Academic literature on the topic 'Source Ouverte'
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Journal articles on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Le Flanchec, Alice, and Jacques Rojot. "La « porte ouverte d'IBM » au service de la gestion des ressources humaines." Articles 64, no. 2 (September 9, 2009): 270–85.
Full textCouderc, Agathe. "Chiffreurs et déchiffreurs militaires français en 1914-1918 : de nouveaux métiers au sein des forces armées." Revue Défense Nationale N° 866, no. 1 (January 8, 2024): 65–71.
Full textRouquette, Sylvie. "Éclairage jungien sur une clinique psychiatrique et psychanalytique." Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse N° 160, no. 1 (November 13, 2024): 23–35.
Full textDuru-Bellat, Marie. "La ségrégation sociale à l’école : faits et effets." Diversité 139, no. 1 (2004): 73–80.
Full textFedele, Dante. "Droit et histoire dans la formation diplomatique d’après les écrits sur l’ambassadeur et l’art de négocier (XVIIe-début XVIIIe siècle)." Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international 22, no. 1 (February 26, 2020): 164–81.
Full textOuerfelli, Tarek, and Joumana Boustany. "Bibliothèques publiques en Tunisie : développement des services, état des lieux et perspectives." I2D - Information, données & documents 2, no. 2 (November 30, 2023): 108–15.
Full textCabral, Maria de Jesus. "«Le passeur d’eau» d’Émile Verhaeren: l’appel d’une poétique nouvelle." Non Plus 5, no. 10 (December 31, 2016): 10–23.
Full textCarpi-Mailly, Olivia. "Les origines du Refuge huguenot : protestants et magistrats des villes au temps des premières guerres de Religion (1562-1572)." Revue du Nord 449, no. 2 (October 10, 2024): 63–82.
Full textBadel, Laurence. "Au défi des mots, des émotions et des « non-lieux »." 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire N° 162, no. 2 (October 3, 2024): 47–62.
Full textNaszályi, Philippe. "Faire semblant de traiter les effets pour éviter de s’attaquer aux causes !" La Revue des Sciences de Gestion N° 317-318, no. 5 (January 5, 2023): 1–3.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Boisseau, Etienne. "Open-Design. Modélisation du processus de conception ouverte dans le cadre du développement de produits tangibles." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2017.
Full textOpen-source revolutionized the software industry through a public, decentralized, and asynchronous development paradigm that fosters collaboration among peers. New practices and stakeholders disrupted the designingprocess, yet led to industrial successes. Due to the digitalization and democratization of the designing process, this approach now spreads to thedevelopment of tangible artifacts. This is open-design.However, open-design currently appears as an umbrella term that encompasses from amateur do-it-yourself projects to sector-scale industrialcollaborations. It is not clear either, how these practices relate to existing designing approaches. Finally, little knowledge about the open-design processis formalized. This impedes the development of adequate tools for helpingpractitioners to make the most of it.Therefore, we investigated how to model the open-design process in thedevelopment of tangible products. First, we developed a typology of open-design practices based on a systematic search and review of the scientificliterature. Then, we selected one of the types identified and modeled thedifferent facets of the designing process (activities carried out, stakeholdersinvolved, and boundary objects used) in this context, using a groundedtheory-based approach.Through our literature review, we mapped open-design in relation to existing designing approaches, and to coined a new definition thereof. Based on624 papers indexed in the Scopus database, we identified three types of practices — do-it-yourself, meta-design, and industrial ecosystem — which arerelated to the status (professional or amateurs) of the processes’ stakeholders and addressees. We also constructed two models of the ‘do-it-yourselfopen-design’ process using semi-directive interviews of 11 project leaderswho took part in the PoC21 innovation camp. They depict open-design as adesigning process influenced by both open-source software developmentand amateur design. We tested the quality of our models and our modelingmethod via statistical analysis.This study aims to be a cornerstone for future research on open-designby providing an overview of practices linked to this phenomenon. Ourdescriptive models should serve researchers for providing practitioners ofopen-design projects with relevant tools and methods. Our modeling methodcould also be applied in other contexts to formalize uninvestigated designingpractices
Boisseau, Etienne. "Open-Design. Modélisation du processus de conception ouverte dans le cadre du développement de produits tangibles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENSAM, 2017.
Full textOpen-source revolutionized the software industry through a public, decentralized, and asynchronous development paradigm that fosters collaboration among peers. New practices and stakeholders disrupted the designingprocess, yet led to industrial successes. Due to the digitalization and democratization of the designing process, this approach now spreads to thedevelopment of tangible artifacts. This is open-design.However, open-design currently appears as an umbrella term that encompasses from amateur do-it-yourself projects to sector-scale industrialcollaborations. It is not clear either, how these practices relate to existing designing approaches. Finally, little knowledge about the open-design processis formalized. This impedes the development of adequate tools for helpingpractitioners to make the most of it.Therefore, we investigated how to model the open-design process in thedevelopment of tangible products. First, we developed a typology of open-design practices based on a systematic search and review of the scientificliterature. Then, we selected one of the types identified and modeled thedifferent facets of the designing process (activities carried out, stakeholdersinvolved, and boundary objects used) in this context, using a groundedtheory-based approach.Through our literature review, we mapped open-design in relation to existing designing approaches, and to coined a new definition thereof. Based on624 papers indexed in the Scopus database, we identified three types of practices — do-it-yourself, meta-design, and industrial ecosystem — which arerelated to the status (professional or amateurs) of the processes’ stakeholders and addressees. We also constructed two models of the ‘do-it-yourselfopen-design’ process using semi-directive interviews of 11 project leaderswho took part in the PoC21 innovation camp. They depict open-design as adesigning process influenced by both open-source software developmentand amateur design. We tested the quality of our models and our modelingmethod via statistical analysis.This study aims to be a cornerstone for future research on open-designby providing an overview of practices linked to this phenomenon. Ourdescriptive models should serve researchers for providing practitioners ofopen-design projects with relevant tools and methods. Our modeling methodcould also be applied in other contexts to formalize uninvestigated designingpractices
Guélorget, Paul. "Active learning for the detection of objects of operational interest in open-source multimedia content." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022.
Full textA profusion of openly accessible content, actors and interactions is targeted by analysts for intelligence, marketing or political purposes. Analysing the immensity of open source data requires automated assistance. Although recent propositions in neural network architectures have demonstrated strong capacities for image and text modalities, their training harnesses massive training datasets, non-existent for the majority of operational classes of interest. To address this issue, active learning takes advantage of the great amounts of unlabelled documents by soliciting from a human oracle the ground-truth labels of the presumed most informative documents, to improve accuracy. Yet, the model's decision-making rationales are opaque and might be unrelated to those of the oracle. Furthermore, with its time-consuming iterative steps, the active learning workflow is detrimental to its real-time performances. Our contributions in this thesis aim to analyse and address these issues at four levels. Firstly, we observe the rationales behind a neural network's decisions. Secondly, we put these rationales into perspective with human rationales. Thirdly, we try and make the neural network align its decision-making rationales with those of a teacher model to simulate the rationales of a human oracle and improve accuracy in what is called active learning with rationales. Finally, we design and exploit an active learning framework to overcome its usual limitations. These studies were conducted with uni-modal text and image data, and multi-modal text and image associations, principally press articles in English and French. Throughout this work's chapters, we address several use cases among which fake news classification, vagueness classification, the detection of lack of contradiction in articles, the detection of arbitrary topics such as demonstrations and violence
Nistor, Magdalena. "Faisceau d'électrons créé dans une décharge transitoire à cathode creuse : distribution énergétique, rayonnement X, et ablation d'une cible solide." Paris 6, 2000.
Full textGrassineau, Benjamin. "La dynamique des réseaux coopératifs. L'exemple des logiciels libres et du projet d'encyclopédie libre et ouverte Wikipédia." Phd thesis, Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX, 2009.
Full textMazzoni, Cristiana. "De la ville-parc à l'immeuble à cour ouverte : Paris (1919-1939)." Paris 8, 2000.,Index:1,NBResults:2,PageRange:3,SearchQuery:%28ForceSearch:!f,Page:0,PageRange:3,QueryString:%27cour%20ouverte%27,ResultSize:10,ScenarioCode:theses,ScenarioDisplayMode:display-standard,SearchLabel:%27%27,SearchTerms:%27cour%20ouverte%27,SortField:!n,SortOrder:0,TemplateParams:%28Scenario:%27%27,Scope:%27%27,Size:!n,Source:%27%27,Support:%27%27%29%29%29%29.
Full textGrassineau, Benjamin. "La dynamique des réseaux coopératifs : l’exemple des logiciels libres et du projet d’encyclopédie libre et ouverte Wikipédia." Phd thesis, Paris 9, 2009.
Full textOrganizational and social non-market and non-hierarchical practices related to new information technologies and communication, caused many reactions and controversy. Some actors and thinkers their existence, others say it is a minority or unsustainable phenomenon, and others confined it exclusively to the virtual sphere. As part of these discussions, this thesis tries to make the synthese of the various theoretical approaches to these new practices and to confront them with a rigorous empirical observation of the cooperative network of free software and the free and open project of encyclopaedia Wikipedia. In developing a conceptual framework suitable to study the social entities, built on the symbolic interactionism and sociology critic Ivan Illich, this work show the specific organizational, economic and social form of these new practices, and understand what was able to promote their development and growth over the past three decades. We especially insist on cultural factors, rather than technical factors. Finally, the thesis attempts to reflect on what could eventually promote the development and expansion of these new practices. We are joining here a questioning of society deeper, and without answer : the challenges and uncertainties posed by the development of non-market economy and non-hierarchical
Nicart, Esther. "Qualitative reinforcement for man-machine interactions." Thesis, Normandie, 2017.
Full textInformation extraction (IE) is defined as the identification and extraction of elements of interest, such as named entities, their relationships, and their roles in events. For example, a web-crawler might collect open-source documents, which are then processed by an IE treatment chain to produce a summary of the information contained in them.We model such an IE document treatment chain} as a Markov Decision Process, and use reinforcement learning to allow the agent to learn to construct custom-made chains ``on the fly'', and to continuously improve them.We build a platform, BIMBO (Benefiting from Intelligent and Measurable Behaviour Optimisation) which enables us to measure the impact on the learning of various models, algorithms, parameters, etc.We apply this in an industrial setting, specifically to a document treatment chain which extracts events from massive volumes of web pages and other open-source documents.Our emphasis is on minimising the burden of the human analysts, from whom the agent learns to improve guided by their feedback on the events extracted. For this, we investigate different types of feedback, from numerical rewards, which requires a lot of user effort and tuning, to partially and even fully qualitative feedback, which is much more intuitive, and demands little to no user intervention. We carry out experiments, first with numerical rewards, then demonstrate that intuitive feedback still allows the agent to learn effectively.Motivated by the need to rapidly propagate the rewards learnt at the final states back to the initial ones, even on exploration, we propose Dora: an improved version Q-Learning
Salgas, Antoine. "Modélisation de scénarios prospectifs pour l’aviation : régionalisation, étude des coûts d’abattement et optimisation technico-économique sous contraintes environnementales." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2025.
Full textThe anthropogenic origin of climate change is now unequivocal, and its mitigation requires drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Although aviation is a relatively moderate emitter, it still accounts for about 2.6% of CO2 emissions and is responsible for significantnon-CO2, globally warming effects. Several decarbonisation levers are available to reverse the upward emissions trend, including further improvements in aircraft and operational efficiency and the replacement of fossil kerosene with low-carbon alternatives. The advantages and disadvantages of these different options, as well as their interactions, can be explored in prospective transition scenarios. Although they are used by several institutional, industrial or academic stakeholders, they often lack either a detailed and transparent methodology, sufficient disciplinary coverage to make informed strategic choices, or limited adaptability to different cases of application. This thesis proposes three areas of improvement to address these issues, as part of the continuing development of AeroMAPS, a prospective scenario simulator specific to air transport decarbonisation. First, as decarbonisation opportunities vary from region to region (natural and financial resources, traffic levels...), the adaptability of transition scenarios to these different scales is a key issue. This thesis contributes to addressing this issue by presenting a method for estimating air traffic and CO2 emission flows in an open source, reproducible and partitionable manner. These data are used in AeroMAPS to generate scenarios at reduced scales, such as a continent or a country. They are also used to study the air transport use around the world, revealing strong inequalities. Then, this work enriches the modelling of transition scenarios by adapting and integrating different cost models into the same framework. In particular, models from the literature for estimating the minimum selling prices of various alternative low-carbon fuels are used to study the evolution of energy costs for the aviation sector. Similarly, operational cost models are implemented to model the overall impact of different decarbonisation levers on airline costs. These models are also used to study the technical and economic impact of aircraft architectures in a constrained environmental context. Lastly, the economic efficiency of the different decarbonisation levers is examined using two approaches. On the one hand, it can be assessed using carbon abatement cost metrics and sectoral marginal abatement cost curves adapted and developed for the context of transition scenarios. In particular, this makes it possible to compare the costs of decarbonising air transport with different reference carbon values. On the other hand, a more comprehensive cost-effectiveness approach is presented through cost optimisation of transition scenarios. An application is proposed to challenge the fuel blending mandates of the ReFuelEU legislation for European aviation for different carbon budget and energy resource constraints
Mombrun, Yann. "Évaluation de l’information disponible sur Internet : Application au renseignement d’origine sources ouvertes." Thesis, Rouen, INSA, 2012.
Full textIntelligence agencies analyse and assess information open sources manually. Yet it is impossible to process every piece as well. This works aims at assisting operationals to use the Internet to produce intelligence, including deciding whether they can exploit gathered information.We study methods proposed to assessing information, manual or automatic, in a civil or military context. We propose a system dedicated to the exploitation of open sources. It targets collection and analysis phases of the intelligence cycle. Its architecture is open, to ease its adaptability to the procedures of each intelligence service. We describe a prototype implementing a selected set of criteria. We validate the approach by an experiment showing that assisting users eases the assesment of pages avilable on the Internet
Books on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Juris, Servus. Lettre ouverte à MM. les Présidents des cours de justice. Paris: Déterna, 2011.
Find full textKaboré, Désiré. Y. Dominique Kaboré - lettres ouvertes: Chronique biographique. [Ouagadougou]: [Désiré Gabriel Dominique Kaboré], 2011.
Find full textNadin, Maÿlis. Histoire de Condé-sur-Noireau: Jardins ouverts, jardins secrets. Condé-sur-Noireau: C. Corlet, 1998.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Théâtre aat4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Atelier d'écriture fae4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Langues internationales lbado- lyxdo cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Exploration et création artistique aea4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Vie active et santé ppl4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Études interdisciplinaires un monde sans frontières idc4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textconcurrence, Canada Bureau de la politique de. La loi canadienne sur la concurrence, modèle de loi souple et ouverte sur l'avenir: Notes pour une allocution prononcée par George N. Addy, Directeur des enquêtes et recherches, Bureau de la politique de concurrence, Industrie Canada lors de la Conférence sur la promotion de la compétitivité au Mexique, Monterrey, Neuvo Leon, Mexique, le 5 octobre 1993. Ottawa, Ont: Industrie Canada, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Bussotti, Michela. "Une « lettre ouverte » sur les débuts de la sinologie." In Documenter et décrire les langues d’Asie : histoire et épistémologie, 465–87. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2025.
Full textMalka, P., D. Contour-Ansel, P. Louguet, and J. Bonte. "Effets d’une pollution de l’atmosphère par l’Ozone et le Dioxyde de Soufre sur la croissance, la conductance stomatique et la teneur en composés phénoliques de 3 clones d’épicéas en chambre à ciel ouvert." In Air Pollution and Ecosystems, 717–22. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1988.
Full textTufféry, Christophe, Vincent Delvigne, Paul Fernandes, Jérémy Garniaux, and Stéphane Renault. "Communication scientifique et science ouverte." In Communication scientifique et science ouverte, 65–82. De Boeck Supérieur, 2023.
Full textCeunen, Marika. "Externalisation ouverte pour l’exploitation d’une source d’archives manuscrite importante." In Le Crowdsourcing, 95–104. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textDZALÉ YEUMO, Esther. "Data INRAE : l’entrepôt en réseau." In Partage et valorisation des données de la recherche, 73–86. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textGherasim, Diana-Paula. "Ramses 2024." In Ramses 2024, 66–71. Dunod, 2023.
Full textAskani, Hans-Christoph. "POUR UN ŒCUMÉNISME AUTREMENT OUVERT." In Le souci de toutes les eglises, 113–30. Peeters Publishers, 2020.
Full textClarke, Chris. "The Geomancers’ Access." In Sound /Writing : traduire-écrire entre le son et le sens, 237–52. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2019.
Full textSéguillon, Didier. "Vers une lente et progressive reconnaissance d’une différence particulière ? Une voie ouverte vers l’iconicité ?" In L’éducation de l’écolier sourd, histoire d’une orthopédie, 1822 à 1910, 247–75. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2017.
Full textNollez-Goldbach, Raphaëlle. "Annuaire français de relations internationales." In Annuaire français de relations internationales, 195–209. Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Seabourne, Gwen. "Touch and Pressure. Sensing Sexual Harassment in Medieval Common Law Sources." In Webinaire AVISA (Historiciser le harcèlement sexuel). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textBenzina, Ouafae. "Du lexique de l'eau dans Mont-Oriol et Pierre et Jean de Guy de Maupassant." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Source Ouverte"
Langlais, Pierre-Carl. Monitoring de la science ouverte. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textLanglais, Pierre-Carl. Intégrité de la recherche. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textLanglais, Pierre-Carl. Bibliométrie. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textLanglais, Pierre-Carl. Données de recherche ouvertes. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textLanglais, Pierre-Carl. Transparence de la recherche. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textAmmi, Mehdi, Raphael Langevin, Emmanuelle Arpin, and Erin C. Strumpf. Effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la réallocation des dépenses de santé publique par fonction : estimation de court terme et analyse prédictive contrefactuelle. CIRANO, June 2024.
Full textLouvet, Violaine, Sabrina granger, Roberto Di Cosmo, and François Pellegrini. Vers un catalogue des logiciels issus de la recherche. Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, 2024.
Full textGuide d'introduction aux licences de logiciel libre avec code source ouvert. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2012.
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