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Ohio. Statewide Health Coordinating Council. Ohio state health plan: Acute care component. [Columbus, Ohio]: Ohio Department of Health, 1987.

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Ohio. Statewide Health Coordinating Council. The Ohio state health plan: Family health component. [Columbus, Ohio]: The Council, 1985.

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Ohio. Statewide Health Coordinating Council. Ohio state health plan: Long-term care component. [Columbus, Ohio]: Ohio Department of Health, 1987.

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Destefanis, Eleonora, and Paola Guglielmotti, eds. La diocesi di Bobbio. Formazione e sviluppi di un’istituzione millenaria. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2016.

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Il volume, attingendo a tradizioni disciplinari e storiografiche diverse, offre una serie di sintesi e di affondi tematici, funzionali alla contestualizzazione del peculiare caso dell’episcopato di Bobbio, fondato nel 1014 nell’Appennino piacentino quale sviluppo del celebre monastero di San Colombano. La notevole massa documentaria disponibile grazie al recente riordino degli archivi diocesani, che ha consentito di illustrare anche la biblioteca della cattedrale, ha richiesto una presentazione d’insieme e una specifica attenzione per gli atti costitutivi della nuova istituzione. L’approfondimento del contesto storico entro cui si dipana la successiva vicenda diocesana è stato condotto in rapporto con il monastero e con una selezione delle città vicine. All’analisi delle dinamiche insediative del centro bobbiese e degli sviluppi strutturali della chiesa e del complesso episcopale fanno da contrappunto sia approfondimenti mirati all’organizzazione del territorio, colta nelle sue articolazioni civili, religiose, assistenziali, sia trattazioni di componenti culturali e liturgiche che animano questa Chiesa.
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Council, Ohio Statewide Health Coordinating. The Ohio state health plan: Health promotion and disease prevention component. Columbus, Ohio: The Council, 1985.

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Calvelli, Lorenzo, Giovannella Cresci Marrone, and Alfredo Buonopane. Altera pars laboris. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.

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La ricerca nel campo dell'epigrafia si arricchisce continuamente con la scoperta di documenti inediti e vive oggi un radicale rinnovamento grazie alle tecnologie digitali. Una componente fondamentale del «mestiere di epigrafista» è però costituita anche dalla ricostruzione filologica e dall'indagine delle figure che si cimentarono nella collazione dei testimoni delle iscrizioni antiche. Il volume comprende sedici saggi di studiosi italiani e francesi, dedicati all'esame della tradizione manoscritta e a stampa dell'epigrafia, che Theodor Mommsen definì la «parte più difficile» della disciplina. Dai tesori ancora nascosti in numerose biblioteche d'Europa emerge un quadro di grande ricchezza documentaria, che presagisce un enorme potenziale di sviluppo per la ricerca futura.
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Amending the National Trails System Act by designating the Nez Perce (Nee-Me-Poo) Trails [sic] as a component of the national trails system: Report (to accompany S. 1542) (including the cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). [Washington, D.C.?: U.S. G.P.O., 1986.

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Corsi, Cecilia, ed. Felicità e benessere. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2015.

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Con il presente volume prendono avvio i Quaderni “Cesare Alfieri”, voluti dal Consiglio della Scuola di Scienze politiche dell'Università di Firenze quale progetto scientifico ed editoriale mirante a coinvolgere tutte le componenti culturali che animano la Scuola. Si è inteso così dar vita a un luogo di dialogo, di ricerca, di approfondimento per indagare problemi sociali complessi da punti di osservazione differenti. E per questo primo Quaderno il Comitato scientifico ha deciso di mettere a fuoco il concetto di «benessere», di osservarlo da angoli prospettici diversi e di rapportarlo alla nozione di felicità. L’indagine mira ad offrire spunti di riflessione, linee di un percorso, sguardi diversi su un tema che costituisce uno dei grandi nodi che le nostre democrazie devono affrontare: il benessere da conquista, soprattutto del ventesimo secolo, a sfida per questo inizio di nuovo millennio.
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Dessì, Giuseppe, and Mario Pinna. Tre amici tra la Sardegna e Ferrara. Edited by Costanza Chimirri. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2013.

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Una Sardegna riservata e lontana anima i testi di questo doppio carteggio, tra paesaggi arcaici e mitologie personali e letterarie nelle quali si inserisce ogni tanto la Ferrara degli anni giovanili degli autori, ricca di vita, di riviste («Primato» di Bottai, il «Corriere Padano» con la presenza di Bassani…), incontri serali nelle osterie o nelle camere in affitto, passeggiate lungo i Rampari, e l’uso di scherzosi soprannomi che sarebbe continuato oltre la giovinezza. Un mondo fatto di cose concrete, animato e vivificato da forti curiosità e passioni intellettuali, emerge dalle lettere, accuratamente trascritte e annotate da Costanza Chimirri, che ricostruiscono la vita e la storia di Giuseppe Dessí, Mario Pinna, Claudio Varese. La corrispondenza si apre con gli anni trascorsi a Ferrara – dopo Pisa momento cruciale per la loro formazione – e consente di ricostruire atmosfere ed ambienti, letture e lavoro, offrendo dall’interno un significativo spaccato dell’Italia del Novecento. Mai slegati tra loro, bensì uniti dal continuo richiamo alla triplice amicizia nel nome di Giuseppe Dessí, che è sempre presente, anche in assenza, nei discorsi degli altri, i carteggi hanno consentito anche di riportare alle luce testi inediti del più appartato del gruppo (Mario Pinna, accanito lettore di classici, ispanista, autore di poesie in dialetto logudorese e di brevi racconti ambientati in Sardegna), di rafforzare il ruolo da sempre ricoperto dal più ‘antico’ – per tutti maître-camarade – Claudio Varese; e di confermare ancora una volta quanto l’universo creativo di Dessí, profondamente segnato dalla componente biografica, abbia continuato a svilupparsi e alimentarsi sotto lo sguardo sapiente e affettuoso di amici fraterni, in uno scambio capace di dare vita a un vero e proprio immaginario collettivo.
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Vannini, Guido, ed. Florentia. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.

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Il terzo volume di Florentia prosegue la serie periodica di studi legati alle attività di formazione della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Ateneo fiorentino. Gli studi selezionati costituiscono elaborazioni tratte dalle migliori dissertazioni di diploma redatte dagli allievi negli ultimi anni, secondo criteri che privilegiano gli elementi di maggiore innovatività tematica e saldezza metodologica. I saggi rappresentano gli indirizzi fondamentali della Scuola: pre-protostorico, orientalistico, ‘classico’ (nelle sue varie componenti, greco-romana ed etrusco-italica), medievista. Gli autori provengono da Atenei di tutto il Paese: una varietà che tuttavia lascia trasparire il connotato culturale di fondo che caratterizza la Scuola archeologica fiorentina, a partire dalla lezione dei fondatori della Scuola, i non dimenticati Paolo Emilio Pecorella e Luigi Beschi, alla cui memoria questo volume è dedicato. La consuetudine fra docenti (in buona parte giovani anch’essi) ed allievi costituisce una comunità di studi che si vale di un coordinamento strutturale con le altre Scuole di Specializzazione dell’Ateneo dedicate ai Beni Culturali territoriali (Archeologia, Storia dell’Arte, Architettura); con scelte proiettate anche in una dimensione pubblica in rapporto a temi dell’attuale società civile – dall’incidenza sociale del ruolo dell’archeologo militante, all’apporto identitario di un’‘archeologia pubblica’ in una società che muta rapidamente, fra ‘nuovi italiani’ e uso sociale della cultura; al nuovo ruolo dell’archeologia (e non solo) – anche in contesti di crisi, non solo internazionali.
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1946-, Bush George W., and United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations, eds. Waiver of suspensions with respect to the issuance of licenses for OSR-11 sensors: Message from the President of the United States transmitting notification of his determination that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the suspensions under section 902(a) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act with respect to the issuance of licenses for QSR-11 sensors that serve as components of an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMN), pursuant to Pub. L. 101-246, sec. 902(b)(2). Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2003.

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Molecules as components of electronic devises [sic]. Washington, D.C: American Chemical Society, 2003.

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R, Carluccio J., Norman J. P, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. The application of cast SiC/Al to rotary engine components. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1986.

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Novel approach for positioning sensor lead wires on SiC-based monolithic ceramic and FRCMC components/subcomponents having flat and curved surfaces. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 1999.

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Croken, Ryan. Obama bin Laden [sic]. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter examines the cultural “confusion” that existed in the United States between Osama bin Laden and Barack Obama. It uses the cultural slippages (Obama/Osama), conspiratorial elisions (Obama is Osama), and religious assumptions (Obama, like Osama, is Muslim) that surround Osama and Obama as points for analyzing racialized dynamics that underlie narratives of U.S. exceptionalism, military power, and global dominance. It identifies some of the myriad streams through which popular culture effects its messages: T-shirts, web tools (photo morphing), memes, hip-hop, tweets, YouTube videos, and the like. Attending to these media formats is an essential component of examining sense-making across the complexities of U.S. cultures. The chapter argues that the “confusion” between Osama and Obama is more than just difficulty with name pronunciation, lack of familiarity with Islam, or merging of nonwhite skin color, but is instead a complex negotiation of racial intersections with national narratives.
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The Four Components Of A Fastpaced Organization Going Beyond Lean Sigma Tools. Taylor & Francis Inc, 2013.

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Grove, Eric. Sea Power. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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“Sea power” refers to the power exerted by a state through its capacity to use the sea for both military and civilian purposes. The ability to use the seas for transport and other civilian purposes such as fishing and, more recently, exploitation of resources on or under the sea bed has generated considerable debate. This has resulted in the notion that military power deployed at or from the sea is the key component of a state’s sea power. It was Alfred Thayer Mahan who first coined the term “sea power.” In his 1980 book “Influence,” Mahan outlined six “principal conditions affecting the sea power of nations”: geographical position, physical conformation, extent of territory, number of population, national character, and character of government. After Mahan, other writers advanced a variety of ideas regarding the concept of sea power, including Philip Colomb, who emphasized the importance of “command of the sea”; Sir Julian Corbett, who discussed the importance of maritime “lines of passage and communication” as “the preoccupation of naval strategy,” and control of such lines as the essence of “command of the sea”; and Sir Herbert Richmond, whose definition of sea power can be summed up as the “power to control movements at sea.” Others who have contributed to the scholarly literature on sea power include Raoul Castex, Bernard Brodie, Stephen Roskill, Sir Peter Gretton, Sir James Cable, Sergei G. Gorshkov, Paul Kennedy, Ken Booth, Richard Hill, and Geoffrey Till.
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Lei, Yuan. Ventilator System Composition. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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‘Ventilator System Composition’ describes in depth, each of the six essential parts: the electrical supply, compressed gas supply, ventilator, breathing circuit, artificial airway, and the patient’s lungs. The chapter discusses the internal design of the ventilator, particularly the inspiratory channel and expiratory channel, and the use of a proportional valve. It describes the structure of the various breathing circuits or patient circuits that are used, and their relationship to the humidifier in use. Next, the author addresses the artificial airway or non-invasive patient interface, and finally the additional components that are added to the airway, components that add dead space and resistance to the circuit.
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Image, Isabella. The Fall. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter presents Hilary’s understanding of the Fall. Hilary uses the ‘historical’ Genesis narrative and apparently rejects Origen’s teaching of the Fall of souls into bodies. His most interesting discussion of the Fall (InMt 10.23–4) sees the scriptural narrative as an allegory for the components of the human person. At the Fall, the human is changed and now comprises body, soul, will, disobedience (infidelitas), and sin; however, Christ’s coming gives the body and soul dominance over the other three elements. This intriguing analogy demonstrates that for Hilary the first sin, disobedience, is also its own punishment (an idea later found in Augustine). The importance of infidelitas in Hilary’s works is demonstrated, as is the role of the will at the Fall.
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Anderson, Robert H., Nigel A. Brown, Simon D. Bamforth, Bill Chaudhry, Deborah J. Henderson, and Timothy J. Mohun. Development of the outflow tract. Edited by José Maria Pérez-Pomares, Robert G. Kelly, Maurice van den Hoff, José Luis de la Pompa, David Sedmera, Cristina Basso, and Deborah Henderson. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The definitive cardiac outflow tracts have three components: the intra-pericardial arterial trunks, the arterial roots, and the ventricular outflow tracts. Improved correlations between normal development and cardiac malformations can be obtained by analysing the developing outflow tract in tripartite fashion with proximal, intermediate, and distal components. When first seen, the walls of the entire outflow tract express myocardial markers. With ongoing development, the distal border regresses away from the edges of the pericardial cavity. Subsequently, the distal outflow tract becomes the intra-pericardial arterial trunks, with a protrusion from the dorsal wall of the aortic sac forming the aortopulmonary septum. The arterial valves form in the intermediate part of the outflow tract. The proximal part eventually becomes transformed into the ventricular outflow tracts, with muscularization of the proximal cushions producing the right ventricular infundibulum. This approach provides rational explanations for the congenital lesions involving the different parts of the outflow tracts.
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Carter, Bryan D., William G. Kronenberger, Eric L. Scott, and Christine E. Brady. Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP). Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Adolescents with chronic illness, particularly when accompanied by debilitating, painful, and/or fatiguing symptoms, face challenges that are disruptive to their normal physical, psychological, and social development. The Children’s Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP) is an evidence-based program specifically designed to address the skills needed by adolescents with chronic illnesses to become more confident and independent in coping and managing their illness and lifestyle. The flexible 12-session format of CHIRP can be administered with individual teens and their families or conducted in teen groups with a parallel parent group component. CHIRP integrates and adapts effective treatment components from behavioral family systems therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, coping strategies intervention, interpersonal psychotherapy, assertiveness training, among others, into therapeutic activities in the companion CHIRP Teen and Family Workbook. This CHIRP Clinician Guide provides detailed instructions for implementing the manualized treatment protocol in the workbook. CHIRP was developed from both a careful review of the evidence-based literature on treatments for adolescents with chronic physical illness and the authors’ more than six decades of combined experience in helping children and families improve their quality of life and independence while coping with a chronic illness. Clinical outcome data on teens who have completed CHIRP demonstrate significant improvement in independent functioning and reduction in symptoms of fatigue and chronic pain; longitudinal data suggest these improvements not only persist but that teens continue to make gains on these factors beyond the completion of treatment, allowing them to pursue meaningful life goals as they transition to young adulthood.
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Dias, Cláudio Alberto Gellis de Mattos. Educação Física e EPT – Temáticas em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT). Centro de Pesquisa, 2020.

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Esta obra faz parte da pesquisa desenvolvida pelo meu orientando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (PROFEPT – IFAP). Fazer de maneira correta e produtiva uma pós-graduação stricto sensu exige muito mais que perseverança e coragem. É um exercício quase lúdico de reaprender a olhar ao redor de si e questionar, como fazem tão naturalmente as crianças. É transformar esse questionamento nascido da curiosidade em uma pesquisa com design metodológico correto e efetivo. Aqui apresento a vocês uma parte desta inquietude intelectual, transformada na realidade do conhecimento, pautada metodologicamente em conhecimentos anteriores. Em “Educação Física e EPT” somos levados a pensar sobre a importância deste componente curricular, não só como fonte de um corpo saudável, mas também como formador de seres humanos integrais e omnilaterais, com base em valores e atitudes. O questionamento de como é possível negligenciar qualquer componente e como qualquer componente é importante na formação do sujeito como um todo.
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Morin, Jean-François G., Maggie Harris, and Patricia J. Conrod. A Review of CBT Treatments for Substance Use Disorders. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This review article presents a summary of the existing literature on well-established CBT treatments for substance use disorder. It provides an overview of the origins, procedure, and evidence for six CBT treatment models: relapse prevention (RP) and mindful-based relapse prevention (MBRP), guided self-change (GSC), community reinforcement approach (CRA), behavioral couples therapy (BCT), and personality-targeted brief interventions. Common intervention components include orienting clients towards a meaningful goal, teaching necessary skills to reduce substance use and successfully achieve the goal, and establishing plans to face potential relapses, which generally appear to produce moderate to large effects across contexts and substance-related outcomes.
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Lepora, Nathan F. Building blocks. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter introduces the “building blocks” section of the Handbook of Living Machines which explores the individual sensory and motor components that when pieced together can comprise a complete biological or artificial system. The first six chapters cover the senses of vision, audition, touch, taste, and smell (considered together as chemosensing, proprioception, and electrosensing). The remaining chapters review aspects of the biomimetics of animal movement. First, that biological muscle has many performance benefits compared with conventional electric, second, how oscillations in neural circuits can drive rhythmic movements, and finally the capacity of animal skin, in species such as geckos, to adhere to surfaces and support behaviors such as climbing.
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Divan, Aysha, and Janice A. Royds. 2. DNA. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Another significant milestone was the publication in 2003 of the complete sequence of the human genome—the entire DNA contained within the forty-six chromosomes located in the nucleus of each human somatic (body) cell. Once this was published, further worldwide projects were launched to work out what the functions of these genes and other regions of the genome actually were. ‘DNA’ outlines the components of the human genome and their organization; DNA replication; mutations and correction mechanisms; polymorphisms; and new DNA technologies, including gene cloning, the polymerase chain reaction, and sequencing methods. Finally, bioinformatics and the subsequent issues of privacy and how this information could be used are discussed.
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Alapetite, Claire, Takaaki Yanagisawa, and Ryo Nishikawa. Germ cell tumours. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Central nervous system germ cell tumours are mysterious tumours, which are common in young male adults in eastern Asia, and include germinoma, mature and immature teratoma, teratoma with malignant transformation, yolk sac tumour, embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and mixed tumours of these components. The aetiological mechanism why they mostly develop in the pineal and neurohypophyseal region is still unknown. Their treatment is also a challenge; surgery is demanding, and sometimes biopsy would be preferred. Radiotherapy is effective, but its dose and field would be better reduced for young adults and children. Chemotherapy is effective but not enough for especially non-germinomatous tumours. This chapter presents a comprehensive discussion about those challenging diseases.
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Kirkpatrick, Kate. Death of God, Death of Love. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Part IV (Chapters 8 and 9) constructively argues that Sartre is a useful resource for contemporary hamartiology. Chapter 8 argues (i) that Sartre’s account of love provides further evidence of the Jansenist inflection of his pessimism. On this basis, it makes the case that (ii) Being and Nothingness presents a ‘hermeneutics of despair’ (to adapt Ricoeur’s phrase). It then asks (iii) whether—and if so, how—this reading of Sartre might usefully inform contemporary hamartiology, arguing that some theological categories (such as sin and love) cannot be known merely conceptually, but must be acknowledged personally. Finally (iv) it presents the ‘original optimism’ of the Christian doctrine of sin, which is lacking in the situation Sartre describes. In both the Augustinian and Kierkegaardian accounts of Christianity, an important component of this original optimism is love.
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Piechowski, Lisa Drago. Forensic Mental Health Concepts. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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This chapter discusses the linkage between the legal and the clinical aspects of forensic work, generally termed “forensic mental health concepts.” More specifically, it examines forensic mental health concepts that are relevant to the evaluation of disability and demonstrates how these concepts can assist the evaluator in developing a plan for forensic mental health assessment. The chapter first defines relevant concepts and terms such as disability, work capacity, condition, symptoms, impairment, occupational demands, job duties, and functional abilities. It then considers disability as a legal competency, along with four components common to almost all legal competencies: functional, causal, interactive, and judgment. Finally, it outlines the six-step process of a disability evaluation.
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Fratzscher, Marcel. The export world champion. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Germany’s international competitiveness, a significant part of which is due to its boom in exports, has been a crucial component in the transformation of Germany from the sick man of Europe to the continent’s apparent economic superstar. However, despite this remarkable success, it would be a mistake to ignore the fact that Germany has a dual economy, one wherein the services sectors have had and continue to have major problems, the most significant of which being that productivity, investment, and wages remain low. The present chapter discusses Germany’s dual economy and the flip side of Germany’s success as an exporter.
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Langland-Hassan, Peter, and Agustín Vicente. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This introduction situates the chapters that follow in relation to six key questions we see as fueling contemporary debates over inner speech. These questions are: 1) What are the proper parts of inner speech? 2) What is the relation of inner speech’s components to each other? 3) Is inner speech the expression of thought, or thought itself? 4) In what ways does inner speech facilitate self-knowledge? 5) What role can inner speech play in explanations of auditory verbal hallucinations and “inserted thoughts”? And 6), What is Vygotsky’s influence on current debates? This introduction both provides historical context to explain why these questions are now particularly pressing, and summarizes how the authors of each chapter aim to offer new answers.
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Urman, Richard, and Alan Kaye. Vascular Anesthesia Procedures. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This book reviews the practice of vascular anesthesia, which is now increasingly recognized as a subspecialty of anesthesia, and looks at developments and latest evidence in neuraxial, regional, and general anesthesia techniques. It explores essential topics on vascular anatomy, common vascular procedures, and anesthetic techniques in general and regional anesthesia. It also includes subjects relating to complications, perioperative patient monitoring, and post-operative management. The book begins with an analysis of the basic vascular anatomy and physiology, which covers the three components of the vascular system where oxygen, nutrients, and metabolites exchange: artery, vein, and capillaries. It ends with the anesthetic approach on patients that are presented for vascular surgery and considered to be a very sick, comorbid population with higher ASA classification.
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Troisi, Alfonso. Care. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter focuses on the impact of the doctor–patient relationship on patients’ physiology and well-being. The core of the chapter reports recent data on the physiological changes associated with placebo and nocebo effects and relates these findings to the impact of social relationships on health and disease. On average, the placebo effect’s relative weight in therapeutic improvement is around 40%. The most important component of the placebo effect is the doctor–patient relationship, and this is addressed by looking at the evolution of the behavior that underlies any medical act: care of the sick. Natural selection favored the evolution of behaviors aimed at helping group companions who were wounded or sick, through two different mechanisms: kin selection and reciprocal altruism. For a long period of human evolutionary history, care of the sick followed the path of intimate and affectionate relationships. Delegation to unfamiliar experts trained in medical science came much later. The take-home message of the chapter is that the opposition between humanistic and scientific medicine fades if one looks with an open mind at what we currently know about the biological dynamics that regulate the doctor–patient relationship.
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Plastics in Automotive Engineering PIAE EUROPE. VDI Verlag, 2019.

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Der VDI-Bericht ist ausschließlich als PDF erschienen! / Sie möchten gerne mehr erfahren? Inhalt Plastic components: future requirements Zukünftige Anforderungen an Kunststoffbauteile Volvo Cars recycled plastics strategy – Kick-starting with a recycled-plastics demo car 1 S. Tostar, Volvo Car Group, Gothenburg, Sweden Sustainable materials for the interior parts 5 Nachhaltige Materialien für das Interieur 17 C. Schütz, L. Lewerdomski, E. Körner, C. Winkelmann, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg Interior-Trends/Trends im Fahrzeuginnenraum Antimicrobial treatment of textiles and decorative materials for passenger transport and car-sharing concepts 29 Antimikrobielle Ausstattung von Textilien und Dekormaterialien für Personentransport und Carsharing Konzepte 43 M. Schneider, A. Cordella, car i.t.a. GmbH & Co. KG, Kirkel-Limbach Simulation/Simulation Elasto-viscoplastic temperature-dependent material model for a talc-filled PP/PE copolymer 57 Elasto-viskoplastisches temperaturabhängi...
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Fontanarosa, Phil B., and Stacy Christiansen. Units of Measure. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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The presentation of quantitative scientific information is an integral component of biomedical publication. Accurate communication of scientific knowledge and presentation of numerical data require a scientifically informative system for reporting units of measure. The International System of Units (Le Système International d'Unités or SI) represents a modified version of the metric system that has been established by international agreement and currently is the official measurement system of most nations of the world.1 The SI promotes uniformity of quantities and units, minimizes the number of units and multiples used in other measurement systems, and can express virtually any measurement in science, medicine, industry, and commerce. In 1977, the World Health Organization recommended the adoption of the SI by the international scientific community. Since then, many biomedical publications throughout the world have adopted SI units as their preferred and primary method for reporting scientific measurements...
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Steinberg, Marc I. The Impact of Stock Exchange Rules on the Federalization of Corporate Governance. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses on the important role that the national stock exchanges play in the federalization of corporate governance. Responding to federal legislative and SEC directives and, at times, acting on their own initiative, the stock exchanges have promulgated meaningful rules that comprise a significant component of the corporate governance landscape. Although technically not government regulation, the national stock exchanges play a central role in the enhancement of sound corporate governance practices and policies. Examples include the emphasis by the exchanges on independent directors, board committees (including audit, compensation, and nominating committees), and corporate codes of ethics. Hence, when addressing the federalization of corporate governance, stock exchange regulation is to be given prominent status.
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Vargas-Cruz, Sandra, and Irene Parra-García. Calidad de vida, buen vivir y salud. Indígenas en la ciudad: el caso de 6 pueblos migrantes en Bogotá. Universidad El Bosque - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2021.

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The work addresses the situation of six migrant indigenous peoples who currently reside in the city of Bogotá: Los Pastos, Misak misak, Wounaan, Yanacona, Nasa and Kamëntšá biya. An interdisciplinary team developed the work; due to this, the phenomenon is analysed from dierent approaches, although with a special emphasis on health. It constitutes a reflection on the condition of being indigenous in Latin American cities from the redefinition of identities, through the challenges for the guarantee of rights outside their territories, to the reasons for migration and the characterization of the migrant indigenous’ households in the city. The book includes components of the broad discussion on indigenous studies and the common situations that they may experience when settling in Bogotá, and the importance of making visible the specific experience of each people participating in the study.
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Gaskell, M. Gareth, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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This book examines the young science of psycholinguistics, which attempts to uncover the mechanisms and representations underlying human language. This interdisciplinary field has seen massive developments over the past decade, with a broad expansion of the research base, and the incorporation of new experimental techniques such as brain imaging and computational modelling. The result is that real progress is being made in the understanding of the key components of language in the mind. This book brings together the views of seventy-five leading researchers to provide a review of the current state of the art in psycholinguistics. The contributors are eminent in a wide range of fields, including psychology, linguistics, human memory, cognitive neuroscience, bilingualism, genetics, development, and neuropsychology. Their contributions are organised into six themed sections, covering word recognition, the mental lexicon, comprehension and discourse, language production, language development, and perspectives on psycholinguistics.
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McLeod, Bryce D., Julia R. Cox, Ruben G. Martinez, and Lillian M. Christon. Assessment and Case Conceptualization. Edited by Thomas H. Ollendick, Susan W. White, and Bradley A. White. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Evidence-based assessment and case conceptualization are two important components of evidence-based practice. Using assessment data gathered over the course of treatment to inform case conceptualization helps clinicians tailor evidence-based treatments to meet the needs of individual children and adolescents. The main goal of this chapter is to describe and illustrate the roles evidence-based assessment and case conceptualization play in informing the process of psychosocial treatment for children and adolescents from the initial intake through termination. a framework guided by six principles for using assessment to inform the treatment process is presented. Then, how this framework can be used to develop and refine a science-informed case conceptualization through a series of five sequential stages is discussed. This process is illustrated with a case example. The chapter concludes with future research directions for assessment and case conceptualization to better inform evidence-based practice.
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Krauzlis, Richard J. Attentional Functions of the Superior Colliculus. Edited by Anna C. (Kia) Nobre and Sabine Kastner. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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The superior colliculus (SC) plays an important role in both overt and covert attention. In primates, the SC is well known to be a central component of the motor pathways that orient the eyes and head to important objects in the environment. Accordingly, neurons in the SC show enhanced responses that will be the target of orienting movements, compared to stimuli that will be ignored. Single-neuron recordings in the SC have revealed a variety of attention-related effects, including changes in activity related to bottom-up and top-down attention, attention capture, and inhibition of return. These findings support the view of the SC as a priority map that represents the location of important objects in the visual environment. Manipulation of SC activity by electrical microstimulation and chemical inactivation shows that the SC is not simply a recipient of attention-related effects, but plays a causal role in these processes. In particular, activity in the SC plays a major role in the selection of targets for saccades, and also for pursuit eye movements and movements of the hand. Moreover, activity in the SC is important not only for the control of overt attention, but also plays a crucial role in covert attention—the processing of visual signals for perceptual judgements even in the absence of orienting movements. The mechanisms mediating the role of the SC in the control of covert attention are not yet known, but current models emphasize interactions between the SC and areas of the cerebral cortex.
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Jenkins, Rob, and James Manor. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter provides an overview of the book's analytical focus, conceptual approach, main arguments, and research process. It introduces the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (NREGA), which was part of a raft of rights-based development legislation passed by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) that governed India from 2004-2014. NREGA was central to the Indian state's efforts to upgrade the country's relatively thin social welfare provision to something more in keeping with its growing economic and political profile. Six central contentions are outlined, each with a brief explanation. The chapter also justifies the book's approach to concepts such as institutions, poverty, and politics, and introduces the components of what the authors call “political capacity”. Elements of the research process – including information on the key case study states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh – are also discussed, and the organization of the remainder of the book, including a chapter outline, is presented.
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Aelenei, Laura. ADHD la adult. Interferente cu tulburarile de personalitate. Editura Universitara, 2021.

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Lucrarea de fata se refera la tulburarea cu deficit de atentie/ hiperactivitate la adult (ADHD) abordand relatia dintre aceasta si tulburarile de personalitate. ADHD, considerata pana in ultimii ani o afectiune a copilariei, dupa noua clasificare a bolilor psihice -DSM-5, este intalnita mult mai frecvent la adult. Problematica discutata este cercetata pe larg in literatura de specialitate in ultima perioada, fiind un subiect de interes, tinand cont de faptul ca daca la multe grupe diagnostice DSM-5 a pastrat viziunea anterioara, la tulburarea ADHD modificarile au dus la unele diferente notabile. Este evident acum ca simptomatologia ADHD este vazuta ca o componenta relativ constanta de-a lungul vietii individului, cu eventuale atenuari odata cu varsta, dar cu persistenta unei proportii de manifestari la adult, care puteau fi pana acum neobservate. Aceasta viziune se apropie foarte mult de descrierile clasice ale personalitatii, de aici si posibilitatea unei comparatii intre cele doua patologii. Noua perspectiva din ICD 11 urmeaza si ea tendinta DSM-5 in ceea ce priveste ADHD la adult. Astfel, se evidentiaza mult mai clar posibilitatea diagnosticarii acestei patologii la populatia adulta si necesitatea atentiei sporite vizavi de identificarea trasaturilor specifice acestei patologii.
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Ortiz Aguilar, Wilber, Tatiana Verónica Gutiérrez Quiñónez, Lenin Stalyn Gómez Romero, Daniel Douglas Iturburu Salvador, and Julio Cesar Castro Rosado. El desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento geométrico espacial: una mirada desde la validación neutrosófica. Editorial Tecnocientífica Americana, 2021.

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El desarrollo del pensamiento geométrico espacial es un aspecto esencial para asimilar los contenidos matemáticos relacionados con la geometría del espacio, y de esta forma, enfrentarse con éxito a la resolución de problemas geométricos de estereometría. Sin embargo, aún subsisten insuficiencias en esta temática, las cuales fueron constatadas en el estudio exploratorio fáctico y causal desarrollado en carreras técnicas. Es por ello que, el objetivo del presente libro es proponer una metodología contentiva de procedimientos desarrolladores, eslabones, componentes, acciones y orientaciones metodológicas, para elevar los niveles de desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento geométrico espacial en los estudiantes de las carreras de ingeniería, de la educación universitaria. Dicha metodología es validada a través de un pre-experimento mediante el uso de los conjuntos neutrosóficos de valor único (SVNS) asociados a variables lingüísticas, lo que aumenta la posibilidad de interpretación en los modelos de recomendación y en el empleo de la indeterminación.
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Porrúa, Miguel, Mariano Lafuente, Edgardo Mosqueira, Benjamin Roseth, and Angela Reyes, eds. Transformación digital y empleo público: El futuro del trabajo del gobierno. Inter-American Development Bank, 2021.

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Todas las aspiraciones asociadas a la transformación digital que tienen los gobiernos alrededor del mundo mejores servicios, mayor transparencia, más eficiencia administrativa dependen de los funcionarios públicos que la diseñan, la gestionan o la utilizan. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las agendas de transformación digital del gobierno de la región se basan en un enfoque predominantemente tecnológico, a veces con un componente normativo y/o institucional, y solo referencias aisladas a temas de capital humano. Este libro apunta a cerrar esa brecha. Lo hace a partir de un análisis tanto del talento necesario para el impulso de la transformación digital (la creación e implementación de los nuevos sistemas tecnológicos) como para la adaptación a ella (la adopción efectiva de las nuevas herramientas y la resultante reorganización del trabajo). Asimismo, propone una serie de recomendaciones prácticas para preparar a los servidores públicos para las disrupciones que trae consigo la cuarta revolución industrial.
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Martínez Espinoza, Manuel Ignacio. Políticas sociales y participación en México. El caso del programa Comedores Comunitarios. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas. Centro de Estudios Superiores de México y Centroamérica. Observatorio de las Democracias Sur de México y Centroamérica. MAPorrúa, 2019.

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En los últimos años la participación se ha definido como un componente fundamental de la política de desarrollo social en México. Sin embargo, en la práctica, la participación no se ha interpretado con la complejidad inherente de los conceptos políticos, su instrumentación se ha reducido a acciones concretas como pasar lista o elegir representantes y ha sido una dimensión ausente en las evaluaciones de los programas sociales. Con el objetivo de subsanar tales lagunas de conocimiento, en el presente libro se realiza un estudio crítico y metódico de los conceptos de participación y políticas sociales, se indaga sobre las particularidades que han tenido en México, se proponen modelos para su análisis y se explora el caso del programa Come­dores Comunitarios. Integrando la complejidad temática con un trata­miento exhaustivo y sistemático, el libro permite identificar concepcio­nes, instituciones, actores, procesos y resultados de la participación en el ámbito del desarrollo social en México.
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Alperin, Marta. Introducción al análisis estadístico de datos geológicos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2013.

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La utilización de la estadística en el medio científico ha tomado sin duda un ritmo aceleradamente creciente, señalando una tendencia que, de forma más atenuada, es acompañada cotidianamente por el resto de las actividades del hombre. A tal extremo que tanto en economía, como en política, arte, periodismo, deporte, espectáculos, oficios, religiones y en todas las demás, se utilizan estimadores, rankings, porcentuales, frecuencias, tendencias y otras expresiones estadísticas del más diverso carácter y profundidad, generalmente acompañadas de los códigos que corresponden a cada actividad. Las geociencias no escapan a esta realidad, ya que se ha convertido en una herramienta de primer orden, facilitada en su empleo por el advenimiento de la informática. Es por lo tanto habitual que los geólogos la utilicen en sus tareas profesionales, de investigación o de gestión. Pero es también habitual que lo hagan para cubrir una necesidad y porque no, una “moda”, sin el pleno conocimiento del contexto de esta verdadera ciencia formal y de la mayor parte de su oferta. Es como adquirir un instrumental o un software y aplicarlo sin haber leído acabadamente su correspondiente manual. Es aquí donde la obra de la Dra. Alperin adquiere su mayor dimensión y apunta al enriquecimiento de la labor del geólogo, con el mayor conocimiento posible de la dimensión de las bases teóricas para llegar a aprovechar su utilidad, ya se trate de la componente descriptiva o la referencial. O también el caso de poblaciones relativamente estáticas o dinámicas, como el agua subterránea, donde por ejemplo, el análisis de series resulta básico para reconstruir los sucesos hidrológicos y poder formular pronósticos. (de la presentación del Dr. Mario A. Hernández)
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Goodman, Steven N., and Jonathan M. Samet. Causal Inference in Cancer Epidemiology. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Judgments about causality are central to the development of interventions intended to reduce exposure to risk factors that cause cancer. Because causation is not directly observable in medicine, scientists and philosophers have had to develop sets of constructs and heuristics that define “cause” operationally. The criteria in this framework, often attributed to the British medical statistician Sir Austin Bradford Hill or to the 1964 Report of the US Surgeon General on tobacco, include consistency, strength of association, specificity, temporality, coherence/plausibility/analogy, biological gradient, and experiment. This chapter reviews these criteria in depth and considers the challenges of applying them to population research on cancer. It discusses the concepts of causation in the context of the multistage nature of cancer, the “counterfactual” notion of causation, the component cause model for understanding diseases with multiple causes, and the “weight of the evidence” approach for integrating information from multiple lines of research.
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Bahgat, Gawdat. Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Persian Gulf States. Edited by Douglas Cumming, Geoffrey Wood, Igor Filatotchev, and Juliane Reinecke. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The period from early 2000s to 2014 witnessed unprecedented and sustained high oil prices transforming the main oil and gas exporters in the Persian Gulf into major players in global finance. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the six GCC member states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) have been using these massive oil revenues to assert their economic and political leverage on the regional and international scene. A key component of this effort has been the creation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). This chapter examines the SWFs in Iran and the GCC states. It includes discussion of the emergence and evolution of the oil and gas industry in the region, analysis of the sharp drop in oil prices since 2014 and how this cycle is different from previous ones, and detailed examination (based on limited data availability) of Iran’s and the GCC’s major SWFs.
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Hernández, Carlos. Principios, ponderación y pretensión de corrección en el constitucionalismo discursivo de Robert Alexy. Universidad Libre sede principal, 2017.

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La obra de Robert Alexy ha tenido una amplia repercusión en la filosofía del derecho y el derecho constitucional contemporáneo. Este volumen incorpora varios ensayos de profesores procedentes de diferentes partes del mundo y cuyo estudio sobre diversos aspectos del pensamiento de Alexy es indispensable. El primer ensayo de Giogio Bongiovanni, profesor de la Universidad de Bolonia, Italia, no ofrece una interpretación del libro de Alexy Begriff und Geltung des Rechts, un famoso texto en el cual se contrapone el constitucionalismo y el legalismo. En el referido libro, “Alexy propone un constitucionalismo “templado” (gemäßigten Konstitutionalismus), es decir, una teoría jurídica que, a partir de una interpretación por “valores” de los sistemas constitucionales, intenta mediar la dimensión moral del derecho con sus caracteres institucionales”. La referida interpretación por “valores” de Alexy tiene dos consecuencias: “por un lado, que, en base a esta consideración de la Constitución, el derecho no se reduce a la ley, sino que el primer concepto tiene un ámbito más amplio en relación a estos principios; por otro lado, que todas las actividades de aplicación del derecho no pueden ser consideradas como de simple subsunción del caso a la norma sino que la decisión jurisprudencial debe ser vista como una actividad de ponderación y balanceo de los distintos principios respecto a los casos. En el lado opuesto del legalismo, que a partir de las primeras posiciones de E. Forsthoff llega hasta las consideraciones de E.W. Böckenförde, aparecen diferentes objeciones a esta interpretación de la Constitución y los derechos”. Según afirma Bongiovanni, se pueden indicar cuatro direcciones de análisis. En primer lugar, Schmitt entendió que la referencia a los valores en la interpretación del Derecho conduce a la negación del pluralismo y, por tanto, a la formación de jerarquías de valores y disvalores. En segundo lugar, los valores significarían el desplazamiento de los espacios de deliberación social pues implicarían el decisionismo de los jueces y un amplio margen para la discrecionalidad política. En tercer lugar, según Forsthoff al recurrir a los valores, se extiende incontroladamente el ámbito de intervención del Estado en la vida social. Finalmente, desde el punto de vista del positivismo jurídico, recurrir a los valores significaría la pérdida de la certidumbre en el Derecho y, por tanto, la afectación de un valor tan importante como la seguridad jurídica. Pero retomemos la idea de Alexy de un constitucionalismo templado, el cual se resumen en tres argumentos: a) El autor propone una teoría de corte no - positivista fundamentada en una conexión débil entre derecho y moral; b) Una teoría de esta naturaleza implicaría la ampliación del concepto de derecho en sus aspectos procesales; c) En tercer lugar, sobre el problema de quién decide, la teoría propuesta señala la existencia de una jerarquía de los argumentos en la interpretación que medien entre reglas y principios. En la obra de Alexy “la tesis de la conexión se construye en contraposición con la conocida tesis positivista de la separación. Para este último el derecho puede tener cualquier contenido y, por este motivo, no incluye elementos morales, o, más concretamente, sostiene que no existe una necesaria conexión conceptual entre derecho y moral. El concepto de derecho es por ello definible, en esta última perspectiva sobre la base de dos elementos fundamentales: la positividad (concepto de derecho como legislación) y la eficacia. La tesis de la conexión se desarrolla en relación a dos casos: en primer lugar, respecto a la ley injusta. Esto corresponde, en la visión de Alexy, a los casos excepcionales; en segundo lugar, frente al perfeccionamiento del derecho, es decir, para su funcionamiento ordinario”. Ahora bien, en la teoría de Alexy el papel desempeñado por el poder judicial está estrechamente relacionado al centro del argumento de los principios. “Alexy sostiene que sobre la base de la complicación estructural del derecho introducida por los sistemas democrático-constitucionales (incorpación de los principios en el sistema jurídico), el rol del juez se convierte en no más que un simple ejecutor del derecho, sino que su función se amplía en dirección del balanceo entre diversos principios”. En gran medida, la concepción del rol de los jueces en el constitucionalismo está definido por la conexión entre derecho y moral desarrollado a partir de tres tesis: la tesis de la incorporación, la tesis de la moral y la tesis de la corrección. Asimismo, la interpretación se define según dos dimensiones una práctico/normativa y otra institucional. Desde la dimensión práctico/normativa la interpretación tiene por objeto lo obligatorio, prohibido, permitido y autorizado en las normas jurídicas; y la dimensión institucional tiene lugar en un contexto autoritativo, es decir, que en caso de divorcio hay una instancia que decide con efecto vinculante. Como afirma Bongiovanni “si se considera globalmente el enfoque alexiano, parece evidente que buena parte de sus tesis relativas a la conexión entre derecho y moral no son otra cosa que una aplicación de la Sonderfallthese, la tesis es que el discursojurídico forma parte del discurso práctico racional (Alexy 1998). Esta premisa permite a Alexy sostener tanto la pretensión de corrección, como la idea de la interpretación como argumento, es decir, como caso especial de “la argumentación práctico general o del discurso práctico general”. Si observamos detalladamente, sería la tesis del caso especial la que posibilita la configuración del problema de la conexión entre derecho y moral. Aunque, se debe reconocer que esto no parece convincente porque, siguiendo a Bongiovanni, la tesis de la conexión puede estar basada en argumentos de tipo empírico o histórico-evolutivo. “Esta segunda vía, que privilegia el dato de la incorporación de los principios al interior de los sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos, permite, además, la conjugación de las consideraciones de Alexy con todas las teorías de derivación positivista que en la consideración de la simple validez formal de las normas han añadido la necesidad de la valoración de su validez material”. El ensayo David Bilchitz, profesor de la Universidad de Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, está concentrado en el análisis de uno de los pasos del test de proporcionalidad: el examen de necesidad. Para Bilchitz, “la proporcionalidad, en última instancia, trata de evaluar los beneficios obtenidos por la medidas de infracción contra los daños causados por violar los derechos fundamentales. Los jueces han desarrollado un proceso de razonamiento para dar estructura a dicho análisis. La primera parte de este proceso implica considerar el propósito de la medida que limita un derecho fundamental”. En su ensayo, Bilchitz desarrolla una interpretación estricta de la necesidad y las diversas dificultades que se producen, para ello divide los elementos de esta interpretación en cuatro sub-componentes: el componente posible que es “una gama de posibles alternativas a las medidas que el gobierno quiere empleardeben ser identificadas”, el componente instrumental que es “la relación entre la medida gubernamental bajo consideración, las alternativas identificadas en SN1 [el componente posible] y el objetivo que se pretende lograr debe ser determinado. Sólo aquellos que son “alternativas” igualmente eficaces para lograr el objetivo deben seguir siéndolo para su consideración en las siguientes partes del examen”; el impacto del componente, en el cual “las diferentes repercusiones en los derechos fundamentales de la medida y las alternativas identificadas en SN2 [el impacto del componente] deben ser determinadas; y, el componente comparativo, el cual indica que “una comparación global debe ser emprendida entre la medida gubernamental y las posibles alternativas y un juicio sobre si la medida adoptada por el gobierno es la menos restrictiva de los derechos en cuestión que pueda lograr el objetivo del gobierno en comparación con todas las otras posibles alternativas igualmente eficaces”. En su ensayo, Bilchitz ha querido analizar y profundizar en el componente de la necesidad del principio de proporcionalidad. Con tal finalidad, explica lo que ha denominado como la interpretación estricta de la necesidad, asimsimo, demuestra que una interpretación estricta de la necesidad puede generar dos problemas opuestos: “o se considera demasiado fuerte la deferencia sustancial por parte de los tribunales de otras ramas o es demasiado débil, como resultado de una construcción estricta del componente de igual efectividad”. Del mismo modo, el autor reflexiona sobre la interpretación estricta de la interpretación en cuatro partes y examina cada una de ellas, pudiendo demostrar que en cada parte se presentan juicios cualitativos y normativos que implican que la interpretación estricta no puede justificarse adecuadamente. Por ello, el autor es partidario de una interpretación moderada del examen de necesidad.
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Pérez, Gerson Javier, María Aguilera, Luis Armando Galvis, Andrea Otero, Andrés Sánchez-Jabba, and Karina Acosta. Economía de las grandes ciudades en Colombia: seis estudios de caso. Banco de la República de Colombia, 2021.

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El libro consta de seis capítulos, los cuales han sido desarrollados por investigadores del Centro de Estudios Económicos Regionales (CEER). Cada uno de ellos profundiza en factores asociados con el crecimiento económico, especialmente los relacionados con el capital humano, visto desde sus componentes fundamentales: la educación y la salud. Si se define el PIB urbano como el agregado de la producción del sector industrial, de servicios y el financiero, se observa que seis departamentos concentran cerca del 80% de dicha producción. Para el estudio de la economía de las ciudades se ha seleccionado a Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla y Cartagena, capitales de esos departamentos, que representan el 72% de la población residente en las capitales departamentales y 42% de la población residente en las cabeceras urbanas del país. Estas capitales, junto con sus áreas metropolitanas, concentran la mayor parte del capital humano del país y son, también, en la mayoría de los casos, el área urbana más representativa de la región a la cual pertenecen.
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Bazán, Patricia, ed. Aplicaciones, servicios y procesos distribuidos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2017.

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En los orígenes de la ciencia de la computación todo el énfasis estuvo puesto en desarrollar sistemas que automatizaran tareas que se hacían manualmente. Este era suficiente desafío. En la actualidad, se han automatizado muchas tareas y el gran desafío es cómo mejorar la capacidad de los sistemas para alcanzar nuevos requerimientos: agregar nuevas interfaces, combinar múltiples fuentes de datos en una sola, interactuar con dispositivos móviles y reemplazar viejas aplicaciones con nuevas. En este sentido, el desarrollo de software se ha evolucionado hacia modelos distribuidos donde los componentes cooperan y colaboran para lograr el objetivo y ocultar la distribución al usuario. Sin lugar a dudas, la vertiginosa evolución de la tecnología Web y el uso de Internet como mecanismo de comunicación, ha impactado fuertemente en los paradigmas de desarrollo de software. Pero ésta no es la única causa de la evolución de la construcción de aplicaciones con una perspectiva modular, desacoplada y que facilite los nuevos requerimientos que se mencionan más arriba. Este libro tiene por objetivo desarrollar todos los conceptos que deben aprenderse e incorporarse para concebir software distribuido y se encuentra orientado a alumnos avanzados de carreras de informática que cuenten con conocimientos de redes, sistemas operativos, técnicas de ingeniería de software y algunas nociones de programación distribuida y concurrente.
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