Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Smectique A'
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Collin, Dominique. "Etude expérimentale de l'hydrodynamique non-conventionnelle des phases smectiques et des effets critiques associés à la transition smectique-A-smectique-C." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376040308.
Full textMelo, Hurtado Francisco. "Dynamique de l'interface smectique A-smectique B en solidification directionnelle." Lyon 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991LYO10141.
Full textDupont, Laurent. "Etude expérimentale de la transition de phase smectique A-smectique C* ferroélectrique par couplage électronique." Bordeaux 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990BOR10627.
Full textEven, Catherine. "Vibrations d'une membrane smectique : rôle de la forme du contour." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00006615.
Full textEVEN, CATHERINE. "Vibration d'une membrane smectique : role de la forme du contour." Paris 11, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA112144.
Full textCastro-Roman, Francisco. "Phase smectique de membranes fluides décorées par des copolymères amphiphiles." Montpellier 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON20140.
Full textSonntag, Philippe. "Etude experimentale de la dynamique de la transition nematique-smectique a." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996STR13097.
Full textHmine, Jamal. "Quelques propriétés physiques de cristaux liquides ferroélectriques : approche en thermodynamique et relaxation diélectrique d'un point multicritique smectique C torse - smectique A - cholestérique : effet électroclinique en phase cholestérique." Lille 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991LIL10061.
Full textVadnais, Richard. "Origine moléculaire de la phase smectique C simulation, expérimentation, théorie et philosophie." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/4811.
Full textKRAUS, ISABELLE. "Etude des films librement suspendus de cristaux liquides thermotropes en phase smectique." Paris 11, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA112129.
Full textMeziane, Rachid. "Structure, dynamique et transition de phases d'un cristal liquide smectique en milieu polymère." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL10141/document.
Full textThe understanding of the behavior of a low molecular weight liquid crystal within a rigid matrix is of great importance in order to make powerful composite materials of this type which can be interesting for many applications in particular in the display devices. The understanding of their response to an electric signal or a heating effect is of primary importance. The volume, in which the liquid crystal is located, strongly contributes to these effects. This work is a study relating to the structural evolution of the 4-cyano-4'-n-octyl-biphenyl (8CB)/polystyrene system from the homogeneous phase to the crystal line phase of the 8CB. The morphological analysis reveals that a formation of the objects according to the model of Ostwald-Ripening is at the origin of morphology, one also notes a strong dependence of the mesogene concentration on the segregated size domains. Thus, the study undertaken by calorimetry indicates that the smallest domains observed have a sufficient size to generate metastable phases of the 8CB. One shows by infra-red spectroscopy that the molecules of mesogene do not form aromatic p connections with the phenyl group of polystyrene, however various chemical groups of the two components are in interaction. The smectic order of the liquid crystal is studied by small angle neutron scattering. The smectic structure undergoes many perturbations according to the confinement.he influence of the liquid crystal in a radical polymerization process will be discussed as weIl. The kinetics of polymerization is strongly disturbed by the presence of mesogen underlining the significant character of the behavior of the growing radicals on the final polydispersity of polymer
Guéna, Maryse. "Etude de dispositifs à cristal liquide smectique C* en vue de la mémorisation d'images." Brest, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BRES2048.
Full textHamelin, Patrick. "La structure en volume de la phase smectique o et ses proprietes electro-optiques." Paris 11, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA112301.
Full textPICANO, FREDERIC. "Dislocations coin et transitions d'amincissement dans les films librement suspendus de cristal liquide smectique." Lyon, École normale supérieure (sciences), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ENSL0198.
Full textCaillier, François. "Dynamique des dislocations coin et dissipation dans les films librement suspendus de cristal liquide smectique." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011175.
Full textcomme un réservoir dissipatif.
En régime quasi-statique, lorsque les échanges de matière entre le film et le ménisque sont lents, les écoulements de perméation autour des dislocations coin qui le composent sont à l'origine de sa perméabilité finie. Un modèle hydrodynamique montre que la dissipation est localisée à son entrée, dans la zone bien orientée et qu'elle dépend fortement de l'épaisseur du film. Dans les films fins, le ralentissement des boucles de dislocation et dans les films épais, la dynamique de relaxation de deux ménisques reliés par un même film ont permis de confirmer expérimentalement ce modèle.
La dynamique d'effondrement d'une bulle a permis de caractériser la dissipation dans des régimes d'écoulements plus rapides en mettant en évidence un écart à la loi de Laplace (statique). Les expériences montrent qu'après une étape conduisant à la déstructuration du ménisque, ce qui le rend plus perméable, la bulle peut s'effondrer, la matière s'engouffrant dans le ménisque avec un comportement rhéofluidifiant. De plus, la nucléation et la croissance d'îlots peut rendre le processus moins dissipatif, ce qui est essentiellement observé dans les films fins.
Biensan, Laurence. "Etude des interactions spécifiques entre deux surfaces près d'une transition de phase : la transition smectique." Bordeaux 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BOR10687.
Full textBenzekri, Mohammed. "Etude expérimentale du comportement critique du module élastique de compression des couches en phase smectique A." Bordeaux 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990BOR10532.
Full textCANDEL, GRANGER VERONIQUE. "Etude experimentale d'un film smectique o induit a la surface libre d'une goutte de cristal liquide isotrope." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994STR13236.
Full textLaffitte, Jean-Denis. "Influence de segments fluorocarbonés sur la structure smectique A et les propriétés de solublité de polysiloxanes cristaux liquides." Bordeaux 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR10609.
Full textMoreau, Patrick. "Diffusion moléculaire d'un dopant hydrosoluble dans une phase lamellaire lyotropeTransition smectique - cholestérique dans un mélange de molécules amphiphiles." Bordeaux 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR12896.
Full textLevert, Étienne. "Influence de la structure moléculaire sur les propriétés mésogèniques et les transitions de phases de mélanges de cristaux liquides smectogènes." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/4926.
Full textMOREAU, Patrick. "Diffusion Moléculaire d'un dopant hydrosoluble dans une phase lamellaire lyotrope ---- transition smectique - cholestérique dans un mélange de molécules amphiphiles." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009676.
Full textMondain-Monval, Olivier. "Contribution à l'étude par diffusion Rayleigh anisotrope des fluctuations d'orientation dans les plans des couches d'une phase smectique A." Bordeaux 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993BOR10526.
Full textMissaoui, Amine. "Dynamics of topological defects in freely floating smectic liquid crystal films and bubbles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021SORUS207.
Full textThe aim of the thesis is to study the dynamics of topological defects in liquid crystals (LC). Among the wide range of possible choices, we are interested in the thermotropic smectic-C liquid crystalline phase. The unique property of this LC phase allows to form freely suspended films, that are supported on a holder and bounded by a meniscus, and freely floating bubbles. The studies in these suspended systems are on the one hand less influenced by the boundary conditions that exist in the case of the LC cells and on the other hand easier to interpret thanks to the two-dimensional geometry of these films and bubbles. The aim of the PhD consists in exploiting the properties of smectique-C freely suspended films and bubbles for the study of the dynamics of topological defects
Porzio, François. "Étude par dynamique moléculaire de cristaux liquides smectiques présentant la phase inclinée SmC: étude d'isomères structuraux et corrélation avec l'expérience." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5868.
Full textGorria, Philippe. "Non-idéalité des mélanges binaires de mésogènes fluorés et non fluorés en phase smectique A : formulation de sytèmes incompatibles et études à l'approche d'un point critique." Bordeaux 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR10549.
Full textMihailovic, Martine. "Étude expérimentale par microscopie électronique, optique et viscoélasticité d'une transition de phases dans un cristal liquide lyotrope." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112285.
Full textAnakkar, Abdelkader. "Rentrance sous pression dans les cristaux liquides : approche thermodynamique et analyse piézothermique de la transition nématique rentrant-smectique Ad à l'aide d'un calorimètre à flux thermique à couches composites." Lille 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990LIL10130.
Full textEbel, Christine. "Etude des cristaux liquides smectiques C chiraux en vue de la réalisation d'écrans plats." Grenoble 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988GRE10076.
Full textClaverie, Thierry. "Etude du module élastique de compression des couches en phase smectique A : comportement critique à l'approche de la phase nématique et hydrodynamique non conventionnelle à fréquence finie et petits secteurs d'onde." Bordeaux 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BOR10544.
Full textSelmi, Mayada. "Textures à la surface libre de cristaux liquides smectiques : étude en géométrie films librement suspendus et sur substrats structurés." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BORD0098/document.
Full textThe present work is an experimental study of the textures that appear in the meniscus of free standing smectic films with thermotropic liquid crystals. These complex fluids serve as model systems to investigate elasto-capillary phenomena which, under certain conditions, manifest themselves through periodic deformations of the liquid crystalair interface. In the first part of the thesis, we focus our attention on meniscus structures whose interfacial topographies are thoroughly characterized thanks to an in-house optical interferometry technique. Our study allows us to identify the main parameters involved in the development of meniscus structures and to discuss the physical mechanisms that are likely to be responsible for their formation. In particular, we show how a phase transition-induced layer shrinkage triggers a mechanical instability leading to interfacial undulations of the smectic free surface. In the second part of the manuscript, we address the case of thin liquid crystal films deposited on solid patterned solid substrates. The latter consist of regular arrays of microposts fabricated through photolithographic techniques. Such a geometry allows a meniscus to be formed around each micropost and makes it possible to examine the influence of other parameters such as the anchoring conditions on the solid substrate. The results gathered so far are able to shed some light on the characterization and the understanding of the specific deformations and textures that appear in the menisci of complex fluids
Grelet, Eric. "Etude structurale des phases bleues smectiques." Paris 7, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA077081.
Full textGalvan, Jean-Marc. "Etude expérimentale de mésophases smectiques C ferroélectriques." Bordeaux 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR10503.
Full textFOURNIER, JEAN-BAPTISTE. "Le facetage volumique des cristaux liquides smectiques." Paris 11, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA112110.
Full textGalvan, Jean-Marc. "Etude expérimentale de mésophases smectiques C ferroélectriques." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376052871.
Full textMichel, Jean-Philippe. "Films smectiques minces déposés sur un substrat monocristallin." Cergy-Pontoise, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CERG0169.
Full textThis work presents an experimental study of the structure of thin smectic films frustrated on a single crystal. Film thicknesses are investigated from several hundreds to several tens of smectic layers. We worked on the model system 8CB/MoS2 by combining four different experimental techniques, llowing an exploration of the layers structure everywhere in the film. We demonstrate we are able to study sual defects of the smectic phase in a simplified geometry because of the order imposed via the substrate's surface. Combination of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Grazing Incidence X-ray effraction (GIXD) permit to take interest to the physisorption of organic molecules on a crystalline surface and more precisely to determine the fine structure of the first 8CB adsorbed molecules on MoS2 surface. We interpret our results through a1D mean field model leading to a complex molecule-substrate. In a second time, by combining Optical Microscopy (MO) and GIXD we studied the unidirectionnal planar anchoring of the smectic A and nematic phases imposed by the flat surface of MoS2. We have determined six different anchoring directions for the perpendicularly anchored smectic layers with respect to the main crystallographic directions of MoS2. With models existing in the litterature, we have then interpreted our results and evidenced the strong link between the adsorbed structure and the anchoring characteristics. Film's structure frustrated by antagonistic anchorings was investigated by combination of MO, GIXD and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in the Tapping mode. For thickness higher than 0,1 mm, smectic layers are stacked concentrically into periodic networks formed by flattened hemicylindrical structures. We have evidenced the existence of an elastic threshold located between 700 and 900 Å, below which a discontinous structure with dislocation walls exists in order to avoid any prohibitive curvature of smectic layers. We have demonstrated the asymmetric nature of the walls associated to a high dislocation density. Thickness evolution has revealed also the presence of such a discontinous structure under the flattened Hemicylindrical structures and permit to understand the defect evolution when film's thickness varies. We have then studied straightforward the internal structure of focal conics, which here are 1D degenerated
Mahyaoui, Camille. "Exploitation des textures de phases cristal-liquides pour diverses applications optiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASP118.
Full textLiquid crystals have been used for their electro-optical properties since the 1970s, both in LCD screens and for less widespread applications such as smart glass. The glass industry is particularly interested in the latter. The technology currently on the market uses a polymer matrix in which droplets of liquid crystal in the nematic phase are dispersed. Under the effect of an electrical voltage, the glass switches from a scattering to a transparent state. However, the transparency of this second state is not optimal, which has prompted the search for other technical solutions. It has recently been shown that the smectic A phase can also be used to design a smart glass prototype: a type of topological defect (focal conic domains) is generated in the smectic A phase and polymerised to be maintained in the nematic phase. Thanks to this step, the sample reversibly changes from a scattering state to a transparent state when a voltage is applied. This system belongs to the family of PSLCs (Polymer Stabilised Liquid Crystals). In this thesis, we optimised the polymerisation parameters (monomer concentration, photoinitiator, UV light intensity) to maximise the contrast between the transparent and scattering states. The relationship between the electro-optical properties and the microstructure of the samples was also studied. The principle was then extended to another liquid crystal phase that is formally very close to the smectic A phase: the twist-bend nematic (NTB) phase. This phase exhibits a wide variety of topological defects, enabling us not only to show that the NTB phase can also be used for smart glass applications, but also to develop an electrically tunable diffraction grating. For the latter application, the ‘rope-like texture' of the NTB phase was polymerised to be maintained in the nematic phase, which is known to align reversibly along the electric field. We then revisited the smectic A phase, which has already been extensively studied, but whose properties have not yet been fully investigated. In particular, we sought to make use of the quasi-hexagonal lattice of focal conic domains that is obtained by simple spin-coating deposition. We have shown that this lattice can be used to confine nanoparticles (3 nm - 10 nm). The method works for several types of nanoparticles (gold, quantum dots). An in-depth study of the aggregation state of nanoparticles and their location in the liquid crystal matrix was carried out. Two populations of nanoparticles were identified: micrometre-sized aggregates floating on the surface of the liquid crystal and localised on the defects, and nanoparticles adsorbed on the substrate. An evolution in the distribution of adsorbed particles was observed over long periods: a honeycomb lattice appeared in a few months. Finally, the optical properties of the two types of defects observed in the smectic A phase under hybrid anchoring conditions were studied: focal conic domains (which appear in samples thicker than 1.5 µm) and ‘linear defects' (observed in samples thinner than 1.5 µm). The focal conic domains scatter light and give the sample a hazy appearance, while the linear defects diffract visible light, giving the sample a structural colour. We have shown that the scattering properties of the focal conics are enhanced the thicker the liquid crystal layer, and that the linear defects behave as a diffraction grating. The structure of these two types of defects was studied using optical microscopy. A model based on Dupin's cyclides was proposed for focal conic domains. The structure of linear defects has not yet been fully elucidated
Arriudarre, Catherine. "Smectiques C ferroélectriques : synthèse et étude des propriétés physiques." Bordeaux 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR10514.
Full textArriudarre, Catherine. "Smectiques C ferroélectriques synthèse et étude des propriétés physiques /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376113986.
Full textOswald, Patrick. "Dynamique des dislocations dans les smectiques A et B." Paris 11, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA112137.
Full textWe describe some plasticity experiments which point out the influence of dislocations in the lamellar phases smectic A and B. A first creep experiment in compression normal to the layers shows that in a smectic A, the distortion grows by the climb of the included edge dislocations rather than by molecular diffusion from the solid edges to the free surface. A second experiment of stress relaxation performed in the same conditions, reveals the existence, beyond a well defined stress threshold, of a sequence of screw dislocations helical instabilities. Compared with the theoritical models, these results provide information on the dislocations : elastic interactions, lime tension, core energy, mobility. In the case of dilation the situation is more complicated : an undulation instability of the layers occurs very early, it is rapidly followed by the nucleation of focal parabolae. We describe the sequence of instabilities in a large range of deformations as well as the mechanical anomalies associated to it. Finally we describe how, in a smectic A phase, the screw dislocations and the focal domains may interact and partially slow down a flow parallel to the layers. The smectic lubrification effect is also discussed and a measurement method of the viscosity, with one “floating” sample limiting slide, is presented. In a smectic B phase, two creep experiments of compression and shearing are described. They reveal a very high plastic anisotropy of this compound. We analyse it in terms of dislocations in the light of classical metallurgic models (creep by vacancy diffusion and activated dislocation glide). These results explain the occurrence of an undulation instability of the layers of a B phase, similar to what we observed in the A phase, but with much slower dynamics
Fitts, Tina G. "The dynamics and implications of stress-induced smectite dehydration /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1997. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p9823705.
Full textBreakwell, I. K. "Chemical modification of smectite clays." Thesis, Aston University, 1992. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/9790/.
Full textBond, Stephen P. "Interlamellar modification of smectite clays." Thesis, Aston University, 1991. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/9741/.
Full textBourny, Valéry. "Formation de l'ordre antiferroelectrique dans les cristaux liquides smectiques chiraux." Amiens, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AMIE0110.
Full textBen, Salah Manel. "Comportement électrocinétique de mélanges kaolinite-smectite." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEE005.
Full textThis thesis work focused on the electrokinetic treatment of clay soil. The aim is to study the evolution of the structure of kaolinite + smectite mixtures polluted with lead after an electrokinetic treatment. The aim is to understand the possible variations in the mechanical properties of soils after electrokinetics. From a structural point of view, generally small variations in porosity (mercury porosimetry) were observed after the electrokinetic treatment
Delphine, Coursault. "Décoration de réseaux linéaires de défauts smectiques par des nanoparticules d'or." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00918722.
Full textCoursault, Delphine. "Décoration de réseaux linéaires de défauts smectiques par des nanoparticules d'or." Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066080.
Full textWe create thin smectic films of topological defects, linearly oriented along a unique direction, on top of rubbed polymer substrate, thanks to our knowledge on crystalline substrate. First we study the influence of the substrate on defects structure, and perform X-Rays diffraction, combining transmission and reflexion setup. Second by mixing the liquid crystal with gold nanoparticles (NPs), we provide anisotropy to the NPs self-assembly and to their optical properties, tunable under light polarization. At low NPs concentration, we create chains of individual nanoparticles trapped within smectic dislocations, parallel to each other along a unique direction. Inside a chain, depending on concentration, NPs can be isolated or electromagnetically coupled. At high enough concentration, this leads to anisotropic properties of the collective localized surface plasmon resonance as large as 40 nm. At even higher concentration linear assembly turns into two dimensional one, with a dense packing along the defects and remaining anisotropy of the optical properties. Concerning pure liquid crystal matrix, we comfort the hypothesis of a structure made of a rotating grain boundary whose shape is related to the minimization of dislocation number. We identify two different traps for NPs: a preferential site is a dislocation close to the substrate, without disorder induced by the presence of the NPs; a second site is an assembly of dislocation localized on top of the rotating grain boundary close to the air interface, which reconstructs depending on the NPs concentration. This directed assembly of NPs opens the route for various hybrid systems with strong anisotrpic properties
Navailles, Laurence. "Synthèse et études structurales de nouvelles phases smectiques hélicoi͏̈dales : TGBA et TGBC." Bordeaux 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BOR10554.
Full textHernandez, Ramirez Gilberto. "CRISTAUX LIQUIDES DE TYPE DONNEUR-ACCEPTEUR-DONNEUR POUR LA CONVERSION PHOTOVOLTAÏQUE." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00579777.
Full textFleury, Carinne. "Structuration et rhéologie des solutions de copolymères triblocs SBM : smectiques frustres d'intérêt industriel." Paris 6, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA066302.
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