Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sharing system'
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Luna, Renato Mercado, Gabriel Benavente Soto, Daniel Subauste Oliden, and Alfredo Barrientos Padilla. "Bike-Sharing Management System Using IoT." Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/653779.
Full textNowadays, due to climate change and many other facts affecting daily life a trend to use eco-friendly transportation ways has arisen, and from them the one mostly used and with the highest acceptance is biking. Therefore, several companies have emerged offering bike-sharing systems, and those systems have been greatly accepted in the different metropolises around the world. The generalization of these systems has created a new need: to manage them efficiently. Consequently, in this work, we propose a software architecture and the implementation of a bike-sharing management system using the Internet of things (IoT).
Revisión por pares
Olsson, Fredrik. "A Lab System for Secret Sharing." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-2385.
Full textFinnegan Lab System is a graphical computer program for learning how secret sharing works. With its focus on the algorithms and the data streams, the user does not have to consider machine-specific low-level details. It is highly modularised and is not restricted to secret sharing, but can easily be extended with new functions, such as building blocks for Feistel networks or signal processing.
This thesis describes what secret sharing is, the development of a new lab system designed for secret sharing and how it can be used.
Goto, Masato, Akira Hattori, Takami Yasuda, and Shigeki Yokoi. "Local Risk Management Information Sharing System." INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/10438.
Full textBach, Monica, and Österlund Teresa Yurag. "E-business : A Sharing Information System." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Handels- och IT-högskolan, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-17169.
Full textProgram: Masterutbildning i Informatik
Hu, Hongyi M. Eng Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "OpenWiFi : a consumer WiFi sharing system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/41633.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 71-72).
This thesis describes the design, implementation and evaluation of OpenWiFi, a consumer WiFi-sharing system. OpenWiFi aims to allow owners of WiFi access points (APs) to function as private internet service providers. The OpenWiFi model combines WiFi access facilities owned by participating individuals or businesses under a virtual network operator who offers internet access from these facilities to clients who subscribe and pay for the service. The major problems in designing and implementing OpenWiFi include providing secure separation between private users of home networks from paying clients, developing a billing model that guarantees correct and fair payments when both clients and AP owners are untrusted and generalizing our mechanisms so that OpenWiFi may operate on hetergenous underlying hardware and software. We solved these problems with simple, clean procedures implemented at wireless APs and at a central Open-WiFi server that require no client modification. We conducted a number of static and mobile experiments, the result of which show that OpenWiFi is usable by roaming users who do not move continuously as well as high mobility users who connect from automobiles traveling at vehicular speeds.
by Hongyi Hu.
Wu, Min 1976. "Secure Health Information Sharing System (SHARE)." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/86761.
Full textRobertson, James (James Stewart) 1977. "Melody : a distributed music-sharing system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/29691.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 47-49).
Text search has been an important feature of file sharing applications since Napster. This thesis explores a directory hierarchy for categorizing and retrieving content in peer-to-peer systems as an alternative to keyword search. This thesis discusses Melody, a music sharing system that implements a directory hierarchy. Melody is built on Chord, a distributed lookup algorithm, and DHash, a distributed hash table. We evaluate the performance consequences and usability of Melody. In addition, this thesis presents two support applications: Autocat, to support automatic categorization, and Paynet, to encourage users to pay for the songs they listen to.
by James Robertson.
Patel, Surjit Savji 1970. "MediaConnector : a gestalt media sharing system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/62374.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 104-109).
Our desire to have common experiences with other people leads us to share media such as photographs and music. With computer networks as the media delivery system we create new opportunities for recording media utilization and ownership. Using traditional and responsive media we explore systems that enable enhanced shared experiences through modeling groups of users. A series of prototypes built with an experimental framework, MediaConnector, help us document observations and behaviors of participants. MediaConnector is a peer-to-peer media-sharing framework that allows people to develop new peer-to-peer media sharing application. Through engendering each node with its own historical audit trail we can take a crawler approach and dynamically build group profiles and perform trend analysis. Theoretical and practical work that leads to the final framework design is discussed. In particular experiments with GPS enabled cameras that explore metadata interrelationships, networked tables to share photos and two construction tests of the MediaConnector framework in dynamic group level personalization of television and audio content. It is intended that a "constructionist" approach together with new behavioral analysis will foster new and novel sharing applications to emerge. MediaConnector is evaluated by its ability to support the above approach in a community of users.
by Surjit Savji Patel.
Ferenc, Romana, and Irena Dujmovic. "Knowledge sharing with ERP - system within companies." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Informatik, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-13519.
Full textAbolafya, Natan. "Secure Documents Sharing System for Cloud Environments." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-121297.
Full textAnderson, Neil. "A distributed information sharing collaborative system (DISCS)." Thesis, De Montfort University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/2086/4309.
Full textMenard, Patrick 1981. "Scalable spatially aware media sharing display system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/33329.
Full textPage 129 blank.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-94).
The scalable spatially aware media sharing display system provides an efficient and convenient means of harnessing media messaging in global communications. A three- tiered system of input, control, and output creates a medium for communication and data sharing via varied media types for relevant and enhanced contextual experiences. It is built as a platform independent infrastructure for sharing and/or displaying various media types onto a grid of, or singularly placed, target display nodes while accommodating dynamic growth in its support of on-the-fly display node assimilation. The system promotes interfacing flexibility thus allowing multiple devices, extant or yet to be, to connect and fully exploit its capabilities. In addition, the system supports an architecture that can accommodate loosely coupled parallel tasks thus exhibiting the qualities of a dynamic parallel cluster.
by Patrick Menard.
Eriksson, Emil. "System collaboration and information sharing using DDS technology." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för datorteknik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-297576.
Full textChung, Yongik. "LIVESGEO : a location-based multimedia knowledge sharing system." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/36762.
Full textHussain, Syed Rameez. "YouPic for Android – A Social Photo Sharing System." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-81387.
Full textCatalán, Rivas Victoria, Albin Ohlsson, and Viktor Ståhl. "Online System for Sharing Tools and Devices : BorrowIT." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-297166.
Full textI dagens samhalle blir många av våra verktyg och apparater oanvända större delen av tiden de är i vår ägo. Det blir onödigt stora miljö- och ekonomiska kostnader av att vi var och en köper dessa saker för att ha dem ligga på våra hyllor. Vi har designat en mobilapplikation som låter dess användare låna verktyg och apparater från sina grannar för de sällsynta tillfällen då de behövs. Den låter användare se saker som deras grannar är villiga att låna ut, och de kan göra efterfrågningar på saker som deras grannar kan svara på. Applikationen håller koll på vem som lånat vad till vem. Detta är för att se till att lånaren hålls ansvarig för det som lånats, så att den som lånat ut kan känna trygghet över att sakerna kommer tillbaka. Applikationen blev väl mottagen inom en grupp av testanvändare. De tyckte att gränssnittet var intuitivt för det mesta, men att det saknades viss återkoppling. Trots det är applikationen inte lämplig för utgivning i dess nuvarande tillstånd på grund av vissa säkerhetsrisker.
Leung, Philip, and Daniel Svensson. "SecuRES: Secure Resource Sharing System : AN INVESTIGATION INTO USE OF PUBLIC LEDGER TECHNOLOGY TO CREATE DECENTRALIZED DIGITAL RESOURCE-SHARING SYSTEMS." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-187348.
Full textProjektet ämnar lösa problemen med oförnekbarhet, integritet och konfidentialitet när man delar känsligt data mellan parter som behöver lita på varandra utan inblanding av betrodd tredje part. Detta diskuteras för att besvara till vilken omfattning digitala resurser kan delas säkert i ett decentraliserat system baserat på publika liggare jämfört med existerande tillitsbaserade alternativ. En undersökning av nuvarande resursdelningslösningar visar att det existerar många tillitsbaserade system men även en växande andel lösningar baserade på publika liggare. En intressant lösning som lyfts fram är Storj som använder sådan teknologi men fokuserar på resurslagring mer är delning. Projektets föreslagna lösning, kallad SecuRES, är ett kommunikationsprotokoll baserat på en publik liggare likt Bitcoin. En prototyp baserad på protokollet har tagits fram som visar att det är möjligt att dela krypterade filer med en eller flera mottagare genom ett decentraliserat nätverk baserat på publika liggare. Slutsatsen som dras är att SecuRES klarar sig utan betrodda tredje parter för att dela resurser medan vissa operationer kan göras mer användarvänliga genom externa autentiseringstjänster. Själva lösningen garanterar integritet av data och medför ytterligare fördelar såsom oförnekbarhet, konfidentialitet och hög transparens då man kan göra källkoden och protocoldokumentation fritt läsbar utan att utsätta systemet för fara. Vidare forskning behövs för att undersöka om systemet kan skalas upp för allmän användning och alltjämt bibehålla säkerhets- samt prestandakrav.
Wu, Feifei, and Ying Xue. "Innovations of bike sharing industry in China : A case study of Mobike’s station-less bike sharing system." Thesis, KTH, Industriell Marknadsföring och Entreprenörskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-209402.
Full textWilhelm, Gary L. "Analyzing and sharing data for surface combat weapons systems." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/04Dec%5FWilhelm.pdf.
Full textStiess, Timothy Stephen. "Information Sharing in the Hardwood Supply Chain." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/27922.
Full textPh. D.
Munro, David. "Knowledge-sharing on knowledge management systems : the role of organisational and system support /." [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2005. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe18588.pdf.
Full textLee, Donald C. "Geospatial data sharing in Saudi Arabia." University of Southern Queensland, Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, 2003. http://eprints.usq.edu.au/archive/00001458/.
Full textSlocumb, Calvin D. "Common data sharing system infrastructure : an object-oriented approach /." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1995. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA304500.
Full text"June 1995." Thesis advisor(s): Orin E. Marvel. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.
Hattori, Akira, Takami Yasuda, and Shigeki Yokoi. "Cards and Map Association System fro Sharing Accessibility Information." INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/10428.
Full textKawade, S. S. "Opportunistic spectrum sharing system : regulatory, technical and stakeholder perspectives." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2014. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1418207/.
Full textSanderson, Brian T. "Reducing Seed Load in the BitTorrent File Sharing System." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2008. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd2439.pdf.
Full textLiu, Youzhong. "Rule warehouse system for knowledge sharing and business collaboration." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2001. http://etd.fcla.edu/etd/uf/2001/anp4027/Youzhong%5FLiu%5FDissertation.pdf.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xi, 121 p.; also contains graphics. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-120).
Tatarinov, Igor. "Semantic data sharing with a peer data management system /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/6942.
Full textDe, Wind Lynell J. "Sharing health data woes. Perceptions of data sharing barriers from employees in a Midwest health care system." Franklin University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=frank1603367647136537.
Full textNguyen-Salamanis, Khanh-Loan. "Erstellung einer Peer-to-Peer-Architektur fuer die gemeinsame Nutzung von Anwendungen." [S.l. : s.n.], 2002. http://www.bsz-bw.de/cgi-bin/xvms.cgi?SWB10252204.
Full textChey, Hock Sim. "Cross network information sharing for handheld device based distributed system." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/4501.
Full textTwiddleNet leverages on smart phones to facilitate information sharing among first responder teams during humanitarian aid and mass casualty scenarios. Situational awareness and relief efforts coordination can thus be derived from the timely and shared information. In view of large-scale disaster relief efforts, TwiddleNet is likely to operate in multiple sites with unique network establishments. The thesis focuses on testing various scenarios for cross-network, information-sharing operations. A new architecture, based on the study of the Nokia Mobile Server concepts and existing TwiddleNet operating models, is suggested in the thesis as well.
Tanphaichitr, Saksiri M. 1978. "A web-based system for media sharing and collaborative tools." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/86493.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 63-64).
by Saksiri M. Tanphaichitr.
Papageorgiou, George. "Robust control system design : H∞ loop sharing and aerospace applications." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1998. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/272494.
Full textSilwal, Shrawani. "A Dynamic Taxi Ride Sharing System Using Particle Swarm Optimization." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1588198872893409.
Full textEmrén, Krister, Nicke Löfwenberg, and Alexander Sellström. "A System for Creating, Sharing and Listening to Interactive Stories." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-445395.
Full textKanske förklarar ingenting begreppet interaktiva berättelser bättre än The road not taken av Robert Frost. Hans dikt berättar historien om en man som följer en väg genom skogen, när han kommer fram till ett vägskäl. Vilken väg ska han gå? Och hur kommer detta val att påverka resten av hans liv? I en interaktiv berättelse expanderar författaren sin berättelse längs flera grenar och uppmanar läsaren att själv välja vilken väg att gå. De kan också starta om historien för att gå tillbaka och se vad som skulle ligga längs den andra vägen. När en interaktiv historia spelas på en smartphone finns det ytterligare sätt att göra dessa val, utöver röst. Till exempel kan man välja vänster eller höger vid ett vägskäl genom att själv gå åt vänster eller höger, så att telefonens platstjänst upptäcker en förändring i position. En lång resa kan kräva att användaren väntar till nästa dag för att få reda på vad som händer sen. Baserat på ett befintligt system för att skapa och spela interaktiva historier har vi lagt till nya interaktionsmöjligheter för lyssnaren och gjort skapandet av berättelser lättare genom att förbättra användargränssnittet och lagt till nya funktioner.
Lee, Hong Aik Chey Hock Sim. "Cross network information sharing for handheld device based distributed system." Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2009. http://edocs.nps.edu/npspubs/scholarly/theses/2009/Dec/09Dec%5FLee_Sim.pdf.
Full textThesis Advisor: Singh, Gurminder. Second Reader: Das, Arijit. "December 2009." Description based on title screen as viewed on January 26, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: TwiddleNet, Mobile Web Server, cross network information sharing. Includes bibliographical references (p. 51). Also available in print.
Miller, Sara Ann. "Ethnic Conflict, Electoral Systems, and Power Sharing in Divided Societies." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2006. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/political_science_theses/7.
Full textVetterlein, Merle. "Konfliktregulierung durch Power-Sharing-Modelle: das Fallbeispiel der Republik Makedonien." Baden-Baden Nomos, 2009. http://d-nb.info/999627996/04.
Full textChang, Tianying. "Enabling Scalable Information Sharing for Distributed Applications Through Dynamic Replication." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/7589.
Full textLin, Wen-Wen, and 林玟妏. "IPv6 Website Sharing Platform System." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/2hn2ea.
Full text國立高雄第一科技大學
Last few years countries around the world actively promote IPv6 network infrastructure and application services. Taiwan has also set up an Internet Protocol upgrade promotion office and actively promote the government IPv6 network upgrade , website upgrade is one of the important part. The first condition for completing the IPv6 site service is that the network device must support the IPv6 protocol, so the department must be listed in the IPv6 device procurement budget and have excellent technical staff so as to complete the IPv6 site upgrades. To solve the above website service upgrade problem, This research uses an open source operating system Ubuntu、Apache Virtual Host as a web server , Using PHP to Implement IPv6 Website Sharing Platform System. We provide an IPv6 sharing platform system stores the department''s website, so that IPv6 infrastructure has not yet completed the department can also provide IPv6 website services, and also simplify and optimize the website maintenance management processes. Shared Platform Reduces human errors when system administrators login directly to system settings and simplifies setup, it also simplifies how unit webmasters modify the content of your website. As system administrators and webmasters do not have to log in to the physical site server directly, Increased server security, can also take advantage of server resources, Better man-machine interface management system, improve the system administrator and unit webmaster of the operating quality, Improve server security and operational efficiency.
JIANG, ZONG-CHENG, and 江宗城. "Load sharing in distribution system." Thesis, 1991. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/49885874328335037049.
Full textMau, Chen-Ying, and 毛晨茵. "Video Sharing and Searching System." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/60360832377414692470.
Full text國立中正大學
Recently, video has become a popular data type. More and more users make their own video and share it on the internet. Therefore, to provide a system for users to share and search video is important. In this thesis, we designed and implemented a new video sharing and searching system. Our search engine uses user behavior data to optimize the ranking effect and provides a new ranking mechanism that allows users to control the ranking of the results through a combination of sorting criteria such that the user can adjust the ranking effect to fit his/her personal preference. The ranking criteria includes "keyword matching degree", "click count", "like count", and "whether cached". A user interface similar to an audio equalizer is provided for the user to control the ranking parameters in an easy and intuitive way. In addition, we provide a search result classification mechanism to group search results by their categories. We also provide video caching to improve the efficiency in viewing videos.
Chen, Chun-Chi, and 陳俊錡. "Cultural Habits and Knowledge Sharing:A Study of Teaching Knowledge Sharing System." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/64537378108399218465.
Full text樹德科技大學
The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of professors in the college if the knowledge management system(KMS) has been imported. The participants of this study are the teachers and students who use KMS from the university in the southern Taiwan. By narratives interviewing professors from different specialized fields about their knowledge share experiences, record their teaching interactions and experiences of using the knowledge share system, and observe them using the system to understand their difficult position when changing, and the successful experience when the system is imported into the traditional teaching process which they are used to use. The research finding indicates that cultural habits are the main forces that drive teachers’ acceptance of knowledge sharing system and their knowledge sharing behaviors. As teachers trying to adopt new knowledge sharing system in teaching, they experience the challenges of information technology usage in contrast with their teachers’ traditional role. They are afraid, yet they have no choice to defense the power of information system in advancing their teaching. This results a dilemma of changing or not to change in teaching patterns. A comprehensive description is shown in this research to provide the manifold of ambivalence of teachers. The research finding can provide the universities who are advocating teaching knowledge sharing systems in succeeding knowledge sharing between teachers and students.
LU, DAN-CHUN, and 盧誕春. "Computing power sharing for distributed system." Thesis, 1991. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/95979256565787209752.
Full textLopes, Diogo Manuel Matos Braga. "An Intelligent Bike-Sharing Rebalancing System." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/35509.
Full textOs sistemas de Bike-sharing disponibilizam o aluguer de bicicletas aos utilizadores a um pre co acess vel, melhorando assim a mobilidade urbana. Atualmente este e o meio de transporte que mais rapidamente se est a a expandir pelo mundo, com um crescimento agregado de 45% desde 2007. Hoje em dia existem mais de 800 cidades com programas de Bike-sharing. Um dos principais desa os na gest~ao de sistemas de Bike-sharing e assegurar que os utilizadores n~ao ter~ao problemas em encontrar bicicletas e lugares de estacionamento em qualquer esta c~ao do sistema, independentemente do momento do dia. Por em, o comportamento dos utilizadores faz com que as bicicletas tenham uma distribui c~ao assim etrica. Portanto e necess ario um sistema de reposicionamento de bicicletas de modo a manter o n umero adequado de bicicletas em cada esta c~ao, para a satisfazer a procura por parte dos utilizadores. O reposicionamento de bicicletas e uma opera c~ao dispendiosa em termos de log stica e sua ine ci^encia representa a principal causa de insatisfa c~ao nos clientes. O desenvolvimento de algoritmos que ajudem e aconselhem os condutores das carrinhas que fazem o reposicionamento das bicicletas a equilibrar as esta c~oes de forma e caz e precisa e um passo muito importante em termos de sustentabilidade destes sistemas. Nesta disserta c~ao ser a apresentado o tema An Intelligent Bike-Sharing Rebalancing System. Este sistema representa um valor adicional para o projeto Smart BikeEmo- tion desenvolvido pela empresa Ubiwhere.
Bike-sharing o ers users bikes-on-demand at an a ordable price, improving urban mobility. It is currently the fastest growing way of transportation in the world, with an aggregated growth rate of around 45% since 2007. Nowadays there are more than 800 cities with bike-sharing programs. Currently, one of the main problems and challenges in the management of Bike- Sharing Systems is to assure that users will be able to nd available bicycles and parking slots in a station independently of the time. However, users behaviour causes bicycles to be asymmetrically distributed. Therefore a Rebalancing System is needed to maintain the adequate number of bikes at each station, in order to satisfy the demand. Rebalancing is a costly operation in terms of logistics and its ine ciency represents the main cause of dissatisfaction within customers. The design of algorithms that help and advise operators to redistribute bicycles accurately and e ciently through the cities is a very important step in terms of sustainability of these systems. In this thesis an Intelligent Bike-Sharing Rebalancing System will be developed. This system represents an additional value to the project Smart BikeEmotion developed by Ubiwhere.
Yu, Guangren. "Load sharing and system factors for light-frame wall systems." Thesis, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/30106.
Full textGraduation date: 2003
Dobrzeniecki, Igor. "Hybrydowy system polityczny Kenii." Doctoral thesis, 2021. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/3949.
Full textThe dissertation was written as a result of research on the specificity of the political system of the Republic of Kenya, which is a multi-ethnic state. In Kenya, a power-sharing political system was introduced in 2010, within which took place: decreasing in the concentration of power and deriving of benefits by ethnic groups dominating in size and power, due to admitting political elites originating from other ethnic groups to participate in the governance and decision-making processes. This was achieved by specific institutions (understood as sets of rules) relating directly or indirectly, in particular, to the issue of establishing and functioning of the executive, legislature, political parties, the electoral system, territorial structure and decentralisation. The hybrid nature of the Kenyan system consists in combining the institutions of two different power-sharing models: centripetalism and consociationalism. The aim of the dissertation was to identify and examine the functioning of centripetal and consociational institutions in the Kenyan political system and to determine the impact of combining them within a single system on alleviating the existing ethnic tensions and achieving a higher level of political stabilisation in Kenya. Moreover, the aim of the dissertation was to analyse the formula in which political institutions derived from two power-sharing models which are theoretically opposed to each other, complement to each other in order to achieve these goals. The scope of the dissertation covered the following issues: political systems; power-sharing theory, including centripetal, consociational and hybrid models; issues of ethnicity, ethnic group and ethnic conflict; the political history and specificity of Kenya's multi-ethnicity; institutions of the Kenyan political system, in particular those belonging to systemic power-sharing solutions.
Reyes, Miguel Angel. "Dynamic sharing of the system resources in multilevel secure system." Thesis, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/21798.
Full textWu, Wen-Pei, and 吳文霈. "The Application System of Visual Secret Sharing." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/38532200371632951306.
Full text國立成功大學
Visual secret sharing (VSS) scheme was proposed by Noar and Shamir in 1994. This is a technique that divided the secret image that will be transformed into several meaningless shadows and certain qualified subsets of shadows enable to recover the secret image by "eyes". The main characteristic of the VSS scheme is in its decoding process that the original secret can be perceived directly by the human visual system without the knowledge of cryptography and the cryptographic computations. It possesses a special meaning and effect that "the secret codes are visible". In this thesis, our main objective is to use the VSS scheme in our daily life and to implement an application system. The whole system is divided into five parts: magic card, lottery, arithmetic quiz, electronic mail, and fax. Our system is suitable for entertainment, information education, and secret message sending. And we also combine VSS scheme with E-mail and fax to be used on commerce. We implement the VSS scheme into software, so as to convey the importance of privacy safeguarded. In theory, we propose a new VSS scheme, top-down VSS scheme. The characteristic of the scheme is that it can conceal two secret messages (P1 and P2) on two shadows (T1 and T2) at the same time. When T1 and T2 stacked together, P 1 is recovered. By reversing T1 and covering it on T2, P 2 is revealed. In real application of VSS scheme, we discuss the distortion about using fax function. And we propose our solution for this question.
Tseng, Kuan-Lin, and 曾冠霖. "A Mobile Information Sharing System for Telematics." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/a895z3.
Full text國立東華大學
In recent years, vigorous development of network applications has gradually changed from the traditional network applications to the wireless mobile network applications and services. It forms the vehicle network (VANET) by connecting the wireless network, using the moving vehicles as a platform in the vehicle environment. It deploys an intelligent transport system (ITS) to integrate the information of vehicle and road for improving the safety and efficiency of traffic. The traditional vehicle network system contains two important communication modules, namely the wireless transmission device (OBU) which is installed in vehicles and roadside base station. OBU likes a computer, is responsible for executing the applications and transferring, receiving data. It integrates with sensors, such as event data recorder, GPS, and so on, for receiving its traffic data and finally interacts with users by the input/output interface. However, the deployment cost is expensive. If you can find an alternative wireless transmission device which has lower cost and can also achieve the same ability, then it will be welcome. In this study, we propose a system architecture which composes of three layers. We use the very popular smart phones as our wireless transmission devices, which provide its sensors, video capture, GPS, and so on, for collecting the vehicle information nearby and then stored in the database. It allows users to exchange the vehicle information near their area, and then can obtain the traffic situation from afar in order to achieve the traffic safety. Keywords: VANET, ITS, OBU, GPS