Academic literature on the topic 'Spécification technique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Spécification technique"
Dagenais, Marcel G. "Estimation et spécification." Articles 54, no. 4 (July 6, 2009): 427–30.
Full text-FAISANDIER, Alain. "Elaboration des spécifications techniques de systèmes complexes." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 01 (1995): 30.
Full textVias Franck, S. G., Eric Vall, Y. Ibrahim, and Bernard Faye. "La traction cameline, un apport important dans l’évolution des pratiques de traction animale au Niger." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 57, no. 3-4 (March 1, 2004): 177.
Full textDinsenmeyer, Isabelle, Olivier Louvet, and Roland Groz. "Utilisation de techniques de description formelle (TDF) pour la spécification de logiciels de commutation." Annales des Télécommunications 42, no. 7-8 (July 1987): 448–60.
Full textFouqueré, Christophe, and Fabrice Issac. "Corpus issus du Web : constitution et analyse informationnelle." Revue québécoise de linguistique 32, no. 1 (February 20, 2006): 111–34.
Full textGraz, Jean-Christophe. "Quand les normes font loi : Topologie intégrée et processus différenciés de la normalisation internationale." Études internationales 35, no. 2 (September 16, 2004): 233–60.
Full textEgault, J., K. Denis, O. Bigot, P. Coignard, K. Rinfray, M. L. Peuziat, A. Gautier, et al. "Le projet ROBO-K : une méthodologie centrée sur les usagers pour définir les spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques." Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 57 (May 2014): e15.
Full textPistre, Pierre, Hadrien Commenges, David Guerrero, and Laurent Proulhac. "Définitions opérationnelles du temps pour l’analyse des données longitudinales : illustration dans le champ des mobilités spatiales." Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales 10, no. 2 (May 11, 2015): 199–236.
Full textDufour, Jean-Marie. "Logique et tests d’hypothèses." Articles 77, no. 2 (February 5, 2009): 171–90.
Full textHangouët, Jean-François, Michel Pausader, and Jean-Philippe Cantou. "L'orthomosaïque à échelle départementale : les performances de l'imagerie Pléiades comparées au produit BD ORTHO®." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 208 (September 5, 2014): 27–32.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Spécification technique"
Fofana, Fangafossé Michel. "Spécification et prototypage d'un système de conduite technique d'atelier." Paris 13, 1997.
Full textIn the current competitive environment, innovation, quality and costs control are necessary element for companies competitiveness. However, theses element no longer represent effective factors of differentiation and advantageous positioning with regard to clients. Today, companies urgently need to reduce conception, planning and manufacturing delays. They also need to increase they response and anticipation ability in order to improve productivity. Theses new challenges give prominence to the role of the company information system as strategic element which brings potential improvement of performances. Compnies will want to invest in integration tools and control technical data exchange in the production environment tio increase reactivity. The goal of the present work is to specify and make a prototype of a workshop technical monitorin system. Four parts are included in the report: first part compares workshop technical monitoring system with existing systems, second part defines the system specification method, third part gives an object oriented specification of a workshop technical monitoring system, fourth part gives prominence to the technical monitoring system software prototype
Constant, Damien. "Contribution à la spécification d'un modèle fonctionnel de produits pour la conception intégrée de systèmes mécaniques." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1996.
Full textKibamba, Yannick Privat. "Spécification et développement d'un environnement collaboratif de gestion du cycle de vie des données de simulation numérique." Compiègne, 2011.
Full textThe proposed research work deals with the issues of Simulation Lifecycle Management (SLM). Nowadays numerical simulation plays a major role in the product development process. Indeed, reducing the need for physical prototypes and providing a relevant analysis of system behavior, numerical simulation has became a major lever for improving the development process. Faced to an increased competition, manufacturing companies rely heavily on numerical simulation to improve the technical performances of their products. According to this increasing use of numerical simulation, some issues related to data management and information sharing between simulation disciplines and with other phases of the development process has emerged. This PhD thesis presents a study of improvement of simulation activities based on an application of PLM approach. This study suggests two main areas of improvement. The first one concerns the definition of product structure for better integration of the needs of the numerical simulation, specifically in relation to the definition of fluid and structure domains and also related interactions. The second area is related to the management of dependencies between simulation data for a better traceability and an easier capitalization. This research work finally resulted in the implementation of a SLM prototype based on the solution Smar Team of Dassault Systèmes and coupled with two expert applications : CATIA, a CAD solution of Dassault Systèmes, and Workbench, a Pre/Post-processing solution of Ansys
Garnier, Gérard. "Modélisation de protocoles : application à la couche liaison de données de F.I.P." Nancy 1, 1992.
Full textLopez, Nestor. "Spécification formelle de systèmes complexes : méthodes et techniques." Paris, CNAM, 2002.
Full textSab, Guillaume-Alexandre. "Étude de faisabilité d’un dispositif TDEM aéroporté sur avion léger dans une perspective multi-capteurs." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2017.
Full textTime domain electromagnetism (TDEM) allows geophysicists to probe the resistivity of the subsurface as a function of depth. Today the airborne versions of this method can be brought into operation either by helicopter or by large airplanes (fixed wings), both are expensive and the first has the disadvantage of a low autonomy (distance available after take-off), the second of a low resolution. This thesis defends the development of a light system towed by a small airplane allowing both autonomy and resolution while being more affordable. It presents numerical simulations to determine the optimal acquisition parameters (emission waveform, altitude) of the future system. Using these parameters, simulations are also performed to assess the sensitivity of the system in various geological contexts (karst and alluvial deposits) with 1D (tabular) and 3D structure. Both HCP (standard) and VCP configurations are considered. The VCP configuration greatly increases the sensitivity to 3D bodies. A special consideration is afforded to underground storage cases and to the Orgeval (subsidiary of the Seine) hydrologic basin. We also detail the (sometimes problematic) choice of the mechanical and electronic characteristics of the system, such as antenna materials selection, antenna geometries, adaptation of impedance of the transmitting and receiving coils or cable lengths and weights. This approach results in the definition of a complete TDEM system ready for future flight tests
Thierry-Mieg, Yann. "Techniques pour le Model-Checking de spécifications de Haut Niveau." Paris 6, 2004.
Full textDufaure, Jérome. "Intégration et traçabilité du transfert de spécifications géométriques dans le cycle de conception d'un produit." Bordeaux 1, 2005.
Full textThe geometric tolerancing activity is often postponed until the detailed design stage. The main cause is that most tolerancing tools used in tolerancing activity are based on CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeler representations. To answer to this problem, we purpose a design framework where geometric tolerancing activity is based on a product model. This is in opposition with CAD system architecture where expertises share data with the geometric representation. The presented product model is the result of the IPPOP (Integration Product Process and Organisation for engineering Performance improvement) consortium. It is based on a structure which ensures data traceability during the design process and allows to describe design alternatives. In this work we put the stress on the benefit of the product model use with a tolerancing point of view in opposition with current CAD system use. Two main points are presented: the integration of the tolerancing data in the product data and the traceability of the geometric specifications. The aim of the integration is to enhance the product description with a tolerancing point of view in collaborative design. The traceability allows on the one hand to keep the link between the functional requirements and the geometric specifications and on the other hand to distinguish the geometric specifications induced by a standard component integration
Vekris, Dimitrios. "Vérification de spécifications EB-3 à l'aide de techniques de model-checking." Thesis, Paris Est, 2014.
Full textEB-3 is a specification language for information systems. The core of the EB-3 language consists of process algebraic specifications describing the behaviour of entities in a system, and attribute functions that are recursive functions evaluated on the system execution trace describing entity attributes. The verification ofEB-3 specifications against temporal properties is of great interest to users of EB-3. In this thesis, we focus on liveness properties of information systems, which express the eventuality that certain actions take place. The verification of liveness properties can beachieved with model checking. First, we present an operational semantics for EB-3 programs, in which attribute functions are computed during program evolution and their values are stored into program memory. This semantics permits us to define an automatic translation from EB-3 to LNT, a value-passing concurrent language with classical process algebra features. Our translation ensures the one-to-one correspondence between states and transitions of the labelled transition systems corresponding to theEB-3 and LNT specifications. Then, we automate this translation with the EB-3toLNT tool, thus equipping the EB-3 method with the functional verification features available in the model checking toolbox CADP. With the aim of improving the model checking results of this approach, we explore abstraction techniques for information systems specified inEB-3. In particular, we concentrate on a specific family of systems called parametric, whose behaviour is scaled in keeping with the predefined value of a system parameter. Finally, we apply this method on the EB-3 context
Rouillard, Davy. "Application de techniques de preuve assistée pour la spécification, la vérification et le test." Bordeaux 1, 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Spécification technique"
Cafe Obj Report: The Language, Proof Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification (Amast Series in Computing, Vol 6). World Scientific Publishing Company, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Spécification technique"
"Crédits et spécifications techniques." In Manuel d aménagement des espaces de conférence et de communication, 6. Birkhäuser, 2008.
Full text"Chapitre 4 : Spécifications techniques d’exploitation." In Exploitation des coeurs REP, 57–76. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Chapitre 4 : Spécifications techniques d’exploitation." In Exploitation des coeurs REP, 57–76. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Spécifications techniques générales applicables à l’équipement radar." In CEVNI Code Européen des Voies de Navigation Intérieure, 181. Nations Unies, 2009.
Full text"Prescriptions applicables aux feux et à la couleur des feux de signalisation sur les bateaux, ainsi qu’à l’intensité et à la portée des feux de signalisation des bateaux, et spécifications techniques générales applicables à l’équipement radar." In Recommandations Relatives à des Prescriptions Techniques Harmonisées à l'Echelle Européenne Applicables aux Bateaux de Navigation Intérieure, 267–75. Nations Unies, 2011.
Full text"Prescriptions applicables aux feux et à la couleur des feux de signalisation sur les bateaux, ainsi qu’à l’intensité et à la portée des feux de signalisation des bateaux, et spécifications techniques générales applicables à l’équipement radar." In Recommandations relatives à des prescriptions techniques harmonisées à l’échelle européenne applicables aux bateaux de navigation intérieure, 264–70. UN, 2020.
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