Academic literature on the topic 'Simulation thermique et thermomécanique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Simulation thermique et thermomécanique"
Salah, Abdelkrim, Rachid Outbib, and Jaafar Gaber. "Comportement thermique d’une PEMFC. Simulation et contrôle." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 48, no. 1-3 (May 30, 2014): 7–36.
Full textEl motassadeq, Ahmed, Hassan Chehouani, Mohamed Waqif, and Sauveur Benet. "Simulation et Visualisation de la Couche Limite Thermique au-Dessous d’un Disque Horizontal." Journal of Renewable Energies 3, no. 1 (June 30, 2000): 57–69.
Full textAuburtin, P. "Simulation thermomécanique du traitement thermique de culasses en aluminiumThermo-mechanical modeling of the heat treatment for aluminum cylinder heads." Mécanique & Industries 4, no. 3 (June 2003): 319–25.
Full textYoucef, Ahmed, and Rachid Saim. "Simulation numérique du comportement dynamique et thermique de deux fluides en contre courant." Journal of Renewable Energies 20, no. 1 (October 12, 2023): 69–80.
Full textWicker, P., J. Wong, G. Degallaix, P. Dufrenoy, and F. Bumbieler. "Analyse et simulation thermomécanique de l’endommagent des disques de frein du TGV." Revue de Métallurgie 106, no. 7-8 (July 2009): 311–16.
Full textFezzioui, Naïma, Mebirika Benyamine, Nacima Tadj, Belkacem Draoui, and Salah Larbi. "Performance énergétique d’une maison à patio dans le contexte maghrébin (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie et Libye)." Journal of Renewable Energies 15, no. 3 (October 23, 2023): 399–405.
Full textKastendeuch, Pierre, Naïs Massing, Elsa Schott, Nathalia Philipps, and Karen Lecomte. "Vulnérabilité et îlot de chaleur urbain : les facteurs du risque thermique nocturne à Strasbourg." Climatologie 20 (2023): 9.
Full textBenoudjafer, Ibtissame, Fouad Ghomari, and Abderrahmane Mokhtari. "Etude comparative relative à l’efficacité énergétique de deux appartements situés à Béchar, Algérie." Journal of Renewable Energies 15, no. 1 (October 23, 2023): 1–12.
Full textBurais, Noël, and Rémy Prost. "Maillage 3D de structures anatomiques pour la simulation électromagnétique et thermique." European Journal of Electrical Engineering 14, no. 1 (February 2011): 91–122.
Full textCrétat, Julien, Yves Richard, Olivier Planchon, Justin Emery, Melissa Poupelin, Mario Rega, Julien Pergaud, et al. "Impact de la topographie et de la circulation atmosphérique sur l’îlot de chaleur urbain en situation de canicule (Dijon, France)." Climatologie 20 (2023): 10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Simulation thermique et thermomécanique"
Menou, Abdellah. "Etude du comportement thermomécanique des bétons à haute température. : Approche multi échelles de l'endommagement thermique." Pau, 2004.
Full textThis research work deals within the framework of the study of durability when subjected ti hight temperature in case of fire. The aim of this study is to identify the elementary mechanisms leading the degradation of concretes at hight temperature. Adopted step consists to uncoupling the thermal damage, of mechanical origin (accompanied with deformations) and which takes place in the macrocospic and tiny scale, of the thermal damage of physical and chemical origin (not accompanied with deformations) and which is due mainly to the physical and chemical alterations in material. This approach is based on the exploitation of two different models ; the "Digital Concrete" microscopic model and the macroscopic damage deviatoric model MODEV, both implemented in the F. E. Software SYMPHONIE. Concurrently, an experimental study was achieved in order to feed and to validatez the "Digital Concrete" model. The evolution of mechanical characteristics of concrete was studied using multi-scale approach and three point bending tests were performed on five cementeous materials. Multi-scales approach of the model "Digital Concrete" allowed to find by simulation the experimental warmly behaviour. This approach allowed to put in evidence the existence of the micromechanical deformation and to propose an original approach allowing identification by simulation the laws concretes behaviour at hight temperatures. This approach was also applied successfully to explain the thermoapplication refractory concrete subjected to very hight temperatures was also realized
Laurent, Mathieu. "Modélisation thermomécanique et analyse de la durabilité d'échangeurs thermiques à plaques soudées." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013.
Full textBalland, Julien. "Simulation expérimentale des effets d'irradiation sur le comportement thermomécanique du combustible UO2 : impact des produits de fission solides et gazeux." Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2007.
Full textSimulation of thermomechanical behaviour of UO2 has to take into account irradiation effects since Fission Products (FP) can modify its behaviour. Differentiation was made between fission products which create a solid solution and gaseous products as bubbles. Brittle and ductile behaviour of UO2 was investigated, under conditions representative of Pellet-Cladding Interaction. Addition of simulates FP increase the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature and reduce fracture stresses. Decrease of fracture stress is due to an increase of microstructural defects created by the solid solution and to bubbles at grain boundaries. Creep controlling mechanisms were evidenced by microstructural analysis performed on pellets at different strains. With calculations on fuels having the same microstructures than the SIMFUELs, a creep factor is determined. It revealed a hardening by the solid solution, whereas bubbles showed a coupling between hardening and softening effects
Sudreau, Francois. "Méthodes d'analyse et de simulation de la fatigue thermique de céramiques thermomécaniques." Lyon, INSA, 1992.
Full textUsually thermal fatigue tests are very long, especially in the case of ceramics, because of the duration of a single thermal cycle and the scattering of the results. The aim of this work is to find new anal sis al lowing a better understanding and better accuracy of the lifetime previsions. First, a statistical anal sis has been developed. With this analysis the result scattering is not a problem but is rather used to find the slow crack growth parameters of the ceramics. In another instance, the slow crack growth has been simulated in the case of a sample submitted to thermal cycles. This simulation has been done by integrating the slow crack growth data foundeby double torsion tests. The slow crack growth stages determined by double torsion tests were carefully taken into account for the simulations
Barth, Nicolas. "Sur la modélisation et la simulation du comportement mécanique endommageable de verres borosilicatés sous sollicitation thermique." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textWe study the thermomechanical behavior of vitrified waste packages by multiphysics modeling. The packages are manufactured by the cast of borosilicate glass into stainless steel canisters. The finite element method is used for the thermal computations.In the glass, the finite element analysis is also used to compute the specific volume evolution and the viscoelastic behavior, due to the structural relaxation of glass, as well as the simulation of the damage behavior. These consecutive behavior laws model theinfluence of the initial thermal response. Glass structural relaxation is computed using the TNM-KAHRmodel, which allows us to take into account fundamental phenomena of the glass transition, depending on the results of experimental and simulated thermal treatments. For the solid glass within this relaxation process, the stress may locally increase beyond critical values. The viscoelastic structure simulation is then coupled with continuum damage mechanics where stresses and stiffness are updated in mode I and mode II. We apply this simulation protocol after adopting conditions relative to the case of these manufactured bulky solidifying glass casts. The models then allow us to quantify the cracking surfaces inside the glass fromthe energy dissipated within the damagemodel
Lhommeau, Tony. "Modes de défaillance et fiabilité des modules IGBT en contraintes aéronautiques." Toulouse, INPT, 2007.
Full textThe "more electrical aircraft" target is to replace hydraulics actuators by electricals actuators this is need power interruptors, IGBT module. This choice raises the reliability and durability problematics in severe environment as the motor nacelle (thermal, moisture,. . . ). The study of the IGBT module fatigue behavior in thermal cycling, moisture and the dynamic comportment study of the assembly could to define the critical failure mode link to the assembly technology (solder). The follow-up of ageing effect on the IGBT module by acoustic scan and electrical us allowed to define the life time in high level termal cycling on which the failure appear. Two IGBT module numerical models, thermal and thermo-mechanical, us allowed to justify the experimental observations and predict from fatigue law the solder life time
Barth, Nicolas, and Nicolas Barth. "Sur la modélisation et la simulation du comportement mécanique endommageable de verres borosilicatés sous sollicitation thermique." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textAgrapart, Quentin. "Bilan d’énergie au contact et contribution de la thermomécanique sur la dynamique d’interaction aube - revêtement abradable de turboréacteur aéronautique." Thesis, Lille, 2018.
Full textThis thesis adresses the industrial problem of blade-tip / abradable coating interaction in aircraft engine leading to divergent dynamic response of blades. Even if it is well known that the dynamic behavior of the structure plays a key role on the divergence, wear and heating seem necessary to amplify vibratory motion leading to blade damage. In this multi-physic context the aim of this work is to provide explanations on the origins of the divergence by introducing thermomechanical phenomena. The work is divided in 2 parts. First, an energy balance at the rubbing contact is established through experimental analysis of interactions on a simplified test rig, coupled with inverse simulation models for heat flows estimation. The proposed method highlights different energy partitions between the blade and the abradable coating depending of the activation of different wear mechanisms. On the other hand, a thermomecanical strategy is developed for the simulation of blade-abradable rubbing events taking account of specific issues : different time scales between thermal and mechanical phenomena, generation and partition of heat flows at the interface, contact resolution, wear effects, thermal expansion and complex boundary conditions. Several divergent cases are investigated on the basis of comparison with experimental results available on compressor. It is shown that thermomechanical effects are sometimes overriding or conversely relegated to a more distant role, depending on the initial conditions of interaction. The competition of phenomena acting upon contact (thermal expansions, wear, etc.) is clearly demonstrated and certain aspects remain open to perspectives
Guzman, Maldonado Eduardo. "Modélisation et simulation de la mise en forme des composites préimprégnés à matrice thermoplastiques et fibres continues." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Full textPre-impregnated thermoplastic composites are widely used in the aerospace industry for their excellent mechanical properties, impact resistance and fatigue strength all at lower density than other common materials. In recent years, the automotive industry has shown increasing interest in the manufacturing processes of thermoplastic-matrix composites materials, especially in thermoforming techniques for their rapid cycle times and the possible use of pre-existing equipment. An important step in the prediction of the mechanical properties and technical feasibility of parts with complex geometry is the use of modelling and numerical simulations of these forming processes which can also be capitalized to optimize manufacturing practices.This work offers an approach to the simulation of thermoplastic prepreg composites forming. The proposed model is based on convolution integrals defined under the principles of irreversible thermodynamics and within a hyperelastic framework. The simulation of thermoplastic prepreg forming is achieved by alternate thermal and mechanical analyses. The thermal properties are obtained from a mesoscopic analysis and a homogenization procedure. The comparison of the simulation with an experimental thermoforming of a part representative of automotive applications shows the efficiency of the approach
Trinh, Ngoc Thuy. "Sur la modélisation du comportement thermomécanique et métallurgique des aciers. Application au procédé de soudage et de traitements thermiques." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Simulation thermique et thermomécanique"
Dumez, A. Modélisation des systèmes énergétiques: Simulation électronique du régime transitoire et de la régulation thermique des locaux. Paris: Technique et documentation, 1988.
Find full textInstitut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon, ed. Modélisation thermique et simulation numérique en régime variable de parois à lame d'air insolée et/ou ventilée: Intégration dans un code de calcul de charges thermiques de bâtiments. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Simulation thermique et thermomécanique"
BATAILLE, Françoise, Adrien TOUTANT, and Dorian DUPUY. "Simulations numériques des écoulements et transferts thermiques des récepteurs solaires." In Le solaire à concentration, 185–220. ISTE Group, 2023.
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