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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Smart-Parking'

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Yadavalli, Siri Chandana. "Smart Parking System." Kansas State University, 2016.

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Master of Science
Department of Computing and Information Sciences
Daniel A. Andresen
Locating a parking spot during peak hours in most populated areas like shopping malls, universities, exhibitions or convention centers is difficult for the drivers. The difficulty rises from not knowing where the available spots may be at that required time. Smart parking is a solution to metropolitan cities to reduce congestion, cut vehicle emission totals and save persons' time by helping them in finding a spot to park. Smart Parking is a parking system, usually a new one that is equipped with special structured devices (things) to detect the available parking slots at any parking area. This is an application based on Internet of Things (IoT) that in Real-Time environment have sensors and devices embedded into parking spaces, transmitting data on the occupancy status; and the vehicle drivers can search for parking availability using their mobile phones or any infotainment system that is attached to the vehicle. Hence the driver would know where there is an available spot to park his vehicle in less time, reducing the energy consumption and air pollution. The Client or the sensor posts the parking slot occupancy status to a web service URL. The Java based web service is built using Spring and Hibernate to connect to the backend system. The web service (.war) file is deployed on Apache Tomcat Server and the backend used is MySQL database.
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Batistic, Kristina. "Privacy in Smart Parking." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.

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The master thesis project will analyze the smart parking solution used in Frederiksberg municipality, focusing on privacy aspects in different data use cases. The current use case will be analyzed with the focus on its privacy aspects. Frederiksberg municipality is using a camera mounted on a car that records parked cars to check whether parking fee has been paid or not. The system recognizes the license plate out of the picture and checks in the system whether the parking for that license plate has been paid or not if it has not been paid it notifies the parking guard to go to the parked car and hand out a parking ticket. Since the license plate is considered personal data, this system has to follow the legal and other obligations for the handling of personal data, i.e., the new European General Data Protection Regulation. Frederiksberg municipality is also considering using data for secondary purposes, such as parking statistics, input for future regulation, analysis to improve the parking system or even making the data public. This thesis will analyze possible secondary use cases and their privacy impacts and recomn measures. The goal is to protect citizens privacy while providing with the best possible service.
Examensarbetet kommer att analysera den smarta parkeringslösningen som används i Frederiksbergs kommun med fokus på sekretessaspekter i olika fall för dataanvändning. Det aktuella användningsfallet kommer att analyseras med fokus på dess integritetsaspekter. Frederiksberg kommun använder en kamera monterad på en bil som registrerar parkerade bilar för att kontrollera om parkeringsavgiften har betalats eller inte. Systemet känner igen registreringsskylten ur bilden och kontrollerar i systemet om parkeringen för den typskylten har betalats eller inte om den inte har betalats, meddelar parkeringsvakten att gå till den parkerade bilen och dela ut en parkeringsbiljett. Eftersom licensskylten betraktas som personuppgifter måste detta system följa de lagliga och andra skyldigheterna för hantering av personuppgifter, dvs. den nya förordningen om europeisk allmän dataskydd. Frederiksberg kommun överväger också att använda data för sekundära ändamål, som parkeringsstatistik, input för framtida reglering, analys för att förbättra parkeringssystemet eller till och med offentliggöra uppgifterna. Denna avhandling kommer att analysera eventuella fall av sekundär användning och deras inverkan på sekretess och rekommendera skyddsåtgärder. Målet skydda medborgarnas integritet samtidigt som de ger bästa möjliga service.
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Richardson, Heather Eileen Seyfang. "The parking policy and smart growth disconnect : obstacles to establishing and implementing smart growth parking policy." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2005.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-100).
Urban areas are plagued by congestion, economic inequality, and inefficient land use that result from highway and single family housing subsidies, segregated land uses, and many other government policies established over the last 80 years. Parking is one part of the complex and problematic system of traditional urban development that can benefit from a Smart Growth approach to urban livability. Parking is increasingly understood to be an underlying factor in traffic generation that leads to increasing vehicle miles traveled, congestion, and several other nuisances that arise from a growing number of vehicles on the road. Furthermore, parking increases the cost of living in urban areas where parking demand is high and supply is tight. Traditional growth patterns that encourage low density development with minimum free parking requirements exacerbate problems caused by parking. Smart Growth development counters traditional growth by offering mixed use development, maximum parking requirements, context sensitive design and focusing on increasing pedestrian and transit trips. After establishing the advantages of Smart Growth over traditional development for Boston, this thesis asks: why are the cities of Boston, Cambridge and Quincy not implementing Smart Growth when it could be better for everyone? Four case studies from the Boston Metropolitan Area (North Station, Ruggles, Quincy Center, and Alewife) will help identify the pros, cons, and constraints for shifting paradigms from traditional to Smart Growth policies.
(cont.) This thesis argues that developers' perception of buyer demand, lenders' perception of buyer demand, and communities' preference for lower density are the main obstacles to Smart Growth parking policies in the greater Boston metropolitan area. Boston has many advantages in adopting Smart Growth: high density urban center, fairly well mixed land uses, reputation for being pedestrian friendly, as well as home to the sixth largest public transportation system in the country. The critical factors the city needs to change in order to implement Smart Growth include: disconnect between stakeholder perceptions of Smart Growth and the real estate market (stakeholders do not perceive themselves as 'winners' with Smart Growth), lack of affordable housing near transit, lack of enforcement for Smart Growth-oriented policies, increased transit capacity to handle future growth, and a more coordinated set of policies for housing, transportation, and economic growth that is centered around Smart Growth that a rigorously implemented and adhered to.
by Heather Eileen Seyfang Richardson.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Kotb, A. O. "Smart parking : guidance, monitoring and reservations." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2016.

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Today, parking is the main coordinator between the land use and transportation. As the urban population is increasing, more and more cars are circulating through the city in search for parking spaces, often contributing to the global problem of traffic congestion. Hence, several governments seek to improve their existing transportation systems and infrastructure. Examples of their initiatives include the launch of ‘Smart Parking’ projects in major urban areas. However, the developments to date in this area have some significant limitations lodged against them. In this dissertation, we propose 3 different smart parking systems: iParker, INDO and RFPark, to enhance the overall parking scheme. First, iParker and INDO are introduced as new parking management and reservations systems. Both change the parking behaviour from driver-side parking searching to system-side allocation. This is achieved by solving new Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) optimisation problems with the objective of minimising driver's cost functions, while ensuring the maximum parking resource utilisation. Nevertheless, there are several differences between iParker and INDO. iParker is designed to operate as a country-wide system to offer drivers the optimal parking lot allocation and reservation before or at arrival to their destinations. This is based on minimising a driver's cost function that combines parking cost, reservation fees, proximity to multiple destinations and reservation type. As opposed to current reservation systems, iParker offers both static long-term reservations and dynamic short-term reservations, for both on-street and off-street parking lots. In addition, new pricing policies are proposed that allow the generation of more parking revenue and the fair distribution of parking traffic across parking lots. However, INDO is designed to operate inside individual parking lots who serve giant buildings - such as shopping malls - to offer the drivers the immediate optimal parking space allocation and the indoor guidance. A driver’s cost function here combines the times of driving inside the parking lot and walking inside the indoor destination. In addition, a Radio Frequency Identification/Near Field Communication (RFID/NFC) based navigation component is developed to provide commuters with guidance and navigation in the car park and the indoor destination. Based on simulation results, compared to the non-guided or the state-of-the-art guidance-based systems, iParker and INDO significantly reduce the average time to find a parking space and the drivers' cost, while the parking resources are more efficiently utilised. The pricing policies of iParker lead to the generation of more revenue and fair balance of traffic load across parking lots. In addition, INDO substantially reduces the commuting time indoors. On the other hand, RFPark is proposed as a new approach to parking monitoring. For the first time, Ultra High Frequency (UHF) passive RFID tags are deployed on the asphalt, and interrogated by RFID reader antennas above the parking spaces to detect the occupancy states. Most of the problems of the current cutting-edge parking occupancy detection systems are not present in this system. RFPark was analysed and implemented to show a pilot study in a real world outdoor parking environment in the University of Liverpool and has proved to have a very high detection accuracy. The innovative design and development of these 3 systems form a new ‘Smart Parking’ solution that offers to reduce the parking-related traffic congestion, enhance driver experience and improve the overall parking scheme. Although there are some challenges regarding the realisation of these smart systems, they are addressed here and solutions to them are proposed in this dissertation.
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Dalkic, Yurdaer, and Hadi Deknache. "A Self-policing Smart Parking Solution." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2019.

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With the exponential growth of vehicles on our streets, the need for finding an unoccupied parking spot today could most of the time be problematic, but even more in the coming future. Smart parking solutions have proved to be a helpful approach to facilitate the localization of unoccupied parking spots. In many smart parking solutions, sensors are used to determine the vacancy of a parking spot. The use of sensors can provide a highly accurate solution in terms of determining the status of parking lots. However, this is not ideal from a scalability point of view, since the need for installing and maintaining each of the sensors is not considered cost-effective. In the latest years vision based solutions have been considered more when building a smart parking solution, since cameras can easily be installed and used on a large parking area. Furthermore, the use of cameras can be developed to provide a more advanced solution for checking in at a parking spot and also for providing the information about whether a vehicle is placed unlawfully. In our thesis, we developed a dynamic vision-based smart parking prototype with the aim to detect vacant parking spots and illegally parked vehicles.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lin, Trista Shuenying. "Smart parking : Network, infrastructure and urban service." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015.

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Le parking intelligent, permettant aux conducteurs d'accéder aux informations de stationnement sur leurs appareils mobiles, réduit les difficultés des usagers. Tout d'abord, nous mettons en lumière la manière de recueillir les informations de parking en introduisant une architecture de réseaux de capteurs multi-saut, et les modèles d'intensité applicative en examinant la probabilité d'arrivées et de départs de véhicules. Puis nous étudions la stratégie de déploiement des réseaux de capteurs et définissons un problème multi-objectifs, puis nous le résolvons sur deux cartes de parking réelles. Ensuite, nous définissons un service Publish-Subscribe pour fournir aux conducteurs des informations pertinentes. Nous illustrons le système dans des réseaux véhiculaires et mobiles et soulignons l'importance du contenu et du contexte du message au conducteur. Afin d'évaluer la résilience du système, nous proposons un modèle Publish-Subscribe étendu et nous l'évaluons dans différentes circonstances imprévues. Notre travail est basé sur la prémisse que les capteurs de parking sont déployés à une grande échelle dans la ville. Nous considérons une vue d'ensemble des services urbains du point de vue de la municipalité. Ainsi, nous faisons la lumière sur deux thèmes principaux: la collecte d'informations sur le déploiement de capteurs et un modèle étendu de Publish-Subscribe. Notre travail donne un guide avant de démarrer un projet de parking intelligent ou tout service urbain similaire en temps réel. Il fournit également une plate-forme d'évaluation valable pour tester des jeux de données plus réalistes, comme des traces de véhicules ou de trafic réseau
Smart parking, allowing drivers to access parking information through their smart-phone, is proposed to ease drivers' pain. We first spotlight the manner to collect parking information by introducing the multi-hop sensor network architecture, and how the network is formed. We then introduce the traffic intensity models by looking at the vehicle's arrival and departure probabilities, following the heavy-tailed distribution. We study the deployment strategy of wireless on-street parking sensor layouts. We define a multiple-objective problem and solve it with two real street parking maps. In turn, we present a Publish-Subscribe service system to provide good parking information to drivers. We illustrate the system with a vehicular network and point out the importance of content and context of a driver’s message. To evaluate the resilience, we propose an extended Publish-Subscribe model, and evaluate it under different unforeseen circumstances. Our work is based on the premise that large-scale parking sensors are deployed in the city. We look at the whole picture of urban service from viewpoint of the municipality. As such, we shed light on two main topics: the information collection on sensor deployment and an extended version of Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm. Our work gives a guideline from network-related perspectives for city before launching a smart parking or any similar real-time urban service. It also provides a meaningful evaluation platform for testing more realistic datasets, such as real vehicle traces or network traffic
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Rocha, João Paulo Almeida. "Smart parking : o caso Volkswagen financial services." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2018.

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Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia Industrial
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os passos necessários para a implementação de um negócio smart parking em diferentes mercados e com diferentes níveis de maturidade. Serão analisados os diferentes modelos de negócio, municipal, intermediário e de revendedor e as situações em que se aplicam, bem como as diferentes estratégias de entrada em novos mercados, e que possibilidades existem para implementar o produto smart parking em diferentes mercados. De seguida, com recurso a dados recolhidos através de uma análise de mercado, analisar-se-ão dois mercados, Portugal e Alemanha, com características diferentes, e que requisitos existem para uma aplicação smart parking ter sucesso, na sua entrada e evolução. Por fim abordar-se-á a possível evolução do negócio smart-parking face à evolução tecnológica que ocorre no ramo automóvel.
This work aims to analyse the steps necessary for the implementation of a smart parking business in different markets, with different levels of maturity. It will analyse the different business models, municipal, intermediate and reseller and the situations in which they apply, as well as the different strategies of entry into new markets, and what possibilities exist to implement the smart parking product in different markets. Then, using data collected through market analysis, two markets, Portugal and Germany, with different characteristics, will be analysed to determine what requirements exist for a smart parking application to be successful in its entry and evolution. Finally, the possible evolution of the smart-parking business in the face of technological developments in the automotive industry will be addressed.
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Franco, Pedro Filipe dos Santos. "Soluções para smart parking com base em tecnologias sem fios." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2014.

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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de Telecomunicações
Com o trabalho apresentado pretende analisar-se o mercado dos parques de estacionamento inteligentes, propondo soluções alternativas passíveis de aplicar em ambientes indoor e outdoor minimizando os custos de aplicação e facilitando o seu uso por parte do cliente e da entidade que possui a tecnologia. Tendo em conta os produtos presentes no mercado e as tecnologias de comunicação sem fios de baixo consumo disponíveis, serão propostos vários casos de aplicação, descrevendo os pontos fortes de cada um.
The purpose of this document is to study the smart parking ecossystem, presenting alternative solutions that could be applied to indoor and outdoor environments, minimizing the application costs and making an easy to use product. Knowing the available products in the market and the wireless technologies applied, some application cases will be presented, describing the strengths and weaknesses of each one.
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Fabusuyi, Olutayo G. "The Mode Most Traveled: Parking Implications and Policy Responses." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2016.

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A disproportionate number of Americans drive to work alone – at the individual state level, the figure ranges from a low of 58% in New York to 85% in Alabama. What factors explain this travel behavior and what sort of policy responses are required to effect changes? In responding to this question, we used multiple test beds and made the case for a demand side management approach to remedy parking problems particularly observed in cities central business districts. To this end, we provide an overview of travel behavior and information on policy levers by generating detailed profiles that capture the travel behavior of commuters in the Pacific states of the continental United States. Building off the result that revealed San Francisco as an outlier, we examine the efficacy of modifying parking rates, via elasticity measures, to influence the demand for parking by developing a two-stage panel data regression optimization model for managing parking in the City of San Francisco. A key contribution of the research is deriving these price elasticities of parking demand estimates using panel data methods. Coefficient estimates from the panel data regression are used to fit a linear prediction model that is the primary input to the optimization model. The balance of the thesis focuses on parking information by discussing the design and implementation of ParkPGH, a novel smart parking application that provides real time and predictive information on garage parking availability in downtown Pittsburgh. At its core is a predictive model that uses as input historical parking, weather and event data to provide estimates of available parking spaces. We provide an example of the model implementation using data from the Theater Square garage where we utilize neural network-based predictors and multiple net searches to generate both continuous and binary estimates of parking availability. Provision was made for the binary classifier given the need to reduce the possibility of Type II errors.
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Pinheiro, Leonardo Fernandes. "Smart parking : uma aplicação móvel para gestão inteligente de locais de estacionamento." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2017.

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Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemática
Um veículo passa grande parte do seu tempo de vida estacionado e uma parte significativa do tempo que se encontra em movimento é à procura de um lugar para estacionamento. Com o número de veículos no mundo a aumentar de ano para ano, o trânsito nas estradas também tende a crescer e assim a procura de lugares de estacionamento também se torna mais difícil. Assim sendo, a gestão do tráfego e de lugares de estacionamento adquire uma importância cada vez maior, na medida em que permite diminuir os custos, acidentes e congestão de tráfego, ao mesmo tempo que contribuem para a redução dos problemas relacionadas com poluição. Atualmente o investimento em Smart Cities tem aumentado, havendo assim mais cidades ligadas à rede que são monitorizadas em tempo real, seja por câmaras ou sensores. Com isto em mente, a Ubiwhere formou um consórcio de três empresas especializado em soluções inteligentes para as cidades, denominado Citibrain. O Citibrain foca-se em duas áreas principais: Mobilidade e Ambiente, nas quais detém quatro aplicações verticais (Trânsito, Estacionamento, Ambiente e Resíduos). Foi neste contexto que surgiu o Smart Parking, uma solução tecnológica de gestão de espaços de estacionamento que se enquadra no vertical dos estacionamentos do Citibrain. No âmbito do Smart Parking, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel, foco desta dissertação de mestrado, destinada quer a condutores, quer a entidades de gestão urbana (técnicos e agentes de fiscalização). De forma a ajudar os condutores foi criada uma forma de pesquisa de áreas de estacionamento com lugares livres e respetivo pagamento do tempo de estacionamento. A gestão de estacionamento não se resume só à procura de um lugar livre, mas também ao cumprimento do respetivo pagamento associado ao tempo de ocupação. Assim foi criada uma monitorização do estado de ocupação e de pagamento de cada lugar individual, rentabilizando assim a fiscalização dos estacionamentos para os agentes de fiscalização. Por último, foi acrescentada uma forma de gestão de lugares, que permite aos técnicos proceder à instalação, reparação e alterações de cada sensor relacionado com cada lugar individual. Todas estas funcionalidades estão acessíveis usando um smartphone onde os utilizadores podem correr a aplicação. Após concluir o desenvolvimento da aplicação e de serem realizados testes por parte de alguns utilizadores, conclui-se que a aplicação vai ao encontro das necessidades encontradas no dia-a-dia, sendo ainda fácil de usar. Em relação aos fiscais consegue-se reduzir o tempo de fiscalização, rentabilizando assim o trabalho dos mesmos. Por último, a autonomia oferecida na questão de gestão de sensores, é outra mais-valia, bastando os técnicos de instalação recorrerem à aplicação.
A vehicle spends much of its lifetime parked, and considerable part of the time it spends on the road it is for looking for a parking spot. As the number of vehicles in the world increases from year to year, road traffic also tends to grow and so the demand for parking spaces becomes more difficult. Consequently, traffic management and parking spots are becoming increasingly important as they reduce costs, accidents and traffic congestion, while at the same time they contribute to the reduction of pollution-related problems. Currently, as the investment in Smart Cities has increased, more cities are connected to the world wide web and monitored in real time, either by cameras or by sensors. With this in mind, Ubiwhere has created a consortium of three companies specialized in smart cities solutions, called Citibrain. Citibrain focuses on two main areas: Mobility and Environment, in which it has four vertical applications (Traffic, Parking, Environment and Waste). In this context, the Smart Parking Mobile Application was created, a technological solution for the management of parking spaces, which fits in the vertical of Citibrain's parking. In the scope of Smart Parking focusing on this master's dissertation, a mobile application has been developed, intended for drivers and the urban management entities (technicians and inspection agents). In order to assist drivers, a tool to search parking areas and manage payments was created. As explained, parking management is not just about finding an available place, but also about fulfilling the payment of the occupation time. To make possible for the inspection agents to control the parking slots in real time, a monitoring system of the state of occupation and payment was created. To allow technicians to proceed with the installation, reparation and modifications of each sensor related to each individual place, a management component was also added to the application. All these features are at a distance of a simple smartphone where users can run the application. After completing the development of the application and testing with some users, the results show that the application meets the needs found in everyday life and stills easy to use. In relation to the inspection agents, the application makes it possible to reduce inspection time, thus making their work profitable. Finally, the autonomy offered in the issue of sensor management, is another benefit, just by accessing the mobile application by the technicians.
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Sghedoni, Andrea. "Progettazione ed implementazione di un sistema Smart Parking basato su comunicazione Device-To-Device." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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I sistemi di Smart Parking si preoccupano di favorire l'attività di parcheggio nelle grandi città. L'obiettivo di questa tesi riguarda l'implementazione di un'applicazione mobile in grado di fornire all'utente la probabilità di trovare parcheggio in determinate zone della città. La propagazione delle informazioni tra gli utenti avviene in maniera decentralizzata, tramite il paradigma Device-To-Device.
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Zhao, Yuxiao. "Parking Availability Prediction based on Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study in the Short North Area." The Ohio State University, 2020.

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Lima, Maria Francisca Costa de. "Qualidade de vida, sustentabilidade e eficiência na gestão dos recursos: um estudo sobre a adoção do smart parking da ParkWare." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2017.

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Mestrado em Gestão
A questão das cidades inteligentes (smart cities) em Portugal, apesar de pouco falada pelo público em geral, começa já a ganhar o seu território no meio tecnológico e empresarial português. As soluções inteligentes (smart solutions) começam já a ser vistas como soluções para o crescimento da população e para as dificuldades de gestão dos recursos existentes nas cidades. Uma dessas dificuldades passa pela gestão da área de estacionamento existente. Como melhorar a eficiência dos parques de estacionamento? Que ferramentas estão disponíveis para aumentar a rotatividade dos lugares de estacionamento, ao mesmo tempo que se aumenta o controlo às infrações? Como é que se pode saber se, a determinada hora e em determinada rua, existe um lugar disponível? Estas são algumas das respostas dadas pela solução tecnológica de Parkware, o Smart Parking. Uma solução inteligente de gestão de estacionamento, criada para as entidades gestoras de estacionamento e para os condutores. Para a escrita deste relatório de estágio foram feitas entrevistas a quatro entidades gestoras de áreas de estacionamento e feitos 210 inquéritos a possíveis utilizadores da aplicação móvel de estacionamento inteligente associada à solução Smart Parking. As entrevistas ajudaram a confirmar que, de facto, o Smart Parking responde às necessidades de quem gere o estacionamento e indicam que estas mesmas entidades sabem a importância da mobilidade e têm conhecimento deste tipo de tecnologia. Já os inquéritos permitiram compreender o interesse dos possíveis futuros utilizadores por este tipo de tecnologia, assim como testar associações entre categorias e perceber entre quais existem relações dependentes. Assim se conclui que os clientes de futuro, deste tipo de soluções de estacionamento inteligente, serão os indivíduos mais velhos, com melhores habilitações literárias, e com maior rendimento mensal bruto. Por fim, apurou-se com este trabalho que o estacionamento e a sua regulação e organização leva em conta muitos fatores – tais como o bem-estar, a qualidade de vida, a sustentabilidade do planeta e a eficiência na gestão dos recursos. As multas não terão, segundo os entrevistados, somente objetivo de juntar recursos nos municípios, mas têm uma visão mais abrangente de ordenar o território e de gerir eficientemente os espaços – espaços esses com cada vez maior procura, nos centros urbanos, e, por conseguinte, cada vez mais escassos e necessitados de uma atenção ao mais alto nível de quem está a gerir as cidades. Conforme disse um dos entrevistados, referindo-se a este tema: “Nós agora temos que dar estacionamento, mas integrado em pacotes de mobilidade, é assim que tem de funcionar, não há outra forma de funcionar.”
In Portugal, the discussion regarding smart cities, although little discussed by the general public, is already beginning to gain its territory in the Portuguese technological and business environment. Smart solutions are starting to be seen as answers to deal with population growth and the difficulties of managing the available resources in cities. One of those solutions involves the efficient management of the existing parking area. How can we improve the efficiency of a parking area? What tools are available to increase the rotation of parking spaces, while increasing control over infractions? How can you tell if there is a place available at a certain time or in a particular street? These are some of the answers given by Parkware’s technology – the Smart Parking solution, an intelligent parking management solution designed for parking managers and drivers. For this internship report, interviews were performed with four management entities of parking areas. Furthermore, 210 individuals answered a survey, these users being possible users of the intelligent parking mobile application, part of the Smart Parking solution. The interviews helped confirm that, in fact, the Smart Parking solution provides an answer to the needs of those who run parking areas and have proven that these same entities know the importance of mobility and are aware of this type of technology. On the other hand, the surveys allowed us to understand the interest of potential future users in this type of technology, as well as to test associations between categories and to know which of them are dependent. Thus, we conclude that the future customers of this type of smart parking solutions will be older individuals with higher qualitifications and with higher gross monthly income. Finally, this study on parking has shown that organizing and regulating parking takes into account many factors – such as well-being, quality of life, sustainability of the planet, and efficiency in the management of resources. Parking fines do not only have, according to the interviewees, a financial objective, for the city councils, having rather a greater vision to organize the territory and to manage space more effectively – spaces which are in ever higher demand, in urban centres, and, as a consequence, are ever scarcer and thus requiring attention at the highest levels by those managing cities. As one interviewee stated: “We have to now provide parking, but integrated in mobility packages, that is how it must work, there is simply no other way.”
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Salpietro, Rosario. "Un Sistema di Parcheggio Intelligente basato su Context-Awareness." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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Muçodema, Qazim. "Studio dell’applicazione di MySpot: un’App per lo scambio di parcheggi in scenari urbani." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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È stato stimato che il 70\% della popolazione europea vive in centri urbani, i quali sono esposti all'inquinamento dell'aria e del suono. Il tempo speso alla ricerca di un posto di parcheggio può produrre considerevole quantità di inquinamento. Un sistema informativo in grado di assegnare un posto vacante ad una persona in cerca di un parcheggio aiuta la diminuzione dell'inquinamento ed è molto efficace per evitare la congestione del traffico, soprattutto nelle città più grandi. In questo elaborato viene introdotto un applicativo, basato sulla sharing economy, per la risoluzione di questa problematica, dove gli utenti scambiano posti di parcheggio tra di loro, senza l'ausilio di sensori per il riconoscimento di posti disponibili. Attraverso questa tesi verrà illustrata l'architettura della piattaforma, i punti di forza e i punti deboli riguardanti le varie funzionalità implementate.
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Shaikh, Yasir Saleem. "Privacy preserving internet of things recommender systems for smart cities." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020.

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Au cours de la dernière décennie, la technologie Internet des objets (IoT) a révolutionné presque tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne et a dynamisé les villes intelligentes. Les villes intelligentes utilisent la technologie IoT pour collecter divers types de données de capteurs, puis les utilisent pour offrir diverses applications. Comme les applications des villes intelligentes sont utilisées par les citoyens, donc leur fournir des services de recommandation personnalisés en fonction de leurs préférences, de leurs localisations et de leurs profils ainsi que l'exploitation des données IoT (par exemple, la congestion du trafic et l'occupation du parking) est d'une grande importance qui pourrait être fournie par un recommandateur IoT. Cependant, comme le recommandateur IoT utilise les données privées des citoyens (profils, préférences et habitudes, par exemple), il viole la vie privée des utilisateurs car il pourrait suivre les routines et les habitudes des utilisateurs en analysant la base de données historique ou en analysant les services de recommandation réguliers qu'il offre. Par conséquent, il est important de préserver la confidentialité des utilisateurs du programme de recommandation IoT. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau système de recommandation IoT préservant la confidentialité pour les villes intelligentes, qui fournit des recommandations en exploitant les données IoT des capteurs et en tenant compte de diverses métriques. Notre approche est organisée en trois parties. Tout d'abord, nous développons un système de recommandation IoT conforme au règlement européen sur la protection des données (GDPR) pour les systèmes de stationnement intelligent. Ces systèmes fournissent des recommandations sur les emplacements et les itinéraires de stationnement en exploitant les données des capteurs de stationnement et de circulation. Par conséquence, nous proposons d’abord une approche pour la cartographie des capteurs de trafic avec les coordonnées d’itinéraires afin d’analyser les conditions de trafic (par exemple le niveau de congestion) sur les routes. Ensuite, nous avons mis en place un dispositif de recommandation IoT. Le recommandateur IoT a été intégré au scénario d'utilisation du stationnement intelligent d'un projet H2020 EU-KR WISE-IoT et a été évalué par les citoyens de Santander, en Espagne, à l'aide d'un prototype. De plus, nous développons un recommendateur IoT pour le ski intelligent qui fournit des itinéraires de ski comprenant des types de pistes spécifiques, ainsi que la piste la plus proche. Pour les itinéraires de ski, il n’existe aucun moteur de calcul stable. Par conséquent, un nouveau moteur de routage pour les itinéraires de ski a été développé. Ce travail a également été intégré dans le cas d'utilisation du ski intelligent du projet WISE-IoT. Deuxièmement, bien que le recommandateur IoT développé pour le stationnement intelligent soit conforme au GDPR, il ne protège toutefois pas totalement la vie privée des utilisateurs. En effet, le partage sans discernement des données des utilisateurs avec un système tiers de recommandation de stationnement IoT non approuvé ou semi-fiable provoque une violation de la vie privée. En effet, le comportement et les schémas de mobilité des utilisateurs pouvant être déduits en analysant l'historique de leurs déplacements. Par conséquent, nous préservons la confidentialité des utilisateurs contre le système de recommandation de stationnement tout en analysant leur historique de stationnement en utilisant des techniques de k-anonymat et de confidentialité différentielle. Enfin, étant donné que les applications de villes intelligentes sont développées de manière verticale et ne se parlent pas. Par conséquent, nous avons proposé deux cadres pour les services de recommandation parmi les applications de villes intelligentes utilisant l'IdO social
During the past decade, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has revolutionized almost all the fields of daily life and has boosted smart cities. Smart cities use IoT technology to collect various types of sensors’ data and then use such data to offer a variety of applications. Since the smart cities’ applications are used by the citizens, therefore providing the customized recommendation services to the citizens based on their preferences, locations and profiles, as well as by exploiting the IoT data (e.g., traffic congestion and parking occupancy) is of great importance which could be provided by an IoT recommender. However, since the IoT recommender utilizes the private data of citizens (e.g., profiles, preferences and habits), it breaches the privacy of the users because the IoT recommender could track the routines and habits of the users by analyzing the historical database or by analyzing the regular recommendation services it offers. Therefore, it is important to preserve the privacy of the users from the IoT recommender. In this thesis, we propose a novel privacy preserving IoT recommender system for smart cities that provides recommendations by exploiting the IoT data of sensors and by considering various metrics. Our approach is organized in three parts. Firstly, we develop an EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)-compliant IoT recommender system for smart parking system that provides recommendations of parking spots and routes by exploiting the data of parking and traffic sensors. For this, we first propose an approach for the mapping of traffic sensors with route coordinates in order to analyze the traffic conditions (e.g., the level of congestion) on the roadways and then developed an IoT recommender. The IoT recommender has been integrated into the smart parking use case of an H2020 EU-KR WISE-IoT project and has been evaluated by the citizens of Santander, Spain through a prototype. Additionally, we develop an IoT recommender for smart skiing that provides skiing routes comprised of specific types of slopes, as well as the nearest slope. For skiing routes, there does not exist any stable routing engine. Therefore, a novel routing engine for skiing routes was developed. This work has also been integrated into the smart skiing use case of WISE-IoT project. Secondly, although the developed IoT recommender for smart parking is GDPR-compliant, however, it does not fully protect the privacy of users. Because, an indiscriminately sharing of users’ data with untrusted third-party IoT parking recommender system causes a breach of privacy, as user’s behavior and mobility patterns can be inferred by analyzing the past travelling history of users. Therefore, we preserve privacy of users against parking recommender system while analyzing their past parking history using k-anonymity and differential privacy techniques. Lastly, since the smart cities applications are developed in a vertical manner and do not talk/communicate with each other, i.e., each application is developed for a certain scenario which generally does not share data with other smart cities applications. Therefore, we proposed two frameworks for the recommendation services across smart cities applications using social IoT. Firstly, on how social IoT can be used for the recommendation services across smart cities applications, and secondly, we propose another type of communication of social IoT at a global level, i.e., social cross-domain application-to-application communications, that enables smart cities applications to communicate with each other and establish social relationships between them
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Houissa, Asma. "Les algorithmes d’apprentissage pour l’aide au stationnement urbain." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.

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L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer, d’intégrer et de tester une nouvelle approche algorithmique d’aide au stationnement dans les centres urbains. Considérons différents types d’infrastructures déployées allant de la détection des entrées/sorties des véhicules jusqu'à la variation dans le temps du nombre de places de stationnement disponibles dans chaque portion de rue, nous montrons qu’il est possible de proposer une méthode efficace qui détermine un itinéraire qui minimise l’espérance de temps pour trouver une place de stationnement disponible et de prédire la disponibilité des placesde stationnement.Pour cela, la zone urbaine choisie sera donc considérée comme un ensemble de ressources de stationnement (segments de rues).Nous modélisons d’abord cette zone urbaine par un graphe où les sommets désignent les carrefours et les arcs représentent les portions de rues. Les paramètres essentiels pour notre modèle de réseau urbain sont la capacité de stationnement et le temps de parcours des portions de rue.L’originalité et l’aspect innovant de notre approche s’appuient sur deux principes.Le premier principe concerne le guidage comme une ressource : il ne s’agit pas de guider vers une place libre mais de proposer un parcours qui optimise l’espérance de temps de trouver une telle place. Pour cela nous déterminons dans une zone centrée sur une destination donnée, le parcours à effectuer par un véhicule pour minimiser son espérance de temps de trouver une place destationnement le plus rapidement possible.Ainsi nous avons mis en œuvre un algorithme d’apprentissage par renforcement basée sur la méthode LRI (Linear Reward Inaction) et la méthode Monte Carlo pour minimiser l’espérance de temps de trouver une place de stationnement en zone urbaine.Nous avons comparé cet algorithme avec une approche globale basée sur l’évaluation arborescente à profondeur bornée.Le second principe repose sur la prédiction des places de stationnement disponibles par périodes de temps homogènes où on ne s’intéresse pas à une place de stationnement en temps réel mais aux places de stationnement par zones. Il s’agit alors pour le système de pouvoir prédire le potentiel de places libres dans chacune des ressources pour les prochaines périodes. On ne vise donc pas ici la prédiction de la disponibilité de chaque place ; chaque ressource sera considérée comme une zone de stockage dont la disponibilité sera établie en grande partie en fonction des flux d’entrée et de sortie de la portion. Pour ce principe, nous avons donc déterminé par algorithmes de calculs et d’apprentissages la probabilité qu’il y ait au moins une place libre pour stationner dans un tronçon de rue pour un créneau de temps donné. Les principales données nécessaires pour effectuer ces calculs sont les séries temporelles d’entrée sortie de chaque véhicule aux intersections des rues et les variations des places de stationnement au cours du temps.Nous avons évalué les performances de notre approche par simulations sur des données générées aléatoirement et des données réelles obtenues sur un quartier de Versailles
The objective of this thesis is to develop, to integrate and to test a new algorithmic approach to help parking in urban centers.Given the different types of deployed infrastructure : from input-output detection of vehicles to time variation of the number of available places within each street segment, we propose an efficient method to determine an itinerary that minimize the time expectation to find an available place and also to predict the availability of the parking places.We have chosen an urban area and we have considered it as a set of parking resources called street segments. More exactly, this urban area is considered as a graph where the vertexes represent the crossroads and the arcs represent the street segments. The essential parameters of our urban area model are the parking capacity and the time crossing of each street segment. The originality and the innovation of our approach are based on two principles.The first one is the guidance as a resource, i.e., it means that the proposed itinerary is not the one that lead to an available parking place but rather the one that minimized the time expectation to find an available parking place. In order to achieve that we determine, in a an area centered on a given destination, the itinerary to follow by the vehicle in order minimize its time expectation to find an available parking place as quickly aspossible.We have designed and realized a reinforcement learning algorithm based on the LRI method (Linear Reward Inaction) and a Monte Carlo method to minimize the time expectation to find an available parking place in the urban area. We have compared this algorithm to a global approach based on tree evaluation with bounded depth. The second principle is based on the prediction of the parking places by homogeneous time period where we are not interestedon a parking place in real time but rather on the parking places byarea. In other terms, the system predict the potential available parkingplaces by resource for the next time periods. Thus, we don’t aim to predict the availability of each parking place, i.e., each resource is considered as stock area and its availability is assessed in major part in function of the street segment input-output flow. For this principle, we have determined by a learning algorithm the probability that there is at least one available parking place in a street segment within a given time. The major data needed to compute this probability are the time series of input-output of each vehicle in street intersections, and the variation of the available parking places through the time.We have evaluated the performance of this approach by simulation based on random generated data and on real data of a district in Versailles
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Arjona, Martínez Jamie. "Designing smart ITS services through innovative data analysis modeling." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021.

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Nowadays, one of the most important problems in urban areas concerns traffic congestion. This, in turn, has an impact on the economy, nature, human health, city architecture, and many other facets of life. Part of the vehicular traffic in cities is caused by parking space availability. The drivers of private vehicles usually want to leave their vehicles as close as possible to their destination. However, the parking slots are limited and may not be enough to sustain the demand, especially when the destination pertains to an attractive area. Thus, individuals looking for a place to park their vehicles contribute to increasing traffic flow density on roads where the parking demand cannot be satisfied. An Internet of Things (IoT) approach allows us to know the state of the parking system (availability of the parking slots) in real time through wireless networks of sensor devices. An intelligent treatment of this data could generate forecasted information that may be useful in improving management of on-street parking, thus having a notable effect on urban traffic. Smart parking systems first appeared in 2015, with IoT platforms in Santander, San Francisco and Melbourne. That is the year when those cities began to provide on-street real-time parking data in order to offer new services to their citizens. One of the most interesting services that these kinds of platforms can offer is parking availability forecasting, for which the first works in this field studied the temporal and spatial correlations of parking occupancy to support short-term forecasts (no more than 30 minutes). Those short-term forecasts are not useful at all to the end user of this service; thus, the necessary prediction intervals should be at the order of magnitude of hours. In this context, this thesis focuses on using parking and other sources of data to characterize and model different parking systems. The methodology used employs novel techniques for providing real-time forecasts of parking availability based on data from sensors with certain inaccuracies due to their mechanical nature. The models are developed from four different methodologies: ARIMA, multilayer perceptron (MLP), long-short term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU). The first has been the standard approach to forecasting in the ITS literature, while the latter ones have proven to be the best neural network (NN) architectures for solving a wide set of sequential data problems, such as those presented in this work. As far as we know, LSTM and GRU methods (recurrent neural network approaches) have been used recently with good results in traffic forecasting, but not for parking. In addition, we propose using exogenous data such as weather conditions and calendar effects, thereby converting the problem from univariate to multivariate. It is shown here how NN methods naturally handle the increased complexity in the problem. The reason for using exogenous variables is that they can offer relevant information that cannot be inferred from the sensor measurements. The proposed methods have been intensively compared by creating parking models for parking sectors in five cities around the world. The results have been analysed in order to identify and provide exhaustive guidelines and insights into the inner mechanisms of parking systems while also ascertaining how the idiosyncrasies of each method are reflected in the model forecasts. When comparing the results according to their disciplines of origin (ARIMA from statistics and NN methods from machine learning), neither of the proposed methodologies is clearly better than the other, as both can provide forecasts with low error but by different means. ARIMA has shown lower error rates in small-sized sectors where the more recent status of the parking system is more relevant; while the NN methods are more capable of providing forecasts for large-sized sectors where patterns are dependent on long time horizons.
En la actualidad uno de los mayores problemas de las zonas urbanas tiene origen en la congestión del tráfico con un alto impacto en la economía, el medio ambiente, la salud y otras facetas de la vida urbana. En muchas ocasiones parte de la congestión del trafico tiene origen en la disponibilidad de las plazas de aparcamiento debido a que los conductores de vehículos privados suelen querer aparcar sus vehículos lo más cerca posible de su destino pero las plazas de aparcamiento son limitadas y pueden no ser suficientes para mantener la demanda. Un enfoque basado en el Internet of Things (IoT) nos permite en tiempo real conocer la disponibilidad de plazas de estacionamiento a través de redes inalámbricas de sensores. Un tratamiento inteligente sobre estos datos puede generar información que ayude a predecir la futura demanda de estacionamiento en las zonas sensorizadas mejorando así la gestión del estacionamiento y teniendo un efecto en el tráfico urbano. Los primeros trabajos académicos en este área se centraron en estudiar las correlaciones temporales y espaciales de la ocupación del estacionamiento para proveer pronósticos a corto plazo (predicciones a tiempo máximo de 30 minutos) y que en muchas ocasiones no son de utilidad ya que para el usuario final es preferible tener estimaciones de la disponibilidad de estacionamiento en el order de magnitud de horas. En este contexto, esta tesis se centra en el uso de datos de aparcamientos y otras fuentes para caracterizar y modelizar diferentes sistemas de aparcamiento. La metodología utilizada emplea técnicas innovadoras para proporcionar predicciones en tiempo real sobre la disponibilidad de aparcamiento basadas en datos de sensores. Los modelos se desarrollan a partir de cuatro metodología: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) y Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). La primera ha sido el enfoque estándar de predicción en la literatura sobre Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes, mientras que las otras tres han demostrado ser las mejores arquitecturas de redes neuronales para resolver un amplio conjunto de problemas de datos de naturaleza secuencial, como los que se tratan en este trabajo. Hasta donde sabemos, los métodos LSTM y GRU (enfoques de redes neuronales recurrentes) se han utilizado recientemente para la predicción de tráfico, obteniendo buenos resultados, pero no para aparcamiento. Además, proponemos utilizar datos exógenos como las condiciones meteorológicas y los efectos del calendario, transformando el problema de univariante a multivariante y demostramos como los métodos de redes neuronales gestionan de forma natural esta mayor complejidad del problema. El motivo para incluir variables exógenas es el de reducir la incertidumbre dada por las mediciones de los sensores ya que el uso de los sistemas de aparcamiento está condicionado por procesos no medibles por estos. Los métodos propuestos se han comparado mediante la creación de modelos para sectores de aparcamiento en cinco ciudades. Los resultados se han analizado con el fin de identificar y proporcionar pautas exhaustivas y conocimientos sobre los mecanismos internos de los sistemas de estacionamiento y, al mismo tiempo, determinar cómo se reflejan las idiosincrasias de cada método y de cada sector en los pronósticos del modelo. Al comparar los resultados según sus disciplinas de origen (ARIMA de estadística y redes neuronales de aprendizaje automático), ninguna de las metodologías propuestas es claramente mejor que las otras, ya que ambas pueden proporcionar predicciones con bajo error. ARIMA ha demostrado tener tasas de error más bajas en sectores de aparcamiento de menor dimensión donde el estado más reciente del sistema es más relevante; mientras que los métodos de redes neuronales has demostrado ser capaces de proporcionar mejores predicciones para sectores de gran tamaño donde los patrones tienen mayores dependencias temporales
Programa de doctorat: Estadística i investigació operativa
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Scalamandrè, Davide. "Sistema di visione per le gestione automatica dei posti in un parcheggio." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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Questo elaborato si propone di risolvere il problema della ricerca di un parcheggio. Sono tante le grandi città che oggi investono in tecnologia, nel tentativo di fornire servizi intelligenti ai propri cittadini. Questa pratica si è notevolmente sviluppata negli ultimi anni, tanto che è stato coniato il termine Smart City. Spesso, in alcune aree urbane ed in determinati orari, il cittadino per trovare un parcheggio libero impiega molto tempo ed è costretto ad effettuare una ricerca nelle zone limitrofe, sperando che questa porti ad un esito positivo, nel più breve tempo possibile. Ciò non accadrebbe se ci fosse un servizio capace di informare l’utente sull’ubicazione del parcheggio libero più vicino rispetto alla propria posizione. La tecnologia che manca è un sistema di visione robusto per il monitoraggio degli spazi di parcheggio. Si è proceduto, quindi, con una ricerca su come il problema sia stato già affrontato in letteratura. Da tale ricerca è emerso che le attuali tecnologie consentono solo di configurare il sistema e le telecamere in modo da analizzare determinate aree delle immagini prodotte. Ciò consentirebbe soltanto la realizzazione di questo servizio per pochi parcheggi, e non si applicherebbe ad un numero più elevato quale quello relativo alle aree parcheggio di un’intera città. Tali considerazioni ci hanno portato ad individuare una tecnologia capace di localizzare un parcheggio, estrapolando le informazioni da una base di conoscenza. Tutto ciò è realizzabile tramite l’Object Detection. Uno dei sistemi di Object Detection più all’avanguardia è Yolo, un sistema real-time che si occupa del rilevamento di oggetti. Questo sistema utilizza una Convolutional Neural Network per effettuare la previsione di una Bounding Box, che delimita l’oggetto all’interno dell’immagine ed effettua la classificazione dell’oggetto presente all’interno di tale Box. Per poter addestrare questo tipo di sistema è stato utilizzato un Dataset presente in letteratura, PKLot.
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Gomes, Miguel Maria Rodrigues Madeira de Sousa. "Avaliação de sensores para deteção de estacionamento de veículos." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.

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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de Telecomunicações
A presente dissertação enquadra-se no âmbito de investigação e desenvolvimento associados ao conceito de Smart-parking, uma área que visa abordar tecnologicamente as questões relacionadas com a problemática do estacionamento em parques e zonas metropolitanas. Genericamente, os sistemas que podem ostentar a designação de Smart-parking procuram simplificar e abreviar a tarefa de estacionamento, tornando esse ato mais fluido e com menos incómodos. Porém, para se garantir qualidade de serviço, são necessárias plataformas tecnológicas robustas e eficazes. Estas plataformas serão o principal alvo de análise neste estudo. No presente trabalho parte-se de um módulo de deteção de veículos de um sistema que já se encontra no mercado, otimizando-se uma interface de obtenção de leituras do sensor aí integrado para exame de comportamento, direcionando-se a atenção deste trabalho para a observação do funcionamento do módulo e análise da interpretação e reconhecimento dos veículos por parte do mesmo. Através de um estudo técnico das especificações da tecnologia à disposição, tornou-se possível definir um conjunto de testes ajustados às potencialidades e limitações do detetor, proporcionando-se uma análise da resposta do dispositivo bastante detalhada e completa. As observações realizadas permitiram avaliar as potencialidades do sensor ao nível da deteção e identificação de veículos, nomeadamente distinguindo um veículo de outros elementos circulando na zona de deteção, distinguindo veículos, velocidades, trajetórias, etc. Estas observações proporcionaram pois conclusões importantes para o desenvolvimento do sistema, mas também destacaram as capacidades do dispositivo para potenciador novas linhas do projeto de Smart-parking e mesmo novos produtos. Esta possibilidade é também avaliada neste trabalho através de inquéritos ao mercado potencial.
This dissertation deals with a subject related to the concept of Smart-parking, a field that aims to make a technological approach to the issues regarding the problems associated with parking within parking lots and city areas. In general, the systems that feature the Smart-parking designation are intended to simplify and shorten the parking operations, making them faster, more efficient and with less inconveniences to the users and operators. However, in order to ensure quality of service, there is the need for robust and effective technological platforms. These platforms will be the main subject of analysis in this study. In the present work, the starting point is a vehicle detection module from a system in its way to the market. This module has been object of a study to try to optimize its interface, mainly in order to verify its ability to recognize vehicles in different circumstances either from its location or for the type of vehicle or even to the influence of nearby parked vehicles and other moving devices. After a technical study regarding the specifications of the available technology, it became possible to define an enlarged group of tests aimed to assess the potentials and limitations of the detector and to perform an analysis of the device’s response with considerable details and extent. The observations allowed the validation of the potentialities of the sensor regarding the detection and identification of vehicles, namely distinguishing a vehicle from other elements in the area, distinguishing different vehicles, speeds, trajectories, etc. These observations allowed thus important conclusions for the development of the system, but also highlighted the capabilities of the device as an enhancer for new Smart-parking functionalities and even new products. This possibility is also assessed in this work through inquiries to the potential market.
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Svensson, Oskar. "Smarta parkeringsplatser : MultiTech mDot-baserade parkeringsplatser utan extern strömförsörjning." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för elektronikkonstruktion, 2017.

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Internet of Things är ett begrepp som innebär att alla tänkbara enheter kan kommunicera med varandra. Utvecklingen är snabb och antalet uppkopplade enheter ökar enormt. Detta medför bland annat att samhället blir effektivare vilket innebär både ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar. Genom att göra parkeringsplatser smarta kan de lediga platserna snabbare lokaliseras vilket minskar både miljöpåverkan och bränslekostnad. Eftersom strömförsörjning kan vara ett problem vid en del parkeringsplatser undersöks huruvida det är möjligt att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser baserat på en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning. Undersökningen görs genom att konstruera en prototyp och på den utvärdera ström- och effektförbrukning samt batteritid. Dessutom analyseras om en annan design på prototypen skulle prestera bättre genom att uppskatta strömförbrukningen för en sådan design och därefter beräkna effektförbrukning och batteritid. Prototypens konstruktion bestod av en ultraljudsgivare inklusive styrenhet, en mikrokontroller kallad mDot, ett 9 V-batteri och en strömbrytare. Med mDot:en kunde data sändas till en server via LoRaWAN. De utförda mätningarna och beräkningarna visade att prototypen drar mycket ström. En enhet med tillräcklig prestanda är dock möjlig att konstruera genom att utföra beräkningar i mDot:en istället för i ultraljudsgivarens styrenhet. Detta skulle minska strömförbrukningen vilket förlänger batteritiden. Uppskattningar visade även att batteritiden för en sådan enhet ökar exponentiellt mot tiden i viloläge. Slutsatsen är att batteritiden varierar beroende på hur enheten är designad samt hur länge enheten är i viloläge. Det är dock möjligt att konstruera en enhet utan extern strömförsörjning som har tillräckligt bra prestanda för att åstadkomma smarta parkeringsplatser.
Internet of Things is a term for describing that every imaginable device can communicate with each other. The development in the field is fast and the amount of connected devices increases at an enormous rate. This means that the society becomes more efficient and some part of this is economic as well as environmental benefits. By making parking lots smart, the vacant lots can be located more quickly thus reducing environmental impact and fuel cost. At some parking lots there is no power supply. This report investigates whether or not it is possible to achieve smart parking lots based on a device without external power supply. The investigation is done by constructing a prototype and evaluate its current and power consumption as well as its battery life. Furthermore, an investigation is done to find out if another design can perform better than the prototype. This is done by making assumptions of how another design might look and from that estimate its current consumption and then calculating power consumption and battery life. The prototype constructed existed of an ultrasonic sensor including control unit, a microcontroller called mDot, a 9 V battery and a power switch. The mDot was able to send data to a server via LoRaWAN. The performed measurements and calculations showed that the prototype used to much current. However, a device with sufficient performance is possible to construct by doing the computation in the mDot instead of in the ultrasonic sensors control unit. This would increase the battery life of the device. Estimations showed that the battery life of such a device increases exponentially to the sleep time. The conclusion is that the battery life will vary depending on the design and the sleep time of the device. It is however possible to design a device without external power supply that has sufficiently good performance to enable smart parking lots.
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Liang-YuWu and 吳亮瑜. "A Unified Open Parking Data for Smart Parking." Thesis, 2019.

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Chen-HaoLiao and 廖振豪. "A Smart Parking Allocation Approach based on Parking Occupancy Prediction." Thesis, 2017.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Liao, Zi-Qin, and 廖子欽. "The Internet of Things Smart Parking System." Thesis, 2018.

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In order to solve the problem of car search and parking. This paper proposes the IOT smart parking system. First, we use the mobile APP to search the parking information nearby for user. After arriving at the parking lot, we park the vehicle to the parking platform and start the camera to take the license of the car. Then we transfer it to the cloud database. The parking platform drives to an empty parking space that is close to the user by PID tracking technology. We use ZigBee wireless transmission to upload the detected parking status to the cloud database. When the owner comes to take the car, he only needs to enter the license plate number, the system will automatic find the parking position of the vehicle, and the parking vehicle will automatic carry the car to the exit for the owner to use. This paper provides an automatic, efficient and convenient parking system by using the smart parking system of the IOT to improve the search and parking problems of the old parking system.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lee, Zhu-You, and 李竹祐. "Design and Implementation of a Smart Parking System." Thesis, 2012.

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Recently, Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction have received much attention. A variety of executed construction projects aim at energy saving. In these projects, most energy is consumed for lighting which needs to be mainly improved. For instance, the lights in the parking lot are always turned on whether or not someone is there. Hence, it leads to energy wastage. This paper aims to design an embed-ded control module embedding Octopus X module. The designed control module can automatically control the lights and guide people to their parking space by following the light-path so that manpower and en-ergy consumption can be reduced. The designed module sends control signals through Zigbee network, hence the de-ployment cost can be reduced.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Yi-LungLu and 呂宜龍. "Utilization-based Parking Space Suggestion in Smart City." Thesis, 2017.

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In smart city, urban parking problems can be solved by sharing availability statuses of parking spaces and proper suggesting schemes. Most of the suggesting schemes recommend the nearest or the cheapest parking space from the driver's point of view. However, such selfish decision may lead to imbalance of parking areas, so that some drivers could not find proper parking spaces. From the government's point of view, little walking distance can be sacrificed to increase the utilization of parking spaces. In this paper, we propose two parking space suggesting schemes to improve utilization of parking spaces. Based on the open data of parking spaces in Tainan, several experiments are conducted to analyze the tradeoff between walking distance and utilization in proposed suggesting schemes.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

HUNG, HSIU-YA, and 洪秀雅. "Service Innovation and Design for A Smart Parking Solution." Thesis, 2017.

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ABSTRACT Recently, transport and information and communication technology (ICT) has changed quickly. The concept of ‘smart living’ has arisen brings forth the living convenience, which continuously upgrades people’s living standard. In spite of blossoming economy, social and cultural development, the problem---trigged by parking---of the traffic capacity for action are the issues we have to face every day. These very imperative problems caused by smart living are hard to be eschewed. In the modern development of ICT, it is an inclination that every industry moves towards to intellectualization. Hence, under the requirementsof smart living and the emergence of service-oriented economy, the parking service innovation is supposed to be coped with in multi-faceted ways. Nowadays, solutions of parking lot are equipped with vehicle identification, e-Tag parking identification, vehicle search systems, present parking space detectors, automatic fare collection system of parking towers, and electronic toll collection system of curb parking spaces. From this perspective, thir research ---by virtue of the service-oriented logic, and design science methodology---intends to mark out and design a series of novel smart parking system services. Hopefully, the present parking lot service models and soultions can and will be innovated. By the process and the method of “Service Design Thinking,” and by the stakeholder interviews and the secondary data collection, this research not solely investigates the problems of the present parking services, but pain points its inconvenience. These identified pain points are to be resolved by service design thinking. Only by the innovative smart parking service models and its service blueprint can the drivers enjoy its convenience. Namely, man-free parking lots deliver warm service experience, improve the service quality of the present parking lots, and innovate new service strategies, coupled with new added value. Keywords: smart living; smart parking service; service innovation; design science; service blueprint
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Shen, Chih-Heng, and 沈治衡. "E-commerce Smart Parking Management System with Navigation Function." Thesis, 2018.

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The purpose of this thesis is to develop an "e-commerce smart parking lot management system with parking space guidance function", which will be applied to the Internet of Things and related technologies that were studied during the period of being the assistant in the National Energy Science and Technology Program. In this system, the application of the smart phone is mainly used to transmit the consumer data to the management system by NFC near-field communication[1][2][3][4] and Wi-Fi, so that the management system can carry out the data through the information database[5] returned by the user to do data comparison, data modification or data update, and use the Raspberry Pi[6][7] or Arduino to operate the parking space management function of the parking lot or the control simulation of related hardware devices, such as: entry and exit fence control parking space occupancy detection. The content of this thesis includes mobile phone application, parking space detection simulation, store consumption amount update simulation, and entrance and exit parking simulation. In addition, since not all models of the currently commercially available Android phones have NFC functions, and the devices using the IOS system have NFC functions, they have not opened up the use rights to develop functions for developers who write IOS programs. Thus, this thesis additionally develops a way to assist the smart phone that cannot use NFC function by scanning the QR Code, so that the user can use the system without being restricted by the function of the mobile phone.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

CHEN, TAI-YOU, and 陳泰佑. "Smart parking development and applicationBased on geomagnetic sensing technology." Thesis, 2019.

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Currently, most management systems of outdoor parking fail to return the useful parking information instantly to drivers or park-lots-administrators, bringing out sequent traffic inconveniences. This paper aims at developing one outdoor Smart-Parking-System (SPS), inexpensively, universally and highly-environmental-adaptively. Meanwhile, this SPS is likely to apply in diversified outdoor scenarios. This SPS is accurate to recognize and capture instant parking status data (occupation\Vacant), which ultimately demonstrates graphically on the interfaces of users’ mobile applications. Specifically, by use of the Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR) and infrared sensor (IR), the SPS is able to transfer the instant parking data to router in a package via Bluetooth. After recoding this package in router, all the data can be uploaded to Cloud database by means of diversified ways, including narrow-band internet of things (NB-IoT),、LoRa、Wi-Fi etc. This creative SPS is supposed to solve three tough problems. Firstly, it can distinguish the exactly three-dimensional coordinates of parking spot in real scenarios, secondly, the SPS is capable to calculate parking fees by the minute corresponding its accurate parking timing algorithm. Finally, the SPS is prospective to apply into the management practices of large or unman parking lots. Furthermore, our corresponding field experiments of SPS fully verify its technological reliability and economic availability.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Alves, Bruno Rafael. "Architecture and negotiation protocols for a smart parking system." Master's thesis, 2018.

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Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Smart City uses emerging technologies to improve citizens’ quality of life. A branch of this topic is the Smart Parking, where the parking system implements intelligent mechanisms to simplify to the searching of parking spots and consequently decrease the traffic of cars. This work proposes an architecture using Multi-Agent System (MAS), enhanced with some holonic systems principles, that is capable to be applied to different range of parking systems, e.g., considering trucks, cars, or bicycles. Being a distributed architecture, a special attention is devoted to study the negotiation protocols that will regulate the behavior of autonomous and cooperative actors in the system, namely drivers and parking spots, during allocation process of parking spots to drivers. For this purpose, the Contract Net Protocol (CNP), English Auction, Dutch Auction and Faratin Auction were the tested, being the CNP the selected protocol for this problem. Also addressing the distributed nature of the system, some efforts were focused on the security of the messages exchanged between the agents was proposed using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The proposed multi-agent systems architecture was implemented using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework), which is a FIPA-compliant agent development framework that simplifies the development of agent-based applications. The exchange of messages follows the FIPA-ACL protocol using the CNP protocol for the negotiation. The communication between the agents and the User Interface is performed through the use of Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chang, Kung-Shuo, and 張恭碩. "Benefit of Using Contactless Smart Card for Parking Fee Collection." Thesis, 2007.

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The application of contactless smart card in transportation field is more and more general. Take Taipei City for example, the application field of contactless smart card expands from MRT, bus and off-street parking lots to the taxi and curb parking lots. For parking fee collection, there are over 20,000 off-street parking sections and 3,000 curb parking sections using contactless smart card for fee collection. However, there are only few references to research and analyze the quantification benefit of using contactless smart card for parking fee collection; therefore, the thesis will analyze the benefit of using contackless smart card for off-street parking lot and curb parking lot fee collection from the user, the socialenvironment and the operator. The thesis built up benefit items and calculation formulas for using contactless smart card for parking fee collection. In the part of off-street parking lot, the user benefit contains entering and exiting time saving benefit and paying time saving benefit. The social environment benefit only considers the air pollution cost saving. The operator benefit contains building cost saving benefit, operating cost saving benefit, and non-operating revenue benefit. In the part of curb parking lot, the operator benefit contains building cost saving benefit, operating saving benefit,non-operating cost saving benefit, and operating revenue benefit. The thesis calculates the total benefit of using contactless smart card for parking fee collection. The total benefit of car users in the off-street parking lot is positive and the benefit of motorcycle users is positive, too. The users obtain the highest benefit in all benefit objects. The paying time saving benefit of users is the highest benefit item. If using fully contactless smart card system for parking fee collection, the total benefit is positive and higher then present state. The total benefit of curb parking lot is also positive. The benefit comes from the revenue added from the released corn collection staffs.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Dong-Yi, Lin, and 林東宜. "Implementation of Smart Parking Guidance System Using A* Manhattan Algorithm." Thesis, 2017.

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With the rapid economic development, urbanization and the improvement of living standards, so that the rapid increase in the number of cars, resulting in inadequate parking space situation, making parking problems more and more peoples attention. At present, the domestic parking lot parking guidance and other research less. Todays main parking guides only provide the number of parking spaces and do not specify the specific location and parking routes, reducing the parking efficiency, spent a lot of time, causing inconvenience. The main research is to develop a feasible parking lot guidance system, the use of global positioning system (Global Positioning System, GPS) positioning parking point, and then by the ultrasound module to determine whether the parking spaces have objects, and then by ZigBee network to the computer, and finally use the A∗ Manhattan algorithm to calculate the entrance to the parking area of the shortest path, and provide users with the best path travel direction. The hardware uses the CC2430 RF chip module from Texas Instruments (TI), which allows the system to be flexible and adaptable when developing designs. Using the ZigBee network to return the value of the ultrasound and parking GPS value to the computer side. Software using Javascript, Javascript can use object-oriented language, you can quickly provide programming interface development; the shortest path to find the use of A∗ Manhattan algorithm for analysis, and finally, can provide users with the direction of travel.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Cheng, Chuan-Yu, and 鄭全佑. "Research And Development Of A NFC Smart Parking Management System." Thesis, 2015.

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In recent years, the development of the mobile phone is from 3G to 4G (LTE), and the features of a mobile phone is more than a small laptop. The smart phone has become an integral part of human life partner. Currently mobile phones are slowly adding NFC functionality. The full name of NFC is Near Field Communication. NFC can freely transform RFID reader (Reader) and labels (Tag) role, so that the phone service has become more diversified. In this paper, in order to achieve the parking lot unattended and NFC small actions payment function, we have developed a set of NFC smart parking management system. The proposed system consists of three subsystems: (1) APP end user interface, (2) Industry monitoring interface, and (3) Parking lights and gate control. In this paper, the proposed system is developed by combining NFC and GCM functions. APP end user interface allows users to query parking information, balances, and recording spaces. Industry monitoring interface, which is designed with HTML, PHP, and JQuery Mobile programming language, let the industry can use a phone or tablet to instantly check parking situation. And let the industry to send messages via instant GCM. At the same time, the industry can add , delete, and modify the join industry to expand operations. When the NFC reader is working, the parking lights and gate control can automatic open or close a gate. The parking lights also can adjust the lighting in the parking lot to achieve automatic power saving features.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Fuentes-Curiel, Cristina. "SmartPark : an intelligent and dynamic parking system." 2013.

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Parking garages have remained fairly outdated even as embedded systems have been introduced virtually everywhere to improve the human existence. Some provide information about whether they are full or not, but that does not offer a better parking experience, it only informs people once they are already there and is inconvenient. This causes people to circle the parking lot numerous times, making the process inefficient and wasteful. The SmartPark parking system fills that gap by providing an automated infrastructure that collects information regarding the availability of parking spaces in a garage. As modern technology grows and expands the connectivity available on automobiles, it would be even possible to interface with the car itself to provide parking information. Each space has an ultrasonic sensor attached to a microcontroller that communicates with a master, who keeps and displays the overall count of spaces available. The purpose of this paper is to provide the capability of dynamically adding and removing slaves, without requiring individual configuration for each slave prior to its deployment. A sequence of communication exchanges will be described in order for a slave to register itself with its master. Through a series of messages, the slave will be able to identify its location and begin reporting the state of its space, and the master will continue to keep track of existing slaves and their states. The result of the research is a protocol that allows successful pairing of a new slave with its master without previous static configuration, which allows an easy deployment of the system without dependence on its original configuration. This functionality will make the system more scalable, allowing the parking system to be extended by connecting new slaves wherever they are needed. It will also make it more maintainable, since slave replacement or relocation will become an easy task. SmartPark can easily be adapted to existing parking structures with only the installation of the master and slave nodes, due to its limited resource requirements. Related work is also discussed and an insight into how this methodology can be used to modernize current automated parking systems is provided.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

LEE, MENG-RONG, and 李孟蓉. "Vehicle Counting Based on Stereo Computer Vision for Smart Parking Management." Thesis, 2017.

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In recent years, automated parking management systems have become very popular in modern urban areas owing to for their convenience and efficiency. As vehicle counting plays an important role in other applications, so we endeavored to develop a novel mechanism for counting vehicles, based on stereo computer vision. In this work, we first establish depth maps of a given image using a scene flow-based approach. Then, we designed a modified sigmoid function to change the histogram distribution in the obtained depth maps, through the disparity threshold estimated from our self-designed disparity calibration board. As a result, we proposed a vehicle counting mechanism using by the changed disparity histogram that can easily distinguish whether there is a presence of vehicle or not. Consequently, through our proposed vehicle detection and counting method, a surveillance camera can make sure if a vehicle is approaching an entrance, and it can take a clear snapshot of the license plate for automatic recognition. The proposed system was evaluated on six sets of videos of about 66 hours recorded in an indoor parking environment. The experimental results show that our method exhibits good performance in vehicle counting. The Precision rate and Recall rate reach 99.56% and 98.29%, respectively. Our method can avoid errors in vehicle counting during peak periods of traffic. In the future, the induction underground coil in a parking lot can be fully replaced by the proposed vehicle counting mechanism.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Proença, Inês Filipa Noronha Meneses Gomes. "Hybrid Strategies for Open Smart Parking with Agent Process Modelling Simulation." Master's thesis, 2019.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chiu, Wei-Cheng, and 邱暐晟. "A Real-time Parking System for Pingtung City on Smart Phone." Thesis, 2016.

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Parking search is a challenging task in most urban areas. The traffic resulting from drivers cruising for parking has a great effect on the environment, increasing energy consumption and emissions of CO2. Existing parking search applications only provide the information such as the address of parking spot, turn-by-turn navigation to the parking destination and available parking space. We have proposed a real-time parking android-based APP for Pingtung city, which connects with different parking operator management systems to locate the best parking spaces based on the drivers’ needs, such as driving distance to parking spot, walking distance from parking spot to destination, available parking space and parking price. The results have shown that the APP helps to reduce the environmental burden as well as the time spent looking for parking.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Sakurada, Lucas Hiroaki. "Development of industrial agents in a smart parking system for bicycles." Master's thesis, 2018.

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Dupla diplomação com a Universidade Tecnológica e Federal do Paraná - UTFPR
Smart parking systems are a suitable solution to avoid some recurring problems in large cities, such as traffic congestion and air pollution. These systems aim to guide in real time the driver to find free parking spots, in the shortest time possible and as close as possible to the desired location. In this sense, such smart parking constitutes a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) and requires the use of appropriate Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, such as Multi-Agent System (MAS), that allow the incorporation of intelligence into the CPS through autonomous, proactive and cooperative entities. This work presents the development of an agent-based CPS for parking of bicycles, where the interface between the software agents and the low-level control devices plays a fundamental role in the global functioning of the system. For this purpose, different interface practices were implemented and tested to determine which best fits for the current application. Based on the results obtained, an agent-based CPS was implemented, showing an efficient, modular, adaptable and scalable operation.
Os sistemas inteligentes de estacionamento são uma solução adequada para evitar alguns problemas recorrentes nas grandes cidades, como o congestionamento do tráfego e poluição do ar. Esses sistemas visam orientar em tempo real o motorista a encontrar vagas livres de estacionamento, no menor tempo possível e o mais próximo do local desejado. Nesse sentido, um sistema inteligente de estacionamento constitui um sistema ciber-físico e requer a utilização de tecnologias relacionadas a internet das coisas e técnicas de inteligência artificial, como os sistemas multi-agentes, que permitem a incorporação de inteligência através de entidades autônomas, proativas e cooperativas. O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema ciber-físico baseado em agentes para um parque de bicicletas, onde a interface entre agentes de software com dispositivos de controle de baixo nível desempenham um papel fundamental para o funcionamento global do sistema. Para esse propósito, diferentes interfaces práticas foram implementadas e testadas para determinar qual é a mais adequada para a atual aplicação. Baseado nos resultados obtidos, foi implementado um sistema ciber-físico baseado em agentes, mostrando uma operação eficiente, modular, adaptável e escalável.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Boos, Junior Milton. "A cloud architecture to integrate a multi-agent smart parking system." Master's thesis, 2021.

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Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Smart parking systems are becoming a solution to recurring issues as the number of vehicles in traffic rises in major cities, which can be related to vehicle traffic congestion, unnecessary time spent searching for parking spots, and, consequently, environmental issues. The purpose of these systems is to help drivers who are searching for available parking spaces or who want to reserve for a specified period of time, quickly and, if possible, near the desired location. In this context, there are several modules within smart parking systems that may include cyber-physical systems, multi-agent systems, dynamic pricing and artificial intelligence. This dissertation presents the development of a smart parking system architecture, using Cloud-based technology to integrate a multiagent system into a scalable, decentralized, adaptable and safe environment. The proposed architecture was tested using, as a case study, a web system developed for the management and analysis of smart parking lots, as well as an application for mobile devices, which allows users to interact with multiple functionalities available in this system. Results obtained demonstrate that the implementation of the proposed architecture offers an efficient communication between users who use parking resources and the multi-agent system responsible for the autonomy and intelligence of the parking system.
Os sistemas inteligentes de estacionamento estão se tornando uma solução para problemas recorrentes à medida que aumenta o número de veículos em trânsito nas grandes cidades, os quais podem estar relacionados ao congestionamento no tráfego de veículos, tempo desnecessário gasto na busca por vagas e, consequentemente, questões ambientais. O objetivo desses sistemas é auxiliar os motoristas que buscam por vagas disponíveis ou que desejam reservar por determinado período de tempo, de forma rápida e, se possível, próximo ao local desejado. Neste contexto, existem vários módulos dentro dos sistemas inteligentes de estacionamento que podem incluir sistemas ciberfísicos, sistemas multi-agentes, precificação dinâmica e inteligência artificial. Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura para sistemas inteligentes de estacionamento, utilizando tecnologia baseada em Nuvem para integrar um sistema multi-agentes em um ambiente escalável, descentralizado, adaptável e seguro. A arquitetura proposta foi testada utilizando, como um caso de estudo, um sistema web desenvolvido para gestão e análise de estacionamentos inteligentes, bem como uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis, que permite ao usuário interagir com as múltiplas funcionalidades disponibilizadas neste sistema. Resultados obtidos demonstram que a implementação da arquitetura proposta oferece uma comunicação eficiente entre usuários que utilizam os recursos e o sistema multi-agentes responsável pela autonomia e inteligência de um sistema de estacionamento.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

LIN, JIN-FU, and 林勁甫. "Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Guidance System for Smart Parking Lots." Thesis, 2016.

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In this study, a real-time parking lot guidance system with vehicle navigation functions was designed to enable users to search for available parking lots and obtain real time parking information regarding parking lots near their current locations, including the precise location, distance, and remaining spaces of parking lots. This facilitates substantially enhancing the convenience of drivers and decreasing time expended in searching or waiting for parking spaces. The proposed system is displayed through a webpage and coded using languages including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSP. Parking lot information is stored in a MySQL database, and relevant data are transmitted through mobile networks. The navigation panel uses Google Map service to display dynamic guidance, which differs from static guidance provided by typical mapping websites. In addition, the proposed system is Applicable to various operating systems, and map downloads and updates are not required, thereby decreasing the memory use of an operating system. Overall, the proposed system is advantageous for its easy operation and clear functionality.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chen, Shen-Lin, and 陳申霖. "Design and Development of Outdoor Smart Parking Management System with Bluetooth Low Energy." Thesis, 2017.

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Due to the difficulty of cost-reduction on establishment and maintenance, most of the outdoor parking lot and the parking space administration do not have a functional parking management system, this caused lots of inconvenience and traffic problems, because it’s unable to feedback the status of parking space to users and administrator efficiency. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a low cost outdoor parking management system, making it more easily to set up in different circumstances. By combining the low power consumption of Bluetooth, and algorithm to distinguish the status of the parking space in high accuracy, we’re able to provide information on available parking space, and develop a fully functional parking management service. By this system, it solved three major inconvenience problems in present, first, unable to know available parking space in real-time, second, inconvenience of paying parking fee, third, difficulty on managing the illegal parking. This system can provide a better parking experience for regular users, for instance, quick search of available parking space, anti-thief surveillance, online payment, also helping administrator manage the parking lot more efficiently, like lower the manpower in fee collection, notification of overtime occupation vehicle, surveillance of illegal parking, creating an better parking and management method for both regular users and administrator. The outdoor smart parking management system refer in this research is not only able to lower the cost of establishment and maintenance, but also provide a high added value of real-time parking information service, substantially increase both feasibility and necessity.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ma, Yu-Le, and 馬友樂. "Business Model of Smart Billing for Roadside Parking- Take Company F as an Example." Thesis, 2019.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Sanchis, Soler Sergio. "Creation of a web application for smart park system and parking prediction study for system integration." Master's thesis, 2015.

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In the last few years, we have observed an exponential increasing of the information systems, and parking information is one more example of them. The needs of obtaining reliable and updated information of parking slots availability are very important in the goal of traffic reduction. Also parking slot prediction is a new topic that has already started to be applied. San Francisco in America and Santander in Spain are examples of such projects carried out to obtain this kind of information. The aim of this thesis is the study and evaluation of methodologies for parking slot prediction and the integration in a web application, where all kind of users will be able to know the current parking status and also future status according to parking model predictions. The source of the data is ancillary in this work but it needs to be understood anyway to understand the parking behaviour. Actually, there are many modelling techniques used for this purpose such as time series analysis, decision trees, neural networks and clustering. In this work, the author explains the best techniques at this work, analyzes the result and points out the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The model will learn the periodic and seasonal patterns of the parking status behaviour, and with this knowledge it can predict future status values given a date. The data used comes from the Smart Park Ontinyent and it is about parking occupancy status together with timestamps and it is stored in a database. After data acquisition, data analysis and pre-processing was needed for model implementations. The first test done was with the boosting ensemble classifier, employed over a set of decision trees, created with C5.0 algorithm from a set of training samples, to assign a prediction value to each object. In addition to the predictions, this work has got measurements error that indicates the reliability of the outcome predictions being correct. The second test was done using the function fitting seasonal exponential smoothing tbats model. Finally as the last test, it has been tried a model that is actually a combination of the previous two models, just to see the result of this combination. The results were quite good for all of them, having error averages of 6.2, 6.6 and 5.4 in vacancies predictions for the three models respectively. This means from a parking of 47 places a 10% average error in parking slot predictions. This result could be even better with longer data available. In order to make this kind of information visible and reachable from everyone having a device with internet connection, a web application was made for this purpose. Beside the data displaying, this application also offers different functions to improve the task of searching for parking. The new functions, apart from parking prediction, were: - Park distances from user location. It provides all the distances to user current location to the different parks in the city. - Geocoding. The service for matching a literal description or an address to a concrete location. - Geolocation. The service for positioning the user. - Parking list panel. This is not a service neither a function, is just a better visualization and better handling of the information.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Fernandes, João Filipe Machado de Matos. "Sistema para deteção de zonas de estacionamento para smart cities." Master's thesis, 2018.

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Os sistemas de smart parking optimizam o uso de espaço de estacionamento, melhoram a eficiência da suas operações de estacionamento e auxiliam o tráfego na cidade a fluir de forma mais livre. Ao longo dos anos algumas cidades levaram a cabo estudos sobre este conceito e que impactos um sistema de smart parking pode trazer, em termos sociais, económicos, políticos e ambientais. Contudo existem alguns problemas inerentes à implementação deste tipo de sistemas de estacionamento inteligente que preocupam os responsáveis políticos da cidade. O elevado investimento é algo que perturba as entidades reguladoras do estacionamento nas cidade, o que dificulta a evolução das smart cities a nível global. O caso de estudo desta dissertação apresenta uma possível solução para um sistema de smart parking com o menor custo possível tendo em conta a sua viabilidade e escabilidade, e, posteriormeente, a sua implementação numa grande cidade como lisboa. O protótipo desenvolvido durante o trabalho representa uma prova de conceito para a futura implementação do sistema proposto, o qual pode ser usado em lisboa, ou ser adaptado para uma qualquer outra cidade do mundo. O estudo e as sugestões realizados não dispensam, ainda assim, outros dados relevantes para o crescimento deste tema, havendo, por conseguinte, um longo trilho a percorrer por foma a tornar o smart parking uma realidade no quotidiano das cidades.
Smart Parking systems optimize the parking space usage, improve the efficiency of the parking operations and help city traffic to flow more freely. Over the years, some cities have carried out studies about this concept and what impacts can a Smart Parking system cause in terms of social, economic, political and environmental aspects. However, there are some problems related to Smart Parking systems implementation which concerns politicians in major cities. High investment is something that disturbs parking regulators in cities, which hampers the evolution of Smart Cities globally. The case study of this thesis presents a low-cost solution for a Smart Parking system, considering its viability and scalability, and later its implementation in a city like Lisbon. The prototype developed during this work is considered as proof of concept for the future implementation of the proposed system in Lisbon or any other city in the world. The study and the suggestions made do not discard any other data relevant to the growth of this topic. There is still a long way to go for Smart Parking to become a reality in everyday cities.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Mendes, Lucas Ribeiro. "Utilização de data mining e deep learning para business intelligence em estrutura integrada de sistema smart parking." Master's thesis, 2021.

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Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
O avanço tecnológico e o crescimento populacional dos últimos anos trouxe uma alta demanda por soluções inteligentes que pudessem melhorar a qualidade de vida da população. Uma dessas soluções é o Smart Parking (estacionamentos inteligentes). Esse conceito integra diferentes áreas e tem por objetivo reduzir o fluxo de trânsito de cidades por meio da implementação de sistemas inteligentes, focados no controle e gestão de estacionamentos. O presente trabalho integrou o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Smart Parking já estruturado, o qual foi concebido de forma gradual por alunos e professores da UTFPR e IPB. Propôs-se a criação de uma estrutura de dados que integrasse todos os módulos do sistema. Além disso, foi proposto um sistema que pudesse auxiliar na tomada de decisões do produto, utilizando como base o grande volume de dados gerados por esse tipo de aplicação. Com isso, no decorrer do trabalho é apresentado o modelo conceitual utilizado na integração dos módulos, seguido de etapas de mineração e análise de dados. Também é abordada a criação de um modelo para simulação de dados e a implementação de algoritmos de machine learning (K-Means e Random Forest) e deep learning (LSTM) focados na previsão de demanda de estacionamentos. A aplicação dos algoritmos mostrou bons resultados na previsão de demanda, sendo os melhores obtidos pelo Random Forest. Por fim, é apresentada uma ferramenta modular, que integrou processos de mineração e análise de dados, fornecendo aos gestores um sistema para auxiliar na tomada de decisões do produto.
The technological advance and population growth of the last years brought a high demand for intelligent solutions that could improve the population’s quality of life. One of these solutions is Smart Parking. This concept integrates different areas and aims to reduce the traffic flow of cities through the implementation of intelligent systems, focused on the control and management of parking lots. The present work integrated the development of an already structured Smart Parking System, which was conceived gradually by students and professors from UTFPR and IPB. It was proposed the creation of a data structure that integrated all the system modules. Moreover, a system that could help in the decision making process of the product was proposed, using as base the large volume of data generated by this kind of application. Consequently, the conceptual model used in the integration of the modules is presented, followed by the data mining and analysis steps. The creation of a model for data simulation and the implementation of machine learning (K-Means and Random Forest) and deep learning (LSTM) algorithms, focused on parking lot demand forecasting are also addressed. The application of the algorithms showed good results in predicting demand, the best results being obtained by Random Forest. Finally, a modular tool is presented, which integrated data mining and analysis processes, providing managers with a system to assist in product decision making.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Fernandes, Carlos Amado Lopes. "Smart cities: otimização inteligente de parques de estacionamento." Master's thesis, 2021.

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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
O crescente aumento do número de pessoas que vivem em ambiente urbano tem acarretado alguns problemas na mobilidade urbana, isto porque o investimento em infraestruturas não tem acompanhado o aumento. A lotação das cidades é uma realidade à qual não se pode ficar indiferente, e diariamente os habitantes e pessoas que frequentam os ambientes urbanos deparam-se com situações que causam incómodo. Na atualidade, um dos principais problemas da mobilidade urbana é o congestionamento do trânsito. Isto deve-se muito ao facto dos cidadãos preferirem o uso de transportes motorizados próprios face aos coletivos, o que acaba por levantar algumas questões ambientais em grande parte das cidades europeias. Um dos principais fatores que contribui para o congestionamento do trânsito é o tempo despendido na procura de um lugar de estacionamento resultante da dificuldade em encontrar lugares disponíveis. Muitos destes problemas podem ser atenuados otimizando o dia-a-dia das cidades. É precisamente este o objetivo das Smart Cities, garantir mais eficiência e eficácia nas atividades citadinas. A otimização dos processos da cidade está, atualmente, dependente da evolução das tecnologias de informação e mais precisamente de áreas como a inteligência artificial, que possam dotar a cidade de ferramentas e mecanismos que lhes confira a versatilidade e inteligência necessária. A principal finalidade desta dissertação de mestrado inside na otimização do processo de busca de um lugar de estacionamento. Através da Inteligência Artificial e exploração de algoritmos de Machine Learning pretende-se fornecer ao cidadão informações que possibilitem a redução do tempo de procura de um lugar para estacionar. Para atingir a finalidade, foram recolhidos dados de diversas plataformas, tratando-os por forma a darem suporte aos modelos de Machine Learning desenvolvidos na fase de modelação. Depois de concluída esta fase, construiu-se uma API Rest que possibilita a utilização dos modelos inteligentes como um serviço. Por fim, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel que representa o protótipo funcional do projeto.
The increase in the number of people living in an urban environment has caused some problems in urban mobility, because the investment in infrastructure has not kept pace with the increase. The crowding of cities is a reality to which no one can remain indifferent, and daily the inhabitants and people who frequent urban environments face situations that cause discomfort. Currently, one of the main problems of urban mobility is traffic congestion. This is largely due to the fact that citizens prefer the use of their own vehicles instead of using public services, which ends up raising some environmental issues in most European cities. One of the main factors that contributes to traffic congestion is the time spent looking for a parking lot resulting from the difficulty in finding available parking lot. Many of these problems can be mitigated by optimizing the daily lives in cities. This is precisely the objective of Smart Cities, to ensure more efficiency and effectiveness in city activities. The optimization of city processes is currently dependent on the evolution of information technologies and more precisely on areas such as artificial intelligence, which can provide cities tools and mechanisms that gives them the necessary versatility and intelligence. The main purpose of this master’s dissertation is the optimization of the parking lot searching process. Through Artificial Intelligence and exploration of Machine Learning algorithms, it is intended to provide citizens with information that will enable them to reduce the time spent finding a free parking lot. To achieve the purpose, data were collected from many platforms, treating them in order to support the Machine Learning models developed in the modeling phase. After this phase was completed, an API Rest was built, which allows the use of intelligent models as a service. Finally, a mobile application was developed that represents the project’s functional prototype.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Corrêa, Isabelle de Moura. "Vacancy state detector oriented to convolutional neural network, background subtraction and embedded systems." Master's thesis, 2018.

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Dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Much has been discussed recently related to population ascension, the reasons for this event, and, in particular, the aspects of society affected. Over the years, the city governments realized a higher level of growth, mainly in terms of urban scale, technology, and individuals numbers. It comprises improvements and investments in their structure and policies, motivated by improving conditions in population live quality and reduce environmental, energy, fuel, time, and money resources, besides population living costs, including the increasing demand for parking structures accessible to the general or private-public, and a waste of substantial daily time and fuel, disturbing the population routinely. Therefore, one way to achieve that challenge is focused on reducing energy, money, and time costs to travel to work or travel to another substantial location. That work presents a robust, and low computational power Smart Parking system adaptive to several environments changes to detect and report vacancy states in a parking space oriented to Deep Learning, and Embedded Systems. This project consists of determining the parking vacancy status through statistical and image processing methods, creates a robust image data set, and the Convolutional Neural Network model focused on predict three final classes. In order to save computational power, this approach uses the Background Subtraction based on the Mixture of Gaussian method, only updating parking space status, in which large levels of motion are detected. The proposed model presents 94 percent of precision at the designed domain.
Muito se discutiu recentemente sobre a ascensão populacional, as razões deste evento e, em particular, os aspectos da sociedade afetados. Ao longo dos anos, os governos perceberam um grande nível de crescimento, principalmente em termos de escala urbana, tecnologia e número de indivíduos. Este fato deve-se a melhorias e investimentos na estrutura urbana e políticas motivados por melhorar as condições de qualidade de vida da população e reduzir a utilização de recursos ambientais, energéticos, combustíveis, temporais e monetários, além dos custos de vida da população, incluindo a crescente demanda por estruturas de estacionamento acessíveis ao público em geral ou público-privado. Portanto, uma maneira de alcançar esse desafio é manter a atenção na redução de custos de energia, dinheiro e tempo para viajar para o trabalho ou para outro local substancial. Esse trabalho apresenta um sistema robusto de Smart Parking, com baixo consumo computacional, adaptável a diversas mudanças no ambiente observado para detectar e relatar os estados das vagas de estacionamento, orientado por Deep Learning e Embedded Systems. Este projeto consiste em determinar o status da vaga de estacionamento por meio de métodos estatísticos e de processamento de imagem, criando um conjunto robusto de dados e um modelo de Rede Neuronal Convolucional com foco na previsão de três classes finais. A fim de reduzir consumo computacional, essa abordagem usa o método de Background Subtraction, somente atualizando o status do espaço de estacionamento em que grandes níveis de movimento são detectados. O modelo proposto apresenta 94 porcento da precisão no domínio projetado.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Рапопорт, А. А., and A. A. Rapoport. "Исследование и применение современных WEB-технологий для реализации программного комплекса «Умная парковка» : магистерская диссертация." Master's thesis, 2017.

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В работе актуализируется проблема эффективности использования современных WEB-технологий при реализации WEB-приложений. Предлагаемый вариант решения позволяет успешно интегрировать стек современных WEB-технологий и применить его в разработке программного комплекса для бронирования и поиска свободного места на парковке.
The thesis updates the problem of the effectiveness of using modern WEB-technologies in the implementation of the WEB user interface, as well as the problem of finding and reserving parking spots in large parking spaces. The offered solution allows to integrate the stack of modern WEB-technologies and apply it in the development of a software package for simple reservation and search of free parking spots.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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