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Ferreri, Rosario, and Mario Luzi. "Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini." World Literature Today 69, no. 2 (1995): 342.

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Ciccuto (book author), Marcello, and Paul Colilli (review author). "Figure di Petrarca. Giotto, Simone Martini, Franco Bolognese." Quaderni d'italianistica 13, no. 2 (October 1, 1992): 296–98.

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Kirkham, Victoria. "Figure di Petrarca: Giotto, Simone Martini, Franco Bolognese.Marcello Ciccuto." Speculum 69, no. 1 (January 1994): 123–24.

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Bonaffini, Luigi. "VIAGGIO TERRESTRE E CELESTE DI SIMONE MARTINI BY MARIO LUZI." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 34, no. 1 (March 2000): 254–69.

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Carminati, Myriam. "Au creux de l’éternitéLe voyage terrestre et céleste de Simone Martini de Mario Luzi." Italies, no. 17/18 (October 1, 2014): 649–65.

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Carle, Barbara. "Mario Luzi's Pictorial Poesis: Avvento notturno (1940) and Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini (1994)." Italica 73, no. 1 (1996): 66.

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Norman, Diana. "An abbess and a painter: Emilia PannocchieschI d'ElcI and a fresco from the circle of Simone Martini." Renaissance Studies 14, no. 3 (September 2000): 273–300.

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Cassidy, Brendan. "Artists and Diplomacy in Late Medieval Tuscany: The Case of Giotto, Simone Martini, Andrea Pisano, and Others." Gesta 51, no. 2 (September 2012): 91–110.

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Norman, D. "An abbess and a painter: Emilia Pannocchieschi d'Elci and a fresco from the circle of Simone Martini." Renaissance Studies 14, no. 3 (September 2000): 273–300.

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Oberhaidacher, Jörg. "Der Meister der St. Lambrechter Votivtafel und Simone Martini. Ein Nachtrag zur Kreuztragungsikonographie der Internationalen Gotik in Österreich." Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 45, no. 1 (December 1992): 173–82.

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Atrei, Andrea, Andrea Scala, Marco Giamello, Marianna Uva, Riccardo Maria Pulselli, and Nadia Marchettini. "Chemical Composition and Micro Morphology of Golden Laminae in the Wall Painting “La Maestà” by Simone Martini: A Study by Optical Microscopy, XRD, FESEM-EDS and ToF-SIMS." Applied Sciences 9, no. 17 (August 21, 2019): 3452.

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The chemical characterization of gilding decorations in works of art is fundamental in order to elucidate the techniques and materials used by the artists. In the present work we investigated by a combination of bulk and surface sensitive methods the composition and micro stratigraphy of the gilding laminae in the wall painting of the 14th century “La Maestà”, the masterpiece of Simone Martini. The aim of this study was to determine the composition of the gilding leaves and of the adhesive organic materials used to glue the metallic decorations to the wall painting. Due to the altered state of the samples we could not univocally identify the nature of the adhesive materials. Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements showed that the gilding layers consisted of a gold leaf which was laid either directly on a preparation layer or on a tin lamina. The high sensitivity of ToF-SIMS and its spatial resolution allowed us to find traces of silver in the gold leaves and in the tin laminae which were not revealed by energy dispersive X-ray analysis.
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Vagnoni, Mirko. "Roberto d’Angiò nella gloria della Morte." Eikon / Imago 10 (February 8, 2021): 241–58.

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Il presente contributo intende analizzare il significato iconografico della famosa pala d’altare di Simone Martini ‘San Ludovico di Tolosa incorona re Roberto d’Angiò’ (1317-1319), attualmente conservata al Museo di Capodimonte di Napoli. La storiografia ha generalmente interpretato la sua scena principale come la raffigurazione della rinuncia di Ludovico al titolo regio e la conseguente incoronazione di Roberto a re di Napoli. In particolare, il manufatto è stato considerato come il frutto di una vera e propria strategia di comunicazione politica messa in scena dal re di Napoli al fine di legittimare la sua contestata successione al trono. Al contrario, partendo da una lettura che inquadri la pala all’interno del suo contesto di utilizzo e di fruizione e che ponga l’accento sulla sua specifica funzione, il presente testo propone di interpretare il messaggio di questa opera d’arte in relazione al ruolo di intercessore presso Dio a favore dell’anima dei membri della casata d’Angiò attribuito a San Ludovico. In tal senso, essa rappresenterebbe, in una chiave prettamente religiosa, Roberto d’Angiò morto mentre sta ricevendo la corona della vita eterna nel Regno dei Cieli.
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Martindale, Andrew. "The Child in the Picture: a Medieval Perspective." Studies in Church History 31 (1994): 198–200.

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THE subject of this paper is the child in art about the year 1300. Some years ago, while studying the Tuscan painter Simone Martini (active c. 1310-44), I noticed that he painted what seemed to be an unusually large number of scenes involving children; and I was curious to know whether this was as special or as interesting as at first appeared. As my knowledge increased, the subject broadened to involve the more general issue of change. Around 1300, images of children become more lively, more human, and more probable. Simone’s painting forms a part of that change; and the question was ‘What happened and why?’ Other scholars have commented on this general problem; but although it is possible to criticize their approaches, the issue of ‘change’ remains. Moreover, although the analysis and explanation of change are exercises common to all historians, the special problem of the visual arts is the integration of the world recorded by texts and documents with that recorded by the visual sources. The connections are often obscure; and, in order to clarify the issues, this paper will begin with some description.
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Webb, Diana M. "Friends of the Family: Some Miracles for Children by Italian Friars." Studies in Church History 31 (1994): 183–95.

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At some time in the 1320s, the Sienese master Simone Martini painted an altar-piece celebrating the Hermit friar Agostino Novello. Agostino, who had died at the convent of San Leonardo al Lago, near Siena, in 1309, is shown surrounded by illustrations of four of his posthumous miracles (see plates 1 and 2, pp. 198 and 200, below). Of these, three were performed on behalf of children. The exception, at upper right, shows the deliverance of a knight who, riding in a desolate mountainous landscape, has fallen beneath his horse. Top left, we see the rescue of a child from mauling by what is presumably a wolf. Below, a child falls into the street from a wooden balcony when one of its slats gives way; not only does he suffer no injury from the fall, but Agostino seizes the falling slat in mid-air and prevents it from hurting him. Bottom right, an infant suffers head injuries when he falls from his cradle, but his aunt kneels to make a vow to Agostino, and in the lower register we see the fulfilment of the vow: robed as a little Augustinian friar and carrying a taper, the child is carried by his nurse to give thanks, followed by his mother and his aunt, who carries another taper.
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Powell, Justin J. W. "Martina Röbbecke, Dagmar Simon, Martin Lengwiler und Clemens Kraetsch: Inter-Disziplinieren. Erfolgsbedingungen von Forschungskooperationen." KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 57, no. 4 (December 2005): 757–59.

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Queiroz, Vinicius, Licia Sales, Cláudio L. S. Sampaio, Elizabeth G. Neves, and Rodrigo Johnsson. "Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Eulimidae, Annulobalcis aurisflamma Simone and Martins, 1995: first record to northeastern Brazil." Check List 7, no. 5 (September 1, 2011): 645.

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The current article provides the first record of Annulobalcis aurisflamma Simone and Martins, 1995 outside São Paulo state, Brazil. Herein we extend its geographical distribution to northeastern Brazil.
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DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, ANNA S., and STEFAN H. FOORD. "Revision of the Afrotropical crab-spider genus Parabomis Kulczyński, 1901 (Araneae: Thomisidae)." Zootaxa 4899, no. 1 (December 30, 2020): 161–74.

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The Afrotropical spider genus Parabomis Kulczyński, 1901 is revised. Members of Parabomis are some of the smallest thomisids known, and occur from Eritrea in the north of Africa to South Africa in the south, but are absent from Madagascar. Prior to this study, three species were known, namely P. levanderi Kulczyński, 1901 (Eritrea, ♂), P. martini Lessert, 1919 (Tanzania, ♂♀) and P. anabensis Lawrence, 1928 (Namibia, ♀). Parabomis anabensis sp. nov. is here recognized as a junior synonym of P. martini and four new species are described: P. elsae sp. nov. from South Africa (♂♀), P. megae sp. nov. from Zimbabwe (♂♀), P. pilosus sp. nov. from Botswana (♂♀) and P. wandae sp. nov. from Ghana (♂♀). A key to the six species is provided. The monotypic Afrotropical genus Felsina Simon, 1895, only known from its type species, F. granulum Simon, 1895, resembles Parabomis closely is known only from juveniles.
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Petit, Maria Da Penha Villela. "DUAS LEITURAS DE PLATÃO: SIMONE WEIL ET MARTIN HEIDEGGER." Síntese: Revista de Filosofia 31, no. 101 (May 19, 2010): 333.

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O que o próprio Heidegger chamou de virada (Kehre) do seu pensamento, no início dos anos trinta, tem diretamente a ver com sua maneira de entender Platão. Ao Platão que ele saudava como tendo promovido a questão do ser, se substitui o Platão tido como iniciador da metafísica e, junto com Sócrates, precursor do cristianismo. Ora, segundo Heidegger, é tal configuração metafísica que requer ser ultrapassada por uma apropriação mais originária do Ser. O afastamento de Heidegger do cristianismo incide assim de maneira cabal sobre sua interpretação de Platão. O contrário ocorre com Simone Weil. Aproximando-se do Cristo, ela descobre um Platão cujo pensamento apresenta grandes afinidades com as intuições cristãs. Donde sua ênfase sobre « o desejo do Bem », que reside em todo homem, e sua equação entre o Bem em Platão e o Deus da revelação cristã em sua dimensão « impessoal ». É, portanto, em torno da interpretação da alegoria da caverna e sobretudo da questão do Bem abordada por Heidegger no curso « Da essência da verdade » (Vom Wesen der Wahrheit) e no ensaio « A doutrina de Platão sobre a verdade » (Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit) que a distância entre as duas leituras de Platão se manifesta Comunicação apresentada em 8/8/2003 no Colóquio «Simone Weil e a Grécia» organizado pelo Prof. Fernando Rey Puente em parceria com o Núcleo de Estudos Antigos e Medievais da em todo seu vigor. Além de inaceitável, a visão heideggeriana do Bem em Platão parece-nos ditada por motivos amplamente questionáveis, enquanto que a leitura weiliana revela a potencialidade da analogia no campo do pensamento.Abstract : Heidegger’s turn (Kehre), which took place in the beginning of the thirties, is directly related to his interpretation of Plato. The « Plato » whom he first praised for having promoted the question of the Being, is replaced by the « Plato » seen as the one who started metaphysics and, together with Socrates, was the precursor of christianity. In fact, for Heidegger, a more originary appropriation of the Being goes beyond this metaphysical configuration. Thus, Heidegger’s drift from christianity had a manifest effect on his reading of Plato. The opposite occurs with Simone Weil. After encountering Christ, she discovers in Plato’s thought elements akin to christian intuitions. She stresses that the “desire of the Good” is present in every man and equates the Good in Plato with the God of christian revelation in its impersonal dimension. It is indeed in the understanding of the cave allegory and, above all, of the idea of the Good that the two « readings » differ most vividly. The Heideggerian hermeneutics of the Good in Plato is unacceptable and, moreover, seems to be dictated by controversial motivations, while the Weilien reading of Plato reveals thepotentiality of the analogy in the realm of thought.
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Cooper, Martin. "The Secret Life of the Ferranti Mark I." ITNOW 62, no. 4 (December 1, 2020): 60–61.

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Park, Sue. "John Fowles, Daniel Martin, and Simon Wolfe." MFS Modern Fiction Studies 31, no. 1 (1985): 165–71.

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Steffe, Leslie P., and Beatriz S. D'ambrosio. "Toward a Working Model of Constructivist Teaching: A Reaction to Simon." Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26, no. 2 (March 1995): 146–59.

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We start this discussion of the article by Martin A. Simon with two major conjectures that we will try to substantiate. The first is that there is a kind of teaching that can legitimately be called “constructivist teaching.” The second is that Simon's model of teaching his prospective elementary school teachers, if modified, would fit our understanding of constructivist teaching, even though his basic premise is that constructivism does not tell us how to teach mathematics (Simon, 1995).
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Anderson, Douglas J. "In a Hungry Country: Essays by Simon Paneak. John Martin Campbell , Simon Paneak." Journal of Anthropological Research 61, no. 3 (October 2005): 412–13.

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MARTIN, PAULA. "Portus - By SIMON KEAY, MARTIN MILLETT et al." International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 36, no. 2 (August 23, 2007): 436–38.

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Hoch, Adrian S. "A New Document for Simone Martini's Chapel of St. Martin at Assisi." Gesta 24, no. 2 (January 1985): 141–46.

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Lamounier, Bolívar. "A nova classe média [entrevistado por Martin Jayo e Simone Biehler Mateos]." GV-executivo 9, no. 2 (May 22, 2010): 8.

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Nesta entrevista exclusiva, o sociólogo e cientista político Bolívar Lamounier analisa um importante fenômeno em curso na sociedade brasileira: o crescimento da classe média, que já representa cerca de metade da população.
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Bell, Richard H. "Simone Weil and the Intellect of Grace. Henry Leroy Finch , Martin AndicDiscussions of Simone Weil. Rush Rhees , D. Z. Phillips." Journal of Religion 81, no. 4 (October 2001): 665–67.

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Krüger, Luana De Carvalho. "MULHER-MÃE: AS PERFORMANCES NOS CONTOS IRA DAS MÃES DE ALTAIR MARTINS E XX + XY DE GIOVANA MADALOSSO." Caderno de Letras, no. 30 (July 30, 2018): 295.

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Os contos Ira das Mães de Altair Martins e XX + XY de Giovana Madalosso apresentam como tema da narrativa a mulher-mãe, de modo que encontramos durante a leitura questionamentos que passam pelas performances de mulher e se colocam frente à ideais de maternidade. A partir dos estudos de Simone de Beauvoir (2016) e Judith Butler (2016) procuraremos observar como a mulher é compreendida nesses contos e porque a ideia de mulher-mãe é enfatizada a ponto de anular a performance de sujeito-mulher. Nesse artigo, procuraremos refletir acerca da maternidade idealizada na sociedade contemporânea observando como ela é manifestada nos dois contos propostos.Palavras-chave: Mulher; Estudos de Gênero; Feminismo; Maternidade.
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Petersen, J. O. "Comparison of the Pulsation Properties of the Rr Lyrae Stars in ω Centauri with those of Classical Cepheids." International Astronomical Union Colloquium 82 (1985): 276–79.

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In the last few years several studies have shown that Fourier decomposition technique is a powerful method for quantitative description of light curves of pulsation variables. This technique was introduced by Simon & Lee (1981), who showed that amplitude ratios and phase differences provide a very useful description of the Hertzsprung progression for classical Cepheids. Recently, Simon & Teays (1982) discussed 70 RR Lyrae field stars.In the present study I analyse 130 photographic mean light curves of RR Lyrae variables in ω Centauri taken from Martin (1938). I wish (i) to compare the Fourier decomposition parameters of the ω Cen RR Lyrae stars with those of the field variables as studied by Simon & Teays, (ii) to discuss the evidence for progression sequences among the ω Cen variables and (iii) to compare the basic pulsation properties of the RRab variables in ω Cen with those of classical Cepheids.
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Harling, Philip. "A History of Britain Simon Schama Liz Hartford Martin Davidson." Public Historian 26, no. 2 (April 2004): 126–28.

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Lane, Anne Marie. "COURTLY ART OF THE ANCIENT MAYA. Mary Miller , Simon Martin." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 23, no. 2 (October 2004): 49.

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ZHAO, LI KUN, JOCHEN MARTENS, and CHAO ZHANG. "Two new species of Sabacon Simon, 1879 (Opiliones: Dyspnoi: Sabaconidae) from Yunnan Province, China." Zootaxa 4379, no. 2 (February 13, 2018): 199.

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Two new species of the harvestman genus Sabacon Simon, 1879 are recorded from Yunnan Province, southern China, Sabacon monacanthus sp. n. (male and female; relationships unclear) and S. suzukii sp. n. (male and female; closely related to S. kangding Martens, 2015 from Sichuan Province, southwestern China).
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Bricco, Elisa. "Martine Creac’h, Poussin pour mémoire. Bonnefoy, Du Bouchet, Char, Jaccottet, Simon." Studi Francesi, no. 146 (XLIX | II) (November 1, 2005): 451.

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Schmidt, Jürgen W., Michael Fröhlich, Hans-Christof Kraus, Wolfgang Michalka, Martin Moll, and Markus Henkel. "Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte." Das Historisch-Politische Buch (HPB) 65, no. 4-6 (October 1, 2017): 530–35.

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Guido Naschert (Hg.): Friedrich Christian Laukhard (1757-1822). Schriftsteller, Radikalaufklärer und gelehrter Soldat (Jürgen W. Schmidt) Franz Bosbach, John R. Davis, Karina Urbach (Hg.): Common Heritage. Documents and Sources relating to German-British Relations in the Archives and Collections of Windsor and Coburg. Vol. 1: The Archives. With an Appendix covering the State Archives in Gotha (Michael Fröhlich) Evelyn Brockhoff, Bernd Heidenreich, Michael Maaser (Hg.): Frankfurter Historiker (Hans-Christof Kraus) Simone König: Die Gedenkveranstaltungen zur Erinnerung an den Widerstand der Weißen Rose an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München von 1945-1968 (Wolfgang Michalka) Bertrand Perz, Ina Markova (Hg.): 50 Jahre Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien (1966-2016) (Martin Moll) Carole Fink: Writing 20th Century International History. Explorations and Examples (Markus Henkel)
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Sannikov, Sergii. "Menno Simons’ and Martin Luther’s Interpretative Approaches in the Protestant Hermeneutical Horizon." Sententiae 37, no. 1 (June 16, 2018): 87–109.

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Holm, Neil. "Identity Formation through Classroom Conversations and Collaboration with the Spirit." Journal of Christian Education os-50, no. 2 (September 2007): 45–54.

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Miroslav Volf argues that God intends human beings to be co-workers with God in completing creation. Teachers in the classroom can be co-workers with God through the formation of students. Formation occurs, in part, through mutual relationships such as those between the person of the teacher and the person of the pupil. Conversations are important to formation and the Holy Spirit makes a major contribution to revelatory conversations. Martin Buber, Parker Palmer, Rowan Williams, and Simone Weil show how conversations contribute to formation and to the creation of a mutual presence and grace between conversational partners so that there is an exchange of words and feelings that resonates with the creative word of God working in the depths of the identity of each person. This process is described as a spiritual theology of teaching.
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Blais, Louise. "Fernand DUMONT, Simon LANGLOIS et Yves MARTIN (dirs), Traité des problèmes sociaux." Recherches sociographiques 38, no. 1 (1997): 163.

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Petit, Susan. "Sébastien Japrisot: The Art of Crime ed. by Martin Hurcombe, Simon Kemp." French Review 84, no. 2 (2010): 396–97.

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VALDEZ-MONDRAGÓN, ALEJANDRO. "On the poorly known haplogynae spiders of the genus Ochyrocera Simon (Araneae, Ochyroceratidae) from Mexico: description of two new species with an updated identification key for Mexican species." Zootaxa 4226, no. 2 (January 26, 2017): 194.

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Two new species of the spider genus Ochyrocera Simon 1891 are described from Mexico. Ochyrocera jarocha new species was collected under rotten trunks and hollow trunks in a tropical rainforest, in San Martin Volcano, Veracruz, Mexico. Ochyrocera pojoj new species was collected in a mixed forest, under rotten trunks, in La Trinitaria, Chiapas, Mexico, which represents the third species described from the state of Chiapas. With the description of the two new species herein, six species of Ochyrocera are recorded from Mexico. An updated taxonomic identification key and a distribution map to the Mexican species are provided.
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Charron, Hélène. "Mémoires disciplinaires et pratiques scientifiques : usages de la monographie en sociologie et en service social à l’Université Laval, 1943-1965." Recherche 55, no. 2 (September 19, 2014): 275–300.

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Cet article propose une analyse comparative des usages de la monographie en service social et en sociologie entre les années 1940 et 1960 à l’Université Laval. Il interroge le rôle du rapport à la monographie dans la constitution des frontières disciplinaires entre la sociologie et le service social et met en évidence la centralité de la dualité théorie-empirie dans l’organisation sociale des sciences sociales. De manière transversale, il montre le caractère « genré » et hiérarchique de cette dualité qui contribue à la retraduction des inégalités de sexe dans le milieu académique. Après avoir rappelé les conditions de naissance des deux disciplines à l’Université Laval et analysé la démarche monographique des étudiants de cette université dans leurs travaux de fin d’études, il propose une comparaison de deux travaux d’enquête réalisés au début des années 1960 par le directeur du département de sociologie, Fernand Dumont – en collaboration avec Yves Martin – et par la directrice de l’École de service social Simone Paré.
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Graber, Gregg. "Something Wicked This Way Comes: Warnings by Simon Ortiz and Martin Cruz Smith." Wicazo Sa Review 15, no. 2 (2000): 17–25.

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Stephenson, Andrew. "Edward Burraedited by Simon Martin with contributions by Andrew Lambirth and Jane Stevenson." Visual Culture in Britain 14, no. 2 (July 2013): 261–65.

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Nelson Burnett, Amy. "Basel and the Wittenberg Concord." Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte - Archive for Reformation History 96, no. 1 (December 1, 2005): 33–56.

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ZUSAMMENFASSUNGBislang geht die Forschung davon aus, daß es Martin Bucer nicht gelang, im Abendmahlsstreit zwischen Luther und den Schweizern einen Kompromiß zu erzielen. Gänzlich erfolglos war er allerdings nicht. Denn unter der Führung von Oswald Myconius nahm die Baseler Kirche 1536 die Wittenberger Konkordie an. In den beiden darauffolgenden Jahrzehnten vertrat Myconius eine Abendmahlslehre, die sich an Bucers Interpretation der Wittenberger Konkordie orientierte. Myconius’ Abendmahlstheologie stimmt weder mit der späteren lutherischen noch der reformierten Orthodoxie überein. Sie ist vielmehr ein Beispiel für die vermittelnde Theologie, die zwischen den beiden Phasen der Abendmahlskontroverse noch möglich war. Obwohl Myconius’ Nachfolger Simon Sulzer weiterhin versuchte, die Bucersche Interpretation der Wittenberger Konkordie zu vertreten, wurde die vermittelnde Baseler Theologie in der wiederaufflammenden Debatte der 1550er Jahre unhaltbar.
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Nielsen, Kristian H. "Book review: Simone Rödder, Martina Franzen and Peter Weingart (eds), The Sciences’ Media Connection – Public Communication and its Repercussions." Public Understanding of Science 23, no. 3 (March 28, 2014): 364.

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Baehr, Barbara, Mark Harvey, H. M. Smith, and R. Ott. "The goblin spider genus Opopaea in Australia and the Pacific islands (Araneae: Oonopidae)." Memoirs of the Queensland Museum - Nature 58 (May 31, 2013): 107–338.

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The widespread and highly diverse goblin spider genus Opopaea Simon is a pantropical genus with biodiversity hotspots in Africa, Asia and Australia. We revise the Australian and Pacific species of the genus, provide redescriptions of the Australian species O. banksi (Hickman) and the Micronesian species O. foveolata Roewer, and new records of the pantropical O. deserticola Simon and O. concolor (Blackwall), as well as O. apicalis (Simon) which is newly transferred from Epectris, after the new synonymy of Epectris with Opopaea. The following species are provisionally transferred from Epectris to Opopaea, pending investigations into their generic affinities: O. conujaingensis (Xu), new combination from China; and O. mollis (Simon), new combination from Sri Lanka. Most Pacific Islands are inhabited by the four above-mentioned species but the following 15 newly described species are most likely native to the islands: from Fiji (O. fiji), Hawaii (O. hawaii), Palau (O. palau), New Caledonia (O. amieu, O. bicolor, O. burwelli, O. calcaris, O. goloboffi, O. monteithi, O. ndoua, O. platnicki, O. raveni, O. striata, O. touho, O. tuberculata). We treat the Australian Opopaea fauna and recognise 84 species including 71 new and 13 previously described species. The new Australian species include 21 species from New South Wales (O. acuminata, O. addsae, O. bushblitz, O. gerstmeieri, O. lebretoni, O. linea (also occurs in Queensland), O. magna, O. margaretehoffmannae, O. martini, O. michaeli, O. milledgei, O. nitens, O. ottoi, O. plana, O. simplex, O. sturt, O. suelewisae, O. sylvestrella, O. tenuis, O. ursulae, O. yorki); six from Northern Territory (O. ephemera, O. fishriver, O. gilliesi, O. johardingae, O. preecei, O. wongalara); 13 from Queensland (O. ameyi, O. brisbanensis, O. broadwater, O. carnarvon, O. carteri, O. chrisconwayi, O. douglasi, O. lambkinae, O. leichhardti, O. mcleani, O. proserpine, O. stanisici, O. ulrichi); three from South Australia (O. millbrook, O. mundy, O. stevensi); and 28 from Western Australia (O. aculeata, O. aurantiaca, O. billroth, O. callani, O. cowra, O. durranti, O. exoculata, O. flava, O. fragilis, O. framenaui, O. gracilis, O. gracillima, O. harmsi, O. johannae, O. julianneae, O. marangaroo, O. millstream, O. nadineae, O. pallida, O. pannawonica, O. pilbara, O. rixi, O. robusta, O. rugosa, O. subtilis, O. triangularis, O. wheelarra, O. whim). New records are provided for O. sown Baehr. Seven area-based keys to species are provided.
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McCoog, Thomas M. "‘Laid up Treasure’: The Finances of the English Jesuits in the Seventeenth Century." Studies in Church History 24 (1987): 257–66.

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A frequent criticism of the Society of Jesus, and one which Martin Grene, the Jesuit apologist whose An Account of the Jesuites Life and Doctrine was published in 1661, was especially eager to refute, was the possession of immense wealth. Grene’s rebuttal began with a distinction between an individual Jesuit and a Jesuit institution. The former was forbidden to accept any financial compensation for his apostolic services. What he did, he did freely. Grene stressed that the work was done by the Society gratuitously and simply for the love of God. The Jesuits sought no reward but relied on the providence of God ‘who exciteth devout people to supply their [the Jesuits’] necessity out of pure charity’. The alms of the faithful supported the Society and, through its dependence on charity, the Society hoped to avoid all semblance of avarice and simony.
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Årsheim, Helge, Nicole Hochner, Helena Rosenblatt, Vilius Mačkinis, Søren Friis, Bogdan C. Iacob, and Gennaro Imbriano. "Reviews." Contributions to the History of Concepts 9, no. 2 (December 1, 2014): 90–118.

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Brent Nongbri, Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013), 288 pp.Christopher H. Johnson, Bernhard Jussen, David Warren Sabean, and Simon Teuscher, eds., Blood and Kinship: Matter for Metaphor from Ancient Rome to Present (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2013), 362 pp.Quentin Skinner and Martin van Gelderen, eds., Freedom and the Construction of Europe, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 878 pp.Anna Grzes´kowiak-Krwawicz, Queen Liberty: The Concept of Freedom in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012), 135 pp.Conor Gearty, Liberty and Security (Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2013), 146 pp.Balázs Trencsényi, The Politics of “National Character”: A Study in Interwar East European Thought (London: Routledge, 2012), 227 pp.Janet Roitman, Anti-Crisis (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2014), 157 pp.
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Brendel, Raphael, Jürgen W. Schmidt, Ingo Löppenberg, Ulrich van der Heyden, Michaela Heinze, Elmar Schenkel, Klaus Schwabe, Heinrich Walle, Eckhard Jesse, and Martin Moll. "Didaktik der Geschichte / Biografien." Das Historisch-Politische Buch (HPB) 65, no. 3 (July 1, 2017): 234–46.

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Klaus Rosen: Augustinus. Genie und Heiliger (Raphael Brendel) Simon Sebag Montefiore: Die Romanows. Glanz und Untergang der Zarendynastie (1613-1918) (Jürgen W. Schmidt) Eike Christian Hirsch: Der berühmte Herr Leibniz. Eine Biografie (Ingo Löppenberg) Dietmar Kuegler: Ich ziehe mit den Adlern. Kit Carson – Ein amerikanischer Held (Ulrich van der Heyden) Stephan Paetrow, Carl Zeiss Archiv (Hg.): Carl Zeiss (1816-1888). Eine Biografie (Michaela Heinze) Gisela Kleine: Ninon und Hermann Hesse. Biografie eines Paares (Elmar Schenkel) Manfred Berg: Woodrow Wilson. Amerika und die Neuordnung der Welt (Klaus Schwabe) Gunnar F. Gudmundson: Pater Jon Sveinsson, NONNI (Heinrich Walle) Jeanette Erazo Heufelder: Der argentinische Krösus. Kleine Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Frankfurter Schule (Eckhard Jesse) Felix Römer: Die narzisstische Volksgemeinschaft. Theodor Habichts Kampf (1914-1944) (Martin Moll) Peter Steinbach: Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. Wagnis – Tat – Erinnerung (Heinrich Walle)
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Illman, Siv, Theodor Katz, Karl-Johan Illman, and Ulrika Lindblad. "Book reviews." Nordisk Judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 14, no. 2 (September 1, 1993): 182–95.

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Om uppfostran (Martin Buber, 1993) is reviewed by Siv Illman.The Chinese Encyclopedia Judaica (1993) is reviewed by Theodor Katz.Directory of individuals interested in the Jews and the Jewish communities of East, Southeast and South Asia (ed. Frank Joseph Shulman, 1993) is reviewed by Theodor Katz.I den frågande själ? Essäer i judiska ämnen (Mikael Enckell, 1993) is reviewed by Karl-Johan Illman.Uppbrottet. Bibelteologisk kommentar till andra Moseboken (Göran Larsson, 1993) is reviewed by Karl-Johan Illman.Periodiska systemet (Primo Levi, 1993 övers.) is reviewed by Ulrika Lindblad.Från Auschwitz till Günskirchen (Therese Müller, 1993) is reviewed by Ulrika Lindblad.The Jews of dynastic China: a critical bibliography (Michael Pollak, 1993) is reviewed by Theodor Katz.Zeugnisse jüdischer Kultur (Heinrich Simon, 1992) is reviewed by Theodor Katz.The religion of Jesus the Jew (Geza Vermes, 1993) is reviewed by Ulrika Lindblad.
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Rezvykh, Tatyana, and Gennady Alyaev. "Ludwig Binswanger: Between the Metaphysics of Simon L. Frank and Martin Heidegger's Analytics of Dasein." Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics IV, no. 2 (June 30, 2020): 308–25.

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