Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Solides – Propriétés magnétiques'
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El, Kalkouli Rachid. "Microstructure et propriétés physiques d'alliages magnétiques obtenus par mécanosynthèse." Poitiers, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995POIT2313.
Full textDhaussy, Anne-Claire. "Propriétés structurales et magnétiques d'oxydes à valence mixte du vanadium." Lille 1, 1998. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/d78178ed-7dde-4cdc-8630-908b2e0d5f42.
Full textL'utilisation de methodes originales comme la reduction electrochimique d'oxydes fondus a permis d'isoler des cristaux du compose inedit pb#2v#3o#9. La structure cristalline des vanadates mixtes v#4#+/v#5#+ de formule m#2v#3o#9 (m = ba,sr,pb) a ete determinee. Malgre une isoformulation, ces composes presentent des caracteristiques cristallines et magnetiques differentes suivant la nature du cation m. Enfin, une etude cristallographique a ete realisee sur des oxydes de vanadium a cations mixtes (abi)#2v#8o#1#6 (a = sr,tl,pb,na,ba) adoptant une structure type hollandite. Dans les monocristaux obtenus, les tunnels ne sont jamais totalement remplis. Il semble que l'obtention de monocristaux de formulation (abi)#xv#8o#1#6, dans nos conditions experimentales, soit limitee a un nombre total x de 1,6 ; valeur favorisant apparemment la croissance monocristalline en assurant au squelette vanadate une certaine rigidite
Cherifi-Khodjaoui, Kheïra. "Caractérisation et propriétés magnétiques du système multicouche gadolinium/fer." Nancy 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NAN10111.
Full textDanger, Jérôme. "Dichroi͏̈sme magnétique et spectroscopies X résonantes : Des spectroscopies fines pour l'étude des propriétés magnétiques et de la structure électronique des solides." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STR13151.
Full textThe physical properties of materials like magnetism, electric conductivity or reactivity are due to the outtermost electrons of atoms. Experimental techniques, based on the interaction between photons and matter like X-ray Photoelectrons Spectroscopy, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, or X-ray Magnetic Dichroism are powerful tools to study and to understand the behavior of such electrons. In the first part of this thesis, rare earths compounds have been studied. The 4f electrons of these elements, which generaly carry a strong magnetic moment, confer to these compounds original magnetic properties which are useful for various technological applications. In the rare earths series, the samarium presents atypical magnetic properties and seems to be an exception: the spin momentum makes up for the orbital momentum, which results in a weak total atomic magnetic momentum. Two studies concerning samarium compounds illustrating the capacities of the magnetic dichroism to probe magnetic properties of materials are presented in this thesis. A linear magnetic dichroism study gave the value of the magnetic moment of samarium in an antiferromagnetic thin film of metallic samarium. A magnetic circular dichroism study on the Sm1-xGdxAl2 (x=0, 1, 0. 025) system, at the samarium and gadolinium L2,3 edges, also allowed to explain the origin of the compensation point, where the magnetization cancels, observed in the temperature dependent magnetization measurements. In the second part of this thesis, we have investigated the electronic structure of oxides using resonant spectroscopies. Resonant spectroscopies consist in measuring photoemission or decay processes (fluorescence or Auger) for photons energies around an absorption threshold. Resonant Auger measurements allowed us to locate and to quantify 1s?3d quadrupolar transitions at the titanium K-edge in TiO2, thanks to the analysis of intensity of spectator lines which appear in the resonant Auger spectra and are due to the additional 3d electron. Resonant spectroscopies also allowed us to understand the titanium L2,3M2,3V Auger decays lineshape in various oxides. These decays, which involve the valence band, are very sensitive to the titanium degree of oxidation, and are very useful for the characterisation of titanium oxides surfaces, or of thin films deposited on these surfaces. The resonant study of the Auger spectra and of the valence band, completed by Auger electrons-titanium 2p photoelectrons coincidences measurements, allowed us to link the Auger lineshape and the degree of oxidation of titanium
Sibille, Romain. "Solides hybrides organique - inorganique à base de molécules dicarboxylates et d'éléments de transition 3d ou 4f : relations structure - propriétés magnétiques, effets de dimensionnalité." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0163/document.
Full textThis work deals with the synthesis and the structural and magnetic properties of crystalline solids resulting from the three-dimensional assembly of an organic dicarboxylate molecule and of an inorganic subnetwork based on transition metal cations. For the considered compounds the organic moiety has a structural role enabling the condensation of the magnetic atoms within a low dimensional (OD, 1D or 2D) inorganic subnetwork. This work aims to increase the understanding of the relations between structure and magnetic properties in these frameworks. New compounds have been synthesized and characterized (single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques), and a particular attention has been devoted to the study of bimetallic solid solutions of previously known compounds. In this latter case various methods are used in order to localize two metallic cations having close electronic densities among different crystallographic sites. Most of the hybrid solids studied in this thesis are based on 3d transition metal cations and their magnetism is investigated by various techniques, giving both a macroscopic characterization of their behavior (magnetization and heat capacity measurements) and a microscopic understanding of these properties (neutron diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy). A series of compounds based on 4f transition metal elements is also described, in particular because of the magnetic properties of the Gd(III)-based compound. Its low-temperature magnetocaloric effect has been evaluated and has proved being excellent
Viennois, Romain. "Propriétés physiques anormales de skutterudites remplies à base d'antimoine : effet Kondo, effet de champ cristallin et magnétisme itinérant." Montpellier 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON20191.
Full textChahine, Joe. "Matériaux moléculaires à propriétés multiples (transition de spin, conductivité électrique et photochromisme) : synthèse et mise en forme." Toulouse 3, 2011. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1312/.
Full textThe aim of this work is to "build" multifunctional molecular materials, by combining two molecular building blocks. The first one brings magnetic properties, like spin transition and the second one electrical or photochromic properties. These materials will also be used in devices and therefore we will focus on their processing. In this work, the spin transition compounds are FeIII complexes bearing Schiff based ligand (sal2trien, qsal, salEen) or FeII complexes containing triazoles (trz) or bi(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridyne (bpp) ligands. Electrical properties are brought by the bisdithiolene units Ni(dmit)2 (dmit = 1,3-dithia-2-thione-4,5-dihiolate) or by a coordination polymer with the linking polydentate ligands ethylenetetrathiolate (MC2S4)nx- (M = NiII, CuII, FeIII, ZnII, CoII). Photochromic mononitrosyl complexes [Fe(CN)5NO]2- or [RuCl5NO]2- are used in this work. Complexes [CTS][Ni(dmit)2]x (CTS) [FeII({4'-R}2-1-bpp)2]2+ (R = H, Br) or [FeII(3-bpp)2]2+ with x > 1 are synthesized by the combination of [Ni(dmit)]n- (n = 1, 2) with various spin transition complexes. The magnetic behavior of these compounds depends on the charge of the counter ion in the corresponding starting materials. Their electrical properties are studied: they all show semi conductive behavior. In order to resynthesize [Fe(sal2trien)][Ni(dmit)2] (a complex which presents a full spin crossover with a pronounced hysteresis loop of 30 K, centered at 245 K), five novel polymorphs were obtained. The influence of angular distortions and the nature of intermolecular contacts on the magnetic response are highlighted in these compounds. The combination of spin transition entities ([FeIII(qsal)2)]+ or [FeIII(R-salEen)2]+ (R = H ; 3-MeO)) with photochromic entities ([Fe(CN)5NO]2- or [RuCl5NO]2-) led to various compounds with remarkable magnetic properties (such as LIESST and reverse-LIESST effect). Processing of molecular materials is an important challenge. In order to obtain the material in a useable form, the spin crossover coordination polymer [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) has been embedded in a silica matrix. The complex has been obtained as nanoparticles and retained its magnetic properties in the composite. The use of ionic liquid as structuring agent in the synthesis of (NiC2S4)n resulted in the first conductive coordination polymer as nanoparticles. We prepared stable colloid solutions containing nanoparticles with adjustable size, (unlike the "bulk" polymer) which will therefore offer new perspectives on their applications in devices and nanoelectronics industry
Tanasa, Radu Andrei. "Analyse et modélisation des propriétés hystérétiques des solides moléculaires thermo-piezo- et photo commutables à transition de spin." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006VERS0024.
Full textThe main subject of this thesis is the investigation of the switching properties of the spin crossover compounds with the FORC (First Order Reversal Curves) method, only recently developed to characterise the magnetic materials, and translated by us to this field. Our work was split in three main directions. One of this was to applying the FORC method in order to study the thermal hysteresis of the compound with general formula [FexM1-x(btr)2(NCS)2]H2O where M = Zn, Co, Ni. Using an Ising-like model we had determined the distribution of physical parameters directly from experimental FORC data. A procedure of statistical analyses of the FORC distribution was also realized. The second direction was to evaluate the kinetic effects in the Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis (LITH) using the FORC diagram method. We have succeeded to fit the experimental data with our model using as input the physical distribution determined from thermal hysteresis. In the end we were focused on the actual problem of switching under a fast perturbation. The pressure set-up that we had automatized allowed us to measure for the first tine the FORCs for the pressure hysteresis. Also, under fast variation of pressure and temperature, the pizo and thermal stitching was measured and analysed
Jardin, Régis. "Borosiliciures de terres rares." Rennes 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN10129.
Full textFompeyrine, Jean. "Propriétés structurales et magnétiques de quelques phases dérivées de la perovskite dans les systèmes La-Ti-O et Ba-(M,M') - F-Cl (M,M' élément 3D)." Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR10625.
Full textLefevre, Christophe. "Etude des propriétés structurales, magnétiques et électriques des solutions solides RMn6X6-xX'x (R=Gd-Lu, Sc, Y ; X=Ge, Sn ; X'=Ga, In) isotopes de HfFe6Ge6." Nancy 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NAN10064.
Full textThis thesis reports on the structural, magnetic and electrical properties of pseudo-ternary RMn6X6-xX'x (R = Gd-Lu, Y, Sc ; X = Ge, Sn ; X' = Ga, In) isotypic with HfFe6Ge6. The determination of the atomic coordinates allows us to specify the crystalchemistry of these materials. We have thus shown that substitution occurs in the site which maintains the shortest R-Mn length. This work displays the dominating role of the valence electron concentration on the evolution of the magnetic properties of these compounds. We have specified the interactions model in the RMn6X6 compounds which seem to be governed by ferromagnetic interactions between first plane and by an antiferromagnetic interaction for the next one plane. Finally, the conductivity studies display anisotropic transport properties
Laine, Fabien. "Synthèses, caractérisations structurales et propriétés physiques d’oxydes de fer." Caen, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016CAEN2018.
Full textThis thesis work remains part of a context of research on multiferroic materials which present charge order and concerns the synthesis and physicochemical characterization of iron borates. Among these compounds, the ludwigite Fe2+2Fe3+O2BO3 has sparked particular interest due to its interesting electronic and magnetic properties. Indeed, this oxyborate exhibits a structural transition at TCO = 283 K, and two magnetic transitions are observed, at 112 K and 75 K. We have examined the influence of the cationic substitution in the Fe3-xMnxO2BO3 solid solution (0
Carton, Anne. "Cristallochimie de composés hybrides de type hydroxydicarboxylate de métaux de la première série de transition et magnétisme." Nancy 1, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_2006_0143_CARTON.pdf.
Full textHybrid compounds afford the advantage to associate the properties of the organic and mineral part in order to present multifunctional behaviours. The compounds synthesized by the hydrothermal way are the first transition metal series (oxidation degree: 2+) hydroxydicarboxylates to study their magnetic properties. In the M(II)2(OH)2(C8H4O4) series where M = Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, the compounds follow the same crystallographic model determined from the X ray powder diffraction data. The super exchange ways are modified with the Cu compound because of the Yahn-Teller effect, witch modified the magnetic behaviour (antiferro à ferro). In the Cu-Co solid solution, the TN or the TC (for the base Co or Cu respectively) vary according to the substitution rate. This is in order to reach a limit due to the crystalline field. The structures of [Ni3(OH)2(C8H4O4)2(H2O)4]. 2H2O, Zn2(OH)2(C8H4O4) and Zn3(OH)4(C8H4O4) compounds were been solved ab initio with the X Ray powder diffraction for both the firsts compounds and with single crystal data for the third one. The last studied compound family is M5(OH)6(CnH2n-4O4)2 (= M-Cn) where M = Co, Ni and n = 6, 8. The Co-C8, Ni-C6 and Ni-C8 compounds crystallize in the same structure. The magnetic property data show the evolution in relation to the magnetic cation type (ferro for cobalt and antiferro for copper) or to the carbon chain length (TN evolution). The structural model for Co-C6, suggested in the literature, is discussed thanks to new measures recorded with a new sample obtain by the hydrothermal method
Ehora, Ghislaine. "Nouveaux oxydes à valence mixte : transfert de la chimie à l'électrochimie du solide." Lille 1, 2007. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2007/50376-2007-231.pdf.
Full textErragh, Abdelkader. "Préparation, caractérisation et propriétés magnétiques des phosphates : VO(HPO4). 1/2H20 ; (VO2P207 ; VO(H2P204)2 et VO(pO3)2 : Corrélations magnétostructurales." Bordeaux 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986BOR10584.
Full textJerjini, Mehdi. "Etude des propriétés magnétiques des composés TGa6 avec T : Ce, Pr, Nd, Tb, Ho, Dy et des solutions solides Ce (Ga(1-x) Al(x))2." Grenoble 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987GRE10132.
Full textPerricone, Aurélie. "Synthèses, structures cristallines et propriétés magnétiques de nouveaux composés intermétalliques dans le système binaire U-Ni et les systèmes ternaires U-Ni-X (X ; Ge, Si, Al)." Rennes 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN10024.
Full textGuillot, Murielle. "Elaboration et caractérisations de matériaux lamellaires hybrides inorganiques-organiques dérivés des Phyllosilicates : Précurseurs de nanoparticules de nickel métallique." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STR13053.
Full textAliev, Almaz. "Nouvelles topologies structurales d'oxydes et sels de bismuth : cristallochimie, approche modulaire et propriétés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10096.
Full textOne of the primary challenges concerns the discovery of novel inorganic compounds using a rational “design” in order to predict crystal structures and possible structure/properties relationships. In the absence of unified protocol for such a task, it remains a hot topic in the solid state chemistry community. At the UCCS, our group has a long experience and a strong “savoir-faire” related to the elaboration and characterization on new bismuth based compounds. Recently, a strategy to Design novel innovative compounds and/or establish bases for related mega-series of related compounds have been developed for these broad series compounds by our group. Results are such as a large family of compounds with related crystal structures have been understood in terms of building principles leading to the post prediction, preparation and characterization of novel members. In the chemical Bi2O3 – MO - P2O5 (M = various divalent metals) systems, at the origin of this work, these predictions have been feasible because versatile building units (BU) can be handled, modified and assembled in various manners. The key-description used for BUs rely on the anion-centered polyhedra theory related to the bismuth atom. Thus, in the framework of ANR Multi-D InMaDe we have explored the Bi/M/X/O system, where M = Cu, Co, Mn etc. and X = P, V, As, Mo, Se and Cl. Several new compounds with new topologies have been obtained and their corresponding properties have been measured
Baldé, Chérif. "Etude des propriétés optiques, magnétiques et photo-induites dans les matériaux à transition de spin : effets de la dilution de l’ion métallique." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR13655/document.
Full textIn the last few years, many studies have been dedicated to spin-crossover compounds because of their potential application in data-storage systems. In such systems, optical switching is particularly promising. This work deals with the photo-induced phenomenon encountered in spin crossover systems, more specifically, the effects of metal dilution on the LIESST temperature. The main objective is to better define the parameters that govern T (LIESST). Various experimental studies were performed on mononuclear 0D compounds, polymeric 1D systems and polynuclear systems. The analysis of all photomagnetic properties has shown that T(LIESST) is not affected by the dilution and suggests that this parameter is govern at the molecular scale and depends very few of intermolecular interactions
Bréard, Yohann. "Synthèse, structure et propriétés d'oxydes et d'oxycarbonates en couches dans les systèmes Sr-Fe-Co-O et Sr-Fe-M-C-O (M = SC, Cr, Mn, Co et Ni)." Caen, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CAEN2037.
Full textKim, Sanghoon. "Designing Stimuli-Responsive Porous Silica Materials using Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) and Magneto-responsive Surfactants for Delivery of Curcumin." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0132/document.
Full textThis work is to prepare stimuli-responsive porous silica materials based on solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and magnetic surfactants. To develop this study, several surfactants systems were used to synthesize silica materials with controlled porosity via protocols described in the literature or developed in the laboratory. Different stimuli-responsive characters were introduced in porous silica materials as a function of system used: solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) for pH-sensitive and magnetic-sensitive surfactants for magnetic silica materials. First, the materials synthesized with solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) were used for the delivery of an anti-carcinogenic drug, curcumin. A coating method on silica surface was also used to better control the release of curcumin. Secondly, the responsiveness to the magnetic field was introduced in silica materials using the magnetic surfactants. Their self-assembly properties (i.e. micelles, vesicles) were studied and their applications in the synthesis of magnetic porous silica materials were investigated. Finally, the magnetic solid lipid nanoparticles have been prepared by combining SLN with magnetic surfactants, which have been used for the synthesis of meso-macroporous silica catalyst encapsulating iron oxide nanoparticles
Aliev, Almaz. "Nouvelles topologies structurales d'oxydes et sels de bismuth : cristallochimie, approche modulaire et propriétés." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10096/document.
Full textOne of the primary challenges concerns the discovery of novel inorganic compounds using a rational “design” in order to predict crystal structures and possible structure/properties relationships. In the absence of unified protocol for such a task, it remains a hot topic in the solid state chemistry community. At the UCCS, our group has a long experience and a strong “savoir-faire” related to the elaboration and characterization on new bismuth based compounds. Recently, a strategy to Design novel innovative compounds and/or establish bases for related mega-series of related compounds have been developed for these broad series compounds by our group. Results are such as a large family of compounds with related crystal structures have been understood in terms of building principles leading to the post prediction, preparation and characterization of novel members. In the chemical Bi2O3 – MO - P2O5 (M = various divalent metals) systems, at the origin of this work, these predictions have been feasible because versatile building units (BU) can be handled, modified and assembled in various manners. The key-description used for BUs rely on the anion-centered polyhedra theory related to the bismuth atom. Thus, in the framework of ANR Multi-D InMaDe we have explored the Bi/M/X/O system, where M = Cu, Co, Mn etc. and X = P, V, As, Mo, Se and Cl. Several new compounds with new topologies have been obtained and their corresponding properties have been measured
NEGRE, NICOLAS. "Magneto-optique et forts champs magnetiques : nouvelles possibilites d'etudes du magnetisme des solides. applications aux couches minces a anisotropies elevees, tbfe 2 et bicouches antiferromagnetique/ferromagnetique, au semi-conducteur semi-magnetique gamnas et aux complexes moleculaires de fe i i a transition de spin." Toulouse, INSA, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ISAT0011.
Full textPachoud, Elise. "Etude d'oxydes de fer à structures perovskite et delafossite." Caen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CAEN2030.
Full textThis thesis work is set in the dynamic context of research and study of multiferroic materials. It concerns the synthesis and the physicochemical characterization of iron-based oxides of two different families. BiFeO3 crystallizes in the perovskite structure and belongs to the type-I multiferroics, where ferroelectricity and magnetism have different origins. The substitution of bismuth by strontium Bi1-xSrxFeO3- induce a transition from R3c to Pm-3m at x=0. 20. Although the long range structure of Bi0. 764Sr0. 236FeO2. 94 is described in the space group Pm-3m, recurrent phenomena are observed at short range, coming from the ordering of oxygen vacancies or of Bi/Sr distribution, thus explaining the discrepancy of results in the literature devoted to this system. The delafossite system CuBO2 (B=Fe,Cr R-3m) is classified in the type-II multiferroics, where the polarization is induced by the magnetic structure of the compound. The substitution with rhodium CuFe1-xRhxO2 stabilizes a ferroelectric phase for a wide substitution range, 0. 02x0. 15, while vanadium in CuFe0. 5V0. 5O2 induces a spin-glass behaviour, which affects also the electrical properties. A parallel study in CuCr1-xMxO2 (M=Al,Ga,Rh,Sc) reveals differences in the observed properties ; although rhodium make the transition temperature decreases while keeping the initial physical properties, gallium induces a second magnetic transition. These substitutions, in both systems, modify drastically the properties, and contribute to the understanding of the observed phenomena
Poumellec, Bertrand. "Études des propriétés structurales, thermodynamiques, magnétiques et de transport électronique de solutions solides de type rutile (Ti, V)O₂, (Ti, Nb)O₂, (Ti,Ta)O₂ : corrélations avec la nature des métaux subsistants." Paris 11, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA112232.
Full textGasmi, Amel. "Etude des relations structure cristalline-propriétés physiques dans des manganites de terre rare substituées." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012GRENI110.
Full textThis work focuses on the study of structural and physical properties of manganites La₀.₆₇Ba₀.₃₃Mn₁₋ₓTiₓO₃, prepared by the ceramic method and soft chemistry routes (modified citrate) and manganites La0.6Sr0.4-ddMnO3 prepared by ceramic route.The use of the modified citrate-gel method shows several advantages (simplicity, speed and the chemical purity of the materials obtained) while the experimental results are similar for both methods. The X-ray and neutron diffraction show that the samples La₀.₆₇Ba₀.₃₃Mn₁₋ₓTiₓO₃ are single phased. The magnetic study shows that the samples present a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition for a rate of Ti £ 10% while a spin glass-type behavior is observed beyond these rates. The study of the variation in resistance with temperature made for La₀.₆₇Ba₀.₃₃Mn₁₋ₓTiₓO₃ (x = 0.05, 0.1) showed that the sample has a metallic-semiconductor transition while above 10% for Ti rate these manganites exhibit only a semiconducting behavior.The studied samples La0.6Sr0.4-ddMnO3 showed essentially that nominal vacancies, δ, cannot generally be achieved. The resulting chemical composition shifts toward the system La1-xSrxMnO3 by forming a second Mn3O4 minority phase. The study of the relationship between the crystalline structure and the magnetic properties showed that the decrease of TC is due to the strengthening of super-exchange interactions by increasing the rate of Mn3+ in our samples
Kauffmann, Matthieu. "Structure, dimensionnalité et magnétisme de nouvelles halogéno-cobaltites." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00198765.
Full textPaschoal, Mateus Faria de Andrade. "Mouvement de particules magnétiques dans un fluide à seuil." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LORR0240.
Full textThis thesis presents an in-depth investigation, using experimental and numerical approaches, on a modified falling ball viscometer used to determine the rheological properties of fluids. The fluid studied here is Carbopol, modeled as a Herschel-Bulkley type fluid. This is a range of fluids called viscoplastic fluids, characterized by a yield stress and shear-thinning behavior under flow. Initially, the classic configuration of the viscometer, i.e., a ball subject to gravity falling in a tube filled with viscoplastic fluid, was analyzed experimentally. The experimental results for this classic configuration align with the literature: for low yield stress values, the ball falls with a constant vertical velocity. The analysis of the data obtained under these conditions revealed confinement effects, highlighting the challenge of reproducibility in the classic falling ball experiment. To address this issue, a new viscometer configuration was proposed by introducing a permanent magnet into the system to control the dynamics of the ball during its fall, thus ensuring reproducible data. In this new device, understanding all the forces acting on the ball and their influence on its dynamics is crucial. First, efforts focused on determining the magnetic force through analytical and numerical approaches, validated by experimental measurements. The trajectories of the experimental data from the modified viscometer were then compared to validate the calculation of this newly added force. The results show that while the analysis of the radial position remains difficult, the vertical position data align with the simulations. To complement the literature data, the drag force alone was also studied in the classic viscometer configuration. A detailed development was carried out to study the static drag force, and the result obtained matches the well-known value in the literature. Through analytical and numerical approaches, we arrive at a new correlation for the drag coefficient that includes this static force, the rheological properties of the Herschel-Bulkley fluid, as well as geometric parameters, notably the tube-to-ball radius ratio. This work enriches the existing literature by providing original results and presenting new perspectives by adding a known volumetric force that modifies the ball’s dynamics
Adam, Laure. "Synthèse, caractérisations structurales et physico-chimiques de nouveaux phosphates d'éléments de transition." Caen, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009CAEN2057.
Full textThis thesis deals with the study of transition element phosphates, whose mixed frameworks contain cavities able to host cations. The great structural wealth in this family of compounds opens the way to numerous properties. We have chosen to study A-M-P-O(-H) systems in which A is a monovalent cation and M is a transition element (mixed-valent if possible) or post transition element, in order to obtain new materials for catalytic applications. In this context, the study of the A-M-P-O(-H) systems, with A = NH4, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and M = Fe, Mn and In has been undertaken. The other aim of this work was a better understanding of the influence of synthesis experimental conditions on the nature of the obtained phases. In spite of the difficulty to synthesize new materials in the considered systems, eleven new phases have been isolated and three of them exhibit original framework. Structural determinations have been performed by single crystal X-ray diffraction combined with powder X-ray diffraction and EDX analysis. The study of catalytic properties for DeNOx reaction via the NH3-SCR have been carried out by “in situ” and “operando” spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy for one iron phosphate. Magnetic properties of four compounds, which are reported in this manuscript, are discussed
Bastardis, Roland. "Dérivations et extractions de hamiltoniens modèles pour l'étude de composés à propriétés électroniques remarquables." Toulouse 3, 2007. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/82/.
Full textThe goal of this thesis is to identify the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the macroscopic of molecular and crystalline magnetic compounds. A first part is devoted to the explicitly correlated ab initio methods allowing the study of such compounds. We propose an original method to introduce the dynamical polarization effects though a series of constrained SCF calculations. Then we show how the embedded cluster method combined with the effective Hamiltonian theory makes possible the rational and controlled extraction of model Hamiltonians likely to reproduce the macroscopic properties. We are interested in the isotropic deviations from Heisenberg behavior and propose a new Hamiltonian including a three-body operator susceptible to change the collective properties. The following chapter compares the capabilities of the double exchange, Heisenberg and Hubbard Hamiltonians to reproduce the chemical physics of doped-manganites. It is shown that the physics of a Hubbard Hamiltonian is contained in the simpler double exchange and Heisenberg Hamiltonians, in the case of a Mn dimer bridged by an oxygen, and that the energy expressions obtained from these last two Hamiltonians are analytically identical. Finally, we show that only a double exchange Hamiltonian, taking account both non-Hund state effects and a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic contribution, accurately describes the microscopic physics of these compounds
Brouder, Christian. "Contribution à l'étude des structures d'absorption X dans les solides : Application à l'amorphisation par réaction à l'état solide." Nancy 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NAN10330.
Full textBouillet, Marie-Noëlle. "Etude des propriétés magnétiques de composés d'actinides : les monopnictures et les monochalcogénures de neptunium : les solutions solides NpAs(1-x)Se(x) et NpSb(1-x)Te(x), les intermétalliques NpX3,X = Ga, In, Ge, et Sn." Grenoble 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993GRE10103.
Full textKostoj, Valérie. "Étude de la connectivité V - O - P - O dans les systèmes Pb - V - P - O amorphes et cristallins et caractérisation de nouvelles phases dans les systèmes dérivés." Lille 1, 2004. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2004/50376-2004-45.pdf.
Full textDahaoui, Slimane. "Cristallographie haute résolution en fonction de la température : application à des matériaux à propriétés optiques non-linéaires de la famille de KTiOPO₄." Nancy 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NAN10341.
Full textIorgulescu, Mihaela Luciana. "Oxo-halogénures de cobalt : Compréhension de l’influence des substitutions cationiques et anioniques." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10018/document.
Full textThis work concerns the synthesis, structural study and physico-chemical characterization of structural systems derived from the 6H and 10H hexagonal perovskites polytypes, formulated BaMX0.2-xO3-δ (M = Co, Fe, Mn, X = F, Cl, Br). The understanding of the stable structural types depending on the substitution on the M and X sites available in the structure was undertaken through analysis of the sub-stoichiometry of the anionic network. It appears that the reduction of the metal is accompanied by the stabilization of polytypes including oligomers of three face–sharing octahedra, while oxidation will tend to stabilize structures with longer sub-units. We have been able to distinguish trends of particular metals by detailed structural analysis, e.g. cobalt (versatile redox - depending on the synthesis conditions), iron (reducing effect) and manganese (oxidizing effect). Of course the flexible metal-metal interactions affect the electronic and magnetic properties of these solids. In addition to the redox changes, steric effects appear, depending on the nature of the X anion, leading to a sub-stoichiometry of the halogen and variable ionic radius-dependent spatial delocalization. Finally, the work on these phases led to a number of novel compounds, associated with original structures. Finally, the insertion, non-voluntary at first, of carbonates ((CO3)2-) groups in different structural types, was also studied
Lafargue-dit-Hauret, William. "Modélisation des propriétés magnétiques et multiferroïques d'oxydes de cuivre." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN1S123.
Full textMultiferroic materials, in which magnetism and ferroelectricity coexist, have a great interest for memory devices. A robust magnetoelectric coupling, and a high electric polarization, are required at ambient temperature for these multifunctional materials. This thesis reports theoretical works mainly devoted to characterize magnetic properties of cuprates and other oxide compounds, which could develop such skills. A first part aims at briefly discussing cuprates and fundamental concepts of magnetism and multiferroicity. The second chapter is devoted to the theoretical methods used during these works. The third chapter corresponds to a brief overview of experimental techniques, like SQUID magnetometry or EPR. In the fourth chapter, AFeO₃ (A = Sc, In and Bi) multiferroic hexaferrites and a complex based on chromium centers are considered as a "testing ground" to the establishment of the computational approach. Thanks to the complementarity between ab initio methods, using Density Functional Theory, and simulation techniques as Monte-Carlo or Exact Diagonalization procedures, the entire magnetic phase diagram can be fully described. In chapter 5, a similar strategy is considered for studying the SeCuO₃ compound, which exhibits two decoupled magnetic sub-networks and quantum fluctuations. The last chapter of this thesis focuses on the tuning of the magnetic phases diagrams of CuO, Cu₂OX₂ and CuX₂ compounds (X = F, Cl, Br, I) applying physical (hydrostatic and uniaxial) and chemical pressures
Amanchar, Sara. "Synthèse et cristallochimie de nouveaux matériaux hybrides à base d’éléments 3d et/ou 4f." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LORR0188.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the synthesis and crystal-chemistry characterization of hybrid materials combining a dicarboxylate organic framework and a mineral component (3d and/or 4f ions). A novel divalent iron oxalate, [NH4]2[FeII(C2O4)2]·H2O, obtained by solvent-free synthesis is presented. Its crystal structure is resolved and described from both single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. It is an orthorhombic structure with a marked two-dimensional character which contains two sites for ferrous ions. Magnetic and Mössbauer 57Fe spectrometry measurements complete and confirm these results. A large family of new compounds, of general formula Ln2(C8H6O4)3(NMF)4.xH2O.yNMF (Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy and Er), based on the terephthalate ligand and 4f ions, is then described. Depending on the size of the 4f ion and temperature of synthesis, three different crystalline structures have been revealed. These compounds were synthesized by the hydrothermal method at temperatures of 120°C and 150°C, using the solvent N-MethylFormamide (NMF), rarely used in the synthesis of hybrid materials based on 4f ions. Depending on the structural type adopted, the 4f ions associate in dimers, in pseudo-dimers or form chains. The association of 3d and 4f ions under similar synthesis conditions led to a three-dimensional assembly in LnMn3(1,4-bdc)4(form)2(NMF)2·Hma compounds. The crystallographic characterization was carried out using X-ray diffraction measurements (single crystal and powder), supplemented by thermogravimetric measurements. Special attention was paid to the completion of the study of the compound Mn3(OH)2(C6H2O4S)2. The preparation of samples in anaerobic conditions, purer than those of previous works, made possible neutron diffraction measurements (PSI, Switzerland) and the determination of the magnetic structure. We show that the antiferromagnetic structure of Mn3(OH)2(C6H2O4S)2 is closely related to that of Mn2(OH)2(C8H4O4)
Richomme, Fabienne. "Etude expérimentale des propriétés structurales et magnétiques de multicouches fer/terbium : modulation de composition, anisotropie magnétique, effet d'irradiation aux ions." Rouen, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ROUES008.
Full textDurivault, Laurence. "Influence de la composition chimique sur le comportement physique des germaniures ternaires appartenant au système Ce-Ni-Ge : Détermination des structures magnétiques." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003607.
Full textAbel, Jonathan. "Corrélations compositions chimiques-structures d’oxydes mixtes (Ce / Zr) à base de Pr4+ / Pr3+ et propriétés de réductibilité." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14334/document.
Full textThis work deals with the synthesis and the characterization of Pr1-zCezO2-y and Pr1-xZrxO2-y oxides. Various chemical compositions associated with mixed valence state Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant to precise oxygen vacancies rate were isolated for compounds in both oxidized and reduced compounds. In the reduced state, different superstructures of the fluorine network were characterized by X-ray and neutrons diffraction. On the basis of magnetic measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES-EXAFS) at Zr K-edge and Pr and Ce LII/III-edges and the thermogravimetric analyses and\or TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), evolutions of Pr4+/Pr3+ rates in this series were estimated. Finally, in-situ measurements under reducing atmosphere by neutrons diffraction and EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) were realized to correlate chemical compositions- structural features and reducibility properties
Boulanger, Benoît. "Synthèse en flux et étude des propriétés optiques cristallines linéaires et non linéaires par la méthode de la sphère de KTiOPO et des nouveaux composés isotypes et solutions solides de formule générale (K, RB, CS) TIO (P,AS) O4." Nancy 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NAN10043.
Full textFrajer, Gaëlla. "Synthèses, mise en forme et étude des propriétés magnétiques de ferrites (NiZnCuCo)Fe2O4 en fréquence." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAY002/document.
Full textThe high commutation rate of the wide gap semiconductor (GaN) allows operating with switching frequency above 1MHz in power converters. However, current magnetic materials comprising passive components in power converters cannot sustain the rise in the operating frequency, especially above 1 MHz. The main limitation comes from the sharp increase in power losses creating thermal dissipation inside the magnetic core. The core-losses are due to dynamic magnetization process (including domain wall movement and spin rotation) and they increase with the frequency. (Ni,Zn,Cu)Fe2O4 spinel ferrite is currently the best magnetic material with limited core-losses. The objective of the Ph.D. is to experimentally contribute to the understanding of the link between the microstructure and the static and dynamic magnetic properties.Synthesis process of (Ni,Zn,Cu)Fe2O4 spinel ferrite such as sold-state reaction and Pechini method were studied. The structural and magnetic properties were systematically measured and correlated together. We managed to master the elaboration and produce high density ferrite with controlled grain size (about few µm) and high density (d>92% dth). Results suggest that ferrites synthesized by Pechini method can be considered as an interesting basis for the design of low-loss magnetic components alternatively to the conventional route.The analysis on core-loss showed that the results are compatible with a dissipation mechanism linked to spin damping inside domain walls. It justifies the production of well-densified massive pieces composed of small grains and cobalt to obtain low core-loss for large amplitude excitation (up to 25mT)
Cervera, Sophie. "Manipulation des propriétés magnétiques de matériaux à effet magnétocalorique géant par impact d'ions lourds." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066266/document.
Full textThis work aims to study the effects of slow heavy ions on giant magnetocaloric materials. These materials present a first order phase transition coupled to a strong variation of entropy potentially exploitable for the development of systems of effective magnetic refrigeration. On the other hand, the thermal hysteresis and the small range of working temperatures restrict the use of these materials. In this work, we exploited the specific effects of slow heavy ions impact to modify these characteristics. Ion collisions induce disorder and point-like defects into materials. In manganese arsenide thin films, presenting a magneto-structural transition, we demonstrated that this new defects act like nucleation centers which suppress the thermal hysteresis in a stable way in time. By varying irradiation conditions, we were able to highlight the fundamental role of the density of elastic collisions generated by these irradiations. Effects of ions in iron-rhodium thin films, another giant magnetocaloric material with a metamagnetic phase transition were also studied. In this case, the thermal hysteresis is not suppressed by the ions impact indicating that the phase structural change plays an important role in the reduction of the thermal hysteresis. Furthermore our investigations demonstrated that by controlling irradiation conditions, in particular the number of incident ions on a given sample surface, the temperature of the phase transition can be modulated. This effect is a new promising method for applications
Fongang, Bernard. "Etude par simulation numérique des propriétés structurales et magnétiques des systèmes ioniques nanostructurés : description des joints de grains." Le Mans, 2009. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2009/2009LEMA1015.pdf.
Full textThis thesis aims at understanding the structure of grains boundaries (GB) observed in the nanostructured form of ferric fluoride (FeF3). The FeF3 system has two advantages : it is a chemically simple material (two types of atoms) and presents a polymorphism with three crystalline phases, "amorphous" forms and nanostructured forms, all having architectures composed of corner-sharing octahedra FeF6. The different phases of FeF3 have been intensively studied in recent decades. The latest experimental results obtained in our laboratory concern nanostructured FeF3 powders obtained by mechanical milling. They show that the nanoscale variety of FeF3 is composed of two parts : the crystalline grain and grain boundary (the thickness of which is dependent on the energy and duration of milling high energy). In this work, we studied the structural and magnetic properties of a model system composed of an interface in between two grains by numerical simulation with the Monte-Carlo/Metropolis method. The construction of the simulation boxes the sizes of which are ranged from 6 and 10 nm, is based on Voronoï cells in which crystals grow starting from fixed centers following given directions in order to create an interface between disoriented crystallites. Different crystallographic disorientations of the two grains were studied. The simulation consists of a selective heating at the interface followed by a relaxation of the whole system using a simulated annealing scheme. To optimize the calculation and to overcome the periodic boundary condition problem, we used a scheme to preferentially select atoms to be relaxed according to a probability dependent on their distance to the interface. Moreover, this scheme helps us to maintain a crystalline system far from the interface. The obtained results allow us to conclude from the evolution of superexchange angle and the Fe-F distance according to the distance to the interface, that the structure obtained is composed of two areas : one area crystal and a second zone consisting of several layers with distorted octahedra. The interface, which still composed of corner-sharing octahedra FeF6, contains a significant fraction of odd cycles of iron atoms and, given the antiferromagnetic nature of interactions in this compound, behaves as magnetically frustrated. In a second time we have, studied the magnetism of these systems. The results show that the magnetic equilibrium state is made up of two zones separated by an antiferromagnetic steep interface coupling the two perpendicular zones, and this, whatever the disorientation of initial crystallites
Lacoste, Jean-François. "Élaboration de fibres de poly(éthylène téréphtalate) à propriétés thermomécaniques améliorées par modification chimique à l'état fondu et à l'état solide." Lyon 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LYO10045.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to enhance the thermomechanical properties of PET fibers trialkoxysilane end-group crosslinking (hydrolysis-condensation) after the functionalization the alcohol and acid PET end-groups with bifunctional reagents. OH groupes were reacted with anhydride or isocyanate and COOH groups with epoxide. Reaction kinetics were studied by NMR on end-group model compounds. During melt modification many degradation and side reactions were observed and crosslinking occurred after hydrolysis-condensation. Thus we preferred to study the solid-state functionalization by diffusion of reagents at temperatures below 256°C. After solid-state modification, crosslinking finally occured giving maximum gel contents of 70°C. Mechanical properties of partially crosslinked samples were maintained up to 320°C
Zelinska, Mariya. "Synthèse, structures cristallines et propriétés physiques de pnictures dans les systèmes Er-{Ni, Pd}-{P, As, Sb} et apparentés." Rennes 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007REN1S050.
Full textThe isothermal section of phase diagram Er-{Ni, Pd}-{P, As} systems at 800 °C and Er-Pd-Sb system at 700 °C have been constructed based on the X-ray phase, crystal structure and EDS methods for the first time. Diagram of the phase equlibria of Er-Ni-Sb system has been refined in the region 0. 50-1. 0 mol. Part. Er at 800 °C. LTM of Er5Sb3 was synthesized for the first time and its crystal structure has refined by full profile Rietveld’s method (Р63/mmc, Mn5Si3 structure type ). The existence of the high temperature modification Er5Sb3 (β-Yb5Sb3 type) has been confirmed. The transition temperature (~1190 °C) was determined from thermal analysis. Twenty new ternary pnictides have been synthesized. Crystal structure of 7 new ternary compounds have been investigated completely, five of which are new structure types : Er6Ni20P13 (P63/m), Er12Ni30P21 (P63/m), Er0. 76Pd7. 24P (Imma), Er0. 94Pd1. 91Sb (Fmm), Er3Pd8Sb4 (Fmm), Er13Ni25As19 (P) and ternary antimonide Er5NixSb3-x (x = 0,48) which derives from β-Yb5Sb3 type (Pnma). The correlation components to crystal structures of ternary compounds in Ln-{Ni, Pd}-{P, As, Sb} systems (Ln – rare-earth element of yttrium group) has been performed. Electrical properties of compound Er3Pd8Sb4 and magnetic properties for the pnictides Er12Ni30P21, Er3Pd20P6, Er5Pd2Sb, ErPdSb and Ln3Pd8Sb4 (Ln = Gd, Tb, Ho, Er) have been investigated. All of them are paramagnetic and their susceptibilities follow the Curie-Weiss law
Bourgeois, Julie. "Les ferrites du type RFe2O4 à valence mixte." Caen, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012CAEN2009.
Full textLuFe2O4 belongs to the rare-earth ferrite family RFe2O4 (R=Dy to Lu, Y), whose structure can be described as a stacking along c of [LuO2]∞ and [Fe2O4]∞ compact layers. This compound is attracting a lot of attention nowadays because of its multiferroic properties, linked to an antiferromagnetic spin ordering below Tn=250K and a ferroelectric state, based on a polar charge ordering of Fe2+ and Fe3+ species on a triangular lattice. In this work, two samples have been thoroughly investigated, combining synchrotron X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction techniques with magnetization, transport and dielectric constant measurements, as well as Mossbauer spectroscopy. Two main points have been evidenced: a slight monoclinic distortion of the room temperature crystal structure (SG C2/m), and a new structural modulation, dependent of the oxygen stoichiometry. The magnetic ground state of LuFe2O4 at low temperature is particularly complex, with several ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic magnetic phases co-existing. High pressure X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments have shown that LuFe2O4 undergoes an irreversible phase transition above 8GPa at room temperature, which could be linked with a new type of charge ordering. Below TN, increasing pressure up to the experimental limit of 3GPa leads to a decrease of the intensity of the magnetic scattering signal
Gaillard, Marina. "Etude par spectroscopies IR et RMN du solide de l'interaction de H2S avec des zéolithes Y échangées : Influence de H2S sur les propriétés acides." Caen, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CAEN2005.
Full textDelacotte, Charlène. "Etudes structurales d’oxydes et d’oxysulfures dans le système calcium/fer en corrélation avec leurs propriétés physiques." Caen, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CAEN2037.
Full textThis report deals with the correlations existing between the structure and the physical properties of mixed valence state iron oxides with the formula CaFe2+nO4+n, and new oxysulfides compounds belonging to the Ca-Fe-O-S system. This exploratory work allowed to isolate four phases (powder and single crystals): CaFe5O7 (n=3), CaFe3O5 (n=1), CaOFeS and CaO1. 5Fe1. 25S. Crystalline structures were characterized, as function of temperature, by X-rays diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The Mössbauer spectroscopy allowed to reach the oxidation degrees and the local environment of iron atoms according to the temperature and neutron diffraction allowed to define magnetic structures. During this thesis work, the use of complementary characterization techniques was essential due to the complexity of the observed transitions. Physical properties of materials were characterized by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, Seebeck coefficient or dielectric measurements