Academic literature on the topic 'Social sciences'

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Journal articles on the topic "Social sciences"


Fay, Brian. "For Science in the Social Sciences." Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36, no. 2 (June 2006): 227–40.

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Benton, Ted, and Roget Trigg. "Understanding Social Science: A philosophical Introduction to the Social Sciences." Contemporary Sociology 16, no. 1 (January 1987): 95.

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Castaños-Lomnitz, Heriberta. "Social sciences and science policies in Mexico." Science and Public Policy 33, no. 2 (March 1, 2006): 115–23.

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Do, Hien Duc. "Social Sciences." Journal of Asian American Studies 8, no. 2 (2005): 225.

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Manalansan, Martin F. "Social Sciences." Journal of Asian American Studies 9, no. 2 (2006): 207–8.

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Bzymek, Agnieszka. "Towards Resilience in Social Sciences-from Psychology to Social Pedagogy." Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe 2021(42), no. 4 (December 2021): 51–64.

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In the view of recent social sciences, the concept of resilience is associated primarily with positive adaptation regarding people exposed to various adversities and traumatic events for both children and adults. The majority of researchers ultimately agree on the coexistence of several factors affecting the disruption of an individual's functioning, illness or social maladaptation. With reference to social pedagogy, the category of resilience being not only psychological, finds comprehensive application to human and social life, including social problems, social exclusion and threats regarding family, school and education environment, and, finally, assistance in development processes and education of adults and the elderly. The aim of the article is to point out the indicated aspects.
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Rani, Sarita. "Open Access Resources in Social Sciences." Indian Journal of Library and Information Science 10, no. 2 (2016): 157–60.

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ESI, Marius Costel. "New Approaches in Social Sciences Field." Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences IV, no. 2 (December 18, 2015): 7–12.

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Kohli, Sankalp. "Role of SPSS in Social Sciences." International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research 11, no. 1 (January 27, 2023): 68–74.

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Wilson, Everett K., David L. Sills, and Robert K. Merton. "International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Vol. 19: Social Science Quotations." Contemporary Sociology 20, no. 4 (July 1991): 642.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Social sciences"


Greene, Catherine. "Laws in the social sciences." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2017.

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The social sciences are often thought to be inferior to the natural sciences because they do not have laws. Bohman writes that “the social sciences have never achieved much in the way of predictive general laws—the hallmark of naturalistic knowledge—and so have often been denied the honorific status of ‘sciences’” (1994, pg. vii). Philosophers have suggested a number of reasons for the dearth of laws in the social sciences, including the frequent use of ceteris paribus conditions in the social sciences, reflexivity, and the use of ‘odd’ concepts. This thesis argues that the scarcity of laws in the social sciences is primarily due to the concepts that social scientists often work with. These concepts are described as Nomadic and are characterised by disagreement about what can reasonably be included within the scope of a concept. The second half of the thesis explores the implications of this analysis. It argues firstly, that counterfactual analysis is problematic when using Nomadic concepts. Secondly, it argues that taking an intentional perspective on behaviour often involves the use of Nomadic concepts so, if social scientists do hope to formulate laws, then they are more likely to succeed if they focus on behaviour that is not intentional.
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Davis, Melinda Fritchoff. "Method variance in the social sciences." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2001.

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A preliminary taxonomy has been developed that differentiates between trait characteristics, the situation, manifest and subtle methods and interaction effects. The proposed taxonomy divides method into manifest and subtle categories. The obvious, surface characteristics of method are considered manifest, while the deeper structures of method that are not usually seen are considered subtle. Seven manifest method categories are described: stimulus format, response format, response categories, raters, whether the measure is direct or summative, rating the stimulus or the response, and opaque or transparent measures. Numerous subtle method categories can also be seen within the method rather than on its surface. These include semantic or verbal characteristics, direction of wording, measures of amount, ability, latency of response, possessions, situational context, associations, and behavior. Other method categories include report of others reactions, body symptoms, and time frame. Seven item level methods were tested in this study in the context of measurement of Introversion-Extraversion (IE). They included direct questions, direction of wording, situational context, time frame, report of others reactions, preference (semantic or verbal structure), and behavior. Three of these methods (preference, behavior, and direction of wording) introduced substantial method variance in the measurement of IE, and there were also several sizable trait*method interactions: direction of wording, time frame, and preference. Generalizability theory analysis (GT) proved to be quite useful in estimating method effects and interactions. By comparing the findings from GT analysis to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results, it became clear that there were problems with the CFA results that could not be ignored. Although generalizability analysis is limited in its ability to provide estimates of the trait and method contributions for individual measures, unfortunately, it informs us that the estimates provided by CFA are probably erroneous.
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Kinville, Michael Robert. "Inequality, education and the social sciences." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2017.

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Die konzeptionelle Verbindung zwischen Bildung und Gesellschaft, die im 19. Jahrhundert deutlich gemacht und wissenschaftlich begründet wurde, wird oft als selbstverständlich betrachtet. Diese veraltete Verbindung bildete aber die Basis für Bildungsreformen im Sekundärbereich in Deutschland und Indien in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, zum Verständnis dieser Verzögerung zwischen den Ideen und den Reformen, die sie einrahmten, beizutragen, indem sie eine geeignete Theorie der Verbindung zwischen Bildung und einer komplexen Gesellschaft aufstellt. Grundsätzliche Annäherungen an Gesellschaft und Bildung treten in Dialog mit post-kolonialen und kritischen Theorien. Universalistische Annahmen werden problematisiert, und eine offene Lösung für die Vorstellung zukünftiger Reformen wird präsentiert. Nationale Bildungsreformen in Indien und Deutschland nach ihren „Critical Junctures“ von 1947/1945 werden eingehend und chronologisch verglichen, um einen spezifischen Charakter historisch- und bildungs-bedingter Reproduktion beider Länder herauszuarbeiten sowie einen gemeinsamen Lernprozess zu ermöglichen. Abschließend wird eine Lösung des Problems in der Form offener Bildung präsentiert. Bildung als öffentliches Gut muss nicht zwangsläufig nur auf soziale Probleme reagieren, stattdessen kann sie verändert werden, um sozialen Wandel voran zu treiben.
The conceptual link between education and society, forged in the 19th Century, is often taken for granted. This seemingly outdated connection, however, has guided reforms in secondary education in India and Germany throughout the second half of the 20th Century. This study attempts to understand this lag between underlying ideas and the reforms they framed by synthesizing a viable theory for imagining the connection between education and a complex society. Foundational approaches to society and education are brought into dialogue with post-colonial and critical theories. Universalistic assumptions are problematized, and an open-ended solution for theorizing new connections is presented. National educational reforms in India and Germany subsequent to their critical junctures of 1947/1945 are exhaustively and chronologically compared in order to conceptualize a generic character of historical-educational reproduction for each country and to facilitate a process of mutual learning. Finally, a solution to the problems associated with educational reproduction is presented. Education as a public good does not need to simply be reactive to social problems. Instead, it can be reconfigured so as to drive social change.
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Gauthier, Roberto. "La représentation de la science chez les finissants de sciences humaines au collégial /." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1995.

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Vion, Robert. "L'interaction verbale : Communication. Linguistique et sciences humaines." Paris 5, 1991.

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Cette thèse a pour objet de promouvoir une linguistique interactionnelle au sein d'une approche pluridisciplinaire de la communication et de l'interaction verbale. Elle débute par un travail de réflexion sur les catégories de sujet et de social en examinant plus particulièrement les positions de l'interactionnisme symbolique, de l'ethnométhodologie et de la philosophie d'Habermas. Le concept d'espace interactif, propose pour fédérer des notions comme figuration, face, soi, relation, situation, renvoie à une pluralité d'images identitaires mise en oeuvre sumultanément par chacun des co-énonciateurs, jeu d'images exprimé en termes de rapports de places. Cette pluralité d'images identitaires correspond à la complexité du sujet, exprimée par Mead, et à l'hétérogénéité de toute instance énonciative. Le rapport de place dominant correspond au cadre interactif définitoire de l'interaction. Ces concepts conduisent à distinguer "interaction" et "rencontre" et permettent de développer, avec la notion de module, une nouvelle typologie des interactions fondée sur l'hétérogénéité et la coarticulation des types. Un bilan est également effectué à propos des analyses structurelles et hiérarchiques de l'interaction. Enfin, l'apport le plus spécifiquement linguistique consiste à prolonger les approches pragmatiques et énonciatives avec la notion d'activités discursives. La thèse s'achève avec un important travail sur les concepts exprimant ces diverses activités : référenciation, reprises, reformulations, implicites, implicitations, modalisations et modulations
This thesis aims at promoting an interactional approach to linguistics in relation to a multidisciplinary perspective on communication and verbal interaction. The thesis opens with a discussion of the categories of subject, of social relations and social fabric. The frame of analysis put forward by symbolic interactionalism, ethnomethodology and the german philosopher habermas are examined. The concept of interactive space is proposed as a means to relate the notions of face work, face, self, relation and situation. This concept describes the diversity of self images brought to play by each of the co-enunciators, these images being linked to the places occupied by the interactants and to the relationship that these places entertain. This diversity of self images refers to the complexity of the subject, as defined by mead, and to the heterogeneous nature of enunciator. The foremost among the place relations which hold between the interactants defines the frame of interaction. The concepts proposed allow a distinction between "interaction" and "encounter" and make possible, through the notion of module, a new typology of interactions. Structural and hierachical models interaction are also discussed. The specific linguistic contribution consist in elarging the pragmatic and enunciative approaches through the notion of discursive activities. The conceptual framework required to describe various discursive activities : referenciation, reprises, reformulations, presupposedness, implicatures, modulations, is examined in the last part of the thesis
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Han, Chunhui. "Social gate: a new social accountable framework for computer networks." Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=66970.

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Internet is a tremendous success and is an indispensable part of our everyday activities. However, Internet does not provide sufficient integrity to ensure the end hosts accountable for the communication. In this thesis, we present a new social accountable framework for the Internet that leverages the trusted links found on online social networks to hold the people and organizations accountable for their actions. Our framework is incrementally deployable without modifying the operating systems or applications running on the hosts. We provide the full design and discuss how different types of applications can be mapped onto the proposed framework. A prototype of this social accountable framework is partially implemented to evaluate the performance of the framework.
L'Internet est un succès extraordinaire et est une pièce indispensable de notre vie quotidienne. Cependent, l'Internet ne fourni pas assez d'integrité pour assurer que les hébergeurs finaux soient responsables pour les communications. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un nouveau cadre social responsable pour l'Internet qui exploite les liens de confiance trouvés sur les réseaux sociaux pour tenir les utilisateurs et les organisations responsables pour leurs actions. Notre cadre se déploit de facon itérative sans la modification du système d'exploitation ou les applications qui y exécutent. Nous présentons le plan complet et élaborons comment différent types d'applications peuvent s'adapter au cadre proposé. Un prototype de ce cadre social responsable est partiellement mis en application pour évaluer sa performance.
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Bellés, Calvera Lucía. "Mulilingual education: A contrastive analysis in Humanities, Social Sciences and Health Sciences." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2021.

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This study seeks to present a comparative analysis of metadiscoursal features produced in CLIL lectures and seminars offered in the fields of Soft Sciences and Hard Sciences. As for the methodology, the data were retrieved from several research instruments: audio-recorded interviews, transcripts of CLIL seminars and lectures, observation rubrics, students’ questionnaires and placement tests. The findings in the area of Soft Sciences indicate that the linguistic devices found in teacher discourse seem to be more predominant in the fourth-year module delivered in the History degree. It has also been illustrated that metadiscoursal features are more numerous in Hard Sciences, where communicative exchanges occur at a higher rate. This investigation sheds some light on the relevance of interpersonal markers in multilingual practices delivered in higher education. Evidence may be used in future teacher training programmes in order to support meaningful CLIL experiences.
Este estudio pretende presentar un análisis comparativo de los rasgos metadiscursivos producidos en las clases y seminarios AICLE ofrecidos en las áreas de Ciencias Blandas y Ciencias Duras. En cuanto a la metodología, los datos se obtuvieron a partir de varios instrumentos de investigación: entrevistas grabadas en audio, transcripciones de seminarios y conferencias AICLE, rúbricas de observación, cuestionarios y pruebas de nivel.Los hallazgos en el área de Ciencias Blandas indican que los recursos lingüísticos encontrados en el discurso del profesor parecen ser más predominantes en el módulo de cuarto curso impartido en la licenciatura de Historia. También se ha puesto de manifiesto que los rasgos metadiscursivos son más numerosos en Ciencias duras, donde los intercambios comunicativos se producen en mayor proporción. Esta investigación arroja algo de luz sobre la relevancia de los marcadores interpersonales en las prácticas de interacción multilingüe que se dan en la educación superior. Las pruebas pueden utilizarse en los futuros programas de formación del profesorado con el fin de apoyar experiencias significativas de AICLE.
Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducció
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Wallace, Christopher Conor. "Evolutionary game theory in the social sciences." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1999.

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Grönvik, Lars. "Definitions of Disability in Social Sciences : Methodological Perspectives." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Sociology, 2007.

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This dissertation examines how disability researchers define disability. It is based on four studies. The first describes different definitions of disability in disability research. The second study is a conceptual analysis of the use of disability in a sample of disability research classics. In this study, it is evident that use of the concept is all but clear. It is concluded that especially environmentally based disability definitions would benefit from further empirical investigations. The notion that environmental factors (such as barriers) are a causal aspect of disability is rather widely accepted among disability researchers. However, it has not been empirically studied to such an extent that it is possible to construct workable theories of this relationship.

The third study focuses on administrative definitions of disability and investigates the possibility of using data on disabled people that have been gathered by Swedish welfare authorities. It is concluded that rich data are available, but also that researchers must scrutinize how disability has been defined in these contexts. These authorities often start from medical understandings of disability, which may clash with contemporary understandings of disability as being environmentally based.

The fourth study is a statistical analysis of the effects of different disability definitions on dependent variables. The analyses emphasize variables often included in studies of living conditions. There are major effects of choice of disability definition on the outcome in relation to such variables.

The dissertation strongly rejects efforts to standardize disability definitions; different analytical purposes require different kinds of conceptualizations. Instead, the dissertation suggests that case-constructing reflexivity be conducted. Case-constructing reflexivity means that the researcher starts with a careful analysis of how disability is best defined in relation to the aims of the study, and continues by being constantly aware of how the choice of definition may affect sampling, analyses and results.

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Grönvik, Lars. "Definitions of disability in social sciences : methodological perspectives /." Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : b Universitetsbiblioteket [distributör], 2007.

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Books on the topic "Social sciences"


Pei, Changhong. Social sciences: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences forum. Beijing: China Social Science Pub. House, 1999.

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Valsiner, Jaan, ed. Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Whaling, Frank, ed. The Social Sciences. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1985.

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Vaccaro, Ismael, Eric Alden Smith, and Shankar Aswani, eds. Environmental Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Biblioteca Nacional (Brazil). Departamento Nacional do Livro., ed. Social sciences catalog. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Ministério da Cultura, Departamento Nacional do Livro, 1994.

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Georgeta, Rață, ed. Applied social sciences: Social Work. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

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Trigg, Roger. Understanding social science: A philosophical introduction to the social sciences. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1985.

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University of East London. Faculty of Social Sciences. Social sciences unit: BA (Hons) Social Sciences : subject area handbook. London: The University, 1993.

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Cohen, I. Bernard, ed. The Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Canada. Human Resources Development Canada. Communications Branch., ed. Education, social sciences, social services & religion. Ottawa-Hull: Communications Branch, Human Resources Development Canada, 1994.

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Book chapters on the topic "Social sciences"


Haigh, John. "Social Sciences." In Mathematics in Everyday Life, 91–112. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Coleman, John A. "Social Sciences." In The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, 289–307. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.

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Kincaid, Harold. "Social Sciences." In The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science, 290–311. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2008.

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Maasen, Sabine, and Harald Atmanspacher. "SOCIAL SCIENCES." In Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects, 385–89. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016.

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Citaristi, Ileana. "Social Sciences." In The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2022, 855–58. 24th ed. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Danielsson, Kristina, and Staffan Selander. "Social Sciences." In Multimodal Texts in Disciplinary Education, 79–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Amaral, Ines. "Social Sciences." In Encyclopedia of Big Data, 853–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Amaral, Ines. "Social Sciences." In Encyclopedia of Big Data, 1–4. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Haigh, John. "Social Sciences." In Mathematics in Everyday Life, 91–112. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Hawkesworth, Mary. "Social sciences." In A Companion to Feminist Philosophy, 204–12. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Social sciences"


Hagen, Loni. "Teaching Data Science to Social Sciences and Humanities Students." In dg.o '20: The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.

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Serpa, Sandro. "Prospective in Social Sciences." In 3rd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education. Acavent, 2020.

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Serpa, Sandro. "Prospective in Social Sciences." In 3rd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Education. Acavent, 2020.

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Martínez-Martínez, Víctor, Jairo Ortiz-Revilla, and Ileana M. Greca. "Exploring Student Perspectives on STEM through Fire Ecology: Epistemological and Social Insights from NoSTEM Education." In 5th World Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 99. Eurasia Conferences, 2024.

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In the dynamic realm of education, we explore high school students' perspectives on science and the Nature of STEM through a study with 96 participants. Fire Ecology serves as a pedagogical tool, unraveling students' conceptions of the epistemological and socioethical dimensions of STEM. The study dives into the interdisciplinary aspects of Fire Ecology, addressing scientific uncertainty, interdisciplinarity, and diverse STEM methodologies. Sustainability emerges as a central theme, as students examine how wildfires impact ecosystems and communities, sparking discussions on resource distribution and environmental justice. The results offer a detailed understanding of students' technoscientific views within this interdisciplinary context, contributing to the enrichment of their perspectives on science through NoSTEM education. Analyzing the instrument results reveals a 29% accuracy in the cognitive-epistemic dimension and a 40% accuracy in the socio-political dimension. This indicates a noticeable gap in students' understanding of the epistemological aspects of technoscientific knowledge, highlighting an area for improvement in conveying STEM principles. Interestingly, the relatively higher accuracy in the socio-political dimension suggests students possess awareness of the societal and political implications of science, aligning with the NoSTEM perspective. This understanding of science's interface with broader societal issues emphasizes the integration of STEM with social and ethical considerations. These findings emphasize the need for a targeted approach to enhance students' cognitive-epistemic understanding within the NoSTEM framework, potentially strengthening the effectiveness of NoSTEM education in cultivating a comprehensive and socially aware perspective on STEM disciplines.
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Hanson, Ruby. "The Natural Sciences Integrate with the Social Sciences." In Ireland International Conference on Education. Infonomics Society, 2022.

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Ivanjko, Tomislav, Zoran Horvat, and Sofija Ajanović. "CITIZEN SCIENCE IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES – TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES." In 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2023.

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Pervushina, V. N., L. V. Kochetova, I. M. Bocharova, N. M. Morozova, and E. A. Timofeeva. "HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES." In SOCIOINT 2020- 7th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences. International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2020.

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"Social Sciences and Intelligence Management." In 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management (SSIM). IEEE, 2023.

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"Social Sciences and Intelligence Management." In 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management (SSIM). IEEE, 2023.

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del Vado Vírseda, Rafael. "Introducing Theoretical Computer Science Education in Social Sciences and Economics Degrees." In SIGCSE 2024: The 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024.

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Reports on the topic "Social sciences"


Xu, Ran. Introduction to Social Network Analysis (Free Seminar). Instats Inc., 2024.

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This seminar provides an introduction to social network analysis (SNA), equipping researchers in social sciences, population health science, and systems science with essential tools to examine relationships and behaviors in varied contexts, including mHealth and social media. Attendees will gain a practical understanding of the basics of network theory, data analysis, visualization methods, and real-world applications of SNA.
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Armstrong, Dave. Generalized Linear Models for Social and Health Sciences. Instats Inc., 2023.

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This 12-week workshop provides a comprehensive understanding of GLMs and their application in various social and health science disciplines. With a lecture overview and hands-on lab component for each week, participants will gain practical experience in using R for implementing GLMs, evaluating model fit and presenting model results. An official Instats certificate of completion and 3 ECTS Equivalent points are provided at the conclusion of the seminar.
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Godfray, Charles, and Annette Boaz. Review of the Food Standard Agency’s Science Council and Advisory Committee for Social Sciences. Food Standards Agency, June 2023.

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1. The Food Standards Agency (FSA), established in 2000, is an independent non-ministerial government department which works to protect public health and consumer’s interests in relation to food in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its work includes food safety and food crime, as well as helping to improve the healthiness and sustainability of diets. 2. Science and evidence underpin much of the work of the FSA and the Agency is supported by a range of Science Advisory Committees (SACs) which are constituted as non-statutory Advisory Non-departmental Public Bodies or Departmental Expert Committees 3. The two committees with the broadest remit are the Science Council (SC) and the Advisory Committee for Social Sciences (ACSS) which were both set up in 2017. Cabinet Office guidance states such committees should be reviewed every 3-5 years and accordingly the FSA commissioned this review in Q4 2022 to report in the first half of 2023 (a timeframe that was slightly delayed by the pandemic).
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Sims, Benjamin Hayden, and Christa Brelsford. Resilience: Concepts from Engineering, Ecology, and the Social Sciences. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2018.

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O'Boyle, Ernest. Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews for the Social Sciences. Instats Inc., 2023.

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This meta-analysis seminar will teach you how to confidently conduct a meta-analysis, from start to finish, in whatever substantive area interests you the most. This seminar will show you that the underlying statistics and analytic procedures are straightforward, but meta-analyses are anything but easy and require care, transparency, and accuracy through every step of the process -- from idea formation to interpretation and presentation of results. This seminar will cover all of this in detail so you can confidently plan and conduct your own meta-analyses. An official Instats certificate of completion is provided and 2 ECTS Equivalent points are offered for European PhD students.
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Grimm, Kevin. Machine Learning for Social and Health Sciences in R. Instats Inc., 2023.

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This workshop, 'Introduction to Machine Learning with R', led by Kevin Grimm from Arizona State University, is designed to equip PhD students, professors, and professional researchers with the skills to apply machine learning techniques in their respective fields. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of machine learning concepts, techniques, and their application using R, enhancing their ability to analyze complex data, make accurate predictions, and connect with other professionals in their field.
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Nico, Magda. Reconfigurations and positioning of the concept of social mobility in the social sciences literature. Observatório das Desigualdades, 2015.

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López Bóo, Florencia, and Nicolás Ajzenman. 10 Lessons About Behavioral Economics for Policy Making in the Social Sector. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2018.

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Behavioral Economics is the science of evaluating psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social factors and their impact on economic decisions. Enhancing our knowledge on Behavioral Sciences and their impact on public policies is a priority. The present document explores this intersection and offers 10 lessons for policy making in the social sector.
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This electronic manual presents a number of theoretical and methodological tools based on the key concept: “societal (social) metabolism.” In summary, the synthetic concept of societal metabolism goes beyond the perspective of traditional social sciences by contextualizing the biophysical dimension of metabolic exchange between society and nature. Distancing from reductionist approaches, the interdisciplinary concept of societal metabolism recognizes the importance of mutual connections and interactions of factors of material and social exchange, within the framework of established individual and group social practices in the life of society. The electronic manual will be useful to undergraduate and graduate students studying social and political sciences, and to anyone interested in the theory and practice of applying interdisciplinary approaches to social science problems.
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Ruediger, Dylan, Danielle Cooper, Angela Bardeen, Liesl Baum, Shmuel Ben-Gad, Shaun Bennett, Kathleen Berger, et al. Fostering Data Literacy: Teaching with Quantitative Data in the Social Sciences. Ithaka S+R, September 2022.

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“Fostering Data Literacy: Teaching with Quantitative Data in the Social Sciences” explores why and how instructors teach with data, identifies the most important challenges they face, and describes how faculty and students utilize relevant campus and external resources. Full details and actionable recommendations for stakeholders are offered in the body of the report, which offers guidance to university libraries and other campus units, faculty, vendors, and others interested in improving institutional capacities to support data-intensive instruction in the social sciences.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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