Academic literature on the topic 'Social responsibility of business'
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Journal articles on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
Moon, Jeremy. "Business Social Responsibility." Philosophy of Management 1, no. 3 (2001): 35–45.
Full textKulshrestha, Shweta S., and Zarna Padiya. "Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility." Indian Journal of Applied Research 3, no. 5 (October 1, 2011): 422–23.
Full textCrowther, David, and Christina Reis. "Social responsibility or social business?" Social Business 1, no. 2 (August 26, 2011): 129–48.
Full textGupta, Rina, and Neeti Kasliwal. "Corporate Social Responsibility and Spirituality in Business." Contemporary Social Sciences 27, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 145–54.
Full textArora, Prachi. "Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy into Business." SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management 07, no. 01 (February 13, 2019): 09–16.
Full textSpence, Laura J. "Small Business Social Responsibility." Business & Society 55, no. 1 (April 25, 2014): 23–55.
Full textSadewa, Dahva Puja, and Ana Susi Mulyani. "Social Responsibility in Business." Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) 3, no. 1 (January 31, 2024): 129–36.
Full textBoehm, Amnon. "Business Social Responsibility: Perspectives of Businesses and Social Workers." Journal of Social Service Research 35, no. 3 (July 2009): 262–73.
Full textChumarina, Gulnara Raisovna, and Guzel Azatovna Abulkhanova. "Corporate Social Responsibility Management." International Journal of Financial Research 12, no. 1 (December 25, 2020): 270.
Full textTauyekelova, T. B., and G. O. Abdikerova. "BUSINESS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: THEORETICAL OVERVIEW." BULLETIN Series of Sociological and Political sciences 73, no. 1 (December 30, 2020): 196–203.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
Zaharov, Igor', and Natal'ya Oleinik. "Social responsibility and business ethics." Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2007.
Full textVenemyr, Henrik, and Per Johan Ericson. "Corporate Social Responsibility : whose responsibility is it?" Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Business Administration, 2006.
Full textIntroduction: The society is becoming more aware of the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) work. CSR has also be-come a competitive tool in order to reach out to potential cus-tomers. There are also many definitions of what CSR actually means. These are things that makes it interesting to find out how multinational corporations, who has a lot of power, per-ceive and work with CSR, as well as what can be done to make corporations work more with CSR.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe what CSR as a con-cept means, whose responsibility it is, as well as why corpora-tions work with it. We also intend to find out what it takes to make CSR a more prevailing and decisive instrument for cor-porations?
Method: We conducted six unstructed interviews with multinational corporations in Sweden.
Conclusion: Today the phenomena of CSR has no unified definition, this is why we believe that a definition that is precise in describing what CSR is can be useful. We think that transparency is something important since information provided to the pub-lic, provides consumers and stakeholders with power to make information based investment, and purchase decisions. We have also concluded that we think that the most important factor in driving the CSR work forward and making it grow in size, is to make consumers reward the corporations that per-form well in their CSR activities.
Forsberg, Maria, and Robert Crivei. "Public Social Responsibility — Offentligt socialt ansvarstagande." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2005.
Full textBakgrund: Enligt en undersökning gjord av Livsmedelsverket beräknas tjugo procent av Sveriges barn i dagsläget vara överviktiga eller lida av fetma. Orsaker till detta sägs vara bland annat ändrade levnadsvanor som exempelvis mindre fysisk aktivitet och mindre hälsosam mat. Övervikt ses i normala fall av samhället som ett problem och på senare tid har allt fler samhällsaktörer börjat uppmärksamma frågan. Kravet från samhället ökar på att bland annat företagen skall ta sitt sociala ansvar och hörsamma samt agera för en samhällsförbättring med syfte att komma tillrätta med överviktsproblemet. Något som dock inte har fått lika mycket utrymme i debatten om socialt ansvar i samband med övervikt är hur den offentliga sektorn agerar i denna situation.
Syfte: Utgör statens, kommunens, landstingets och skolans nuvarande agerande var för sig ett socialt ansvartagande med syfte att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för en grundskolelev att komma tillrätta med sin övervikt? Skapar dessutom de fyra parternas gemensamma sociala ansvarstagande tillräckligt med förutsättningar för att grundskoleleven skall komma tillrätta med sin övervikt?
Tillvägagångssätt: Resultatet baseras på en intervjuundersökning med representanter för landsting, kommuner och skolor i Östergötlands län, närmare bestämt i kommunerna Linköping och Mjölby. Ytterligare har statens offentliga handlingar studerats och utvärderats.
Resultat: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det fyra olika aktörerna uppmärksammar problemet om barns-, och i detta specifika fall grundskolelevers övervikt. De fyra aktörerna staten, kommunen, landstinget och skolan tar var och en ett socialt ansvar genom både kort och långsiktiga projekt. På frågan om de fyra parternas gemensamma ansvarstagande utgör tillräckliga förutsättningar för att ett barn själv skall komma tillrätta med sin övervikt är svaret nej. Exempelvis erkänner alla inblandande parter själva att de skulle kunna göra mer för att förbättra den rådande situationen. Aktörerna menar att det som saknas är ett helhetstänkande, att exempelvis hälsokunskap skulle behöva integreras i hela skolverksamheten och inte bara i samband med ämnet idrott och hälsa eller i olika temaveckor. Det som ytterligare skulle behövas för att lösa situationen är ett bättre samarbete mellan, de i denna undersökning, fyra olika aktörerna.
Larimer, Lori. "Small business leaders and social responsibility." Thesis, Baker College (Michigan), 2017.
Full textThe central question addressed was what motivates small business leaders to incorporate social responsibility in their companies' mission, vision, and culture. In particular, there is a knowledge gap about what motivates small business leaders to take both financial and non-financial actions to support their employees, their local economies, and their communities. Interviews with three small business owners in Michigan were coded to identify key emergent themes explaining why small business leaders contributed to their local communities. Theoretical or conceptual support for the study included Carroll's social performance model, Vroom's expectancy theory, and CCI strategies. The literature review included that of motivation and social responsibility. The interviews were coded, analyzed, and six themes emerged. The participants were concerned with being socially responsible and motivation comes from defining social responsibility and finding ways to fulfill a need. Employees play a key role in creating and continuing an environment set by the example of the owner and this is done through repetition, thus aligning business practices with being socially responsible. Lastly, connection to people helps build relationships, while being cognizant of initiatives to protect the environment, thus Going Green initiatives. After the research, the researcher developed the Small Business Community Involvement model (SBCI), based on the themes. This model can help small business leaders looking to partake in socially responsible activities. This study is significant because it will improve understanding of social responsibility in the small business sector.
Edwin, Cedric. "The social responsibility of Muslim business owners." Thesis, Liverpool Hope University, 2014.
Full textTeixeira, Rivanda Meira. "Small business and social responsibility in Brazil." Thesis, Cranfield University, 1996.
Full textPotabenko, M. "Environmental context of social responsibility of business." Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2004.
Full textNorstedt, Sara. "Corporate Social Responsibility : redovisning och kommunikation av socialt arbete." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2008.
Full textPretorius, M., and D. Y. Dzansi. "A framework for measuring business social responsibility in micro and small business." Interim : Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 6, Issue 2: Central University of Technology Free State Bloemfontein, 2007.
Full textAlthough much work has been done on the society versus business relation issue, it has yet to cascade business social responsibility (BSR) to small ventures and especially rurally based ones where survival is a more pertinent goal. Most studies to date have focused on corporate and large organisations, thereby suggesting that BSR is not really a small business issue. A major consequence / cause of this apparent bias towards large business is limited research into how small ventures and especially rural ones perceive and apply BSR. This study proposes an instrument for measuring BSR in small ventures. Through empirical analysis the resultant instrument was found to be valid for measuring small business BSR and measured four dimensions thereof namely : Expected benefits; Community / customer practices; Realised / actual benefits, BSR awareness / attitude and employee practices. Through discriminant analysis, the identified factors of BSR are useful to classify ventures as high or low sales and profit performers, suggesting that information on a firm's BSR activities can be used as indicators of firm performance.
Timperley, Stephen. "Corporate Social Responsibility Indexes: Measure for Measure." The University of Waikato, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
José, Allouche, ed. Corporate social responsibility. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Find full text1968-, Crane Andrew, and Matten Dirk, eds. Corporate social responsibility. Los Angeles: Sage publications, 2007.
Find full textJapan) APO Top Management Forum (21st 2005 Tokyo. Corporate social responsibility. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Productivity Organization, 2006.
Find full textWesley, Cragg, Schwartz Mark S, and Weitzner David, eds. Corporate social responsibility. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009.
Find full textNina, Seppala, ed. Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010.
Find full textMaximiano, Jose Mario B. Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Pasig City, Philippines: Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil Pub., 2007.
Find full textMaximiano, Jose Mario B. Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil Publishing, Inc., 2014.
Find full textTrikojus, Tom. Ethics and social responsibility in business. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
Barry, Norman. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In Business Ethics, 68–90. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1998.
Full textGupta, Ananda Das. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In Business Ethics, 161–88. New Delhi: Springer India, 2013.
Full textMorrison, Janet. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In International Business, 513–50. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.
Full textMoriarty, Jeffrey. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In Business Ethics, 180–203. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textWynn-Williams, Michael. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In Managing Global Business, 429–53. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2017.
Full textWettstein, Florian. "Social responsibility." In The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics, 167–83. 1 Edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textHawkins, David E. "Alternative business models." In Corporate Social Responsibility, 223–34. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textHawkins, David E. "Global business (local impact)." In Corporate Social Responsibility, 10–20. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
Full textBecker-Olsen, Karen, and Kara Moynihan. "Business for Social Responsibility." In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility, 260–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textFarina, Anete, and Maria José Chambel. "Business for Social Responsibility." In Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 476–79. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
Carvalho, João, and Maria Faria. "Bridging Corporate Social Responsibility and Individual Social Responsibility." In 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.
Full textSkenderi, Diamanta, and Besnik Skenderi. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In University for Business and Technology International Conference. Pristina, Kosovo: University for Business and Technology, 2017.
Full textKo, Wan Suk, Su Sung Kim, and Myoung Gi Cha. "Social Responsibility Investing (SRI) Firms and Earnings Management." In Business 2015. Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety, 2015.
Full textBudiarsi, Sri Yunan, and Sri Hartini. "SMEs: ‘Non’- Corporate Social Responsibility." In 23rd Asian Forum of Business Education(AFBE 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.
Full textKuzmak, Oleh, and Olena Kuzmak. "SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUSINESS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: CASE OF UKRAINE." In Innovative Solutions for Managing the Economy in an International Crisis Scenario. Oikos Institute – Research Center, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023.
Full textKaramad, E. "THE BUSINESS CASE FOR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY." In Economy and human-centrism: the modern foundation for human development. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2021.
Full textGigauri, Iza, Mirela Panait, and Maria Palazzo. "Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics at Economic Programs." In 2nd International Conference Global Ethics - Key of Sustainability (GEKoS). LUMEN Publishing House, 2021.
Full textPakulska, Jolanta, and Małgorzata Rutkowska. "Social Responsibility Business as a Modern form of Business Ethics." In Hradec Economic Days 2018, edited by Petra Maresova, Pavel Jedlicka, and Ivan Soukal. University of Hradec Kralove, 2018.
Full textHardiana, Nadhira. "Social Responsibility in ISO 26000 and Social Innovation." In 2nd International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Science and Technology (ISBEST 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.
Full textMilas, Dorotea, Marija Baričević, and Lukša Lulić. "BUSINESS ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES." In 53rd International Academic Conference, Dubai. International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Social responsibility of business"
Peinado-Vara, Estrella. Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America: Responsible Solutions to Business and Social Problems. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2005.
Full textGaspar, Antonio K. Possible Role of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) in the Area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Inter-American Development Bank, October 2003.
Full textGaspar, Antonio K. Possible Role of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) in the Area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): (Annexes A-D). Inter-American Development Bank, October 2003.
Full textFang, Mei Lan, Judith Sixsmith, Jacqui Morris, Chris Lim, Morris Altman, Hannah Loret, Rayna Rogowsky, Andrew Sixsmith, Rebecca White, and Taiuani Marquine Raymundo. AgeTech, Ethics and Equity: Towards a Cultural Shift in AgeTech Ethical Responsibility. University of Dundee, 2023.
Full textHong, Harrison, and Edward Shore. Corporate Social Responsibility. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2022.
Full textKotchen, Matthew, and Jon Jungbien Moon. Corporate Social Responsibility for Irresponsibility. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2011.
Full textSeyle, D. Conor. Business Participation in the Responsibility to Protect. One Earth Future Foundation, April 2013.
Full textNMR Publikation. Nordic Strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility. Nordisk Ministerråd, September 2012.
Full textde Bettignies, Jean-Etienne, and David Robinson. When Is Social Responsibility Socially Desirable? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2015.
Full textJones, Audra, Italo Pizzolante, Gerardo Lozano, José Tolovi, Gustavo De la Torre, Enrique Ogliastri, David Valenzuela, et al. Corporate Social Responsibility - Deeds not Words. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2004.
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