Academic literature on the topic 'Services Web – Migration'
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Journal articles on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Gajo, Marianne. "Nasdaq plant Migration auf Amazon Web Services." Die Aktiengesellschaft 67, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2022): r8.
Full textKazzaz, M. Mohanned, and Marek Rychlý. "A Case Study." International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering 8, no. 1 (January 2018): 44–57.
Full textKatre, Mandeep. "Student Services App." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VII (July 10, 2021): 481–85.
Full textPulsani, B. R. "TANK INFORMATION SYSTEM (TIS): A CASE STUDY IN MIGRATING WEB MAPPING APPLICATION FROM FLEX TO DOJO FOR ARCGIS SERVER AND THEN TO OPEN SOURCE." ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-4/W4 (November 13, 2017): 311–17.
Full textNickelsen, Anders, Fabio Paternò, Agnese Grasselli, Kay-Uwe Schmidt, Miquel Martin, and Francesca Mureddu. "OPEN Platform for Migration of Interactive Services." International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems 3, no. 2 (April 2012): 18–43.
Full textWilliams, Peter, and David Nicholas. "The migration of news to the web." Aslib Proceedings 51, no. 4 (May 1, 1999): 122–34.
Full textGrimshaw, Andrew, Mark Morgan, and Karolina Sarnowska. "WS-Naming: location migration, replication, and failure transparency support for Web Services." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21, no. 8 (June 10, 2009): 1013–28.
Full textHu, Guang Chang, Bu Dan Wu, and Jun Liang Chen. "Service Discovery Based on Self-Evolution of Domain Ontology and Cloud Migration of Web Service." Applied Mechanics and Materials 543-547 (March 2014): 2915–19.
Full textKurako, E. A., R. E. Asratian, and V. L. Orlov. "Import Substitution of Information Systems based on the С# Language and Network." Programmnaya Ingeneria 14, no. 10 (October 17, 2023): 471–81.
Full textChang, Chen Chi. "Hakka genealogical migration analysis enhancement using big data on library services." Library Hi Tech 36, no. 3 (September 17, 2018): 426–42.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Silva, Clay Palmeira Da. "The CUBE : a user-centric system-model architecture for web service migration through multiple devices." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Tours, 2019.
Full textWithin the trend of the Internet, we start to rely our daily activities on Cloud Base Systems to store our data and keep tracking all our state and behavior while using Web Services. Therefore, our data are no longer safe as before since we have delegated the responsibility to keep them safe, secure, and stored by third-party providers. In the last few years, big companies such as Yahoo, Facebook, or LinkedIn were victims of several leaks, which demonstrates how vulnerable we are. We have nowadays more powerful mobile devices than ever before. However, we do not explore their capacities regarding processing, storage, and security measures to using Web Services locally. Moreover, our devices are basically divided into two different worlds, those with Android, and those with an iOS operating system. Nevertheless, with the popularity of mobile technology, our behavior has changed. Today it is common to find a user using two or three mobile devices at the same time, and often they have a different operating system. Therefore, we are facing simultaneously a multiple-device environment with the same or different operating systems, where most of the technology and Web Services requiring a third-party provider to synchronizing and keep the state of our daily tasks. Although of this chaotic scenario regarding multiples devices and operating systems, there is a technology earlier mentioned at the end of 90's called Liquid Software that may be a solution to bring harmony to this scenario. The Liquid Software aims to allow for fluently migrate towards different devices with or without the same operating system, and at the same time keep the user-experience of a given application or service. In this thesis, based on Liquid Software principles, we focus on multiple devices environment able to synchronize Web Service at the client-side without depending on a Cloud Base System. We proposed the model-based architecture, called the CUBE, that makes use of User-Centric principles combined with different technologies, such as REST and RESTful principles. The CUBE also proposes a four layers model where REST and RESTful work independently from each other but in cooperation. Another critical element of the CUBE is the Conversation Layer (CL), modeled with the purpose to allow change data/state from Web Services. The CL makes use of techniques of Natural Language Processing to find and defining suitable Web Services to the user. Another contribution of the CUBE is creating a kind of user-network called INNER CUBE with all mobile devices that belong to a single user. The aim of combining these elements inside a single unit, the CUBE, is to allow for fluently move services/data and sessions from devices (desktops, laptops, and mobiles phones) to other ones regardless of their operating system, and at the same time, entirely transparent for the final user, and also reducing the dependency of the third-party provider. We have also proposed two tests to validate the CUBE model
Lanfermann, Gerd. "Nomadic migration : a service environment for autonomic computing on the Grid." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2002.
Full textEs wird für Wissenschaftler zunehmend schwieriger, die verfügbaren Ressourcen für ihre Anwendungen zu nutzen. Wir glauben, dass intelligente, selbstbestimmende Applikationen in der Lage sein sollten, ihre Ressourcen in einer dynamischen und heterogenen Umgebung selbst zu wählen: Migrierende Applikationen suchen eine neue Ressource, wenn die alte aufgebraucht ist. 'Spawning'-Anwendungen lassen Algorithmen auf externen Maschinen laufen, um die Hauptanwendung zu beschleunigen. Applikationen werden neu gestartet, sobald ein Absturz endeckt wird. Alle diese Verfahren können ohne menschliche Interaktion erfolgen.
Eine verteilte Rechenumgebung besitzt eine natürliche Unverlässlichkeit. Jede Applikation, die mit einer solchen Umgebung interagiert, muss auf die gestörten Komponenten reagieren können: schlechte Netzwerkverbindung, abstürzende Maschinen, fehlerhafte Software. Wir konstruieren eine verlässliche Serviceinfrastruktur, indem wir der Serviceumgebung eine 'Peer-to-Peer'-Topology aufprägen. Diese “Grid Peer Service” Infrastruktur beinhaltet Services wie Migration und Spawning, als auch Services zum Starten von Applikationen, zur Dateiübertragung und Auswahl von Rechenressourcen. Sie benutzt existierende Gridtechnologie wo immer möglich, um ihre Aufgabe durchzuführen. Ein Applikations-Information- Server arbeitet als generische Registratur für alle Teilnehmer in der Serviceumgebung.
Die Serviceumgebung, die wir entwickelt haben, erlaubt es Applikationen z.B. eine Relokationsanfrage an einen Migrationsserver zu stellen. Der Server sucht einen neuen Computer, basierend auf den übermittelten Ressourcen-Anforderungen. Er transferiert den Statusfile des Applikation zu der neuen Maschine und startet die Applikation neu. Obwohl das umgebende Ressourcensubstrat nicht kontinuierlich ist, können wir kontinuierliche Berechnungen auf Grids ausführen, indem wir die Applikation migrieren. Wir zeigen mit realistischen Beispielen, wie sich z.B. ein traditionelles Genom-Analyse-Programm leicht modifizieren lässt, um selbstbestimmte Migrationen in dieser Serviceumgebung durchzuführen.
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in available compute capacities. However, these “Grid resources” are rarely accessible in a continuous stream, but rather appear scattered across various machine types, platforms and operating systems, which are coupled by networks of fluctuating bandwidth. It becomes increasingly difficult for scientists to exploit available resources for their applications. We believe that intelligent, self-governing applications should be able to select resources in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment: Migrating applications determine a resource when old capacities are used up. Spawning simulations launch algorithms on external machines to speed up the main execution. Applications are restarted as soon as a failure is detected. All these actions can be taken without human interaction.
A distributed compute environment possesses an intrinsic unreliability. Any application that interacts with such an environment must be able to cope with its failing components: deteriorating networks, crashing machines, failing software. We construct a reliable service infrastructure by endowing a service environment with a peer-to-peer topology. This “Grid Peer Services” infrastructure accommodates high-level services like migration and spawning, as well as fundamental services for application launching, file transfer and resource selection. It utilizes existing Grid technology wherever possible to accomplish its tasks. An Application Information Server acts as a generic information registry to all participants in a service environment.
The service environment that we developed, allows applications e.g. to send a relocation requests to a migration server. The server selects a new computer based on the transmitted resource requirements. It transfers the application's checkpoint and binary to the new host and resumes the simulation. Although the Grid's underlying resource substrate is not continuous, we achieve persistent computations on Grids by relocating the application. We show with our real-world examples that a traditional genome analysis program can be easily modified to perform self-determined migrations in this service environment.
Gustafsson, Jonas, and Fredrik Alserin. "CCS - Collect, Convert and Send : Designing and implementing a system for data portability and media migration to mobile devices." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, 2006.
Full textIn this thesis we will identify which are the desired features and functionalities for implementing a system capable of acting as an information bridge for content available in the “wired” Internet to be delivered to mobile devices. We will also explore how to design and build such a system based on the specifications within parts of the MUSIS project. The MUSIS’ system development is used as a base of the work described in this thesis and the experiences from those efforts are used in order to design a system with more focus on data portability and media migration.
During the development of the MUSIS platform, problems related to system upgrading, i.e. adding new ad-hoc functionalities were discovered. Due to the fact that a user-centred design approach was taken, this was essential in the project. To solve some of these issues, we propose a new component-based system with a high level of scalability and re-usability. We name this system Collect, Convert and Send, CCS. The system shall be seen as a base that can be used as a core system for different projects where interoperability of content between different platforms, devices or systems is important.
The implementation of the system is based on the use cases and those theoretical aspects and ideas related to component software, interoperability, media migration and metadata in a Web service context. The results of our efforts give some indications that the use of component software gives a foundation for a service-oriented architecture.
Adeyinka, Oluwaseyi. "Service Oriented Architecture & Web Services : Guidelines for Migrating from Legacy Systems and Financial Consideration." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Avdelningen för för interaktion och systemdesign, 2008.
Full textDong, Zhu. "Challenges and Opportunities in Migrating to Web-based Informations Services : Perspective of Web-based Enterprise." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Business Informatics, 2008.
Full textFor now, vastly growing Web-technology has matured enough to become an attractiveplatform for business applications and organizational information systems. Indeed, largeand small organizations are increasing their investment in Web-based Information Systems(IS) resources, such as Electronic Commerce, Intranets and Extranets. As DIWA(1999) explained that Web technology is often presented as a 'revolution' in informationsystem technologies in the business press, which could propel change from static, hierarchicalstructures to more dynamic, flexible and 'knowledge-based' organizationalforms. To the companies, more and more legacy information and database systems arebeing migrated to Web-based environments.
This research aims to analyse and advise enterprises to be Web-based enterprise withchallenges and opportunities.
During the research, the author investigated a company that were using the Web-based(applications made available via the World Wide Web) information service. For obtainingreliable conclusions and delivering valuable advises, various research methods wereadopted by the author including qualitative research methodology, analysis, interviews,and literature study. Data was collected through lecture review and in-depth interviews.
Undoubtedly, there are some troubles existed in migrating, such as technologies for restructureinformation system structure, resource distribution, benefit analysis, planningand management, operation and maintenance etc.
But still obviously, as the research shows that there are many benefits can be got followsthe implementation of Web-based solution, which includes improving efficiency,modernizing company IT environment, providing better IS/IT systems’ maintenanceand providing more agility and functionality etc.
Lafranchise, Paul Andrew. "Migrating Department of Defense (DoD) Web Service Based Applications to Mobile Computing Platforms." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2012.
Full textEriksson, Magnus, and Erik Jonsson. "Migration av distribuerad relationsdatabas för lagring i webbläsare." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Informationssystem, 2013.
Full textAllt fler företag och organisationer börjar implementera användandet av olika molntjänster i sin verksamhet. Den här trenden medför att programvaror, som tidigare sålts och distribuerats till kunder vilka sedan själva får installera dem på sina egna datorer, nu börjar ersättas med en Soft- ware as a Service (SaaS). Det innebär att programvaran istället finns tillgänglig på Internet via kundernas webbläsare, något som medför att tjänsteleverantören enbart behöver administrera en enda programvara. Processen att migrera en distribuerad programvara till en SaaS-tjänst saknar ordentlig utredning, det här arbetet syftar därför till att ta fram några vägledande riktlinjer för en sådan process. Under arbetets gång har en prototyp av en SaaS-tjänst utvecklats med syfte att testa bland annat hur en tidigare distribuerad relationsdatabas kan konverteras till nyckel/värde- par. En sådan konvertering möjliggör lokal lagring av data i kundernas webbläsare, vilket mins- kar belastningen på servern samt erbjuder möjligheten att arbeta offline. Arbetet resulterar i tre riktlinjer att beakta då en migration till en SaaS-tjänst med lokal databas planeras; Tänk efter, före, Blotta inte din själ och Storleken har betydelse. Riktlinjerna beskriver hur en migrations- process bör planeras, när en applikation inte anses lämplig att migrera samt när en konvertering av databasen inte anses lämplig.
Full textThesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2013-03-28 14:23:24.797
Ribeiro, Didier Martins. "A Web-based Solution for Virtual Machine Instances Migration Across Type-2 Hypervisors." Master's thesis, 2014.
Full textA computação em nuvem tem melhorado a eficiência de computação reduzindo o custo para os utilizadores. Um centro de dados atual é constituído por dezenas a centenas de milhares de servidores e contém centenas de milhares de “switches” hierarquicamente conectados. Partilhando os recursos de processamento através de serviços como “Software as Service” (SaaS), os utilizadores podem amortizar o custo do hardware e do software. Para facilitar atualizações e manutenções de sistemas, as máquinas virtuais (VMs) são frequentemente utilizadas para prestação de serviços, e suas migrações resultam numa melhor utilização dos recursos. A computação em nuvem, apoiada pela virtualização está emergindo como um importante paradigma de serviço orientado. A administração de sistemas é fundamental para oferecer disponibilidade e desempenho em sistemas de dados, fornecendo de forma automatizada a capacidade necessária em tempo real para atender pedidos de serviços. Mas a virtualização não reduz a complexidade de um sistema. Na verdade, a execução de várias máquinas virtuais (VMs) no topo de uma infra-estrutura física pode aumentar a complexidade geral do sistema e colocar novos desafios na sua administração. A virtualização de recursos é a componente chave da computação em nuvem para fornecer serviços de computação e armazenamento estando omnipresente nos centros de dados atuais. O apoio à servidores através da construção de cluster de máquinas virtuais é universalmente adotada para maximizar a utilização dos recursos do hardware. A virtualização tornou-se uma tecnologia chave implementada por um número crescente de organizações relacionadas com as Tecnologias da Informação (TI) em todo o mundo. A virtualização de sistemas rapidamente ganhou popularidade por causa do seu potencial em reduzir os custos das TI´s. Permitindo aos gestores de TI aumentarem a utilização dos recursos físicos existentes e até mesmo reduzir o número de sistemas implementados. Esta consolidação ajuda reduzir os requisitos na gestão de hardware, reduzindo as necessidades de energia e refrigeração, e, assim, reduzindo os custos das TI´s em geral. Além disso, a implantação de soluções de virtualização normalmente significa um aumento de ferramentas de gestão para o ambiente existente. O acesso ao software e dados em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora, em qualquer dispositivo e com qualquer conectividade, já há muito tempo é um tema crucial para investigadores e arquitectos de sistemas. A quantidade de dados processados aumenta em cada ano, tanto em sistemas de larga escala como em ambientes de menor dimensão. Da mesma forma, a computação mais está a ser executada para processar os dados, e mais comunicação é utilizada para distribuir os dados. Este fenómeno é associado com um aumento constante da capacidade de computação, armazenamento e recursos de comunicação disponíveis, embora com características diferentes. O impacto do crescimento actual do uso de ferramentas de virtualização tornou mais popular a utilização de máquinas virtuais. O uso de laboratórios de testes virtuais está-se a tornar mais popular na prática de testes de QA. Esta abordagem permite que os “testers” testem aplicações diferentes sem se basearem na configuração permanente de um sistema. Usando máquinas virtuais em testes de QA, podemos simular diferentes computadores com diferentes sistemas operativos através de único computador físico ou criar um laboratório virtual inteiro, com várias máquinas virtuais configuradas de forma diferente. Estes “computadores” virtuais funcionam de forma independente uns dos outros e podemos lançar duas ou mais plataformas virtuais simultaneamente no computador, economizando o custo de ter que comprar mais hardware apenas para executar testes de controlo de qualidade. As aplicações em execução numa máquina virtual comportam-se como se estivessem em execução no seu próprio sistema físico. Também pode ser útil testar aplicações web, pois pode-se testar simultaneamente aplicações web em vários navegadores que funcionam independentemente uns dos outros em diferentes máquinas virtuais, mais uma vez, sem o custo de comprar mais hardware para necessidades de testing. Testar aplicações com máquinas virtuais pode ter diferentes utilidades. Pode-se utilizar para testes distribuídos de aplicações cliente-servidor, testes funcionais, testes de regressão, etc. Mas, não importa que tipo de testes de QA que usamos, também será mais eficaz se for automatizado e qualquer tipo de testes em laboratórios virtuais podem ser facilmente automatizadas. Um sistema de informático é um sistema dinâmico e as configurações dos sistemas operativos mudam continuamente. Instalação ou atualização de drivers de software e hardware acontece com frequência e instalação de diferentes versões de um aplicativo afeta a estrutura interna do sistema, podendo influenciar os resultados dos testes. Enquanto que a compra de vários computadores para suportar várias plataformas é uma opção para alguns, muitas vezes é muito caro para a maioria dos laboratórios de testes. Felizmente, as máquinas virtuais são uma solução para estes problemas e a um custo muito mais eficaz. Depois de ter criado e configurado uma máquina virtual ou um laboratório cheio de máquinas virtuais, pode-se ter a configuração de um sistema estável, o que é muito importante ao testar aplicações. No entanto, pode ser preciso um computador mais potente para executar várias máquinas virtuais num único computador ao mesmo tempo, mas isso é muitas vezes mais barato do que comprar três ou mais computadores físicos. Com um laboratório virtual num computador, podemos executar testes distribuídos com aplicações cliente-servidor sem a necessidade de vários computadores. Nesta dissertação, com base nas características apresentadas anteriormente, é apresentada VirtualMigra. A plataforma VirtualMigra é uma ferramenta que permite fazer a migração de máquinas virtuais independentemente do seu fabricante entre diferentes utilizadores de uma LAN.O uso das API´s do Oracle Virtualbox e do VMware Workstation permitem um confortável e intuitivo nível de abstracção para os utilizadores. Realizaram-se experiências exaustivas para testar a plataforma e estas foram realizadas com sucesso num ambiente real, estando assim a plataforma pronta para exploração real.
Chen, Pei-Sheng, and 陳沛昇. "A Mobile Centered and Web Service Integrated Approach for Legacy Web Migration." Thesis, 2013.
Full text逢甲大學
With the rapidly development of mobile devices coupled with the mature of mobile internet environment in recent years, there are more and more users using mobile device to browse the internet. However, most of the web pages on the internet are not mobile web pages, it is not easy for users to browse the traditional web page with mobile device. For example, the display of traditional web page on the mobile device would be mass and crowd. In order to solve these problems, most of the developers would design a new mobile website for mobile device. Nevertheless, developing new web site would cost unnecessarily human resources. In this thesis, we propose a half-automatic and web service integrated method to migrate the traditional web page into mobile device. In our method, we use two techniques, which are “Web Page Parsing” and “Web Service Integrated” when migrate the traditional web sites. Developer use our method can migrate traditional web page into mobile device by a few steps and output a mobile page with good layout and web service integrated. To validate our approach, we apply our method to two web sites, migrate them into mobile web page.
Books on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Nadon, Jason. Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textVasfi, Gucer, and International Business Machines Corporation. International Technical Support Organization., eds. IBM Tivoli configuration manager and Tivoli provisioning manager for software coexistence and migration considerations. [Poughkeepsie, NY]: International Technical Support Organization, 2007.
Find full textInternational Business Machines Corporation. International Technical Support Organization, ed. IBM Tivoli configuration manager and Tivoli provisioning manager for software coexistence and migration considerations. [Poughkeepsie, NY]: International Technical Support Organization, 2007.
Find full textBarry, Baker, and International Business Machines Corporation. International Technical Support Organization., eds. z/TPF and Websphere application server in a service oriented architecture. [United States?]: IBM, International Technical Support Organization, 2007.
Find full textLinton, Rob. Amazon web services: Migrating your .NET enterprise application. Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2011.
Find full textCheng shi liu dong ren kou jia ting de she hui fu wu xu qiu yan jiu: Yi Shanghai Shi wei li. Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she, 2018.
Find full textXin xing he zuo ji zhi de tan suo: Yi Ningbo Shi nong min gong she hui bao zhang shi jian wei li = An exploration of new mechanisms for cooperation. Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she, 2009.
Find full textCong mang liu dao chan ye gong ren: Nong min gong wen ti yu he xie she hui jian she yan jiu = Congmangliudaochayegongren. Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi ren min chu ban she, 2011.
Find full textPerkins, Benjamin. Windows Azure and ASP. NET MVC Migration. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Nacer, Hassina, Kada Beghdad Bey, and Nabil Djebari. "Migration from Web Services to Cloud Services." In Ubiquitous Networking, 179–92. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Database Services in AWS." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 127–51. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Extending Your Reach with Workflow Services and Development Tools." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 213–23. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Static Content Scenario." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 3–5. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Building the Infrastructure." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 153–66. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Updating the Stack." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 167–78. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Building Upon Your Foundation." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 181–84. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Enterprise Website Scenario." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 185–88. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "EC2 Resources at Scale." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 189–202. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textNadon, Jason. "Content Lifecycles, Management, and Backup." In Website Hosting and Migration with Amazon Web Services, 203–12. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Zhang, Jia, Jen-Yao Chung, and Carl K. Chang. "Migration to web services oriented architecture." In the 2004 ACM symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2004.
Full textUpadhyaya, Bipin, Ying Zou, Hua Xiao, Joanna Ng, and Alex Lau. "Migration of SOAP-based services to RESTful services." In 2011 13th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE). IEEE, 2011.
Full textPalmeira da Silva, Clay, and Nizar Messai. "Beyond Traditional Web Technologies for Locally Web-Services Migration." In 18th International Conference on Software Technologies. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.
Full textKazzaz, M. Mohanned, and Marek Rychly. "Restful-Based Mobile Web Service Migration Framework." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (AIMS). IEEE, 2017.
Full textHu, Guangchang, Budan Wu, Bo Cheng, and Junliang Chen. "A Service Migration Mechanism for Web Service Discovery." In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textLihua Zheng and Shuang Wu. "An infrastructure for web services migration in clouds." In 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textSaadaoui, Alaeddine, and Stephen L. Scott. "Lightweight Web Services Migration Framework in Hybrid Clouds." In 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). IEEE, 2018.
Full textKazzaz, M. Mohanned, and Marek Rychly. "Web Service Migration Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textMa, K. J., and R. Bartos. "Performance impact of Web service migration in embedded environments." In IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05). IEEE, 2005.
Full textKim, Yeon-Seok, and Kyong-Ho Lee. "An Efficient Policy Establishment Scheme for Web Services Migration." In 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Services Web – Migration"
Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab, Abu Sonchoy, Muhammad Meki, and Simon Quinn. Virtual Migration through Online Freelancing: Evidence from Bangladesh. Digital Pathways at Oxford, August 2021.
Full textBulatetska, Lesya V., Vitaliy V. Bulatetskyi, Tetyana O. Hryshanovych, Yulia S. Pavlenko, Tetyana I. Cheprasova, and Andrey V. Pikilnyak. Operation system features and cloud services for lecturer work. [б. в.], June 2021.
Full textGu, Yuanyuan, and Jhorland Ayala-García. Emigration and Tax Revenue. Banco de la República de Colombia, July 2022.
Full textCzajkowski, Jeffrey, Kelly Edmiston, Hanchun Zhang, Rodney Cornish, Eric Kolchinsky, Timothy Nauheimer, Dimitri Nikas, and Michelle Lee Wong. Can insurance company investments help fill the infrastructure gap? Center for Insurance Policy and Research, September 2021.
Full textCerda, Maikol, David Cervantes, Paul Gertler, Sean Higgins, Ana María Montoya, Eric Parrado, Carlos Serrano, Raimundo Undurraga, and Patricia Yáñez-Pagans. Covid-19 Pandemic and SMEs' Performance in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2023.
Full textSzałańska, Justyna, Justyna Gać, Ewa Jastrzębska, Paweł Kubicki, Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Marta Pachocka, Joanna Zuzanna Popławska, and Dominik Wach. Country report: Poland. Welcoming spaces in relation to social wellbeing, economic viability and political stability in shrinking regions. Welcoming Spaces Consortium, December 2022.
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