Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sollicitations thermiques'
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Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huyen. "Analyses du comportement de rupteurs thermiques sous sollicitations sismiques." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00947635.
Full textBonnet, Pascal. "Contribution a l'etude des couplages thermiques et mecaniques dans les multimateriaux sous sollicitations thermiques variables." Besançon, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BESA2008.
Full textPawelko, Romain. "Étude des phénomènes thermiques associés à des sollicitations mécaniques à grande vitesse." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100058/document.
Full textWhen a material is subjected to a mechanical loading, part of the energy will be transformed into thermal energy and another part will be stored inside the material énergy of cold work). In the case of a dynamic loading, a localization phenomenon may occur accompanied by a significant rise in temperature which can locally reach values close to the melting point of the material. This phenomenon called adiabatic shear has many applications: high-speed machining, ballistics, cold-spray , blanking... The emitted thermal energy is an observable value which has been used in the past years in order to better understand the failure mechanisms. We have developed a device able to measure the temperature in the shear bands. The combined use of a short-wavelength streak camera and a 32- infrared detectors array allows us to limit uncertainties. An inversion program has also been developed to identify the thermal source term. Temperature measurements were also performed on composite energetic materials to better understand the reaction mechanisms
Murad-Bickard, Anny. "Endommagement sous sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques d'un aluminiure de nickel et d'une barrière thermique déposés sur un superalliage monocristallin." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 1998. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00311996.
Full textLa rhéologie de NiAl-Pt a été étudiée dans les domaines fragile et viscoplastique et un critère de fissuration en fatigue a été établi et appliqué à la fatigue thermique.
L'étude de la barrière thermique complète s'intéresse à sa résistance interfaciale après une préoxydation à 1100°C, à sa tenue en fatigue oligocyclique isotherme à 1100°C et en fatigue anisotherme entre 100°C et 1100°C. Une préoxydation à 1100°C d'éprouvettes adaptées, suivie d'une traction monotone à température ambiante, induisent un délaminage cohésif à l'interface sous-couche/alumine, qui est affecté par une cavitation. L'écaillage des deux oxydes (alumine et zircone) peut ensuire survenir. Le délaminage est aussi étudié localement par des essais d'indentation interfaciale. La fatigue oligocyclique isotherme à 1100°C, conduites avec différents types de chargement, montrent une fissuration transverse de la sous-couche. Le délaminage qui affecte parfois l'interface alumine/sous-couche est lié à la cavitation. La sollicitation anisotherme produit une multifissuration au début de l'essai et une cavitation incluse dans l'alumine. Il en résulte un délaminage adhésif localisé près de l'interface alumine/zircone.
L'état de contrainte d'origines thermique, mécanique et résultant de la croissance de l'alumine, ainsi que les distributions d'épaisseurs d'alumine et de tailles de cavités interfaciales ont été quantifiées. Ces deux derniers paramètres ont été corrélés à la courbure du substrat en conditions isothermes. Une modélisation donne une estimation de l'énergie de rupture interfaciale. En conditions anisothermes, la cinétique d'oxydation ne peut plus être relié à la seule courbure du substrat. Un modèle basé sur des réinitialisations de la cinétique isotherme décrit bien l'expérience.
Bickard, Anny. "Endommagement sous sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques, d'une barrière thermique et d'un aluminiure de nickel, déposés sur un superalliage monocristallin." ENSMP, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ENMP0960.
Full textAOUAD, NABIL. "Determination du comportement mecanique des profiles de menuiserie a rupture de pont thermique sous sollicitations thermiques, et sous chargement statique." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990ENPC9005.
Full textRaude, Simon. "Prise en compte des sollicitations thermiques sur les comportements instantané et différé des géomatériaux." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0028/document.
Full textThe effect of temperature on the behaviour of geomaterials is a crucial issue in geotechnical and underground engineering. The thermo-mechanical behaviour of rocks and soils contains many applications in the fields of high-level nuclear waste disposal, heat storage, geothermal structures, petroleum drilling, zones around buried high-voltage cables, bituminous materials, and geological research. In the context of nuclear waste disposal at great depths, the thermo-mechanical behaviour of Boom clay, Opalinus clay, Callovo-Oxfordian argillite and Äspö diorite has recently received special attention in Europe. Research in these areas has demonstrated that rocks and soils may suffer from changes in their mechanical properties during short-to long-term exposure to an elevated temperature. These changes include effects on the friction angle, permeability/porosity, elastic moduli, shear strength, dilatancy, softening, brittle-to-ductile transition, creep, etc... Since Prager's first works on the modelling of non-isothermal plastic deformation, many constitutive models have been developed to include these phenomena in computational inelasticity. Most models generalize the critical-state model to include the effects of temperature on the short-term behaviour of clays and rocks. However, the effect of time on the thermo-mechanical behaviour is often not coupled to the rate-independent plasticity even if the long-term behaviour appears essential for ensuring the safety and stability during the design and construction analysis in many fields, such as the storage of nuclear waste and more generally underground excavations. Thus, it appears important to combine both instantaneous and delayed thermo-mechanical effects to obtain appropriate constitutive equations to model such problems. In this Ph.D thesis, a unified thermo-plastic/viscoplastic constitutive model has been developed for this purpose. This model is a straightforward extension of the unified elasto-plastic/viscoplastic L&K constitutive model which was developed in previous Ph.D works. The updated thermo-mechanical model includes the evolutions of the two yield limits and the fluidity coefficient with temperature. The model was validated under several thermo-mechanical conditions on clayey rocks. The typical features of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials were well reproduced. The numerical predictions of the triaxial compression tests and creep tests clearly indicate that the model can predict the overall behaviour of geomaterials under deviatoric and non-isothermal stress paths
Dautin, Sophie. "Réduction de modèles thermiques de bâtiments : amélioration des techniques par modélisation des sollicitations météorologiques." Poitiers, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997POIT2326.
Full textLILLAMAND, IVAN. "Evolutions d'une couche grenaillee sous sollicitations thermiques et mecaniques cas de la fatigue oligocyclique." Paris, ENSAM, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ENAM0038.
Full textOlchitzky, Estelle. "Couplage hydromécanique et perméabilité d'une argile gonflante non saturée sous sollicitations hydriques et thermiques." Phd thesis, Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 2002. https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005692.
Full textLamidieu, Philippe. "Etude par techniques ultrasonores du comportement de composites céramique-céramiques soumis à des sollicitations thermiques." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376069458.
Full textSakhraoui, Imane. "Contribution à la surveillance d'un module d'électronique de puissance sous sollicitations actives par mesures thermiques." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018INPT0100/document.
Full textThe current trend of integrating powerful power modules into increasingly smaller volumes. This volume leads to new problems, especially in terms of reliability : Indeed, during their operating cycles, the semiconductor switches and their surrounding environment become subject to harshful electrothermal stresses. Thus, increase of reliability of power modules induces the precise knowledge of the local temperature, even if it can not be measured at any location. The main objective of this thesis is to estimate a physical variables in a specific non measured location, using linear functional observers allowing to estimate the temperature at any point by means of measurements provided from thermal sensors located at a few precise points. The use of this observer reduce the dimension of the considered problem. In the multi-physics context, methodologies and algorithms have been developed to allow the monitoring of electrothermal behavior power electronics modules. In order to obtain observation algorithms directly, which could be implemented on a real-time embedded target such as a digital signal processor, the application of a linear observer in the discrete time framework is proposed. Consequently, it is necessary to reduce the size compared to the initial system resulting from the model, in order to limit the calculation complexity. The originality of this work consists in proposing simple design methods for minimal order linear functional observers for large complex systems. Special attention has been given to unknown input linear functional observers. Note that in case of a power electronics module, some inputs may be poorly known such as the thermal power extracted by the cooling system, or that injected by the ancillary elements of the module as chips or bonding wire. An unknown input linear functional observer allows to overcome this lack of knowledge by treating these inputs as unknown data. Note that we chose to present experimental results so as to demonstrate the practical feasibility of the proposed methods
Lamidieu, Philippe. "Etude par techniques ultrasonores du comportement de composites céramique-céramique soumis à des sollicitations thermiques." Limoges, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LIMO0042.
Full textLicciardi, Bruno. "Réponses thermiques des édifices à ventilation régulée soumis à des sollicitations climatiques en régions tropicales." Grenoble INPG, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995INPG0157.
Full textMaquin, François. "MÉTHODOLOGIE EXPÉRIMENTALE D'ÉTUDE DU COMPORTEMENT THERMO-MÉCANIQUE DES MATÉRIAUX SOUS SOLLICITATIONS CYCLIQUES." Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00351687.
Full textBrunel, Florent. "Étude thermomécanique du couple roue-semelle ferroviaire sous sollicitations de freinage." Lille 1, 2007. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2007/50376-2007-77.pdf.
Full textUne seconde modélisation est proposée permettant la prise en compte de la géométrie 3D de la semelle. L'originalité se situe dans la résolution thermique transitoire de la roue, basée sur un suivi temporel d'une section de roue suivie d'une reconstitution 3D. Les résultats permettent la prédiction des localisations sur toute la surface de frottement. L'utilisation conjointe de ces modèles permet de répondre à l'objectif de prédiction des gradients thermiques et de mise à disposition de moyens d'optimisation de la semelle. Pour le second objectif de prédiction de l'évolution des contraintes résiduelles dans les roues, la détermination de l'état initial, issu du traitement thermique, est nécessaire. Elle est réalisée à l'aide d'un modèle thermomécanique 2D axisymétrique. Le coefficient d'échange thermique, lors de la trempe, a été identifié sur un dispositif expérimental développé spécifiquement. Différentes simulations ont pu montrer l'importance du modèle de comportement du matériau de la roue sur la distribution des contraintes résiduelles, notamment la prise en compte des phénomènes visqueux. Les résultats indiquent une bonne prédiction de l'évolution des contraintes résiduelles, de compression après le traitement thermique puis leur passage en traction après freinages, en conformité avec les relevés expérimentaux. Des compléments sont en cours pour une meilleure identification du modèle de comportement du matériau de la roue
Boucly-Norotte, Véronique. "Évolution des caractéristiques mécaniques et de la perméabilité de matériaux argileux sous l'effet de sollicitations thermiques." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1991. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00569032.
Full textClément, Cécile Merrien-Soukatchoff Véronique Gunzburger Yann. "Auscultation d'un versant rocheux soumis aux sollicitations thermiques naturelles. Cas des Rochers de Valabres (Alpes-Maritimes)." S. l. : S. n, 2008. http://www.scd.inpl-nancy.fr/theses/2008_CLEMENT_C.pdf.
Full textClément, Cécile. "Auscultation d'un versant rocheux soumis aux sollicitations thermiques naturelles. Cas des Rochers de Valabres (Alpes-Maritimes)." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPL051N/document.
Full textThe present work focuses on the monitoring of a rockslope, prone to instability, named “Rochers de Valabres”, subjected to natural thermal fluctuation at the rock surface. Thermal variations are supposed to be a preparatory factor for rockfalls. Their action is continuous, slow and imperceptible. This phenomenum is not widly studied and seldom quantified. As a first step, investigations, based on topographic survey using Lidar, stress measurements and laboratory testing, have been performed. They reveals parameters of the rockslope, as well as the stress field at shallow depths, characterized by high magnitudes, high turnover of the principal orientations and affected by topography and geological heterogeneities. Thermomechanical monitoring was performed by a network composed of strain cells and thermal sensors, deployed in boreholes. Thermal data give us information about thermal transfer, as a function of time or space. Strain variation data, although affected by thermal artefacts, give quantitative information on strains, equivalent stresses and depth of influence, on daily and seasonal basis. In order to evaluate the assumption of fracture propagation on thermal loading, an analytical model, based on fracture mechanic, is suggested. Using specific conditions and assumptions, this model reveals that measured stress and strains are sufficient to lead to propagation of pre-existing discontinuities. Consequently, this study confirms that thermomechanical variations can be considered as a non negligible preparatory factor for rockfall and can contribute to mechanical degradation of the rock masse and discontinuities
Guillaume, Sylvie. "Caracteristiques ultrasonores et evolutions texturales de roches saliferes du bassin bressan sous sollicitations thermiques et mecaniques." Paris, ENMP, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ENMP0406.
Full textBoucly-Norotte, Véronique. "Evolution des caractéristiques mécaniques et de la perméabilité de matériaux argileux sous l'effet de sollicitations thermiques." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991ENPC9123.
Full textRobert-Arnouil, Jean-Paul. "Etude du comportement thermomécanique à la rupture d'une céramique technique sous sollicitations rapides." Bordeaux 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986BOR10652.
Full textBian, Hui. "Etude expérimentale de l'endommagement de BFUHP sous sollicitations physique, chimique et mécanique." Rennes, INSA, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009ISAR0008.
Full textThis thesis is based on the experimental study of the damage of the Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) under physic, chemic or mechanic solicitations. All our concrete specimens used in this thesis have the same cement matrix and they are reinforced with a 1% volume fraction of fiber, these concrete specimens are distinguished by the natures of their fiber used (steel, mineral or synthetic), by their dimensions (macro or micro) and by their mechanic properties, etc. The first part of this thesis is composed of 2 chapters. The chapter one presents the literature study of UHPFRC. The chapter two introduces our experimental techniques used in this thesis. The chapter three presents our experimental research on the UHPFRC at their initial state, in terms of their microstructures and their mechanic behaviors. The chapter four presents our research on the thermal damage of our UHPFRC specimens (150°C, 200°C, 300°C and 400°C). The chapter five presents our works on the physic damage of UHPFRC specimens by the freeze-thaw cycles. The chapter six presents our research on the chemic damage of UHPFRC by the aggression of ammonium nitrate solution. These researches are performed by both non-destructive testing (measurement of gas permeability, porosity, P-wave velocity and ultrasonic wave attenuation) and mechanic testing (uniaxial compression)
Wicker, Paul. "Influence des garnitures de frein sur les sollicitations thermiques des disques TGV et conséquences sur les risques de fissuration." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00579663.
Full textThai, Khac Chien. "Etude de l'endommagement de l'interface acier-béton à l'aide de techniques non-destructives : Comportement sous sollicitations mécaniques, thermiques et physico-chimiques." Thesis, Rennes, INSA, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ISAR0012/document.
Full textReinforced concrete combines the good tensile strength of steel with the high compressive strength of concrete. However, this association is of real interest if there is a good adhesion at the interface of the two components (concrete and reinforcement). However, accidental or environmental attack may alter the adhesion and make it impossibleto transfer forces between the two components. The aim of this dissertation is to study the properties of the steel concrete interface and to characterize its damage due to mechanical, thermal, and the physicochemical attacks. The main demands included in this study concern the effect of high temperatures, the effect of carbonation, the effect of alternating freeze / thaw and the effect of corrosion. In this study, we used different non-destructive techniques for the material characterization and we have developed original devices for simultaneous measurements of the pull-out resistance and for evaluation of discontinuities. Among the influencing parameters of adhesion, we examined the effect of the nature of the steel bars (smooth bar or deformed bar), the effect of their diameter and of the embedment length. The results highlight the respective interventions of the physicochemical bonding, the mechanical friction and the effect of the concrete strength in thefailure mode of reinforced concrete specimens. The different phases of interface degradation have been identified
Dubois, Matthieu. "Apport de la diffraction neutronique dans l'étude des phases métastables de l'alliage à mémoire de forme CuAlBe sous sollicitations mécaniques et thermiques." Thesis, Reims, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013REIMS038/document.
Full textThis work deals with the study of metastable phases of CuAlBe shape memory alloy under mechanical and thermal solicitations by neutron diffraction. It enables to define an experimental protocol of characterization of metastable phase transformation.The raw material is fully austenitic at room temperature. Its microstructure is composed by huge grain size, close to 400 µm. The crystallographic texture is characterized by a <001> partial fibber.The study of the superelasticity during a tensile test at room temperature demonstrated the pseudoelastic behaviour of this material. The evolution of microdeformations showed the heterogeneous behaviour, especially for the (400) plane in axial direction. The diffraction peak of this plane family also has an important increase of the width. This increase can be linked to the transformation of the austenite into martensite.The crystallographic structure of the monoclinic martensite β'1 has been refined using the 6M model. This model enables to report the relatively low periodicity of stacking faults characterizing the martensitic transformation.After plastic deformation, the crystallographic texture evolved. The <001> partial fibber disappears. For the larger deformation rates, the <111> fibber appears.This large deformation also affects the martensite variant orientation and modifies the temperature of phase transformation.The return into equilibrium of metastable phases after annealing treatments between 500°C and 600°C followed by a quenching at room temperature on a plastically deformed sample has shown the disappearance of martensite and the growth of α and γ2 stable phases. Beyond 600°C, the grains grow largely. The crystallographic texture is characterized by the <001> partial fibber
Sinot, Olivier Padilla Pierre. "Etude de l'influence des sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques sur le procédé de rectification à grande vitesse par contournage en vue de son optimisation." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/2002/Sinot.Olivier.SMZ0225.pdf.
Full text2002METZ025S. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 138-144. Notes bibliographiques.
Sinot, Olivier. "Étude de l'influence des sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques sur le procédé de rectification à grande vitesse par contournage en vue de son optimisation." Metz, 2002. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2002/Sinot.Olivier.SMZ0225.pdf.
Full textFlament, Camille. "Caractérisation et identification du comportement d'un matériau composite complexe sous sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques à l'aide de la stéréo-corrélation d'images : Application à l'embrayage." Thesis, Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ECDL0020.
Full textThe clutch facing is an annular shaped continuous fiber composite which transmits the rotary motion from the engine to the wheels. In use it is submitted to thermal and mechanical loadings which can cause changes in the dimensions. New clutch technologies call for a better control of these changes. For the first time, this thesis was dedicated to the understanding of the dimensional stability of the clutch facing. Tensile tests were carried out under different temperature and for different frequencies on small cut specimens or on the entire annular disc. We were then able to identify the elastic and viscoelastic properties as well as the damage mechanisms until failure. The thermal expansion was measured on the entire disc as well. Thanks to digital image stereo correlation and reverse identification methods we were able to describe the coupling between the material's heterogeneities and its annular shape. Finally, this thesis presents the evolution of the material properties after homogeneous thermal cycling
Heinfling, Grégory. "Contribution à la modélisation numérique du comportement du béton et des structures en béton armé sous sollicitations thermo-mécaniques à hautes températures." Lyon, INSA, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ISAL0002.
Full textThis work concerns the development of a numerical model for concrete under tire or nuclear accident conditions. Within the temperature range concerned (20°C-1200°C), the behavior of concrete is affected by the physical and chemical changes of its microstructure. Within the framework of an uncoupled thermo mechanical analysis, the phenomena that have to be accounted for are the temperature dependency of the thermal and mechanical properties of concrete as well as the dependency of the response of concrete on the combined thermal and mechanical loading history. A thermo plasticity based model is proposed for the compressive and the cracking behavior of concrete. The irreversible variations of the properties of concrete are introduced. A multisurface plasticity criterion which accounts for the increasing sensitivity of compressive strength to hydrostatic pressure is developed. The pathological mesh dependency of the numerical solution is partially solved with help of the Hillerborg method. A phenomenological model is used for the evaluation of the thermo mechanical interaction strains. Structures submitted to high temperatures are analyzed. The capability of the model to describe the load and temperature history dependency of the response is checked. The effects of different hypotheses concerning the evolution of the fracture energy of concrete are studied. The behavior of a nuclear power plant raft in accidental conditions is analyzed. The results emphasize the importance of the thermo mechanical interaction on the predicted behavior of the structures. A contribution to the analysis of the spalling of concrete at high temperatures is proposed. The concrete is modeled within the framework of the mechanics of porous media. The thermoplastic model is a pp lied to the analysis of the skeleton through the effective stress. A simplified method for the evaluation of pore pressures and Biot coefficient is proposed and the behavior of concrete specimens is analyzed
Dusserre, Gilles. "Sollicitations thermomécaniques dans un moule en acier inoxydable martensitique moulé au cours du cycle de pressage de verre." Toulouse 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU30216.
Full textGlass pressing process is a forming process in which a glass gob is squeezed between two tools. The use of cast stainless steel moulds instead of wrought steel allows a decrease of the tooling costs, but the life time of the hollow mould is consequently decreased. The damages usually take place at the triple junction of dendrites. This thesis is a contribution to the improvement of these tools life time. The aim is to determine the thermomechanical loads of the mould during a glass pressing cycle. Two types of loading exist : the thermal stresses caused by the gradient of thermal dilatation caused by the heat transfer at the glass and mould interface and the superficial stresses caused by the flow of the glass along the surface of the die. An instrumentation of an industrial mould has been realized in order to measure the temperatures in the industrial context and inform about the process (time cycle, use temperature…). An inverse method has been used to estimate the heat flux density at the surface of the tool during the cycle. A high strain viscoelastic law is proposed and identified from compression tests with cylindrical glass samples. The industrial forming process is then simulated using this new rheological law in order to determine the normal stresses on the mould while pressing
Tawfiq, Sheerko. "Étude du comportement en sollicitations thermiques cycliques et tribologiques d'alliages rechargés par procédé plasma : application aux alliages base nickel, base cobalt et base fer dans le cas du laminage continu à chaud du cuivre." Compiègne, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985COMPD008.
Full textNechnech, Wahid Reynouard Jean-Marie Meftah Fekri. "Contribution à l'étude numérique du comportement du béton et des structures en béton armé soumises à des sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques couplées une approche thermo-élasto-plastique endommageable /." Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2001. http://docinsa.insa-lyon.fr/these/pont.php?id=nechnech.
Full textNechnech, Wahid. "Contribution à l'étude numérique du comportement du béton et des structures en béton armé soumises à des sollicitations thermiques et mécaniques couplées : une approche thermo-élasto-plastique endommageable." Lyon, INSA, 2000. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2000ISAL0084/these.pdf.
Full textThe aim of this research is the development of an Finite Element model for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures under thermal, mechanical loadings or any combination of them. An available synthesis of results on the concrete behavior under thermal solicitation is exposed. The different behavior of concrete that can be founded notably in thermo-mechanical analysis (Damage, unilateral phenomenon, thermo-mechanical interaction) are underlined. The various families of modeling are analyzed thereafter while underlining the important aspects of the behavior that each one can retranscribe. A new thermo-plastic damage model for plain concrete subjected to combined thermal and cyclic loading is developed using the concept of plastic-work-hardening and stiffness degradation in continuum damage mechanics. Two damage variables are used: the first one for mechanical action and the second one for thermal action. Further, thermo-mechanical interaction strains have been introduced to describe the influence of mech
Beurotte, Arnaud. "Étude de l'endommagement de structures céramiques "nid d'abeilles" sous sollicitations thermomécaniques : application à la régénération des filtres à particules." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00677124.
Full textLoqmane, Hicham. "Études des champs cinématique et thermique pour l’analyse des effets dissipatifs associés à l’endommagement sous des sollicitations statiques et dynamiques simples et multiaxiales des matériaux composites stratifiés." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIL10095.
Full textIn this thesis the original approach for laminated composite materials (glass / epoxy) of developing experimental protocols adapted to test conventional fatigue and self-heating tests in multiaxial for three types of loading: traction, pure shear and combined tensile shear using Arcan mounting. This method has been adapted to rapid determination of damage threshold of laminate composites. These protocols allow to deal with local energy balance and are based on qualitative and quantitative image processing techniques. It combines two image processing techniques: Infrared thermography method and digital image correlation. The Infrared thermography method through 2D smoothing allowsstudying separately dissipative effects which are related to for fatigue damage of the structure and thermoelastic effects accompanying self-heating tests. While the digital image correlation gives access to kinematic fields and estimation of the strain energy locally into play on a loading cycle, and compare it to the energy dissipated. A qualitative study was made under tomography to characterize the mechanisms of damage during fatigue testing for the three types of stress
Pucci, Thierry. "Approche prévisionnelle de la fissuration par sollicitation thermique des revêtements bitumineux /." Lausanne, 2001. http://library.epfl.ch/theses/?nr=2282.
Full textMartin, Benoît. "Dynamique des transferts d’humidité au sein de l’épicéa commun (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) : mesures par imagerie X et simulations numériques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LORR0044.
Full textNumerical tools are commonly used by construction companies to design and validate building systems to meet thermal and environmental requirements of buildings. In the case of solid wood, discrepancies remain between numerical simulations and experimental data regarding moisture transfer. However, their correct consideration is essential to guarantee the durability of wood structures and ensure their thermal performance. This work aims to better understand moisture transfer in solid wood in order to improve the predictive capacity of models. For this purpose, several experimental setups were developed to study the dynamics of moisture transfer in wood samples using X-ray imaging. Firstly, imbibition experiments were conducted to study capillary migration in spruce samples to reproduce exposure of wooden construction components to liquid water during the construction phase. The results – from 3D µCT images – allowed to follow the liquid pathways in the pore network of wood and thus to better understand the effect of anatomy on the water migration. Secondly, the dynamics of moisture transfer under non‑isothermal conditions was studied by applying a sequence of thermal solicitations to the ends of a cylindrical sample similar to the conditions encountered in an external wall. The spatio‑temporal evolution of the moisture content within the sample – initially with a homogeneous moisture content – showed the effect of temperature on the moisture redistribution. Finally, these experimental data were compared with values from numerical simulations in different configurations, illustrating the predictive capacities and limitations of models using a macroscopic formulation to simulate coupled heat-mass transfers in a porous medium
Lamarque, Thierry. "Caractérisation de délaminages par interférométrie de speckle à cisaillement avec sollicitation thermique ou mécanique /." Châtillon : ONERA, 1998. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36710943c.
Full textLamarque, Thierry. "Caracterisation de delaminages par interferometrie de speckle a cisaillement avec sollicitation thermique ou mecanique." Paris 6, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA066196.
Full textGuerre, Catherine. "Etude des mécanismes d'endommagement d'un système barrière thermique déposé sur un superalliage base nickel." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2002. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00936161.
Full textMiot, Patrick. "Calcul de la dégradation thermique localisée d'une pièce composite carbone/epoxyde soumise à des sollicitations cycliques." Bordeaux 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991BOR10583.
Full textAmélio, Sandrine. "Evolution microstructurale d'un alliage à base TiAl : sollicitation mécanique par compression dynamique et stabilité thermique." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL/2005_AMELIO_S.pdf.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is the study of the microstructural evolution of a γ-TiAl alloy during dynamic compression tests between 196 and 600 °C and isothermal heat treatments at 700 and 900 °C for various times, between 3 and 18 days. The alloy with a nominal composition of Ti-46. 5Al-4(Cr, Nb, Ta, B) (at. %) and a near lamellar microstructure presents a good combination of mechanical strength and ductility. The alloy is compound of three ordered phases: alpha-Ti3Al, gamma-TiAl and B2-TiAl. A study of the crystal structure of the B2, gamma and alpha2 phases, of their the orientation relationships and of the coincidence site lattices and the displacement shift complete lattices has been performed by convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED, Tanaka Multibeam Method and Microdiffraction)
Barth, Nicolas, and Nicolas Barth. "Sur la modélisation et la simulation du comportement mécanique endommageable de verres borosilicatés sous sollicitation thermique." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00992971.
Full textBarth, Nicolas. "Sur la modélisation et la simulation du comportement mécanique endommageable de verres borosilicatés sous sollicitation thermique." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013STRAD016/document.
Full textWe study the thermomechanical behavior of vitrified waste packages by multiphysics modeling. The packages are manufactured by the cast of borosilicate glass into stainless steel canisters. The finite element method is used for the thermal computations.In the glass, the finite element analysis is also used to compute the specific volume evolution and the viscoelastic behavior, due to the structural relaxation of glass, as well as the simulation of the damage behavior. These consecutive behavior laws model theinfluence of the initial thermal response. Glass structural relaxation is computed using the TNM-KAHRmodel, which allows us to take into account fundamental phenomena of the glass transition, depending on the results of experimental and simulated thermal treatments. For the solid glass within this relaxation process, the stress may locally increase beyond critical values. The viscoelastic structure simulation is then coupled with continuum damage mechanics where stresses and stiffness are updated in mode I and mode II. We apply this simulation protocol after adopting conditions relative to the case of these manufactured bulky solidifying glass casts. The models then allow us to quantify the cracking surfaces inside the glass fromthe energy dissipated within the damagemodel
Duchesne, Annie. "Étude du comportement mécanique d'un combustible granulaire soumis à des sollicitations d'origine thermique dans un propulseur thermo-nucléaire spatial." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/1998ECAP0611.
Full textHertz-Clemens, Stéphane. "Etude d'un composite aéronautique à matrice métallique sous chargements de fatigue : sollicitation mécano-thermique et propagation de fissures." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005688.
Full textDes essais de fatigue mécano-thermique ont été menés sur le composite suivant des cycles simulant le chargement supporté au cours d'un vol. Une réduction importante de la durée de vie du composite par rapport à une sollicitation isotherme a été mise en évidence. Des modèles de prévision de la durée de vie en fatigue du composite ont été mis en place à l'aide de simulations aux éléments finis.
Des essais de propagation de fissure par fatigue ont été conduits sur le composite SM 1140+/Ti 6242. Les résultats ont mis en évidence un régime stabilisé : la vitesse de fissuration est constante et indépendante de la taille de la fissure. Ce résultat est associé à des conditions particulières de propagation. En effet, des observations ont montré que pour l'ensemble des essais, la fissure a contourné les fibres sans les rompre : on est donc en régime de pontage de la fissure par les fibres. Des observations ont d'autre part révélé une consommation de l'interphase en carbone des fibres présentes dans le chemin de fissuration.
Un modèle a été mis en place pour prédire les vitesses de fissuration stabilisées mesurées expérimentalement sur le composite SM 1140+/Ti 6242. Cette modélisation est basée sur des résultats d'essais de fissuration obtenus sur la matrice seule et sur des simulations aux éléments finis d'éprouvettes entaillées. Les résultats obtenus permettent d'avoir accès aux cinétiques de propagation dans le composite en régime de pontage.
Chabot, Christian. "Analyse numérique du changement de phase solide-liquide autour d'un tube horizontal soumis à une sollicitation thermique périodique." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26949.
Full textThis master thesis presents a mathematical and numerical model to analyze the behavior of a latent solid-liquid heat storage unit represented by a tube surrounded by phase change material. The system is undergoing an oscillating load of heating and cooling. A scale analysis predicts the behavior of the system with regard to the main governing dimensionless numbers. A normalized parameter is proposed to delineate designs in which conduction dominates compared to those in which natural convection dominates. The study reveals the impact of major thermal storage unit design parameters on its operation and deepens our knowledge in the field of phase change with natural convection. Various indicators, such as the size of the thermally affected zone around the tube, the molten or solidified volume and a frequency analysis, have been developed to analyze the system performance. Correlations are proposed to easily determine the system behavior.
Sallot, Pierre. "Modélisation de la durée de vie d'un revêtement aluminoformeur en conditions de sollicitations thermo-mécaniques." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00820205.
Full textDouez, Olivier. "Réponse d'un système aquifère multicouche aux variations paléoclimatiques et aux sollicitations anthropiques - Approche par modélisation couplée hydrodynamique, thermique et géochimique." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00198733.
Full textL'interprétation des données isotopiques et géochimiques a montré que seuls des transferts verticaux en complément ou non à un écoulement horizontal étaient à même d'expliquer les résultats des analyses et a permis d'exposer l'idée d'une phase de recharge importante à la fin du Pléistocène. La reconstitution du paléoclimat local a été entreprise afin de proposer un scénario des périodes potentielles de recharge du système aquifère sud-aquitain sur les 40000 dernières années. L'ensemble de ces résultats a révélé l'instabilité des conditions d'alimentation de ce multicouche et donc son état transitoire.
Une analyse majeure des caractéristiques géologiques, hydrogéologiques et géothermiques a été engagée et les données mises en cohérence afin de proposer un modèle couplé hydrodynamique et thermique 3D permettant d'étudier l'évolution récente mais également de longue durée. Comportant onze couches, l'extension du modèle est d'environ 32000 km². L'ajustement dans le modèle des données de température a été réalisé. Le calage en transitoire court d'exploitation avec les prélèvements et l'activité de deux stockages de gaz a été effectué. La simulation des variations eustatiques sur les derniers 100000 ans a montré la faible influence de celles-ci sur la nappe des Sables Infra-Molassiques. La simulation des variations de recharge liées aux fluctuations paléoclimatiques sur 40000 ans, objectif final de ce travail, a été exécutée et a permis d'établir trois principaux axes d'écoulement en cohérence avec les contraintes géochimiques. L'importance des transferts verticaux et horizontaux a pu être approchée à l'aide de bilans de flux. Enfin, la baisse piézométrique actuellement observée serait la conséquence des prélèvements de ces trente dernières années et, dans une moindre mesure, de la vidange naturelle du système amorcé il y a 150 ans, suite à une recharge importante au cours du Petit Âge Glaciaire.
Ce travail a mis en exergue l'existence d'échanges entre les différentes couches (aquifères et formations peu perméables), la recharge par drainance verticale importante dans certains secteurs ainsi que le régime transitoire sur plusieurs centaines voire milliers d'années avec un caractère continu. Au final, la compréhension de ce type de multicouche d'extension régionale nécessite de se détacher de la vision commune d'un fonctionnement qui n'aurait débuté qu'avec l'exploitation anthropique sur un système hydrodynamiquement stabilisé.