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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Social security systems'

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Resende, Tiago Simões. "Bosch security systems : impacto cultural e social." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2017.

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Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais
A cultura organizacional é algo imaterial, intangível mas percetível através dos seus efeitos e consequências. Uma organização pode ser comparada a um indivíduo como possuidor de uma identidade, única e irrepetível. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar o impacto da empresa Bosch, Security Systems no concelho de Ovar, a partir do início das suas atividades até à atualidade. Isto, com o objetivo de perceber se a implementação provocou modificações ao integrar-se no concelho. A partir das análises dos indicadores sociais e económicos, da realização de entrevistas procurou-se demonstrar que o concelho tem sofrido alterações com a implementação de empresas internacionais ao longo do tempo.
The organizational culture is something immaterial, intangible but perceptible through its effects and consequences. An organization can be compared to an individual as possessor of an identity, unique and unrepeatable. We intend to study the impact of the company Bosch, Security Systems in the Ovar municipality. From the start of its activities to the present time. This, in order to understand if the implementation has caused regarding its integration. Starting from the analyses of social and economic indicators, and the realization of interviews we intend to demonstrate that the municipality has improved positive consequences with the implementation of international companies in its area along the time.
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Reyes, Carlos. "European portability rules for social security benefits and their effects on the national social security systems." SFB International Tax Coordination, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2004.

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Avgerou, Chrisanthi. "Information systems in social administration : factors affecting their success." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1989.

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Zervou, Fani. "Social insurance system of Greece : a comparison with British, American and Spanish social security systems; and econometric model." Thesis, City University London, 1997.

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Casarico, Alessandra. "An economic analysis of pension systems and reforms." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2000.

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Munshedzi, Thivhakoni Kingsley. "An assessment of the impact of the management of the social security system on access to services in Limpopo Province." Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2016.

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Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016
In attacking poverty in post-apartheid South Africa, the country’s new government adopted a multiple approach focusing on building institutions and organisations on a macro regional and local level, levels to facilitate growth, reconstruction and social upliftment. In its effort to alleviate poverty and inequality, the Government of South Africa introduced a social security system. In an endeavour to address the deficiencies surrounding this system, the government has established a number of mechanisms. In order to distribute these grants to the right people in the right place, the government formed the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). The research problem was, therefore, to find out how the management and administration of social security by SASSA is enhancing or retarding access to the services for which the agency was established to render. The aim of this study was to assess how the management and administration of the social security system impact on the accessibility of social services by those who require them. In order to achieve the aim of this study, the following objectives were addressed: how social security is managed in the Limpopo Province; to assess the impact of the management of the system on access to services; to identify possible strategies that could enhance access to social security services; and to provide recommendations based on the literature and research findings. The findings of this study was that the administration system of the South African grant system has been somewhat cumbersome for both the applicant and the administrator because the forms used for most grants are detailed and often quite technical. Furthermore, it was established that were service delivery challenges of severe staff shortages at critical operational levels where grant applications are processed and infrastructural challenges such as insufficient office space (too many staff members in a specific office) and insufficient or no connectivity at certain service delivery points. These are all organisational challenges that SASSA is facing. This research recommend that the Limpopo regional office must not only be responsible for giving information about newly enrolled recipients to the SASSA national office but the regional office should be able to complete the whole process within its offices without passing it on to the national office The research also recommends that a Monitoring and Evaluation unit must be established in regional offices. This unit will assist the management and administration of social grants in particular with improving services. This unit will visit different SASSA offices in the local municipalities on a regular basis in order to evaluate the performance of those particular offices. This will help to monitor the service delivery to the beneficiaries. Lastly, SASSA should do more research and development in consultation academic institutions or by structure within SASSA offices
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Tar, Nicholas L. K. "When Cyber Systems Crash: Attitudes Towards Cyber Utilization And Security." NSUWorks, 2017.

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This research focused on examining attitudinal differences of Internet utilization and security with the objective of understanding the relationships that cyber usability have with cybercrime and then determine best practices needed to promote the secure use of the Internet. The research was designed as a quantitative study that used judgment sampling to survey 433 cases to explain the relationship that exists between cyber utilization and security. To achieve this objective, research questions and hypothesis were designed to guide the analysis. Cross tabulation analysis was used to compare the dependent and independent variables while Chi-square, Lambda and Gamma statistical tests were used to verify the relationship and identify statistical significance of the relationship. The findings revealed that while variables like being IT savvy, amount of financial loss, education, age, gender and residence location did not have evidence of a relationship with security, research participants had concern for secure cyber use and thought that cybersecurity awareness training and type of transaction conducted on the Internet were associated to security even though the strength of each relationship was weak. The study highlighted the damaging effects of cybercrime and recommended that cyber users should embrace best practice principles as they browse the Internet and utilize cybersecurity awareness training as an important function of secure IT utilization.
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Tarimo, Charles N. "ICT Security Readiness Checklist for Developing Countries : A Social-Technical Approach." Doctoral thesis, Kista : Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 2006.

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Li, Hong Ping. "Secure proximity queries in mobile geo-social services." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2013.

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Tootell, Holly. "The social impact of using automatic identification technologies and location-based services in national security." Access electronically, 2007.

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Dell'Anna, Alessio <1990&gt. "Basic Income: An innovative mechanism to support social security systems in the EU." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017.

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L’obbiettivo del presento lavoro è quello di illustrare la proposta di introduzione del “Basic Income” (Reddito di Base) per una modernizzazione e miglioramento dei sistemi di protezione sociale dei paesi Europei. Nel testo si farà riferimento alla sua definizione, ossia: un reddito versato da una comunità politica a tutti i suoi membri, su base individuale, senza bisogno di ulteriori requisiti riguardanti le loro risorse né attività lavorative. Questa proposta nasce dall’idea di distribuire, in maniera incondizionata, una determinata somma di denaro come supplemento alle attuali disposizioni di previdenza sociale. In questa modo si potrà assicurare un reddito che garantisca a tutti i cittadini la possibilità di provvedere ai loro bisogni primari e, facendo ciò, le persone potranno scegliere liberamente se partecipare attivamente o meno nel mercato del lavoro. Nel contesto europeo, globalizzazione, progressi tecnologici e sviluppo economico hanno creato una nuova classe sociale di esclusi, vale a dire, il precariato. Inoltre, si stima che in futuro non verranno creati più sufficienti posti di lavoro, generando nuove paure e insicurezze, e il “Basic Income” potrebbe essere una alternativa per i prossimi anni. In particolare, verrà illustrato il programma del governo Finlandese che prevede l’attuazione del progetto di un “Basic Income” universale. Lo scopo di questo esperimento è di trovare alternative per rimodellare il sistema previdenziale in risposta ai cambiamenti del mercato del lavoro. Questo progetto inoltre esplorerà l’ambito relativo agli incentivi per il lavoro e come rendere questo sistema più efficiente. Ulteriori obiettivi consistono nella riduzione degli oneri burocratici e creazione di metodi semplificati nella distribuzione dei sussidi sociali. L’inizio del progetto è previsto per il 2017. Successivamente, si tratterà il caso della Svizzera che, fino ad oggi, è stato il primo e unico paese ad indire un referendum riguardante l’introduzione di un “Basic Income”. I risultati finali dimostrano che è stato respinto da una grande maggioranza con il 77% di voti sfavore, e solo il 23% a favore. La proposta prevedeva il diritto incondizionato, per i cittadini aventi la maggiore età, di ricevere un reddito mensile, occupati o meno. I sostenitori della proposta hanno suggerito un reddito mensile di 2.500 Franchi svizzeri per ogni adulto, più 625 Franchi per ciascun bambino. Gli importi riflettono l’elevato costo della vita in Svizzera ma non è chiaro come questa proposta verrebbe ad incidere sulle persone con livelli di retribuzioni più elevati. In futuro, l'importo totale dei soldi distribuiti non dovrebbe essere inferiore a quello odierno. Si stima un suo aumento progressivo per via dell’automazione che ridurrà ulteriormente la domanda di forza lavoro nel nostro sistema economico. Per proseguire l'attività economica, i consumatori necessitano di potere d’acquisto e un “Basic Income” potrebbe essere la soluzione più appropriata per una migliore ridistribuzione futura.
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Timonen, Virpi. "In defence of the welfare state? : social policy restructuring in Finland and Sweden in the 1990s." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2001.

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Ball, Albert. "A Comparison of Users' Personal Information Sharing Awareness, Habits, and Practices in Social Networking Sites and E-Learning Systems." NSUWorks, 2012.

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Although reports of identity theft continue to be widely published, users continue to post an increasing amount of personal information online, especially within social networking sites (SNS) and e-learning systems (ELS). Research has suggested that many users lack awareness of the threats that risky online personal information sharing poses to their personal information. However, even among users who claim to be aware of security threats to their personal information, actual awareness of these security threats is often found to be lacking. Although attempts to raise users' awareness about the risks of sharing their personal information have become more common, it is unclear if users are unaware of the risks, or are simply unwilling or unable to protect themselves. Research has also shown that users' habits may also have an influence on their practices. However, user behavior is complex, and the relationship between habit and practices is not clear. Habit theory has been validated across many disciplines, including psychology, genetics, and economics, with very limited attention in IS. Thus, the main goal of this study was to assess the influence of users' personal information sharing awareness (PISA) on their personal information sharing habits (PISH) and personal information sharing practices (PISP), as well as to compare the three constructs between SNS and ELS. Although habit has been studied significantly in other disciplines, a limited number of research studies have been conducted regarding IS usage and habit. Therefore, this study also investigated the influence of users' PISH on their PISP within the contexts of SNS and ELS. An empirical survey instrument was developed based on prior literature to collect and analyze data relevant to these three constructs. Path analysis was conducted on the data to determine the influence of users' PISA on their PISH and PISP, as well as the influence of users' PISH on their PISP. This study also utilized ANCOVA to determine if, and to what extent, any differences may exist between users' PISA, PISH, and PISP within SNS and ELS. The survey was deployed to the student body and faculty members at a small private university in the Southeast United States; a total of 390 responses was received. Prior to final data analysis, pre-analysis data screening was performed to ensure the validity and accuracy of the collected data. Cronbach's Alpha was performed on PISA, PISH, and PISP, with all three constructs demonstrating high reliability. PISH was found to be the most significant factor evaluated in this study, as users' habits were determined to have the strongest influence on their PISP within the contexts of SNS and ELS. The main contribution of this study was to advance the understanding of users' awareness of information security threats, their personal information sharing habits, and their personal information sharing practices. Information gained from this study may help organizations in the development of better approaches to the securing of users' personal information.
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Drake, Paul David. "Communicative action in information security systems : an application of social theory in a technical domain." Thesis, University of Hull, 2005.

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This thesis is about grounding an increasingly common practice in an established theory where no explicit theory currently exists. The common practice that is the subject of this study is information security. It is commonly held that information security means maintaining the confidentiality, integrity (accuracy) and availability of information. It seems that a whole industry has built up with tools, techniques and consultants to help organisations achieve a successful information security practice. There is even a British Standard containing around 130 controls, and a management system to guide organisations and practitioners. In the absence of many alternatives this British Standard has grown into something of a requirement for organisations who are concerned about the security of their information. The British Standard was developed almost entirely through the collaboration of some powerful blue-chip organisations. These organisations compared their practices and found some key areas of commonality. These common areas became the foundation of many information security practices today. Although there has been considerable evolutionary change the fundamentals, and not least the principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability, remain largely the same. It is argued in this thesis that the absence of a theoretical grounding has left the domain as weak and unable to cope with the rapidly developing area of information security. It is also argued that there was far too little consideration of human issues when the standard was devised and that situation has worsened recently with greater reliance on information security driven by more threats of increasing complexity, and more restrictive controls being implemented to counteract those threats. This thesis aims to pull human issues into the domain of information security: a domain which is currently dominated by non-social and practical paradigms. The key contribution of this thesis is therefore to provide a new model around which information security practices can be evaluated. This new model has a strong and established theoretical basis. The theory selected to underpin the new model is in the broad domain of critical social theory.
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Rahman, Md Mizanur. "Search Rank Fraud Prevention in Online Systems." FIU Digital Commons, 2018.

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The survival of products in online services such as Google Play, Yelp, Facebook and Amazon, is contingent on their search rank. This, along with the social impact of such services, has also turned them into a lucrative medium for fraudulently influencing public opinion. Motivated by the need to aggressively promote products, communities that specialize in social network fraud (e.g., fake opinions and reviews, likes, followers, app installs) have emerged, to create a black market for fraudulent search optimization. Fraudulent product developers exploit these communities to hire teams of workers willing and able to commit fraud collectively, emulating realistic, spontaneous activities from unrelated people. We call this behavior “search rank fraud”. In this dissertation, we argue that fraud needs to be proactively discouraged and prevented, instead of only reactively detected and filtered. We introduce two novel approaches to discourage search rank fraud in online systems. First, we detect fraud in real-time, when it is posted, and impose resource consuming penalties on the devices that post activities. We introduce and leverage several novel concepts that include (i) stateless, verifiable computational puzzles that impose minimal performance overhead, but enable the efficient verification of their authenticity, (ii) a real-time, graph based solution to assign fraud scores to user activities, and (iii) mechanisms to dynamically adjust puzzle difficulty levels based on fraud scores and the computational capabilities of devices. In a second approach, we introduce the problem of fraud de-anonymization: reveal the crowdsourcing site accounts of the people who post large amounts of fraud, thus their bank accounts, and provide compelling evidence of fraud to the users of products that they promote. We investigate the ability of our solutions to ensure that fraud does not pay off.
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Lindström, John. "Models, methodology and challenges within strategic information security for senior managements." Doctoral thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Datavetenskap, 2009.

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The work in this thesis is based on an interest for strategic information security, and in particular business continuity planning, in combination with own experiences from strategic management of corporations. Information security policy- and education, practice and awareness issues have also been part of my focus. Strategic information security is the part of information security that senior managements (top managements) should own and care for, like for any other strategic area in an organization. One problem is that this is often not the case as the senior management attention and awareness is focused on other areas instead. The work has mainly addressed explanatory models and methodology to explain what strategic information security including business continuity planning is to senior management teams and a training concept. It has also high-lighted challenges from current and future technology, and terminology problems affecting business continuity planning in a direct or indirect way. The purpose of the thesis was broken down into six objectives matching identified knowledge gaps. These resulted in the research question "How to improve the senior management own and care process for strategic information security, and in particular business continuity planning?" The results from the empirical studies are two models and one methodology to be used when targeting strategic information security issues like modeling and implementations of business continuity planning, security policies and security education, practice and awareness during the own and care process. A further result is a training concept for organizational crisis management. In addition, the results also indicate challenges that need to be addressed during work with security policies and business continuity planning. The thesis further contributes with a framework for business continuity planning guiding how the models and methodology, together with the training concept and challenges should be used together in the own and care process, to resolve problems and achieve organizational change. The contribution is of a general nature and is suitable to use in both private and public sector organizations.

Godkänd; 2009; 20091106 (jlm); DISPUTATION Ämnesområde: Data- och systemvetenskap Opponent: Professor Per Flensburg, Högskolan Väst Ordförande: Professor Ann Hägerfors, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Fredag 18 december, 2009, klockan 10:00 Plats: Hoppesalen, Luleå tekniska universitet

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Louvet, Anne-Claire Alice. "The Social Security Disability Insurance and vocational rehabilitation programs : a study of the time delays." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, 1986.

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Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1986.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 78-79).
Research supported by the National Science Foundation. SES84-19885
by Anne-Claire Alice Louvet.
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Hu, Daning. "Analysis and Applications of Social Network Formation." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2009.

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Nowadays people and organizations are more and more interconnected in the forms of social networks: the nodes are social entities and the links are various relationships among them. The social network theory and the methods of social network analysis (SNA) are being increasingly used to study such real-world networks in order to support knowledge management and decision making in organizations. However, most existing social network studies focus on the static topologies of networks. The dynamic network link formation process is largely ignored. This dissertation is devoted to study such dynamic network formation process to support knowledge management and decision making in networked environments. Three challenges remain to be addressed in modeling and analyzing the dynamic network link formation processes. The first challenge is about modeling the network topological changes using longitudinal network data. The second challenge is concerned with examining factors that influence formation of links among individuals in networks. The third challenge is regarding link prediction in evolving social networks. This dissertation presents four essays that address these challenges in various knowledge management domains. The first essay studies the topological changes of a major international terrorist network over a 14-year period. In addition, this paper used a simulation approach to examine this network's vulnerability to random failures, targeted attacks, and real world authorities' counterattacks. The second essay and third essay focuses on examining determinants that significantly influence the link formation processes in social networks. The second essay found that mutual acquaintance and vehicle affiliations facilitate future co-offending link formation in a real-world criminal network. The third essay found that homophily in programming language preference, and mutual are determinants for forming participation links in an online Open Source social network. The fourth essay focuses on the link prediction in evolving social networks. It proposes a novel infrastructure for describing and utilizing the discovered determinants of link formation process (i.e. semantics of social networks) in link prediction to support expert recommendation application in an Open Source developer community. It is found that the integrated mechanism outperforms either user-based or Top-N most recognized mechanism.
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Cortés, Calderón Sofía Valeria. "Embracing complexity: Dynamics governing urban drinking water supply security in Mexico City." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2020.

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Drinking water supply insecurity is globally on the rise, and prevalent in most low and middle-income urban areas. Multiple responses have emerged to cope with the lack of a reliable and equitable supply of safe and sufficient drinking water in cities, which presents a wide range of social-ecological implications. Yet, many of the analyses to date are focused on predominantly technological, ecological, and economic perspectives, overlooking broader cultural and political dimensions. What are the elements and the interrelationship between them that sustain the lack of drinking water supply security at an urban scale? The empirical case study is located in Mexico City, the capital city of one of the most drinking water-insecure countries globally and among the world’s five largest metropolitan areas. Qualitative data is elicited from a literature review and semi-structured interviews with key experts and urban stakeholders. The results provide an integrated understanding of the proposed system structure that created and maintain the water supply problem in the long-term. Hindrances include knowledge lock-ins and critical dynamics that inhibit the political support to transition towards a drinking water security scenario. This study shows that drinking water supply crisis in the study area and other cities with similar conditions need to be understood as multi-dimensional and from a system perspective, by challenging underlying assumptions and embracing interconnectedness. Key feedback mechanisms are presented in causal loop diagrams, allowing the exploration of higher-order leverage points to reduce existing path-dependencies as one increasingly important research area, and potentially relevant for decision-makers.
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Aqeel, Muhammad. "Internet of Things : Systematic literature review of security and future research." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Informationssystem, 2020.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of billions of devices, people and services to Interconnect and exchange information and useful data. The IoT applications are highly affirming to increase the level of comfort, efficiency and automations for the user. The high level of security and privacy, authentication and recovery from the attacks is required to implement IoT automated world. In this thesis I am presenting an overview of IoT layer architecture and attacks regarding security from the layer’s perspective. In addition, this thesis will provide an overview to solve the security and privacy threats. Furthermore, this paper discusses the current state of research on IoT security requirements and future research directions with respect to IoT security and privacy, a detailed review of the security challenges and sources of threat in the IoT applications is presented. Finally, this thesis presents the security issues, various emerging and existing technologies focused on achieving a high degree of trust in the IoT applications.
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Nabo, Vuyokazi. "Implementation of performance management systems at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), Nelson Mandela Metro District." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2014.

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The focus of the study is to investigate the factors that impact on effective implementation of a performance management system at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the Eastern Cape Region, Nelson Mandela Metro District. It is said that an organisational success in service delivery largely depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of its employees in undertaking their functions, duties and responsibilities (Ntombela, Mpehle and Penciliah, 2010: 63).
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Shade, Molly. "The Burner Project: Privacy and Social Control in a Networked World." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015.

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As mobile phones become increasingly ubiquitous in today’s world, academic and public audiences alike are curious about the interaction between mobile technologies and social norms. To investigate this phenomenon, I examined how individuals use technology to actively manage their communication behaviors. Through a three-month research project on usage patterns of Burner, a mobile application, this thesis explores the relationships among technology, culture, and privacy. Burner is a service that equips individuals with the means to create, maintain, and/or dissolve social ties by providing temporary, disposable numbers to customers. The application offers a way to communicate without relying on a user’s personal phone number. In other words, Burner acts as a “privacy layer” for mobile phones. It also provides a valuable platform to examine how customers use the application as a strategy for communication management. This thesis represents a marriage of practice and theory: (1) As an applied enterprise, the project was constructed as a customer needs assessment intending to examine how the service was situated in the lives of its users. The findings have successfully been applied to my client’s company strategy and have led to a more informed customer approach. (2) As an academic endeavor, this research contributes to existing scholarship in anthropology, computer-mediated communication, privacy, and design. The results provide rich fodder for discussions about the impact of mobile communication and services.
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Heller, Henry B. "Teacher retirement systems: an analysis of change (1969-1984)." Diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986.

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Lennartsson, Markus. "Exploring the meaning of ”usable security” : A literature survey." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2020.

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For decades, literature has reported on the perceived conflict between usability and security. Their mutual trade-off needs to be considered and addressed whenever security products are developed. Achieving well-balanced levels of both is a precondition for sufficient security since users tend to reject unusable solutions. To assess it correctly, usability should be evaluated in the context of security. This paper aims to identify and describe universally applicable and solution-independent factors that affect the perceived usability of security mechanisms. The selected methodology was a systematic literature review during which multiple database resources were queried with different search terms. Application of predefined selection criteria led to the creation of an initial bibliography before backward snowballing was applied to minimize the risk of missing further material of importance. All 70 included publications were then analyzed through thematic analysis. The study resulted in the identification of 14 themes and 30 associated sub-themes representing aspects with reported influence on perceived usability in the context of security. While some of them were only mentioned sparsely, the most prominent and thus presumably most significant ones were: simplicity, information and support, task completion time, error rates, and error management. The identified novel themes can increase knowledge about factors that influence usability. This can be useful for different groups: end-users may be empowered to choose appropriate solutions more consciously, developers may be able to avoid common usability pitfalls when designing new products, and system administrators may benefit from a better understanding of how to configure solutions and how to educate users efficiently.
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Kamariza, Yvette. "Implementation of information security policies in public organizations : Top management as a success factor." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Informatik, 2017.

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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential success factors related to the implementation of an information security in organizations, with a specific focus on the role of top management in implementing information security policies in organizations. The following are the research questions: What are the factors related to the implementation of an information security in organization according to the literature and what is the organization’s view of these factors? What is the role of the top management in implementing an information security policy in an organization according to the literature and what is the organization’s view of the role? A case study approach was implemented in this study, collecting data from both primary and secondary sources by doing a literature review, and interviews. A document analysis was done as well as a field visit.Based on the literature, the success factors related to the implementation of an information security in organization are: management support, security awareness and training, budget, information security policy enforcement, organization objectives and goals. Based on the interviews, both two organizations agree with those success factors found in the literature. Regarding the role of the top management in implementing an information security policy in organization, the two organizations have different views on that role. For one organization, the successful implementation of an information security policy does not need the involvement of the top management, and for the other one, in order to achieve a successful implementation of an information security policy, there must be involvement of the top management. Suggestions for further researcher are: Future researchers interested in this field may include to conduct a qualitative research in different public organizations, also including private organizations but for a longer period of time, so the researcher can make a comparison of the top management’s role in implementing an information security policy between public and private organizations. The researcher can also try to find other success factors related to the implementation of an information security.
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Carpio, Ramírez Miguel Ángel. "The effects of social security privatization on consumption, saving and welfare: evidence from Peru." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2008.

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Esta tesis constituye un estudio empírico de la privatización de la seguridad social en Perú, con énfasis sobre consumo, ahorro y bienestar. El primer capítulo describe la reforma y la posiciona como un valioso caso de estudio. El segundo evalúa el efecto de la privatización sobre el bienestar de los ancianos y sus dependientes inmediatamente después de la reforma, cuando la seguridad social migraba de un estado estacionario a otro. Se encuentra un efecto positivo, aunque el impacto mayor no fue experimentado ni por los hogares más pobres ni por los hogares de mayor edad. El tercero, en lugar de evaluar la reforma, utiliza la variabilidad provista por ésta para responder una antigua pregunta económica: hasta qué punto el ahorro de pensiones compensa el ahorro voluntario. Se encuentra que, por cada dólar de seguro provisto por el sistema de pensiones, el ahorro voluntario decrece entre 70 centavos y un dólar.
This thesis is an empirical study of the privatization of social security in Peru, with a particular emphasis on consumption, saving and welfare. The first chapter provides a general description of the reform and positions it as a valuable study case. The second chapter evaluates the effect of the privatization on the well-being of the elderly and their dependents immediately after the reform, when social security was moving from a steady state to the other. It concludes that the effect was positive, although the larger impact was experienced neither by the poorest households nor by the oldest households. The third chapter, instead of evaluating the reform, uses the variability provided by the reform to analyze an old economic question: to what extent pension saving crowds out voluntary saving. It finds that for every dollar of insurance provided by the pension system, voluntary savings decrease by 70 cents to one dollar.
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Monte-Cardoso, Felipe 1981. "A saúde entre os negócios e a questão social : privatização, modernização e segregação na ditadura civil-militar (1964-1985)." [s.n.], 2013.

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Orientador: Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T14:11:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monte-Cardoso_Felipe_M.pdf: 1128961 bytes, checksum: 79bf3c446afd7b22c866befd436b70ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: Dentre os impasses vividos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), discutem-se atualmente questões relativas à privatização da gestão e da assistência, ao subfinanciamento, à separação entre ações de saúde curativa e de saúde preventiva e às profundas assimetrias sociais no acesso aos bens de saúde. Este estudo busca colocá-las em perspectiva histórica, ao analisar a formação do modo de produção de saúde durante a ditadura civil-militar de 1964 a 1985. Para tanto, se buscará compreender o problema da saúde nos marcos da questão social dentro do processo de formação histórica da sociedade brasileira a partir de revisão bibliográfica. O debate sobre a formação compreende o Brasil como uma sociedade capitalista dependente, caracterizada por uma dupla articulação que combina subordinação externa e segregação social, e advoga a necessidade histórica da superação deste padrão. Durante a ditadura, a lógica dos negócios como estruturante da política de saúde e a modernização dos padrões de consumo no setor foram aspectos estimulados pelo regime, reproduzindo o caráter segregador da saúde no Brasil. Com relação ao primeiro aspecto, a unificação do aparelho previdenciário favoreceu o aprofundamento do modelo de privatização, através do estímulo ao setor privado contratado, bem como aos convênios firmados com empresas, e incentivo estatal para construir e equipar hospitais privados para servir ao sistema previdenciário. O caráter dispendioso do modelo, o uso do fundo previdenciário para outros fins (grandes projetos de infraestrutura) e o acúmulo de casos de corrupção contribuiu para agravar a crise financeira da Previdência Social de fins da década de 1970. Os serviços de saúde previdenciários passaram por um processo de integração aos demais serviços do sistema público como forma de superar a crise, sem, no entanto, transformar o caráter segmentado, lucrativo, privatista e heterogêneo do sistema de saúde. Com relação ao segundo aspecto, a chegada das empresas transnacionais farmacêuticas e de equipamentos e insumos ao Brasil, potencializada pelo regime ditatorial, transformaram as práticas de saúde, aprofundando em escala inédita o trabalho centrado no médico e em procedimentos com alto grau de incorporação tecnológica e dissociados da realidade sanitária brasileira. Estas transformações, afinadas com a expansão do modelo previdenciário privatista, baseadas no mimetismo cultural dos países centrais, terminaram por agravar a dependência brasileira dos produtos das transnacionais, bem como as distorções geradas por este modelo. A crise dos anos 70 e 80 explicitou estas contradições e acelerou a maturação dos movimentos de contestação ao regime e ao modelo de saúde brasileiro, que se aglutinaram em torno da necessidade de uma Reforma Sanitária. Estes movimentos questionaram as bases das práticas sanitárias vigentes e propôs uma estratégia de mudança do setor centrada em reformas do aparelho de Estado apoiadas pela pressão popular. No entanto, a transição pelo alto que caracterizou o fim da ditadura representou a manutenção do monopólio de poder político nas mãos da burguesia dependente, sob a tutela dos organismos financeiros internacionais e em vigência de mais um ciclo de privatização da assistência à saúde, comprometendo o caráter profundamente transformador e democrático das proposições reformistas
Abstract: Among the dilemmas experienced by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), current issues are related to the privatization of management and assistance, the underfunding, the separation between health actions curative and preventive health and the profound social inequalities in access to health goods. This study tries to put them in historical perspective, to analyze the formation of the health production mode during the civil-military dictatorship (1964 to 1985). To do so, it will be tried to understand the health problem in the framework of social issues within the historical process of the Brazilian society formation from a literature review. The debate over the formation comprises Brazil as a dependent capitalist society, characterized by a double articulation that combines external subordination and social segregation, and advocates the necessity of overcoming this historical pattern. During the dictatorship, the business logic structuring of health policy and modernization of consumption patterns in the sector aspects were encouraged by the regime, reproducing the segregated character of healthcare in Brazil. Regarding the first aspect, the unification of the social security favored deepening of the privatization model, by encouraging the private sector contractor, as well as agreements with companies and state incentives to build and equip hospitals to serve the social security health system. The expensive nature of the model, the use of social security fund for other purposes (such as large infrastructure projects) and the accumulation of corruption gates contributed to aggravating the late 1970s' financial crisis of Social Security. Health services went through a process of integration with other services in the public system as a way to overcome the crisis, without, however, transforming the segregated, profitable, privatized and heterogeneous character of the health system. Regarding the second aspect, the arrival of transnational corporations (pharmaceutical and medical equipment and supplies) to Brazil, boosted by the dictatorial regime, transformed health practices, deepening in an unprecedented scale work focused on medical procedures and with a high degree of technological incorporation disassociated from reality of Brazilian health needs. These transformations, in tune with the expansion of privatizing social security model, based on cultural mimicry of central countries, ended up aggravating the dependency of Brazilian products of transnational as well as the distortions generated by this model. The crisis of the 70's and 80 made these contradictions explicit and accelerated maturation of movements against the regime and Brazilian health model, which coalesced around the need for health reform. This movement questioned the basis of the existing sanitary practices and proposed a strategy for change in the sector based on reforms of the state apparatus supported by popular pressure. However, the "transition from above" that characterized the end of the dictatorship represented maintaining the monopoly of political power in the hands of the dependent bourgeoisie, under the tutelage of international financial organizations and in the presence of another cycle of health care privatization, compromising the profoundly transformative and democratic character of the reformists' propositions
Política, Planejamento e Gestão em Saúde
Mestre em Saude Coletiva
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Desroches, Sabrina. "Fostering Anticipatory Action via Social Protection Systems : A Case Study of the Climate Vulnerability of Flood-Exposed Social Security Allowance Beneficiaries in Bardiya District, Nepal." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2020.

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Rationale – Climate disasters represent a significant and growing proportion of the humanitarian burden and are a key factor in increasing poverty and insecurity. A myriad of studies demonstrate that aid delivered in an ex-ante fashion can be effective in mitigating losses of life, assets and livelihoods associated with climate hazards. This inquiry supplements the nascent body of research and empirical evidence base pertaining to the building of anticipatory capacity into large-scale national systems, namely via linking a Forecast-based Financing mechanism to an existing social protection system. Research question – Using the case of flood disasters in Bardiya district, Nepal, the research inquired the following: How can social protection be combined with Forecast-based Financing in order to optimise anticipatory humanitarian relief for climate-related disasters? Sub-questions – Research sub-questions guided the inquiry: (1) To what extent are current social protection beneficiaries exposed to climate-related disasters? (2) What is the specific climate vulnerability of social protection beneficiaries? (3) What are the anticipatory relief needs of climate vulnerable social protection beneficiaries? Methodology – Grounded in empirical research via the conduct of a qualitative single case study, the inquiry adopted a conceptual perspective and an exploratory design. A remote data collection strategy was applied, which included (1) a thorough desk review of key scientific literature and secondary data provided by in-field humanitarian organisations; and (2) semi-structured interviews with key informants. Key findings – The data demonstrated that the exposure of social protection beneficiaries to flood hazards is comparable to the general population. Nevertheless, an elevated climate vulnerability is evident secondary to an increased sensitivity and diminished adaptive capacity. The flood anticipatory relief needs/preferences identified include cash-based assistance, food provisions, evacuation assistance and/or enhanced Early Warning Systems. Conclusion – The research supports the utilisation of the proposed conceptual model for an integrated social protection and Forecast-based Financing mechanism, inclusive of vertical and horizontal expansion, in order to effectively identify the most climate vulnerable groups and to guide the provision of targeted anticipatory actions. The mechanism is optimised when a people-centred approach is utilised, with reference to the idiosyncratic, lifecycle and corresponding intersectional vulnerabilities of the targeted population. These findings will contribute to prospective programming in Nepal; additionally, the extent to which they can be generalised will be informed by future applied efficacy studies and comparative analyses with research from differing contexts.
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Li, Yu. "Securing Modern Cyberspace Using A Multi-Faceted Approach." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Tyler, Susan Marie. ""Wake Up the Knowledge That You Have": An Assessment of Community Food Security in Fellsmere, Florida." Scholar Commons, 2014.

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In the global industrial agricultural system many people lack access to high-quality nutritious foods and food production techniques are often inefficient and reliant on harsh chemical inputs. While numerous strategies exist to address the disparities present in the global food system, increasingly researchers and practitioners are looking to local food systems for solutions to strengthen community food security (CFS). CFS emphasizes small-scale production strategies such as farmer's markets, community gardens, and consumer supported agriculture. As these efforts evolve, research is needed to understand how these strategies affect communities. To explore a local CFS initiative, qualitative data were collected from community garden participants in Fellsmere, Florida, contextualized by participant observation. Interviews (N=9) focused on household and community nutritional concerns and the impacts of community gardening on diet quality and food security. Further, quantitative data were collected on the Fellsmere food environment using the USDA Thrifty Food Plan in six local food stores. Individual and household food security, the ability to obtain enough food to live a healthy life, was assessed using a food access and security survey (N=30). Results suggest that the Fellsmere food environment is lacking in the high-quality foods that participants' desire. Additionally, interview data suggests that participants want more control over their food production systems. This thesis provides a case study for better understanding what factors affect community members' perceptions of community food security.
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Rahman, Mahmudur. "Data Verifications for Online Social Networks." FIU Digital Commons, 2015.

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Social networks are popular platforms that simplify user interaction and encourage collaboration. They collect large amounts of media from their users, often reported from mobile devices. The value and impact of social media makes it however an attractive attack target. In this thesis, we focus on the following social media vulnerabilities. First, review centered social networks such as Yelp and Google Play have been shown to be the targets of significant search rank and malware proliferation attacks. Detecting fraudulent behaviors is thus paramount to prevent not only public opinion bias, but also to curb the distribution of malware. Second, the increasing use of mobile visual data in news networks, authentication and banking applications, raises questions of its integrity and credibility. Third, through proof-of- concept implementations, we show that data reported from wearable personal trackers is vulnerable to a wide range of security and privacy attacks, while off-the-shelves security solutions do not port gracefully to the constraints introduced by trackers. In this thesis we propose novel solutions to address these problems. First, we introduce Marco, a system that leverages the wealth of spatial, temporal and network information gleaned from Yelp, to detect venues whose ratings are impacted by fraudulent reviews. Second, we propose FairPlay, a system that correlates review activities, linguistic and behavioral signals gleaned from longitudinal app data, to identify not only search rank fraud but also malware in Google Play, the most popular Android app market. Third, we describe Movee, a motion sensor based video liveness verification system, that analyzes the consistency between the motion inferred from the simultaneously and independently captured camera and inertial sensor streams. Finally, we devise SensCrypt, an efficient and secure data storage and communication protocol for affordable and lightweight personal trackers. We provide the correctness and efficacy of our solutions through a detailed theoretic and experimental analysis.
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Kassa, Belay Habtemariam. "Livestock and livelihood security in the Harar highlands of Ethiopia : implications for research and development /." Uppsala : Dept. of Rural Development Studies, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, 2003.

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Ojala, Burman Emma. "Impact of demographic factors on information security awareness : a study on professionals and students in Sweden." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2021.

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Over the past year, cyberattacks have increased and one of the reasons is a lack of security awareness in society. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a drastic change in working conditions and the most prominent shift is that many people had to start working from home. From an information security perspective, this places great demands on the individual since they are not protected by their organization's security solutions in the same degree as in the physical office space. This is being exploited by cybercriminals and the issue of focusing on the human aspect of information security is becoming more essential. Education is used to increase information security awareness (ISA), which in turn leads to improved security behavior. Through education, organizations can therefore reduce the risk of being exposed to various cyberattacks. To develop training programs within information security, one should look for the underlying factors that have an impact on ISA. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see if demographic factors have any impact on ISA among Swedish professionals and students. The study is based on a quantitative survey in which a total of 157 professionals and students participated. The study was conducted using The Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q), which is a validated questionnaire developed to measure ISA. The results of the study strengthen previous findings that knowledge about security policies is a crucial factor for a high ISA. In addition, age and level of education also show an impact on ISA. Information about underlying factors that impact ISA can be useful when designing training programs in information security for Swedish professionals and students.
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Twisdale, Jerry Allen. "Exploring SME Vulnerabilities to Cyber-criminal Activities Through Employee Behavior and Internet Access." ScholarWorks, 2018.

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Cybercriminal activity may be a relatively new concern to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), but it has the potential to create financial and liability issues for SME organizations. The problem is that SMEs are a future growth target for cybercrime activity as larger corporations begin to address security issues to reduce cybercriminal risks and vulnerabilities. The purpose of this study was to explore a small business owner's knowledge about to the principal elements of decision making for SME investment into cybersecurity education for employees with respect to internet access and employee vulnerabilities. The theoretical framework consisted of the psychological studies by Bandura and Jaishankar that might affect individual decision making in terms of employee risks created through internet use. This qualitative case study involved a participant interview and workplace observations to solicit a small rural business owner's knowledge of cybercriminal exploitation of employees through internet activities such as social media and the potential exploitation of workers by social engineers. Word frequency analysis of the collected data concluded that SME owners are ill equipped to combat employee exploitation of their business through social engineering. Qualitative research is consistent with understanding the decision factors for cost, technical support, and security threat prevention SME organizational leadership use and is the focus of this study as emergent themes. The expectation is that this study will aid in the prevention of social engineering tactics against SME employees and provide a platform for future research for SMEs and cybercriminal activity prevention.
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Salem, Omran S. A. "An Integrated Intelligent Approach to Enhance the Security Control of IT Systems. A Proactive Approach to Security Control Using Artificial Fuzzy Logic to Strengthen the Authentication Process and Reduce the Risk of Phishing." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2012.

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Hacking information systems is continuously on the increase. Social engineering attacks is performed by manipulating the weakest link in the security chain; people. Consequently, this type of attack has gained a higher rate of success than a technical attack. Based in Expert Systems, this study proposes a proactive and integrated Intelligent Social Engineering Security Model to mitigate the human risk and reduce the impact of social engineering attacks. Many computer users do not have enough security knowledge to be able to select a strong password for their authentication. The author has attempted to implement a novel quantitative approach to achieve strong passwords. A new fuzzy logic tool is being developed to evaluate password strength and measures the password strength based on dictionary attack, time crack and shoulder surfing attack (social engineering). A comparative study of existing tools used by major companies such as Microsoft, Google, CertainKey, Yahoo and Facebook are used to validate the proposed model and tool. A comprehensive literature survey and analytical study performed on phishing emails representing social engineering attacks that are directly related to financial fraud are presented and compared with other security threats. This research proposes a novel approach that successfully addresses social engineering attacks. Another intelligent tool is developed to discover phishing messages and provide educational feedback to the user focusing on the visible part of the incoming emails, considering the email’s source code and providing an in-line awareness security feedback.
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Cruz, Renato Negretti. "A teoria dos sistemas e a força normativa constitucional do sistema jurídico sanitário." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.

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Este trabalho, eminentemente bibliográfico, destina-se à revisão da teoria dos sistemas sociais autopoiéticos de Niklas Luhmann e à consideração de seus limites e suas implicações para a compreensão da força normativa constitucional do sistema jurídico sanitário brasileiro. Nesse sentido, são discutidas a diferenciação funcional da sociedade e a função sistêmica do Direito e da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 em generalizar e manter contrafactualmente as expectativas normativas relativas à saúde, indispensáveis para a dinâmica dos processos comunicacionais sociais. A evolução do sistema sanitário nacional é situada no desenvolvimento do Estado brasileiro e na organização de suas políticas públicas em saúde, durante o século XX, em comparação à conformação dos sistemas de saúde europeus, analisada por Michel Foucault em seus estudos sobre os modelos de Medicina Social e a Crise da Medicina Moderna. Nesse contexto, a Constituição Federal de 1988 é identificada como o ponto de convergência dos processos comunicacionais da sociedade brasileira no sentido da mais abrangente forma de institucionalização de expectativas normativas, resultante do acoplamento estrutural dos sistemas sociais nacionais, não restritos, de forma alguma, aos seus sistemas jurídico e político. Incorpora-se, assim, à compreensão do sistema jurídico sanitário a sua crescente complexidade operacional bem como a consideração das expectativas, dos conflitos, do funcionamento dos sistemas que compõe a sociedade brasileira e da função finalística dos programas e princípios constitucionais voltados à implementação dos direitos sociais fundamentais relacionados à saúde.
This work, eminently bibliographical, is destined to the revision of the theory of Autopoietic Social Systems by Niklas Luhmann and to the consideration of its limits and its implications for the comprehension of the constitutional normative power of the Brazilian legal system as related to sanitation. To this end, the functional differentiation of society and the systemic function of the law and the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 to generalize and maintain contrafactual the normative expectations, which are indispensable to a dynamic of the processes of social communication. The evolution of the national sanitary system is part of the development of the Brazilian state and in the organization of its public health policies, during the 20th century, in comparison to the European hea1th systems analyzed by Michel Foucault in his studies of the Models of Social Medicine and the Crisis of Modern Medicine. In this context, the Federal Constitution of 1988 is identified as the convergence point of the communicational processes of the Brazilian society in the sense of a wider form of institutionalization of normative expectations, resulting in the structural connection of the national social systems unrestricted in any manner to the legal and political systems. We arrive thusly to the comprehension of the legal system of sanitation and its growing operational complexities as well as the consideration of the expectations, conflicts and functioning of systems that compose Brazilian society and the ultimate function of the programs and constitutional principles related to the implementation of fundamental social rights as related to health.
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Ferguson, Isaac Yaw. "The Effectiveness of Social Engineering as a Cyber - Attacking Vector : People Do Use Unknown USB Drive, They Find." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för informationsteknologi, 2017.

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Information security importance is rising. Information security awareness' is spreading, and this gives a clear picture of the growing demand for information security. Information security does not only consist of essential information but also the customer. An information system could be either a system user or a device. Protecting vital information is one of the security issues facing our modern technology, but also protecting system users. System users are the weakest link in information security chain due to wrong prioritizing of information security.Standardization of information security must not differ across organizations. Although every organization has a prioritized level of protection, managing information security should not be completely different from one organization over the other. However, this is not the case. The standards of information security across multiple organizations differ. The gap between organizations concerning information security is enormous. The difference between organizations is due to how organizations value their information access. One of the main security issues confronting information security is the end-user security. System users are still the weakest link in the information security chain. An organization's security cannot depend only on the implemented system, but also, the security level of the system users. The end-users within an organization are essential in cultivating better information security practices. Neglecting end users' importance in information security makes it easier for cyber-attacks and end-users manipulations.The inability to protect end-users as a physical system exposes the possibilities of manipulating end-users through various Social Engineering techniques to elicit essential information. Social Engineering is the term used to influence a person without their knowledge to give out sensitive information. Social Engineering comprises of different factors; psychology and computer science. Social Engineering acquires vital information by manipulating the weakest link in information security chains, the system user.Social Engineering proves that end-users are still the weakest link in the information security chain. This experiment demonstrates that people do use unknown USB drive they find. The consequences of this act, in general, could be harmful. Moreover, that, there are possibilities through Social Engineering, to expose organizations' systems infrastructures to cyber-attacks.The result from this project visualizes that, the most valuable assets an organization has are the people within the organization. An organization employee could expose a well-secured system to cyber-attacks without knowing about it.
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Packard, Truman G. "Reforming social insurance and the incentives to self insure : essays on coverage of old age income security systems in Latin America." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2002.

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Motivated by increasing public awareness of possible abuse of confidential information, which is considered as a significant hindrance to the development of e-society, medical and financial markets, a privacy preserving data mining framework is presented so that data owners can carefully process data in order to preserve confidential information and guarantee information functionality within an acceptable boundary. First, among many privacy-preserving methodologies, as a group of popular techniques for achieving a balance between data utility and information privacy, a class of data perturbation methods add a noise signal, following a statistical distribution, to an original numerical matrix. With the help of analysis in eigenspace of perturbed data, the potential privacy vulnerability of a popular data perturbation is analyzed in the presence of very little information leakage in privacy-preserving databases. The vulnerability to very little data leakage is theoretically proved and experimentally illustrated. Second, in addition to numerical matrices, social networks have played a critical role in modern e-society. Security and privacy in social networks receive a lot of attention because of recent security scandals among some popular social network service providers. So, the need to protect confidential information from being disclosed motivates us to develop multiple privacy-preserving techniques for social networks. Affinities (or weights) attached to edges are private and can lead to personal security leakage. To protect privacy of social networks, several algorithms are proposed, including Gaussian perturbation, greedy algorithm, and probability random walking algorithm. They can quickly modify original data in a large-scale situation, to satisfy different privacy requirements. Third, the era of big data is approaching on the horizon in the industrial arena and academia, as the quantity of collected data is increasing in an exponential fashion. Three issues are studied in the age of big data with privacy preservation, obtaining a high confidence about accuracy of any specific differentially private queries, speedily and accurately updating a private summary of a binary stream with I/O-awareness, and launching a mutual private information retrieval for big data. All three issues are handled by two core backbones, differential privacy and the Chernoff Bound.
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Papakonstantinou, Maria. "e-Prescriptions : Privacy concerns and security risks in Greece’s e-Health care system." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2017.

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The present thesis presents an informed by ethnography research that seeks to explore the privacy concerns and security risks that individuals perceive with regards to the electronic system of handling digital prescriptions. The research takes place in Athens, Greece and the participants are professionals who use daily the e-prescription platform and citizens whose data is being gathered and accessed. The paradiagm within which the research is unfolded is the interpretive one and a methodology of flexible design is followed. Thematic analysis of concepts produced by the data gathered is followed in order to offer an understanding of the concerns that the participants perceive. The methods that were used were interviews with professionals, focus groups with groups of citizens, individual interviews with citizens, observations and thinking aloud in pharmacies. The aim of the thesis is to illuminate those concerns with the aspiration that it be used as a basis for further research on the important issue of privacy of sensitive, medical data and suggest ways that could help ameliorate the identified concerns.
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Forde, Edward Steven. "Security Strategies for Hosting Sensitive Information in the Commercial Cloud." ScholarWorks, 2017.

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IT experts often struggle to find strategies to secure data on the cloud. Although current security standards might provide cloud compliance, they fail to offer guarantees of security assurance. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the strategies used by IT security managers to host sensitive information in the commercial cloud. The study's population consisted of information security managers from a government agency in the eastern region of the United States. The routine active theory, developed by Cohen and Felson, was used as the conceptual framework for the study. The data collection process included IT security manager interviews (n = 7), organizational documents and procedures (n = 14), and direct observation of a training meeting (n = 35). Data collection from organizational data and observational data were summarized. Coding from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with organizational documents and observational data/field notes to produce major and minor themes. Through methodological triangulation, 5 major themes emerged from the data analysis: avoiding social engineering vulnerabilities, avoiding weak encryption, maintaining customer trust, training to create a cloud security culture, and developing sufficient policies. The findings of this study may benefit information security managers by enhancing their information security practices to better protect their organization's information that is stored in the commercial cloud. Improved information security practices may contribute to social change by providing by proving customers a lesser amount of risk of having their identity or data stolen from internal and external thieves
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Simpson, Joseph P. "Empirical Analysis of Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting Security Behaviors and Practices of Smartphone Users." NSUWorks, 2016.

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The overall security posture of information systems (IS) depends on the behaviors of the IS users. Several studies have shown that users are the greatest vulnerability to IS security. The proliferation of smartphones is introducing an entirely new set of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Smartphone devices amplify this data exposure problem by enabling instantaneous transmission and storage of personally identifiable information (PII) by smartphone users, which is becoming a major security risk. Moreover, companies are also capitalizing on the availability and powerful computing capabilities of these smartphone devices and developing a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program, which makes companies susceptible to divulgence of organizational proprietary information and sensitive customer information. In addition to users being the greatest risk to IS security, several studies have shown that many people do not implement even the most basic security countermeasures on their smartphones. The lack of security countermeasures implementation, risky user behavior, and the amount of sensitive information stored and transmitted on smartphones is becoming an ever-increasing problem. A literature review revealed a significant gap in literature pertaining to smartphone security. This study identified six socio-cognitive factors from the domain of traditional computer security which have shown to have an impact on user security behaviors and practices. The six factors this study identified and analyzed are mobile information security self-efficacy, institutional trust, party trust, and awareness of smartphone risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and their influence on smartphone security practices and behaviors. The analysis done in this research was confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) – structural equation modeling (SEM). The goal of this study was to cross-validate previously validated factors within the context of traditional computer security and assess their applicability in the context of smartphone security. Additionally, this study assessed the influential significance of these factors on the security behaviors and practices of smartphone users. This study used a Web-based survey and was distributed to approximately 539 users through Facebook® and LinkedIn® social media outlets which resulted in 275 responses for a 51% response rate. After pre-analysis data screening was completed, there were a total of 19 responses that had to be eliminated due to unengaged responses and outliers leaving 256 responses left to analyze. The results of the analysis found that vulnerability awareness, threat awareness, and risk awareness are interrelated to one another which all in turn had significance in predicting self-efficacy, security practices, and behaviors. This intricate relationship revealed in this study indicates that a user has to have an increased awareness in all three categories of awareness before they can fully understand how to protect themselves. Having an increased awareness in one category does not impact the overall security posture of the user and that risk, threat, and vulnerability awareness all work together. Another interesting find was that as risk awareness increased the less the smartphone users protected themselves. This finding warrants additional research to investigate why the user is more averse to risk, and willing to accept the risk, despite their increased awareness. Finally, institutional trust and party trust was found not to have any significance on any of the factors. These findings should give smartphone users and organizations insight into specific areas to focus on in minimizing inappropriate security behaviors and practices of smartphone users. More specifically, users and organizations need to focus on educating users on all three factors of threats, risks, and vulnerabilities in order for there to have any impact on increasing self-efficacy and reducing inappropriate security behaviors and practices.
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Mohialdeen, Haneen, and Johannes Draaijer. "Security Culture in Sweden with Focus on Digital Certificate Culture in Organizations." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DM), 2020.

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Digital certificates lie at the heart of security where effective security culture enables digital certificates to be widely and properly deployed in organizations. Digital certificates provide a way to secure websites and bank transactions, digitally sign documents and emails, enable secure access to remote locations on the internet through VPNs by providing a means for authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. In this thesis, the barriers to an effective digital certificate security culture and the possibilities of misuse or misconception of certificates on both client and server side are investigated by first testing 49 scenarios for misuse and three for misconceptions in the network laboratory in Linnaeus University and, then by conducting a survey designed based on the eight dimensions of the Security Culture Framework. Possibilities for misuse were discovered and described in a Functional Scope Model and the most common barriers were found to be lack of funding and awareness regarding digital certificates within organizations. Overall, it was found that there is high usage, willingness and motivation in regards to certificates in organizations in Sweden but the quality of the digital certificate security culture needs to be improved.
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Holmström, Anton. "Applying information security to the operational technology environment and the challenges it brings." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Digitala tjänster och system, 2021.

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Information security risks in the operational technology (OT) environment is becoming legitimate challenges for businesses pursing an industrial digitalisation. IT and OT di˙erences reach across managerial, technical and operational aspects, creating unique challenges in developing a suÿcient security posture. The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of the challenges businesses face when applying information security in the operational technology environment in the context of an increased connectivity to the IT environment. In order to understand how information security is adapted to an OT environment, semi-structured interviews was conducted with respondents working with information security in process and production industries. These findings suggest that businesses tends to view the interconnection of IT and OT as two separate environments rather than one shared, which is causing managerial challenges when adapting an information security strategy to cover both the IT and the OT aspect of an organisation.
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Gonzalez, Granadillo Gustavo Daniel. "Optimization of cost-based threat response for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2013.

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Current Security Information and Event Management systems (SIEMs) constitute the central platform of modern security operating centers. They gather events from various sensors (intrusion detection systems, anti-virus, firewalls, etc.), correlate these events, and deliver synthetic views for threat handling and security reporting. Research in SIEM technologies has traditionally focused on providing a comprehensive interpretation of threats, in particular to evaluate their importance and prioritize responses accordingly. However, in many cases, threat responses still require humans to carry out the analysis and decision tasks e.g., understanding the threats, defining the appropriate countermeasures and deploying them. This is a slow and costly process, requiring a high level of expertise, and remaining error-prone nonetheless. Thus, recent research in SIEM technology has focused on the ability to automate the process of selecting and deploying countermeasures. Several authors have proposed automatic response mechanisms, such as the adaptation of security policies, to overcome the limitations of static or manual response. Although these approaches improve the reaction process (making it faster and/or more efficient), they remain limited since these solutions do not analyze the impact of the countermeasures selected to mitigate the attacks. In this thesis, we propose a novel and systematic process to select the optimal countermeasure from a pool of candidates, by ranking them based on a trade-off between their efficiency in stopping the attack and their ability to preserve, at the same time, the best service to normal users. In addition, we propose a model to represent graphically attacks and countermeasures, so as to determine the volume of each element in a scenario of multiple attacks. The coordinates of each element are derived from a URI. This latter is mainly composed of three axes: user, channel, and resource. We use the CARVER methodology to give an appropriate weight to each element composing the axes in our coordinate system. This approach allows us to connect the volumes with the risks (i.e. big volumes are equivalent to high risk, whereas small volumes are equivalent to low risk). Two concepts are considered while comparing two or more risk volumes: Residual risk, which results when the risk volume is higher than the countermeasure volume; and Collateral damage, which results when the countermeasure volume is higher than the risk volume. As a result, we are able to evaluate countermeasures for single and multiple attack scenarios, making it possible to select the countermeasure or group of countermeasures that provides the highest benefit to the organization
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Sjöström, Elin. "Ett lapptäcke av säkerhetsskydd över Sverige : Utmaningar för civila verksamheter vid applicering av säkerhetsskyddsanalys för stärkt nationell säkerhet." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Informatik, 2019.

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Informationssäkerhet är idag någonting som blivit allt viktigare med den ökade mängd information som bearbetas och den ökade risken för antagonistiska händelser. Att bygga upp ett omfattande säkerhetsskydd genom att genomföra en grundläggande säkerhetsskyddsanalys är därför av vikt för de verksamheter som kan påverka Sveriges säkerhet. Denna studie har undersökt detta genom att besvara två frågeställningar: 1.Vilka utmaningar finns det vid applicering av säkerhetsskyddsanalys för civila verksamheter inom Sverige? och 2. Hur bör dessa verksamheter applicera säkerhetsskyddsanalys för att handskas med de identifierade utmaningarna? För att besvara dessa frågor har en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförts där empiri har samlats in genom en dokumentstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer, och en observation. Empirin har sedan analyserats genom hermeneutisk analys och analys inspirerad från grundad teori. Studiens resultat har sedan tagits fram i tre steg. Först genom en kartläggning av säkerhetsskyddsanalysen där analysen delades in i sex huvudsakliga steg: verksamhetsanalys, identifiering av skyddsvärde, konsekvensanalys, säkerhetshotbedömning, sårbarhetsanalys, och identifiering och värdering av säkerhetsåtgärder. Sedan genom att ta fram 24 utmaningar som delades in i fyra huvudsakliga områden: nationella utmaningar, verksamhetsutmaningar, ledningsutmaningar, och medarbetarutmaningar. Slutligen genom att sammanföra kartläggningen av säkerhetsskyddsanalysen och de identifierade utmaningarna till ett gemensamt ramverk för applicering av säkerhetsskyddsanalys. Den utförda studiens kunskapsbidrag är ett stöd och en förståelse av säkerhetsskyddsanalysens utförande för civila verksamheter för att minska bristerna i deras säkerhetsskydd.
In the present day, Information security has become an increasingly important matter due to the growing amount of information being processed as well as the increasing risk for antagonistic events. To build an extensive security protection through executing a fundamental security protection analysis is therefore of great importance for the organisations which are involved with the security of Sweden. This study has investigated the matter through answering two research questions: 1. Which challenges arise when applying security protection analysis for civil organisations in Sweden? and 2. How should these organisations apply security protection analysis to be able to deal with the identified challenges? A qualitative case study was completed to answer these questions with empirical data collected through a document study, semi-structured interviews, and observation. The empirical data were analysed by means of hermeneutic analysis and analysis informed by grounded theory. The result of the study has therefore been produced in three steps. First, through a mapping of the securty protection analysis where the analysis was divided into six main steps: activity analysis, identification of protection value, consequence analysis, security threat assessment, vulnerability analysis, and identification and valuation of security actions. Then, through producing 24 challenges, which were divided into four main areas: national challenges, organisation challenges, governance challenges, and coworker challenges. Finally, through combining the mapping of the security protection analysis and the identified challenges to a joint framework for application of security protection analysis. The konwledge contribution of the performed study is a support and an understanding of the execution of the security protection analysis for civil organisations to reduce the deficiencies in their security protection.
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Presotto, Andrea Regina Galvão. "Internacionalização dos sistemas de seguridade social: perspectiva do Brasil." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.

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Esta dissertação trata da internacionalização e necessidade de adequação dos sistemas de Seguridade Social ao atual cenário de circulação de mão-de-obra decorrente, principalmente, da globalização econômica e da formação dos blocos regionais. O primeiro capítulo é dedicado ao surgimento e evolução dos sistemas de Seguridade Social de acordo com o desenvolvimento dos Estados e aparecimento dos riscos sociais. A segunda parte dedica-se à análise de alsguns aspectos da globalização, bem como a relação estabelecida com a manutenção da soberania dos Estados, as perspectivas a partir da União Europeia e do Mercosul e, bem assim, os reflexos na Seguridade Social e os instrumentos utilizados para adequação dos sistemas, em busca da manutenção dos direitos sociais. Em seguida, são analisadas as diretrizes internacionais das Convenções nºs 102 e 118 da OIT sobre Seguridade Social, bem como os sistemas internacionais atualmente vigentes nos principais blocos regionais, quais sejam, a União Europeia e o Mercosul. Finalmente, será estudado cada um dos acordos internacionais dos quais o Brasil é parte, com o objetivo de demonstrar a cobertura de proteção que um cidadão brasileiro ou natural de algum dos países envolvidos poderá usufruir. Em caráter complementar, será analisada a Convenção Ibero-americana de Seguridade Social que, apesar de já ratificada pelo Brasil, ainda não entrou em vigor, vez que não atingido o número mínimo de ratificações.
The present dissertation addresses the internationalization and the need to adequate Social Security systems to the current scenario of movement of labor, mainly due to the economic globalization and the formation of regional trade blocs. The first chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the emergence and evolution of Social Security systems according to the development of the National States and the emergence of social risks. The second part of the paper analyzes issues related to the globalization, the relationship established with the maintenance of sovereignty of the States, the perspectives from the European Union and from the Mercosur, as well as its reflections in the Social Security and the instruments used to adequate the systems, in pursue to maintaining social rights. Subsequently, the international guidelines of ILO Conventions No 102 and 118 about Social Security, as well as the international systems currently in force in the main regional blocs, namely European Union and Mercosur, will be assessed. Finally, each of the agreements signed by Brazil will be studied, aiming to demonstrate the protection coverage, of which a Brazilian citizen or a citizen of one of the countries in plot can make use. Additionally, we will analyze the Iberoamerican Convention of Social Security that, despite already ratified by Brazil, is still not in force as the minimum number of ratifications has not been achieved yet.
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Karagöz, Hande. "Urban Space Recreation for Pedestrians through Smart Lighting Control Systems." Thesis, KTH, Ljusdesign, 2018.

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Connected public lighting for more sustainable and liveable cities is highly demanding research in lighting design field through human centred design approach. While following this understanding, this thesis aims to answer the question “How a networked public lighting can be created in order to enhance the needs of the pedestrians in Fredhällspark?”. To investigate this study, a background research was studied in the relevant topics of urban lighting, followed by the study of human safety regarding to this topic and lastly the possible new lighting technologies. The main study is involved in a pedestrian path at Fredhällspark in Stockholm, Sweden, in two months duration in the spring time of 2018 by conducting user surveys and taking the lighting measurements. Based on the results the study showed, a lighting design proposal is developed with a site-specific approach in order to make it up-to date and sustainable for future urban environments while complying with the requirements of the users.
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Mouratidis, Haralambos. "A security oriented approach in the development of multiagent systems : applied to the management of the health and social care needs of older people in England." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2004.

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Security can play an important role in the development of some multi agent systems. However, a careful analysis of software development processes indicates that the definition of security requirements is, usually, considered after the design of the system. This approach, usually, leads to problems, such as conflicts between security and functional requirements, which can translate into security vulnerabilities. As a result, the integration of security issues in agent oriented software engineering methodologies has been identified as an important issue. Nevertheless, developers of agent oriented software engineering methodologies have mainly neglected security engineering and in fact very little evidence has been reported on work that integrates security issues into the development stages of agent oriented software engineering methodologies. This thesis advances the current state of the art In agent oriented software engineering in many ways. It identifies problems associated with the integration of security and software engineering and proposes a set of minimum requirements that a security oriented process should demonstrate. It extends the concepts and the development process of the Tropos methodology with respect to security to allow developers, even those with minimum security knowledge, to identify desired security requirements for their multi agent systems, reason about them, and as a result develop a system that satisfies its security requirements. In doing so, this research has developed (1) an analysis technique to enable developers to select amongst alternative architectural styles using as criteria the security requirements of the system, (2) a pattern language consisting of security patterns for multi agent systems, and (3) a scenario-based technique that allows developers to test the reaction of the system to potential attacks. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated by employing it in the development of the electronic single assessment process (eSAP) system, a real-life case study that provided the initial motivation for this research.
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Zarzana, Júnior Dávio Antonio Prado. "A aplicação dos recursos da seguridade social, a partir da perspectiva da teoria dos sistemas, da teoria comunicacional e do caos." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:19:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Davio Antonio Prado Zarzana Junior.pdf: 545163 bytes, checksum: 24ed5e49b6e73973d3cf79e7f0d5042d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-26
This work, focusing on the financing of Social Security, intends to conduct three checks: first, the existence of deviations in the application of the funds raised for this financing, including from a formulation of one concept of deviation. Second, to examine potential imbalances produced by these possible deviations, from the perspective of Systems Theory, using, in addition, terminology from Communicational Theory. And third, to probe the possibility of complementary application of Chaos Theory to the problem of deviations, if found. The overall result of these investigations, through the dialecticalempirical method, will contribute to the perception of the importance of compliance with the constitutional application of resources to finance the Social Security
Este trabalho, focalizando o custeio da Seguridade Social, pretende realizar três verificações: a primeira, a existência ou não de desvios na aplicação dos recursos arrecadados para este financiamento, inclusive a partir da formulação de um conceito de desvio. A segunda, examinar os desequilíbrios que esses possíveis desvios produziriam, sob a ótica da Teoria dos Sistemas, utilizando-se, em adição, terminologia própria da Teoria Comunicacional. E a terceira, perscrutar a possibilidade de aplicação complementar da Teoria do Caos à problemática dos desvios eventualmente encontrados. O resultado global destas investigações, por meio do método empírico-dialético, deverá colaborar para a percepção da importância do cumprimento constitucional da aplicação dos recursos para o custeio da Seguridade Social
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