Academic literature on the topic 'Società cubana'
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Journal articles on the topic "Società cubana"
Jerónimo Kersh, Daliany. "Women’s Small-Scale, Home-Based Informal Employment during Cuba’s Special Period." Latin American Perspectives 45, no. 1 (August 28, 2017): 175–94.
Full textCezar Miskulin, Sílvia. "A POLÍTICA CULTURAL NA REVOLUÇÃO CUBANA: as disputas intelectuais nos anos 1960 e 1970." Caderno CRH 32, no. 87 (December 31, 2019): 537.
Full textSilva, Renán. "De memorias y contramemorias invitación a la lectura del escritor Leonardo Padura." CALLE14: revista de investigación en el campo del arte 11, no. 18 (October 4, 2016): 14.
Full textYaremko, Jason M. "Protestant Missions, Cuban Nationalism and the Machadato." Americas 56, no. 3 (January 2000): 53–75.
Full textDilla Alfonso, Haroldo. "La construcción del otro en la política cubana postrevolucionaria: los emigrados." RIEM. Revista internacional de estudios migratorios 8, no. 1 (October 3, 2018): 118.
Full textSunshine, Catherine A. "Cuba now." New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 64, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1990): 41–49.
Full textTesh, Sylvia. "Health Education in Cuba: A Preface." International Journal of Health Services 16, no. 1 (January 1986): 87–104.
Full textRicardo-Ochoa, Elena, Aime Acosta-Mir, and Dayamí Danyelis Gelabert-Veliz. "Estudio social multidisciplinario de una comunidad cubana." Revista Transdiciplinaria de Estudios Sociales y Tecnológicos 2, no. 3 (September 1, 2022): 23–31.
Full textCruikshank, Stephen. "CONCRETE IMPRESSIONS: A POETIC VISION OF CUBAN GRAFFITI." TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 6, no. 1 (November 4, 2014): 11.
Full textHansing, Katrin, and Bert Hoffmann. "When Racial Inequalities Return: Assessing the Restratification of Cuban Society 60 Years After Revolution." Latin American Politics and Society 62, no. 2 (March 20, 2020): 29–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Società cubana"
Wilkinson, Stephen. "Detective fiction in Cuban society and culture." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2000.
Full textEnoa, Barban Olga Lidia. "Las cubanas y los nuevos desafíos societales del siglo XXI." Thesis, Limoges, 2020.
Full textFrom the first years of the Cuban Revolution, the respect and the defense of the women's rights constituted a priority for the Cuban authorities. The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), founded in 1960, will play an essential role in the feminine emancipation, the insertion of the Cuban women in the working world and their active participation in the construction of the new socialist society. Nevertheless, serious challenges remain that render the progress made fragile and liable to setbacks. The analysis of the situation of the Cuban Women of the 21st century, her role in the creation of a “society more opened for the world” and in the conception of “new ways of thinking the daily cuban life”, it will allow us to understand the new societal challenges that this arduous mission imposes them
Desde los primeros años de la Revolución Cubana, el respeto y la defensa de los derechos de la mujer constituyeron una prioridad para las autoridades cubanas. La Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), fundada en 1960, desempeñará un rol esencial a favor de la emancipación femenina, de la inserción de las cubanas en el mundo laboral y de su participación activa en la construcción de la nueva sociedad socialista. Sin embargo, después de una larga trayectoria de lucha en la que han conocido avances y retrocesos, las cubanas de hoy se enfrentan a una realidad plagada de preceptos, normas y comportamientos dictados por una cultura patriarcal que perdura y se manifiesta cada día más en la cotidianidad cubana. La misma, junto a la crisis económica y las transformaciones actuales por las que atraviesa el contexto cubano, hacen que la construcción de “la nueva mujer” continúe siendo una tarea pendiente para la Revolución. El análisis de la situación de las cubanas del siglo XXI, de su rol en la creación de una “sociedad más abierta al mundo” y en la formación de “nuevas formas de pensar la vida cotidiana cubana”, nos permitirá comprender los nuevos desafíos societales que esta ardua tarea les impone
Nardo, Flavia. "La "cubanía théâtrale" : la spécificité du théâtre cubain de 1959 à nos jours." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2012.
Full textStanton, Ian. "The revolutionary process and representations of contemporary society in Colombia." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2000.
Full textGarcia, Nathalie. "Le Roman policier cubain entre fiction et réalité : chronique de la société cubaine à travers les romans policiers de Leonardo Padura Fuentes." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2010.
Full textThis study examines all of Leonardo Padura Fuentes' detective novels and offers a reflection on the place and the specificity of this author's writing within the tradition of Cuban enigma-crime literature. This dissertation identifies and highlights links that connect the police drama of this writer's novels with Cuban society's everyday reality, as well as arguing for the anchoring of these stories within an identifiable historical referent, a prerequisite for the traditional role of social investigative writing. This work analyses how, thanks to the redefinition of gender cannons, the renovation of the Cuban detective novel literary tradition and its links with reality, Leonardo Padura Fuentes transcends literature to deliver, beyond its drama, a realistic vision of a contemporary Cuban society in crisis, proposing a social chronicle as well as a particular and original focus on the history of the Cuba of the last twenty years
Beck, Angelika. "Spanglish spoken here the influence of Cuban exiles on language and society in Miami /." Trier : Wiss. Verl. Trier, 2008.
Full textCroguennec-Massol, Gabrielle. "Presse, littérature et société, à Cuba au temps des guerres d'Indépendance, 1868-1898." Toulouse 2, 2003.
Full textThe two cuban Independance wars are two attempts to separate with the Spanish metropole and with Cuba becoming a state nation. This slow process is present and analysed in the press of the time, which, due to the technical development occuring in this period, is growing rapidly, becoming a privileged information media, and a way to spread ideas and culture. The literature, found in the press, includes many influences from other countries, and soon becomes a national literature. It is involved in the building process of the Cuban identity and delivers a representation of the society directly related to the daily events. From a political point of view, press conveys the identity building process, with its reticences, its contradictions and its interrogations in a society exhibiting numerous divisions coming from slavery and the presence of coloured people, rejected in a first time, then knowing attempts of seduction near the end of the century
López, Denis Adrián. "Disease and society in colonial Cuba, 1790-1840." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2007.
Full textMerhrioui, Stéphanie. "Le statut de la femme cubaine à l'épreuve d'une société machiste." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2009.
Full textGuicharnaud-Tollis, Michèle. "Littérature et société à Cuba (1810-1850) : images de la population de couleur." Bordeaux 3, 1987.
Full textIn foreign literature -european and north american- dealing with travel as in native fiction, the different images of the coloured population of cuba during the first half of the nineteenth century have been successively studied. When placed against the often quoted material from contemporary historians, the contribution made by the former allows us to qualify the official records, but also, through the description and the impressions of the colonial way of life, to isolate the various ambitions, not all of which were desinterested, for cuba at that time. Whether in the form of souvenirs of a private holiday or a report on a scientific or political expedition, such eye-witness accounts are invariably critical, stemming as they do from commentators particularly sensitive to the most glaring weaknesses of the spanish colonial system. To counterbalance this, and on the same subject, the native literature produced by a minority of enlightened creoles gives the inside view. First of all by letting themselves go towards an advanced form of cultural cubanization from 183740, then by turning to foreign models in scientific, technical and literary fields, the cuban intellectuals of that period marked their irrepressible desire, effectively and to varying degrees, to go through with their divorce from the metropolis. Writers of the domestic urban novel, as well as those of the rural one, show the emergence of an anti-slavery line of thought by their keen interest in the coloured population and the image it projects. This is evident as much from their efforts to encourage the growth of the white population as in their evocation of the horrors of slavery. The anti-slavery line of thought, thus sketched, stems from traditional christian humanism, but is corrected by the first evolu- tionist convictions, and is not without its contradictions and qualifications. Thus we can say that the cultural history of cuba, during the first half of the nineteenth century, allows us to grasp the evolution of ideas which, several years later, resulted in the abolition of slavery, and that the emancipation of the island was due to the most enlightened minds of t
Books on the topic "Società cubana"
El libro perdido de los orígenistas. México, D.F: Editorial Aldus, 2002.
Find full text500 años de arquitectura en la sociedad cubana: 500 years of architecture in the Cuban society. Nuevo Vedado [Cuba]: Si-Mar, 2002.
Find full textSegre, Roberto. Lectura crítica del entorno cubano. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1990.
Find full textSegre, Roberto. Lectura crítica del entorno cubano. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1990.
Find full textIan, Gray Alexander, and Kapcia Antoni, eds. The changing dynamic of Cuban civil society. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008.
Find full text1939-, Tulchin Joseph S., Bryan Elizabeth, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Latin American Program., and FLACSO (Organization), eds. Changes in Cuban society since the nineties. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Latin American Program, 2005.
Find full textWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Latin American Program and FLACSO (Organization), eds. Cambios en la sociedad cubana desde los noventa. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Latin American Program, 2005.
Find full textFirmat, Gustavo Pérez. The Cuban condition: Translation and identity in modern Cuban literature. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Find full textLuz Elena Zabala Jaramillo. La literatura cubana: Brasa que quema al fuego. [S.L: s.n., 1985.
Find full textRoberto, Pérez León. Tiempo de Ciclón. Ciudad de La Habana: Ediciones UNIÓN, Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Società cubana"
Voigt, Herbert, and Ratko Magjarević. "The Cuban Bioengineering Society (SCB)." In Launching IFMBE into the 21st Century: 50 Years and Counting, 131–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textCrahan, Margaret E., and Ariel C. Armony. "Rethinking Civil Society and Religion in Cuba." In Debating Cuban Exceptionalism, 139–63. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2007.
Full textGoldenberg, Boris. "Latin American Society." In The Cuban Revolution and Latin America, 37–42. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textSimons, Geoff. "The Slave Society." In Cuba, 96–127. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.
Full textGoldenberg, Boris. "Cuba's Economy and Society." In The Cuban Revolution and Latin America, 120–42. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textEckstein, Susan. "Reforming Cuban Socialism: State-Society Dynamics." In Globalization and the Dilemmas of the State in the South, 116–32. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.
Full textBolender, Keith. "Siege and Society." In Cuba Under Siege, 85–132. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2012.
Full textDelgado, Ilka Pell. "Cuban Industrial Development and Its Heritage." In Social Struggle and Civil Society in Nineteenth Century Cuba, 103–24. New York: Routledge, 2023.
Full textEspíndola, Roberto. "Politics and Society in Cuba." In Society and Politics in the Caribbean, 207–30. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.
Full textDembicz, Katarzyna. "The Revolution as an Inherent Part of Cuban Society." In Social, Political, and Religious Movements in the Modern Americas, 102–25. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Società cubana"
Blanco Moreno, Jesús, José Batista Rodríguez, and Rosa Rodríguez Fernández. "Modelo Cualitativo Del Desarrollo Mesozoico Del Sistema De Cuenca De Antepais Cubano." In 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1999.
Full textMiró, Guillermo, Josias Silva, and Luiz Landau. "Aplicación del modelaje sísmico 2D al estudio del cinturón de sobrecorrimiento norte cubano." In 10th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2007.
Full textBui, Son, James E. Stine, and Masoud Sadeghian. "Experiments with High Speed Parallel Cubing Units." In 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). IEEE, 2014.
Full textStine, James E., and Jeff M. Blank. "Partial Product Reduction for Parallel Cubing." In IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI '07). Emerging VLSI Technologies and Architectures. IEEE, 2007.
Full textMiró, Guillermo, Josias Silva*, and Luiz Landau. "Aplicación del modelaje sísmico 2D al estudio del cinturón de sobrecorrimiento norte cubano." In 10th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-23 November 2007. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2007.
Full textLópez, Sofia, Rafael Socorro, P. Vedado, and C. Habana. "Caracterización Sísmica Del Corte Geológico En El Cinturón Sobrecorrido Cubano. Nuevas Estructuras Para La Búsqueda De Hidrocarburos." In 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1999.
Full textHildebrand, J. D. "Resposta Geofisica do Jazimento Antonio : Macico do Escambray, Cuba." In 4th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1995.
Full textLázaro Prieto Cainzos, Rigoberto, Elisabete Maria Pascholati, and Gilberto Amaral. "Gammaspectrometric Studies On The Cretacic Island Arc Complex In Central-East Cuba." In 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1999.
Full textLázaro Prieto Cainzos, Rigoberto, Elisabete Maria Pascholati, and Gilberto Amaral. "Magnetic Features On The Cretacic Island Arc Complex In Central-East Cuba." In 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 1999.
Full textAlberto Batista Rodríguez, José. "Nuevas características geológicas de la región nororiental de cuba según datos aerogeofísicos complejos." In 8th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2003.
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