Academic literature on the topic 'Smart Territory'

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Journal articles on the topic "Smart Territory"


Semyachkov, Konstantin. "Smart city sustainable configuration." SHS Web of Conferences 141 (2022): 01015.

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The paper shows that sustainable development is the goal of most modern socio-economic systems of different levels, countries, regions, cities. It is shown that the basis for the development of modern society is the balance of interests in the economic, environmental, social spheres, without which it is impossible to achieve the goals of sustainable development. Sustainable development requires the introduction of new models of territory management. The paper notes that a promising tool for the sustainable development of the territory is the smart city model, the main element of which is modern digital technologies. The paper considers the main elements of the smart city configuration that affect the sustainable development of the territory. The toolkit of a smart city for the implementation of sustainable development goals in the context of the formation of a digital society is presented.
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Chelak, Igor, Evgenij Popov, and Maksim Skvortsov. "Ecosystems of smart territories: cartographic and economic analysis tools." E3S Web of Conferences 474 (2024): 03002.

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In economics, the ecosystem approach becomes the main method of analysing large communities. In this paper, the object of research is the ecosystem of a smart territory (smart ecosystem, i-ecosystem). The subject of the study is economic relations based on the analysis of the results of mapping the ecosystem of a smart territory. We single out economic analysis as the main tool of ecosystem management. The synthesis of mapping the ecosystem of a smart territory and various methods of its analysis allows us to identify key growth points and promising directions of ecosystem dynamics. The problem of the study is the lack of systematization of the directions of ecosystem economic analysis. The purpose of the study is to systematize the directions of economic analysis based on the results of mapping the ecosystem of a smart territory. Logical and systematic methods of research allowed to conduct a content analysis of scientific papers. The research algorithm includes a review of previous studies, formulation of the research problem, systematization of the directions of economic analysis of the ecosystem of a smart territory. The methodological foundation of the research is represented by the system concept, the paradigm of sustainable development, and the ESG approach. The result of the work was a table on the directions of economic analysis of the ecosystem of the smart territory.
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Sukharev, O. S. "SMART CITY AND TERRITORY: OVERCOMING STRUCTURAL GAP." Вестник Института экономики Российской академии наук, no. 1 (2022): 68–84.

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Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Revista. "The didactic research in sciences: a smart territory." Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas 31, no. 3 (November 1, 2013): 5.

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Society, industry, and particularly engineering are currently immersed in a profound technological change, oriented towards the optimization of processes and the improvement in the management of existing resources. From this point of view, it is interesting to incorporate systems capable of improving the operation and efficiency of the built environment. The study aims to address the current state of development of the different methodologies that make it possible to solve the need to move the focus away from the city to the territory that arose after the COVID-19 pandemic; with the consequent evolution of the concept of Smart City to Smart Territory. Methodologically, a review of the state of the art of the different currents is carried out, within the reference framework of Industry 4.0, which focuses on implementing intelligent systems for sensorisation and monitoring of infrastructures that enable more sophisticated, efficient, and optimal maintenance strategies. As a result, it should be noted that the current trend is obligatory since it is not so imperative to build new infrastructures in developed countries but rather to explore the possible extension of their useful life and to advocate a new approach to engineering based on sustainability criteria. Key Words: Smart-territory, maintenance, intelligent infrastructure, monitoring, Smart-city.
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Рустам Валентинович, Шхагошев, and Бахунов Астемир Арсенович. "INDICATORS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF "SMART" DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORY." STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT SCHOLAR NOTES 1, no. 2 (June 2022): 50–61.

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The functional concept of "smart" development of territories, widely known and actively implemented in the world and the Russian Federation, is currently characterized by a declaration of the principles of anthropocentrism, a qualitative increase in the manufacturability of infrastructure systems and processes, a "digital revolution" in the management of territorial resources of all types, progress in organizing a safe and comfortable living environment. The novelty of posing the problems of developing "smart" territories in general and "smart cities" in particular and their contribution to positive spatial and economic transformations of the regional and national scales necessitated a broad scientific search in terms of methods and techniques for assessing the direction, scale and effectiveness (primarily – socio-economic) processes of "smart" urbanization, the growth of municipal "digital maturity" and its positive perception by participants in municipal and regional socio-economic systems.
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D’AURIA, Anna, Marco TREGUA, Manuel Carlos VALLEJO-MARTOS, and Rocio MARTÍNEZ-JIMÉNEZ. "Citizens’ Voice as a Cornerstone of Making Territories Smart." Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 70 E (October 31, 2023): 5–27.

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This paper aims to answer the call for studies on smart transformation in small and rural municipalities. It focuses on the ‘smart territory’ concept, which includes all the features of the smart city but considers a larger and less delimited urban area, as well as the intricacy of effects among towns and cities. To address such a space, the authors conducted an in-depth analysis of the Province of Jaén in Spain through a content analysis of interviews with representatives from local associations of citizens. The results confirmed that a participatory approach supports the territory management thanks to the government-to-citizens interactions that allow getting direct information: The citizens’ voice is about perspectives and opinions related to the status of different neighborhoods, towns, or villages, as well as the city, and real opportunities to shape a smart territory as theorized. The study’s contribution stems mostly from the category of actors involved, as the critical issues, as well as the opportunities in local development, are usually investigated by involving either local administrations or politicians and citizens. Listening to citizens’ voices also addresses the intricacies of a territory overcoming the limits of an approach based on a single town or city. Furthermore, detecting problems and opportunities in an urban context in this way can help in planning local smart development.
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Mealha, Óscar, and Monica Divitini. "Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices." Interaction Design and Architecture(s), no. 35 (December 20, 2017): 5–6.

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Makhnachova, N. M. "INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF A TERRITORY BASED ON SMART-CRITERIA." "Public management and administration in Ukraine", no. 11 (2019): 148–52.

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Virtudes, Ana, Arwa Abbara, and João Sá. "Dubai: A Pioneer Smart City in the Arabian Territory." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 245 (October 2017): 052071.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Smart Territory"


Catalani, Marco <1988&gt. "Rivalutazione turistica della località Nevegàl: strategie e proposte per la creazione di uno smart territory." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013.

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Frucquet, Pascal. "Politiques de "Smart City" et (co-)création de valeur publique locale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.

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Le nombre de publications académiques consacrées à la "Smart City", toutes disciplines confondues, a été multiplié par plus de dix entre 2015 et 2021 (Sharifi et al. 2021). Depuis, cette dynamique s'est amplifiée et s'accompagne d'une très grande diversité de définitions. Toutes ont cependant comme point commun de positionner les technologies numériques et les données massives au service d'une ambition de création de valeur multidimensionnelle au bénéfice de l'ensemble des champs d'activités et des fonctions de la gestion urbaine et territoriale.Toutefois, le succès international de la "Smart City" n'a pas été accompagné par une dynamique équivalente en Management Public. Pourtant, plusieurs auteurs ont alerté sur l'importance de comprendre les impacts de la mise en œuvre des politiques de "Smart City" sur la gouvernance et le management des organisations publique locales, afin qu'elles soient créatrices de valeur publique (Grossi et al., 2020; Rodríguez Bolívar, 2019).Aussi, l'objectif de cette thèse a été de penser la "Smart City" en tant que « situation de gestion » (Raulet-Croset, 2008, 2016), en identifiant un objet d'étude, les politiques de "Smart City", et en posant la question de recherche suivante : Comment les politiques de "Smart City" peuvent-elles être créatrices de valeur publique ?Ainsi, un dispositif méthodologique a été élaboré conjuguant revue narrative et systématique de littérature, et observations empiriques. Celles-ci ont été réalisées dans le cadre de deux recherches-actions, d'une série d'entretiens exploratoires, puis de quatre études longitudinales de cas enchâssés. Les collectivités locales françaises ont été choisies comme terrain d'étude compte tenu de la diversité des déploiements du concept de "Smart City" et de la richesse de « la réalité des territoires connectés » (Data Publica & KPMG, 2021).Nos travaux permettent d'abord de proposer un schéma général d'analyse du processus de création de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City". Ils conduisent ensuite à mettre en évidence la transformation de la gouvernance locale consécutive à la conduite de telles politiques dans le sens d'une approche équilibrée entre proactivité et ouverture (Carassus et Baldé 2020). Nous précisons également les impacts différenciés de ces deux dimensions sur les types de valeur publique créés, en soulignant la capacité de la gouvernance ouverte à adresser tous les types de valeur publique, à la différence de la gouvernance proactive. Toutefois, nous identifions un phasage plus ou moins subi entre proactivité et ouverture. Il s'explique par l'importance des questions de management des systèmes d'information et l'ampleur des transformations organisationnelles, qui induisent de fortes tensions sur les ressources en charge des pratiques de co-création.Ainsi, nous mettons en évidence un risque de création partielle, voire de destruction, de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City". L'enjeu est donc de réinterroger constamment le niveau et la nature des ressources affectées, en travaillant en transversalité et de manière agile. Dans cette dynamique, les démarches d'évaluation et de co-évaluation apparaissent comme importantes.Au final, cette thèse contribue à l'agenda de recherche international sur la création de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City" en proposant trois contributions théoriques : la conceptualisation de la "Smart City" sous forme de politiques publiques, l'opérationnalisation du triangle stratégique de la valeur publique de Moore (1955), et l'adaptation des cadres d'analyse de la gouvernance locale aux politiques de "Smart City". Ces contributions sont doublées d'un plan d'action à destination des managers publics locaux pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de politiques de "Smart City" créatrices de valeur publique. Enfin, nous esquissons plusieurs axes de recherche à destination des chercheurs en Sciences de Gestion souhaitant approfondir le sujet
The number of academic publications devoted to the Smart City, across all disciplines, increased more than tenfold between 2015 and 2021 (Sharifi et al. 2021). Since then, this trend has gathered pace, and is accompanied by a huge diversity of definitions. What they all have in common, however, is that they position digital technologies and massive data in the service of an ambition to create multidimensional value for the benefit of all the fields of activity and functions of urban and territorial management.However, the international success of the Smart City has not been matched by an equivalent dynamic in public management. Yet several authors have warned of the importance of understanding the impact of implementing Smart City policies on the governance and management of local public organizations, so that they can create public value (Grossi et al., 2020; Rodríguez Bolívar, 2019).Therefore, the aim of this thesis has been to think of the Smart City as a "management situation" (Raulet-Croset, 2008, 2016), by identifying an object of study, Smart City policies, and by posing the following research question: How can Smart City policies create public value?A methodological approach was developed, combining a narrative and systematic review of the literature with empirical observations. These were carried out as part of two action-research projects, a series of exploratory interviews and four longitudinal studies of embedded cases. French local authorities were chosen as the field of study given the diversity of deployments of the 'Smart City' concept and the richness of 'the reality of connected territories' (Data Publica & KPMG, 2021).Our work firstly enables us to propose a general framework for analyzing the process of creating public value through 'Smart City' policies. It then highlights the transformation of local governance resulting from the implementation of such policies, with a balanced approach between proactivity and openness (Carassus and Baldé 2020). We also specify the differentiated impacts of these two dimensions on the types of public value created, emphasizing the capacity of open governance to address all types of public value, unlike proactive governance. However, we identify a more or less deliberate phasing between proactivity and openness. This can be explained by the importance of information systems management issues and the scale of the organizational transformations, which put considerable strain on the resources responsible for co-creation practices.In this way, we are highlighting a risk of partial creation, or even destruction, of public value by "Smart City" policies. The challenge is therefore to constantly re-examine the level and nature of the resources allocated, working across the board and in an agile manner. As part of this process, evaluation and co-evaluation are important.In the end, this PhD dissertation contributes to the international research agenda on the creation of public value by Smart City policies by proposing three theoretical contributions: the conceptualization of the Smart City in the form of public policies, the operationalization of Moore's (1955) strategic triangle of public value, and the adaptation of local governance analysis frameworks to Smart City policies. These contributions are accompanied by an action plan for local public managers to design and implement Smart City policies that create public value. Finally, we outline several lines of research for Management Science researchers wishing to delve deeper into the subject
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Козловський, Д. О., and Ж. В. Лінчук. "Управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону." Thesis, Чернігів, 2021.

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Козловський, Д. О. Управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону : випускна кваліфікаційна робота : 281 «Публічне управління та адміністрування» / Д. О. Козловський, Ж. В. Лінчук ; керівник роботи Н. В. Ткаленко ; НУ "Чернігівська політехніка", кафедра публічного управління та менеджменту організацій. – Чернігів, 2021. – 108 с.
Кваліфікаційна робота присвячена методам та механізмам управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону. Метою виконання кваліфікаційної роботи є проведення теоретичного дослідження та розробка практичних заходів з управління соціально економічним розвитком на рівні регіону. В першому розділі розкрито теоретичні основи соціально-економічного розвитку регіону, а саме закономірності, особливості управління та організаційне забезпечення соціально-економічного розвитку регіону. У другому розділі проведено діагностику соціально-економічного розвитку конкретного регіону: загальна характеристика, аналіз експортно імпортної діяльності підприємств, аналіз показників розвитку промисловості та сільського господарства регіону. У третьому розділі запропоновано реалізувати стратегії смарт спеціалізації, визначено методичний підхід до відбору та оцінки проектів об’єднаної територіальної громади, визначено соціальний ефект від проектів територіальних громад.
Qualification thesis is devoted to methods and mechanisms of management of social and economic development of the region. The purpose of the qualification thesis is to conduct theoretical research and develop practical measures to manage socio-economic development at the regional level. The first chapter reveals the theoretical foundations of socio-economic development of the region, namely the laws, features of management and organizational support of socio-economic development of the region. The second chapter diagnoses the socio-economic development of a particular region: general characteristics, analysis of export-import activities of enterprises, analysis of indicators of industrial and agricultural development of the region. The third chapter proposes to implement smart specialization strategies, defines the methodological approach to the selection and evaluation of projects of the united territorial community, defines the social effect of projects of territorial communities.
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Zucchinali, Valeria <1995&gt. "Smart Cities in Giappone: Influenza del territorio sullo sviluppo urbano sostenibile." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.

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A partire dagli anni Settanta, con la nascita del concetto di sostenibilità ambientale e il miglioramento della tecnologia, lo sviluppo delle città è stato influenzato da politiche sempre più green e improntate sulla creazione di città tecnologiche. Dando così nascita a città intelligenti, le smart cities, costruite per soddisfare le esigenze di uno sviluppo sostenibile, una spinta economica per le aziende e i luoghi interessati e il miglioramento della qualità di vita del cittadino. Anche in Giappone sono stati attuati dei progetti per la costruzione di alcune smart cities. Ma il territorio giapponese è caratterizzato da una forte instabilità tettonica, che porta il paese a dover affrontare molte catastrofi naturali. In questa ricerca si vuole andare ad analizzare come i problemi ambientali caratterizzanti del territorio giapponese hanno influenzato la progettazione delle smart cities giapponesi. In particolare, si vuole esaminare come il triplice disastro dell’11 Marzo 2011 abbia influenzato lo sviluppo delle città in Giappone. Si possono riscontrare principalmente due ondate di progetti riguardanti le smart cities in Giappone, la prima ondata è datata 2010, l’anno precedente al disastro. Successivamente nel 2012 vengono ideati altri progetti. La ricerca vuole confrontare due smart cities, Keihanna Eco City (progettata nel 2010) e Fujisawa SST (progettata nel 2012), per verificare se sono presenti differenze significative per quanto riguarda le loro caratteristiche base, e se queste differenze possono essere imputabili al bisogno delle città giapponesi di prevenzione ai danni ambientali.
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Testoni, Chiara. "Towards Smart City. Amministrazione Pubblica e città italiane di media dimensione: strategie di governance per uno sviluppo intelligente, sostenibile e inclusivo del territorio." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2015.

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Grossi, Francesca <1983&gt. "Climate smart agriculture : beyond the theoretical definition." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017.

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It has been long recognized that effective climate policies need to account for economic, environmental and social impacts, exemplifying the notion of “triple-wins”. In the context, of rapid population growth and urbanization rate, this rationale has acquired even more impetus through the notion of climate smart agriculture applied to urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA), i.e. farming practices that take place within or on the fringe of a city. Notwithstanding, this increasing popularity of UPA as climate-smart strategy, substantial challenges still remain, especially in terms of impacts’ assessment. This research aims to contribute to fill existing knowledge gaps, through the development of triple-wins comparative analysis, enabling the practical investigation of UPA´s impacts, and thus a better understanding of whether and to which extent these farming practices can support the building of more resilient and sustainable cities in low and middle-income countries. Accordingly, it builds upon a multi-methods research design comprising of: qualitative content analysis, case study research, and a multiple criteria decision analysis method, the PROMETHEE II.
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Ciattaglia, Francesco. "L’architettura a supporto della Smart-Valley dell’Esino, mobilità smart per i centri minori della città diffusa del territorio delle Marche: il caso studio della Vallesina." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2016.

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La ricerca messa in campo ha tentato di confrontarsi con l’attuale tematica delle smart-cities declinandola nel contesto dei centri minori delle Marche. Partendo dal riconoscimento di uno smart-land, la ricerca ha identificato nella Vallesina (smart-valley) un ambito territoriale tipo del territorio della Regione. Dalla costatazione che l’approccio alle smart-cities avviene con un’ottica multi-tematica che coinvolge diversi sotto-sistemi (economia, governo, mobilità, persone, abitare e ambiente), la ricerca ha tentato in prima battuta di sperimentare una piattaforma all’interno della quale poter inter-relazionare queste tematiche, inquadrandole all’interno di un processo metodologico orientato alla definizione di obiettivi ed azioni per uno sviluppo territoriale. La seconda parte del lavoro verte sull’applicazione della metodologia accennata al territorio di studio. La ricerca indaga come il mutamento dei modelli di mobilità abbia influito sulle dinamiche insediative dei centri minori, sugli impianti urbanistici delle loro espansioni e sul loro carattere edilizio fino a definire un quadro aggiornato. Le prospettive di analisi hanno sondato anche il rapporto che i sistemi infrastrutturali per la mobilità hanno tessuto con il territorio rurale e quello naturale costituito dall’ambito fluviale. Con un’ottica inter-scalare, tra sistema territoriale ed aree progetto pilota specifiche, la ricerca ha portato alla definizione di obiettivi ed azioni relativi alla tematica della mobilità. Nella prospettiva di ottimizzare l’utilizzo del mezzo privato sono state ipotizzate modifiche alle percorrenze dei trasporti pubblici e l’introduzione di una più spiccata e coordinata intermodalità tra i vari modi del trasporto puntando sulla separazione dei flussi, ottenuta con il potenziamento dell’infrastruttura ferroviaria valliva e il rafforzamento dei sistemi di trasporto trasversali di adduzione tra fondovalle e centri di crinale. Lo studio ipotizza anche l’introduzione del car-pooling e del trasporto a chiamata. La ricerca fornisce delle strategie e strumenti per il potenziamento del sistema della mobilità ciclabile alla scala intercomunale. La verifica di tali indagini è stata introdotta tramite delle sperimentazioni progettuali eseguite su aree progetto pilota dislocate in specifiche posizioni all’interno dell’area di studio della Vallesina.
The research fielded attempted to deal with the current issue of smart-cities declining it in the context of the smaller towns of the Marche Region. Starting from the concept recognition of smart-land, the research identified in Vallesina (smart-valley) a territorial type of the Region. By noting that the approach to smart-cities is done with a view multi-issue involving different sub-systems (economy, governance, mobility, people, living and environment), the research has tried at first to experience a platform which can inter-relate these issues, setting them within a methodological process-oriented definition of objectives and actions for territorial development. The second part of the work focuses on the application of the methodology mentioned in the study area. The research investigates how the change mobility patterns have influenced the settlement dynamics of the smaller towns, especially their expansion and the building up of their characters up to the actual image. Prospects analysis probed the relationships that the infrastructure systems for mobility have woven with the rural and natural territories. Using an inter-scalar view system between territorial areas and specific pilot project, the research has led to the definition of objectives and actions related to the theme of mobility. With the aime of optimize the use of private cars, changes to travel time of public transport and introduction of a stronger and coordinated intermodality between the different modes of transport were assumed focusing on the separation of flows, obtained with the upgrading of railway infrastructure and strengthening of transport systems cross-feed between the valley and ridge centers. The study also suggests the introduction of car-pooling and a new format of transport on demand. The research provides strategies and tools for the strengthening of bike mobility into the Vallesina territory. The test of these investigations was introduced by the design experiments performed on the pilot project areas located in specific locations along the Esino Valley.
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La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo.
The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.
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La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo.
The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.
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Afaneh, Ahmad. "GIS – based urban information system for Sustainable and Smart Cities : application to "SunRise – Smart City" demonstrator." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016.

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La thèse porte sur l'utilisation du système d'information géographique (SIG) pour la construction du système d'information urbaine pour les villes durables et intelligentes. Le travail comprend à la fois le développement d'une méthodologie pour la construction du système d'information urbain basé sur le SIG et son application sur un démonstrateur à grande échelle de la ville intelligente et durable (projet SunRise Smart City).La thèse comporte quatre parties :La première partie comporte une analyse bibliographique des travaux réalisés sur les thèmes relatifs à ce travail de thèse à savoir : l'émergence de la ville, les concepts de Ville Durable et de Ville Intelligent, le système d'information géographique (SIG) et son application sur l’environnement urbain.Le deuxième chapitre présente l'application du SIG pour la construction du système d'information urbaine du campus scientifique de l'Université de Lille, qui est utilisé comme site de démonstration pour le projet « SunRise Smart City ». Le système d'informations urbaines comprend des informations sur les bâtiments du campus, ainsi que les réseaux urbains.Le troisième chapitre présente l'utilisation du SIG pour la visualisation des données dynamiques des réseaux urbains, qui sont collectées par des capteurs intelligents. Le chapitre présente la méthodologie suivie pour la visualisation dynamique de ces données, ainsi que l'application de cette méthode sur les données de consommation d'eau.Le dernier chapitre présente l'utilisation du BIM dans le système d'information urbain SunRise. La méthodologie est d'abord présentée, puis elle est appliquée sur un bâtiment du campus
The thesis concerns the use of the Geographic information system (GIS) for the construction of urban information system for Sustainable and Smart Cities. The work includes both the development of a methodology for the construction of the GIS-based urban information system and its application on to the large-scale demonstrator of the Smart and Sustainable City (SunRise Smart City).The thesis is composed of four parts. The first part includes a state of the art on the emergence of the Smart City Concept and the achievements in this area. It also presents the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its use in both environmental and urban areas.The second chapter presents the application of the GIS for the construction of the Urban Information System of the Scientific Campus of the University of Lille, which is used as a demonstration site for the project SunRise Smart City. The urban information system includes information about the campus buildings as well as the urban networks. The third chapter presents the use of the GIS for the visualization of dynamic data concerning urban networks, which is collected by smart sensors. The chapter presents the methodology followed for the dynamic data visualization as well as the application of this methodology on the water consumption data.The last chapter presents the use of the BIM in the SunRise urban information system for the management of buildings. The methodology is first presented then it is applied to a building of the Campus
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Books on the topic "Smart Territory"


Mealha, Óscar, Monica Divitini, and Matthias Rehm, eds. Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Italy) Seminario interdisciplinare sull'accoglienza (2nd 2013 Offida. Territori, città, imprese: Smart o accoglienti? Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2014.

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Institute, Urban Land, ed. Smart growth: Myth and fact. Washington, D.C: Urban Land Institute, 1999.

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Mealha, Óscar, Monica Divitini, and Matthias Rehm. Citizen, Territory and Technologies : Smart Learning Contexts and Practices: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning ... Springer, 2017.

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Mealha, Óscar, Monica Divitini, and Matthias Rehm. Citizen, Territory and Technologies : Smart Learning Contexts and Practices: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning ... Springer, 2018.

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Smart Transitions in City Regionalism: Territory, Politics and the Quest for Competitiveness and Sustainability. Routledge, 2018.

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Dierwechter, Yonn, and Tassilo Herrschel. Smart Transitions in City Regionalism: Territory, Politics and the Quest for Competitiveness and Sustainability. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

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Dierwechter, Yonn, and Tassilo Herrschel. Smart Transitions in City Regionalism: Territory, Politics and the Quest for Competitiveness and Sustainability. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

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Smart Specialisation. 2014.

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Atlante delle smart cities: Modelli di sviluppo sostenibili per città e territori. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2012.

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Book chapters on the topic "Smart Territory"


Alibekova, N. T., A. K. Tleubayeva, and A. Abisheva. "Typification of engineering and geological conditions of the city territory using GIS." In Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies, 511–18. London: CRC Press, 2023.

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Bogdanov, I. S. "Comprehensive engineering protection of the territory on the example of the sochi mountain cluster." In Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies, 2330–33. London: CRC Press, 2023.

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Binder, Julia. "Die smarte Region." In Die Region - eine Begriffserkundung, 251–60. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.

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Mein Beitrag nimmt die smarte Region aus planerischer Perspektive in den Blick und positioniert sie im Spannungsfeld territorialer und relationaler Ansätze. Dabei steht die smarte Region für ein normatives Leitbild, welches Planer:innen vor die Herausforderung stellt, digitale Strategien in städtisch und ländlich geprägten Teilräumen zu implementieren. Beispiele regionaler Leitbilder aus der nationalen Förderkulisse zeigen die unterschiedlichen Verwendungen von smart und digital auf. Mit der Frage zur Anschlussfähigkeit an aktuelle Smart-Territory-Debatten wird die smarte Region als Assemblage diskutiert, um Chancen und Herausforderungen dieses Begriffsverständnisses auszuloten. Ziel ist es, smarte Regionen als hybride Räume zu konzeptualisieren, die bottom-up über Akteur:innen-Netzwerke konstituiert werden. Vier Unterkapitel beleuchten jeweils territoriale und relationale Ansätze am Beispiel der smarten Region: Einführend steht die Mehrdeutigkeit des Regionsbegriffes zur Diskussion (1). Die Region als Leitbild (2) behandelt territoriale Raumkonzepte am Beispiel planerischer Leitbilder, gefolgt von einer Einordnung in die Smart-Territory-Debatten (3) sowie einer abschließenden Diskussion zu Potenzialen und Grenzen des relationalen Ansatzes der smarten Region als Assemblage (4).
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Joachim, Mitchell, and Melanie Fessel. "Rethinking Urban Landscapes: Self-Supported Infrastructure, Technology and Territory." In Cities for Smart Environmental and Energy Futures, 23–53. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Torres, M. A. Arturo E. E., Francisco Torres Guerrero, and Arturo Torres Budgud. "Data-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Survey of Mexican Territory." In 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Technology, 89–110. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Costa, Liliana Vale, Ana Isabel Veloso, and Óscar Mealha. "A Review of Proxemics in ‘Smart Game-Playing’." In Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, 219–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Batista, Joao, and Rui Pedro Marques. "Considerations on Information and Communication Overload Issue in Smart Cities." In Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, 129–36. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Ribeiro, Nuno, Luís Moreira, Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida, and Filipe Santos-Silva. "Mobile Seamless Learning Tool for Cancer Education." In Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, 3–10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Dalvit, Lorenzo, and Mfundiso Miya. "Becoming a Mobile Internet User in a South African Rural Area: The Case of Women in Dwesa." In Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, 101–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Ribeiro, Andreia, and Vania Baldi. "The Potential Role of Digital Technologies in the Context of Forced Displacement." In Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, 112–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Smart Territory"


Di Vita, Stefano, Corinna Morandi, and Andrea Rolando. "Digital services for an internet of places: urban digital nodes for a smart region between Milan and Turin." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.

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This paper presents the outcomes of a three-year research project developed by the Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani (DAStU), in collaboration with Telecom Italia. Looking at territorial smartness from a spatial perspective, that leaves aside the purely technological aspects, the research aims at exploring different ICT potentialities: from new uses of space, to socio-economic and physical regeneration. With this goal, it reflects about the possible updating of concepts, which are widely used in urban planning: (i) from smart city to smart region, to deal with the regional scale of contemporary cities, thus including peripheral and marginal ‘in-between’ spaces; (ii) from urban nodes to urban digital nodes, to design multi-scalar smart spaces able to integrate traditional and digital services; (iii) from Internet of Things to Internet of Places, to make spaces able to interact through (at the same time) real and virtual experiences of users. These theoretical references are explored within the scenario of the metropolitan region between Milan and Turin. According to these issues, this paper presents the research process to the UDN localization along the infrastructural bundle between Milan and Turin: from the identification of urban/infrastructural nodes, to the selection of potential Urban Digital Nodes. Furthermore, it highlights the UDN contribution to a smart region development through the spatial implementation of an Internet of Places.
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Chaves-Custodio, Bianca, and M. Pilar Garcia-Almirall. "The use of smartphones in public spaces in the Smart Cities Era." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.

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Nowadays the possibility of being ubiquitous connected generates new patterns in the relation between people and the built environment. In a time when cities around the globe claim to be smart, it is crucial to be conscious and highlight the value of its inhabitant’s collective wisdom. Technology can improve efficiency in many aspects but cities cannot be understood without its people. We are reorganizing our lives around mass mobile communications. Given that the research scope needs to be updated. Some studies on the use of mobiles in urban spaces have been done, however they have rarely been used to describe this phenomena at a street level, understanding how users interact with public spaces (or not), while online. The research sought to investigate how the widespread use of smartphones frames people’s behavior and interaction with public spaces and create new forms of urban dynamics in the Smart Cities era. In this context, we compared the different social groups (tourists, temporary and permanent residents) that inhabit the city. Taking El Born area in the city of Barcelona as case study we have analyzed the use of public spaces and how mobile technology affects the way people relate to the city while online. Adopting traditional methods of field observation and combining them with surveys we have extended and improved existing methodologies, generating a singular comprehensive dataset, consisting of more than 5000 observations. The analysis of all collected data provided insightful outcomes both at street level and from the users’ point of view. The results evince that behavioral patterns on the use of technology in public spaces are tightly linked to the social group each person belongs to and to the relation each one has to a place. Although online information about places is getting progressively more accurate, there is still a valuable intangible layer of knowledge held by locals that can not be replaced by any map, recommendation system or app. Despite the infinite possibilities of being online, mediated perception do not replace the intangible value of face-to-face relations.
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Temes Cordovez, Rafael R., and Alfonso Moya Fuero. "Application for a barrier free tourism in Valencia." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.

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Barrier free tourism is increasingly getting a greater attention by the tourist industry, not just for the added value given to the touristic experience, but because of the difference and specialization on a wide market share that the Spanish touristic sector has not been able to fully take advantage of yet. Following this idea, the National Plan for Smart cities (Plan Nacional de Ciudades Inteligentes) stands up for smart touristic destinations where innovative technologies should play an important role to improve accessibility. The development of the mobile phone App “Barrier Free-Valencia” intents to offer a useful tool to walk through the city of Valencia guaranteeing a 100% barrier free route. The methodology used for the development is based on the combination of a systematic field work, using free access information provided by the Municipality of Valencia, and calculations based on the Dijkstra algorithm (1959) implemented on a GIS software. To calculate the route, it is used the impedance or crossing difficulty concept where the different urban barriers and low comfort situation areas are identified. The main data used are: presence of lower sidewalks, path narrowing, slopes, steps and noisy pavement. After this data has been identified, the routes are divided into accessible, passable, and not accessible. It is necessary to work on the idea of creating representative single line grids of sidewalks and, therefore, of real paths followed by urban citizens. By doing so, more data can be collected to build a complete Smart City grid. The development of Apps such as Barrier Free will help on the evolution towards more inclusive cities. An idea that is the basic line of our investigation.
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García Ruiz, Dulce Esmeralda. "Virtual reality of the sustainable immaterial urban networks: simulation co-benefits approach as an strategy to survive in the dystopian city." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.

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In order that we can create cities that can adapt quickly to change, we can look at the co-benefits as a strategy for a fast implementation in a view of the contemporary city that want to have immediately results in a smart position in the information age. On the premise of an individual transformation point of an ecological baseline to the highest collective level, a city must be planned and adapted to provide itself with minimal dependence and in a neutral equilibrium with the nature. The co-benefits will help us to decrease the correlational break between economy, society and nature, under an inclusive environment of highest social inclusion. Using the theoretical approach of Foladori, Castells and Smith, and making use of virtual tools of modeling and simulation; we can confirm and anticipate, which are the better strategies to be employed in the actual macro contemporary city. This network model is like a strategy of transformation for the environment and the huge impacts made in this global, dual, faster, green and smart time.
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Tonelli, Chiara. "Abitare domani: sfide e opportunità per la Smart City." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Roma: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2014.

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"La nascita dell’agricoltura segna, agli inizi della civiltà, la costituzione delle due più antiche professioni al mondo: l’agronomo e l’architetto. … L’agronomo in grado di comprendere la qualità del terreno e sapere come trattare le sementi, e l’architetto in quanto deputato all’organizzazione creativa del nuovo ambiente umano, ovvero la gestione dello spazio che racchiude la zona nella quale si concentrano le attività e la vita degli agricoltori”. Ecco la nascita della città, uno dei tre assi portanti del convegno “Città, Memoria, Gente” in cui si inseriva la sessione “Architettura, Sostenibilità, Energia” che ho moderato. Senza la città i tre temi della sessione non avrebbero lo stesso portato. Un casale isolato nella campagna è un’architettura, è sostenibile e produce la propria energia, almeno quella alimentare per i suoi abitanti. Ci interessava però mettere a fuoco il meccanismo che unisce gli edifici al loro essere insieme in un agglomerato che si è fatto città, dove si intessono relazioni umane, dove si creano condizioni di sostenibilità, dove si consuma ma si può produrre energia. "The birth of agriculture marks the beginning of civilization, the formation of the two oldest professions in the world: the agronomist and the architect. The agronomist ... able to understand the quality of the land and to know how to treat the seeds, and the architect as deputy of the creative organization of the new human environment, such as the management of the space that encloses the area where activities and the lives of farmers are concentrated" (Sergio Di Cori Modigliani, “La narrativa esistenziale di Territorio zero”, in Territorio Zero, per una società a emissioni zero e chilometri zero, a cura di Livio De Santoli e Angelo Consoli, Minimum fax, Roma, 2013). Here it is the birth of the “Cities”, one of the three themes of the conference "Cities, Memory, People" where the session "Architecture, Sustainability, Energy ", which I moderated, was. Without the city the three themes of the session would not have brought the same. An isolated house in the countryside is an architecture, it is sustainable and produces its own energy, at least feed its inhabitants. We were interested, however, to focus on the mechanism that links the buildings to their being together in a cluster that has made the city where human relations weave, where sustainable conditions could be created, where it is possible to consume as well to produce energy.
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Matassino, Donato. "GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY FOR A WORLD OF ‘SMART’ BIOTERRITORIES." In Global Sustainability Inside and Outside the Territory. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2015.

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Giffinger, Rudolf, and Gudrun Haindl. "Smart cities ranking: an effective instrument for the positioning of cities?" In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2009.

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Because of radical economic and technological changes cities are facing growing competition for investors, tourists, qualified labour or international events over the last decades (see Begg 1999). As a consequence city rankings have experienced a remarkable boom: On the one hand the comparison of cities can support investors in their choice of location, on the other hand it can be an important guide for the cities to judge their strengths and weaknesses and to define their goals and strategies for future development and better positioning in the urban system. However, there is some evidence that the discussion of city rankings is mainly concentrated on the final ranks totally neglecting (1) the methods and indicators used (see Schönert 2003) resp. (2) its purpose and effectiveness for strategic planning aiming at the strengthening of the position to be gained. In front of this development, this paper concentrates first on the question what are the basic characteristics of national and international city rankings. Correspondingly, a selected number of city rankings are analyzed in order to identify different types of such rankings. Thereby, the number and features of the indicators used in these rankings as well as their methods of sequencing is described systematically. The sample of indicators and the complexity of the ranking approach itself constitute the base for a quality assessment of city rankings discussed within this paper. In particular, an own ranking approach ("European Smart Cities") is described. In the second part, the paper concentrates on the question how cities cope with the results and what are typical reactions of local governments and stakeholders. For providing insight into the way cities respond, it is described how they try to make use of their results to city rankings respectively how they reflect on the strengths and weaknesses revealed in the study. In this context different urban strategies for steering development and processes of learning in general, but especially with respect to urban planning and marketing, are discussed within this paper. Answering these questions the paper concludes in proposals for making city rankings a more significant and effective instrument for steering economic, social and spatial processes in cities: recommendations for researchers and analysts dealing with the design and methodology of city rankings on the one hand and for local governments and stakeholders concerning the reasonable handling of results on the other hand are formulated.
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Navarro Escudero, Miriam, Carolina Mateo Cecilia, Begoña Serrano Lanzarote, and Vera Valero Escribano. "Because people act, cities can be smart: Promoting social innovation in smart-city design-tools in the Mediterranean." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Smart city is an innovative paradigm tackling a range of emerging problems associated with urbanization, massively understood from a technology-driven approach. Much of the focus of the smart city movement to date – city authorities and other organizations deploying sensors, networks, decision support tools and data analytics to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of urban systems (like transport, utilities, etc.) – is only half the story. In occasions, citizens struggle with a top-down managing city system that should help public administrators, service providers and citizens, but reports instead on personal frustration. To avoid this, an attempt to promote social innovation processes to the smart city paradigm is now taking place. In this paper, we analyze reactions to a smart city design-tool for energy strategy plans’ definition and implementation, in the three EU most populated Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy). The research is based on the ACCENT study case. Interviews show common challenges with regard to ACCENT smartness, as the needs and dangers of sharing real energy consumption data of buildings, the low willingness of some energy suppliers to offer information, the user-unfriendly interfaces for citizens, the lack of linkage among public bodies, the dispersion of data, the requirement of disseminating mechanisms to make citizens aware of the benefits of the energy renovation, or the inaccessibility to existing information on the state of buildings. These challenges resulting from ACCENT study give rise to three recommendations to foster social innovation in further Mediterranean smart city design-tools: co-responsibility, hand-in-hand co-creation and citizens’ organizational empowerment.
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Tronina, Irina A. "«Smart» Ecosystems In The Innovative Development Of The Territory." In International Scientific Conference. European Publisher, 2022.

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Cerasoli, Mario, and Rolando Mauricio Biere Arenas. "The sustainable future of the smaller historical centres, between "modulation of the protection" and new technologies." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.

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The smaller historical centres can play an important role in the rebalancing of the territory, reversing the trends (now also historical) to urban concentration and metropolisation. In an specific time of slowing urban growth, a greater attention to the rehabilitation and expansion of the concept of historicity, also to peripheral areas of the city and at the same time of the rural landscape, always more often the urban policies aim to reconnect the (interrupted) relations between historical city and territory, in order to build new development strategies centred on the complex identity of the historical places. The possibilities and perspectives aimed to increasing the “attractiveness” of the smaller historical centres requires a “healthy combination” of criteria for urban intervention, starting from the “modulation of protection”, building restoration and use of new technologies, at urban level (in the logic of new “mini-Smart cities”) as building level (energy efficiency, etc.) The "modulation of protection" is based on a scrupulous historical-critical reading of the historical centre and has as the main objective to prevent its "freezing". It process consists of a set of rules for "correct behaviour" to provide the maintenance, restoration and conservation of these areas or parts of the historic building heritage, remained essentially unchanged (compared, for example, with the historical land registers) and, at the same time, allows the controlled transformation of the buildings that in the past have been transformed and today retain only the function of “urban footprint”. The new ICT (digitals), the ability to “move” data and information instead of people, more clean energy due renewable sources, constitute a renewed opportunity to enhance and Re-inhabiting the smaller historical centres. While so it is important to protect these realities within the cultural landscape they are inserted, on the other it is possible rethink them in a smart key, identifying possibilities for a sustainable revitalization and regeneration. In this framework, we will present some study experiences conducted under the framework of the research seminar on Recovery of the historical centres of the research Master's degree in Land Management and Valuation of the UPC. In each case we will present methodological and thematic aspects; spatial analysis, strategies and policies for the conservation, maintenance and transformation, determination of assets and their classification, key projects and finally relevant aspects of the proposed Master Plans developed in the minor historical centres studied.
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Reports on the topic "Smart Territory"


Mena Jara, Sonia Daniela, Ingeborg Meijer, Gaston Heimeriks, and Tim Willemse. Driving the innovation process by connecting regional knowledge bases to local needs. Fteval - Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, April 2022.

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Novel approaches are needed to support the creation of more open, inclusive, and self-sustaining R&I ecosystems in healthcare. This study analysed 3 European regions (Murcia ES), (Örebro SE), and (Republic of Cyprus CY), incorporating complementary approaches from Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3). The exercise entailed the identification of healthcare and innovation stakeholders and the characterisation of the policy landscape in each territory. Moreover, the strengths of the regional knowledge base was analysed by measuring the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) indicator based on relatedness measurement, and by using micro-level fields analyses of scientific publications. This methodology allowed us to identify the fields and topics (strengths) that provide opportunities for innovation processes. Additional identification of social needs in the three territories showed profound differences regarding the alignment of the selected needs with respect to the regions’ capabilities. The results suggest that a timely direct interaction with territorial stakeholders can help in selecting the most promising innovation priorities that are based on local needs and knowledge. The process of interaction requires early engagement to support territorial ownership and is further reinforced by RRI policies in place.
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RIS3 challenges: an analysis of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarre cross-border space. Universidad de Deusto, 2020.

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This work is based on recognition of the relevance of analysing regional priorities for regional competitiveness as a starting point to identify areas of business opportunity that arise at the crossroads of those priorities in the three territories that make up the Euroregion (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarre).These strategic priorities for innovation are identified in the respective research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3s) and aim to generate competitive advantages in the territory based on existing opportunities and strengths.The analysis tries to go beyond analysis of the strategies by seeking to understand the challenges facing RIS3 implementation in the cross-border ambit. The final objective pursued is to inform and provide evidence to reflect on the convergences and innovation challenges shared by the three regions and to contribute to the challenge of economic growth, relying on cross-border cooperation as a key factor in territorial competitiveness.
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