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Jullien, Benoît. "Au-dessous du volcan de la Soufrière, les Archives départementales de la Guadeloupe. Les anciens bâtiments." La Gazette des archives 264, no. 4 (2021): 71–82.

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Ajoutées aux risques volcaniques et sismiques et plus encore aux fréquents cyclones, les conditions climatiques de la Guadeloupe et des îles de la Caraïbe – une chaleur et une humidité permanentes – ont rendu plus aigües les difficultés posées par la conservation physique des documents et plus incertaines les réponses apportées à ce défi. L’exemple des bâtiments dévolus aux Archives coloniales puis aux Archives départementales de la Guadeloupe a paru significatif de la manière, conventionnelle ou innovante, dont on a progressivement formulé les enjeux et pris en compte dans leur ampleur les spécificités matérielles de la conservation du patrimoine archivistique guadeloupéen. Outre les difficultés liées à la précarité des espaces dévolus aux archives, ce premier article souligne l’absence persistante d’une gestion organisée des documents avant la transformation en départements des «vieilles colonies » de la Guadeloupe, de la Guyane, de la Martinique et de La Réunion et aux premiers effets de la départementalisation qui entraîne la création officielle d’un service départemental d’archives en 1951 et son installation à Basse-Terre dans une caserne désaffectée.
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Feuillard, Michel. "Soufrière de Guadeloupe : un regard sur les vulnérabilités volcaniques." Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire de la Guadeloupe, no. 156 (2010): 3.

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Allard, Patrick, Gilbert Hammouya, and Franco Parello. "Dégazage magmatique diffus à la Soufrière de Guadeloupe, Antilles." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science 327, no. 5 (September 1998): 315–18.

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Feron, Romain, Pascal Bernard, Mathieu Feuilloy, Philippe Ménard, Alexandre Nercessian, Sébastien Deroussi, Thierry Kitou, and Guy Plantier. "First Optical Seismometer at the Top of La Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe." Seismological Research Letters 91, no. 5 (August 5, 2020): 2448–57.

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Abstract Accurate monitoring of volcanic activity demands expertise in fields including geophysics, geology, and geochemistry. Data obtained from the most recent technical advances are particularly vital in pre-eruptive phases. In particular, seismic monitoring in near real time is essential to locating and discriminating early signs among different sources of seismic waves, especially those related to movement and overpressure in underground fluids. Among the major indicators of volcanic restlessness are fumaroles, or gas and steam vents, often located near a volcanic summit. Their activity could be monitored by seismometers in their vicinity, but today’s standard instruments cannot last very long when exposed to the high temperatures and the billowing, sulfurous, acidic gases near a fumarole. Conventional gear may also not be accessible for emergency deployment, or repair, even in pre-eruptive phases. La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Volcano in the Caribbean typifies such challenges. Its last significant event was a phreatic (gas and steam) eruption in 1976 that prompted evacuation of the archipelago’s nearby capital. Since early 2018, the 1467-meter-high stratovolcano has shown signs of increased activity. To provide a hardy, high-resolution monitoring system, we installed a recently developed type of seismometer just 10 m from a vigorous summit fumarole. The sensor is a purely opto-mechanical geophone that is interrogated through a 1.5 km fiber-optic cable by a remote, and thus it is a much safer optic-electronic system down the volcano’s flank. The ESEO Group and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) started development of this novel seismometer in 2008. The 2019 Guadeloupe installation is part of the HIgh PERformance SeISmometer (HIPERSIS) project (French Agence Nationale de la Recherche [ANR]). It is, to our knowledge, the first high-resolution optical seismometer ever installed on an active volcano or other active, hazardous zone. We report here the details of this installation, the means we are using for measurements, and our implementation strategy, and we share some of the first results. Such an optical seismometer, as well as a variety of other geophysical sensors built on the same principle, can be installed in a wide variety of sites with fibers up to 50 km long.
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Bagnato, E., P. Allard, F. Parello, A. Aiuppa, S. Calabrese, and G. Hammouya. "Mercury gas emissions from La Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe Island (Lesser Antilles)." Chemical Geology 266, no. 3-4 (August 2009): 267–73.

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Lesparre, Nolwenn, Bartłomiej Grychtol, Dominique Gibert, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, and Andy Adler. "Cross-section electrical resistance tomography of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe lava dome." Geophysical Journal International 197, no. 3 (April 23, 2014): 1516–26.

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Tamburello, Moune, Allard, Venugopal, Robert, Rosas-Carbajal, Deroussi, et al. "Spatio-Temporal Relationships between Fumarolic Activity, Hydrothermal Fluid Circulation and Geophysical Signals at an Arc Volcano in Degassing Unrest: La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies)." Geosciences 9, no. 11 (November 15, 2019): 480.

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: Over the past two decades, La Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe has displayed a growing degassing unrest whose actual source mechanism still remains unclear. Based on new measurements of the chemistry and mass flux of fumarolic gas emissions from the volcano, here we reveal spatio-temporal variations in the degassing features that closely relate to the 3D underground circulation of fumarolic fluids, as imaged by electrical resistivity tomography, and to geodetic-seismic signals recorded over the past two decades. Discrete monthly surveys of gas plumes from the various vents on La Soufrière lava dome, performed with portable MultiGAS analyzers, reveal important differences in the chemical proportions and fluxes of H2O, CO2, H2S, SO2 and H2, which depend on the vent location with respect to the underground circulation of fluids. In particular, the main central vents, though directly connected to the volcano conduit and preferentially surveyed in past decades, display much higher CO2/SO2 and H2S/SO2 ratios than peripheral gas emissions, reflecting greater SO2 scrubbing in the boiling hydrothermal water at 80–100 m depth. Gas fluxes demonstrate an increased bulk degassing of the volcano over the past 10 years, but also a recent spatial shift in fumarolic degassing intensity from the center of the lava dome towards its SE–NE sector and the Breislack fracture. Such a spatial shift is in agreement with both extensometric and seismic evidence of fault widening in this sector due to slow gravitational sliding of the southern dome sector. Our study thus provides an improved framework to monitor and interpret the evolution of gas emissions from La Soufrière in the future and to better forecast hazards from this dangerous andesitic volcano.
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Friant, Anne Le, Georges Boudon, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Philippe Heinrich, and Michel P. Semet. "Potential Flank-Collapse of Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles? Numerical Simulation and Hazards." Natural Hazards 39, no. 3 (December 2006): 381–93.

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Heap, Michael J., David E. Jessop, Fabian B. Wadsworth, Marina Rosas-Carbajal, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, H. Albert Gilg, Nadège Aron, et al. "The thermal properties of hydrothermally altered andesites from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 421 (January 2022): 107444.

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Massaro, Silvia, Fabio Dioguardi, Laura Sandri, Giancarlo Tamburello, Jacopo Selva, Séverine Moune, David E. Jessop, Roberto Moretti, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, and Antonio Costa. "Testing gas dispersion modelling: A case study at La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (September 2021): 107312.

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Villemant, B., J. C. Komorowski, C. Dessert, A. Michel, O. Crispi, G. Hammouya, F. Beauducel, and J. B. De Chabalier. "Evidence for a new shallow magma intrusion at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 285 (September 2014): 247–77.

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Zlotnicki, J., G. Vargemezis, A. Mille, F. Bruère, and G. Hammouya. "State of the hydrothermal activity of Soufrière of Guadeloupe volcano inferred by VLF surveys." Journal of Applied Geophysics 58, no. 4 (April 2006): 265–79.

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Zlotnicki, Jacques, Georges Boudon, and Jean-Louis Le Mouël. "The volcanic activity of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (lesser antilles): structural and tectonic implications." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 49, no. 1-2 (January 1992): 91–104.

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Chen, Jiu-Bin, Jérôme Gaillardet, Céline Dessert, Benoit Villemant, Pascale Louvat, Olivier Crispi, Jean-Louis Birck, and Yi-Na Wang. "Zn isotope compositions of the thermal spring waters of La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe Island." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 127 (February 2014): 67–82.

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Coutant, O., M. L. Bernard, F. Beauducel, F. Nicollin, M. P. Bouin, and S. Roussel. "Joint inversion ofP-wave velocity and density, application to La Soufrière of Guadeloupe hydrothermal system." Geophysical Journal International 191, no. 2 (September 25, 2012): 723–42.

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Gaudin, Damien, François Beauducel, Olivier Coutant, Christophe Delacourt, Patrick Richon, Jean-Bernard de Chabalier, and Gilbert Hammouya. "Mass and heat flux balance of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe) from aerial infrared thermal imaging." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 320 (June 2016): 107–16.

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Bernard, Marie-Lise, Jack Molinié, Rose-Helen Petit, François Beauducel, Gilbert Hammouya, and Guy Marion. "Remote and in situ plume measurements of acid gas release from La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 150, no. 4 (February 2006): 395–409.

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Ruzié, L., M. Moreira, and O. Crispi. "Noble gas isotopes in hydrothermal volcanic fluids of La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles arc." Chemical Geology 304-305 (April 2012): 158–65.

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Nicollin, Florence, Dominique Gibert, François Beauducel, Georges Boudon, and Jean-Christophe Komorowski. "Electrical tomography of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe Volcano: Field experiments, 1D inversion and qualitative interpretation." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 244, no. 3-4 (April 2006): 709–24.

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Rave-Bonilla, Yuly Paola, David E. Jessop, Séverine Moune, Céline Garbin, and Roberto Moretti. "Numerical modelling of the volcanic plume dispersion from the hydrothermal system of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe." Volcanica 6, no. 2 (November 28, 2023): 459–77.

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Passive volcanic degassing results in the emission of toxic gases such as H2S at quasi-steady rates over long periods of time that pose a significant hazard to human health even in low gas concentrations. Currently, La Soufrière de Guadeloupe has one of the highest gas emission rates in the Lesser Antilles arc, with gas emitted mainly from low-temperature fumaroles. In this study, gas dispersion from the volcano between 2016–2021 was modelled using a numerical code that takes into account wind and atmospheric data, topography and gas flux measurements. We ran c.100 individual simulations of the most frequently observed wind and gas flux conditions using a Monte-Carlo scheme. Our results, validated using air-quality measurements and citizen-science surveys, show that the most exposed zones are the hamlet of Matouba and the upper St. Claude. These areas have 20% and 5% probability, respectively, of exceeding H2S guidelines for long-term gas exposure (70 ppb).
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Spence, R., J. C. Komorowski, K. Saito, A. Brown, A. Pomonis, G. Toyos, and P. Baxter. "Modelling the impact of a hypothetical sub-Plinian eruption at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 178, no. 3 (December 2008): 516–28.

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Lefèvre, Christian, and Philippe Cocusse. "Etude pétrographique et minéralogique des laves du Massif volcanique Madeleine-Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Petites Antilles). Implications magmatologiques." Bulletin de Minéralogie 108, no. 2 (1985): 189–208.

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Lesparre, Nolwenn, Dominique Gibert, Jacques Marteau, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Florence Nicollin, and Olivier Coutant. "Density muon radiography of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe volcano: comparison with geological, electrical resistivity and gravity data." Geophysical Journal International 190, no. 2 (August 1, 2012): 1008–19.

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Pichavant, M., S. Poussineau, P. Lesne, C. Solaro, and J. L. Bourdier. "Experimental Parametrization of Magma Mixing: Application to the ad 1530 Eruption of La Soufrière, Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Petrology 59, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): 257–82.

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Bouligand, Claire, Olivier Coutant, and Jonathan M. G. Glen. "Sub-surface structure of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe lava dome deduced from a ground-based magnetic survey." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 321 (July 2016): 171–81.

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Ruzié, L., C. Aubaud, M. Moreira, P. Agrinier, C. Dessert, C. Gréau, and O. Crispi. "Carbon and helium isotopes in thermal springs of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles): Implications for volcanological monitoring." Chemical Geology 359 (November 2013): 70–80.

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Besson, Pascale, and Jean-Paul Poirier. "The 3100 bp eruption of the Soufrière of Guadeloupe A transmission electron microscopy study of the cryptodome andesite." Bulletin of Volcanology 56, no. 3 (August 1994): 184–92.

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Rosas-Carbajal, M., Kevin Jourde, Jacques Marteau, Sébastien Deroussi, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, and Dominique Gibert. "Three-dimensional density structure of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe lava dome from simultaneous muon radiographies and gravity data." Geophysical Research Letters 44, no. 13 (July 13, 2017): 6743–51.

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Fritz-Sheridan, R. P., and D. S. Coxson. "Nitrogen Fixation on the Tropical Volcano, La Soufrière (Guadeloupe): Nitrogen Fixation, Photosynthesis and Respiration During the Prevailing Cloud/Shroud Climate By Stereocaulon Virgatum." Lichenologist 20, no. 1 (January 1988): 41–61.

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AbstractStereocaulon virgatum Ach. has colonized lava flows deposited on the west flank of the volcano La Soufrière. The mean annual rate of acetylene reduction was 43·4 nmol C2H4 gdw−1 h−1 with maximum rates during the prevalent cloud/shroud meteorology of 101 and minimum rates during rare high insolation events of 0·63 nmol gdw−1 h−1. Percentage thallus moisture was the major variable controlling nitrogenase activity. During cloud/shroud conditions the upper 90% of the lichen canopy reduced 85% of the acetylene. Canopy shading reduced intra-canopy temperatures allowing the basal 10% of the canopy to fix nitrogen during insolation shocks. Basal portions of pseudopodetia exhibited reduced rates of ethylene production when exposed to canopy surface light intensities during cloud/shroud conditions. The recovery pattern of nitrogenase following desiccation during an insolation shock is presented. Rates of photosynthesis during cloud/shroud conditions were high, reaching 50% of those attained during saturating light intensities.
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Ingrin, J., and J. P. Poirier. "Transmission electron microscopy of ejecta from the XVIth century eruption of the Soufrière, Guadeloupe; microscopic evidence for magma mixing." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 28, no. 1-2 (May 1986): 161–74.

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Massaro, Silvia, Eduardo Rossi, Laura Sandri, Costanza Bonadonna, Jacopo Selva, Roberto Moretti, and Jean-Christophe Komorowski. "Assessing hazard and potential impact associated with volcanic ballistic projectiles: The example of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano (Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 423 (March 2022): 107453.

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Gaudin, Damien, Tullio Ricci, Anthony Finizola, Eric Delcher, Salvatore Alparone, Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson, Elodie Brothelande, et al. "Heat flux-based strategies for the thermal monitoring of sub-fumarolic areas: Examples from Vulcano and La Soufrière de Guadeloupe." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 343 (September 2017): 122–34.

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Poisson, B., and R. Pedreros. "Numerical modelling of historical landslide-generated tsunamis in the French Lesser Antilles." Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10, no. 6 (June 17, 2010): 1281–92.

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Abstract. Two historical landslide-induced tsunamis that reached the coasts of the French Lesser Antilles are studied. First, the Martinique coast was hit by a tsunami down the western flank of Montagne Pelée at the beginning of the big eruption of May 1902. More recently, the northeastern coast of Guadeloupe was affected by a tsunami that had been generated around Montserrat by pyroclastic flows entering the sea, during the July 2003 eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano. We use a modified version of the GEOWAVE model to compute numerical simulations of both events. Two source hypotheses are considered for each tsunami. The comparison of the simulation results with reported tsunami height data helps to discriminate between the tested source decriptions. In the Martinique case, we obtain a better fit to data when considering three successive lahars entering the sea, as a simplified single source leads to an overstimation of the tsunami wave heights at the coast. In the Montserrat case, the best model uses a unique source which volume corresponds to published data concerning the peak volume flow. These findings emphasize the importance of an accurate description of the relevant volume as well as the timing sequence of the source event in landslide-generated tsunami modelling. They also show that considering far-field effects in addition to near-field effects may significantly improve tsunami modelling.
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Gaudin, Damien, François Beauducel, Pascal Allemand, Christophe Delacourt, and Anthony Finizola. "Heat flux measurement from thermal infrared imagery in low-flux fumarolic zones: Example of the Ty fault (La Soufrière de Guadeloupe)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 267 (November 2013): 47–56.

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Moretti, Roberto, Séverine Moune, Vincent Robert, David E. Jessop, Tristan Didier, Magali Bonifacie, and Jean-Christophe Komorowski. "Intercomparison of geochemical techniques at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) volcano: their advantages and their limits over a long-standing unrest." Italian Journal of Geosciences 139, no. 3 (October 2020): 398–412.

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Inostroza, Manuel, Séverine Moune, Roberto Moretti, Pierre Burckel, Elodie Chilin-Eusebe, Celine Dessert, Vincent Robert, and Caroline Gorge. "Major and trace element emission rates in hydrothermal plumes in a tropical environment. The case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano." Chemical Geology 632 (August 2023): 121552.

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Jourde, K., D. Gibert, and J. Marteau. "Improvement of density models of geological structures by fusion of gravity data and cosmic muon radiographies." Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions 5, no. 1 (April 2, 2015): 83–116.

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Abstract. This paper examines how the resolution of small-scale geological density models is improved through the fusion of information provided by gravity measurements and density muon radiographies. Muon radiography aims at determining the density of geological bodies by measuring their screening effect on the natural flux of cosmic muons. Muon radiography essentially works like medical X-ray scan and integrates density information along elongated narrow conical volumes. Gravity measurements are linked to density by a 3-D integration encompassing the whole studied domain. We establish the mathematical expressions of these integration formulas – called acquisition kernels – and derive the resolving kernels that are spatial filters relating the true unknown density structure to the density distribution actually recovered from the available data. The resolving kernels approach allows to quantitatively describe the improvement of the resolution of the density models achieved by merging gravity data and muon radiographies. The method developed in this paper may be used to optimally design the geometry of the field measurements to perform in order to obtain a given spatial resolution pattern of the density model to construct. The resolving kernels derived in the joined muon/gravimetry case indicate that gravity data are almost useless to constrain the density structure in regions sampled by more than two muon tomography acquisitions. Interestingly the resolution in deeper regions not sampled by muon tomography is significantly improved by joining the two techniques. The method is illustrated with examples for La Soufrière of Guadeloupe volcano.
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Metcalfe, Abigail, Séverine Moune, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, and Roberto Moretti. "Bottom-up vs top-down drivers of eruption style: Petro-geochemical constraints from the holocene explosive activity at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 424 (April 2022): 107488.

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Brothelande, E., A. Finizola, A. Peltier, E. Delcher, J. C. Komorowski, F. Di Gangi, G. Borgogno, M. Passarella, C. Trovato, and Y. Legendre. "Fluid circulation pattern inside La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe) inferred from combined electrical resistivity tomography, self-potential, soil temperature and diffuse degassing measurements." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 288 (November 2014): 105–22.

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Moretti, Roberto, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Guillaume Ucciani, Séverine Moune, David Jessop, Jean-Bernard de Chabalier, François Beauducel, et al. "The 2018 unrest phase at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) andesitic volcano: Scrutiny of a failed but prodromal phreatic eruption." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 393 (March 2020): 106769.

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Komorowski, J. C., Y. Legendre, B. Caron, and G. Boudon. "Reconstruction and analysis of sub-plinian tephra dispersal during the 1530 A.D. Soufrière (Guadeloupe) eruption: Implications for scenario definition and hazards assessment." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 178, no. 3 (December 2008): 491–515.

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Villemant, Benoît, Gilbert Hammouya, Agnès Michel, Michel P. Semet, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Georges Boudon, and Jean-Louis Cheminée. "The memory of volcanic waters: Shallow magma degassing revealed by halogen monitoring in thermal springs of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles)." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237, no. 3-4 (September 2005): 710–28.

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Jourde, K., D. Gibert, and J. Marteau. "Improvement of density models of geological structures by fusion of gravity data and cosmic muon radiographies." Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 4, no. 2 (August 25, 2015): 177–88.

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Abstract. This paper examines how the resolution of small-scale geological density models is improved through the fusion of information provided by gravity measurements and density muon radiographies. Muon radiography aims at determining the density of geological bodies by measuring their screening effect on the natural flux of cosmic muons. Muon radiography essentially works like a medical X-ray scan and integrates density information along elongated narrow conical volumes. Gravity measurements are linked to density by a 3-D integration encompassing the whole studied domain. We establish the mathematical expressions of these integration formulas – called acquisition kernels – and derive the resolving kernels that are spatial filters relating the true unknown density structure to the density distribution actually recovered from the available data. The resolving kernel approach allows one to quantitatively describe the improvement of the resolution of the density models achieved by merging gravity data and muon radiographies. The method developed in this paper may be used to optimally design the geometry of the field measurements to be performed in order to obtain a given spatial resolution pattern of the density model to be constructed. The resolving kernels derived in the joined muon–gravimetry case indicate that gravity data are almost useless for constraining the density structure in regions sampled by more than two muon tomography acquisitions. Interestingly, the resolution in deeper regions not sampled by muon tomography is significantly improved by joining the two techniques. The method is illustrated with examples for the La Soufrière volcano of Guadeloupe.
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Coxson, Darwyn. "Photoinhibition of net photosynthesis in Stereocaulon virgatum and S. tomentosum, a tropical–temperate comparison." Canadian Journal of Botany 65, no. 8 (August 1, 1987): 1707–15.

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Stereocaulon tomentosum Fr., collected in pine–lichen woodlands of southwestern Alberta, Canada, and S. virgatum Ach., collected from recent lahar flows on La Soufrière, Guadeloupe (French West Indies), were examined for their response of net photosynthesis and respiration to brief periods of high light exposure at temperatures ranging from 10 to 40 °C. In each species, a 30-min exposure period to photon flux densities of 1500 μmol∙m−2∙s−1 resulted in a significant reduction of subsequently measured rates of net photosynthetic CO2 uptake in those treatment groups which had been held at temperatures at or above 30 °C. These results suggest an altered stability of interactions between light and dark reactions of net photosynthesis at higher temperatures. They also point to the need for close monitoring of field microclimatic conditions during periods when hydrated lichen thalli are exposed to full sun conditions. Selective pressures imposed on hydrated lichen thalli during these periods of insolation shock may well prove of much greater importance in the shaping of net photosynthetic response patterns than has previously been recognized and may account for many of the previously observed disparities between those temperatures prevailing during typical periods of thallus hydration (i.e., under overcast conditions) and those at which maximal rates of net photosynthetic uptake are seen (often a full 10 to 15 °C higher). These interactions appear equally important to lichens of tropical origins and to those of north temperate habitats and suggest common evolutionary drives on thermal acclimation in both environments.
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Boichu, Marie, Benoît Villemant, and Georges Boudon. "Degassing at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano (Lesser Antilles) since the last eruptive crisis in 1975–77: Result of a shallow magma intrusion?" Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 203, no. 3-4 (June 2011): 102–12.

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Gaudin, Damien, Anthony Finizola, Eric Delcher, François Beauducel, Pascal Allemand, Christophe Delacourt, Elodie Brothelande, Aline Peltier, and Fabio Di Gangi. "Influence of rainfalls on heat and steam fluxes of fumarolic zones: Six months records along the Ty fault (Soufrière of Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles)." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 302 (September 2015): 273–85.

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Boudon, Georges, Michel P. Semet, and Pierre M. Vincent. "Magma and hydrothermally driven sector collapses: The 3100 and 11,500 y. B.P. eruptions of la Grande Decouverte (la Soufrière) volcano, Guadeloupe, French West Indies." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 33, no. 4 (October 1987): 317–23.

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Nicollin, Florence, Dominique Gibert, François Beauducel, Georges Boudon, and Jean-Christophe Komorowski. "Reply to comment on “Electrical Tomography of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe Volcano: Field experiments, 1D inversion and qualitative interpretation” by N. Linde and A. Revil." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258, no. 3-4 (June 2007): 623–26.

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Coxson, Darwyn S. "Effects of Desiccation on Net Photosynthetic Activity in the Basidiomycete Lichen Cora pavonia E. Fries from the Cloud/Mist Zone of the Tropical Volcano La Soufrière (Guadeloupe)." Bryologist 90, no. 3 (1987): 241.

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Fritz-Sheridan, R. P., and D. S. Coxson. "Nitrogen Fixation on a Tropical Volcano, La Soufrière (Guadeloupe): The Interaction of Temperature, Moisture, and Light with Net Photosynthesis and Nitrogenase Activity in Stereocaulon Virgatum and Response to Periods of Insolation Shock." Lichenologist 20, no. 1 (January 1988): 63–81.

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AbstractThe response of net photosynthesis, dark respiration and acetylene reduction to temperature, moisture and light intensity were examined for Stereocaulon virgatum growing in the cloud/shroud zone on the tropical volcano La Soufrière, Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Rates for both acetylene reduction and net photosynthesis were maximal at saturating water contents, a pattern attributed to the finely branched nature of the phyllocladoid branchlets and the exposed position of spherical cephalodia, both of which minimize the formation of surface and interhyphal water films. Under conditions typical of those during cloud/shroud periods (13–16°C), thalli of S. virgatum exhibit many characteristics seen in other shade-tolerant lichen species. Net photosynthesis was light saturated at 300 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR, while the photocompensation point was less than 25 µmol m−2 s−1 PAR. Net photosynthetic uptake of carbon dioxide was optimal at 27–34°C, at which point light saturation was near 700 µmol m−2 s−1 PAR and the photocompensation point between 50 and 100 µmol m−2 s−1 PAR. Thalli of S. virgatin exhibited temperature-dependent sensitivity to high insolation. Only at 20°C were thalli able to tolerate high light exposure without reduction of apparent quantum yield. Exposure to high light intensity at 40°C inhibited the apparent quantum yield by almost 40% and acetylene reduction by 95%. This suggests brief periods of insolation shock may exert an influence disproportionately higher than either their frequency or duration. Thalli are normally exposed to cloud/shroud conditions but net photosynthetic uptake was maximal only during periods of elevated thallus temperature experienced at the onset of an insolation shock. However, with prolonged high insolation exposure and further elevation of thallus temperatures and thallus desiccation, severe impairment of subsequent photosynthetic activity ensues. S. virgatum may be characterized as a shade-tolerant species but its physiology is more adapted in some respects to conditions experienced during rare periods of full insolation.
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