Academic literature on the topic 'Simulation à grande échelle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
Cole, Sam. "Modèles de simulation et de prévision sur une grande échelle." L'Actualité économique 51, no. 2 (July 14, 2009): 229–39.
Full textWei, Guoxin, Ivana Vinkovic, Liang Shao, and Serge Simoëns. "Corrélations de vitesse lagrangienne et échelle intégrale temporelle en simulation des grandes échelles." Comptes Rendus Mécanique 334, no. 5 (May 2006): 298–303.
Full textBoutemy, Camille, Arthur Lebée, Mélina Skouras, Marc Mimram, and Olivier Baverel. "Modélisation et conception d’un coffrage réutilisable pour la fabrication de coques minces en béton de formes complexes." SHS Web of Conferences 147 (2022): 09003.
Full textFEYEN, LUC, MILAN KALAS, and JASPER A. VRUGT. "Semi-distributed parameter optimization and uncertainty assessment for large-scale streamflow simulation using global optimization / Optimisation de paramètres semi-distribués et évaluation de l'incertitude pour la simulation de débits à grande échelle par l'utilisation d'une optimisation globale." Hydrological Sciences Journal 53, no. 2 (April 2008): 293–308.
Full textCottet, Georges-Henri, Delia Jiroveanu, and Bertrand Michaux. "Simulations de grandes échelles : aspects mathématiques et numériques." ESAIM: Proceedings 11 (2002): 85–95.
Full textDuprat, Cédric, Guillaume Balarac, Olivier Métais, and Thomas Laverne. "Simulation des grandes échelles d'un aspirateur de centrale hydraulique." Mécanique & Industries 10, no. 3-4 (May 2009): 211–15.
Full textBernard, Pierre-François. "Où est passée la grande échelle ?" Pour 228, no. 4 (2015): 225.
Full textBertheau, Philippe, Thomas Denize, Julien Calvani, Charlotte Gardair, Anthony Jacquier, Joëlle Razafimahefa, Caroline Eymerit-Morin, et al. "Pédagogie à grande échelle en ACP." Annales de Pathologie 39, no. 2 (April 2019): 144–50.
Full textClerc, Denis. "Italie : une flexibilité à grande échelle." Alternatives Économiques 240, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 63.
Full textCussac, Martin, Virginie Marécal, Valérie Thouret, Béatrice Josse, and Bastien Sauvage. "The impact of biomass burning on upper tropospheric carbon monoxide: a study using MOCAGE global model and IAGOS airborne data." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20, no. 15 (August 11, 2020): 9393–417.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
Ralambondrainy, Tiana. "Observation de simulations multi-agents à grande échelle." La Réunion, 2009.
Full textThe goal of simulation of ecological or social complex systems is to help observers to answer questions about these systems. In individual-based models, the complexity of the system represented, the entities and their interactions produce a huge mass of results. These results are paradoxically as difficult to understand as the real system, that the model is suppoded to simplify. My research interests is to facilitate the observation and analysis of these results by the user, for a better understanding of multi-agent simulations. I have identified a list of requirements, that a multi-agent simulation platform should verify in order to facilitate observation by the user. A domain ontology dedicated to observation formalizes the concepts relative to the observation task. This observation ontology is useful both for humans involved in the simulation process, and for the software entities which can use this ontologyas a common vocabulary in their interactions. Several means are proposed to improve observation management in multi-agent simulation platforms, in term of architecture and visualisation. The interactions between agents are the source of emerging glabal phenomena : it is necessary to observe them at every relevant scales ranging from global to local. Hence, I have proposed the concept of conversation, and visual generic representations dedicated to large scale interactions. These proposals have been valited thanks to the simulation of the management of animal wastes fluxes between farms at a territory scale in Reunion Island
Etcheverry, Arnaud. "Simulation de la dynamique des dislocations à très grande échelle." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textThis research work focuses on bringing performances in 3D dislocation dynamics simulation, to run efficiently on modern computers. First of all, we introduce some algorithmic technics, to reduce the complexity in order to target large scale simulations. Second of all, we focus on data structure to take into account both memory hierachie and algorithmic data access. On one side we build this adaptive data structure to handle dynamism of data and on the other side we use an Octree to combine hierachie decompostion and data locality in order to face intensive arithmetics with force field computation and collision detection. Finnaly, we introduce some parallel aspects of our simulation. We propose a classical hybrid parallelism, with task based openMP threads and domain decomposition technics for MPI
Guenot, Damien. "Simulation des effets instationnaires à grande échelle dans les écoulements décollés." École nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (Toulouse ; 1972-2007), 2004.
Full textCordonnier, Guillaume. "Modèles à couches pour simuler l'évolution de paysages à grande échelle." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe development of new technologies allows the interactive visualization of virtual worlds showing an increasing amount of details and spacial extent. The production of plausible landscapes within these worlds becomes a major challenge, not only because the important part that terrain features and ecosystems play in the quality and realism of 3D sceneries, but also from the editing complexity of large landforms at mountain range scales. Interactive authoring is often achieved by coupling editing techniques with computationally and time demanding numerical simulation, whose calibration is harder as the number of non-intuitive parameters increases.This thesis explores new methods for the simulation of large-scale landscapes. Our goal is to improve both the control and the realism of the synthetic scenes. Our strategy to increase the plausibility consist on building our methods on physically and geomorphologically-inspired laws: we develop new solving schemes, which, combined with intuitive control tools, improve user experience.By observing phenomena triggered by compression areas within the Earth's crust, we propose a method for the intuitive control of the uplift based on a metaphor on the sculpting of the tectonic plates. Combined with new efficient methods for fluvial and glacial erosion, this allows for the fast sculpting of large mountain ranges. In order to visualize the resulting landscapes withing human sight, we demonstrate the need of combining the simulation of various phenomena with different time spans, and we propose a stochastic simulation technique to solve this complex cohabitation. This methodology is applied to the simulation of geological processes such as erosion interleaved with ecosystems formation. This method is then implemented on the GPU, combining long term effects (snow fall, phase changes of water) with highly dynamics ones (avalanches, skiers impact).Our methods allow the simulation of the evolution of large scale, visually plausible landscapes, while accounting for user control. These results were validated by user studies as well as comparisons with data obtained from real landscapes
Bethune, William. "Dynamique à grande échelle des disques protoplanétaires." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the transport of angular momentum and magnetic flux through weakly ionized and weakly magnetized accretion disks ; the role of microphysical effects on the large- scale dynamics of the disk is of primary importance. As a first step, I exclude stratification effects and examine the impact of non-ideal MHD effects on the turbulent properties near the disk midplane. I show that the flow can spontaneously organize itself if the ionization fraction is low enough ; in this case, accretion is halted and the disk exhibits axisymmetric structures, with possible consequences on planetary formation. As a second step, I study the disk-wind interaction via a global model of stratified disk. This model is the first to compute non-ideal MHD effects from a simplified chemical network in a global geometry. It reveals that the flow is essentially laminar, and that the magnetic field can adopt different global configurations, drastically affecting the transport processes. A new self-organization process is identified, also leading to the formation of axisymmetric structures, whereas the previous mechanism is discarded by the action of the wind. The properties of magneto-thermal winds are examined for various magnetizations, allowing discrimination between magnetized and photo-evaporative winds based upon their ejection efficiency
Ben, Romdhanne Bilel. "Simulation des réseaux à grande échelle sur les architectures de calculs hétérogènes." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2013.
Full textThe simulation is a primary step on the evaluation process of modern networked systems. The scalability and efficiency of such a tool in view of increasing complexity of the emerging networks is a key to derive valuable results. The discrete event simulation is recognized as the most scalable model that copes with both parallel and distributed architecture. Nevertheless, the recent hardware provides new heterogeneous computing resources that can be exploited in parallel.The main scope of this thesis is to provide a new mechanisms and optimizations that enable efficient and scalable parallel simulation using heterogeneous computing node architecture including multicore CPU and GPU. To address the efficiency, we propose to describe the events that only differs in their data as a single entry to reduce the event management cost. At the run time, the proposed hybrid scheduler will dispatch and inject the events on the most appropriate computing target based on the event descriptor and the current load obtained through a feedback mechanisms such that the hardware usage rate is maximized. Results have shown a significant gain of 100 times compared to traditional CPU based approaches. In order to increase the scalability of the system, we propose a new simulation model, denoted as general purpose coordinator-master-worker, to address jointly the challenge of distributed and parallel simulation at different levels. The performance of a distributed simulation that relies on the GP-CMW architecture tends toward the maximal theoretical efficiency in a homogeneous deployment. The scalability of such a simulation model is validated on the largest European GPU-based supercomputer
Côté, Benoit, and Benoit Côté. "Modèle d’évolution de galaxies pour simulations cosmologiques à grande échelle." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015.
Full textTableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdorales, 2014-2015
Nous présentons un modèle semi-analytique (MSA) conçu pour être utilisé dans une simulation hydrodynamique à grande échelle comme traitement de sous-grille afin de générer l’évolution des galaxies dans un contexte cosmologique. Le but ultime de ce projet est d’étudier l’histoire de l’enrichissement chimique du milieu intergalactique (MIG) ainsi que les interactions entre les galaxies et leur environnement. Le MSA inclut tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour reproduire l’évolution des galaxies de faible masse et de masse intermédiaire. Cela comprend l’accrétion du halo galactique et du MIG, le refroidissement radiatif, la formation stellaire, l’enrichissement chimique et la production de vents galactiques propulsés par l’énergie mécanique et la radiation des étoiles massives. La physique des bulles interstellaires est appliquée à chaque population d’étoiles qui se forme dans le modèle afin de relier l’activité stellaire à la production des vents galactiques propulsés par l’énergie mécanique. Nous utilisons des modèles stellaires à jour pour générer l’évolution de chacune des populations d’étoiles en fonction de leur masse, de leur métallicité et de leur âge. Cela permet d’inclure, dans le processus d’enrichissement, les vents stellaires des étoiles massives, les supernovae de Type II, Ib et Ic, les hypernovae, les vents stellaires des étoiles de faible masse et de masse intermédiaire ainsi que les supernovae de Type Ia. Avec ces ingrédients, notre modèle peut reproduire les abondances de plusieurs éléments observées dans les étoiles du voisinage solaire. De manière plus générale, notre MSA peut reproduire la relation actuelle observée entre la masse stellaire des galaxies et la masse de leur halo de matière sombre. Il peut aussi reproduire la métallicité, la quantité d’hydrogène et le taux de formation stellaire spécifique observés dans les galaxies de l’Univers local. Notre modèle est également consistant avec les observations suggérant que les galaxies de faible masse sont davantage affectées par la rétroaction stellaire que les galaxies plus massives. De plus, le modèle peut reproduire les différents comportements, soit oscillatoire ou stable, observés dans l’évolution du taux de formation stellaire des galaxies. Tous ces résultats démontrent que notre MSA est suffisamment qualifié pour traiter l’évolution des galaxies à l’intérieur d’une simulation cosmologique.
Nous présentons un modèle semi-analytique (MSA) conçu pour être utilisé dans une simulation hydrodynamique à grande échelle comme traitement de sous-grille afin de générer l’évolution des galaxies dans un contexte cosmologique. Le but ultime de ce projet est d’étudier l’histoire de l’enrichissement chimique du milieu intergalactique (MIG) ainsi que les interactions entre les galaxies et leur environnement. Le MSA inclut tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour reproduire l’évolution des galaxies de faible masse et de masse intermédiaire. Cela comprend l’accrétion du halo galactique et du MIG, le refroidissement radiatif, la formation stellaire, l’enrichissement chimique et la production de vents galactiques propulsés par l’énergie mécanique et la radiation des étoiles massives. La physique des bulles interstellaires est appliquée à chaque population d’étoiles qui se forme dans le modèle afin de relier l’activité stellaire à la production des vents galactiques propulsés par l’énergie mécanique. Nous utilisons des modèles stellaires à jour pour générer l’évolution de chacune des populations d’étoiles en fonction de leur masse, de leur métallicité et de leur âge. Cela permet d’inclure, dans le processus d’enrichissement, les vents stellaires des étoiles massives, les supernovae de Type II, Ib et Ic, les hypernovae, les vents stellaires des étoiles de faible masse et de masse intermédiaire ainsi que les supernovae de Type Ia. Avec ces ingrédients, notre modèle peut reproduire les abondances de plusieurs éléments observées dans les étoiles du voisinage solaire. De manière plus générale, notre MSA peut reproduire la relation actuelle observée entre la masse stellaire des galaxies et la masse de leur halo de matière sombre. Il peut aussi reproduire la métallicité, la quantité d’hydrogène et le taux de formation stellaire spécifique observés dans les galaxies de l’Univers local. Notre modèle est également consistant avec les observations suggérant que les galaxies de faible masse sont davantage affectées par la rétroaction stellaire que les galaxies plus massives. De plus, le modèle peut reproduire les différents comportements, soit oscillatoire ou stable, observés dans l’évolution du taux de formation stellaire des galaxies. Tous ces résultats démontrent que notre MSA est suffisamment qualifié pour traiter l’évolution des galaxies à l’intérieur d’une simulation cosmologique.
We present a semi-analytical model (SAM) designed to be used in a large-scale hydrodynamical simulation as a sub-grid treatment in order to generate the evolution of galaxies in a cosmological context. The ultimate goal of this project is to study the chemical enrichment history of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the interactions between galaxies and their surrounding. Presently, the SAM takes into account all the ingredients needed to compute the evolution of low- and intermediate-mass galaxies. This includes the accretion of the galactic halo and the IGM, radiative cooling, star formation, chemical enrichment, and the production of galactic outflows driven by the mechanical energy and the radiation of massive stars. The physics of interstellar bubbles is applied to every stellar population which forms in the model in order to link the stellar activity to the production of outflows driven by mechanical energy. We use up-to-date stellar models to generate the evolution of each stellar population as a function of their mass, metallicity, and age. This enables us to include, in the enrichment process, the stellar winds from massive stars, Type II, Ib, and Ic supernovae, hypernovae, the stellar winds from low- and intermediate-mass stars in the asymptotic giant branch, and Type Ia supernovae. With these ingredients, our model can reproduce the abundances of several elements observed in the stars located in the solar neighborhood. More generally, our SAM reproduces the current stellar-to-dark-halo mass relation observed in galaxies. It can also reproduce the metallicity, the hydrogen mass fraction, and the specific star formation rate observed in galaxies as a function of their stellar mass. Our model is also consistent with observations which suggest that low-mass galaxies are more affected by stellar feedback than higher-mass galaxies. Moreover, the model can reproduce the periodic and the stable behaviors observed in the star formation rate of galaxies. All these results show that our SAM is sufficiently qualified to treat the evolution of low- and intermediate-mass galaxies inside a large-scale cosmological simulation.
We present a semi-analytical model (SAM) designed to be used in a large-scale hydrodynamical simulation as a sub-grid treatment in order to generate the evolution of galaxies in a cosmological context. The ultimate goal of this project is to study the chemical enrichment history of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the interactions between galaxies and their surrounding. Presently, the SAM takes into account all the ingredients needed to compute the evolution of low- and intermediate-mass galaxies. This includes the accretion of the galactic halo and the IGM, radiative cooling, star formation, chemical enrichment, and the production of galactic outflows driven by the mechanical energy and the radiation of massive stars. The physics of interstellar bubbles is applied to every stellar population which forms in the model in order to link the stellar activity to the production of outflows driven by mechanical energy. We use up-to-date stellar models to generate the evolution of each stellar population as a function of their mass, metallicity, and age. This enables us to include, in the enrichment process, the stellar winds from massive stars, Type II, Ib, and Ic supernovae, hypernovae, the stellar winds from low- and intermediate-mass stars in the asymptotic giant branch, and Type Ia supernovae. With these ingredients, our model can reproduce the abundances of several elements observed in the stars located in the solar neighborhood. More generally, our SAM reproduces the current stellar-to-dark-halo mass relation observed in galaxies. It can also reproduce the metallicity, the hydrogen mass fraction, and the specific star formation rate observed in galaxies as a function of their stellar mass. Our model is also consistent with observations which suggest that low-mass galaxies are more affected by stellar feedback than higher-mass galaxies. Moreover, the model can reproduce the periodic and the stable behaviors observed in the star formation rate of galaxies. All these results show that our SAM is sufficiently qualified to treat the evolution of low- and intermediate-mass galaxies inside a large-scale cosmological simulation.
Côté, Benoît. "Modèle de vents galactiques destiné aux simulations cosmologiques à grande échelle." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textCôté, Benoit. "Modèle de vents galactiques destiné aux simulations cosmologiques à grande échelle." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textPraga, Alexis. "Un modèle de transport et de chimie atmosphérique à grande échelle adapté aux calculateurs massivement parallèles." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Full textWe present in this thesis the development of a large-scale bi-dimensional atmospheric transport scheme designed for parallel architectures with scalability in mind. The current version, named Pangolin, contains a bi-dimensional advection and a simple linear chemistry scheme for stratospheric ozone and will serve as a basis for a future Chemistry Transport Model (CTM). For mass-preservation, a van Leer finite volume scheme was chosen for advection and extended to 2D with operator splitting. To ensure mass preservation, winds are corrected in a preprocessing step. We aim at addressing the "pole issue" of the traditional regular latitude-longitude by presenting a new quasi area-preserving grid mapping the sphere uniformly. The parallelization of the model is based on the advection operator and a custom domain-decomposition algorithm is presented here to attain load-balancing in a message-passing context. To run efficiently on current and future parallel architectures, algebraic features of the grid are exploited in the advection scheme and parallelization algorithm to favor the cheaper costs of flops versus data movement. The model is validated on algebraic test cases and compared to other state-of-theart schemes using a recent benchmark. Pangolin is also compared to the CTM of Météo-France, MOCAGE, using a linear ozone scheme and isentropic coordinates
Books on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
L'enjeu capital(es): Les métropoles de la grande échelle = Large-scale metropolises. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2009.
Find full textChwastowski, Janusz, and Krzysztof Korcyl. Wybrane zagadnienia technologii obliczeń wielkiej skali: Selected topics on large scale computing = Sujets sélectionnés sur l'informatique a grande échelle. Kraków: Wydawnictwo PK, 2013.
Find full textLowell, Kim. Nouvelle méthode pour estimer le volume local à partir de photographies à grande échelle et de données de terrain, projet #3054. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Service canadien des forêts, Région du Québec, 1997.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M. (5338 Montgomery Blvd. NE, ste. 400, Albuquerque 87109-1311): U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M. (5338 Montgomery Blvd. NE, ste. 400, Albuquerque 87109-1311): U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M. (5338 Montgomery Blvd. NE, ste. 400, Albuquerque 87109-1311): U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M. (5338 Montgomery Blvd. NE, ste. 400, Albuquerque 87109-1311): U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textMcAda, Douglas P. Simulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque, N.M. (5338 Montgomery Blvd. NE, ste. 400, Albuquerque 87109-1311): U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
Montano, L. Bucarano, and J. I. Yeras Díaz-Veliz. "Sustainable Management of Hydraulic Resources in Sagua la Grande Basin (Villa Clara Province, Cuba), a Simulation Model with Systems Dynamics." In Management of Water Resources in Protected Areas, 129–35. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textPlummer, L. Niel, Ward E. Sanford, Laura M. Bexfield, Scott K. Anderholm, and Eurybiades Busenberg. "Using geochemical data and aquifer simulation to characterize recharge and groundwater flow in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico." In Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States, 185–216. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 2004.
Full textLallau, Benoît. "Investissements fonciers à grande échelle." In Dictionnaire critique de la RSE, 258–61. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013.
Full text"VI. La répétition à grande échelle." In Studia Artistarum, 193–213. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2007.
Full textClus-Auby, Christine. "Chapitre VII. Organiser l’aménagement à grande échelle." In La gestion de l’érosion des côtes : l’exemple aquitain, 203–37. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2003.
Full textPractical Action. "7. La quête d’inclusion à grande échelle." In Perspectives énergétiques des populations pauvres 2018, 55–64. Practical Action Publishing, 2018.
Full textBOUSQUET, LUC. "PROJETS À GRANDE ÉCHELLE: VERS DE NOUVELLES MÉDIATIONS." In Communication et grands projets, 33–44. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2013.
Full text"3 Diversité des climats et variabilité à grande échelle." In Le climat : la Terre et les Hommes, 65–76. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"3 Diversité des climats et variabilité à grande échelle." In Le climat : la Terre et les Hommes, 65–76. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textPractical Action. "2. Approches pour parvenir à une grande échelle et à l’inclusion." In Perspectives énergétiques des populations pauvres 2018, 9–14. Practical Action Publishing, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
Gherghel-Lascu, A., O. Sima, I. M. Brancus, H. Rebel, A. Haungs, A. Saftoiu, and G. Toma. "Geant4 simulation of energy deposit in KASCADE-Grande detectors." In EXOTIC NUCLEI AND NUCLEAR/PARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS (IV). FROM NUCLEI TO STARS: Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2012. AIP, 2012.
Full textMoreno, Larissa, and Joao Meyer. "Simulation of water pollutants dispersion in reservoir of Salto Grande." In Congresso de Iniciação Científica UNICAMP. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2019.
Full textSpringer, Everett P., C. Larrabee Winter, and James E. Bossert. "Water Resources Simulation in the Rio Grande Basin Using Coupled Models." In 29th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999.
Full textPatino-Gomez, Carlos, Daene C. McKinney, and David R. Maidment. "Water Quality Data and Simulation Model in GIS for the Rio Bravo/Grande Basin." In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.
Full textCarlos Rogério Mello, Marcelo Ribeiro Viola, Lloyd Darrell Norton, Antônio Marciano Silva, and Fausto Acerbi Weimar Jr. "A Simple Hydrologic Model for Water Resources Simulation on Rio Grande Basin, Minas Gerais State, Brazil." In 2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2008.
Full textVitorino de Souza, Daniel, Matheus Protasio de Lima, Pedro Augusto Braz Fragoso de Sousa, and Gabriel Ivan Medina Tapia. "SIMULATION OF CSP POWER PLANTS IN THE WESTERN MESOREGION OF THE STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE – BR." In Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering. ABCM, 2018.
Full textMirta Teresinha Petry, Reimar Carlesso, and Cleudson José Michelon. "Simulation of Supplementary Irrigation for Maize in the Rio Grande do Sul State - Brazil to Avoid Yield Reduction due to Water Deficit." In 2006 Portland, Oregon, July 9-12, 2006. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2006.
Full textBorn, Mírian, Diana Adamatti, Marilton De Aguiar, and Weslen De Souza. "Gerenciamento de semáforos e Dispersão de Poluentes utilizando o simulador SUMO: Estudo de caso do Centro de Rio Grande/RS." In Workshop de Computação Aplicada à Gestão do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2015.
Full textFerreira, V. C. S., C. S. S. M. Cordeiro, and J. W. Kaehler. "Computational Studies for the Exhausted Flue Gas." In ASME 2005 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textZanela, Eduardo Henrique Rocha, and Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes. "Teste de desempenho de Algoritmo de Controle de Congestionamento TCP utilizando testbed FIBRE." In III Workshop do Testbed FIBRE. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Simulation à grande échelle"
Rivard, J. R., M. Nastev, and M. Lamontagne. Exercice de simulation d'urgence : La Grande Secousse de Charlevoix 2013, scénario sismique de magnitude 6.5. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2014.
Full textMeixner, Tom, Vincent Carroll Tidwell, Gretchen Oelsner, Paul Brooks, and Jesse D. Roach. Use of a dynamic simulation model to understand nitrogen cycling in the middle Rio Grande, NM. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2008.
Full textRupp, Susan P. Ecological Impacts of the Cerro Grande Fire: Predicting Elk Movement and Distribution Patterns in Response to Vegetative Recovery through Simulation Modeling October 2005. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2005.
Full textDufour, Quentin, David Pontille, and Didier Torny. Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, April 2021.
Full textSimulation of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico. US Geological Survey, 2001.
Full textSimulation of Ground-Water Flow in the Middle Rio Grande Basin Between Cochiti and San Acacia, New Mexico. US Geological Survey, 2002.
Full textNumerical simulation of vertical ground-water flux of the Rio Grande from ground-water temperature profiles, central New Mexico. US Geological Survey, 1999.
Full textSimulation of the effects of ground-water withdrawal from a well field adjacent to the Rio Grande, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. US Geological Survey, 1990.
Full textHydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the upper Aquifer of the Rio Camuy to Rio Grande de Manati area, Puerto Rico. US Geological Survey, 1996.
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