Academic literature on the topic 'Smart-Parking'
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Journal articles on the topic "Smart-Parking"
Mohammad, Alamgir. "Smart Parking System." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6, no. 5 (May 31, 2018): 81–83.
Full textSuruthi, Mano. "Smart Parking System." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6, no. 3 (March 31, 2018): 2966–71.
Full textLotlikar, Tejal, Minla Chandrahasan, Ankita Mahadik, Madhusmita Oke, and Anjali Yeole. "Smart Parking Application." International Journal of Computer Applications 149, no. 9 (September 15, 2016): 32–37.
Full textShetty, Yashaswi. "Smart Parking System." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6, no. 3 (March 31, 2018): 2286–90.
Full textElavarasi, R., and P. K. Senthilkumar. "Smart Car Parking." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10, no. 9 (February 1, 2017): 1–4.
Full textOhlig, Benedikt, Erwin Michels, and Dirk Kesselgruber. "Smart Parking Brake." ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 110, no. 6 (June 2008): 524–31.
Full textBharathi, V. C. "Smart Parking System." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VII (July 20, 2021): 1823–26.
Full textKumar, Madhumita Manish, and Geetanjali Yatnalkar. "Smart Parking System." International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology 4, no. 6 (September 30, 2021): 1–5.
Full textUI-Haque, Mohammad Naved. "Vehicles: Smart Parking Application." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6, no. 5 (May 31, 2018): 606–9.
Full textDhakne, Sunil, Umakant Kengar, Prof Suryawanshi R.S., Abhishek Bhagat, and Avishkar Chavan. "Smart Car Parking System." IJARCCE 5, no. 12 (December 30, 2016): 247–49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Smart-Parking"
Yadavalli, Siri Chandana. "Smart Parking System." Kansas State University, 2016.
Full textDepartment of Computing and Information Sciences
Daniel A. Andresen
Locating a parking spot during peak hours in most populated areas like shopping malls, universities, exhibitions or convention centers is difficult for the drivers. The difficulty rises from not knowing where the available spots may be at that required time. Smart parking is a solution to metropolitan cities to reduce congestion, cut vehicle emission totals and save persons' time by helping them in finding a spot to park. Smart Parking is a parking system, usually a new one that is equipped with special structured devices (things) to detect the available parking slots at any parking area. This is an application based on Internet of Things (IoT) that in Real-Time environment have sensors and devices embedded into parking spaces, transmitting data on the occupancy status; and the vehicle drivers can search for parking availability using their mobile phones or any infotainment system that is attached to the vehicle. Hence the driver would know where there is an available spot to park his vehicle in less time, reducing the energy consumption and air pollution. The Client or the sensor posts the parking slot occupancy status to a web service URL. The Java based web service is built using Spring and Hibernate to connect to the backend system. The web service (.war) file is deployed on Apache Tomcat Server and the backend used is MySQL database.
Batistic, Kristina. "Privacy in Smart Parking." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.
Full textExamensarbetet kommer att analysera den smarta parkeringslösningen som används i Frederiksbergs kommun med fokus på sekretessaspekter i olika fall för dataanvändning. Det aktuella användningsfallet kommer att analyseras med fokus på dess integritetsaspekter. Frederiksberg kommun använder en kamera monterad på en bil som registrerar parkerade bilar för att kontrollera om parkeringsavgiften har betalats eller inte. Systemet känner igen registreringsskylten ur bilden och kontrollerar i systemet om parkeringen för den typskylten har betalats eller inte om den inte har betalats, meddelar parkeringsvakten att gå till den parkerade bilen och dela ut en parkeringsbiljett. Eftersom licensskylten betraktas som personuppgifter måste detta system följa de lagliga och andra skyldigheterna för hantering av personuppgifter, dvs. den nya förordningen om europeisk allmän dataskydd. Frederiksberg kommun överväger också att använda data för sekundära ändamål, som parkeringsstatistik, input för framtida reglering, analys för att förbättra parkeringssystemet eller till och med offentliggöra uppgifterna. Denna avhandling kommer att analysera eventuella fall av sekundär användning och deras inverkan på sekretess och rekommendera skyddsåtgärder. Målet skydda medborgarnas integritet samtidigt som de ger bästa möjliga service.
Richardson, Heather Eileen Seyfang. "The parking policy and smart growth disconnect : obstacles to establishing and implementing smart growth parking policy." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 95-100).
Urban areas are plagued by congestion, economic inequality, and inefficient land use that result from highway and single family housing subsidies, segregated land uses, and many other government policies established over the last 80 years. Parking is one part of the complex and problematic system of traditional urban development that can benefit from a Smart Growth approach to urban livability. Parking is increasingly understood to be an underlying factor in traffic generation that leads to increasing vehicle miles traveled, congestion, and several other nuisances that arise from a growing number of vehicles on the road. Furthermore, parking increases the cost of living in urban areas where parking demand is high and supply is tight. Traditional growth patterns that encourage low density development with minimum free parking requirements exacerbate problems caused by parking. Smart Growth development counters traditional growth by offering mixed use development, maximum parking requirements, context sensitive design and focusing on increasing pedestrian and transit trips. After establishing the advantages of Smart Growth over traditional development for Boston, this thesis asks: why are the cities of Boston, Cambridge and Quincy not implementing Smart Growth when it could be better for everyone? Four case studies from the Boston Metropolitan Area (North Station, Ruggles, Quincy Center, and Alewife) will help identify the pros, cons, and constraints for shifting paradigms from traditional to Smart Growth policies.
(cont.) This thesis argues that developers' perception of buyer demand, lenders' perception of buyer demand, and communities' preference for lower density are the main obstacles to Smart Growth parking policies in the greater Boston metropolitan area. Boston has many advantages in adopting Smart Growth: high density urban center, fairly well mixed land uses, reputation for being pedestrian friendly, as well as home to the sixth largest public transportation system in the country. The critical factors the city needs to change in order to implement Smart Growth include: disconnect between stakeholder perceptions of Smart Growth and the real estate market (stakeholders do not perceive themselves as 'winners' with Smart Growth), lack of affordable housing near transit, lack of enforcement for Smart Growth-oriented policies, increased transit capacity to handle future growth, and a more coordinated set of policies for housing, transportation, and economic growth that is centered around Smart Growth that a rigorously implemented and adhered to.
by Heather Eileen Seyfang Richardson.
Kotb, A. O. "Smart parking : guidance, monitoring and reservations." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2016.
Full textDalkic, Yurdaer, and Hadi Deknache. "A Self-policing Smart Parking Solution." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2019.
Full textLin, Trista Shuenying. "Smart parking : Network, infrastructure and urban service." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015.
Full textSmart parking, allowing drivers to access parking information through their smart-phone, is proposed to ease drivers' pain. We first spotlight the manner to collect parking information by introducing the multi-hop sensor network architecture, and how the network is formed. We then introduce the traffic intensity models by looking at the vehicle's arrival and departure probabilities, following the heavy-tailed distribution. We study the deployment strategy of wireless on-street parking sensor layouts. We define a multiple-objective problem and solve it with two real street parking maps. In turn, we present a Publish-Subscribe service system to provide good parking information to drivers. We illustrate the system with a vehicular network and point out the importance of content and context of a driver’s message. To evaluate the resilience, we propose an extended Publish-Subscribe model, and evaluate it under different unforeseen circumstances. Our work is based on the premise that large-scale parking sensors are deployed in the city. We look at the whole picture of urban service from viewpoint of the municipality. As such, we shed light on two main topics: the information collection on sensor deployment and an extended version of Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm. Our work gives a guideline from network-related perspectives for city before launching a smart parking or any similar real-time urban service. It also provides a meaningful evaluation platform for testing more realistic datasets, such as real vehicle traces or network traffic
Rocha, João Paulo Almeida. "Smart parking : o caso Volkswagen financial services." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2018.
Full textEste trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os passos necessários para a implementação de um negócio smart parking em diferentes mercados e com diferentes níveis de maturidade. Serão analisados os diferentes modelos de negócio, municipal, intermediário e de revendedor e as situações em que se aplicam, bem como as diferentes estratégias de entrada em novos mercados, e que possibilidades existem para implementar o produto smart parking em diferentes mercados. De seguida, com recurso a dados recolhidos através de uma análise de mercado, analisar-se-ão dois mercados, Portugal e Alemanha, com características diferentes, e que requisitos existem para uma aplicação smart parking ter sucesso, na sua entrada e evolução. Por fim abordar-se-á a possível evolução do negócio smart-parking face à evolução tecnológica que ocorre no ramo automóvel.
This work aims to analyse the steps necessary for the implementation of a smart parking business in different markets, with different levels of maturity. It will analyse the different business models, municipal, intermediate and reseller and the situations in which they apply, as well as the different strategies of entry into new markets, and what possibilities exist to implement the smart parking product in different markets. Then, using data collected through market analysis, two markets, Portugal and Germany, with different characteristics, will be analysed to determine what requirements exist for a smart parking application to be successful in its entry and evolution. Finally, the possible evolution of the smart-parking business in the face of technological developments in the automotive industry will be addressed.
Franco, Pedro Filipe dos Santos. "Soluções para smart parking com base em tecnologias sem fios." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2014.
Full textCom o trabalho apresentado pretende analisar-se o mercado dos parques de estacionamento inteligentes, propondo soluções alternativas passíveis de aplicar em ambientes indoor e outdoor minimizando os custos de aplicação e facilitando o seu uso por parte do cliente e da entidade que possui a tecnologia. Tendo em conta os produtos presentes no mercado e as tecnologias de comunicação sem fios de baixo consumo disponíveis, serão propostos vários casos de aplicação, descrevendo os pontos fortes de cada um.
The purpose of this document is to study the smart parking ecossystem, presenting alternative solutions that could be applied to indoor and outdoor environments, minimizing the application costs and making an easy to use product. Knowing the available products in the market and the wireless technologies applied, some application cases will be presented, describing the strengths and weaknesses of each one.
Fabusuyi, Olutayo G. "The Mode Most Traveled: Parking Implications and Policy Responses." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2016.
Full textPinheiro, Leonardo Fernandes. "Smart parking : uma aplicação móvel para gestão inteligente de locais de estacionamento." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2017.
Full textUm veículo passa grande parte do seu tempo de vida estacionado e uma parte significativa do tempo que se encontra em movimento é à procura de um lugar para estacionamento. Com o número de veículos no mundo a aumentar de ano para ano, o trânsito nas estradas também tende a crescer e assim a procura de lugares de estacionamento também se torna mais difícil. Assim sendo, a gestão do tráfego e de lugares de estacionamento adquire uma importância cada vez maior, na medida em que permite diminuir os custos, acidentes e congestão de tráfego, ao mesmo tempo que contribuem para a redução dos problemas relacionadas com poluição. Atualmente o investimento em Smart Cities tem aumentado, havendo assim mais cidades ligadas à rede que são monitorizadas em tempo real, seja por câmaras ou sensores. Com isto em mente, a Ubiwhere formou um consórcio de três empresas especializado em soluções inteligentes para as cidades, denominado Citibrain. O Citibrain foca-se em duas áreas principais: Mobilidade e Ambiente, nas quais detém quatro aplicações verticais (Trânsito, Estacionamento, Ambiente e Resíduos). Foi neste contexto que surgiu o Smart Parking, uma solução tecnológica de gestão de espaços de estacionamento que se enquadra no vertical dos estacionamentos do Citibrain. No âmbito do Smart Parking, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel, foco desta dissertação de mestrado, destinada quer a condutores, quer a entidades de gestão urbana (técnicos e agentes de fiscalização). De forma a ajudar os condutores foi criada uma forma de pesquisa de áreas de estacionamento com lugares livres e respetivo pagamento do tempo de estacionamento. A gestão de estacionamento não se resume só à procura de um lugar livre, mas também ao cumprimento do respetivo pagamento associado ao tempo de ocupação. Assim foi criada uma monitorização do estado de ocupação e de pagamento de cada lugar individual, rentabilizando assim a fiscalização dos estacionamentos para os agentes de fiscalização. Por último, foi acrescentada uma forma de gestão de lugares, que permite aos técnicos proceder à instalação, reparação e alterações de cada sensor relacionado com cada lugar individual. Todas estas funcionalidades estão acessíveis usando um smartphone onde os utilizadores podem correr a aplicação. Após concluir o desenvolvimento da aplicação e de serem realizados testes por parte de alguns utilizadores, conclui-se que a aplicação vai ao encontro das necessidades encontradas no dia-a-dia, sendo ainda fácil de usar. Em relação aos fiscais consegue-se reduzir o tempo de fiscalização, rentabilizando assim o trabalho dos mesmos. Por último, a autonomia oferecida na questão de gestão de sensores, é outra mais-valia, bastando os técnicos de instalação recorrerem à aplicação.
A vehicle spends much of its lifetime parked, and considerable part of the time it spends on the road it is for looking for a parking spot. As the number of vehicles in the world increases from year to year, road traffic also tends to grow and so the demand for parking spaces becomes more difficult. Consequently, traffic management and parking spots are becoming increasingly important as they reduce costs, accidents and traffic congestion, while at the same time they contribute to the reduction of pollution-related problems. Currently, as the investment in Smart Cities has increased, more cities are connected to the world wide web and monitored in real time, either by cameras or by sensors. With this in mind, Ubiwhere has created a consortium of three companies specialized in smart cities solutions, called Citibrain. Citibrain focuses on two main areas: Mobility and Environment, in which it has four vertical applications (Traffic, Parking, Environment and Waste). In this context, the Smart Parking Mobile Application was created, a technological solution for the management of parking spaces, which fits in the vertical of Citibrain's parking. In the scope of Smart Parking focusing on this master's dissertation, a mobile application has been developed, intended for drivers and the urban management entities (technicians and inspection agents). In order to assist drivers, a tool to search parking areas and manage payments was created. As explained, parking management is not just about finding an available place, but also about fulfilling the payment of the occupation time. To make possible for the inspection agents to control the parking slots in real time, a monitoring system of the state of occupation and payment was created. To allow technicians to proceed with the installation, reparation and modifications of each sensor related to each individual place, a management component was also added to the application. All these features are at a distance of a simple smartphone where users can run the application. After completing the development of the application and testing with some users, the results show that the application meets the needs found in everyday life and stills easy to use. In relation to the inspection agents, the application makes it possible to reduce inspection time, thus making their work profitable. Finally, the autonomy offered in the issue of sensor management, is another benefit, just by accessing the mobile application by the technicians.
Books on the topic "Smart-Parking"
San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. Concession audit report: Smart Carte, Inc., July 1, 1997 through September 30 1999. San Francisco, CA: Office of the Controller, 2000.
Find full textSan Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. Concession audit report: Ellis-O'Farrell Public Parking Corporation, May 1, 1996 through April 30, 1999. [San Francisco, CA]: Office of the Controller, 2000.
Find full textWillson, Richard W. Parking Management for Smart Growth. Island Press, 2015.
Find full textWillson, Richard W. Parking Management for Smart Growth. Island Press, 2015.
Find full textGrant, Kristy. Parallel Parking Is Easy: Everything New Drivers Need to Know to Stay Safe and Smart on the Road. Ulysses Press, 2021.
Find full textParallel Parking Is Easy: Everything New Drivers Need to Know to Stay Safe and Smart on the Road. Ulysses Press, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Smart-Parking"
Vieira, Amanda, Iolanda Rosa, Ivo Santos, Tiago Paulo, Nuno Costa, Marisa Maximiano, and Catarina I. Reis. "Smart Campus Parking – Parking Made Easy." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 70–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textSibal, Dhairya, Aditya Jain, and P. C. Jain. "Smart Parking Management System in Smart City." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1–9. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textWillson, Richard. "Parking Management for Smart Growth." In Parking and the City, 222–27. First edition. | New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textAbhijith, G., H. A. Sanjay, Aditya Rajeev, Chidanandan, Rajath, and Mohan Murthy. "IoT-Based Smart Parking System." In Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, 465–72. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textEnríquez, Fernando, Luis Miguel Soria, Juan Antonio Álvarez-García, Francisco Velasco, and Oscar Déniz. "Existing Approaches to Smart Parking: An Overview." In Smart Cities, 63–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textPopereshnyak, Svitlana, and Iryna Yurchuk. "Car Parking Data Processing Technique for Smart Parking System as Part of Smart City." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 183–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textSingh, Sneha, Sneha Zacharia, Jibbin P. Mathew, and Hariram K. Chavan. "S. Park: A Smart Parking Approach." In Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 418–26. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textSwami, Ishita, and Anil Suthar. "Smart Vehicle Tracker for Parking System." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 455–62. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textGupte, Sanket, and Mohamed Younis. "Intelligent Parking Management in Smart Cities." In Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities, 443–83. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2018.
Full textBock, Fabian, Sergio Di Martino, and Monika Sester. "Data-Driven Approaches for Smart Parking." In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 358–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Smart-Parking"
Zajam, Ajay, and Surekha Dholay. "Detecting Efficient Parking Space Using Smart Parking." In 2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). IEEE, 2018.
Full textGrodi, Robin, Danda B. Rawat, and Fernando Rios-Gutierrez. "Smart parking: Parking occupancy monitoring and visualization system for smart cities." In SoutheastCon 2016. IEEE, 2016.
Full textNarode, Prasad, Samruddhi Kalekar, Sanket Sanap, and Harmeet Khanuja. "Smart Parking Management System." In 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA). IEEE, 2019.
Full textKanteti, Dharmini, D. V. S. Srikar, and T. K. Ramesh. "Intelligent smart parking algorithm." In 2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon). IEEE, 2017.
Full textShabasy, Noura El, and Mohammad Mahmoud Abdellatif. "IoT for Smart Parking." In 2019 International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing Technologies (AECT). IEEE, 2020.
Full textJuliadotter, Nina V. "Hacking smart parking meters." In 2016 International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA). IEEE, 2016.
Full textMaharjan, Amir Man Singh, and Amr Elchouemi. "Smart Parking Utilizing IoT Embedding Fog Computing Based on Smart Parking Architecture." In 2020 5th International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications (CITISIA). IEEE, 2020.
Full textLeone, Giuseppe Riccardo, Davide Moroni, and Gabriele Pieri. "Smart Cities: Parking Monitoring Through Smart Cameras." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). IEEE, 2019.
Full textAraujo, Anderson, Rubem Kalebe, Gustavo Girao, Itamir Filho, Kayo Goncalves, Alberto Melo, and Bianor Neto. "IoT-Based Smart Parking for Smart Cities." In 2017 IEEE First Summer School on Smart Cities (S3C). IEEE, 2017.
Full textSilar, Jan, Jiri Ruzicka, Zuzana Belinova, Martin Langr, and Kristyna Hlubuckova. "Smart parking in the smart city application." In 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). IEEE, 2018.
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