Books on the topic 'Soil organic amendment'
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Alam, M. Mashkoor. Bibliography on organic amendments in nematode control. Allahabad: Bioved Research Society, 1994.
Find full textOrganic residues: A resource for arable soils. Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2005.
Find full textLtd, Land Resources Network. Organic materials as soil amendments in reclamation: A review of the literature. Edmonton, Alta: Alberta Land Conservation and Reclamation Council, Reclamation Research Technical Advisory Committee, 1993.
Find full textColloque sur les amendements organiques et la productivité du sol (1991 Drummondville, Québec). Colloque sur les amendements organiques et la productivité du sol: Drummondville, 7 octobre 1991. [Québec]: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l'agriculture, des pêcheries et de l'alimentation, 1991.
Find full textMeghvansi, Mukesh K., and Ajit Varma, eds. Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textKnoop, Melina. Technical information on the use of organic materials as soil amendments: A literature review, October 12, 1990. [Washington, D.C.?: Solid Waste Composting Council?, 1991.
Find full textR, Curtis Willie, United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development., and Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.), eds. A guide for the use of organic materials as mulches in reclamation of coal minesoils in the eastern United States. Broomall, Pa: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Station, 1985.
Find full textSlick, Bernard M. A guide for the use of organic materials as mulches in reclamation of coal minesoils in the eastern United States. Broomall, Pa: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Station, 1985.
Find full textUlʹi︠a︡nova, O. A. Ėkologicheskai︠a︡ ot︠s︡enka primenenii︠a︡ korot︠s︡eolitovogo substrata. Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: Krasnoi︠a︡rskiĭ gos. agrarnyĭ universitet, 2004.
Find full textIllinois. Bureau of Energy and Recycling. What is vermicomposting? Springfield, Ill.]: Illinois Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Energy & Recycling, 2005.
Find full textNational Risk Management Research Laboratory (U.S.). Evaluation of soil amendment technologies at the Crooksville/Roseville Pottery area of concern: STAR Organics soil rescue. Cincinnati, Ohio: National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2003.
Find full textIngham, Elaine R. The compost tea brewing manual. [Eugene, Or.]: Unisun Communications, in association with the Sustainable Studies Institute, 2000.
Find full textIngham, Elaine R. The compost tea brewing manual. 5th ed. Corvallis, Or: Soil Foodweb Inc., 2003.
Find full textJon, Hay, and CWEA Steering Committee on Manual of Good Practice for Agricultural Land Application of Biosolids., eds. Manual of good practice for agriculture land application of biosolids. Oakland, Calif: California Water Environment Association, 1998.
Find full textDouglas, Borgatti, Psaris Patti J, Water Environment Federation. Task Force on Beneficial Use Programs for Biosolids Management., and Water Environment Federation. Systems Management Subcommittee., eds. Beneficial use programs for biosolids management. Alexandria, Va: Water Environment Federation, 1994.
Find full textSchwaar, Jürgen. Zur Bewertung von Bodenverbesserungsmitteln durch Bestimmung von Zersetzungsgrad und Rotte der organischen Substanz. Hannover: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und den Geologischen Landesämtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1990.
Find full textNorland, M. R. The response of a cover crop to applied organic and inorganic soil amendments on coarse taconite tailings in northern Minnesota. S.l: s.n, 1990.
Find full textMoney, Nicholas P. 7. Microbes in agriculture and biotechnology. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Full textIyamuremye, Faustin. Effects of organic and inorganic soil amendments of phosphorus sorption. 1994.
Find full textColloque sur les amendements organiques et la productivite du sol: Drummondville, 7 octobre 1991. Gouvernement du Quebec, Ministere de l'agriculture, des pecheries et de l'alimentation, 1991.
Find full textVarma, Ajit, and Mukesh K. Meghvansi. Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Springer, 2016.
Find full textVarma, Ajit, and Mukesh K. Meghvansi. Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Springer International Publishing AG, 2015.
Find full textVarma, Ajit, and Mukesh K. Meghvansi. Organic Amendments and Soil Suppressiveness in Plant Disease Management. Springer, 2015.
Find full textGraff, Joseph Edward. Ionic balance and the constituent organic acids of current-year foliage of western redcedar, western hemlock, and Douglas-fir seedlings. 1993.
Find full textRegenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments: Using Locally Sourced Materials to Make Mineral and Biological Extracts and Ferments. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2020.
Find full textPalmer, Nigel, and John Kempf. Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments: Using Locally Sourced Materials to Make Mineral and Biological Extracts and Ferments. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2020.
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