Academic literature on the topic 'Services de l'électricité – Tarifs – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Services de l'électricité – Tarifs – France"
Porcher, Simon. "Une estimation des coûts d'efficience des tarifs actuels des services publics de l'eau en France." Revue économique 64, no. 3 (2013): 551.
Full textBarraqué, Bernard. "La récupération du coût des services rendus par l’utilisation de l’eau : quel rapport avec l’eau en bien commun ?" Flux Pub. anticipées, no. 4 (December 15, 2022): I2—XI.
Full textPINTA, Jean-Claude. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France." Conversion de l'énergie électrique, September 1993.
Full textLESCOEUR, Bruno, Michel MARONNE, and Jean-Claude PINTA. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France." Conversion de l'énergie électrique, December 1990.
Full textLESCOEUR, Bruno, Michel MARONNE, and Jean-Claude PINTA. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France." Réseaux électriques et applications, June 1988.
Full textLESCOEUR, Bruno, Michel MARONNE, and Jean-Claude PINTA. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France." Réseaux électriques et applications, June 1985.
Full textPINTA, Jean-Claude. "Tarifs de l'électricité en France. Barème des prix." Réseaux électriques et applications, February 1999.
Full textPINTA, Jean-Claude. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France, Barème des prix." Réseaux électriques et applications, September 1993.
Full textLESCOEUR, Bruno, and Jean-Claude PINTA. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France, Barème des prix." Réseaux électriques et applications, June 1992.
Full textPINTA, Jean-Claude. "Tarifs actuels de l'électricité en France, Barème des prix." Réseaux électriques et applications, June 1995.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Services de l'électricité – Tarifs – France"
Zhang, Jian. "Analyse comparative de la tarification de l'électricité : la tarification de l'électricité dans le monde." Paris 2, 1992.
Full textThis thesis objective is a comparative analysis of electricity princing in the world and consists of three parts : - determination of criteria of selection for describing a system of electricity princing. The aim of this part is to choose, with a method both pragmatic and statistical, a few countries to be studied precisely but representing the diversity of possible cases. - analysis of the electricity princing in the six countries chosen as case studies : germany, canada, china, france, japan and united-kingdom. - synthesis and comparative analysis of electricity princing from the point of view of economic context, princing method, princing principles, rate structure and aspects related to the tariffs
Diongue, Abdou Kâ. "Modélisation longue mémoire multivariée : applications aux problématiques du producteur d'EDF dans le cadre de la libéralisation du marché européen de l'électricité." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2005.
Full textCertain crucial financial time series, such as the interconnected european electricity market spot prices, exhibit long memory, in the sense of slowly decaying correlations combined with heteroskedasticity and periodic or none cycles. In modeling such behavior, we consider on one hand, the k factor GIGARCH process and additionally propose two methods to address the related parameter estimation problem. In each method, we explore the asymptotic theory for estimation. Moreover, the asymptotic properties are validated and compared via Monte Carlo simulations. On the other hand, we introduce a new multivariate long memory generalized model (kfactor MVGARMA) in order to model interconnected european electricity market spot prices. We sugger a practical framework to address the parameter estimation problem. We investigate the analytical expressions of the least squares predictors for the two proposed models and their confidence intervals. To finish, we apply the two proposed models to the french and german electricity market spot prices and a comparison is made between their forecasting abilities
Guillard, Quentin. "Les tarifs réglementés dans le marché de l’électricité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textThe electricity market is an interesting paradox. Although it has been open to competition since 1996, the visible hand of the state has not disappeared. In fact, while the increasing application of competition law to this market aims to ensure that the principles it embodies reign supreme, foremost among which the free setting of prices, the electricity market resists. The existence of several regulated tariffs (TURPE, TRVE, TOA, ARENH tariff) perfectly illustrate this. This research first analyses the legal justification for maintaining these tariffs in a liberalised market. The aim is to understand whether there is any legal justification for maintaining these tariffs and if any changes to the legal regime applicable to these tariffs have been necessary. The second part of this research is devoted to analysing whether the maintenance of these tariffs could not be affected by the changes taking place in this market. These changes include the finalisation of the liberalisation of the sector and the energy transition
Raux, Charles-Gabriel. "Quel coût pour le secteur électrique d'une politique de restriction des émissions de carbone en France ?" Paris 2, 2010.
Full textCointe, Béatrice. "The emergence of photovoltaics in France in the light of feed-in tariffs : exploring the markets and politics of a modular technology." Paris, EHESS, 2014.
Full textThis thesis explores the recent evolutions of photovoltaics in France, and in particular the rise of grid-connected photovoltaics as it was triggered by support policies set up in the 2000s. The chosen actor-network theory approach leads to a material and relational description of French photovoltaics as a modular technology whose development was driven by political prices in the shape of feed-in tariffs for PV-generated electricity. From this perspective, the intertwinement of technological evolutions, market-making and politicisation is interrogated. After suggesting a description of photovoltaics as emergent modular technologies and of feed-in tariffs as political market agencements, the thesis analyses the interwoven trajectories of feed-in tariffs and photovoltaics in three sites. First, it traces back the constitions of feed-in tariffs as a dominant form of support to photovoltaics in the context of the development of a European Policy for renewable energy. It then zooms on the French case, where the overflowing of the regulated photovoltaic market triggered a political crisis and led to the reconsideration of photovoltaic support schemes. The last case study is a material exploration of the constitution of feed-in tariffs photovoltaic market triggered a political crisis and led to the reconsideration of photovoltaic support schemes. The last case study is a material exploration of the constitution of feed-in tariffs for PV-generated electricity into an opportunity and a resource for territorial development in the context of a project developed by a rural cooperative in the South-West of France
Pham, Thao. "Market power in power markets in Europe : the Cases in French and German woholesale electricity markets." Thesis, Paris 9, 2015.
Full textThe two last centuries have witnessed an exceptional revolution in the organization of electric power markets worldwide. The industry's organization has changed from vertically integrated monopolies under regulation to unbundled structures that favor market mechanisms; known as reform process in Europe. The shift to reliance on market prices, given concentrated structures and particular characteristics of electricity industry, raises a possibility that some firms could influence the market prices by exercising their market power. The issues of "market power" in a given industry have been abundantly employed in the literatureof Industrial Organization since the late 1970s but theoretical and empirical studies of "market power in electricity markets" have only been developed recently. In this thesis, we attempt to carry out an insight research around market power questions in deregulated wholesale electricity markets in Europe, as regarding the way of defining and measuring it. We carry out empirical studies in two of the biggest liberalized electricity markets in Europe: France (2009-2012's data) and Germany (2011's data), using econometric regressions and electricity simulation models as main methodologies. The subject is particularly relevant inthe context of energy transition in Europe (transition energetique in France and Energiewende in Germany)
Yon, Guillaume. "Théorie économique, réalité industrielle et intérêt général. La recherche de l’optimum à Électricité de France (1946-1965)." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016.
Full textThe Act of 8 April 1946 nationalized electricity in France and created a new public monopoly, Électricité de France. A small group of people, mainly from the corps des Ponts-et-Chaussées, was assembled to provide the public utility with a pricing policy. Marcel Boiteux, Gabriel Dessus et Pierre Massé, to mention only a few names, thought they would apply to the power sector the best economic theory of their time, Maurice Allais’ théorie du rendement social. The theory claimed that marginal cost pricing would bring the power sector to a state of maximum efficiency, that it would help governing the sector according to the public interest, and solve rationally the issue of nationalization and its aims. But the story turned out to be quite different. Pricing electricity did not mean applying to the sector the laws of efficiency through transfers of necessities. Rather, in a tentative, partial, progressive, often contradictory manner, the work allowed to describe and thus discuss possible exploitation projects. I propose to term this process the formulation of the optimum. Identifying such a process, I suggest, might contribute to the debate on the status of economics, the kind of truth it produces, and what we can expect from it, especially when it is closely associated with political decision making
Boulmaouahib, El Mahfoud. "La tarification de l'électricité." Paris 10, 1985.
Full textCharpentier, Bénédicte. "Le marché intérieur de l'électricité." Nancy 2, 1998.
Full textAwwad, Alaa-El-Dine. "Essai sur les modifications tarifaires : approche théorique et application à l'électricité en Egypte." Aix-Marseille 3, 1987.
Full textThe political price of public entreprises is subjected to political-economic objectives or then a norm is presented as a reference point to enable economic analysis, and the norm is a mecanism for that analysis? to answer this question there is a decision to determine the mode of reasoning between individuel concepts which underlie traditional theory of the optium, and that which permits the best description of the fonctioning of a dual economic system. The origin of the problem of the "second best" will be found in the lack of political-economic instruments. An attempt at modernization is a result of theoretical analysis which is applied in the case of the "egypt electricity organisation" to study the augmentation of tariffs which were in effect in 1982