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Leenders, Roger Th A. J. Structure and influence: Statistical models for the dynamics of actor attributes, network structure, and their interdependence. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1995.

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Knutsen, Oddbjørn. Social Structure and Party Choice in Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2004.

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Thomas, Baumgartner, and DeVille Philippe, eds. Man, decisions, society: The theory of actor-system dynamics for social scientists. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1985.

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Knutsen, Oddbjørn. Social Structure, Value Orientations and Party Choice in Western Europe. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Latour, Bruno. Reensamblar lo social: Una introducción a la teoría del actor-red. Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2008.

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Knutsen, Oddbjørn. Social structure and party choice in western Europe: A comparative longitudinal study. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

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Płoski, Marcin. Liga Polskich Rodzin jako aktor społeczny. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2016.

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This book is a monograph, on the political party, that shows the birth, rise and fall of the League of Polish Families. In the chapter I the division was made into individual and collective actors. Chapter II is an attempt to describe the birth and functioning of LPF in the context of a broader national movement. Chapter III focuses on the fields of activities of the national party. Chapter IV is an attempt to recreate the role of LPF on the political scene. Chapter V is an attempt to play the role of LPF on the European political scene. Chapter VI is the description of a research taken on the party groups, surveyed with the usage of a questionnaire technique. Chapter VII is an empirical reflection of the views of LPF deputies and senators about political transformation and Polish integration with European structures. The tool for this method was mainly based on an open interview. Chapter VIII is an attempt to present the Polish society in the perspective of political transformation, and the reflection on the degree of civility and democracy and finaly presents the fall of LPF. \n\nNiniejsza książka ma charakter monografii poświęconej partii politycznej, która ukazuje narodziny, rozkwit i upadek Ligi Polskich Rodzin. W rozdziale I dokonany został podział na aktorów zbiorowych i indywidualnych. Rozdział II jest próbą opisu narodzin i funkcjonowania LPR w ramach szerszego ruchu narodowego. Rozdział III koncentruje się na polach aktywności partii narodowej. Rozdział IV jest próbą odtworzenia roli LPR-u na scenie politycznej. Rozdział V jest próbą odtworzenia roli LPR na europejskiej scenie politycznej. Rozdział VI stanowi badawczy portret kół partyjnych, przeprowadzony za pomocą metody ankietowej z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety. Rozdział VII jest empirycznym odzwierciedleniem poglądów posłów i senatorów LPR na temat transformacji ustrojowej i integracji Polski ze strukturami europejskimi. Narzędziem tej metody był wywiad swobodny otwarty. Rozdział VIII jest próbą przedstawienia społeczeństwa polskiego w perspektywie transformacji ustrojowej, refleksji nad stopniem obywatelskości i demokracji oraz upadkiem LPR.
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Azhenov, M. S. Na puti k sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ odnorodnosti obshchestva. Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1986.

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Azhenov, M. S. Na puti k sot͡s︡ialʹnoĭ odnorodnosti obshchestva. Alma-Ata: "Kazakhstan", 1986.

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Chen, Ajiang, Pengli Cheng, and Yajuan Luo. Chinese "Cancer Villages". Translated by Jennifer Holdaway. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020.

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The phenomenon of "cancer villages" has emerged in many parts of rural China, drawing media attention and becoming a fact of social life. However, the relationship between pollution and disease is often hard to discern. Through sociological analysis of several villages with different social and economic structures, the authors offer a comprehensive, historically grounded analysis of the coexistence between the incidence of cancer, environmental pollution and villagers’ lifestyles, as well as the perceptions, claims and responses of different actors. They situate the appearance of "cancer villages" in the context of social, economic and cultural change in China, tracing the evolution of the issue over two decades, and providing deep insights into the complex interactions and trade-offs between economic growth, environmental change and public health.
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Social Structure, Value Orientations and Party Choice in Western Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

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Knutsen, Oddbjørn. Social Structure, Value Orientations and Party Choice in Western Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

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Roger Th. A J Leenders. Structure and Influence: Statistical Models for the Dynamics of Actor Attributes, Network Structure, and Their Interdependence (Utrecht Studies in Air and Space Law). Purdue University Press, 2003.

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Latour, Bruno. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies). Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.

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Latour, Bruno. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies). Oxford University Press, USA, 2005.

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Knutsen, O. Social Structure and Party Choice in Western Europe: A Comparative Longitudinal Study. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

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Social Structure and Party Choice in Western Europe: A Comparative Longitudinal Study. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

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Ford, Matthew. Alliance Politics and NATO Standardisation. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter is split into three parts. In the first I develop the main historical trajectory of the equipment standardization debates in NATO and describe how the doctrinal perspectives and battlefield interpretations of a number of Alliance partners started to coincide. In the second part, I show that there are a number of social processes buried within this narrative that help to frame the standardization debate in a particular way. In the third part of the chapter I assess the underlying rationality of the stances being taken by the various actors in NATO. This will then allow us to draw conclusions as to how power works within an alliance structure.
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Lawrence, Thomas B., and Nelson Phillips. Constructing Organizational Life. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Across the social sciences, scholars are showing how people “work” on facets of social life that were once thought to be beyond human intervention. Facets of social life once considered to be embedded in human nature, dictated by God, or shaped by macro‐level social forces beyond human control, are now widely understood as socially constructed – made and given meaning by people through social interaction, and consequently the focus of efforts to change them. Studies of these efforts have explored new forms of work including emotion work, identity work, boundary work, strategy work, institutional work, and a host of other kinds of work. Missing in these conversations, however, is a recognition that these forms work are all part of a broader phenomenon driven by historical shifts that began with modernity and dramatically accelerated through the twentieth century. This book explores that broader phenomenon: we propose a perspective that integrates diverse streams of research to examine how people purposefully work to construct organizational life. We refer to these efforts as social‐symbolic work and introduce three forms – self work, organization work, and institutional work – that are particularly useful in understanding how actors construct organizational life. The social‐symbolic work perspective highlights the purposeful, reflexive efforts of individuals, collective actors, and networks of actors to construct the social world, and focuses attention on the motivations, practices, resources, and effects of those efforts. Thus, the social-symbolic work perspective brings actors back into explanations of the social world, and balances approaches that emphasize social structure at the expense of action or describe social processes without explaining the role of actors.
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Dreyfuss, Rochelle, and Justine Pila. Intellectual Property Law. Edited by Rochelle Dreyfuss and Justine Pila. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter introduces the law of intellectual property (IP) and its treatment in the Handbook. It begins by considering the different ways and traditions of thinking about IP, the range of subject matter that IP rights protect, and the nature and scope of those rights themselves, including the variety of third-party exceptions to them. It then outlines the domestic, regional, and international laws that comprise the modern IP field, the diverse social and economic forces that motivate those laws, and the variety of actors and institutions involved in shaping them. Finally, it introduces the structure of the Handbook and summarizes each of its individual contributions. The result is an accessible overview of one of the most rich, complex, and important fields of law today, including its social and normative foundations, its emergence and development in different jurisdictions and regions, its substantive rules and principles, and its political economy.
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Lee, Joonkoo. Global Commodity Chains and Global Value Chains. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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A commodity chain refers to “a network of labor and production processes whose end result is a finished commodity.” The attention given to this concept has quickly translated into an expanding body of global chains literature. Research into global commodity chains (GCC), and later global value chains (GVC), is an endeavor to explain the social and organizational structure of the global economy and its dynamics by examining the commodity chains of a specific product of service. The GCC approach first emerged in the mid-1980s from world-system research and was reformulated in the early 1990s by development scholars. The development-oriented GCC approach turned the focus of GCC analysis to actor-centered processes in the global economy. One of the initial criticisms facing the GCC approach was its exclusive focus on internal conditions and organizational linkages, lacking systemic attention to the effect of domestic institutions and internal capacity on economic development. Other critics pointed to the narrow scope of GCC research. With the huge expansion in global chains literature in the past decade—not only in volume but also in depth and scope—efforts have been made to elaborate the global chains framework and to render it industry neutral, as partly reflected in the adoption of the term “global value chains.” Three key research themes surround these recent evolutions of global chains literature: GVC governance, “upgrading,” and the social construction of global value chains. Existing literature, however, still has theoretical and methodological gaps to redress.
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Epstein, Joshua M. Extensions. Princeton University Press, 2017.

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This part discusses the fourteen extensions of Agent_Zero: endogenous destructive radii; age and impulse control; fight vs. flight; replication of the Latané–Darley experiment; introduction of memory; couplings (entanglement of passion and reason); endogenous dynamics of connection strength; growing the 2011 Arab Spring; jury processes; endogenous dynamics of network structure; multiple social levels; the 18th Brumaire of Agent_Zero; prices and seasonal economic cycles; and mutual escalation spirals. Each of these extensions is explained in detail. In particular, the affective, deliberative, and social components of Agent_Zero are modeled as independent; they all affect disposition and they are entangled. This part also presents examples involving the activation of the yellow spatial sites as well as violent occupation by Blue Agent_Zero actors.
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Inayatullah, Naeem, and David L. Blaney. Units, Markets, Relations, and Flow: Beyond Interacting Parts to Unfolding Wholes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Heterodox work in Global Political Economy (GPE) finds its motive force in challenging the ontological atomism of International Political Economy (IPE) orthodoxy. Various strains of heterodoxy that have grown out of dependency theory and World-Systems Theory (WST), for example, emphasize the social whole: Individual parts are given form and meaning within social relations of domination produced by a history of violence and colonial conquest. An atomistic approach, they stress, seems designed to ignore this history of violence and relations of domination by making bargaining among independent units the key to explaining the current state of international institutions. For IPE, it is precisely this atomistic approach, largely inspired by the ostensible success of neoclassical economics, which justifies its claims to scientific rigor. International relations can be modeled as a market-like space, in which individual actors, with given preferences and endowments, bargain over the character of international institutional arrangements. Heterodox scholars’ treatment of social processes as indivisible wholes places them beyond the pale of acceptable scientific practice. Heterodoxy appears, then, as the constitutive outside of IPE orthodoxy.Heterodox GPE perhaps reached its zenith in the 1980s. Just as heterodox work was being cast out from the temple of International Relations (IR), heterodox scholars, building on earlier work, produced magisterial studies that continue to merit our attention. We focus on three texts: K. N. Chaudhuri’s Asia Before Europe (1990), Eric Wolf’s Europe and the People Without History (1982), and L. S. Stavrianos’s Global Rift (1981). We select these texts for their temporal and geographical sweep and their intellectual acuity. While Chaudhuri limits his scope to the Indian Ocean over a millennium, Wolf and Stavrianos attempt an anthropology and a history, respectively, of European expansion, colonialism, and the rise of capitalism in the modern era. Though the authors combine different elements of material, political, and social life, all three illustrate the power of seeing the “social process” as an “indivisible whole,” as Schumpeter discusses in the epigram below. “Economic facts,” the region, or time period they extract for detailed scrutiny are never disconnected from the “great stream” or process of social relations. More specifically, Chaudhuri’s work shows notably that we cannot take for granted the distinct units that comprise a social whole, as does the IPE orthodoxy. Rather, such units must be carefully assembled by the scholar from historical evidence, just as the institutions, practices, and material infrastructure that comprise the unit were and are constructed by people over the longue durée. Wolf starts with a world of interaction, but shows that European expansion and the rise and spread of capitalism intensified cultural encounters, encompassing them all within a global division of labor that conditioned the developmental prospects of each in relation to the others. Stavrianos carries out a systematic and relational history of the First and Third Worlds, in which both appear as structural positions conditioned by a capitalist political economy. By way of conclusion, we suggest that these three works collectively inspire an effort to overcome the reification and dualism of agents and structures that inform IR theory and arrive instead at “flow.”
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Snijders, Tom A. B., and Mark Pickup. Stochastic Actor Oriented Models for Network Dynamics. Edited by Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Stochastic Actor Oriented Models for Network Dynamics are used for the statistical analysis of longitudinal network data collected as a panel. The probability model defines an unobserved stochastic process of tie changes, where social actors add new ties or drop existing ties in response to the current network structure; the panel observations are snapshots of the resulting changing network. The statistical analysis is based on computer simulations of this process, which provides a great deal of flexibility in representing data constraints and dependence structures. In this Chapter we begin by defining the basic model. We then explicate a new model for nondirected ties, including several options for the specification of how pairs of actors coordinate tie changes. Next, we describe coevolution models. These can be used to model the dynamics of several interdependent sets of variables, such as the analysis of panel data on a network and the behavior of the actors in the network, or panel data on two or more networks. We finish by discussing the differences between Stochastic Actor Oriented Models and some other longitudinal network models. A major distinguishing feature is the treatment of time, which allows straightforward application of the model to panel data with different time lags between waves. We provide a variety of applications in political science throughout.
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Cordes, Albrecht, and Philipp Höhn. Extra-Legal and Legal Conflict Management among Long-Distance Traders (1250–1650). Edited by Heikki Pihlajamäki, Markus D. Dubber, and Mark Godfrey. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Pre-modern merchants faced the experience of legal pluralism and conflicting legal regimes when they traded over huge distances. This chapter suggests seeing this not as structural deficit as legal historians have done but as an opportunity, which enabled merchants to enforce their interests and shape their strategies. Merchants were often combining different strategies to enforce their interests. In the second part, the chapter focuses on the actors and their interests. Empirically, the assumed tension between legal professionals and economic actors seemed to have few consequences. Furthermore, it is shown that mercantile conflict regulation can only be analysed as a part of the social embeddedness of economics into religious and political frames. Thus, violence and long disputes were also integral for mercantile conflict regulation as for the pre-modern societies in general. By studying this embeddedness, the chapter criticizes current research based on new institutional economics from a historical-anthropological perspective.
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Aylott, Nicholas. The Party System. Edited by Jon Pierre. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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A party system refers to the political parties that operate in a given polity and to their patterns of interaction. The Swedish system was long associated with several features: it had five parties; they were aligned in two informal blocs; and one party, the Social Democrats, has provided much the biggest, dominating governments. These patterns, summarized as “moderate pluralism,” were also stable. Since the 1980s, much has changed. There are now more parties in Parliament. By 2010 the bloc structure looked remarkably institutionalized. But a more “polarized pluralism,” seen briefly in the 1970s and 1990s, might now be in prospect.
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Mahmood, Zaad. Globalization and Labour Reforms. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Globalization, as commonly understood, limits policy choices of a nation by creating structural and institutional constraints. This leads to an important question: are political actors still relevant in shaping policy in the interest of domestic socio-economic concerns? Locating labour as a critical political economy factor, essential for production and capable of political action, this book examines the political economy of labour reforms. Through a careful study of labour market reforms across subnational states of India, it draws attention to the continuing relevance of local politics in influencing public policy. Drawing on the evidence from the pairs of institutionally and economically alike states, Gujarat–Maharashtra and West Bengal–Andhra Pradesh, this book shows that despite pressures of convergence under conditions of globalization, reforms vary across states, depending on partisan governments, dynamics of interest group negotiations, and party competition. Using both qualitative and quantitative analyses, the book argues that ‘who governs’ matters for how globalization unfolds in any society, and that public policies continue to be nuanced, if not shaped, by politics. By analysing the labour policy in India, the book makes an important contribution to political economy research on transitional economies.
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Widdig, Vincent, ed. Kulturgüterschutz im System der Vereinten Nationen. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.

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The images of the destroyed Buddha statues of Bamiyan, of the ancient city of Palmyra lying in ruins, and of destroyed World Heritage sites in Timbuktu have received much attention from the international public. At the same time, these cases also reflect a new dimension in the conduct of armed hostilities today, which is increasingly aimed at destroying cultural identities or heritage. Therefore, in addition to the issue of preserving the world's cultural heritage, especially in the context of human rights protection and international humanitarian law, the protection of cultural property is seen as an increasingly important task for the United Nations and its institutions. Pieces of Art, significant written documents, memorials, and places of worship are deliberately destroyed in conflicts by armed or terrorist groups, such as the so-called Islamic State, as they represent core elements of cultural identity. The increasing number of reports on the loss of priceless cultural assets in Syria, Iraq and Mali exemplify this. Increasingly, violent non-state actors are deliberately using the destruction of cultural property as a means of warfare and even "ethnic cleansing." For the international community, this makes the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts and in the field of restoring statehood at the same time increasingly significant. The preservation of this global human memory is one of the greatest challenges of modern social, political, and legal discourses. Although the use of the destruction of cultural property to divide societies, even to erase a collective memory or destroy social structures, has long been part of warfare, this aspect has been insufficiently considered by the media public and especially in academic discourse. With contributions by Frederik Becker, Dr. Manuel Brunner, Paul Fabel, Dr. Martin Gerner, Dario Haux, Ruth Lechner, Prof. Dr. Antionette Maget Dominicé and Vincent Widdig.
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Hupaniittu, Outi, and Ulla-Maija Peltonen, eds. Arkistot ja kulttuuriperintö. SKS Finnish Literature Society, 2021.

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Archives and the Cultural Heritage The edited volume Archives and the Cultural Heritage focuses on archives as institutions and to their tense relationship with archives as material. These dynamics are discussed in respect of the past, the present, and the future. The focus lies in the mechanisms the Finnish archive institutions have utilised when taking part in forming the cultural heritage and in debating the importance of the private archives in society. Within social sciences and history from the early 1990s onwards, the effects of globalisation have been seen as a new focal point for research. Momentarily, the archives saw the same paradigm shift as the focus of the archival studies proceeded from state to society. This brought forth the notion that the values of society are reflected in the acquisition of archival material. This archival turn draws attention to the archives as entities formed by cultural practices. The volume discusses cultural heritage within Finnish archives with diverse perspectives and from various time periods. The key concepts are cultural heritage and archives – both as institution and as material. Articles review the formation of archival collections spanning from the 19th to the 21st century and highlight that the archives have never been neutral or objective actors; rather, they have always been an active process of remembering and forgetting, a matter of inclusion and exclusion. The focus is on private archives and on the choices that guided the creation of the archives and the cultural perceptions and power structures associated with them. Although private archives have considerable social and research value, and although their material complements the picture of society provided by documentary data produced by public administrations, they have only risen to the theoretical discussions in the 21st century. The authors consider what has happened before the material ends up in the archive, what happens in the archive and what can be deduced from this. It shows how archival solutions manifest themselves, how they have influenced research and how they still affect it. One of the key questions is whose past has been preserved and whose is deemed worthy of preservation. Under what conditions have the permanently preserved documents been selected and how can they be accessed? In addition, the volume pays attention to whose documents have been ignored or forgotten, as well as to the networks and power of the individuals within the archival institution and to the politics of memory. The Archives and the Cultural Heritage is an opening to a discussion on the mechanisms, practices and goals of Finnish archival activities. It challenges archival organisations to reflect on their own operating models and to make visible their own conscious or unconscious choices. It raises awareness of the formation of the Finnish documentary cultural heritage, produces new information about private archives and participates in the scientific debate on the changing significance of archives in society. The volume is related to the Academy of Finland research project “Making and Interpreting National Pasts – Role of Finnish Archives as Networks of Power and Sites of Memory” (no 25257, 2011–2014/2019), University of Turku. Project partners Finnish Literature Society (SKS) and Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (SLS).
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Trencsényi, Balázs, Michal Kopeček, Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič, Maria Falina, Mónika Baár, and Maciej Janowski. A New State for “New Men”. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Growing disappointment with party politics in the 1920s gave rise to discourses extolling the state as the principal actor of societal change. A common denominator of the various versions of etatism and technocratism in the region was a strong “anti-political” ideological reflex. In the 1930s, this was coupled with a discourse of a preventive strike, defending dictatorial policies as measures to hinder radical left- and right-wing movements from taking power. In turn, East Central European fascism emerged in the post-First World War atmosphere of insecurity and polarization. This was reinforced by the collapse of parliamentary democracy in the 1930s and the reconfiguration of the geopolitical framework of the region due to the rise of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The ensuing fascist projects offered a particularly violent ideological mixture, preventing any empathy toward ethnic and social groups targeted for persecution.
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Leifeld, Philip. Discourse Network Analysis. Edited by Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Political discourse is the verbal interaction among political actors, who make normative claims about policies conditional on each other, rendering discourse a dynamic network phenomenon. The structure and dynamics of policy debates can be analyzed by combining content and dynamic network analysis. After annotating statements of actors in text sources, networks can be created from these structured data, such as congruence or conflict networks at the actor or concept level, affiliation networks of actors and concept stances, and longitudinal versions of these networks. The resulting network data reveal important properties, such as the structure of advocacy coalitions or discourse coalitions; polarization and consensus formation; and underlying endogenous processes like popularity, reciprocity, or social balance. The advantage of discourse network analysis over survey-based policy network research is that policy processes can be analyzed from a longitudinal perspective. Inferential techniques for understanding the micro-level processes governing political discourse are being developed.
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Frost, Mervyn. Ethics in Asymmetrical War. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter extends the analysis of strategy and international security in the twenty-first century, and the ethical problems Western liberal polities face in managing international security and confronting enemies in asymmetric warfare. It focuses on the notion of ‘ethical leverage’; this is a world in which power is levered through ‘ethical criticism.’ Wherever a Western liberal actor can be portrayed as acting in a manner inconsistent with its own standards, it will be damaged strategically. There are things that states and individuals ought not to do if they wish to maintain their ethical standing and the associated influence and power that go with it. It is the flouting of the West’s international norms that provides the only source of international power for the weaker party in such wars. This conjunction of strategy and ethics epitomizes the balance between power and both ethics and social construction found in Freedman.
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Bäck, Hanna, and Gissur Ó. Erlingsson. Introduction. Edited by Jon Pierre. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This introduction to the section on the party system in Sweden starts with the premise that political parties are essential for the upholding of legitimacy in parliamentary democracies. Four chapters make up the section. The first focuses on the changing Swedish party system, where Social Democrats historically have held an exceptionally strong position, which has weakened during recent years. The second analyzes the parties’ internal organizational structure, suggesting that although Swedish parties have become more professionalized, and the ‘mass party’ has faded away, this does not imply they have become internally less democratic. The third chapter focuses on representation, arguing that Swedish parties today face a more complex environment than before, with more diversity among representatives. The concluding chapter suggests that some features of Swedish cabinets stand out in a comparative perspective, with many single-party minority governments, where the Social Democrats have ruled with the help of ‘support party coalitions’.
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Bornschier, Simon. Globalization, Cleavages, and the Radical Right. Edited by Jens Rydgren. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter underscores the merit of studying the emergence and growth of the radical right from a cleavage perspective, which sees party system change as rooted in large-scale transformations of social structure. The chapter begins by discussing explanations for the rise of the radical right in terms of the educational revolution, the processes of economic and cultural modernization, and globalization, showing where these perspectives converge and where they differ. It then goes on to show how the structuralist perspective has been combined with a focus on agency. Under conditions of multidimensional party competition, the behavior of mainstream parties is crucial, because it determines the relative salience of competitive dimensions and whether they offer space for radical right-wing challengers. Some of the most exciting recent research studies how the processes of dealignment and realignment structure the propensity of specific social groups such as the manual working class to support the radical right.
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Daher, Aurélie. Hezbollah. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Almost thirty years after its foundation, Lebanese Hezbollah is an organization that remains difficult to understand. What exactly is Hezbollah? An Islamist terrorist group dedicated to destroying Israel? The first Arab national resistance to have ever defeated Tel Aviv's troops? A patriotic and respectable party or a fascist network having managed to control all levels of Lebanese political life? How did this organization acquire such an important role in the Middle-Eastern game and in Lebanese politics? This book has three purposes. Firstly, to clearly articulate a definition of Hezbollah, presenting a thorough history of the party, describing its internal structure and the large scope of its social and political action. Secondly, to explain the evolution of the party's mobilization. And finally, to illustrate another path, political but mainly identity-related: that of the Shiite community, the main constituent of Lebanese society today. Through a rigorous and richly documented study, based on primary sources including hundreds of interviews with rank and file members, executives and officials of the party, and research material never examined before, the author unveils brand new aspects of this organization, thus completing our understanding of both the "Hezbollah phenomenon" and Lebanese politics of the last two decades.
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Dalton, Russell J. Political Equality as the Foundation of Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter introduces the theoretical arguments for equality in democratic participation. Long-term evidence for the United States shows that participation levels are increasing overall. At the same time, the participation gap in who is active is also widening. It also reviews the civic voluntarism model that describes the factors that affect the inequality of participation within and between nations. Differences in social status are a key determinant of participation, social groups can mobilize individuals to participate, and citizen values affect participation levels. Aspects of the social structure, party system, and institutional structures may also influence the size of the participation gap.
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Filtzer, Don. Privilege and Inequality in Communist Society. Edited by Stephen A. Smith. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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Like capitalist societies, the Soviet Union and the Soviet-type societies of Eastern Europe showed a high degree of social stratification and inequality. By the 1960s the rapid upward mobility of worker and peasant children in the intelligentsia and Party hierarchy had noticeably slowed, and an inherited class structure emerged. Because privileges in the Soviet Union were only weakly monetarized, and wealth could not be accumulated or inherited, privileged groups perpetuated themselves mainly through the use of internal ‘connections’ and by ensuring their offspring preferential access to higher education through which they would secure elite positions. We also see important differentiations within the workforce: urban vs. rural workers; ‘core’ workers vs. migrants; and men vs. women. China prior to the reform movement displayed a similar overall picture, with, however, some radical differences. Under Mao the gap in living standards between Party officials and ordinary workers was much more narrow than in the USSR, while the Cultural Revolution blunted attempts to ensure the reproduction of social stratification via access to higher education.
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Dalton, Russell J. Citizens, Issues, and Political Cleavages. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter discusses the link between citizens’ positions on specific political issues and broader political cleavages that structure political competition. Issue opinions are primarily structured by two issue cleavages: economic and cultural. I argue that these broader issue cleavages are more likely to shape enduring political alignments and the party preferences of voters. The economic cleavage includes issues such as the role of the state, social services, and income inequality. The cultural cleavage has evolved from issues such as environmental protection, gender equality and European unification in the 1970s, to a wider set of issues involving immigration, LGBTQ rights, and social equality—and conservative reactions to these issues. Data from the European Election Studies (EES) in 1979, 2009, and 2014 track the evolution of both issue cleavages. The chapter conclusion considers the implications of this evolutionary process for political alignments in Europe.
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Dalton, Russell J. The American Experience. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter tracks the evolution of the economic and cultural cleavages in the United States from the early 1970s to the 2016 election. Institutionally, the United States is an exceptional case because of its institutional structure as well as its economic and cultural history. Yet the same forces of social and economic change observed in Europe also occurred in the United States. The chapter tracks citizen perceptions of party issue positions over time. The analyses then show a persisting economic cleavage in voting patterns, and a growing importance of the cultural cleavage over time. The final analytic section concentrates on the impact of the economic and cultural cleavages on voting in 2016, showing how various candidates in the primaries affect the importance of both cleavages. The analyses are based on the American National Election Studies from 1972 to 2016.
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Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, and Tània Verge. Still Connecting with Society? Oxford University Press, 2017.

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How parties structure their interaction with social groups is a key determinant of their capacity to provide linkage between the institutions of government and the public at large. This chapter investigates the extent to which modern political parties use formal measures to connect to relevant societal interests and strengthen their anchorage in society. The analysis centres on parties’ use of formal rules governing affiliation and representation to link with externally organized interests and parties’ establishment of sub-organizations with representation rights within the party. The chapter authors develop and test several hypotheses concerning cross-country and within-country sources of variation in formal linkage and test them empirically. In addition, they examine whether formal status and representation rights shape parties’ ability to represent descriptively the associated latent social interests focusing on the case of women and ethnic minorities.
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Weisband, Edward. The Lurid and Ludic in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter examines the Chinese Cultural Revolution not so much to “explain” why it happened. Rather, it demonstrates the relevance of traditional values and certain child-rearing practices to psychosocial explanations of how mass atrocities were perpetrated. It focuses on the genocide of the Maoist revolution and its dystopian project of peasant collectivization. The Cultural Revolution was political in its imposition of the Communist Party structure throughout China; but it was also socioeconomic and thus essentially about food, its production and distribution at macrolevels of social organization and mobilization. During the Maoist revolution, macabresque transgressions had to be displayed, that is, performed before audiences comprised not only of perpetrators but also of community witnesses. Communal desire for vengeance over whatever was dramatized as “lost” represents a form of motivation relevant to explanations of sadism and its executions in the movement from filial piety to revolutionary shame and rage.
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Lloyd, Christopher, and Tim Battin. Reinforcements for the Wage-Earners’ Welfare State? Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The characterization of Australia as a wage-earners’ welfare state (Frank Castles) has encouraged some scholars to argue that the Australian model remained necessarily labourist and incapable of developing in a social democratic direction. This chapter shows that World War I had a far-reaching effect on the scale of Australia’s welfare state, and that World War II profoundly changed both its scale and structure in a more social democratic direction. Australia’s federal system and its written constitution have constrained centralist and socialist initiatives, particularly desired by the Australian Labor Party. When Labor returned to power in October 1941, Australia was in its second world war, and Japan’s aggression was only months away. World War II presented Labor with the constitutional and political scope to change the foundations and reach of the welfare state to the extent no other event is likely to have afforded.
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Wijffels, Alain. Civil Procedural Law, the Judiciary, and Legal Professionals. Edited by Heikki Pihlajamäki, Markus D. Dubber, and Mark Godfrey. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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In civil law courts, early modern civil procedure was based on the Roman-canonical model of proceedings originally developed in late medieval ecclesiastical courts and by academic scholarship. Its main features were the principle of party disposition and its corollary, the adversarial principle. These features also governed to a large extent English common law proceedings in civil litigation. The new secular and ecclesiastical social elites emerging in urban environments from the late eleventh century onwards rejected traditional forms of procedures because they perceived them as arbitrary. Early modern political developments tended to reorganize the courts’ systems in a polity under the authority of the sovereign, but in most territories, a patchwork of courts remained in place. The fundamental structure of civil proceedings remained by and large in place in the system of national courts established from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century onwards.
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Franzen, Trisha. Finding the Cause (1881–1889). University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter describes events in the life of Anna Howard Shaw from 1881 to 1889. Over the course of the 1880s Shaw willingly gave up the comfortable but limited life of a small town minister to dedicate herself to changing the inequalities of the social structure in ways that she believed would better women's lives more than any work she could do as a minister. Fortunately for Shaw, she turned out to have many of the talents, skills, and attributes that the leaders and the constituencies of the woman suffrage and women's temperance movements needed and valued. By 1888, Shaw would state that, “I have registered a vow that I will from this time forth never work for any political party, never give one dollar to any religious body, home or foreign, never listen Sunday after Sunday to the preaching of any man, never give one ounce of my strength of body or purse, or mind, or heart to any cause which opposes the best interest of women. ” Fortunately, Shaw achieved the independence to make those decisions.
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Hutchison, Elizabeth Quay. Workers Like All the Rest of Them. Duke University Press, 2022.

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In Workers Like All the Rest of Them, Elizabeth Quay Hutchison recounts the long struggle for domestic workers’ recognition and rights in Chile across the twentieth century. Hutchison traces the legal and social history of domestic workers and their rights, outlining their transition from slavery to servitude. For most of the twentieth century, domestic service remained one of the key “underdeveloped” sectors in Chile’s modernizing economy. Hutchison argues that the predominance of women in that underpaid, underregulated labor sector provides one key to persistent gender and class inequality. Through archival research, firsthand accounts, and interviews with veteran activists, Hutchison challenges domestic workers’ exclusion from Chilean history and reveals how and under what conditions they mobilized for change, forging alliances with everyone from Catholic Church leaders and legislators to feminists and political party leaders. Hutchison contributes to a growing global conversation among activists and scholars about domestic workers’ rights, providing a lens for understanding how the changing structure of domestic work and worker activism has both perpetuated and challenged forms of ethnic, gender, and social inequality.
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Ferrari, G. R. F. The Messages We Send. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This is a book about ‘intimations’: social interactions that approach outright communication but do not quite reach it. The controlling metaphor is that of a communicative scale or switch, which goes from ‘off’ (no communication intended) to fully ‘on’ (outright communication). Intimations lie in between. Three intermediate positions are identified: quarter-on, half-on, and three-quarters-on. The metaphor is cashed by appeal to a Gricean model of communication: progression along the communicative scale is determined by the extent to which what comes across in the transmission is required to come across by recognition of the intention of the transmitting party. At a quarter-on, it is required not to; at half-on, it is neither required to nor required not to; at three-quarters-on, it is required to, but only partially; at full-on, it is required to, and the recognition is complete. The half-on intimation is primarily used for impression-management in social life (Goffman is an important influence here). To illustrate it, the book concentrates on fashion and the ‘messages’ we send with our clothes. With the quarter-on and three-quarters-on intimation, the focus of argument is on the fact that transmissions at the same position of the communicative scale have the same underlying structure, whether they are made in the formal arts or in daily life outside the arts. For the quarter-on intimation, the formal art is lyric poetry; for the three-quarters-on intimation, it is storytelling. Storytelling is discussed at length, and at the end is connected to situational irony.
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Faber, Dennis, Niels Vermunt, Jason Kilborn, and Kathleen van der Linde, eds. Treatment of Contracts in Insolvency. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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This is the second title in the new Oxford International and Comparative Insolvency Law Series. Virtually any insolvency needs to deal with the matter of contractual obligations and this book focuses on the extent to which insolvency law interferes with those obligations and relationships. As with the first volume in the series, the topic is addressed through national reports from nineteen of the main economically developed countries, all of which follow a uniform structure. This format enables easy comparison between the jurisdictions and substantially enhances the accessibility of material on a jurisdiction to foreign lawyers. It is essential for all commercial lawyers to consider the implications of insolvency (whether of their client or of the counter-party) on any contract that is under discussion, particularly where there are international aspects to the transaction. This work provides authoritative guidance on the consequences of insolvency on the contractual relationship covering issues such as performance, rights of counterparties, and the special treatment of specific contracts. Also considered are the effects of pre-insolvency negotiated contractual remedies such as flip clauses, automatic termination, acceleration clauses, close out netting provisions, flawed/conditional rights and penalty provisions. There is also guidance given on striking a balance between competing interests in an insolvency situation, for example social concerns raised by some employment contracts. Quality, uniformity and the high level of detail of National Reports are the key benefits of this book. The topic of the treatment of contracts is one in which there are significant differences internationally making this volume a valuable reference tool for practitioners, scholars, and postgraduate students alike.
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Carson, Matter. A Matter of Moral Justice. University of Illinois Press, 2021.

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A Matter of Moral Justice explores the little-studied power laundry industry and its workers, beginning with the birth of the industry at the turn of the twentieth century and concluding with an epilogue on the state of the industry in the early twenty-first century. While providing a broad overview of working conditions, the book focuses on the activism of Black women, who by 1930 comprised a significant proportion of the power laundry workforce. In the urban industrial North, where the industry flourished, Black women eager to escape domestic service actively sought jobs in power laundries, taking their place, albeit on the lowest rungs, on the industrial ladder. This book examines the working conditions and occupational structure in the laundry industry and then narrows the focus to New York City, a leading center of the industry and one of the few places where the workers won union representation. The workers’ campaign spanned many decades and elicited the intervention of some of New York’s most prominent laborites, including New York Women’s Trade Union League president Rose Schneiderman; Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America president Sidney Hillman and his partner and fellow labor leader, Bessie Hillman; Negro Labor Committee president Frank Crosswaith; and a cadre of committed communist and African American organizers. The campaign took place during a period of cataclysmic change for American workers, one that saw the birth and growth of industrial feminism; the Great Migration of more than six million Black southerners to the urban industrial centers of the North and West; the rise of the “New Negro,” inspired by mass migration, Marcus Garvey’s Black nationalist movement, and the explosion of Black trade unionism; the emergence of the CIO and New Deal Order; the heyday of Communist Party organizing; two world wars; and the burgeoning civil rights and women’s movements. This book locates the women’s activism within the context of these movements, which inspired and shaped their organizing and to which they contributed. The book explores the multitude of factors that led to unionization in 1937, including the Wagner Act, the emergence of the CIO, communist organizing, and, most importantly, the militant and interracial organizing of the workers themselves. The final third of the book explores what happened to the workers once they organized under the ACWA-affiliated Laundry Workers Joint Board and thus provides an opportunity to assess the relationship between the industrial union movement and women and people of color employed in the traditionally low-wage industrial service sector. Following LWJB as it transitioned from its radical, grassroots, community-based origins into a bureaucratic organization led by white men illuminates some of the limitations of the industrial union movement for women and people of color but also demonstrates how Black working-class women overcame seemingly insurmountable odds and used the openings provided to mobilize in pursuit of equal treatment and dignity at work. Their stories challenge assumptions about worker passivity and about the inability of the most exploited to organize. Resurrecting these moments of resistance complicates the history of the industrial union movement and provides insights on organizing in the twenty-first century, when women and people of color in the postindustrial service and care sectors have been leading some of the most militant battles for economic and social justice. This story then contributes to our understanding of how race and gender shape working conditions, the formulation of union tactics, and the struggle for union control and union power in modern America.
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