Academic literature on the topic 'Sociologie formale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sociologie formale"
Kirschner, Ana Maria, and Cristiano Fonseca Monteiro. "Da sociologia econômica à sociologia da empresa: para uma sociologia da empresa Brasileira." Sociedade e Estado 17, no. 1 (June 2002): 80–103.
Full textLourenço, Edvaldo Sant`Ana. "Omnilateralidade e a formação social do sujeito: desafios e perspectivas laborais para a sociologia da educação." Eventos Pedagógicos 9, no. 3 (November 13, 2018): 1199–217.
Full textCARLOS, Serge, and Daniel LATOUCHE. "Critique d’un schéma d’analyse de sociologie électorale." Sociologie et sociétés 3, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 85–102.
Full textMarković-Savić, Olivera. "Teaching sociology in museums." Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini 53, no. 1 (2023): 405–21.
Full textBodart, Cristiano das Neves, and Brena Sirelle Lira de Paula. "O ENSINO DE SOCIOLOGIA NOS PROGRAMAS PARA O COLÉGIO PEDRO II E NOS MANUAIS ESCOLARES DE DELGADO DE CARVALHO (1926-1933)." Imagens da Educação 12, no. 3 (September 8, 2022): 01–27.
Full textLamine, Claire, Sibylle Bui, and Guillaume Ollivier. "Pour une approche systémique et pragmatique de la transition écologique des systèmes agri-alimentaires." Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no. 58 (April 25, 2016): 95–117.
Full textPlaisance, Eric. "Para uma sociologia da pequena infância." Educação & Sociedade 25, no. 86 (April 2004): 221–41.
Full textNeves, Fabrício Monteiro, and Hélio Afonso De Aguilar Filho. "O acoplamento entre sociedade e economia: a teoria dos sistemas nas contribuições de Talcott Parsons e Niklas Luhmann." Século XXI – Revista de Ciências Sociais 2, no. 1 (September 3, 2012): 138.
Full textCampos, Rafael Garcia, and Carlos Antonio Giovinazzo Junior. "CURRÍCULO OCULTO." Revista Espaço do Currículo 17, no. 1 (March 13, 2023): e66446.
Full textSell, Carlos Eduardo. "Carnaval revolucionário: Max Weber e a Revolução de Novembro (1918-1919) na Alemanha." Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, no. 30 (December 2019): 159–98.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sociologie formale"
Chen, Xiabing. "Étrangeté et étranger : une approche formale de Simmel appliquée aux restaurants japonais et chinois de Paris." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2025.
Full textFor a century and a half, Japanese and Chinese restaurants in Paris have held a significant position in the market, creating a lasting cultural and commercial symphony. Their designation by nationality has raised an issue of alterity, illustrated by an evolution between exoticism and authenticity. However, comparative sociological studies on Japanese and Chinese restaurants are rare, and the themes of exoticism and authenticity are often addressed separately. This research is based on Georg Simmel's formal sociology and revisits the theory of the stranger, using it as a theoretical tool in a relational approach. Through this approach, the thesis adopts a mixed methodology, combining the visualization of big data with qualitative methods. The research reveals that, despite the differences between Japanese and Chinese restaurants in Paris in terms of their performances of exoticism and authenticity, they share a fundamental structural unity when considered as forms of socialization. The cultural performances and business strategies of these restaurants are not solely defined by their national identity. The real issue lies in the multiple social distances that shape them. These performances are continuously influenced by the reciprocal interactions among various actors in diverse spatiotemporal contexts. The thesis demonstrates that the alterity presented by Japanese and Chinese restaurants in Paris is produced within the framework of "the strange" as a form of socialization
Karlsson, Jimmy. "Formeringen av en ämneskanon? : Exemplet: Skolämnet sociologi." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för didaktik och lärares praktik (DLP), 2020.
Full textAnderberg, Ellinor. "Where is the bakery? : The ethnomethodological conception of social order." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2011.
Full textKamps, Jacob. "A logical approach to computational theory building : with applications to sociology /." Amsterdam : Amsterdam : Institute for Logic, Language and Computation ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2000.
Full textGedeikienė, Svaja. "Pedagogų požiūris į mokymasi visą gyvenimą: sociologinė interpretacija." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.
Full textChanging society, changing school, including teachers, who are preparing the young for life. Since children today depends not only on their own, but also our future. In shaping the image of the new school, its leaders seem necessary to encourage teachers to acquire not only professional, but also the management of knowledge and skills. And it may be regarded as one of the more important of the educational process of modernization and optimization possibilities. To protect personnel, to educate people honest and loyal citizens, teachers must continually learn, improve their professional qualifications. Aim - To investigate the sociological aspect of teachers attitudes to lifelong learning opportunities for Lithuania. The study confirmed both hypotheses set in the beginning, that Lithuanian schools is not a single substantiated in a systematic methodology that focused teachers willingness to provide lifelong learning and improvement, lifelong learning is integral to personal freedom and self career opportunities and education staff learning and qualifications are the priority system element for ensuring the objectives of quality and performance efficiency. The analysis and synthesis of survey responses to questions, it appears that the leaders of the experience of educators to improve the qualifications are facing various difficulties: the use of selection workshops, time, location of the documentation is abundant, funding, motivation.
Cai, Zhenyao. "The formal mentoring program and socialization outcomes: testing the assimilation process." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2014.
Full textDe, Angelis Gianluca <1982>. "Poste in gioco Lavoro e soggettività tra formale e informale, gratuito e remunerato." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Full textThis work aims to analyse subjectivation processes and impoverishment of work starting from understanding the reticular torsion of capitalism and its organizational principles. Scholars have traditionally not given enough attention to unpaid work, thus my considerations move from formal and informal dinamics of economy. This is because from this point of view, we can see why the expansion of fields of capitalist capture constitute one of the key factors at the origin of work devalutation and its lack of monetary recognition. The accumulation process, in the new capitalist paradigm, seems to concerns with new lands, different from the traditional ones of production. Borders between interest and disinterest, productive and unproductive get blurred, expanding areas of interpenetration between formal and informal economy and the production of value outside of the monetary recognition. In this way, the desire of capital reproduction is translated in the individual desire of self-realization. Effectively, the subjectyfing dispositive emphasizes passional aspects of value production, while growing the indvidualization of risks. Thus, on one hand the capital increase its own accumulation opportunities, through colonizing individual subjectivity, on the other hand, the same process increase impoverishment and isolation risks for those who are involved. In order to investigate the relation between paid and unpaid work with the giustificational regimes that qualify this relation and individual and organizational risks, I have used three case studies: the first one in a research laboratory managed by a governmental organization, the second in a social cooperative and the third on volunteer workers for the Universal Exposition 2015, Milan Expo. From these case studies emerges that unpaid work is a shared condition, but justified only at individual level, borrowing the grammar from self-therapy and affection, when the worker looks towards the present, while promise and bet grammars when the worker looks towards the future.
Ce travail présente les dynamiques de subjectivation et de gratuitisation du travail à partir de la torsion réticulaire du capitalisme et de ses principes organisationnels. Les raisonnements présentés sont puisés de l’évolution de la relation entre les dimensions formelle et informelle de l’économie. Cette perspective d’analyse permet de déterminer dans l’extension progressive du capitalisme un des éléments de la dévaluation du travail. Le processus d’accumulation du capital progresse et se développe sur des territoires différents des milieux traditionnels de production. Dans ce mouvement, les zones de compénétration entre l’économie formelle et informelle grandissent et on assiste à une production de la valeur qui se répand sans reconnaissance économique. Par la traduction du désir de reproduction du capital dans le désir de l’autoréalisation des sujets, le dispositif subjectivant permet d’emphatiser les aspects passionnels de la production. Il s’avère qu’à côté de l’opportunité de réalisation de soi par le travail, il y a surtout une grave individualisation des risques. En effet, pendant que le capital agrandit les opportunités d’accumulation en pénétrant dans la subjectivité, les risques de l’appauvrissement et d’isolation grandissent. Pour étudier la relation entre travail gratuit et rémunéré, les régimes de justification qui la qualifient et les risques individuels et organisationnels qui en dérivent, trois études de cas ont été réalisées : la première dans un laboratoire public de recherche, la deuxième dans une coopérative sociale et la troisième avec les bénévoles de l’Exposition Universelle 2015. Cette thèse montre que le travail gratuit est une condition de classe qu’on justifie subjectivement. Lorsque le regard du travailleur est tourné sur le présent, il fait recours aux grammatiques de l’auto-thérapie et de la passion. A l’inverse, lorsque le regard est tourné vers le futur, ce sont les rhétoriques de la promesse et du pari qui sont mises en avant.
De, Angelis Gianluca <1982>. "Poste in gioco Lavoro e soggettività tra formale e informale, gratuito e remunerato." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Full textThis work aims to analyse subjectivation processes and impoverishment of work starting from understanding the reticular torsion of capitalism and its organizational principles. Scholars have traditionally not given enough attention to unpaid work, thus my considerations move from formal and informal dinamics of economy. This is because from this point of view, we can see why the expansion of fields of capitalist capture constitute one of the key factors at the origin of work devalutation and its lack of monetary recognition. The accumulation process, in the new capitalist paradigm, seems to concerns with new lands, different from the traditional ones of production. Borders between interest and disinterest, productive and unproductive get blurred, expanding areas of interpenetration between formal and informal economy and the production of value outside of the monetary recognition. In this way, the desire of capital reproduction is translated in the individual desire of self-realization. Effectively, the subjectyfing dispositive emphasizes passional aspects of value production, while growing the indvidualization of risks. Thus, on one hand the capital increase its own accumulation opportunities, through colonizing individual subjectivity, on the other hand, the same process increase impoverishment and isolation risks for those who are involved. In order to investigate the relation between paid and unpaid work with the giustificational regimes that qualify this relation and individual and organizational risks, I have used three case studies: the first one in a research laboratory managed by a governmental organization, the second in a social cooperative and the third on volunteer workers for the Universal Exposition 2015, Milan Expo. From these case studies emerges that unpaid work is a shared condition, but justified only at individual level, borrowing the grammar from self-therapy and affection, when the worker looks towards the present, while promise and bet grammars when the worker looks towards the future.
Ce travail présente les dynamiques de subjectivation et de gratuitisation du travail à partir de la torsion réticulaire du capitalisme et de ses principes organisationnels. Les raisonnements présentés sont puisés de l’évolution de la relation entre les dimensions formelle et informelle de l’économie. Cette perspective d’analyse permet de déterminer dans l’extension progressive du capitalisme un des éléments de la dévaluation du travail. Le processus d’accumulation du capital progresse et se développe sur des territoires différents des milieux traditionnels de production. Dans ce mouvement, les zones de compénétration entre l’économie formelle et informelle grandissent et on assiste à une production de la valeur qui se répand sans reconnaissance économique. Par la traduction du désir de reproduction du capital dans le désir de l’autoréalisation des sujets, le dispositif subjectivant permet d’emphatiser les aspects passionnels de la production. Il s’avère qu’à côté de l’opportunité de réalisation de soi par le travail, il y a surtout une grave individualisation des risques. En effet, pendant que le capital agrandit les opportunités d’accumulation en pénétrant dans la subjectivité, les risques de l’appauvrissement et d’isolation grandissent. Pour étudier la relation entre travail gratuit et rémunéré, les régimes de justification qui la qualifient et les risques individuels et organisationnels qui en dérivent, trois études de cas ont été réalisées : la première dans un laboratoire public de recherche, la deuxième dans une coopérative sociale et la troisième avec les bénévoles de l’Exposition Universelle 2015. Cette thèse montre que le travail gratuit est une condition de classe qu’on justifie subjectivement. Lorsque le regard du travailleur est tourné sur le présent, il fait recours aux grammatiques de l’auto-thérapie et de la passion. A l’inverse, lorsque le regard est tourné vers le futur, ce sont les rhétoriques de la promesse et du pari qui sont mises en avant.
Dabène, Olivier. "La formule politique du Costa Rica." Grenoble 2, 1987.
Full textThe objective of this investigation was to demonstrate that only an approach in terms of political stability could lead to a full comprehension of the costarican democratic performance. The analytical process consists in describing the country's political formula, starting from grass-roots politics (social structure, political culture, mobilization and mediation processes) up to the institutions, the policy making and domination processes. The evaluation of the stabilizing (or destabilizing) effects at each level of analysis, and the comparative and historical perspectives, have allowed the author both to shed light on some aspects of the democratic regime's durability so far neglected and to resolve hidden paradoxes : a fragmented social structure compensated by a culture of compromise, a strong organized mobilization in the form of the sacralization of the socio-political order, a poor representation of popular demands by pressure groups softened by the effeciency of the clientelist networks, a desarticulated decision making process balanced by an integrated and homogeneous domination process. These elements come in addition to others, more frequently mentioned : the extension of the middle sectors thanks to redistributive policies, a strong legitimacy resting on the commemoration of the regime's founder event, a two-party system and frequent victories of the opposition over the incumbent administration, the leaders' paternalism, a self effacement of the army, the structural support of the catholic church and the elites accomodation. Finally, a careful analysis of the present circunstances of crisis (both economic and regional) reveals the regime's ability to adapt its legitimating discourses. In that logic, the so-called "sandino-communist threat" unifies the costarican people and enhances its support to a regime that does not have to be effective as it has to be exemplary
Pina, Leão Domingos Jesus Lopes de. "Valores e democracia em Cabo Verde : entre adesão formal e embaraço cultural." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2006.
Full textSubmitted by Érika Rayanne Carvalho ( on 2009-10-13T21:26:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEAO DOMINGOS JESUS LOPES DE PINA.pdf: 478623 bytes, checksum: 1e1a92ecdfc22ad49f558708266699c8 (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2011-01-20T19:07:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEAO DOMINGOS JESUS LOPES DE PINA.pdf: 478623 bytes, checksum: 1e1a92ecdfc22ad49f558708266699c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
Esta dissertação consiste-se numa descrição da cultura política cabo-verdiana atual e na sugestão de algumas de suas implicações para o sistema político democrático. A suposição de que aquela cultura política tem no “perfil particularista” um de seus traços básicos se mostrou plausível, dado existir naquela sociedade uma indisposição (subjetiva) generalizada para se interagir cotidianamente com os concidadãos e com a maioria das instituições sócio-políticas. Evita-se a esfera pública e, muito provavelmente, privilegia-se, no estabelecimento de relações sociais e políticas, lógicas imanentes de ambientes privados (como a família) onde se encontra mais segurança, previsibilidade e reciprocidade. Disso advém a secundarização das regras universalistas, que é contrária aos pressupostos democráticos formais e institucionalmente estabelecidos. Tal imagem não condiz semanticamente com a percepção comum que se tem da categoria Morabeza - espécie de uma “supercordialidade crioula” - pretensamente expressão nítida do ethos cultural caboverdiano espontaneamente democrática. Esta situação de “hibridismo institucional” é atualmente marcante na democracia cabo-verdiana que, por isso, está abarcada por uma relação tensa e embaraçosa entre o seu âmbito formal e o cenário cultural ao qual ele pretende se acoplar. A nossa referência teórica básica é a chamada Escola Dominante de Cultura Política, fundada nos anos 60 por Almond e Verba e revisitada criticamente por um leque de autores a partir da década de 80. Para complementá-la, recorreu-se a outras noções, mais próximas à realidade dos países em desenvolvimento como: “Familismo amoral” (de Banfield e visitada por Reis) “hibridismo institucional” e “Hobbesianismo social” (de Santos). ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
This dissertation is based on a description of the Cape Verdean current Political culture and suggests some of its implications for the democratic political system. The assumption that one of this political culture`s basic features can be found in its particular profile has shown itself plausible, seing that, there is a generalized (subjective) indisposition in that society to daily interact with the fellow-citizens and the majority of the socio-political institutions. In the scope of social and political relations, the public sphere is avoided and most probably, the inherent logic is privileged in private environment (like family) in which more security, prevision and reciprocity can be found. That being so, the universalist rules are relegated to a role of secondary importance, which contradicts the formal democratic conjectures institutionally established. Such image does not semantically support the common perception that one has of the category “Morabeza” (a sort of Creole super cordiality), supposedly a well-defined expression of the Cape Verdean cultural ethos spontaneously democratic. This institutional hybridism situation is currently outstanding in the Cape Verdean democracy and, therefore, it is encompassed by a tense and entangled relation between its formal scope and the cultural scenery in which it intends to take part. Our basic theoretical reference is hailed as Ruling school of political culture established in the 60s by Almond and Verba, and has been critically revisited by a wide range of authors since the 80s. In order to add to it, we have made use of further notions not distant from the developing countries reality such as: Banfield`s “Amoral familism” (and visited by Reis), Santos’s “institutional hybridism” and “social hobbesianism.”
Books on the topic "Sociologie formale"
J, Fararo· Thomas. Generating images of stratification: A formal theory. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic·, 2002.
Find full text1988), Cursos de Verano en San Sebastián (7th. Pedagogía social y educación no escolar: VII Cursos de Verano en San Sebastián = VII. Udako Ikastaroak Donostian. [San Sebastián?]: Servicio Editorial, Universidad del Paíis Vasco, 1989.
Find full textThomas, Rauschenbach, and Hans-Uwe Otto. Die andere Seite der Bildung: Zum Verhältnis von formellen und informellen Bildungsprozessen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004.
Find full textLuhmann, Niklas. Funktionen und Folgen formaler Organisation : mit einem Epilog 1994. 4th ed. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1995.
Find full textMaria da Glória Marcondes Gohn and Renata Sieiro Fernandes. Não-fronteiras: Universos da educação não-formal. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Find full textConference on Pre-school Education (1966 Chicago). Early formal education: Current theory, research, and practice. Edited by Hess Robert D, Bear Roberta Meyer 1942-, and Social Science Research Council. Committee on Learning and the Educational Process. New Brunswick, N.J: AldineTransaction, 2009.
Find full textFontana, Andrea. The interview: From formal to postmodern. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2006.
Find full textH, Prokos Anastasia, ed. The interview: From formal to postmodern. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2007.
Find full textFrançois, Karen. Foundations of the formal sciences: Bringing together philosophy and sociology of science. London: College Publications, 2011.
Find full textMaría, Quintana Cabanas José, ed. Iniciativas sociales en educación informal. Madrid: Ediciones Rialp, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sociologie formale"
O’Donnell, Gerard. "Informal and Formal Education." In Mastering Sociology, 61–70. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.
Full textO’Donnell, Gerard. "Informal and formal education." In Mastering Sociology, 69–77. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1994.
Full textO’Donnell, Gerard. "Informal and Formal Education." In Mastering Sociology, 59–68. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1985.
Full textEkland-Olson, Sheldon, and Jack P. Gibbs. "Formal Theory Construction." In Science and Sociology, 67–90. New York, NY : Routledge, [2017]: Routledge, 2017.
Full textSaunders, Bruce. "Intervention in Formal Organizations." In Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice, 169–94. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001.
Full textMohr, John W., and Craig M. Rawlings. "Formal models of culture." In Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology, 85–94. Second edition. | Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019. | Series: Routledge international handbooks | Earlier edition published as: Handbook of cultural sociology.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textMacKenzie, Donald. "Formal Methods and the Sociology of Proof." In Workshops in Computing, 115–24. London: Springer London, 1991.
Full textTsilipakos, Leonidas. "Historicism and formal theory in cultural sociology." In Historical Understanding and Ethics in Social Science, 79–110. London: Routledge, 2025.
Full textBallantine, Jeanne H., Jenny Stuber, and Judson G. Everitt. "Conflict or Cooperation? Formal Roles Within the Educational System." In The Sociology of Education, 265–303. 9th ed. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textKalberg, Stephen. "The uniqueness and rise of Logical-formal law." In Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations, 318–44. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Sociologie formale"
MacKenzie, Donald W. "Computers and the Sociology of Mathematical Proof." In 3rd BCS-FACS Northern Formal Methods Workshop. BCS Learning & Development, 1998.
Full textМиняжев, Т. Р. "The Problem of Teaching the Sociology of Religion in Higher Education." In Современное социально-гуманитарное образование: векторы развития в год науки и технологий: материалы VI международной конференции (г. Москва, МПГУ, 22–23 апреля 2021 г.). Crossref, 2021.
Full textSalavera, Carlos. "Translation And Validation Into Spanish Of The Formal Thought Disorder Scales." In International Conference of Psychology, Sociology, Education and Social Sciences. European Publisher, 2020.
Full textMoreno Moreno, María Pura. "A propósito del documental “Arquitectura Emocional 1959”: elaborar un artículo de crítica." In Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura. Grup per a la Innovació i la Logística Docent en l'Arquitectura (GILDA), 2023.
Full textFero, Martin, Ivana Novotná, and Martina Porubčinová. "Work Competencies for Industry 4.0 Developed by Non-formal Education." In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Pedagogy, Communication and Sociology (ICPCS 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textGEORGESCU, Ștefan-Dominic, and Ionuț-Emilian ANASTASIU. "THE INTERVIEW AS A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH INSTRUMENT." In International Management Conference. Editura ASE, 2022.
Full textGarcia Garcia, Elizabeth De los Ángeles, and Marianela Camacho Fuenmayor. "Kueka, rito de paso en el arte." In VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales ANIAV 2024. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024.
Full textFerreira, Beatriz, Sandra Leite, Ana Vieira, Bianca Perez, and Tayná Mesquita. "Ensino de sociologia na modalidade EJA e educação não formal – uma experiência do curso de educação e arte do projeto educativo de integração social." In Congresso de Iniciação Científica UNICAMP. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2019.
Full textKauer, Lucas de Freitas, Rodrigo Remor Oliveira, and Raquel Salcedo Gomes. "Reintegra - Plataforma para auxílio à reintegração de egressos do sistema prisional brasileiro ao mercado de trabalho formal." In V Encontro Nacional de Computação dos Institutos Federais. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Sociologie formale"
Schneider, Carsten. Introduction to QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) with R. Instats Inc., 2023.
Full textSchneider, Carsten. Introduction to QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) with R. Instats Inc., 2022.
Full textDufour, Quentin, David Pontille, and Didier Torny. Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, April 2021.
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