Academic literature on the topic 'SPE-HPLC-MS/MS'
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Journal articles on the topic "SPE-HPLC-MS/MS"
Chen, Kun-Ming, Ana Calcagnotto, Junjia Zhu, Yuan-Wan Sun, Karam El-Bayoumy, and John P. Richie Jr. "Comparison of an HPLC-MS/MS Method with Multiple Commercial ELISA Kits on the Determination of Levels of 8-oxo-7,8-Dihydro-2'-Deoxyguanosine in Human Urine." Journal of New Developments in Chemistry 2, no. 2 (December 16, 2018): 1–13.
Full textPang, Guo-Fang, Chun-Lin Fan, Feng Zhang, Yan Li, Qiao-Ying Chang, Yan-Zhong Cao, Yong-Ming Liu, et al. "High-Throughput GC/MS and HPLC/MS/MS Techniques for the Multiclass, Multiresidue Determination of 653 Pesticides and Chemical Pollutants in Tea." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 94, no. 4 (July 1, 2011): 1253–96.
Full textMiao, Hong-Hao, Yi-Nan Wang, Ru-Song Zhao, Wei-Lin Guo, Xia Wang, Ting-Ting Shen, Chen Wang, and Xi-Kui Wang. "Determination of triclocarban in aquatic plants by using SPE combined with HPLC-ESI-MS/MS." Anal. Methods 6, no. 7 (2014): 2227–32.
Full textKovalczuk, T., J. Poustka, and J. Hajšlová. "HPLC-MS/MS method for analysis of isoproturon in difficult matrix: poppy seeds." Czech Journal of Food Sciences 26, No. 2 (April 17, 2008): 146–52.
Full textSturm, Sonja, Christina Högner, Christoph Seger, and Hermann Stuppner. "Combining HPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS and HPLC-SPE-NMR to Monitor In Vitro Vitetrifolin D Phase I and II Metabolism." Metabolites 11, no. 8 (August 9, 2021): 529.
Full textLiu, Lei, Yabin Wen, Kangning Liu, Liang Sun, Yaxin Lu, and Zheng Yin. "Simultaneous determination of a broad range of cardiovascular drugs in plasma with a simple and efficient extraction/clean up procedure and chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis." RSC Adv. 4, no. 38 (2014): 19629–39.
Full textSun, Xiaojie, Yuanhao Yang, Qiangbing Tian, Derong Shang, Jun Xing, and Yuxiu Zhai. "Determination of gentamicin C components in fish tissues through SPE-Hypercarb-HPLC-MS/MS." Journal of Chromatography B 1093-1094 (September 2018): 167–73.
Full textWang, Bo, Jianyu Liu, Xia Zhao, Kaizhou Xie, Zhixiang Diao, Genxi Zhang, Tao Zhang, and Guojun Dai. "Determination of Eight Coccidiostats in Eggs by Liquid–Liquid Extraction–Solid-Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry." Molecules 25, no. 4 (February 22, 2020): 987.
Full textNurfadhila, Lina, Marsah Rahmawati, Nur Komala Fitri, Salsabila Granadha Nibullah, and Welly Windari. "Analisis senyawa acetaminophen dalam sampel biologis dengan berbagai macam metode." Journal of Pharmaceutical and Sciences 6, no. 3 (July 27, 2023): 1221–37.
Full textWang, Xiaoli, Tao Guo, Yunbo Wei, Guiju Xu, Na Li, Jinhong Feng, and Rusong Zhao. "Determination of Quinolone Antibiotic Residues in Human Serum and Urine Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry." Journal of Analytical Toxicology 43, no. 7 (May 16, 2019): 579–86.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SPE-HPLC-MS/MS"
Brown, Stacy D., Fessou Lawson-Hellu, Derek Murrell, and Sam Harirforoosh. "Simultaneous Determination of Five Antiretroviral Drugs Plus Cobicistat in Human Plasma Using Strong Cation Mixed-Mode SPE and HPLC-MS/MS." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017.
Full textFigueiredo, Natália Guimarães de. "Avaliação da remoção de interferentes endócrinos, ativos farmacêuticos e cafeína em água para abastecimento público do estado de São Paulo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Full textSome organic compounds, such as endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals, are being found in the surface water, and are concerning both the public organs and the scientific community. Among these compounds, the synthetic hormone 17α-ethinylestradiol, the surfactant (4-nonylphenol), bisphenol-A, the β-lactam antibiotic amoxicillin and the marker of human activity caffeine were highlighted in the present work. These compounds are continuously drained to the water bodies by sewers, affecting not only the water quality itself, but also the ecosystems, and impacting the drinking water availability. Currently in Brazil, the removal rate of these contaminants is low, whereas the water sources for public supply are highly degraded. In this context, the present work develops an analytical method to detect the aforementioned compounds, and to evaluate the efficiency of its removal by conventional water treatments. Detection was based on pre-established methods and steps involved clean up and samples concentration by solid phase extraction (SPE), high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (DAD), and mass spectrometry. Recovery tests were done using environmental samples from Guarapiranga Reservoir (São Paulo, SP). This samples were further used in laboratorial tests, simulating real scale water conventional treatments. Current results revealed the adequacy of the chosen methods in the separation and determination of the abovementioned compounds from natural samples. Also, they highlight the need for the evaluation of non-conventional methodologies that optimize removal by current water treatment.
Gru, Yvan. "Couplage avancé de type HPLC avec préconcentration en ligne et spectrométrie de masse (SPE-LC/MS/MS) : identification et quantification de micropolluants organiques dans les eaux : effets de la matrice." Rennes 1, 2010.
Full textTo analyze swiftly and reliably numerous pesticides in waters, an on-line solid phase extraction liquid chromatography technique (on-line SPE-HPLC) coupled with triple quadripole linear ion trap mass spectrometry (Q-Trap MS/MS) procedure was developed for a large range of chemical families with detection limits at the 10 ng/L level. In this study, triazines, phenylureas, organophosphorus compounds and others (near than 210 compounds) were tested in the same ESI positive chromatographic run (less than 25 min). 2 ml of water sample (filtered if necessary) were injected into the SPE-HPLC system through a preconcentration cartridge. Analytes were eluted by a suitable mobile phase towards an analytical column (monolithic stationary phase), then detected and quantified by the mass spectrometer (MS/MS). The LOQ were achieved under the 10 ng/L level for the most of compounds in the both matrices (tap water and river water). Degradation of molecules was studied by research of few metabolites, and also by modification of storage conditions, showing the importance to evaluate stability of compounds in aqueous environment (hydrolysis, photolysis). The study was then focused on the identification by using the MRM-EPI scan mode (Full scan MS/MS), available on this kind of mass spectrometer. Results show that on-line-SPE-LC technique, coupled with hybrid triple quadripole linear ion trap mass spectrometry is a suitable way to determine multiple organic residues in waters. Finally, matrix effects theme was largely approached, since developed technique gave place non negligible signal suppressions for few compounds (signal enhancement more rarely). Matrix effects origin was evaluated by post-column introductions tests, showing that Electrospray ionization is a critical point. It was necessary to bring solutions of the control and the reduction of these annoying effects in the just restoration of an analyte concentration. The internal calibration showed effective and so was chosen, by application or not of an internal standard adapted for a particular molecule
Čáková, Veronika. "Contribution à l'étude phytochimique d'orchidées tropicales : identification des constituants d'Aerides rosea et d'Acampe rigida : techniques analytiques et préparatives appliquées à Vanda coerulea et Vanda teres." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textAlves, Filho Elenilson de Godoy. "Análises de compostos orgânicos não específicos no esgoto sanitário doméstico através das técnicas RMNq e HPLC-(UV/MS)-SPE-ASS-NMR." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2014.
Full textUniversidade Federal de Sao Carlos
The growth of industrial deployment and urbanization play a major role in the degradation of global environmental and resource depletion mainly in countries in development such as Brazil. The problems regarding water pollution in Latin America have been well-documented, and there is no evidence of substantive effort to change the situation. There are a large number of organic pollutants that leads several damages to the ecosystem, threatening human health and are flushed to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The WWTPs are responsible for the removal of natural and anthropogenic pollutants from the sewage and, for this, play an important role in protection of human health and the environment. Due to the varying operational conditions, process and quality, the wastewater treatments need to be monitored continuously to ensure a reliable and efficient operation. Therefore, the NMR analyses are widely used in the study of different components of wastewater such as complex organic matter (fulvic and humic acids), sludge and organic contaminants. In the present work, we employed two methods to study wastewater samples: non-targeted 1D (13C and 1H) and 2D NMR spectroscopy analyses to characterize the largest possible number of compounds in urban wastewater; and analysis by HPLC-(UV/MS)-SPE-ASS-NMR to detect and elucidate the non-specific recalcitrant in treated wastewater, sparing the common use of standards. In the non-targeted 1D NMR analysis, we employed also a method to study wastewater samples by chemometric and quantitative analyses to monitor the seasonal variations and identify anomalous discharges in urban wastewater system. The set of data were constituted of several compounds on which the concentration ranges considerably with treatment and seasonality. An anomalous discharge, the influence of storm water on the wastewater composition and recalcitrant compounds (LAS surfactant homologues) in the effluent were further identified. The seasonal variations and abnormality in the composition of organic compounds in sewage indicated that the employed procedure can be useful to identify the pollution source, to follow up the efficiency of WWTPs plants to design preventive actions in order to protect equipment and preserve the environment.
Atualmente, o crescimento industrial, a urbanização e as atividades rurais, como a agricultura, são um dos responsáveis pela deterioração do meio ambiente, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil. Problemas relacionados com a poluição das águas fluviais na América Latina têm sido bem documentados, porém não há evidências de esforços substanciais para alterar essa situação. Existem vários poluentes orgânicos presentes no esgoto tratado pelas Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETEs) que podem causar danos aos ecossistemas e, com isso, ameaçar a saúde humana. As ETEs são responsáveis pela remoção da maioria dos poluentes antropogênicos ou naturais presentes no esgoto sanitário doméstico, e por isso, desempenham um papel fundamental na preservação do meio ambiente e consequentemente da saúde pública. Devido às variações das condições operacionais, processos e qualidade dos descartes, o tratamento do esgoto sanitário doméstico precisa ser monitorado continuamente para assegurar eficiência operacional. Para o estudo de contaminações ambientais, a RMN tem-se configurado como uma valiosa ferramenta, uma vez que ela tem contribuído significativamente no estudo de componentes químicos presentes nas águas e no lodo de esgoto; nas análises de interações com as substâncias húmicas e fúlvicas, além de contaminações ambientais por fármacos, pesticidas, surfactantes e seus produtos de degradação, dentre outros. No presente trabalho, foram propostos dois métodos para estudar as águas oriundas do esgoto anterior e posterior ao tratamento ocorrido na ETE do município de São Carlos-SP: análises de compostos orgânicos não específicos por meio da espectroscopia de RMN 1D (1H e 13C) e 2D (COSY, HSQC e HMBC), com o intuito de caracterizar o maior número de substâncias dissolvidas nas matrizes; análises desenvolvidas através do sistema hifenado HPLC-(UV/MS)-SPE-ASS-NMR, para detectar e elucidar os compostos não específicos recalcitrantes, em baixas concentrações e sem o uso de padrões. Ademais, foram empregadas análises quimiométricas e quantitativas (RMNq) no primeiro método (compostos orgânicos não específicos) para, desta forma, monitorar variações sazonais e identificar descargas anômalas no sistema comum de escoamento do esgoto sanitário doméstico. Portanto, em ambas as matrizes de esgoto (não tratado e tratado pela ETE) foram caracterizados 50 compostos orgânicos, em que as concentrações variaram consideravelmente com o tratamento da ETE e de acordo com a sazonalidade da coleta. Também foram verificados uma descarga anormal no sistema comum de esgoto e influências das águas fluviais sobre a composição das águas de esgoto, além de serem completamente elucidados compostos homólogos recalcitrantes pertencentes a classe dos surfactantes LAS (alquilbenzeno sulfonados de cadeia linear) no efluente. As variações sazonais e anormalidade na composição química no esgoto indicaram que o procedimento empregado pode ser especialmente útil para identificar fontes poluidoras e acompanhar a eficiência do tratamento das ETEs para que, desta forma, sejam tomadas ações preventivas a fim de proteger todo sistema de tratamento e equipamentos e, com isso, minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente.
Schwalbe-Herrmann, Miriam [Verfasser], Dieter [Akademischer Betreuer] Leibfritz, and Herbert [Akademischer Betreuer] Thiele. "Lipidanalyse von Bioflüssigkeiten durch kombinierte SPE/HPLC-, MS- und NMR-Techniken / Miriam Schwalbe-Herrmann. Gutachter: Dieter Leibfritz ; Herbert Thiele. Betreuer: Dieter Leibfritz." Bremen : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2013.
Full textBenešová, Markéta. "Stanovení léčiv pomocí HPLC s různými typy detektorů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická, 2011.
Full textRolisola, Ana Marta Cavinato Marchini [UNESP]. "Análise de especiação e fracionamento de biocidas de zinco (Piritionato de zinco, Zineb e Ziram) utilizando SPE, DGT, HPLC e ICP-MS em água estuarina." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2018.
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Submitted by ANA MARTA CAVINATO MARCHINI ROLISOLA ( on 2018-06-23T14:11:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Marta C M Rolisola_Tese de Doutorado.pdf: 4493139 bytes, checksum: 2980a550f843988e0a8bd31a8ee9ab8d (MD5)
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Atualmente, cerca de 18 compostos são utilizados como biocidas de reforço (metálicos) em tintas anti-incrustantes, como por exemplo Piritionato de Zinco (Zn(PT)2), Zineb e Ziram. É relevante o desenvolvimento de um método analítico para determinação das concentrações ambientais de biocidas metálicos. O presente estudo teve como objetivos i)desenvolver uma metodologia de extração em fase sólida (SPE) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada (HPLC) ao espectrômetro de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-MS) para determinação de Zn(PT)2, Zineb e Ziram e ii) quantificar, in lab, a fração lábil total do Piritionato de Zinco, Zineb e Ziram e in situ, a fração lábil total do zinco, utilizando a técnica de difusão em filmes finos por gradiente de concentração (DGT) em solução padrão e água estuarina, respectivamente. Na técnica de SPE foi utilizado o sorbente de sílica funcionalizado com fenil apresentando excelente retenção para Zn(PT)2, Zineb e Ziram (94 ± 0,1%, 85 ± 0,04% e 93 ± 0,1%, respectivamente) e recuperações entre 85% e 110%. Na determinação dos biocidas de zinco utilizando o acoplamento HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS com diluição pós coluna cromatográfica, a fase móvel composta por metanol e 0,006 mol L-1 de acetato de amônio (50:50, v v-1) apresentou o melhor desempenho na separação do Zn(PT)2, Zineb, Ziram. A curva analítica obtida para o Zn(PT)2 apresentou coeficiente de correlação, LD e LQ satisfatórios para os isótopos 64Zn (0,98, 0,575 mg L-1, 1,916 mg L-1), 66Zn(0,99, 0,480 mg L-1 , 1,600 mg L-1), 68Zn(0,98, 0,602 mg L-1, 2,007 mg L-1). Na técnica DGT foi utilizado o agente ligante resina Chelex® 100 para avaliar a labilidade do Zn(PT)2, Zineb e Ziram em água estuarina. Os resultados demonstraram que a fração lábil total do Zn ficou em torno de 100% para o Zineb (111%) e Ziram (109%), ou seja, estes biocidas formaram espécies totalmente lábeis na amostra de água estuarina e para Zn(PT)2 foi de 75% indicando espécies parcialmente lábeis. Os resultados obtidos na técnica SPE, no acoplamento HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS e DGT demonstraram que os métodos apresentam desempenho satisfatório para a determinação de Piritionato de Zinco, Zineb e Ziram.
About 18 compounds are used as booster biocides (metal) in antifouling paints such as Zinc Pyrithione (Zn(PT)2), Zineb and Ziram. It is important to develop an analytical method for determining of the environmental concentrations of zinc biocides. The present study had as objectives i) to develop a solid phase extraction (SPE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for the determination of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram and ii) quantify in lab the total labile fraction of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram and in situ the total labile fraction of zinc using the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique in standard solution and estuarine water, respectively. In the SPE technique, the silica sorbent functionalized with phenyl presented excellent retention for Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram (94 ± 0.1%, 85 ± 0.04% and 93 ± 0.1%, respectively) and recoveries between 85% and 110%. In the determination of zinc using the HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS coupling with post-column chromatographic dilution, the mobile phase composed of methanol and 0.006 mol L-1 of ammonium acetate (50:50, v v-1) of presented the best performance in the separation of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram. The analytical curve obtained for Zn(PT)2 presented satisfactory correlation coefficient, LD and LQ for the isotopes 64Zn (0.98, 0.575 mg L -1, 1.916 mg L-1), 66Zn (0.99, 0.480 mg L-1, 1.600 mg L-1), 68Zn (0.98, 0.602 mg L-1, 2.007 mg L-1). In the DGT technique, the Chelex® 100 resin binder was used to evaluate the lability of the zinc biocides Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram in estuarine water. The results showed that the total labile fraction of Zn was around 100% for Zineb (111%) and Ziram (109%), that is, these biocides formed totally labile species in the estuarine water sample and for Zn(PT)2 was 75% indicating partially labile species. The results obtained in the SPE technique in the HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS coupling and DGT demonstrated that the methods present satisfactory performance for the determination of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram.
CNPq: 164326/2015.
FAPESP: 2015/03397-4.
Rolisola, Ana Marta Cavinato Marchini. "Análise de especiação e fracionamento de biocidas de zinco (Piritionato de zinco, Zineb e Ziram) utilizando SPE, DGT, HPLC e ICP-MS em água estuarina /." Rio Claro, 2018.
Full textBanca: Didier Gastmans
Banca: Lauren Nozomi Marques Yabuki
Banca: Luciana Polese
Banca: Anne Hélène Fostier
Resumo: Atualmente, cerca de 18 compostos são utilizados como biocidas de reforço (metálicos) em tintas anti-incrustantes, como por exemplo Piritionato de Zinco (Zn(PT)2), Zineb e Ziram. É relevante o desenvolvimento de um método analítico para determinação das concentrações ambientais de biocidas metálicos. O presente estudo teve como objetivos i)desenvolver uma metodologia de extração em fase sólida (SPE) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada (HPLC) ao espectrômetro de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-MS) para determinação de Zn(PT)2, Zineb e Ziram e ii) quantificar, in lab, a fração lábil total do Piritionato de Zinco, Zineb e Ziram e in situ, a fração lábil total do zinco, utilizando a técnica de difusão em filmes finos por gradiente de concentração (DGT) em solução padrão e água estuarina, respectivamente. Na técnica de SPE foi utilizado o sorbente de sílica funcionalizado com fenil apresentando excelente retenção para Zn(PT)2, Zineb e Ziram (94 ± 0,1%, 85 ± 0,04% e 93 ± 0,1%, respectivamente) e recuperações entre 85% e 110%. Na determinação dos biocidas de zinco utilizando o acoplamento HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS com diluição pós coluna cromatográfica, a fase móvel composta por metanol e 0,006 mol L-1 de acetato de amônio (50:50, v v-1) apresentou o melhor desempenho na separação do Zn(PT)2, Zineb, Ziram. A curva analítica obtida para o Zn(PT)2 apresentou coeficiente de correlação, LD e LQ satisfatórios para os isótopos 64Zn (0,98, 0,575 mg L-1, 1,916 mg L-1... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: About 18 compounds are used as booster biocides (metal) in antifouling paints such as Zinc Pyrithione (Zn(PT)2), Zineb and Ziram. It is important to develop an analytical method for determining of the environmental concentrations of zinc biocides. The present study had as objectives i) to develop a solid phase extraction (SPE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for the determination of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram and ii) quantify in lab the total labile fraction of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram and in situ the total labile fraction of zinc using the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique in standard solution and estuarine water, respectively. In the SPE technique, the silica sorbent functionalized with phenyl presented excellent retention for Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram (94 ± 0.1%, 85 ± 0.04% and 93 ± 0.1%, respectively) and recoveries between 85% and 110%. In the determination of zinc using the HPLC-VGroove-ICP-MS coupling with post-column chromatographic dilution, the mobile phase composed of methanol and 0.006 mol L-1 of ammonium acetate (50:50, v v-1) of presented the best performance in the separation of Zn(PT)2, Zineb and Ziram. The analytical curve obtained for Zn(PT)2 presented satisfactory correlation coefficient, LD and LQ for the isotopes 64Zn (0.98, 0.575 mg L -1, 1.916 mg L-1), 66Zn (0.99, 0.480 mg L-1, 1.600 mg L-1), 68Zn (0.98, 0.602 mg L-1, 2.007 mg L-1). In the DGT technique, t... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Bettioui, Terkia. "Lipidomique du globule rouge par des techniques de spectrométrie de masse et d'imagerie infrarouge : Application à l'étude de la maladie de Gaucher." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textRed blood cells attract particular clinical interest due to their biological significance. It has recently been demonstrated that certain erythrocyte pathologies may be associated with abnormal lipid composition. Among these pathologies is Gaucher's disease, a rare lysosomal disorder caused by a deficiency in β-glucocerebrosidase, an enzyme whose absence leads to excessive accumulation of certain sphingolipids in the body. This lipid overload alters the morphological and rheological properties of red blood cells, causing hematological and vascular abnormalities.In this thesis, we studied the link between the lipid composition of red blood cells and its implication in Gaucher's disease. In particular, we focused on two categories of lipids: sphingolipids and phospholipids, which play a key role in the erythrocyte alterations observed. Two complementary approaches were used: the first uses mass spectrometry with the aim of identifying new biomarkers. The second uses infrared imaging techniques at different scales to study the distribution of lipids in red blood cells.We developed a rapid sample preparation method compatible with liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (SPE-HPLC-MS/MS) to quantify 30 sphingolipids and phospholipids in less than 15 minutes. This method was then applied to quantify the 30 lipid species in the plasma and red blood cell pellet of control subjects and Gaucher patients Among these lipid species, some were overexpressed and were not associatedAfter this quantification, we focused on exploring the lipidome of healthy red blood cells and comparing it to that of Gaucher red blood cells. To achieve this, a semi-targeted approach was conducted using a triple-quadrupole analyzer, which allowed us to identify more than 266 molecular species spread across 12 different lipid classes.These results have contributed to a better understanding of the lipidome of healthy red blood cells and are promising for the identification of new biomarkers and the diagnosis of various pathologies affecting the erythrocyte lipidome.As a complement to this approach, we focused on the morphological and chemical study of red blood cells using vibrational infrared imaging techniques at different resolutions: microscopic with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), submicron with optical photothermal infrared imaging (O-PTIR), and nanometric with atomic force microscopy (AFM-IR).Our study was structured around three steps: (1) developing a preparation protocol allowing the fixation of red blood cells, (2) evaluating their chemical and morphological stability, and finally (3) conducting a multi-scale analysis comparing healthy red blood cells with those affected by Gaucher's disease.Due to our fixation protocol, we were able to preserve red blood cells without degradation for 10 days, which enabled us to successfully conduct the multi-scale analysis. AFM-IR proved to be the only technique capable of highlighting significant differences between healthy and Gaucher red blood cells. AFM-IR allowed us to visualize the distinct morphologies of Gaucher cells and to compare lipid distribution through chemical mapping, revealing areas of interesting in the erythrocyte membrane
Conference papers on the topic "SPE-HPLC-MS/MS"
Sun, Jing, Xi-Kui Wang, Ru-Yi Xu, Xia Wang, and Ru-Song Zhao. "Notice of Retraction: Sensitive Determination of Triclosan in Water Using SPE Packed with Bamboo Carbon Combined with HPLC-ESI-MS." In 2011 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IEEE, 2011.
Full textWeissenberger, Markus Christian, and Sukhmeet Dhillon. "Interrelationship of Weak Organic Acids, Bases, pH and HPLC Analysis Method in Produced Waters." In SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference – Canada. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2014.
Full textTumewu, Putranda Yeremia, and Ester Tio Minar E. Silalahi. "Chemical Tracer Application to Compare Napthalene Sulfonic Acid and Sodium Fluorobenzoic Acid as Part of Polymer Field Trial Project." In SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. SPE, 2024.
Full textLiu, Ya, Dong Lee, Haiping Lu, and Jeffrey Russek. "Development of Fluorescence Tagged Scale Inhibitors for Squeeze Applications in Gulf of Mexico." In SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry. SPE, 2021.
Full textOw, Hooisweng, Sehoon Chang, Gawain Thomas, Wei Wang, Afnan A. Mashat, and Hussein Shateeb. "Automatable High Sensitivity Tracer Detection: Toward Tracer Data Enriched Production Management of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.
Full textTaylor, Grahame, Jonathan Wylde, and Bridgette Allan. "Novel H2S Scavenger Testing Methodology to Meet the Ever-Present Challenge of Simulating Scavenger Application Methods with Laboratory Testing Protocols." In SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry. SPE, 2021.
Full textChen, Hsieh, Sehoon Chang, Gawain Thomas, Wei Wang, Afnan Mashat, and Hussain Shateeb. "Comparison of Water and Gas Tracers Field Breakthrough." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "SPE-HPLC-MS/MS"
Crouch, Rebecca, Jared Smith, Bobbi Stromer, Christian Hubley, Samuel Beal, Guilherme Lotufo, Afrachanna Butler, et al. Preparative, extraction, and analytical methods for simultaneous determination of legacy and insensitive munition (IM) constituents in aqueous, soil or sediment, and tissue matrices. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021.
Full textCrouch, Rebecca, Jared Smith, Bobbi Stromer, Christian Hubley, Samuel Beal, Guilherme Lotufo, Afrachanna Butler, et al. Methods for simultaneous determination of legacy and insensitive munition (IM) constituents in aqueous, soil/sediment, and tissue matrices. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021.
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