "Evaluation of CNN in ESM Data Classification by Perspective of Military Utility." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-9140.
Full textDet moderna samhället har sett en ökad automatisering med AI i en mängd olika applikationer och för att hålla jämna steg med den senaste utvecklingen är det därför logiskt att undersöka tillämpningen av AI-program på militära uppgifter. Den stora fördelen med automatisering ligger i den möjliga ökningen av effektivitet och möjlig flytt av personalresurser till andra uppgifter. Därför syftar denna studie till att utvärdera användningen av convolutional neural networks (CNN) vid klassificering av kommunikations- och radarsändare baserat på insamlade data från elektronisk stödverksamhet (sv. ES motsvara eng. ESM) och att uppskatta i vilken utsträckning mänskliga analytiker kan ersättas. Utvärderingen genomfördes genom att använda konceptet militär nytta som ett ramverk för utvärdering med tillägg av technology readiness level (TRL) för att kartlägga hur långt tekniken har utvecklats. Data samlades in med två metoder: För det första genom en litteraturöversikt av forskning som gjorts om tillämpningen av CNN för att klassificera information såsom spektrogram och bilder. För det andra genom att intervjua en ämnesexpert från SAAB, som främst hjälpte till att uppskatta TRL för teknikens komponenter. Studien fann att CNN verkar lämplig att använda till den föreslagna uppgiften och att programmet potentiellt skulle kunna ersätta mänskliga analytiker i stor utsträckning, åtminstone for rutinklassificeringar. En fullständig automatisering verkar osannolik eftersom analytiker skulle krävas med mer utmanande klassificeringar, särskilt de som ligger utanför utbildningsdata som används för att lära upp programmet. Slutligen diskuteras utmaningar kopplade till djup-inlärningsprogrammens struktur, krav och tillämpning på militära uppgifter samt att ämnen för framtida forskning föreslås.
Rodrigues, Sonia Luiz. "Comparação da atenuação da radiação solar e dos fatores que determinam o clima de radiação solar subaquática em lagos e reservatórios do Brasil." Universidade de São Paulo, 2003. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18139/tde-23092003-112001/.
Full textThe study of solar radiation penetration in aquatic environment was developed in four parts. The first one, directed to solar radiation attenuation in the water column, interference factors and their inter-relations were discussed. In this sense, a penetration comparison of the solar radiation in natural and artificial continental ecosystems was carried out, analyzing differences and similarities. The second part of this work consisted of a comparative study of underwater solar radiation in the entire reservoir. The comparison was done between reservoirs that are near to one another, but with marked differences in use and occupation within the regions where they are located. In the third part, two resources of great utilization in obtaining immediate response from the aquatic environment, from an optical point of view of the impacts experienced, were presented. The first resort was the spectrogram determination of solar radiation, which indicated the underwater solar radiation attenuation in the active photosynthetic range (400 nm - 700 nm). The other resort was the superficial water absorption spectrum, which allowed establishing the Water Spectral Absorption Index, I.A.E.A. that easily makes possible detection of accurate sources of pollution and contamination. The fourth and last part proposed to develop an apparatus from the construction of an underwater hydrophotometer (Model 268 WA 310 GM MFG & Instrument Corp. Bronx N.Y. 10451), where the photoconductor detector was adapted and introduced (PIN - 250DP) substituting the previously damaged photocells. During field work, this apparatus was tested and comparison was performed with data obtained from Quanta-meter LI-COR (LI - 185A), also used in this work.
Rae, Rebecca C. "Measures of Voice Onset Time: A Methodological Study." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1522356095329958.
Full textUjihara, Rintaro. "Multi-objective optimization for model selection in music classification." Thesis, KTH, Optimeringslära och systemteori, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-298370.
Full textI och med genombrottet av maskininlärningstekniker har forskning kring känsloklassificering i musik sett betydande framsteg genom att kombinera olikamusikanalysverktyg med nya maskinlärningsmodeller. Trots detta är hur man förbehandlar ljuddatat och valet av vilken maskinklassificeringsalgoritm som ska tillämpas beroende på vilken typ av data man arbetar med samt målet med projektet. Denna uppsats samarbetspartner, Ichigoichie AB, utvecklar för närvarande ett system för att kategorisera musikdata enligt positiva och negativa känslor. För att höja systemets noggrannhet är målet med denna uppsats att experimentellt hitta bästa modellen baserat på sex musik-egenskaper (Mel-spektrogram, MFCC, HPSS, Onset, CENS samt Tonnetz) och ett antal olika maskininlärningsmodeller, inklusive Deep Learning-modeller. Varje modell hyperparameteroptimeras och utvärderas enligt paretooptimalitet med hänsyn till noggrannhet och beräkningstid. Resultaten visar att den mest lovande modellen uppnådde 95% korrekt klassificering med en beräkningstid på mindre än 15 sekunder.
Romero-García, Gonzalo. "Mathematical Morphology for the Analysis and Generation of Time-Frequency Representations of Music." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023SORUS554.
Full textThis thesis explores the application of Mathematical Morphology to the analysis and generation of music, focusing on two time-frequency representations: spectrograms and piano rolls. Mathematical Morphology is a nonlinear image processing tool that serves to consider topological notions of the image. We present three applications. The first is to analyze spectrograms with morphological tools to obtain parameters with which to synthesize a musical instrument sound. The second is to generate piano rolls with two musical parameters, texture and harmony, by arranging them through morphological dilation. The third is to apply morphological operators to analyze piano rolls using graph theory. The thesis thus proposes new approaches for problems in sound analysis and computational musicology
Kapryn, Russell Paul. "L2 LEARNERS AND THE INTELLIGIBLITY OF THE BOSTONIAN AND CALIFORNIAN ACCENTS." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/790.
Full textTyas, Luke Martin Graham. "The SALT HRS Spectrograph." Thesis, Durham University, 2012. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/3492/.
Full textRajagopalan, Satish. "Detection of Rotor and Load Faults in BLDC Motors Operating Under Stationary and Non-Stationary Conditions." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/11524.
Full textVidal, Rosemeire Cardozo. "Algoritmo para estimar gravidade de DPOC através de sinais acústicos." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3152/tde-11072017-151033/.
Full textThe present study aims to determine if the severity of COPD can be estimated through the chart area of the sound intensities of respiratory sounds in patients with COPD. The study included 51 patients with mild, moderate, severe, very severe COPD and 7 healthy non-smokers. The breathing sounds of each participant were collected through a stethoscope adapted with a mini microphone. The method compares the areas of intensity sonic densities as a function of the frequency of COPD patients and healthy individuals. In this context, to meet the objective, a method was proposed and tested based on the combination of filtering techniques and TFTC, followed by statistical analysis, calculation of the mean, standard deviation and interpolation. The results suggest that the area of the graph of frequency-frequency sound intensity variance decreases as the severity of COPD increases, except for cases where chronic bronchitis is predominant.
Jemâa, Imen. "Suivi de formants par analyse en multirésolution." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LORR0026/document.
Full textOur research work presented in this thesis aims the optimization of the performance of formant tracking algorithms. We began by analyzing different existing techniques used in the automatic formant tracking. This analysis showed that the automatic formant estimation remains difficult despite the use of complex techniques. For the non-availability of database as reference in Arabic, we have developed a phonetically balanced corpus in Arabic while developing a manual phonetic and formant tracking labeling. Then we presented our two new automatic formant tracking approaches which are based on the estimation of Fourier ridges (local maxima of spectrogram) or wavelet ridges (local maxima of scalogram) using as a tracking constraint the calculation of center of gravity of a set of candidate frequencies for each formant, while the second tracking approach is based on dynamic programming combined with Kalman filtering. Finally, we made an exploratory study using manually labeled corpus as a reference to quantify our two new approaches compared to other automatic formant tracking methods. We tested the first approach based on wavelet ridges detection, using the calculation of the center of gravity on synthetic signals and then on real signals issued from our database by testing three types of complex wavelets (CMOR, SHAN and FBSP). Following these tests, it appears that formant tracking and scalogram resolution given by CMOR and FBSP wavelets are better than the SHAN wavelet. To quantitatively evaluate our two approaches, we calculated the absolute difference average and standard deviation. We made several tests with different speakers (male and female) on various long and short vowels and continuous speech signals issued from our database using it as a reference. The formant tracking results are compared to those of Fourier ridges method calculating the center of gravity, LPC analysis combined with filter banks method of Kamran.M and LPC analysis integrated in Praat software. According to the results of the vowels / a / and / A /, we found that formant tracking by the method with wavelet CMOR is generally better than other methods. Therefore, this method provides a correct formant tracking (F1, F2 and F3) and closer to the reference. The results of Fourier and wavelet methods are very similar in some cases since both have fewer errors than the method Praat. These results are proven for the five male speakers which is not the case for the other vowels where there are some errors which are present sometimes in F2 and sometimes in F3. According to the results obtained on continuous speech, we found that in the case of male speakers, the result of both approaches are particularly better than those of Kamran.M method and those of Praat even if they are often few errors in F3. They are also very close to the Fourier ridges method using the calculation of center of gravity. The results obtained in the case of female speakers confirm the trend observed over the male speakers
Campbell, Richard S. "Development and integration of the NPS middle ultraviolet spectrograph with an extreme ultraviolet spectrograph." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/26983.
Full textBurchill, William Carleton University Dissertation Engineering Electrical. "A novel speech spectrograph system." Ottawa, 1985.
Find full textOliveira, Marlice Fernandes de. "Estudo da separação entre voz patológica e normal por meio da avaliação da energia global do sinal de voz." Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2007. https://repositorio.ufu.br/handle/123456789/14661.
Full textA análise do sinal de voz é uma ferramenta importante no diagnóstico dos distúrbios laríngeos. Dentre as diversas técnicas para o processamento da voz destaca-se o espectrograma por permitir uma visualização da variação da energia do sinal em função do tempo e freqüência. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa investiga a energia global do sinal de voz, estimada a partir do espectrograma, como ferramenta capaz de discriminar esses sinais, obtidos de pacientes com diferentes doenças, daqueles coletados de sujeitos saudáveis. O estudo ainda verifica a possibilidade do uso da energia global na discriminação de distúrbios laríngeos. No total 94 indivíduos participaram desse estudo, sendo 46 disfônicos e 48 eufônicos. Inicialmente os sujeitos foram submetidos a um exame de videolaringoscopia para a determinaçãoção do diagnóstico. Posteriormente eles foram submetidos a um exame clínico de análise acústica vocal por meio da gravação da vogal sustentada. Utilizando a energia global foi possível discriminar as vozes normais das vozes disfônicas. Por meio da energia global foi possível ainda separar as vozes de pacientes portadores de paralisia da prega vocal esquerda de todas as outras doenças laríngeas investigadas. Podemos sugerir a energia global da voz como uma ferramenta auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial entre vozes normais e disfônicas.
Mestre em Ciências
Aikio, Mauri. "Hyperspectral prism-grating-prism imaging spectrograph /." Espoo [Finland] : Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2001. http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/publications/2001/P435.pdf.
Full textMollet, Yves. "Fault-tolerance and noise and vibration aspects of electrical drives: Application to wind turbines and electrical vehicle traction." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/260381.
Full textLa prise de conscience de la responsabilité humaine dans le réchauffement climatique est à la source de nombreuses initiatives publiques et privées parfois internationales pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Dans ce contexte, le développement de technologies durables dans deux secteurs à forte empreinte écologique est visé: la production d'énergie électrique et les transports. Dans le premier secteur, la progression de l'éolien est à présent la plus rapide parmi toutes les énergies renouvelables. Cependant, les éoliennes souffrent d'un manque global de fiabilité et d'accessibilité par rapport aux centrales électriques classiques, ce qui conduit potentiellement à des pertes de production et des coûts de réparation importants. La première partie de ce travail se focalise sur l'amélioration de la chaîne électrique en la rendant tolérante aux défauts de capteurs au moyen de la combinaison d'un estimateur et d'un algorithme de détection de défauts, tirant avantage de la redondance de mesures déjà présente sur les entraînements à machines asynchrones à double alimentation (MADA). Les estimateurs et la détection et l'isolation de défauts de capteurs sur les MADA a fait l'objet de nombreuses publications scientifiques. Cependant, la plupart d'entre elles considèrent un seul type de mesure et peu de travaux prennent en compte la saturation magnétique. Une nouvelle combinaison d'un observateur et d'un algorithme de détection de défauts de type ‘CUSUM', considérant la saturation magnétique et nécessitant une puissance de calcul limitée, est proposée dans cette thèse pour l'estimation du couple électromagnétique, des courants et de la position rotoriques en vue d'obtenir la tolérance aux défauts de capteurs. Cet algorithme est validé en régime permanent et cas de transitoires modérés, de tensions du réseau déséquilibrées et d'erreurs d'estimation des paramètres de laMADA. L'estimateur est aussi capable de démarrer seul lors du démarrage de la génératrice. Dans le secteur des transports, des véhicules hybrides et électriques commencent à être visibles sur les routes, malgré que des progrès technologiques importants en termes d'autonomie, de performances, mais aussi de bruits et vibrations soient encore nécessaires pour une utilisation plus intensive. L'objectif de la deuxième partie de cette thèse se rapporte à ce dernier défi et consiste à analyser les aspects acoustiques et vibratoires d'une machine à réluctance variable 8/6 conçue pour propulser un véhicule électrique. Ces problèmes acoustiques et vibratoires, qui limitent notamment l'usage de telles machines dans des applications de propulsion, ont été l'objet de divers articles scientifiques. Cependant, la plupart d'entre eux sont focalisés sur des analyses modales ou de phénomènes particuliers, alors qu'une évaluation globale des problèmes de bruit et de vibration des machines à réluctance variable en conditions normales de fonctionnement est rarement proposée, de même que l'utilisation de critères de qualité sonore. Une méthode expérimentale globale et relativement rapide pour évaluer l'évolution du bruit et des vibrations est proposée dans ce travail. Les essais sont réalisés en régime transitoire pour exciter une large bande de fréquences et en faisant varier continuellement, quand cela est possible, les conditions de fonctionnement. Les courants, vibrations radiales et bruits acoustiques résultants sont présentés sous formes de cartographies couleur pour une distinction aisée des fréquences affectées et non-affectées et comparés aux niveaux calculés de bruyance et d'acuité correspondants. Par ailleurs, la mise en place d'un nouveau régulateur à hystérèse en courant à plus grande fréquence d'échantillonnage a permis d'améliorer la qualité de la commande et du bruit acoustique associé en réduisant l'amplitude des oscillations de courant et l'excitation des fréquences de résonance. Les essais montrent que la fréquence de commutation doit être suffisamment élevée pour éviter l'excitation du mode d'ovalisation de la machine, mais pas trop pour éviter une trop grande acuité du son produit. L'amplitude des oscillations doit aussi être considérée pour limiter la bruyance. En conséquence, une commande en ‘soft chopping', ou une tension réduite du bus continu à basse vitesse, doit être combinée à une bande d'hystérèse relativement faible. Enfin, le cas d'un défaut de phase ouverte a été étudié et a montré une amplification des ordres pairs du courant dans les spectres vibratoires et acoustiques.
De bewustwording van de menselijke verantwoordelijkheid in de opwarming van de aarde heeft tot verschillende private en publieke initiatieven geleid om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen te verminderen. In deze context is de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare technologieën hoofdzakelijk gericht op twee sectoren met een belangrijke ecologische impact: elektriciteitsproductie en transport.In de eerste sector ontwikkelt windenergie zich op dit moment sneller dan alle andere hernieuwbare energieën. Maar windturbines lijden nog steeds aan een gebrek aan betrouwbaarheid en toegankelijkheid, en dus aan potentieel hogere productieverliezen en herstelkosten, als ze met klassieke krachtcentrales worden vergeleken. In het eerste deel van deze doctoraatsthesis wordt op de verbetering van de elektrische keten geconcentreerd door de combinatie van een schatter en een foutdetectie- en -isolatiealgoritme (FDI-algoritme) om sensorfouttolerantie te verkrijgen dankzij de reeds aanwezige meetovertolligheid op dubbelgevoede inductiemachine (DFIG) aandrijvingen.Schatters en sensor-FDI-algoritmen zijn het onderwerp van vele wetenschappelijke artikelen geweest. Meestal wordt maar één sensortype beschouwd en met de magnetische verzadiging wordt niet vaak rekening gehouden. Een nieuwe combinatie van een schatter met gesloten terugkoppeling en een FDI-techniek gebaseerd op het ‘cumulative-sum' principe is voorgesteld. Zo kan het elektromagnetische koppel, de rotorstromen en positie worden geschat voor sensor FDI en fouttolerantie met beperkte rekenkosten en zonder de magnetische verzadering te verwaarlozen. Het algoritme wordt in stabiele toestand gevalideerd, maar ook in het geval van gematigde transiënte situaties, onevenwichtige netwerkomstandigheden en een verkeerde schatting van DFIG parameters. Het kan ook vanzelf starten tijdens de startprocedure van de generator.In de vervoersector beginnen hybride en elektrische voertuigen op de wegen te rijden. Maar vooreen intensiever gebruik van zo'n wagens zijn er nog technologische verbeteringen nodig met betrekking tot autonomie, prestaties en ook geluid en trillingen (NVH). Het tweede deel van de thesis betreft die laatste uitdaging en bestaat uit het experimentele onderzoek van geluid en trillingen op een 8/6 variabelereluctantiemachine (SRM) ontwikkeld voor elektrische voertuigen.De NVH-problemen van SRM's beperken hun gebruik in automobiele en andere toepassingen enonderzoek wordt erover voortgezet. Vele wetenschappelijke artikelen focussen toch op modale analyse of gedetailleerde fenomenen terwijl een globale evaluatie van NVH aspecten in SRM's in gewone operatiecondities nauwelijks wordt gemaakt. Hetzelfde geldt voor het gebruik van reproduceerbare geluidsmetrieken. Een globale en vrij vlugge experimentele methode is hier voorgesteld om het NVH gedrag te schatten. Testen worden in transiënte situaties uitgevoerd om een brede frequentieband te exciteren, indien mogelijk met voortdurend variërende condities. De gemeten fasestroom, trilling en geluid worden als kleurmappen geplot om het verschil tussen beïnvloede en niet geaffecteerde frequenties te vergemakkelijken en met de berekende akoestische luidheid en scherpte vergeleken.Bovendien heeft de implementatie van een sneller bemonsterd stroomhysteresisregelaar geleid tot een verbetering van de regulatie- en akoestische kwaliteit door de amplitude van de stroomrimpeling en de excitatie van resonantiefrequenties te verminderen. De testresultaten tonen dat de schakelfrequentie voldoende hoog moet zijn om de excitatie van de ovale vervormingsmode te vermijden, maar niet te hoog om de scherpte van het geluid te beperken. De amplitude van de rimpel beïnvloedt ook de luidheid en daarvoor moet in aanmerking worden genomen. Bijgevolg zou ‘soft chopping'mode, of een lagere spanning op de DC-bus bij lage toerentallen, met een relatief klein hysteresisband beter worden gebruikt. Uiteindelijk wordt het geval van een openfasefout bestudeerd en onthult versterkte gelijke frequentievolgorden in de trilling- en geluidplots.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Biancalani, Enrico. "Towards a novel concept of imaging spectrograph." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/14056/.
Full textHuber, Nicolas. "Reconfigurable Hardware for the Correlating Electron Spectrograph." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.487931.
Full textDean, A. J. "CIRPASS : the Cambridge Infrared Panoramic Survey Spectrograph." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.598467.
Full textFord, George Harold. "Spoken Language Identification from Processing and Pattern Analysis of Spectrograms." NSUWorks, 2014. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/gscis_etd/152.
Full textMcMullen, Cheyenne. "ASMR, Spectrograms, and Adam Young: Shaping a Genre Through Frequencies." OpenSIUC, 2021. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/2839.
Full textAl-Darkazali, Mohammed. "Image processing methods to segment speech spectrograms for word level recognition." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2017. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/71675/.
Full textWelsh, Frederick V. "Scientific application of the Santa Barbara instrument group self-guided spectrograph." Virtual Press, 2004. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1295146.
Full textDepartment of Physics and Astronomy
Jemâa, Imen. "Suivi de formants par analyse en multirésolution." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LORR0026.
Full textOur research work presented in this thesis aims the optimization of the performance of formant tracking algorithms. We began by analyzing different existing techniques used in the automatic formant tracking. This analysis showed that the automatic formant estimation remains difficult despite the use of complex techniques. For the non-availability of database as reference in Arabic, we have developed a phonetically balanced corpus in Arabic while developing a manual phonetic and formant tracking labeling. Then we presented our two new automatic formant tracking approaches which are based on the estimation of Fourier ridges (local maxima of spectrogram) or wavelet ridges (local maxima of scalogram) using as a tracking constraint the calculation of center of gravity of a set of candidate frequencies for each formant, while the second tracking approach is based on dynamic programming combined with Kalman filtering. Finally, we made an exploratory study using manually labeled corpus as a reference to quantify our two new approaches compared to other automatic formant tracking methods. We tested the first approach based on wavelet ridges detection, using the calculation of the center of gravity on synthetic signals and then on real signals issued from our database by testing three types of complex wavelets (CMOR, SHAN and FBSP). Following these tests, it appears that formant tracking and scalogram resolution given by CMOR and FBSP wavelets are better than the SHAN wavelet. To quantitatively evaluate our two approaches, we calculated the absolute difference average and standard deviation. We made several tests with different speakers (male and female) on various long and short vowels and continuous speech signals issued from our database using it as a reference. The formant tracking results are compared to those of Fourier ridges method calculating the center of gravity, LPC analysis combined with filter banks method of Kamran.M and LPC analysis integrated in Praat software. According to the results of the vowels / a / and / A /, we found that formant tracking by the method with wavelet CMOR is generally better than other methods. Therefore, this method provides a correct formant tracking (F1, F2 and F3) and closer to the reference. The results of Fourier and wavelet methods are very similar in some cases since both have fewer errors than the method Praat. These results are proven for the five male speakers which is not the case for the other vowels where there are some errors which are present sometimes in F2 and sometimes in F3. According to the results obtained on continuous speech, we found that in the case of male speakers, the result of both approaches are particularly better than those of Kamran.M method and those of Praat even if they are often few errors in F3. They are also very close to the Fourier ridges method using the calculation of center of gravity. The results obtained in the case of female speakers confirm the trend observed over the male speakers
Doerr, Hans-Peter [Verfasser], and Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Schmidt. "Precision spectroscopy with a frequency-comb-calibrated solar spectrograph." Freiburg : Universität, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1120020719/34.
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