Academic literature on the topic 'SfM and LiDAR'
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Journal articles on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Morgan, Carli J., Matthew Powers, and Bogdan M. Strimbu. "Estimating Tree Defects with Point Clouds Developed from Active and Passive Sensors." Remote Sensing 14, no. 8 (April 17, 2022): 1938.
Full textObanawa, Hiroyuki, Rena Yoshitoshi, Nariyasu Watanabe, and Seiichi Sakanoue. "Portable LiDAR-Based Method for Improvement of Grass Height Measurement Accuracy: Comparison with SfM Methods." Sensors 20, no. 17 (August 26, 2020): 4809.
Full textBroxton, Patrick D., and Willem J. D. van Leeuwen. "Structure from Motion of Multi-Angle RPAS Imagery Complements Larger-Scale Airborne Lidar Data for Cost-Effective Snow Monitoring in Mountain Forests." Remote Sensing 12, no. 14 (July 18, 2020): 2311.
Full textZhang, Fei, Amirhossein Hassanzadeh, Julie Kikkert, Sarah Jane Pethybridge, and Jan van Aardt. "Comparison of UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion and LiDAR for Structural Characterization of Short Broadacre Crops." Remote Sensing 13, no. 19 (October 4, 2021): 3975.
Full textLiao, Jianghua, Jinxing Zhou, and Wentao Yang. "Comparing LiDAR and SfM digital surface models for three land cover types." Open Geosciences 13, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 497–504.
Full textRatner, JJ, JJ Sury, MR James, TA Mather, and DM Pyle. "Crowd-sourcing structure-from- motion data for terrain modelling in a real-world disaster scenario: A proof of concept." Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 43, no. 2 (February 24, 2019): 236–59.
Full textGassen, Fabian, Eberhard Hasche, Patrick Ingwer, and Reiner Creutzburg. "Supplementation of Lidar Scans with Structure from Motion (SfM) Data." Electronic Imaging 2016, no. 7 (February 14, 2016): 1–6.
Full textMikita, Tomáš, Marie Balková, Aleš Bajer, Miloš Cibulka, and Zdeněk Patočka. "Comparison of Different Remote Sensing Methods for 3D Modeling of Small Rock Outcrops." Sensors 20, no. 6 (March 17, 2020): 1663.
Full textHarder, Phillip, John W. Pomeroy, and Warren D. Helgason. "Improving sub-canopy snow depth mapping with unmanned aerial vehicles: lidar versus structure-from-motion techniques." Cryosphere 14, no. 6 (June 15, 2020): 1919–35.
Full textNagy, Balázs, and Csaba Benedek. "On-the-Fly Camera and Lidar Calibration." Remote Sensing 12, no. 7 (April 2, 2020): 1137.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Elmesten, Joel. "Automatiskt genererade dataset med SfM : En undersökning av SfM och dess egenskaper." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2021.
Full textMore and more industries are turning their eyes towards A.I. (artificial intelligence) and its rapid development, in hope of utilizing it to remove labor intense operations. But large amounts of manually processed data is often required before starting the learning process, which can be a huge problem to deal with. SCA Skog AB is still very curious in how they could use A.I. in forestry, where visual inspection of trees is of particular interest. There are many visual problems that modern A.I. can solve, where in this case it’s a matter of finding contours of trees and classify them. If this would be possible, a lot of interesting opportunities would open up to be experimented with. During this project I’ve examined the possibility of reducing the time it takes to manually create datasets of forest environments for this particular visual problem. As a result of trying to achieve this, I had to examine image-based point clouds and their properties to find out how they could be used in this process. From the SfM-point cloud I was able to segment all visible trees with an segmentation algorithm and isolate these points to extract the 2D→3Dconnection. I could then use that connection to create pixel masks and apply it to the image sequence to paint out all the contours of the segmented trees. A method to automatically update these pixel masks in terms of adding and removal was also implemented, where any update would propagate through the image sequence and reduce the time for manual adjustment. From testing the program, it’s clear that time could be saved doing various kinds of contour updating-operations. The program could by itself create pixel masks that then could be updated in a way that a lot of need for manual updating was reduced, though the result in terms of time saved was not as substantial as one would have hoped for. Issues with the point cloud caused some major problems due to it’s low precision. Using better equipment for image gathering would most likely be the best way to improve the results of this project. The result still tells us that this method is worth researching further.
Elmesten, Jonas. "Automatiskt genererade dataset med SfM : En undersökning av SfM och dess egenskaper." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2021.
Full textMore and more industries are turning their eyes towards A.I. (artificial intelligence) and its rapid development, in hope of utilizing it to remove labor intense operations. But large amounts of manually processed data is often required before starting the learning process, which can be a huge problem to deal with. SCA Skog AB is still very curious in how they could use A.I. in forestry, where visual inspection of trees is of particular interest. There are many visual problems that modern A.I. can solve, where in this case it’s a matter of finding contours of trees and classify them. If this would be possible, a lot of interesting opportunities would open up to be experimented with. During this project I’ve examined the possibility of reducing the time it takes to manually create datasets of forest environments for this particular visual problem. As a result of trying to achieve this, I had to examine image-based point clouds and their properties to find out how they could be used in this process. From the SfM-point cloud I was able to segment all visible trees with an segmentation algorithm and isolate these points to extract the 2D→3Dconnection. I could then use that connection to create pixel masks and apply it to the image sequence to paint out all the contours of the segmented trees. A method to automatically update these pixel masks in terms of adding and removal was also implemented, where any update would propagate through the image sequence and reduce the time for manual adjustment. From testing the program, it’s clear that time could be saved doing various kinds of contour updating-operations. The program could by itself create pixel masks that then could be updated in a way that a lot of need for manual updating was reduced, though the result in terms of time saved was not as substantial as one would have hoped for. Issues with the point cloud caused some major problems due to it’s low precision. Using better equipment for image gathering would most likely be the best way to improve the results of this project. The result still tells us that this method is worth researching further.
Amaglo, Worlanyo Yao. "Volume Calculation Based on LiDAR Data." Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2021.
Full textI detta avhandlingsprojekt var huvudmålet att jämföra och utvärdera tre kartläggningsmetoder för volymbestämning: Fotogrammetri, Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) och Aerial Laser Scan-ning (ALS) baserat på tidsförbrukning, effektivitet och säkerhet i gruvindustrin. Dessutom formulerades en volymetrisk beräkningsmetod baserad på koordinater för att uppskatta volymen av lager med hjälp av lidardata som fångats med en laserskanner. Användningen av GNSS-mottagare, UAV (obemannad flygbil) utrustad med en LiDAR-sensor samt en kamera och markbunden laserscanner antogs för att göra mätningar på lager. Trimble Business Center och Trimble RealWorks användes vid bearbetning av LiDAR-data från TLS och ALS. Två volymberäkningsmetoder undersöktes också med både TLS- och ALS LiDAR-data. Agisoft Photoscan användes vid bearbetning av de bilder som tagits och antagit strukturen från rörelseprincipen. Denna programvara användes för att uppskatta volymen på lagret. Matlab användes för att uppskatta volymen av lager med LiDAR-data. En volymberäkningsmetod baserad på koordinater för punktmoln implementerades i Matlab. Analys baserad på den tid det tar att fånga och bearbeta alla datatyper tills den slutliga produkten var klar. Resultaten från varje datafångstmetod utvärderades. Simulerad datateknik antas också i detta projekt eftersom den kan modelleras på olika sätt för att studera effekten av ytjämnhet (punkttäthet) på den uppskattade volymen. En del av detta projekt utforskar användningen av MATLAB för att filtrera bort oönskade punktmoln som kommer från ogräset som växer på ytan av ett övergivet lager och även ytarealer som skulle uteslutas från volymberäkningen, som i detta fall. Från de erhållna resultaten skiljer sig TLS och ALS inte mycket i de slutliga volymuppskattningarna. Fotogrammetri å andra sidan uppskattade en högre volym jämfört med de andra undersöknings-metoderna. MATLAB vid uppskattning av lagervolymen uppnår ungefär lika stor uppskattning som TLS och ALS inom en kort tidsperiod. Punkttätheten och filtreringsalgoritmen spelar en viktig roll i volymberäkning som hjälper till att ge en bra uppskattning av lagret. Resultat från detta projekt visar att det är tidskrävande att uppskatta lagervolymen med TLS och fotogram-metrisk metod. När det gäller säkerhet på en aktiv gruvplats har dessa två undersökningsmetoder hög risk sannolikhet jämfört med ALS-metoden. Noggrannheten för de insamlade och bearbetade uppgifterna kan sägas vara tillfredsställande för varje undersökningsmetod.
Hedenström, Linus, and Sebastian Eriksson. "An investigation of detecting potholes with UAV LiDAR and UAV Photogrammetry." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Samhällsbyggnad, 2021.
Full textPotthål skapas genom erosion i vägar och uppstår varje år i vägnätet. Skadornapåverkar inte bara fordonens skick, utan kan även vara orsaken till olyckorsom i vissa fall är dödliga. I dagsläget detekteras potthål genom ockulärt frånfordon av kommunala arbetare eller så rapporteras de in av medborgare via etjänst där en lös beskrivning kan ges angående potthålens egenskaper ochposition.På senare tid har studier utforskat möjligheterna för flygburen inspektion avasfalterade vägar med den nya, kostnadseffektiva, Structure-from-Motion(SfM) tekniken som kan producera 3D-punktmoln från fotogrammetrisk data.Punktmolnen som är framtagna genom denna metod har vidare använtstillsammans med bearbetningsalgoritmer för att detektion och extraktion avpotthål i asfalterade vägar. Dock har resultaten inte varit optimala för attmetoden ska fungera i praktiken. Syftet med den här studien är därför attutforska möjligheten för att använda UAV LiDAR som en bättre metod fördenna process. Punktmoln framtagna genom LiDAR-teknik, mer känt somlaserskanning, kan ha ett flertal potentiella fördelar över SfM som okänslighetmot modelleringsfel och dåliga ljusförhållanden.Denna studie ger svar på hur punktmoln framtagna genom UAV LiDAR ochUAV SfM förhåller sig till varandra när det gäller detektion av potthål i olikastorlekar från asfalterade vägar, där potthålens dimensioner kommer attjämföras mot markbundna kontrollmätningar. Vidare görs en höjdkontrollmot 126 höjdstöd i båda punktmolnen för att jämföra kvaliteten förhöjdmätningar på den asfalterade vägen genom respektive metod.Insamlingen av data gjordes samtidigt under samma flygning för bådametoderna. Drönaren som användes var Microdrones mdLiDAR3000DL aaSmed en RIEGL miniVUX-1DL laserskanner och en Sony RX1R II 42,4megapixelkamera monterad. Mjukvarorna som har använts för bearbetning ärCloudCompare för filtrering av brus med mera och TerraScan för självadetektions -och extraktionsprocessen.Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att extrahera potthål från LiDAR-baseradepunktmoln med en mindre bredd på minst 16,5 cm och ett djup på 2,7 cm.Standardavvikelsen för potthålens bredd är 1,4 cm och 6,7 mm i djup.Grupper av avvikande punkter skapades på vägen i det SfM-baseradepunktmolnen som en följd av ett modelleringsfel i skuggområden på vägen,vilket vidare gjorde detektion -och extraktionsprocessen omöjlig med denframtagna metoden.
Lee, Kang San. "A comparative analysis of UAS photogrammatry and terrestrial LIDAR for reconstructing microtopography of harvested fields." Thesis, University of Iowa, 2019.
Full textRiquelme, Adrián. "Uso de nubes de puntos 3D para identificación y caracterización de familias de discontinuidades planas en afloramientos rocosos y evaluación de la calidad geomecánica." Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Alicante, 2015.
Full textFonseca, Maria Carolina Bellico. "Do trauma ao fenômeno psicossomático (FPS): lidar com o sem sentido?" Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2006.
Full textA autora, partindo de questões suscitadas na clínica,se propôs, após breve revisão da literatura sobre o assunto, articular os conceitos de trauma e de fenômeno psicossomático. Para isso, foi feita a diferenciação entre fenômeno psicossomático e sintoma ou entre o sem sentido do signo holofrásico e o sentido da metáfora. O percurso feito dentro da teoria lacaniana explicitou as vertentes do significante e do gozo - na primeira foram abordados os conceitos de holófrase e subsequentemente os das operações de alienação e separação. Isso porque, partiu-se do pressuposto da ocorrência de uma Fixierung local, de um ponto de petrificação na cadeia de significantes que, ativado por um significante, pode resultar numa lesão orgânica. Segundo alguns atores isso indicaria, que a metáfora funcionaria, no caso do FPS, em apenas "certos sítios do discurso", pois aqui não se trata, necessariamente, de psicose. Traço unário, signatura, nome próprio, hieróglifo/cartucho ou nome-do-pai - são maneiras de se referir a esse que escapa à estrutura significante. Na verdade do gozo, vê-se que no FPS há um "retorno de gozo" no corpo de maneira diferente da psicose, pois ele está circunscrito a regiões do corpo. Por fim a autora articulou uma hipótese de que o FTP poderia ser um remendo no furo da tela da fantasia ou do delirio causado pelo trauma que, diante de um novo encontro contigente com o real, ameaça romper-se.
Neto, Ayrton Vollet. "Biologia térmica de Scaptotrigona depilis (Apidae, Meliponini): adaptações para lidar com altas temperaturas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.
Full textThe great ecological success of the social insects is due, in large part, to their capacity of nest climate control, which it is possible to highlight the temperature as one of the most important variable. The stingless bees, a megadiverse group of eusocial bees with about 400 species on the Neotropical zone, show a great variety of strategies to deal with the thermal heterogeneity of the environment. Compared to Apis mellifera, (the social insect better studied in the world), it is possible to verify in general, that stingless bees have a low thermoregulatory capacity. Because of that different capacity and other biological features, stingless bees are excellent models to test hypothesis that focus on the evolution of diversity of strategies to deal with thermal heterogeneity in social insects and the consequent success in this group. Additionally, stingless bees are responsible for the pollination of an extensive number of vegetal species, which is a key environmental service to the maintenance of the tropical ecosystems. So, knowing their thermal adaptations, mainly the related to high temperatures, is indispensable in this moment, yet this knowledge will help to prevent the impact of global climate changes on this organisms. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms and the thermoregulatory capacity in stingless bees, as well as some aspects of thermal sensibility under high temperature conditions, using the specie Scapotrigona depilis as model organism. We verified that the specie is capable of cool their nests and, for that, use at least two mechanisms: ventilation and water collection for evaporative cooling. This last behavior was observed for the first time in a colonial and natural context. Our results have shown that the air relative humidity inside the nests varies considerably less than the environmental air relative humidity, probably because of the humidity sources (nectar and water) and the nest cavity insulation. We also verified that the rate of brood production decrease with the increase of the environmental temperature and is slightly influenced by nest temperature. The developmental time of pupal stage to adult shows an inverse relationship with the rearing temperature. The same occurs with mortality, however it rises dramatically after reaching a temperature threshold. We demonstrated that there are adaptations for cooling the nest in S. depilis, contradicting the current hypothesis that the nesting behavior in thermal insulated cavity would be the main component on the maintenance of temperature in constant and stable levels, supposedly needed to the colony growth and maintenance. Additionally, we suggested that the nest temperature varies considerably (even with the cavity insulation and the actives mechanisms of thermoregulation), however the performance of their activities is regular within a wide range of temperatures, i.e., the stingless bees should support a extent variation of temperatures
Souza, Vinício Heidy da Silva Teixeira de. "Adaptações de abelhas sem ferrão nativas da Caatinga (Melipona subnitida) para lidar com as temperaturas elevadas durante o forrageamento." Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2017.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Owing to high environmental temperatures in combination with elevated solar radiation, the Brazilian SeasonallyDry Tropical Forest, the Caatinga, is a thermally challenging environment for bees, particularly during food collection outside of the nest. The aim of the present study was to investigate the adaptations of bees that allow these animals to survive the thermal conditions of this biome. As model species for our study, we used Melipona subnitida, a stingless bee species (Apidae, Meliponini), endemic from Caatinga. We analysed the following features: (1) the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) of the individuals (both young workers and foragers) as well as the best acclimation time for this kind of study (acclimation times tested: without acclimation, 20 min, 12 h, 48 h, 72 h); (2) The influence of ambient temperature in direct sunlight (Ta) on the thoracic temperature of foragers (Ttx); (3) the possible heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen, assessed through the temperature difference between these two body parts associated with ambient temperature in both alive and dead individuals; and (4) the role of the thoracic hairs in heating and cooling rates of the bees. The results of the experiments demonstrated that (1) there was no significant difference concerning CTmax between young worker bees and foragers. After 48 hours of acclimation (acclimation time showing the highest CTmax and the lowest variation compared to the other acclimation times tested), the bees' average CTmax was 50.2°C ± 0.7. (2) The foragers' Ttx increased with increasing Ta. At Ta < 40°C, the bees' Ttx was higher than Ta; however, at Ta > 41°C, the forgers' Ttx remained below Ta. (3) There is a possible active heat transfer from the thorax (Ttx) to the abdomen (Tabd) given that, as Ta increased, the difference between Ttx and Tabd decreased in alive foragers. In dead individuals, in contrast, we did not observe this association with Ta. The difference between Ttx and Tabd was relatively constant over all studied Tas. (4) The thoracic hair slow down the heating of M. subnitida. Dead bees without thoracic hair had a higher heating rate than dead bees with their natural air cover. However, there was no difference between the two experimental groups concerning the cooling rates. The results of this study demonstrate that M. subnitida tolerates ambient temperatures that are higher than those found in their natural outside environment. In addition, foragers control their body temperature through active (heat transfer to the abdomen) and passive (thoracic hair) mechanisms, which enables the bees to forage at high environmental temperatures. Results like these of the present study provide important insights into the adaptations necessary to deal with increasing environmental temperatures, as predicted by global warming scenarios
Devido às temperaturas ambientais elevadas em combinação com um alto índice de radiação solar, a Floresta Tropical Sazonalmente Seca brasileira, a Caatinga, é um ambiente termicamente desafiador para abelhas, principalmente durante a coleta de alimento fora do ninho. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar as adaptações de abelhas para lidar com as condições térmicas da Caatinga. Como modelo de estudo foi utilizada Melipona subnitida, uma espécie de abelha sem ferrão (Apidae, Meliponini) nativa desse bioma. Foi analisado (1) a temperatura crítica máxima (CTmax) dos indivíduos (operárias jovens e forrageadoras) e o tempo de aclimatação adequado para esse tipo de estudo (tempos de aclimatação testados: sem aclimatação, 30 min, 12 h, 48 h, 72 h); (2) o efeito da temperatura ambiente ao sol (Ta) sobre a temperatura torácica (Ttx) das forrageadoras; (3) a possível transferência de calor do tórax para o abdômen, mensurando a diferença de temperaturas entre estas duas áreas, em função da temperatura ambiente, para abelhas vivas e mortas; e (4) o papel da pelagem torácica na taxa de aquecimento e resfriamento das abelhas. Os resultados dos experimentos mostraram que (1) não houve diferença significativa com respeito ao CTmax entre abelhas jovens e forrageadoras. Após 48 horas de aclimatação (tempo de aclimatação com maior CTmax e menor variação comparado aos outros tempos de aclimatação), a CTmax média das abelhas foi de 50,2°C ± 0,7. (2) A Ttx das forrageadoras aumentou conforme aumentou a Ta. Em Ta < 40°C, a Ttx se manteve acima da Ta; já em Ta > 41°C, a Ttx ficava abaixo da Ta. (3) Acontece uma possível transferência ativa de calor do tórax (Ttx) para o abdômen (Tabd), pois a medida que a Ta aumentou, a diferença da Ttx e da Tabd em forrageadoras vivas diminuiu. Já em abelhas mortas não foi observada essa relação com a Ta. A diferença ente Ttx e Tabd foi praticamente constante em todas as Ta estudadas. (4) A pelagem retarda o aquecimento de M. subnitida. Abelhas mortas sem pelagem mostraram uma taxa de aquecimento maior do que as abelhas mortas com a pelagem natural. Porém, não houve diferença entre esses dois grupos experimentais com respeito às taxas de resfriamento. Os resultados desse estudo mostram que M. subnitida consegue tolerar temperaturas superiores às encontradas naturalmente no ambiente externo. Adicionalmente, as forrageadoras controlam a temperatura corporal através de mecanismos ativos (transferência de calor para o abdômen) e passivos (pelagem torácica), o que permite que esta espécie consiga forragear em temperaturas elevadas. Resultados como estes dão subsídios para entender melhor as adaptações necessárias para lidar com um aumento da temperatura ambiental, como previsto por cenários de aquecimento global, o que vai ser importante para possíveis ações voltadas para a conservação desta espécie
Ribeiro, Lais Martins da Costa. "A pré-história e reencontro com o tempo em Sem tecto, entre ruínas de Augusto Abelaira." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
Full textO presente trabalho consiste em um estudo crítico do romance Sem tecto, entre ruínas, de Augusto Abelaira. Inicialmente é feita a análise sobre as possíveis consequências de uma apreensão descontínua e material do tempo, seus efeitos nas relações entre o protagonista e seu mundo, que se apresentam sob a forma de tédio e paralisia. Para a crítica proposta foram retomados conceitos descontinuidade e homogeneidade apresentados pelo filósofo Henri Bergson, além da noção de desligamento e desejo demonstrados pela sociologia de Zigmunt Bauman. O próximo alvo contemplado na pesquisa é a presença da memória e da lembrança indicados sob o ponto de vista contínuo do tempo, também analisados à luz da filosofia de Bergson, além do pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. A partir desse caminho investigativo é possível pensar a condição do protagonista como um confronto de si, uma experiência do tempo que traz uma revelação mediante a condição de ser tarde demais
This work provides a critical analysis on the novel Sem tecto, entre ruínas by Augusto Abelaira. In the first instance this study begans with the analysis of the possible consequences aroused by a material apprehension of time as well as its impact on relations between the protagonist and the world in which he lives, wich are presented by the feelings of boredom and paralysis. For the proposed work were taken up concepts of discontinuance and homogeneity created by the philosopher Henri Bergson, as well as the notion of detachment and desire demonstrated by the sociology of Zigmunt Bauman. The next target contemplated in the research is the presence of memory and recollection indicated under the point of view of continuous time, also examined by the philosophy of Bergson, in addition to the thought of Gilles Deleuze. Based on this investigative path is possible to consider the condition of the protagonist as a confront with itself, an experience of time that brings up a revelation upon the condition of being too late
Books on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Sem açúcar com afeto: Idéias, receitas e dicas para lidar com o doce vício. Rio de Janeiro: Corre Cotia, 2005.
Find full textCardoso, Franciele Silva. A luta e a lida: Estudo do controle social do MST nos acampamentos e assentamentos de reforma agrária. São Paulo: IBCCRIM, 2013.
Full textCunha, Maria Zilda da, and André Luiz Ming Garcia. Imagens em migrações poéticas: miradas potenciais. Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, 2021.
Full textLACERDA, DANIELLE C. O., ed. Desafios Educacionais: o processo ensino-aprendizagem e as tecnologias digitais. Eulim, 2020.
Full textRocha, Lademir Gomes da. Quando o direito encontra as finanças: Uma análise jurídica da resolução de crises em instituições e conglomerados financeiros e entidades assemelhadas. Brazil Publishing, 2021.
Full textShinohara, Neide Kazue Sakugawa, and Fábio Henrique Portella Corrêa de Oliveira. Desafios e estratégias para segurança alimentar mundial. Editora Amplla, 2022.
Full textLeite, Maria José de Holanda. Características funcionais de árvores em floresta tropical úmida. Editora Amplla, 2021.
Full textMelo, Francisco Dênis, and Edvanir Maia da Silveira. Nas trilhas do sertão: escritos de cultura e política do Ceará – volume 7. SertãoCult, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Bisling, Peter, Jürgen Glauer, Sundolf Köhler, Thorsten Bell, Claus Weitkamp, Axel Knaps, and Michael Möllmann-Coers. "Ozone Pollution Lidar and SF6 Tracer Dispersion Measurements in a Field Experiment." In Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar, 371–74. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.
Full textFriedman, Erin, Cory Look, and Matthew Brown. "Using UAVs to Manage Archaeological Heritage." In An Archaeology and History of a Caribbean Sugar Plantation on Antigua, 247–64. University Press of Florida, 2020.
Full textDamacena, Viviane Barbosa Caldeira, and Angélica Rodrigues Gonçalves. "“Português é difícil para surdos”: Como lidar com os discursos de impossibilidade da língua outra?" In Educar sem excluir O papel da escola na vida das pessoas com deficiência, 22–37. V&V Editora, 2021.
Full textEMÍLIA FERRAZ BRITO DE OLIVEIRA, ANA, and RENATO PEREIRA DE FIGUEIREDO. "MULHER MARAVILHA, ENSINO E CRIATIVIDADE." In Itinerários de resistência: pluralidade e laicidade no Ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Editora Realize, 2021.
Full textOmbado Ouma, Yashon. "On the Use of Low-Cost RGB-D Sensors for Autonomous Pothole Detection with Spatial Fuzzy c-Means Segmentation." In Geographic Information Systems in Geospatial Intelligence. IntechOpen, 2020.
Full textNegócio, Ramon. "Comitê de supervisão: um moderador entre a liberdade de expressão e as fake news." In Direito privado e contemporaneidade, 500–518. Mucuripe, 2022.
Full textSousa, Fernanda Mara Alcântara de, Kálita Alexandre de Sousa, Larissa Nunes Xavier da Costa, Valéria Viana Albuquerque, Vitória Silva César, and Rita de Cássia Ponte Prado. "TRANSTORNO DO ESPECTRO AUTISTA: IMPACTOS E REPERCUSSÕES DO DIAGNÓSTICO NAS RELAÇÕES FAMILIARES." In ATUAÇÃO MULTIDISPLINAR NA PROMOÇÃO DA SAÚDE, 23–33. Paulo Sérgio da Paz Silva Filho, 2023.
Full textNascimento, Maria Clara do, Juanize Matias da Silva Batista, Thiago Pajeú Nascimento, Romero Marcos Pedrosa Brandão Costa, and Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Porto. "REVISÃO BIBLIOGRÁFICA: LECTINAS – ASPECTOS GERAIS E SEUS BENEFÍCIOS À AGROINDÚSTRIA." In Tendências e estratégias para a agroindústria do futuro, 165–82. INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DESPERTANDO VOCAÇÕES, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Saito, Nobuki, Tetsuya Oda, Aoto Hirata, Kyohei Toyoshima, Yuki Nagai, and Masaharu Hirota. "Proposal of a LiDAR SLAM Based Imaging Method for SfM." In 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). IEEE, 2021.
Full textAcosta Colón, Angel A. "DEVELOPMENT OF VIRTUAL CAVE EXPLORATION ENVIRONMENT USING LIDAR AND SFM PHOTOGRAMMETRY." In GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019. Geological Society of America, 2019.
Full textNagy, Balazs, Levente Kovacs, and Csaba Benedek. "SFM And Semantic Information Based Online Targetless Camera-LIDAR Self-Calibration." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2019.
Full textRodríguez Feliciano, César A., Desireé Bayouth García, and K. Stephen Hughes. "VOLUME OF SLOPE FAILURES CAUSED BY HURRICANE MARÍA IN PUERTO RICO USING LIDAR AND SFM." In GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019. Geological Society of America, 2019.
Full textSchwind, Kelsi L., Michael J. Starek, and Megan Lamb. "UAS-SFM and Airborne Lidar to Measure Hurricane Impacts and Short-Term Recovery Along Little St. George Island, FL, USA." In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2021.
Full textBoyraz, Ozdal, Mustafa M. Bayer, Rasul Torun, and Imam-Uz Zaman. "Multi Tone Continuous Wave Lidar." In 2019 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM). IEEE, 2019.
Full textHalimi, Abderrahim, Jose Bioucas-Dias, Ximing Ren, Stephen McLaughlin, Aongus McCarthy, and Gerald S. Buller. "Restoration of Multilayered Single-Photon 3D Lidar Images." In 2018 IEEE 10th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM). IEEE, 2018.
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Full textUthe, Edward E. "Airborne lidar measurements of column-content and attitude-resolved SF6 concentrations." In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 1986.
Full textReports on the topic "SfM and LiDAR"
Brodie, Katherine, Brittany Bruder, Richard Slocum, and Nicholas Spore. Simultaneous mapping of coastal topography and bathymetry from a lightweight multicamera UAS. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), August 2021.
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