Academic literature on the topic 'Simone Martini'

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Journal articles on the topic "Simone Martini"


Ferreri, Rosario, and Mario Luzi. "Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini." World Literature Today 69, no. 2 (1995): 342.

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Ciccuto (book author), Marcello, and Paul Colilli (review author). "Figure di Petrarca. Giotto, Simone Martini, Franco Bolognese." Quaderni d'italianistica 13, no. 2 (October 1, 1992): 296–98.

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Kirkham, Victoria. "Figure di Petrarca: Giotto, Simone Martini, Franco Bolognese.Marcello Ciccuto." Speculum 69, no. 1 (January 1994): 123–24.

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Bonaffini, Luigi. "VIAGGIO TERRESTRE E CELESTE DI SIMONE MARTINI BY MARIO LUZI." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 34, no. 1 (March 2000): 254–69.

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Carminati, Myriam. "Au creux de l’éternitéLe voyage terrestre et céleste de Simone Martini de Mario Luzi." Italies, no. 17/18 (October 1, 2014): 649–65.

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Carle, Barbara. "Mario Luzi's Pictorial Poesis: Avvento notturno (1940) and Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini (1994)." Italica 73, no. 1 (1996): 66.

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Norman, Diana. "An abbess and a painter: Emilia PannocchieschI d'ElcI and a fresco from the circle of Simone Martini." Renaissance Studies 14, no. 3 (September 2000): 273–300.

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Cassidy, Brendan. "Artists and Diplomacy in Late Medieval Tuscany: The Case of Giotto, Simone Martini, Andrea Pisano, and Others." Gesta 51, no. 2 (September 2012): 91–110.

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Norman, D. "An abbess and a painter: Emilia Pannocchieschi d'Elci and a fresco from the circle of Simone Martini." Renaissance Studies 14, no. 3 (September 2000): 273–300.

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Oberhaidacher, Jörg. "Der Meister der St. Lambrechter Votivtafel und Simone Martini. Ein Nachtrag zur Kreuztragungsikonographie der Internationalen Gotik in Österreich." Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 45, no. 1 (December 1992): 173–82.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Simone Martini"


Burnet, Grace. "Saint as Superman? : memorial to the Blessed Agostino Novello attributed to Simone Martini (c. 1324-1328)." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2017.

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Martini, Simone [Verfasser]. "Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Notch1-Zielgenen während der neuroektodermalen und mesodermalen Differenzierung von murinen embryonalen Stammzellen / Simone Martini." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2011.

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Gschwendtner, Martina Maria [Verfasser], Simone [Akademischer Betreuer] Warzel, Norbert [Gutachter] Schuch, Andreas [Gutachter] Winter, and Simone [Gutachter] Warzel. "Programmable Quantum Processors / Martina Maria Gschwendtner ; Gutachter: Norbert Schuch, Andreas Winter, Simone Warzel ; Betreuer: Simone Warzel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2021.

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Krug, Simone [Verfasser], and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Schader. "Einsatz semantischer Technologien für die Anforderungsanalyse / Simone Krug. Betreuer: Martin Schader." Mannheim : Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, 2014.

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Lentner, Simon [Verfasser], and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Schottenloher. "Orbifoldizing Hopf- and Nichols-Algebras / Simon Lentner. Betreuer: Martin Schottenloher." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2012.

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Graham, Emily E. "The patronage of the Spiritual Franciscans : the roles of the Orsini and Colonna cardinals, key lay patrons and their patronage networks." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2009.

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The survival and success of religious reform groups in the late medieval period was often due to the efforts of an ecclesiastical patron, a powerful and often wealthy individual who exerted their influence on behalf of the group or their leaders and spokesmen. This thesis uses the wealth of documentation available on the Spiritual Franciscans to explore the origin, development and wider effect of the relationships between the most powerful ecclesiastical patrons of the reformers and their clients, spokesmen for the Italian Spirituals at the papal court who were taken into the patrons’ households for years or even decades. During that time, the political fortunes of the different groups of Spiritual Franciscans fluctuated dramatically: in only a handful of years they went from hopeful expectation at the Council of Vienne c. 1311 to heresy trials, imprisoned spokesmen and friars burned at the stake c.1317-1318. Using testaments from the patrons’ families and the patrons themselves, the thesis explores the possible reasons for the patrons’ initial attraction to their Spiritual Franciscan clients. Letters, chronicles and exegetical texts written by the clients during and after their time in the patrons’ households are examined along with papal registers and other narrative and epistolary sources to develop models of the nature and progression of the patronage relationship, and how it survived in the face of periods of intense disapproval and harassment from the papacy, other prelates and some members of the Franciscan hierarchy. After establishing a framework for the progression of the patronage relationship, evidence of art patronage and other religious and patronage interests that the patrons and clients shared is used to develop a deeper understanding of how the patrons’ choice to involve themselves with the Spiritual Franciscans positively or negatively affected others in their orbit, especially their other clients.
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Simon, Martin [Verfasser]. "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Strömungsformen in horizontalen und geneigten Verdampferrohren / Martin Simon." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 1997.

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Keller, Simone Miriam [Verfasser], Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Klingenspor, and Birgit [Akademischer Betreuer] Luber. "Untersuchungen des EGF-Rezeptor-Signalwegs als molekulare Zielstruktur zur Behandlung des Magenkarzinoms / Simone Miriam Keller. Betreuer: Martin Klingenspor. Gutachter: Birgit Luber ; Martin Klingenspor." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.

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Simon, Martin [Verfasser]. "Charakterisierung intracranieller Tumoren durch viskoelastische Parameter mittels Magnetresonanz-Elastographie (MRE) / Martin Simon." Lübeck : Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek Lübeck, 2019.

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Schneider, Simon [Verfasser], and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Schlather. "Verblindete Fallzahlanpassung in klinischen Studien mit Ereigniszähldaten / Simon Schneider. Betreuer: Martin Schlather." Mannheim : Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, 2014.

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Books on the topic "Simone Martini"


Simone Martini. Oxford: Phaidon, 1988.

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1283-1344, Martini Simone, ed. Simone Martini. Milano: Federico Motta, 2003.

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Jannella, Cecilia. Simone Martini. Firenze: Scala, 1989.

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Jannella, Cecilia. Simone Martini. Firenze: SCALA, 1989.

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Jannella, Cecilia. Simone Martini. Firenze: Scala, 1989.

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Pierini, Marco. Simone Martini. Milano: Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite a Menarini, 2000.

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1283-1344, Martini Simone, and Olivetti Alberto, eds. Simone Martini. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Silvana, 2000.

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Jannella, Cecilia. Simone Martini. Florence: Scala/Riverside, 1989.

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Martini, Simone. Simone Martini: La maestà. Milano: Electa, 1996.

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Carli, Enzo. Simone Martini: La Maestà. Milano: Electa, 1996.

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Book chapters on the topic "Simone Martini"


Barnett, David. "Martin Crimp and Simon Stephens." In Contemporary European Playwrights, 112–28. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge 2020. |: Routledge, 2020.

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Opitz, Martin. "DAPHNIS." In Martin Opitz - Paul Fleming - Simon Dach, 1–158. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013.

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Fleming, Paul. "PAUL FLEMING IN RIGA." In Martin Opitz - Paul Fleming - Simon Dach, 159–336. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013.

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"Petrarch’s Italy, Sovereign Poetry and the Hand of Simone Martini." In The Transformation of Vernacular Expression in Early Modern Arts, 25–57. BRILL, 2012.

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Gothlin, Eva. "Reading Simone de Beauvoir with Martin Heidegger." In The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir, 45–65. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

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Ahmad, Syed Nur. "The Resolution to Boycott the Simon Commission." In From Martial Law to Martial Law, edited by Craig Baxter, 72–74. Routledge, 2019.

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Ahmad, Syed Nur. "The Tumultuous Tour of the Simon Commission." In From Martial Law to Martial Law, edited by Craig Baxter, 74–76. Routledge, 2019.

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"Vorbemerkung." In Martin Opitz - Paul Fleming - Simon Dach, 339–41. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013.

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"Teil I. Rezeptionshistorische, bibliographische und editorische Voraussetzungen. Skizze eines Forschungsberichts." In Martin Opitz - Paul Fleming - Simon Dach, 342–422. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013.

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"Teil II. Simon Dach in Litauen, Rußland und Polen. Die Wiederentdeckung der großen sammlerischen Einheiten vornehmlich aus dem alten Königsberg." In Martin Opitz - Paul Fleming - Simon Dach, 423–630. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Simone Martini"


Ishii, Eiji, Masanori Ishikawa, Yoshihiro Sukegawa, and Hiroshi Yamada. "Applying Particle/Grid Hybrid Method to Fuel Spray With Collision Jet for Automobile Engines." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.

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A fuel spray contains multi-scale free surfaces: liquid films formed at the fuel-injector outlet, ligaments generated by the liquid-film breakup, and droplets generated from the ligaments within the air/fuel mixture region. To simulate multi-scale free surfaces, we previously developed a fuel spray simulation combining the liquid-film breakup with the air/fuel mixture. In this study, we modified a part of the liquid-film breakup simulation that uses a particle/grid hybrid method. The procedures combining a particle method and a grid method were changed to obtain more accurate prediction. First, a simple benchmark test, collapse of a water column as investigated by Martine and Moyce, was used to verify the modified simulation method; the behavior of the water column better agreed with measurements than that by the original method. Next, we applied the modified method to simulate the collision jets from three kinds of nozzles. The simulation results were verified by comparison with measurements; the predicted liquid-film breakup qualitatively agreed well with measurements. Furthermore, the errors of mean droplet-diameters between the simulations and the measurements were less than 12%. Therefore, we found that the modified method was effective for spray simulation.
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Freitas, Tiago. "Summer houses in Portugal: the legacy of the Exitenzminimum and the work of Le Corbusier." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.

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Abstract: The program of the summer house will mark the acceptance period of modern architecture in Portugal. The modern life is put into practice by a group of architects to an enlightened bourgeoisie clientele, in some summer resorts that will start to be developed in the Portuguese coastline. The Existenzminimum, will be a German expression used throughout the twentieth century, particularly after the First World War, where the concerns of social nature and housing, for a large number of people will be important issues to be discussed by architects. Petit cabanon was Le Corbusier’s summer house in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. This small pavilion experienced new possibilities of living in minimum area, similar to the theories of the existenzminimum studied by Modern architects in the post-first world war period. New ways to dwell in minimum space are then reinterpreted in the early experiences of holiday houses in Portugal where a simple way of living started to be tested. Resumen: El programa de la casa de verano se cumplirá el plazo de aceptación de la arquitectura moderna en Portugal. La vida moderna se pone en práctica por un grupo de arquitectos a una clientela de burguesía, en algunos centros turísticos de verano que comenzarán a desarrollar en la costa portuguesa. El Existenzminimum, será una expresión alemana utilizado a lo largo del siglo XX, sobre todo después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde las preocupaciones de carácter social y vivienda, para un gran número de personas serán temas importantes a tratar por los arquitectos. Petit Cabanon fue la casa de verano de Le Corbusier en Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Este pequeño pabellón experimentó nuevas posibilidades de vivir en área mínima, similar a las teorías de la Existenzminimum estudiados por arquitectos modernos en el periodo posterior a la primera guerra mundial. Nuevas formas de habitar el espacio mínimo son entonces reinterpretadas en las primeras experiencias de casas de vacaciones en Portugal, donde una forma moderna de habitar comenzó a ser testada. Keywords: Petit cabanon; Le Corbusier; Holiday houses; Existenzminimum; Arquitecture; Modern. Palabras clave: Petit cabanon; Le Corbusier; Casas de Verano; Existenzminimum; Arquitectura; Moderno. DOI:
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Patuwondatu, Martini Heniastaty, and icilya Candi. "Effects of Foot Reflexology Massage on Reducing Blood Pressure in Elderly with Hypertension at Sekupang Public Health Center, Batam." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.

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ABSTRACT Background: Hypertension is significantly associated with increased morbidity and mortality of cerebrovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and renal insufficiency. Hypertension is a major public health problem and an important research area due to its high prevalence and a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and other complications. This study aimed to determine the effect of foot reflexology therapy on lowering blood pressure in elderly people suffering from hypertension in the working area of Sekupang community health center, Batam City. Subjects and Method: This study was an experiment with a pretest – posttest control group design. A sample of 15 elderlies was selected by simple random probability sampling. The dependent variable was elderly with hypertension. The independent variable was foot reflexology therapy. The data obtained from this study were the values of pre and post therapy blood pressure between the control group and the treatment group. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Results: After the intervention of foot reflexology was carried out, foot reflexology affected reducing headache intensity (Mean= 2; SD= 0.52) and it was statistically significant (p= 0.002). When compared to the control group that was not given therapy, indicating that pain intensity tended to increase with statistical results (Mean = 2.33; SD= 0.69) obtained (Z score = -2.64) with p = 0.008. Conclusion: Reducing the intensity of headaches and able to lower blood pressure in older people with hypertension. Keywords: Hypertension, Foot Reflexology, Elderly, Headache Correspondence: Martini Heniastaty Patuwondatu. Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. Email : 081277466363 DOI:
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Herman, Cila, Shinan Chang, and Estelle Iacona. "Bubble Detachment in Variable Gravity Under the Influence of Electric Fields." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002.

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The objective of the research is to investigate the behavior of individual air bubbles injected through an orifice into an electrically insulating liquid under the influence of a static electric field. Situations were considered with both uniform and nonuniform electric fields. Bubble formation and detachment were visualized in terrestrial gravity as well as for several levels of reduced gravity (lunar, martian and microgravity) using a high-speed video camera. Bubble volume, dimensions and contact angles at detachment were measured. In addition to the experimental studies, a simple model, predicting bubble characteristics at detachment in an initially uniform electric field was developed. The model, based on thermodynamic considerations, accounts for the level of gravity as well as the magnitude of the uniform electric field. The results of the study indicate that the level of gravity and the electric field magnitude significantly affect bubble behavior as well as shape, volume and dimensions.
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Lu, Canyi, Jiashi Feng, Zhouchen Lin, and Shuicheng Yan. "Exact Low Tubal Rank Tensor Recovery from Gaussian Measurements." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018.

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The recent proposed Tensor Nuclear Norm (TNN) [Lu et al., 2016; 2018a] is an interesting convex penalty induced by the tensor SVD [Kilmer and Martin, 2011]. It plays a similar role as the matrix nuclear norm which is the convex surrogate of the matrix rank. Considering that the TNN based Tensor Robust PCA [Lu et al., 2018a] is an elegant extension of Robust PCA with a similar tight recovery bound, it is natural to solve other low rank tensor recovery problems extended from the matrix cases. However, the extensions and proofs are generally tedious. The general atomic norm provides a unified view of low-complexity structures induced norms, e.g., the l1-norm and nuclear norm. The sharp estimates of the required number of generic measurements for exact recovery based on the atomic norm are known in the literature. In this work, with a careful choice of the atomic set, we prove that TNN is a special atomic norm. Then by computing the Gaussian width of certain cone which is necessary for the sharp estimate, we achieve a simple bound for guaranteed low tubal rank tensor recovery from Gaussian measurements. Specifically, we show that by solving a TNN minimization problem, the underlying tensor of size n1×n2×n3 with tubal rank r can be exactly recovered when the given number of Gaussian measurements is O(r(n1+n2−r)n3). It is order optimal when comparing with the degrees of freedom r(n1+n2−r)n3. Beyond the Gaussian mapping, we also give the recovery guarantee of tensor completion based on the uniform random mapping by TNN minimization. Numerical experiments verify our theoretical results.
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Woods, Benjamin K. S., Norman M. Wereley, and Curt S. Kothera. "Wind Tunnel Testing of a Helicopter Rotor Trailing Edge Flap Actuated via Pneumatic Artificial Muscles." In ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. ASMEDC, 2010.

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A novel active trailing edge flap actuation system is under development. This system differs significantly from previous trailing edge flap systems in that it is driven by a pneumatic actuator technology. Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs) were chosen because of several attractive properties, including high specific work and power output, an expendable operating fluid, and robustness. The actuation system is sized for a full scale active rotor system for a Bell 407 scale helicopter. This system is designed to produce large flap deflections (±20°) at the main rotor rotation frequency (1/rev) to create large amplitude thrust variation for primary control of the helicopter. Additionally, it is designed to produce smaller magnitude deflections at higher frequencies, up to 5/rev (N+1/rev), to provide vibration mitigation capability. The basic configuration has a pair of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles mounted antagonistically in the root of each blade. A bellcrank and linkage system transfers the force and motion of these actuators to a trailing edge flap on the outboard portion of the rotor. A reduced span wind tunnel test model of this system has been built and tested in the Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel at the University of Maryland at wind speeds up to M = 0.3. The test article consisted of a 5-ft long tip section of a Bell 407 rotor blade cantilevered from the base of the tunnel with a 34 in, 15% chord plain flap that was driven by the PAM actuation system. Testing over a wide range of aerodynamic conditions and actuation parameters established the considerable control authority and bandwidth of the system at the aerodynamic load levels available in the tunnel. Comparison of quasi-static experimental results shows good agreement with predictions made using a simple system model.
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Subia, Samuel R., J. Frank Dempsey, Nathan K. Crane, and Jesse D. Thomas. "A Methodology for Modelling Enclosure Radiation Heat Transfer Under Large Structural Deformation." In ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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Finite element method (FEM) numerical simulations of heat transfer for high-temperature regimes often require modeling of grey-body enclosure radiation where enclosure geometry definitions are obtained as part of the model grid generation process. Owing to the expense of solving the radiation problem, typical FEM approaches loosely couple the radiative transfer solution as boundary conditions to a standard conduction formulation. When the problem at hand is thermal-mechanical and relative motion occurs between enclosure surfaces, the simulation code is tasked with providing a means of updating the original enclosure surface geometry to reflect the deformed configuration. While this scenario is manageable for contiguously meshed discretizations, the difficulty of updating enclosure geometry is greatly increased when the model admits sliding. Here the analysis code must employ both mechanical and thermal contact, relying heavily on geometric search and contact constraints to enforce closure for the conduction formulation. General purpose large-deformation FEM structural codes employ surface contact utilities to provide geometric search and contact constraint definitions. This paper describes an ongoing effort to leverage contact utilities for solving the enclosure radiation problem in deforming and sliding mesh scenarios while having minimal impact to a traditional modeling approach. The current effort is divided into two areas, enclosure definitions and thermal contact, but the primary focus here is on enabling use of contact to provide definition of the enclosure. The proposed methodology is demonstrated on simple enclosure radiation models using SNL Sierra Mechanics Dash contact utilities and the Chaparral enclosure radiation library with Sierra Mechanics Structural and Thermal application codes. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
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Golliard, Joachim, Ne´stor Gonza´lez Di´ez, Gu¨nes¸ Nakibog˘lu, Avraham Hirschberg, and Stefan Belfroid. "Aeroacoustic Source Identification in Gas Transport Pipe System." In ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Whistling due to Flow-Induced Pulsations can occur in gas transport and gas export pipe systems with low Mach number flow. These flow-induced pulsations can lead to piping vibration or acoustic fatigue of piping elements. The study presents a simple numerical pulsation source identification method applied to restriction orifices. In case of whistling, small acoustic perturbations incident on some pipe elements such as restriction orifices and T-junctions are amplified by the shear layer flow at certain frequencies, propagate downstream and upstream of the elements, and are reflected by the ends of the piping or by large section changes. The element acts as an acoustic amplifier for the incident acoustic energy at certain frequencies. The source identification method, earlier presented by Martinez-Lera et al [1] for the aeroacoustic source identification of T-junctions and improved by Nakiboglu et al [2] for circumferential cavities in corrugated pipes, combines incompressible numerical simulations with vortex sound theory. It is applied here to restriction orifices, commonly used in industrial pipe systems as measuring devices, to induce a pressure drop, or to reduce low frequency pulsations. Incompressible, laminar CFD simulations are used for the source identification instead of fully compressible LES. These simplifications enable much less CPU intensive computations, but require extra post processing. A particularly sensitive point is the estimation of the pressure drop due to the potential flow. This is estimated with a simulation made on a straight, empty pipe of same characteristics. This method is applied to restriction orifices in this paper, and the specific points for this particular geometry are reviewed. The results are compared to the experimental and numerical results of Testud et al [3] and Lacombe et al [4]. The application of the method to the source identification of whistling restriction orifices predicts whistling at Strouhal numbers similar to earlier experimental and numerical studies, with limited computational effort.
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Cova, Massimo. "Arte contemporáneo y señales visuales de la cotidianidad como paradigma de modelos globales de vida y de pensamiento." In III Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales :: ANIAV 2017 :: GLOCAL. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Nuestra propuesta consiste en presentar un proyecto artístico personal y su vinculación con obras de reconocidos artistas contemporáneos que adoptan, como referentes formales y conceptuales, unas señales visuales espontáneas presentes en los entornos cotidianos. Rastros efímeros y transitorios generados por los comportamientos y por las interacciones de las personas, que pueden ser representativos de modelos de vida y de pensamiento en la era de la globalidad. Las obras propuestas (tanto las personales como las de referencia) formalizan y reconfiguran, en el lenguaje propio del arte, unas huellas y unos indicios visuales que no pertenecen al territorio artístico. Marcas, restos o vestigios relacionados con aspectos de las complejas consecuencias de la internacionalización económica y cultural así como del desarrollo y de la expansión de las nuevas tecnologías o de modelos de comportamiento como fundamento de identidades individuales y colectivas. Esta propuesta deriva de la investigación teórico-práctica realizada para nuestra tesis doctoral, titulada Señales visuales y creación artística: cotidianidad y referentes. 1990-2015. Series personales: Space junk, la conquista del espacio… y sus residuos; Earth attack, humos y otros contaminantes de destrucción planetaria; Don’t touch!, imperativo moral y ético muy omitido; Cosmogonías ácidas, algunos segundos de lluvia (ácida); Scrapes & scratches, recuerdos de acciones y de gestos que dejan huella; (Re)Pulsiones, instintos, rechazos e incompatibilidades; Desplazamientos transitorios, presencias a través de las ausencias; El futuro ya ha pasado, vestigios de un futuro post-tecnológico como espejo de nuestro presente; Alter ludus, paradigmas de comportamientos adolescentes y metáforas de dinámicas adultas; En directo, rastros de contenidos vacíos y de imperfecciones tecnológicas; The martian man / Tribu, inquietantes mutaciones futuras de controvertidos modelos actuales. Artistas de referencia: Ignasi Aballí, Kader Attia, John Beech, Walead Beshty, Dan Colen, Reuben Cox, Igor Eskinja, Patrícia Gómez y María Jesús González, Wade Guyton, Mariko Mori, Laurel Nakadate, Matt O'Dell, Roman Ondák, Jorge Otero-Pailos, Steven Parrino, Thomas Ruff, Taryn Simon, Rudolf Stingel, Stefan Sandner, Penélope Umbrico.
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Epelbaum, Greg, and Eric Tanguay. "Aero-Shields: New Product Improves Boiler Performance and Maintenance." In 20th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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Aero-Shields were developed by Covanta Energy in 2005 to address excessive fouling and accelerated tube metal wastage in certain heat transfer areas of a large Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) fired boiler. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling and a Cold Flow model were used to investigate flue gas flow distribution, velocities, temperatures, and other parameters in specific areas of the boiler. The intent of this effort was to identify the problematic areas and develop a solution to better distribute gas flow within these specific areas of the boiler. The result of this development effort was named “Aero-Shield”. The Aero-Shield provides a dual benefit of being a tube-shield and gas baffling device by incorporating extended tapered sides. The shape, size and installation location was developed through the use of CFD modeling. Initial testing of the shields was performed in December 2005 at the Lee County facility Boiler#2 at the top and bottom of the third pass. The Lee County boiler is a typical horizontal boiler design using Martin GMBH technology to process solid waste. This paper demonstrates how CFD modeling plays an extremely important role in designing and optimizing Aero-Shields for new applications. It also describes additional applications which have been tested in multiple facilities and boilers types since 2005. It covers design guidelines for the material, geometry, and installation procedure. The paper will also highlight a number of benefits which have been confirmed through extensive field testing which include: • Significant heat transfer increase in a targeted boiler area. This increases boiler efficiency and generates additional MWs at the same fuel rate. • In Energy-from-Waste (EfW) applications, capital and maintenance costs are often more important than saving fuel. Aero-Shield applications provide significant savings by requiring less heat surface for the same heat recovery in a targeted boiler component. • Reduced ash deposits which results in reduced maintenance. • Improved gas flow distribution allows Aero-Shields to reduce peak gas temperatures and velocities, resulting in lower wastage rates for critical boiler components. • Simple, quick, and economical installation: typically performed in a few hours. Covanta currently has a patent pending on this application and product. Additional testing is ongoing to address other areas within the boiler that may benefit from this technology recognizing that the “Aero-Shield” is a customized solution for each application.
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