Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'SPATIAL TEMPORAL DESCRIPTOR'
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Megrhi, Sameh. "Spatio-temporal descriptors for human action recognition." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA131046/document.
Full textDue to increasing demand for video analysis systems in recent years, human action de-tection/recognition is being targeted by the research community in order to make video description more accurate and faster, especially for big datasets. The ultimate purpose of human action recognition is to discern automatically what is happening in any given video. This thesis aims to achieve this purpose by contributing to both action detection and recognition tasks. We thus have developed new description methods for human action recognition.For the action detection component we introduce two novel approaches for human action detection. The first proposition is a simple yet effective method that aims at detecting human movements. First, video sequences are segmented into Frame Packets (FPs) and Group of Interest Points (GIP). In this method we track the movements of Interest Points in simple controlled video datasets and then in videos of gradually increasing complexity. The controlled datasets generally contain videos with a static background and simple ac-tions performed by one actor. The more complex realistic datasets are collected from social networks.The second approach for action detection attempts to address the problem of human ac-tion recognition in realistic videos captured by moving cameras. This approach works by segmenting human motion, thus investigating the optimal sufficient frame number to per-form action recognition. Using this approach, we detect object edges using the canny edge detector. Next, we apply all the steps of the motion segmentation process to each frame. Densely distributed interest points are detected and extracted based on dense SURF points with a temporal step of N frames. Then, optical flows of the detected key points between two frames are computed by the iterative Lucas and Kanade optical flow technique, using pyramids. Since we are dealing with scenes captured by moving cameras, the motion of objects necessarily involves the background and/or the camera motion. Hence, we propose to compensate for the camera motion. To do so, we must first assume that camera motion exists if most points move in the same direction. Then, we cluster optical flow vectors using a KNN clustering algorithm in order to determine if the camera motion exists. If it does, we compensate for it by applying the affine transformation to each frame in which camera motion is detected, using as input parameters the camera flow magnitude and deviation. Finally, after camera motion compensation, moving objects are segmented using temporal differencing and a bounding box is drawn around each detected moving object. The action recognition framework is applied to moving persons in the bounding box. Our goal is to reduce the amount of data involved in motion analysis while preserving the most important structural features. We believe that we have performed action detection in the spatial and temporal domain in order to obtain better action detection and recognition while at the same time considerably reducing the processing time
Mercieca, Julian. "Estimation of temporal and spatio-temporal nonlinear descriptor systems." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2018. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/19416/.
Full textLättman, Håkan. "Description of spatial and temporal distributions of epiphytic lichens." Licentiate thesis, Linköping University, Linköping University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-11561.
Full textLichens are, in most cases, sensitive to anthropogenic factors such as air pollution, global warming, forestry and fragmentation. Two studies are included in this thesis. The first is an evaluation of the importance of old oak for the rare epiphytic lichen Cliostomum corrugatum (Ach.) Fr. This study analysed whether C. corrugatum was limited by dispersal or restricted to tree stands with an unbroken continuity or the substrate old oaks. The results provide evidence that the investigated five populations in Östergötland, Sweden, of C. corrugatum exhibit substantial gene flow, an effective dispersal and a small genetic variation between the sites. Most of the genetic variation was within the populations. Thus, C. corrugatum is more dependent of the substrate old oaks, rather than limited by dispersal. The second study investigated possible range shift of some common macrolichens, due to global warming, from 64 sites in southern Sweden comparing the two years 1986 and 2003. The centroid of three lichen species had moved a significant distance, all in a north east direction: Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. and Vulpicida pinastri (Scop.) J.-E. Mattsson and M. J. Lai on the tree species Juniperus communis L. (50 and 151 km, respectively) and H. physodes on Pinus sylvestris L. (41 km). Considering also the non-significant cases, there is strong evidence for a prevailing NE direction of centroid movement.
Lättman, Håkan. "Description of spatial and temporal distributions of epiphytic lichens /." Linköping : [Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology], Linköping University, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-11561.
Full textBrighi, Marco. "Human Activity Recognition: A Comparative Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Descriptors." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/19436/.
Full textWhiten, Christopher J. "Probabilistic Shape Parsing and Action Recognition Through Binary Spatio-Temporal Feature Description." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/24006.
Full textMowbray, Stuart David. "Modelling and extracting periodically deforming objects by continuous, spatio-temporal shape description." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2008. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/266132/.
Full textBOUAJJANI, MOHAMMED. "Contribution a l'etude du raisonnement spatio-temporel. Localisation d'un agent et description d'itineraires." Toulouse 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU30215.
Full textGruhier, Elise. "Spatiotemporal description and modeling of mechanical product and its assembly sequence based on mereotopology : theory, model and approach." Thesis, Belfort-Montbéliard, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BELF0276/document.
Full textThe major goal of this research is to describe product evolution in the three dimensions (i.e. spatial, temporal andspatiotemporal). In the current industrial context, product models are only considered from a purely spatial point ofview during the design stage and from a purely temporal point of view during the assembly stage. The lack of linkbetween product and process leads to misunderstanding in engineering definition and causes wrong designinterpretation. However, the product undergoes changes throughout the design and assembly phases. The dynamicaspect of design activities requires linking both dimensions in order to be able to represent product evolution andhave consistent information. As such, spatiotemporal dimension (i.e. linking space and time) needs to be added andrelationships between product modelling and assembly sequences need to be particularly studied.This PhD thesis in mechanical design draws inspiration from several domains such as mathematics, geographicinformation systems and philosophy. Here the product is considered from a perdurantist point of view. Perdurantismregards the object as being composed of temporal slices and always keeping the same identity whatever changesundergone. Based on this statement, this PhD thesis introduces a novel product-process description so as to ensureproduct architect's and designer's understanding of design intents at the early design stages. In order to achieve thisobjective, a mereotopological theory, enabling the product description as it is perceived in the real world, has beendeveloped and implemented in an ontology model to be formalized.The JANUS theory qualitatively describes product evolution over time in the context of AOD, integrating assemblysequence planning in the early product design stages. The theory enables the formal relationships description ofproduct-process design information and knowledge. The proposed efforts aim at providing a concrete basis fordescribing changes of spatial entities (i.e. product parts) and their relationships over time and space. This regionbasedtheory links together spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal dimensions, therefore leading to a perdurantistphilosophy in product design.Then, PRONOIA2 - a formal ontology based on the previous mereotopological theory - is developed. Assemblyinformation is accessible and exploitable by information management systems and computer-aided X tools in orderto support product architects and designer's activities. Indeed product design information and knowledge as well asthe related assembly sequence require a semantic and logical foundation in order to be managed consistently andprocessed proactively.Based on JANUS theory and PRONOIA2 ontology, the MERCURY approach enables associating spatial information(managed by PDM) and temporal information (managed by MPM) through spatiotemporal mereotopologicalrelationships. Therefore, new entities are managed through PLM, using ontology and hub system, so as to ensureproactive engineering and improve product architects' and designers' understanding of product evolution
Bouchard, Geneviève. "Architecture d'estimateur de canaux pour récepteur à traitement spatio-temporel." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24445/24445.pdf.
Full textLuo, Guoliang. "Segmentation de maillages dynamiques et son application pour le calcul de similarité." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAD026/document.
Full textWith an abundance of animation techniques available today, animated mesh has become a subject of various data processing techniques in Computer Graphics community, such as mesh segmentation and compression. Created from animation software or from motion capture data, a large portion of the animated meshes are deforming meshes, i.e. ordered sequences of static meshes whose topology is fixed (fixed number of vertices and fixed connectivity). Although a great deal of research on static meshes has been reported in the last two decades, the analysis, retrieval or compressions of deforming meshes remain as new research challenges. Such tasks require efficient representations of animated meshes, such as segmentation. Several spatial segmentation methods based on the movements of each vertex, or each triangle, have been presented in existing works that partition a given deforming mesh into rigid components. In this thesis, we present segmentation techniques that compute the temporal and spatio-temporal segmentation for deforming meshes, which both have not been studied before. We further extend the segmentation results towards the application of motion similarity measurement between deforming meshes. This may be significant as it solves the problem that cannot be handled by current approaches
Olyott, Leonard James Henry. "A description of spatial and temporal aspects of the lifecycle of chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii on the inshore spawning grounds and Agulhas bank off the South Coast of South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1005096.
Full textLuvison, Bertrand. "Détection non supervisée d'évènements rares dans un flot vidéo : application à la surveillance d'espaces publics." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00626490.
Full textCarneiro, Pedro Cavalcanti Fatorelli. "Ocorrência e distribuição espacial e temporal das larvas de anuros (Amphibia) em diferentes sistemas aquáticos da Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro)." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2011. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=4135.
Full textOs girinos dos anuros podem ocorrer em inúmeros tipos de sistemas hídricos, desde ambientes relativamente simples e previsíveis, como na água acumulada em epífitas ou uma poça temporária, até hábitats aquáticos permanentes mais complexos, como os riachos. A interação entre os fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos existentes nesses diferentes ambientes com os fatores históricos é essencial para explicar a estrutura das comunidades dessa fase de vida dos anuros. O entendimento sobre como estes fatores atuam e sua importância nos conduz a uma maior compreensão do que parece influenciar positivamente ou negativamente o estabelecimento dos girinos nos seus diferentes ambientes. Inicialmente, fornecemos uma discussão detalhada da importância desses fatores. Em seguida, avaliamos a estrutura da assembléia dos girinos e a sua estratégia de ocupação espacial e temporal em relação ao uso de diferentes sistemas aquáticos, temporários e permanentes (poças, terrenos alagados, riachos e ambientes artificiais) em uma área de Mata Atlântica na Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro). Posteriormente, propomos um experimento para avaliar como os girinos característicos de diferentes tipos de habitats hídricos respondem à condição adversa de ausência de água livre. Depois, é sugerida uma chave artificial de identificação para os girinos da Ilha Grande, com base nas espécies contempladas neste estudo. Por fim, apresentamos a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba, provendo algumas informações sobre sua distribuição temporal e uso de microhabitats. Registramos girinos de 12 espécies de anuros, o que correspondeu a 71% dos anfíbios da Ilha Grande com larvas exotróficas em ambientes aquáticos. O espectro de habitats hídricos utilizados variou consistentemente entre as espécies. Girinos de Aplastodiscus eugenioi e Scinax trapicheiroi foram aqueles que utilizaram a maior quantia de tipos de habitats, ambos com cinco registros. A maioria das espécies teve suas maiores abundâncias em um ou dois tipos de corpos dágua onde ocorreu, portanto poucas destas espécies demonstram ter sido generalistas no uso de tipos de habitats aquáticos. A maior riqueza de espécies ocorreu em poças temporárias, em riachos intermitentes e no ambiente antropizado da calha artificial. Quando consideramos em termos de habitats hídricos, a maior riqueza ocorreu nas poças temporárias, nos riachos intermitentes, nos riachos permanentes e na calha artificial. Em nem todos os meses um determinado tipo de recurso hídrico manteve a sua riqueza máxima de girinos. Observamos que um mesmo tipo de sistema hídrico pode comportar espécies típicas de ambientes lênticos e outras adaptadas a ambientes lóticos, dependendo da estrutura em que o corpo dágua apresenta naquele período, como os riachos intermitentes, por exemplo. Entre os fatores abióticos medidos, o PH, o oxigênio dissolvido, a correnteza, a largura e a profundidade dos corpos dágua explicaram de forma mais importante a ocorrência e abundância das diferentes espécies de girinos. Portanto, consideramos que fatores ecológicos desempenham um importante papel na determinação da distribuição de girinos dentro e entre habitats que estes organismos ocupam. O experimento proposto mostrou que os tempos de sobrevivência entre as onze espécies contempladas e também entre os indivíduos de diferentes tamanhos em uma mesma espécie variaram consideravelmente. Isto é sugestivo de que estas espécies apresentam diferentes estratégias para tolerar uma condição de independência de água livre. Os fatores que pareceram mais influenciar negativamente na sobrevivência dos girinos foram: hábito nectônico, pequeno tamanho dos indivíduos, ocupação de ambientes lênticos e temporários e modo reprodutivo não-especializado. Alternativamente, os girinos com melhor desempenho em uma condição de independência de água livre foram de espécies de tamanho comparativamente grande ou médio, ocuparam preferencialmente ambientes lóticos e permanentes, apresentaram modos reprodutivos especializados e os hábitos dos girinos foram principalmente bentônicos. Neste contexto, pode se conjecturar que os girinos das espécies que utilizam ambientes permanentes sejam mais resistentes à condição de independência de água livre do que aquelas de habitats efêmeros. Considerando especial atenção para a biodiversidade dos anfíbios, a Ilha Grande apresenta uma elevada concentração de espécies endêmicas. Esta respeitável diversidade de anfíbios para a área estudada está relacionada com a cobertura vegetal de Mata Atlântica e a grande quantidade de corpos dágua na Ilha, tanto temporários quanto permanentes. A influência destas condições favoráveis para os anfíbios na região está demonstrada também na diversidade de modos reprodutivos, onde 13 dos 39 modos reprodutivos já descritos foram notados para os anfíbios da Ilha Grande. Este conjunto de fatores reafirma esta como uma das mais importantes áreas para a conservação da biodiversidade de anfíbios para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Comparando a descrição do girino de Proceratophrys tupinamba com P. appendiculata, observamos algumas diferenças na proporção do corpo. Os girinos da espécie descrita foram mais abundantes durante a estação chuvosa (outubro-março), sendo esta distribuição positivamente relacionada com a precipitação média mensal. Os girinos são bentônicos e ocorrem mais frequentemente em porções de menor correnteza do riacho. Eles foram encontrados com maior freqüência expostos na areia, que também representou o microhabitat mais disponível entre aqueles no córrego estudado.
Tadpoles can be found in a number of different aquatic habitats, ranging from relatively simple predictable ecosystems such as bromeliad tank and temporary ponds, to permanent complex ecosystems like streams and rivers. Knowing about the interactions between biotic and abiotic within these habitats is crucial to understand how tadpole communities are structured. Understanding how these factors work and its importance leads to better discerning of what seems positively or negatively influence the establishment of tadpoles in their different environments. Initially, we provide a detailed discussion of the importance of these factors. Next, we evaluate the structure of the assembly of the tadpoles and their strategy of spatial and temporal occupancy in relation to the use of different aquatic systems, temporary and permanent (puddles, flooded land, streams and artificial environments) in an Atlantic Forest area in Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro). Subsequently, we propose an experiment to evaluate how tadpoles characteristic of different types of water habitats respond to adverse conditions of absence of free water. Then it is suggested an artificial key to the tadpoles of the Ilha Grande, based on the species covered in this study. Finally, we present the description of the tadpoles of Proceratophrys tupinamba, and provide information on its temporal distribution and microhabitat use. We recorded 12 species of tadpoles, which corresponded to 71% of amphibians of the Ilha Grande with exotrophic larvae in aquatic environments. The spectrum of habitats used varied consistently between species. Tadpoles of Aplastodiscus eugenioi and Scinax trapicheiroi used the greatest amount of habitat types, both with five records. Most species had their highest abundance in one or two types of water bodies where it occurred, so few of these species have been demonstrated to be generalists in the use of aquatic habitats. The highest species richness was found in temporary ponds, in intermittent streams and anthropic environment in the artificial gutter. When considered in terms of water habitats, the richest places were temporary pools, intermittent streams, permanent streams and the artificial gutter. It was not every month that a certain type of water resource maintained its maximum richness of tadpoles. We observe that the same type of water system may include species typical of lentic and lotic environments adapted to other, depending on the structure in which the water body has at that time, such as intermittent streams, for example. Among the abiotic factors measured, the pH, dissolved oxygen, the current, the width and depth of the water bodies more importantly explained the occurrence and abundance of different species of tadpoles. Therefore, we believe that ecological factors play an important role in determining the distribution of tadpoles within and among habitats that these organisms occupy. The proposed experiment showed that the survival times between covered eleven species and between individuals of different sizes in the same species varied considerably. This is suggestive that these species have different strategies to tolerate a condition of independence of free water. The factors that seemed most negative influence on survival of tadpoles were nektonics habit, small individual size, occupation of lentic and temporary habitats and nonspecialized reproductive mode. Alternatively, tadpoles with better performance in a condition of independence of free water were species comparatively large or medium size, that occupied mainly permanent lotic habitats, presented specialized reproductive modes and the tadpoles were mainly benthic. In this context, we can surmise that the tadpoles of species that use permanent environments are more resistant to the condition of independence of free water than those of ephemeral habitats. Noting with particular attention to the biodiversity of amphibians, theIlha Grande has a high concentration of endemic species. This respectable amphibian diversity in the study area is related to the canopy of Atlantic Forest and the large amounts of water bodies on the island, both temporary and permanent. The influence of these favorable conditions for amphibians in the region is also demonstrated in the diversity of reproductive modes, where 13 of the 39 reproductive modes described were noted for the amphibians of the Ilha Grande. These factors reaffirm this as one of the most important areas for biodiversity conservation of amphibians in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Comparing the description of the tadpole of Proceratophrys tupinamba with P. appendiculata, we observed some differences in the proportion of the body. Tadpoles of the species described were more abundant during the rainy season (October to March), this distribution is positively related to average monthly precipitation. The tadpoles are benthic and occur more often in lower stream portions of the creek. They were found more frequently exposed in the sand, which also represented the most microhabitat among those available in the stream studied.
Chaabna, Karima. "Spatio-temporal description of AIDS-related cancers incidence in north and sub-Saharan Africa and of mortality in HIV-infected patients in Algeria and hepatitis C prevalence in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Algeria." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO10105.
Full textBourdis, Nicolas. "Détection de changements entre vidéos aériennes avec trajectoires arbitraires." Phd thesis, Telecom ParisTech, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00834717.
Full textDHIMAN, ASHISH. "HUMAN ACTION RECOGNITION BASED ON R-TRANSFORM AND SPATIAL TEMPORAL DESCRIPTOR." Thesis, 2014. http://dspace.dtu.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/repository/15480.
Full textLin, Shinn-Juh, and 林信助. "Open Spatio-Temporal Geographic Data Description Framework." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/63390990358469890454.
Full text國立成功大學
A successful application of geographical information system must be based on correct geographic data that can precisely simulate the real-world phenomenon. Two fundamental factors, time and location, must be considered while collecting geographic data. Since the geographical phenomena may change with time, the design of GIS data model must be able to appropriately model this dynamic nature, in order to accurately reflect the actual changes in reality and enhance the quality in later decision-making process. On the other hand, recent development of Internet and Web Services has brought tremendous improvement to the data sharing mechanism. Easier and instantaneous data acquisition via internet has inspired the motivation of the real-time data application. We argued that it is necessary to correctly describe the spatio-temporal status of reality and distribute data in open format to ensure the successful distribution and application of heterogeneous geographic data in spatial data infrastructure environment. This research focuses on the modeling and sharing of geographic data from a temporal perspective. After analyzing the change patterns of geographical phenomenon and technological restrictions on data collection, we proposed a common spatial-temporal geographic data description framework based on three basic characteristics of geographical phenomenon, namely, time, location and theme properties. The proposed framework can adapt to the modeling of various spatio-temporal change patterns by flexibly including necessary expanded description. These change patterns are concluded by a decision tree that can guide users to choose the most appropriate spatial-temporal data representation according to the real change status of spatial phenomena. To improve data interoperability during sharing process, distributed geographic data is encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML) foramt, which conforms to the standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Finally, we developed a prototype of map interface with augmented capability to justify feature-based spatio-temporal information. While most of the current WebGIS applications still relies on the overlay of static data layers to illustrate only the spatial status of reality, the result of this research demonstrate it is possible to develop an open and feature-based application environment that can indicate the correct spatio-temporal status of the displayed result.
Yang, Hsing-Lin, and 楊幸菱. "Daily Activity Recognition with Skeletal Descriptor subject to Spatio-Temporal Execution Variability." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/85151677804617372222.
Full text國立臺灣大學
Human activity recognition has become one of the most important areas of research in computer vision. Without extra markers attached to human body, the interaction between machine and human can be natural in a vision-based recognition system. However, it still remains some challenges such as intra-class variability and inter-class similarity. In order to solve the problems, this thesis presents a novel skeleton-based activity recognition methodology with depth sensors. Due to the variation of execution styles and speed for different individuals, a Gaussian blur mask is applied to model the joint position variation while dynamic time warping (DTW) is employed to align the temporal sequences. Besides encoding the structure, the motion is also characterized. Through recording the joint angle trajectory, the entropy of each joint can be evaluated and then be combined with the projected velocity feature. Moreover, the support vector machine (SVM) is applied to acquire the classification results. In our implementation, two challenging public datasets are used to simulate real situations in our daily living. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is discriminative for human activity recognition and performs better than state-of-the-arts. This approach can benefit to several applications such as human-machine interaction (HMI).
Pai, Ming-Chi, and 白明奇. "Video Spatio-Temporal Characteristics Analysis and Description for Video Query by Examples." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/97678569920144074591.
Full text國立清華大學
In this thesis, we will develop a video query by examples (QBE) operation for video database system based on the analysis and description of the spatio-temporal characteristics of the video sequences. Our system uses the characteristic of the video shot to retrieve similar shots in the database based on the video indices, and we processes the video shots to generate three hierarchical information: color, and motion, and object. First. We use Schunck method to estimate the motion field. Here, we analyze each frame to obtain the color level information, and one of every fifteen frame to obtain the motion information. In the color level analysis, we transform the RGB color space to the HSV color space for each frame in the video shot. Then we use the accumulated color histogram to separate the video shot into a series of clips. Then we analyze the clip color histograms for video indexing. In the motion level analysis, we use the spatial-relationship of pixels and the similarity of their motion vectors to cluster pixels into region, and generate a so-called motion image, which can be used to obtain the local motion histogram and global motion histogram. In the object level analysis, we search for the video objects, which are moving objects in the video sequence. We first use the difference image and the data of the motion field to find out the regions of object. Then we take a region tracing between the sub-sampled frame to find the object regions. Using these traced regions, we can calculate the centroid, and the size, and the average motion vector of the moving objects.