Academic literature on the topic 'Sols – Pollution – Risques pour la santé'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sols – Pollution – Risques pour la santé"
DONNARS, C., P. CELLIER, and J. L. PEYRAUD. "Nouvelles de la recherche : expertise sur les flux d’azote liés aux élevages." INRAE Productions Animales 25, no. 4 (October 2, 2012): 389–92.
Full textLe Bars, Marjorie, Fatoumata Sidibe, Elisabeth Mandart, Jacques Fabre, Philippe Le Grusse, and Cheick Hamalla Diakite. "Évaluation des risques liés à l’utilisation de pesticides en culture cotonnière au Mali." Cahiers Agricultures 29 (2020): 4.
Full textPayment, P. "Effets sur la santé de la recroissance bactérienne dans les eaux de consommation / Health significance of bacterial regrowth in drinking water [Tribune libre, texte anglais et français]." Revue des sciences de l'eau 8, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 301–14.
Full textPayment, P., and P. Hartemann. "Les contaminants de l'eau et leurs effets sur la santé." Revue des sciences de l'eau 11 (April 12, 2005): 199–210.
Full textGarnier, R., C. Pietin, A. Nicolas, A. Villa, G. Goupil, S. Gros-Daillon, A. Brasseur, J. Langrand, and C. Legout. "Pollution aérienne par le perchloroéthylène des établissements de nettoyage à sec : quels risques pour la santé des riverains ? Résultats d’une enquête francilienne." Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 27, no. 2 (June 2015): S28—S29.
Full textDejoux, Jean-François, Gérard Dedieu, Olivier Hagolle, Danièle Ducrot, Jean-Claude Menaut, Eric Ceschia, Frédéric Baup, et al. "Kalideos OSR MiPy : un observatoire pour la recherche et la démonstration des applications de la télédétection à la gestion des territoires." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 197 (April 22, 2014): 17–30.
Full textBard, D., W. Kihal, S. Havard, G. Pedrono, C. Schillinger, D. Eilstein, C. Segala, and D. Arveiler. "Le niveau socioéconomique influence-t-il les risques de la pollution atmosphérique pour la santé ? L’exemple de l’infarctus du myocarde, communauté urbaine de Strasbourg, 2000–2007." Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 61 (June 2013): S110.
Full textMbog, Severin Mbog, Olivier T. Sosso Mayi, Dieudonne Bitondo, and Innocent Ndoh Mbue. "Etat des lieux sur la gestion des déchets biomédicaux solides dans les formations sanitaires au Cameroun (Nord, Adamaoua, Est et Nord-Ouest) : Impacts Environnementaux et Sociaux." Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences 16, no. 1 (October 13, 2020): 19–28.
Full textLIENARD, G., M. LHERM, M. C. PIZAINE, J. Y. LE MARECHAL, B. BOUSSANGE, and J. F. BELARD. "Adaptation des élevages de bovins allaitants. Références sur 10 ans (1989-1999) d’un groupe d’éleveurs du Limousin." INRAE Productions Animales 15, no. 4 (September 15, 2002): 273–91.
Full textMEDALE, F., and C. MICHEL. "Deuxième partie : Épidémiologie et modélisation des maladies infectieuses aquacoles." INRAE Productions Animales 20, no. 3 (September 7, 2007): 217.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sols – Pollution – Risques pour la santé"
Barraza, Castelo Fiorella. "Evaluation de l'exposition humaine liée aux activités pétrolières en Equateur : de la surveillance de la qualité de l'air à l'étude du transfert des contaminants métalliques dans le continuum sol-plante." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.
Full textEcuador is the 5th crude oil producer country in South America. Oil extraction and refining generate toxic waste containing metals co-emitted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), naturally present in crude oil or added during production, and known for their carcinogenic and toxic effects in humans. In this context and as a part of the ANR MONOIL program, the first aim of this PhD research was to determine the distribution of metal(loid)s in the environment in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos (oil extraction, North Amazon " NAR ") and the city of Esmeraldas (oil refining, North Pacific Coast, " NPC "). The second aim was to determine if there was a transfer of toxic metals, such as Cd, from soil or air to cacao crops, widely cultivated in Ecuador, and if the consumption of cacao-based products could imply risks for human health. Finally, the third aim was to monitor air quality over 2 years in both areas to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities and the oxidative burden of particulate matter (PM10). Soils and local crops were collected in 31 small-scale farms, between 2014 and 2016. Monthly PM10 samples were collected in 3 sites, in the vicinity of oil platforms close to the refinery. PM10 chemical composition (contents in metals, organic and elementary carbon (OC, EC), ions, sugars, polyols, PAHs) was determined. Human health risk assessment was performed taking into account ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact. Non carcinogenic and carcinogenic effects were quantified using the Hazard Index (HI) and the Total Cancer Risk (TCR). Bioaccessibility of Cd after ingestion was determined by the BARGE in vitro test in cacao beans and liquors. In aerosols, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation was quantified using 3 acellular assays: DTT (dithiothreitol), AA (ascorbic acid) and DCFH (2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein). Ba, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, V and Zn concentrations in 72% of the study soils exceeded the limits of the Ecuadorian legislation. For most of the crops, elements were below the limits of detection but, Cd in cacao and Pb in manioc were above the international standards for food quality. Cacao trees accumulate Cd in leaves, pod husks and beans. Because Cd contents in crude oil were below the detection limits, agrochemical products and natural inputs may also be important sources. Almost 100% of the total Cd content in cacao beans and liquor was bioaccessible by ingestion. The health risk after chocolate consumption was low to high, depending on the ingestion rate and the cacao liquor percentage. In PM10, As, Cd, Ni and Pb were below the EU thresholds. However, Ba and Mo, specific tracers of oil activities, used as weighting agents or catalyzers during drilling and refining, showed values much higher than those recorded in other urban-industrialized sites. PM10 composition depended on oil activity. OC/EC ratios were higher in the NAR (oil extraction) than in the NPC (oil refining), suggesting that biogenic emissions were more important in the Amazon area. PAHs contents were higher in the NPC, but levels of benzo-a-pyrene were below the EU limits. Oxidative potential results showed that compounds emitted by oil industry (PAHs, Ba, Ni, Zn) and by biomass burning (sugars) in the NAR as well as industrial tracers in the NPC (As, Ba, Ni, NH4+) were correlated with ROS generation. Regarding residential exposure, the main routes of exposure to metal(loid)s were first ingestion, inhalation and in a small extent soil dermal contact, being both children and adults vulnerable. Finally, the oil Ecuadorian environment is not only contaminated by oil activities. Other factors like deforestation, agriculture and natural emissions (volcanos) in the NAR and industries in the NPC also contribute to environmental damages and may lead to adverse health effects
Delannoy, Matthieu. "Évaluation du risque sanitaire lié à l’ingestion involontaire de sol : étude des propriétés du sol sur la biodisponibilité relative des PCB." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014.
Full textPolychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and, overall, non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs) the most abundant congeners in contaminated environmental matrices, constitute a potential health hazard. This risk is even more acute for young children (6 month to 3-year-old) because of their mouthing activities and because this exposure occurs during a critical part of their growth. The main objective of this thesis was to characterise the impact of soil's characteristics on the relative bioavailability of PCBs. The impact of the soil organic matter characteristics on the relative bioavailability of PCBs was assessed using artificial soils. Several standardised organic matters were tested ranging from soluble organic matters (fulvic acids, humic acids) to one organic matters highly condensed, activated carbon, a model of black carbon. These elements lead to show important variations in terms of relative bioavailability from 0% (activated carbon) to 100%, maximal relative bioavailability (fulvic acids). These findings highlight the importance of OM condensation in terms of PCB retention during the digestive processes. Then, the Impact of organic carbon, black carbon and clay content, pH, NDL-PCBs concentrations in historically contaminated soils on bioavailability and bioaccessibility was assessed. These approaches tended to show the importance of OC and BC content on retention of PCBs. Relative bioavailability was found to be higher than 45%, whatever the soil. Thus, PCBs retention in contaminated soils appears rather limited. Finally, exposure to PCBs via soil ingestion appears proportional to the quantity ingested
Rios, Mora Juan Sebastian. "Optimisation de la gestion de l’impact des polluants gazeux du sol sur la qualité de l’air intérieur." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021.
Full textPolluted sites and most precisely vapor intrusion represents a potential risk for human health and its environment. Various screening-level and analytical models have been proposed in order to evaluate vapor intrusion and provide assessment tools for exposure risk. However, some in situ investigations show significant differences between predicted and measured indoor concentrations leading eventually to misleading conclusions and inappropriate solution implementations. These uncertainties are mainly associated with a poor characterization of the site, an incomplete modeling of transfer pathways and mechanisms, or by neglecting certain influencing parameters on this transfer. For example, ignoring the lateral source/building separation may serve as possible explanation of the uncertainties presented by the conventional models based on a homogeneous source distribution assumption. The authors agree that lateral migration plays an important role in the attenuation of the indoor concentration. In homogeneous or continuous source scenarios vapors may migrate mainly vertically towards the building. However, lateral source may promote lateral migration to the atmosphere and less into the building generating a greater attenuation of the indoor concentration. In this context, the main objective of this thesis work is to contribute to the improvement of the assessment and management risk tools in order to improve the accuracy of their estimations and increase their range of application. To do this, new vapor intrusion models are developed considering the lateral source/building separation. These models are built on a numerical experimentation and dimensionless analysis based on existing models (semi-empirical models considering a homogeneous source distribution). The combination of these two approaches allows, on the one hand, to maintain the aptitude of the existing models to consider the physical properties of the soil (permeability, diffusion coefficient, …) and the characteristics of the building (type of construction, building depression, volume,…), and on the other hand, to better precise the position of the source in the soil taking into account the influence of the lateral source/building separation in the estimations. From a comparative analysis, the accuracy of these new expressions is verified comparing to the proposed numerical model (CFD), experimental data and existing models in the literature. Finally, the proposed expressions were coupled with a ventilation code (MATHIS-QAI) allowing to better specify indoor characteristics (ventilation system, air permeability of the envelope, volume of the building, …) and estimate indoor air concentration levels as a function of environmental variations (wind speed, outside temperature, …) over time. From a parametric study it was shown that despite the significant impact of the characteristics of the building, the influence of the lateral source/building separation remains predominant on the attenuation of the indoor concentration (attenuation of several orders of magnitude when the source is laterally offset of the building compared to a homogeneous source). However, specifying the characteristics of the building (construction type, ventilation system, air permeability, …) and weather conditions may increase the accuracy of the estimation avoiding the implementation of extreme solutions or insufficient actions
Martin, Fabrine. "Ozone troposphérique : impact sur la santé." Lille 2, 1992.
Full textAgis-Garcin, Aude. "Impact sanitaire de la pollution de l' air : état des connaissances, proposition d' objectifs et d' indicateurs de suivi." Paris 5, 1995.
Full textJahnich, Mathieu. "Le traitement multimédiatique d'un risque pour la santé : étude d'un cas : le problème des gaz d'échappement." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2003.
Full textRecherche sous la forme d'une allocation de recherche. Destiné à promouvoir une recherche
pluridisciplinaire, ce programme vise à renouveler l'approche scientifique des grandes
questions et à ouvrir des perspectives aux différents acteurs urbains, afin de mieux
comprendre les enjeux urbains contemporains, les transformations en cours et d'anticiper les
évolutions futures.
Concernant notre travail de recherche, les attentes de ce programme apparaissent
multiples :
- l'évolution de la médiatisation du problème, sa genèse et sa construction sociale,
- la manière dont le problème est traité actuellement,
- les connaissances et les comportements de la population, face ou avec cette médiatisation,
- les évolutions possibles des uns et des autres.
Nous nous trouvons donc dans le cas d'une recherche dite finalisée avec des objectifs en
tension :
- fournir des éléments concrets permettant d'orienter la politique de communication, avec la
question des liens entre l'information sur la pollution et le passage à l'action ;
- contribuer au domaine des sciences de l'information et de la communication et plus
particulièrement à la communication des sciences et à l'éducation à la santé.
Chbib, Chaza. "Pollution des sols et des eaux souterraines par les pesticides dans la région d’Akkar au nord du Liban : évaluation des risques sanitaires." Thesis, Lille 1, 2017.
Full textAkkar is the second agricultural zone in Lebanon. Pesticides are intensely applied in agricultural activities, and the groundwater has been reported to be highly contaminated by some pesticides. Due to the absence of a public network for water distribution, groundwater is used as the main source for drinking water of local inhabitants. The present study focus firstly on the evaluation of groundwater and soil contamination by OCPs, OPPs and ONPs and by heavy metals in order to characterize the degree of contamination. Secondly, it is focusing on the risk assessment of pollution on the population of Akkar. High levels of pesticides were detected in many villages in Akkar plain groundwater. Similarly, high concentrations of OCPs were detected in agricultural soil. A huge difference between the contamination levels in cultivated area and tillage land. Moreover, a significant variation has been established between soil depth. Results showed that some prohibited pesticides are still currently used in Akkar. To complete the background of pollution, trace metallic element As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Cd have been studied. The results showed that soils are moderately polluted by Cd. In parallel, a health study was conducted, the prevalence of nervous disorders; birth defects; cancer and other chronic diseases were exceeded those values reported in other regions. A significant correlation has been established between wells water consumption and the appearance of some diseases.More researches could be realized to identify pesticides levels in human blood or urine. Also it will be necessary to manage pesticides use in this region to reduce their effects on human health
Sentissi, Maya. "Impact sanitaire de la pollution atmosphérique urbaine particulaire." Paris 5, 1999.
Full textAloui, Lisa. "Pollution atmosphérique et risque de cancer : bilan des études épidémiologiques récentes." Paris 5, 1997.
Full textDuranton, Guillaume. "Le moteur Diesel a-t-il un avenir en termes sanitaires ?" Paris 5, 1995.
Full textBooks on the topic "Sols – Pollution – Risques pour la santé"
Canada, Canada Santé et bien-être social. La santé et l'environnement au Canada: Un lien naturel. Ottawa, Ont: Ministre des approvisionnements et services Canada, 1992.
Find full textDéoux, Suzanne. L' écologie, c'est la santé: L'impact des nuisances de l'environnement sur la santé : connaître pour agir au quotidien. Paris: Éditions Frison-Roche, 1993.
Find full textSchriver-Mazzuoli, Louise. La pollution de l'air intérieur: Sources, effets sanitaires, ventilation. Paris: Dunod, 2009.
Find full textTable ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie (Canada). La gestion des substances potentiellement toxiques au Canada: Un rapport de la série l'état du débat de la Table ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie. Ottawa, Ont: Table ronde nationale sur l'environnement et l'économie, 2001.
Find full textInstitut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (France), ed. Dioxines dans l'environnement: Quels risques pour la santé ? Paris: Editions INSERM, 2000.
Find full textDéoux, Pierre, and Suzanne Déoux. L'Ecologie c'est la santé. Frison-Roche, 1997.
Find full textD, Lutkenhoff Steven, Mehlman Myron A, Stara J. F, United States. Environmental Protection Agency., and International Symposium on Chemical Mixtures: Risk Assessment and Management. (1988 : Cincinnati, Ohio)., eds. Risk assessment and risk management. Princeton, N.J: Princeton Scientific Pub. Co., 1989.
Find full text(Editor), M. A. Mehlman, and Steven Lutkenhoff (Editor), eds. International Symposium on Chemical Mixtures: Risk Assessment and Risk Management (Toxicology Industrial Health). Princeton Scientific Publishing, 1990.
Find full textCanada, Canada Environment, ed. Children's health and the environment in North America: A first report on available indicators and measures : country report, Canada. [Ottawa]: Govt. of Canada, 2006.
Find full textHealth effects of interactions between tobacco use and exposure to other agents. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1999.
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