Academic literature on the topic 'Simulations procédés'
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Journal articles on the topic "Simulations procédés"
Rocher, Vincent, Cédric Join, Stéphane Mottelet, Jean Bernier, Sabrina Rechdaoui-Guerin, Sam Azimi, Paul Lessard, André Pauss, and Michel Fliess. "La production de nitrites lors de la dénitrification des eaux usées par biofiltration - stratégie de contrôle et de réduction des concentrations résiduelles." Revue des sciences de l’eau 31, no. 1 (June 5, 2018): 61–73.
Full textSotomayor, O. A. Z., S. W. Park, and C. Garcia. "Modèle de référence pour évaluer différentes stratégies de contrôle dans des usines de traitement des eaux usées." Revue des sciences de l'eau 15, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 543–56.
Full textAmy, G., J. F. Debroux, R. Arnold, and L. G. Wilson. "Emploi de la pré-ozonation pour augmenter la biodégradabilité d'un effluent secondaire dans un système de traitement par inflitration dans le sol." Revue des sciences de l'eau 9, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 365–80.
Full textDereims, Arnaud, Sylvain Drapier, Jean-Michel Bergheau, and Patrick de Luca. "Simulation industrielle des procédés d’infusion de résine." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 24, no. 1 (April 30, 2014): 39–52.
Full textGarcía, Juan A., Llanos Gascón, Fernando Sánchez, and Francisco Chinesta. "Simulation du remplissage des moules dans les procédés RTM." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 13, no. 1 (April 23, 2003): 85–98.
Full textBellot, J. P., E. Hess, F. Patisson, A. Jardy, T. Senet, and D. Ablitzer. "La simulation dynamique appliquée aux procédés d’élaboration de matériaux." Revue de Métallurgie 90, no. 9 (September 1993): 1187.
Full textTernon, Céline, Anne Kaminski, Delphine Constantin, Lionel Claudon, Fabien Volpi, Loïc Vincent, Quentin Rafhay, and Ahmad Bsiesy. "Simulation, élaboration et caractérisation de cellules photovoltaïques." J3eA 13 (2014): 0011.
Full textBéland, Sébastien, David Magis, and Gilles Raîche. "Estimation des paramètres d’item et de sujet à partir du modèle de Rasch." Mesure et évaluation en éducation 36, no. 1 (April 22, 2014): 83–110.
Full textBruchon, Julien, Sylvain Drapier, Guillaume Pacquaut, Nicolas Moulin, and Lara Abou Orm. "Simulation par éléments finis des procédés par infusion de résine." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 22, no. 3 (December 31, 2012): 383–93.
Full textFdil, A. "Sélection entre procédés d'accélération de la convergence." ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 30, no. 1 (1996): 83–101.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Simulations procédés"
Montmain, Jacky. "Interprétation qualitative de simulations pour le diagnostic en ligne de procédés continus." Grenoble INPG, 1992.
Full textAlliet, Marion. "Concepts et outils logiciels pour l'aide à l'analyse des résultats de simulations statiques de procédés." Toulouse, INPT, 1997.
Full textWardag, Alam Rahman Khan. "Hydrodynamic and heat transfer study in corrugated wall bubbling fluidized bed experiments and CFD simulations." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2013.
Full textWith the endeavor of approaching an ideal allothermal gasifier, recently our group proposed a reactor concept of allothermal cyclic multi-compartment bubbling fluidized beds for biomass gasification with steam. The concept consisted of multiple intercalated parallelepipedic slim gasification and combustion compartments to enhance unit heat integration and thermal efficiency while preventing contact between flue gas and syngas to generate a N2-free high-quality biosyngas. However, the efficiency of contacting between gas and particles in bubbling fluidized beds is dictated to a large extent by the bubble dynamics which impacts mixing, heat and mass transfers. Literature showed that the decrease in clearance between flat walls for slim fluidization enclosures or in diameter for cylindrical vessels would make fluidized beds very sensitive to wall effects and prone to operate in slug flow regime. Since the occurrence of slugging in multi-compartment slim beds could reduce their thermal and chemical efficiency, the objective of current work was to devise suitable strategies in treating the incipient bubbles to suppress the slugging behavior of bed. By considering the effect of walls on bubble growth, we recently employed corrugated plates as separating walls in slim multi-compartment gas solid fluidized beds. Thorough analyses of bubble dynamics and wall-to-bed heat transfer in flat- (FWBFB) and corrugated- (CWBFB) wall bubbling fluidized beds were performed for a variety of wall declinations and operating conditions covering a range of corrugation angles (θ=120o, 90o), average inter-wall clearances (C), initial rest bed heights (Hi) and ratios of gas superficial velocity to minimum bubbling velocity, Ug/Umb. It was observed that gas flowrate required to achieve the incipient bubbling condition was lower in case of CWBFB. A network of neck (minimum clearance) and hip (maximum clearance) locations in CWBFB also promoted bubbles breakup, higher bubble frequency, lower bubble rise velocity and thus all converging into a better gas distribution. CWBFB offered stable gas-solid fluidization operation and lower transport disengagement height as compared to FWBFB. During the experimental work, digital image analysis technique and fast response heat flux probes were employed to study the effects of operating and geometrical parameters on bubble dynamics and wall-to-bed heat transfer. Two artificial neural network correlations valid both for FWBFB and CWBFB were recommended for the estimation of bubble frequency and size (equivalent diameter). Full 3-D transient Euler-Euler CFD simulations with kinetic theory of granular flow were also carried out which helped shaping an understanding of the effects of corrugated walls on increasing the drag force on particles in the converging-diverging high-pressure zones in corrugated walls. The dynamic fluctuations in the simulated solid phase volume fraction, granular temperature and granular pressure were monitored to determine their standard deviations. These revealed notable shifts in the fluidization regime by replacing flat walls with corrugated walls and further revealed that necks were responsible for inception of instabilities as compared to hips. Time averaged contours of simulated gas volume fraction corroborated with experimental findings that CWBFB offered better gas distribution as compared to FWBFB. Axial profiles of simulated time averaged solid volume fraction and granular temperature showed that CWBFB significantly reduced the transport disengagement height as compared to FWBFB.
Grolleau, Vincent. "Approche de la validation expérimentale des simulations numériques de la coupe avec prise en compte des phénomèn locaux à l'arête de l'outil." Nantes, 1996.
Full textBahrani, Seyed Amir. "Modification des propriétés physico-chimiques de l'amidon par procédés hydrothermiques : Contribution à l'étude des transferts couplés chaleur-masse." Phd thesis, Université de La Rochelle, 2012.
Full textPigeon, Laurent. "Environnement Interopérable Distribué pour les Simulations Numériques avec Composants CAPE-OPEN." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2007.
Full textDans le domaine de la simulation des procédés assistée par ordinateur, la complexité logicielle est masquée par le standard CAPE-OPEN qui répond aux besoins d'intégration de codes tiers. Il propose des spécifications d'interfaces, basées sur une approche par composants logiciels tels que DCOM ou CORBA. Cette thèse apporte une solution à la complexité calculatoire. Pour cela, nous étudions le problème de la distribution de la charge de calcul des simulations des procédés sur des architectures de type grappe de calcul dont les composants sont au standard CAPE-OPEN. Une exécution distribuée performante requiert la distribution des activités concurrentes de l'application tout en minimisant le volume de données à échanger via le support de communication.
Dans ce contexte, nous présentons une analyse fine du schéma d'exécution des simulations de procédés qui conduit à la conception de deux environnements distribués d'exécution. Le premier nous a permis de quantifier le gain atteignable sur une grappe de calcul à travers la simulation de plusieurs cas tests métier. Toutefois, les contraintes technologiques industrielles se sont avérées peu propices à l'implémentation d'un environnement distribué visant à s'approcher de l'optimal. Par conséquent, la définition d'un second prototype basé sur le moteur exécutif KAAPI a été mené à bien. Afin de répondre à nos besoins, nous l'avons étendu aux techniques « statiques » d'exécution. Fort de cet environnement, nous avons entrepris d'étudier différentes politiques d'ordonnancement. L'environnement KAAPI couplé à notre extension ouvre de larges perspectives d'études dans le cadre plus large des applications numériques de calcul scientifique.
Thibaud, Sébastien. "Contributions à la modelisation des aciers à effet trip en mise en forme : simulations et influences des procédés de fabrication sur le comportement en service." Besançon, 2004.
Full textMbaye, Cheikh Tidiane. "Contribution à la simulation dynamique des procédés agro-alimentaires : application au procédé d'extraction de l'huile d'arachide." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1996.
Full textPanzone, Carlotta. "Etude et optimisation du procédé d’hydrogénation du dioxyde de carbone en hydrocarbures gazeux et liquides." Thesis, Lyon, 2021.
Full textThis thesis is focused on the study of the carbon dioxide hydrogenation reaction towards gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons over a supported K-Fe/Al2O3 catalyst. The subject is part of the framework of the Power-to-X technologies that aim at storing surplus electric power derived from renewable energy into the form of gaseous and liquid chemical compounds. In particular, the electricity is used to perform the water electrolysis to produce hydrogen, then the obtained hydrogen is used to convert carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons can have applications as feedstock in the chemical industry or as fuels in the transport field. The carbon dioxide hydrogenation is a catalytic reaction, generally performed over Fe-based catalysts, consisting in two steps: first, carbon dioxide is converted into carbon monoxide via the reverse water-gas shift reaction (RWGS), and then it is further transformed into hydrocarbons via the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FT). One of the main constraints of this reaction is its low selectivity, as a variety of hydrocarbons can be obtained. For an eventual application of this process at the industrial scale, it is necessary to deeper understand and better describe the selectivity of the reaction to optimize the productivity of the desired products. In this work, we have carried out an experimental study of the reaction in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor and developed an analytic protocol that allows the quantification of all the products obtained. Moreover, we have developed a macro-kinetic model that describes with a semi-empirical approach the formation of all the products considered; and a micro-kinetic model, that contributes to give insights about the reaction mechanism. Finally, we have modelled a scaled-up reactor with a heterogeneous and a pseudo-homogeneous approach and we have simulated the global process to estimate its carbon and energy efficiencies
Krystallidis, Antoine. "Application du génie des procédés aux biotechnologies marines : étude de faisabilité, modélisation et simulation dynamique d'un procédé de culture de microalgues." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1994.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Simulations procédés"
CARIN, Muriel. "La simulation numérique des procédés de fabrication additive." In La fabrication additive des alliages métalliques 1, 209–53. ISTE Group, 2022.
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