Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Socialisation politique et économique'
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Laurence, Lisa. "La fabrique des financiers : une socialisation scolaire aux normes professionnelles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPSLD053.
Full textThis thesis presents and analyzes the processes of professional socialization within finance education programs. It shows how finance students are positioned by their studies and according to their social backgrounds within the hierarchical space of financial professions, but also the ways in which they internalize specific norms differently, such as the systematic pursuit of profits, depending on their prior socialization. It concludes that professional socialization in finance promotes the acceptance of the capitalist economic structure of society
Cloutier, Jacinthe. "Adéquation du modèle de socialisation à la consommation appliquée au domaine de l'épargne et invariance selon le mode de collecte de données." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28438/28438.pdf.
Full textUyarci, Yafes. "Les dynamiques des PME en Turquie : structuration et développement régional étudiés à partir de la confédération TUSKON." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAG014/document.
Full textThis research focuses on the study of the structure and development of SMEs in TURKEY, through the influence of a socio-religious mouvement called Hizmet. The aim is to highlight a definition of the dynamics of SMEs accross member of TUSKON (Turkish confederation of businessmen and industrialists), in relation to their motivations for economic success in the context of a spiritual depth research by their commitments in Hizmet movement's socio-educational projects.TUSKON offers a specific vision of islam /modernity report compared to that of MÜSIAD, anassociation of islamic businessmen. Our study is based on interviews and a sociological survey conducted among members of the BUGIAD association (member of TUSKON) in BURSA, allowing us to trace the evolution of socio-historical of TUSKON and sees how the dynamics of SMEs is influenced by the piety and the commitment of his boss in a socio-religious movement
Lamchichi, Abderrahim. "Reproduction économique : salariat et socialisation de classes en Algérie." Amiens, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AMIE0020.
Full textBarthelemy, Martine. "Culture nationale et formation politique de l'individu en Norvège : étude comparative des phénomènes de socialisation politique des jeunes Norvégiens et Français." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985IEPP0003.
Full textTournier, Vincent. "La politique en héritage ? : socialisation, famille et politique : bilan critique et analyse empirique." Grenoble 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE2A002.
Full textChihab, Youssef. "Soufisme et politique au Maroc : du nationalisme à la socialisation politique." Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100116.
Full textThrough this work, we tried to identify the role of Sufism in the construction of modern Morocco. Our study aims at socio-political character seeks to entertain thoughts about this form of religious revival and its socio-political contribution in both the colonial and independence periods. We have attempted to define the place of this form of Islamic identity in a society increasingly secularized and where Islam remains a strong reference. Through field investigation, we tried to identify the political socialization of Sufism in Today’s Moroccan society. While it is clear that the religion in Morocco still part of socialization through mosques, universities and even the media, what is the form of the socialization due to Sufism and what is its significance? We discussed the complex and sometimes ambiguous links between the Sufism field and other fields, Islam, clerics, including political parties. We also discussed the role of this institution in the stabilization of the political scene in Morocco. Our study has also highlighted the profound social changes of new Morocco since the colonial period. To answer these questions, our work was structured around the following: We introduced our work by the definition and evolution of Sufism and the different approaches explaining the phenomenon of brotherhoods. The first part of our work is dealing with the role of Sufism in the colonial period taking into account its evolution and the political actions against it. The second part deals with the place and the political role of Sufism in the contemporary period. Afin de répondre à ces questions, notre travail s’est articulé autour des axes suivants : Nous avons introduit notre travail par la définition et l’évolution du soufisme, ainsi que les différentes approches expliquant le phénomène confrérique. La première partie de notre travail traite du rôle du soufisme dans la période coloniale, en tenant compte de l’évolution du soufisme et les politiques menées contre ce foyer social. La deuxième partie aborde la place et le rôle politique du soufisme dans la période contemporaine
Dubost, Serge. "Zone franche et politique économique." Nice, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985NICE0032.
Full textAuberger, Antoine. "Popularité, cycles et politique économique." Paris 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA020024.
Full textRychen, Frédéric. "Infrastructures et développement économique local." Aix-Marseille 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998AIX24007.
Full textTosi, Élise. "Coordination de l'activité et politique économique." Nice, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997NICE0011.
Full textThe aim of the dissertation is to deal with economic policy, from the point of view of its effects. The method consists in exploring the relationship between coordination and economic policy. In this aim, we build two alternative frameworks of analysis: equilibrium coordination and disequilibrium coordination. The first one defines the coordination related to market clearing in the sense that prices are equilibrium prices. The second one deals with situations where prices are false prices and equilibrium should not be reached. In this case, information is incomplete and the market forces work through time. The first chapter makes an introduction of the topic, through the historical debates between hayek, keynes and robertson. The second chapter shows the relationship between equilibrium coordination and economic policy. The third one explores the disequilibrium approach, whereas the fourth chapter is an application of this twofold lecture on the unemployment problem
Menguy, Séverine. "La régulation macro-économique dans l'union économique et monétaire européenne." Paris 10, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA100083.
Full textThe thesis aims at studying yhe mechanisms of macro-economic regulation in the economic and monetary union. The first part analyses, thanks to the lessons of the federal examples, the aim of redistribution : instead of unconditional financial transfers, the orientated transfers of the structural funds seem more incitative and well-suited to the situation of the EMU. As to the means of stabilization, the market-based mechanisms (mobility of the production factors, etc) allow to stabilize only a little part of the asymmetrical shocks in Europe, and would then let an eventual place to a centralized mechanism of interregional temporary transfers. The second part underlines the inflationary and recessive consequences of the negative supply shocks, and the implcation of the structural heterogeneity between the European countries for the budgetary policies of stabilization. . .
Michon, Sébastien. "Études et politique : les effets de la carrière étudiante sur la socialisation politique." Phd thesis, Université Marc Bloch - Strasbourg II, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00331271.
Full textMichon, Sébastien. "Etudes et politique : les effets de la carrière étudiante sur la socialisation politique." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2006. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2006/MICHON_Sebastien_2006.pdf.
Full textMoes-Tosello, Alexandra. "Politique régionale française et politique régionale communautaire : compatibilité et complémentarité des contrats de plan Etat-Région et de la politique régionale communautaire." Nancy 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NAN20002.
Full textGouaich, Hossine. "Modèle de développement et politique économique : étude comparée des cas algérien et brésilien." Paris 10, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA100077.
Full textDuring the last 25 years, the Algerian’s and Brazilian’s development was conducted by a political and social elite - the alliance militaro-technocraty) - who presents herself like remedial structures and mentality. The public policies are the laboratory of the stylus's state management. In the Algerian and Brazilian’s cases, the political elite, looked, through an application of programs, to justify a double aspiration: * to prescribe an orientation able to conduct the society toward the development. * To generalize this orientation so that, it could be came model to be followed
Östman, Leif. "Socialisation och mening : no-utbildning som politiskt och miljömoraliskt problem /." Uppsala : [Uppsala Univ.], 1995. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb366839123.
Full textLacasse, François. "Représentations, expertise économique et décisions politiques." Montpellier 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON10038.
Full textTo get their interests on the political agenda, lobbies propose biased, self-serving images of problems and of the impact of government action. These implicit models are confronted within the public sector by experts who are responsible for defining policy options presented to decision markers. The study of how economics, in this context, are used, misused and rejected leads to a questioning and a reformulation of public choice theory, particularly its revenue maximising assumptions which in bureaucracies are severely bounded by institutional structures and managerial imperatives. As well, the largely implicit assumption of discreet sub-governments as the normal decision for is of questionable usefulness. The assumptions that lobbies know that their problem definition is misleading and that the social benefits of the governmental actions demanded are minimal are shown to be unduly restrictive. As for the management of economic expertise within the bureaucracy, simply assuming self-interest by bureaucrats does not allow for reliable predictions; institutional monopoly on expertise and instruments as well as the trade-offs between change and stability in organizations provide a necessary complement to public choice theory
Lafargue, Jérôme. "Mobilisations collectives, democratisation et systeme d'action protestataire. Analyse comparee des exemples kenyan et zambien." Pau, 1996. https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01263148.
Full textThe bare institutional analysis of the african democratic renewak doesn't seem to be satisfactory any more. It is useful to study the numerous political expressions that outshine the institutional pattern. The study of the collective action s directed against the power allows the highlighting of this postulate in kenya and zambia, whose interest is that they have known similar political trajectories. So, two objective were pursued : first, in a conceptual viewpoint, we wanted to overwhelm the classical collective action theories by searching a protest action system; secondly, we wanted to unveil and may be to fill some gaps (the collective action theories haven't been used to study the democratization processes). The building of the protest action system proved to be possible and the pursueing of the second objective allowed the beginning of a double rehabilitation : the rehabilitation of the multidimensionality in the conceptual approach; the rehabilitation of not only the african actor but also the african space as the object of a research
Tucci, Marco. "La politique et son double : éléments pour une critique de l'économie politique d'aujourd'hui." Nice, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NICE2007.
Full textNowadays general public is convinced, by the neoliberal doctrines and also by politicians of all political belief that the end of politics, which has become now pure administration, and that economy, qualified as its double, could replace politics in an effective way. By the consequence, the frequently followed choice by politicians to ask experts for advice to solve the governmental issues. The meaning of exhaustion of politics, confirmed by the book, written by Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, due to flattening of politics of States-Nations, due to the organisms supremacy, as the European Union, more economical than political, due to the end of the cold war between the two world powers and due to an increasing complexity of social problems. Therefore, the first question to ask is the following: may politics be replaced by its double which, in my opinion, is, the economy and not politics, the opposite of the initial Marx thought? It is necessary to remind that the relationship between economics and politics has been to the heart of Marx, Lenin, Hayek thoughts, as well, but also as per the anthropological philosophy of Hannah Arendt. If the answer to this question is negative, it is necessary to pose another question: are politics and democracy of today able to face the challenges of the future which needs steady peace, to win against the worldwide poverty, to find a new relationship between human being and nature and maybe to bring in politics a new ethics? This thesis has the aim to give some elements to answer to the aforesaid questions
Tawfik, Omar Sohir. "L'évolution politique en Égypte et ses effets sur la politique économique." Montpellier 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MON10031.
Full textThe predominant factor in the process of development in egypt is the political factor as much internal as external. All along its history, the state of egypt has developed different economic systems, quite original, whether it was the egypt during the time of m. Ali, of his successor or independant egypt during the time of nasser, and then sadat. Each of these systems has been induced by political changes, which have intodu-ced new strategies modifing the economic structures
Fabre, Guilhem. "Urbanisation, politique économique et politique du logement en Chine : 1949-2000." Paris, EHESS, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992EHES0001.
Full textDeng xiaoping's reform era is characterized by a rapid unrbanization in comparison with the maoist economy which has achieved strong industrialisation with minimum urban growth. The analysis of the dynamics of urbanization from the perspective of the interaction of rural and urban policies and their effects leads us to emphasize the risk of uncontrolable migrations due to the persistent deterioration of the terms of trade between cities and rural areas and of the relative incomes of the rural population after 1984. The high urbanization of the 1980's (from 13% to 22%) has exacerbated the housing needs of the citizens and the mobilization of ressources in favour of housing. The building boom has created an acute financing problem in the context of the old welfare system based on the quasi-gratuity of rents. The analysis of the programs undertaken to reform this system after 1984 enables us to establish the causes of their failure, which have led to a pseudo-market, and to explore alternative solutions. A case study on the city of shanghai illustrates the links between local development strategies and the future trends in the housing reform
Laurent, Alain. "Passage à la convertibilité et transition vers l'économie de marché : Pologne - Hongrie - Tchécoslovaquie." Grenoble 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993GRE21028.
Full textThe first two chapters are retrospective. Chapter one describes the inconvertibity of the three eastern european currencies (and of the transferable ruble) as a consequence of their real inconvetibility. Chapter to focuses on the hungarian and polish reforms, attempts to improve foreign trade efficiency, by adopting realistic exchange rates, considered as a first step towards convertibility. The former could never be reached because of the constraints imposed by the command economy, which was never abandonned, and those resulting from the relations within the council of mutual economic assistance. Chapter three explains why convertibility is essential to the reopening of eastern europe, a necessary condition to overwhelm the legacy of central planning and to implement successfully macroeconomic stabilization. Drawing the lessons of the introduction of convertibility, chapter four explains that the use of the exchange rate as an anti-inflationnary device is a complete failure. Chapter five assesses the three countries foreign trade reorientation process. Though rocketting and absolutely necessary, because of the lack of significant willingness of commercial cooperation in eastern europe, it appears as fragile
Vervaecke, Philippe. "Dieu, la couronne et l'Empire la primrose league : 1883-2000 : culture et pratiques politiques d'un mouvement conservateur." Lille 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003LIL30010.
Full textAchour, tani Yamna. "Analyse de la politique économique algérienne." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00984242.
Full textMantes, Jean-Claude. "Urbanisation et développement économique." Montpellier 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985MON10059.
Full textNguyen, Van Phu. "Croissance économique et environnement." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STR1EC03.
Full textPostel, Nicolas. "Règles et rationalité économique." Lille 1, 2000. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2000/50374-2000-1.pdf.
Full textGueullette, Agota. "Idéologie et politique économique extérieure soviétique : 1917-1947." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992IEPP0012.
Full textThe original marxist ideology does not provide a clear universally valid basis for economic relations of a new socialist society with the rest of the world. In this respect the behaviour pattern of the Soviet State will be formulated around three major components : the personality in power, his vision of the external world, and the country's internal situation. The correlation between these three components varies. While all make references to marxist ideology, the various leaders based their realpolitik on different interpretations of the unexpected problems posed by external economic relations. The ideological and economic substratum set in the writings of Marx, Rosa Luxemburg and Bukharin, analysed in the first part of the dissertation always found itself modified or even superceded by an unavoidable pragmatism. For Lenin, strategist of world revolution, the pragmatic approach was basically orientated towards the strengthening of his country. Trotsky's orientation was more internationalist, but these differences with Lenin would never take the violently antagonistic form which later manifested itself between Trotsky's conceptions and Stalin's actual policies. Trotsky was to pay for this. With the growth of Stalin's monolithic power, the differences between his strategy and that of Bukharin became ever more flagrant. This despite the fact that both pursued the same aim: to build socialism in one country. The writings of Varga, Stalin's adviser, provide an excellent point of reference for this whole period. When Stalin ceased to listen to Varga, there emerged his policy in the aftermath of the Second War: the concept of opposing blocs, which, in its external economic aspects, led to the creation of COMECON
Blot, Yvan. "La pensée économique et politique de Herbert Spencer." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004IEPP0007.
Full textVervaecke, Philippe Gournay Jean-François. "Dieu, la couronne et l'Empire la primrose league." Lille : A.N.R.T, 2003. http://www.univ-lille3.fr/theses/vervaecke-philippe/html/these.html.
Full textSentissi, Saâd. "Fiscalité décentralisée et développement économique au Maroc." Paris 9, 1986. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1986PA090064.
Full textRichard, Thibaut. "Régime politique et efficacité économique : éléments théoriques et analyses comparées." Grenoble 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE21010.
Full textThis thesis examines the interaction between political regimes and economical efficiency, especially the relation between democracy and growth. This yet old question has not found a clear answer until now. Considering the importance of political regimes on economic growth, it remains though crucial in economics. The methodology adopted here consists of a comparison between the results of the theoretical literature, those of previous empirical studies, and those of our different econometrical models. All these tools of analysis converge to estimate a weakly positive impact of democracy on economic growth. However, this impact is rarely significant. The first chapter of the thesis aims at defining what is democracy and how to qualify and quantify this concept. We selected some existing indicators of democracy and create some new. This chapter ends with an historical and geographical approach of the democracy. It shows some similarity between democracy and economic growth (repeated cycles, regional diffusion…) The second chapter makes a synthesis of the theoretical literature on the subject. It shows that the theory is rather inconclusive. For example, democracy is said to be better for the guaranty of property rights, or against corruption but is too sensitive to the pressure of the lobbies and prefers to sacrifice the future for the present. Moreover, globalization does not seem to influence the relation between democracy and growth. The third chapter analyses the relation with some simple statistical tools such as the correlation coefficient. We find a weakly positive relation between democracy and growth. The fourth chapter uses panel data regressions and confirms the previous results of the third chapter. Furthermore, it shows that freedom of thoughts is the best component of democracy that promotes economic growth. Finally, the regressions confirm the fact that democracy enhances economic development
Rouge-Pullon, Cyrille. "Justice sociale et efficacité économique : John Rawls et l'économie politique." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100135.
Full textRizzo, Jean-Marc. "Développement économique et choix d'un régime de change." Aix-Marseille 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX24017.
Full textBonetto, Fabienne. "Etat et croissance endogène : analyse théorique et empirique du rôle des investissements publics." Nice, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NICE0045.
Full textLitchangou, Babambou Ingrid Orphise. "Comment devenir femme politique au Gabon : socialisation, conquête et conservation du pouvoir." Thesis, Paris 8, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA080006.
Full textThe scientific productionon women and politics is as important as diverse. Indeed, many research have been conducted in various disciplines such as history, political sciences, sociology, and psycoanalysis that have studied that duo theme. However, there are very few writings on the representation of the specifics of african women to act as a female politician. This research work aims at contributing to the adavancement of knowledge by exploring the mechanisms through which women access elected functions in a country charactirized by socio-cultural practices and logics that restrict women access within the decision-making spheres. The elected socio-cultural constuction relation to powerhas been scrutinized. Proessional and personnal assets, the socio-political culture, all have been scrutinized in order to highlight the components of the woman’s identity in Gabon and their interaction with the requirements of their profession. The gender analysis has enabled to report on the gender-based dimension of the social relationship of sexe, political phenomena and the ongoing praticises in traditional and modern societies and institutions, areas of construction and expresion of gender relations
Litchangou, Babambou Ingrid Orphise. "Comment devenir femme politique au Gabon : socialisation, conquête et conservation du pouvoir." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA080006.
Full textThe scientific productionon women and politics is as important as diverse. Indeed, many research have been conducted in various disciplines such as history, political sciences, sociology, and psycoanalysis that have studied that duo theme. However, there are very few writings on the representation of the specifics of african women to act as a female politician. This research work aims at contributing to the adavancement of knowledge by exploring the mechanisms through which women access elected functions in a country charactirized by socio-cultural practices and logics that restrict women access within the decision-making spheres. The elected socio-cultural constuction relation to powerhas been scrutinized. Proessional and personnal assets, the socio-political culture, all have been scrutinized in order to highlight the components of the woman’s identity in Gabon and their interaction with the requirements of their profession. The gender analysis has enabled to report on the gender-based dimension of the social relationship of sexe, political phenomena and the ongoing praticises in traditional and modern societies and institutions, areas of construction and expresion of gender relations
Gaulier, Guillaume. "Intégration économique et convergences réelles." Paris 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA010026.
Full textVellutini, Charles. "Intégration économique, croissance et convergence." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010056.
Full textGalal, Hussein Ali Randa. "Mondialisation et développement local en Egypte." Paris 7, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA070055.
Full textEgypt is one of the development countries which have been affected by globalisation. Global changes imposed numbers of challenges & advantages, especially with the current tecnnologies improvement. These changes include all fields such as economic, politico-admistratif and urban for all planning levels (mondial, supra-regional, national and local). How the local development at within the globalization context? On the first part, thesis present the globalisation concept & its effect on developing & industrial countries, On the second part discuses the relation between the need of development in Egypt and the global planning requirements. The third part studies the Egyptian experience of local development and highlight its advantages and problems
Olivier, Valérie. "Économie et action : le modèle évolutionniste d'apprentissage technologique." Toulouse 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996TOU10026.
Full textWhen A. Smith founded the modern political economics, he asked: "how an economic order could emerge from a multiple individual actions looking for their self-interests? This question stands for the problem of action. Acting means then interacting. Acting is only a beginning. It involves irreversible processes. We can not foresee its results. Its authors are anonymous. These are today the complex properties of action. These properties are not taken into account in the walrasian theory. Now, this failure tends to be reduced through the study of interaction in an uncertain environment. But we find that this attempt is difficult because their approach remain in cognitive conception of action. We propose to adopt a different approach: the "enaction" (F. Varela). In this sense, actions are embedded by their conditions. Learning is a process that does not dissociate resources allocation and creation. This learning concept is proposed by evolutionary economics. We show that his use allows thinking about the complexity of action. This approach allows elaborating a model of co-evolution of market and technological regimes. We show that two forms of learning (adaptative and public) influence sharply the industrial dynamics
Lebaz, James. "Crise, politique économique et hyperinflation en Bolivie : 1982-1985." Paris 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA010047.
Full textHmoda, Adres. "Tripoli à l'époque fatimide : vie politique, économique et sociale." Paris, EPHE, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EPHE4005.
Full textThis study is dedicated to the city of Tripoli during the Fatimid reign (297/909), in terms of political, economic and social development. Under the Fatimids, the city of Tripoli has experienced several rebellions fueled by doctrinal differences between Sunnites and Shiites on one side, and Shiites and Kharijites of another, which drove the authority to use force to control the city. The Fatimids considered Tripoli as an important point that it is necessary to guard and protect, because it is a support to develop eastward towards Barqa and Egypt. After the transfer of the power Fatimid in Cairo in 362/973, Tripoli remained directly connected to the authority of the caliph, while the other cities of Ifrîqiya were under the power of Zirids which governed the region in the name of Fatimids. This situation allowed the Berbers of Zenata, enemies of Zirids, to establish a political entity, through the family of Bani khazroun, which governed Tripoli from 391/1000 to 541/1146. During this period, the situation of Tripoli fluctuated between dependence and autonomy towards the power Fatimid. Also, the city of Tripoli knew an urban evolution; it shows through ramparts, city gates and ribats. The presence of mosques intra and extra muros contributed to the cultural development of the city. Moreover, some important figures in the field of the literature, the language, as well as the other domains lived or studied in Tripoli. The study also draws some aspects of the social life of the city and its demographic composition constituted by Berbers, Arabs, Byzantine and Saqaliba. The study also approaches the economic life of the city, which was flourished during the periods of stability, based on activities varied as agriculture, and the trade, Tripoli was very commercially linked with the cities of Mediterranean, and a major passage for the caravan trade
Raad, Nazih. "La vie politique et économique au Liban après 1943." Montpellier 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985MON10063.
Full textKonate, Ismael Sidiki. "Politique industrielle, développement économique et orientation des spécialisations productives." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COAZ0002.
Full textDuring the last decade or so, we have observed a resurgence of interest for industrial policy at the institutional level in Europe, but especially in the Anglo-Saxon world where it appears as a means of shaping the economic specialization of countries. To show this, it is necessary to be able to explain that, in an international context, an industrial policy compatible with the mechanisms of competition can permit to guide the productive specialization of an economy in a direction more favorable to its economic growth. In this perspective, the thesis is organized in two parts. The first part takes up various works maded by Greenwald and Stiglitz, Haussmann and Rodrik, Hodler, as well as Aghion, Cai, Dewatripont, Du, Harrison and Legros to show that they propose a real overhaul of industrial policy. It is based on a complete reversal of perspective since we move from a conception in which the markets are efficient and that the main source of the poor performance of the economy stems from the intervention of the government, to one which on the contrary considers that markets are inherently failing and economic efficiency requires government intervention. The second part of the thesis extends this result to the field of international economic relations. This involves proposing an extension of the Aghion, Cai, Dewatripont, Du, Harrison and Legros model of 2015, to explain how industrial policy contributes to orienting the productive specialization of an economy by distinguishing two fields of application which correspond to approximations of an open economy context, namely the case of an economic union and that of a customs union. The results of the thesis thus also make it possible to provide an analytical response to the problem raised by Paul Krugman in 1979, according to which, in imperfect competition, national specialization patterns are indeterminate. Indeed, it is now possible to explain why and how an industrial policy based on innovation and knowledge can, while strengthening competition between companies, help to shape the productive specialization of an economy and thus become a lever essential to its international competitiveness
Beugnot, Julie. "Chômage et politique économique dans un contexte d'équilibres multiples." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON10012.
Full textThis thesis analyzes the performances of labor market in an economy subject to multiple equilibria and the implications of such a configuration for economic policy. It contains four pieces of research, each dealing with a particular aspect of the general setting. First, the econometric analysis of the unemployment time series for several OECD countries,which allows the identification of regime switches and their characteristics, brings forth some significant evidence that the multiple equilibria framework is relevant. Second, the effect of the implementation and of the rise of the minimum wage are investigated through a static model, assuming imperfect competition, heterogeneous labor input and wage negotiations at the firm level. Though minimum wage hikes have an adverse effect on employment, the implementation of a binding minimum wage turns out to be an efficient tool for excluding the Pareto- inferior equilibrium. Third economic policy conditions are also affected because the existence of multiple equilibria alters the dynamic properties of the economy. This case has been investigated in the framework of a fully dynamic model assuming imperfect competition individual wage negotiations and matching frictions. Finally, a coordination game experiment confirms that the introduction of a sunspot can be a source of coordination failure and inefficiency in an economy with two Pareto-ranked equilibria
Yamani, Nezha. "Politique économique et piège du sous-développement au Maroc." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00697235.
Full textColin, Florence. "Analyse économique théorique de la délinquance politique." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992IEPP0020.
Full textThe thesis studies the logic of individuals behaviors concerning illegal political activity through an economic model composed of a supply function of political criminality, a demand function of security and a production function of repression. The purpose is to determine the gains and costs that affect the individual calculus of potential participants, and in which conditions they are going to increase or to decrease their time of participation (the supply quantity). Tha gains and costs of illegal political activity are : purs publics gains, private political gains, materials and psychological private gains, apprehension, condamnation, physical dammanges costs, opportunity costs due to foregone wage in the economic legal life. The "factor "preference for publics goods" amplificates the public and political private gains. We also take into account the choice of potential victims, State and private citizens. The demande for security of private citizens is integrated into that of the State, because they cannot resort to reppression to protect themselves. The State is the productor of repression to dissuade potentials participants to engage in political violence in order to express their discontent, and make them substitute legal political action to illegal one which become more costly
Mauvois-Bacholnik, Chantale. "Les nouveaux pays industriels d'Extrême-Orient dans l'économie mondiale (Corée du Sud, Taiwan et Singapour)." Paris, INALCO, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989INAL0010.
Full textThe emergency of far eastern NIC's in world economy has been one the most striking facts of the past 20 years. In a context of international economic crisis, these countries have experienced Japanese-like performances allowing them to escape to underdevelopment. What are the reasons of their success? Are these economics mere excrescences of foreign capitalism or real national economies ? These thesis analyses the factors explicating the rapid transformation of these countries and shows the role of original industrial and economical state policies and local entrepreneurship though geographical, historical and cultural environment