Academic literature on the topic 'Simulation par Mécanique des Fluides Numérique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Simulation par Mécanique des Fluides Numérique"
-GRANDEMANGE, C. "Simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides et essais de systèmes aéropropulsifs." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 06 (2001): 31.
Full textMoreau, René. "La mécanique des fluides numérique Conférence-débat organisée par l'Académie des sciences le 28 septembre 1998." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy 327, no. 4 (April 1999): 319–24.
Full textQuantin, M., C. Morio, G. Guibu Pereira, J. Vazquez, J. Wertel, S. Isel, S. Galuola, and J. Buche. "Calibration numérique 3D de vannes basculantes pour la mesure du débit déversé." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 5 (May 2019): 89–100.
Full textKeyvin, Vincent, Alain Bourmaud, Cédric Bernard, Célia Caër, Vincent Le Saux, and Cédric Pouvreau. "Retour sur le colloque « Indentation 2021 »." Matériaux & Techniques 110, no. 2 (2022): N1.
Full textGRONDIN, Frédéric. "Approche multi-échelles au comportement thermo-hygro-mécanique des milieux poreux par simulation numérique dans Symphonie; application aux problèmes de gel-dégel dans les bétons." Revue Française de Génie Civil 8, no. 1 (January 2004): 114.
Full textMarkiewicz, E. "Expérimentation et simulation numérique locale/globale de la tenue mécanique des assemblages soudés par pointsExperimental and local/global numerical characterization of mechanical strength for spot-welded assemblies." Mécanique & Industries 4, no. 1 (February 2003): 17–27.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Simulation par Mécanique des Fluides Numérique"
Michel, Bertrand. "Contribution à la simulation numérique efficace des écoulements dans les prises d'air supersoniques." Paris, ENSAM, 2004.
Full textCastaldi, Stéphane. "Étude de la turbulence cinématiquement homogène isotrope et massiquement inhomogène par simulation numérique directe." Toulouse, INPT, 1999.
Full textSun, Zhengyu. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis de l'hydrodynamique tridimensionnelle à l'intérieur des cuves agitées." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1989.
Full textMoussière, Sandrine. "Etude par simulation numérique des écoulements turbulents réactifs dans les réacteurs d'oxydation hydrothermale : application à un réacteur agité double enveloppe." Aix-Marseille 3, 2006.
Full textSupercritical water oxidation is an innovative process to treat organic liquid waste which uses supercritical water properties to mix efficiency the oxidant and the organic compounds. The reactor is a stirred double shell reactor. In the step of adaptation to nuclear constraints, the computational fluid dynamic modeling is a good tool to know required temperature field in the reactor for safety analysis. Firstly, the CFD modeling of tubular reactor confirms the hypothesis of an incompressible fluid and the use of k-[oméga] turbulence model to represent the hydrodynamic. Moreover, the EDC model is as efficiency as the kinetic to compute the reaction rate in this reactor. Secondly, the study of turbulent flow in the double shell reactor confirms the use of 2D axisymetric geometry instead of 3D geometry to compute heat transfer. Moreover, this study reports that water-air mixing is not in single phase. The reactive turbulent flow is well represented by EDC model after adaptation of initial conditions. The reaction rate in supercritical water oxidation reactor is mainly controlled by the mixing
Doradoux, Adrien. "Simulation numérique d’écoulements diphasiques autour d’un solide mobile." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textFictitious domain methods allow to simulate flows around complex and/or moving bodies with simple meshes. The object is "immersed" in a domain that contains fluid and solid volumes. The penalization method, which consists in adding a term in the momentum balance equation, in order to impose the solid velocity, is studied in a first part. Thanks to asymptotic expansions, the order of the error induced by this method is computed for moving bodies. This approach is then coupled with a Vector Penalty Projection scheme that permits to impose the incompressibility constraint. The convergence of the penalized scheme towards the Navier-Stokes equations is established. In a second part, an original approach, able to treat multiphase flowsis presented: the Time and Space Dependent Porosity method. The key idea is to consider the solid as a medium without mass. The discretization of the mass balance equation is modified,so that the total volume occupied by all fluid phases and the solid is equal to the total volume.This method is numerically validated on a set of various test cases including incompressible or compressible single phase flows and two-phase flows
FONTAINE, EMMANUEL. "Simulation de l'écoulement potentiel engendré par un corps élancé perçant la surface libre à forts nombres de Froude." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1996.
Full textVintimiglia, Anne-Sophie. "Implémentation d'une cinétique de cristallisation des polymères dans une simulation numérique bidimensionnelle par éléments finis : application à l'injection des thermoplastiques et au procédé push-pull." ENSMP, 1999.
Full textParnaudeau, Philippe. "Etude numérique d'un écoulement cisaillé turbulent complexe à basse vitesse : application à la protection rapprochée." Poitiers, 2004.
Full textComplex wakes are studied by Direct and Large Eddy Simulations. In order to take account of the obstacle, a method of forcing was established in numerical code which uses numerical methods of high precision on a Cartesian grid. In order to keep accurately best possible in modelling the flow around a cylinder, the method of forcing underwent modifications. Thus using a flow mirror, definite within the obstacle, we improved this method. The DNS around a cylinder highlight at these improvements. In particular, we highlighted the importance of using high order space discretizations schemes within the framework of our study. The study of a wake of cylinder for a Reynolds number of 3900 was used to validate our approach within the framework of the LES. Finally a preliminary study of a mixing layer in interaction with a wake is proposed
Léon-Becerril, Elisabeth. "Analyse de stabilité et simulation numérique des colonnes à bulles." Toulouse, INSA, 2001.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is the numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and mixing in bubble columns. Experimentally, two different flow behaviours for bubble columns can be observed. In the homogeneous flow, the gas bubbles move upward uniformly. If the gas flow rate increases, the system becomes heterogeneous. This flow is characterised by the presence of large structures. These structures have an unsteady behaviour, and it is possible that they enhance the mixing in bubble columns. In the first part, the existence of large structures in bubble columns is explained by a stability analysis. An uniform bubbly flow is perturbed and the analysis of stability determines the conditions at which this perturbation is amplified. This analysis is based on two main approaches presented in the literature. A particular objective of this research was the synthesis of such approaches, taking into account the importance of bubble deformation in stability. The proposed approach was validated with experimental data of gas velocity and kinematic velocity at several liquid flow rates. In addition this approach allows to analyse the stability and to determine the transition between flow regimes in bubble columns and in pipe flows. The second point is devoted to the numerical simulation of bubble columns in unsteady flows. Simulations were performed for a rectangular system without liquid flow and with a punctual gas flow rate (Sokolichin & Eigenberger, 1994). The importance of the added mass force which is modelled as a function of the gas fraction and bubble deformation is determined. Finally, a simplified CFD model of bubble column has been constructed with a rectangular surface and an uniformly distributed gas feed at the bottom. The aim of such simulations was to test different models for the drag and added mass forces. Simulated tracer tests were carried out and the results confirmed the importance of the large structures in terms of the concentration transport
Caleyron, Fabien. "Simulation numérique par la méthode SPH de fuites de fluide consécutives à la déchirure d'un réservoir sous impact." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2011.
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