Academic literature on the topic 'Sorption des radionucléides'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Sorption des radionucléides"
Ma, Bin. "Sorption de Radionucléides dans des Barrières Cimentaires Renforcées." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textSorption and redox reactions of radionuclides (RNs) are critical processes for a nuclear waste disposal repository safety assessment. In geological repositories, these process may occur in (i) canister (steel) corrosion layer, (ii) reinforced concrete, e.g. on hydrated cement and (iii) argillite, e.g. on pyrite and clays or granite. Both steel corrosion products and pyrite act as local reducing buffers, controlling the redox potential (Eh) and thus the sorption behavior of redox-sensitive RNs. In contrast, sorption of RNs not involving redox processes may occur on clays, iron oxides and cement hydration products, and often involve surface adsorption, ion exchange, or co-precipitations processes. In this PhD thesis, minor but highly reactive cementitious AFm phases (AFm-Cl2 or AFm-SO4 solids, belonging to CaAl LDHs) were employed to adsorb MoO42- and SeO32- at various surface loadings. A combination of PHREEQC chemical equilibrium modelling and synchrotron-based X-ray techniques (e.g., in-situ time-resolved XRD, PDF, and XAFS) reveals that multiple sorption sites, including two types of edge sites, interlayer ion exchange sites, and a Ca-rich phase precipitation, are active processes in the RNs retention on AFm phases. A linear relationship is shown to link AFm basal spacing and hydrated intercalated anion radius. MoO42- macroscopic adsorption was evaluated on steel-reinforced hydrated cement and its individual components (e.g., Fe0, C-S-H, ettringite, AFm phase, portlandite, gypsum, pyrite, mackinawite) at pH 13.5, and EXAFS signal could only be obtained for Mo sorbed on AFm phases and Fe0 oxidation products, showing they are the most effective absorbents. Co-sorption of U and Mo on Fe0-reinforced hydrated cement-core has also been investigated by micro-probe mapping, showing U to be instantly immobilized by cement materials while Mo is preferentially sorbed on Fe reaction products.The Eh value prevailing in concrete is hard to be determined. Here, redox-sensitive RNs (e.g., UVI, SeIV, MoVI, and SbV) are employed as probes, to measure in-situ Eh values, by computing the Nernst equation in the following way. Reduced species concentration were measured based on the total concentration of reductively precipitated RN and on speciation among these reduced species as obtained by LCF analysis of XANES data. The single oxidized species concentration was taken equal to the total aqueous chemical concentration, as all identified reduced species are extremely insoluble. The experimentally determined Eh values obtained that way were remarkably closed for all RNs with centered values of -368 to -524 mV for cement pore water (CPW) equilibrated with Fe0 and values of -346 to -509 mV for CPW equilibrated with corrosion products Fe-oxides couples (magnetite/hematite or magnetite/goethite) at pH ~13.5. Neither the Eh value computed for these couples or for Fe0/Fe(OH)2 match these data. Instead, the redox potential appear to be controlled by the Fe(OH)3/Fe(OH)2 couple predominating at the beginning of Fe0 corrosion. Finally, within clay or granite far field, several factors may critically affect the Eh imposed by pyrite minor mineral, namely element impurities in pyrite lattice and fractures resulting from grinding and presence of Fe3+ and S2- at the pyrite surface. Element impurities and presence of S2- on the pyrite surface were shown to largely speed up U(VI) reduction. The experimental results obtained above could provide fundamental data for the safety assessment of nuclear waste disposal
Maia, Flávia Marina Serafim. "Impact de l'élévation de la temperature jusqu'à 80ºC sur le comportement des radionucléides dans le callovo-oxfordien : application à l'uranium." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2018.
Full textThe aim of this study was to understand and quantify the behaviour of U(VI) on the Callovo-Oxfordian(COx) clay which is envisioned to host high-level radioactive waste in France. The temperature effect up to 80°C on this behaviour was particularly studied. The first part of the work focussed on the thermodynamic properties of the calcium uranyl carbonate aqueous complexes which govern U(VI) speciation in solution. They were measured indirectly by sorption-based methodologies under controlled pCO₂ and pH. The results indicate that the temperature does not favour the formation of CaUO₂(CO₃)₃²⁻ (log₁₀ βº₁₁₃ = 27,3 ± 0,3 ; ΔrHº = -27,4 ± 8 kJ/mol) and does not affect the formation of Ca₂UO₂(CO₃)₃(aq)(log₁₀ βº₂₁₃ = 29,7 ± 0,3 ; ΔrHº = 0 ± 2 kJ/mol). A bottom-up approach with the published “2SPNE SC/CE”model was used for describing the sorption processes, with the assumption that the clay fraction of the COx (Illite, andI/S) governs U(VI) sorption.The model was successfully applied to reproduce a wealth of experimental data obtained with illite, the COₓ clay fractionand the COₓ clay rock as a function of key parameters (pH, pCO2, [U(VI)], [Ca]) at 20 °C. The sorption on COₓ conditions is mainly governed by the sorption of U(VI)-CO3 complexes and a new sorption constant is proposed for illite. An increase in temperature to 80 °C leads to an in-crease of U(VI) retention on COx. This increase is ac-companiedby a change of both pCO₂ and pH. The sorption model developed at 20 °C, together with the thermodynamic parameters describing U(VI) speciation in solution, can explain this increase but without obtaining a good agreement with the experiment. The model is improved by considering ΔrHº values for sur-face complexation reactions obtained for the U(VI))/illite system
Milcent, Théo. "Mise en place d'une nouvelle méthodologie d'évaluation d'un échangeur d'ions minéral du point de vue de sa sélectivité : Cas particulier de l'optimisation structurale et microstructurale d'un silicotitanate cristallin (CST), appliqué à la décontamination d'effluents simultanément contaminés en Sr2+ et Cs+." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier, Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie, 2022.
Full textAlumino, titano and zircono-silicates zeolitic materials exhibit good performances in applications such as catalysis, gas separation and confinement. In addition, these kind of materials has been successfully used in different fields like petrochemistry, agriculture, medical, energy storage and nuclear decontamination. Their ion exchange properties make them very selective for radionuclides extraction (e.g. cesium or strontium) from wastewater treatment. Their composition (Al/Si, Ti/Si, Zr/Si ratio; “metal” nature and charge; labile ion nature, charge, size and concentration) and their framework structure (amorphous, 3D cage or tunnel) affect the ion exchange mechanism (i.e. kinetics, specificity, stability). These parameters may also modify the sorption capacity and the ion selectivity. In the present PhD, the relationship between structure and properties of several silicates will be studied in order to better understand their sorption mechanisms. To this end, the synthesis of different silicates will be performed and optimized. Then, their structures, morphologies and compositions will be analyzed by the application of different characterization techniques. Finally, this materials will be implemented to effluent treatments (i.e. model effluent and simulate real effluent) to evaluate their performances and find the connection between the structural and textural properties
Dange, Catherine. "Etude du comportement des éléments traces en milieu estuarien : approche expérimentale et modélisation : Application à l'étude de la spéciation de Cd, Co, Cs dans les estuaires majeurs français (Seine, Loire, Gironde, Rhône)." Reims, 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Sorption des radionucléides"
Agency, OECD Nuclear Energy. Radiunuclide sorption from the safety evaluation perspective =: La sorption des radionucléides du point de vue de l'évaluation de la sûreté. Paris: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 1992.
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