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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Service feedback'

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Nolan, Neil, and David Rudström. "Filtering service recovery feedback : A Case study research at Handelsbanken, Uppsala city." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, 2008.

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Research has shown that companies encourage customers to complain and gather huge amounts of service recovery information, although most of this information isn´t used by the companies. Our purpose with this thesis is to explore what determines the filtering of service recovery feedback, and if possible to identify its underlying reasons. This was accomplished through a qualitative case study at Handelsbanken Uppsala City. Empirical material was mainly collected through interviews with the office manager, frontline employees, and the regional complaints manager. When analyzing the empirical material Tax and Brown model of service recovery was used as an analytical framework.

The analysis shows that the employees at Handelsbanken Uppsala city aren’t controlled by many guidelines and policies; instead emphasis is put on the independence, trust, and responsibility of each individual employee. This is probably due to the decentralized organization of Handelsbanken and the belief in the employee’s capability to better understand what is of importance to filter, due to their close interaction with customers.

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Wai, Hon Kee. "Priority feedback mechanism with quality of service control for MPEG video system." HKBU Institutional Repository, 1999.

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Copland, Fiona. "Feedback in pre-service English language teacher training : discourses of process and power." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2008.

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Reetz, Nicholas. "Specifying a Contingent Relationship Between Tip Size and Service Quality." OpenSIUC, 2013.

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The current study investigated the effectiveness of a task clarification meeting and consistent task specific feedback on the completion of customer service tasks by servers at a local sit-down restaurant. The current study also investigated whether customers tip based on social convention (i.e., adjust a tip based on bill percentage according to the quality of customer service received) and whether customer service quality ratings were related to task completion and tip percentage. A list of tasks that should be completed during the course of table-service was developed into a survey through meetings with a restaurant manager. In experiment 1, task completion, tip percentage, and customer service quality data were collected by customers and completed surveys were left on the table as feedback for participants to find. The task clarification meeting and task specific customer feedback increased task completion for two of the three participants, tips were not related to task completion, task completion was moderately and significantly related to customer service quality, and customer service quality was not significantly related to tip percentage. In experiment 2, data were collected by the lead experimenter and completed surveys were vocally and visually reviewed by the experimenter with the server. The task clarification meeting and task specific experimenter feedback increased task completion for all three participants and tips were not related to task completion. Implications of the data as they relate to previous research on feedback and pay-for-performance schedules are discussed.
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Andersson, David, and Shilwan Piroti. "Tailing Service Droid." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019.

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This project aims to build an electric powered robot, that by utilizing infrared light, recognizes a device carried by the user. The robot built in this project utilizes swivel wheel similar to car wheels for steering over the more conventional differential steering/drive. The testing done in this project proved that this method of steering has difficulties with navigating in small spaces and completing tight turns at low speeds. The result also gives reason to believe that a fixed reference distance between the user and the robot might not be optimal for all instances.
Detta projekt går ut på att bygga en eldriven robot som genom att använda infraröda dioder, ser en enhet som utan svårighet bärs av användaren. Roboten som byggs i detta projekts primära användningsområde är att transportera varor. Roboten är konstruerad för att använda svägande hjul vilket påminner om bilstyrning, istället för en mer konventionell differentialstyrning. Testen som utfördes i detta projekt visade att denna styrmetod har svårigheter med att navigera i små utrymmen och vid tvära vändingar vid låga hastigheter. Resultatet av tester säger även att ett fast referensavstånd mellan användaren och roboten möjligtvis inte är optimalt vid vissa tillfällen.
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Palm, Claes. "Management Control Systems and Perceived Stress in a Public Service Organization." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2012.

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A popular notion is that an employee that experiences low control together with high demand is more likely to perceive stress. Management control has been intensified in public service organizations after New Public Management reforms, which is presumed to come at the expense of employee control. This study examined how management control systems, as a package and as specific components, are related to perceived stress. 130 subordinates in a Swedish public service organization completed self-report measures. A multiple regression analysis gave support for the hypotheses that work demand is positively and feedback from superior is negatively related to stress. No support was found for the hypotheses that employee control, feedback from the information system and formality by performance evaluation should be negatively related to stress. It is suggested that management control systems can serve as support for the employees´ efforts of coping with the demands.
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Davis, Jerome Paul. "The effects of internal marketing on service quality within collegiate recrational sport: A quantitative approach." The Ohio State University, 2005.

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Awal, Mohammad abdul. "Efficient cqi feedback resource utilisation for multi-user multi-carrier wireless systems." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011.

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La technologie OFDMA (Orthogonal frequency division multiple access) a été adoptée par les systèmes de télécommunications de 4ème génération (4G) comme technique de transmission et d'accès multiple pour ses performances supérieures en termes d'efficacité spectrale. Dans ce type de systèmes, l'adaptation dynamique du débit en fonction de la qualité du canal CQI (Channel Quality Indicator) constitue une problématique de recherche d'actualité qui attire l'attention de plusieurs acteurs académiques et industriels. Ce problème d'adaptation dynamique est encore plus complexe à gérer dans des environnements multi-utilisateurs hétérogènes et à ressources limitées tels que les systèmes OFDMA comme WiMAX Mobile et Long-term Evolution (LTE). Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème d'allocation de ressources de l'information de feedback relative au CQI dans le cadre de systèmes OFDMA multi-porteuses multi-utilisateurs. Dans le but de réduire la charge (overhead) du feedback, nous proposons une méthode de prédiction du CQI basée sur l'exploitation de la corrélation temporelle de ce dernier et d'une solution inter-couches. L'objectif est de trouver des schémas d'allocation de ressources adaptatifs respectant les contraintes de qualité de service (QoS) applicatives.Nous proposons en premier lieu un algorithme de réduction de feedback PBF (Prediction Based Feedack) qui permet à la station de base (BS) à prédire certaines occurrences du CQI en se basant sur l'algorithme des moindres carrés récursif RLS (Recursive least-square). Les résultats de simulation montrent que l'outil de prédiction du CQI réduit sensiblement l'overhead du feedback et améliore par conséquent le débit de la liaison montante. Nous proposons, par la suite, une version opportuniste de PBF pour atténuer les éventuels effets de sur et sous estimations liées à l'algorithme de prédiction. Dans ce mécanisme, nous exploitons les informations inter-couches pour améliorer les performances des mécanismes de feedbacks périodiques dont PBF fait partie. L'approche opportuniste améliore sensiblement les performances du système pour les cas de mobilité élevée comparés aux cas de faible mobilité.Dans un second temps, nous proposons une plateforme (FEREP : feedback resource allocation and prediction) basée sur une approche inter-couches. Implémentée au niveau de la station BS, FEREP intègre les fonctionnalités de prédiction, d'adaptation dynamique du CQI et d'ordonnancement des demandes de feedback. Elle comporte trois modules. Le module FWA (feedback window adaptation) gère dynamiquement la fenêtre de feedbacks de chaque station mobile (MS) en se basant sur les messages ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) reçus qui reflètent l'état actuel des canaux respectifs. Le module PBFS (priority-based feedback scheduling) effectue ensuite l'ordonnancement des feedbacks en tenant compte de la taille de la fenêtre de feedback, du profil de l'utilisateur sous la contrainte de la limitation des ressources globales du systèmes réservées au feedback. Afin de choisir les paramètres de transmission MCS (modulation and coding schemes), le module PBF (prediction based feedback) est utilisé pour les utilisateurs dont le feedabck n'a pas pu être ordonnancé dans la trame courante. Les résultats de simulation ont montré un gain significatif des performances de FREREP en comparaison à un mécanisme de référence, en particulier, sous de fortes contraintes de limitation des ressources du feedback.Le protocole ARQ génère un accusé de réception uniquement si l'utilisateur est sélectionné par l'ordonnanceur pour envoyer des données sur la liaison descendante. Dans le cas où la fréquence d'ordonnancement des utilisateurs sur le lien descendant est réduite, les messages ARQ s'en trouvent également réduits, dégradant par conséquent les performances de la plateforme FEREP proposée ci-dessus. En effet, dans ce cas la signalisation ARQ devient insuffisante pour adapter efficacement la fenêtre de feedback de chaque utilisateur. Pour pallier à ce problème, nous proposons l'algorithme DCRA (dynamic CQI resource allocation) qui utilise deux modes d'estimation de la fenêtre de feedback. Le premier est un mode hors-ligne basé sur des études empiriques permettant d'estimer la fenêtre moyenne optimale de feedback en utilisant les profils applicatif et de mobilité de l'utilisateur. Notre analyse de performance par simulation montre que la fenêtre de feedback peut être estimée en fonction de la classe de service des utilisateurs et de leurs profils de mobilité pour un environnement cellulaire donné. Le second mode de fonctionnement de DCRA effectue une adaptation dynamique de la fenêtre en temps réel dans le cas où la signalisation ARQ est suffisante. Une étude comparative avec les mécanismes DFS (deterministic feedback scheduling) et OFS (opportunistic feedback scheduling), a montré que DCRA arrive à réaliser un meilleur gain en ressources montantes grâce à la réduction de l'overhead des feedbacks, sans pour autant trop dégrader le débit descendant des utilisateurs. Du point de vue des utilisateurs, DCRA améliore les contraintes de QoS tels que le taux de perte de paquets et réduit la consommation énergétique des terminaux grâce à la réduction de feedback
Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) technology has been adopted by 4th generation (a.k.a. 4G) telecommunication systems to achieve high system spectral efficiency. A crucial research issue is how to design adaptive channel quality indicator (CQI) feedback mechanisms so that the base station can use adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) techniques to adjust its data rate based on the channel condition. This problem is even more challenging in resource-limited and heterogeneous multiuser environments such as Mobile WiMAX, Long-term Evolution (LTE) networks. In this thesis, we consider CQI feedback resource allocation issue for multiuser multicarrier OFDMA systems. We exploit time-domain correlation for CQI prediction and cross-layer information to reduce feedback overhead for OFDMA systems. Our aim is find resource allocation schemes respecting the users QoS constraints.Our study begins with proposing prediction based feedback (PBF) which allows the base station to predict the CQI feedbacks based on recursive least-square (RLS) algorithm. We showed that it is useful to use channel prediction as a tool to reduce the feedback overhead and improve the uplink throughput. Then, we propose an opportunistic periodic feedback mechanism to mitigate the possible under and over estimation effects of CQI prediction. In this mechanism, we exploited the cross-layer information to enhance the performance of periodic feedback mechanisms. The opportunistic mechanism improves the system performance for high mobility cases compared to low mobility cases.For OFDMA systems with limited feedback resource, we propose an integrated cross-layer framework of feedback resource allocation and prediction (FEREP). The proposed framework, implemented at the BS side, is composed of three modules. The feedback window adaptation (FWA) module dynamically tunes the feedback window size for each mobile station based on the received ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) messages that reflect the current channel condition. The priority-based feedback scheduling (PBFS) module then performs feedback allocation by taking into account the feedback window size, the user profile and the total system feedback budget. To choose adapted modulation and coding schemes (MCS), the prediction based feedback (PBF) module performs channel prediction by using recursive least square (RLS) algorithm for the user whose channel feedback has not been granted for schedule in current frame. Through extensive simulations, the proposed framework shows significant performance gain especially under stringent feedback budget constraint.ARQ protocol receives users acknowledgement only if the user is scheduled in the downlink. The reduction in users scheduling frequency also reduces the rate of ARQ hints and degrades the performance of above contributions. In this case, it is difficult to exploit the ARQ signal to adapt the feedback window for that user. To address this issue, we propose a cross-layer dynamic CQI resource allocation (DCRA) algorithm for multiuser multicarrier OFDMA systems. DCRA uses two modes for feedback window estimation. The first one is an off-line mode based on empirical studies to derive optimal average feedback window based on user application and mobility profile. Our experimental analysis shows that the feedback window can be averaged according to users service class and their mobility profile for a given cell environment. DCRA performs a realtime dynamic window adaptation if sufficient cross-layer hints are available from ARQ signaling. DCRA increases uplink resource by reducing feedback overhead without degrading downlink throughout significantly compared to deterministic feedback scheduling (DFS) and opportunistic feedback scheduling (OFS). From the users perspective, DCRA improves QoS constraints like packet loss rate and saves users power due to feedback reduction
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Babin, Paul D. "Simulation modeling and analysis of adjustable service-rate queueing models that incorporate feedback control." Thesis, Mississippi State University, 2015.

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Research shows that in a system model, when the production rate is adjusted based on the number of items in queue, the nature of the model changes from an open-loop queueing system to a closed-loop feedback control system. Service-rate adjustment can be implemented in a discrete event simulation model, but the effect of this adjustment has not been thoroughly analyzed in the literature. This research considers the design of feedback signals to generate realistic simulation models of production system behavior. A series of simulation experiments is conducted to provide practical guidance for simulation modelers on how adding a service-rate adjustment feedback loop to a queueing system affects system performance.

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Nadkarni, Dinanath. "An iterative approach towards web service composition using feedback from analysis of composition failures." [Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University], 2008.

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Ajayi, Modupeola Olajumoke. "Developing a conceptual framework for the field failure feedback process from service-to-design." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2009.

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This thesis addresses the product field failure feedback process from service-to-design,for the purposes of product enhancement within the heating technology manufacturing industry. The research provides insights into existing problems with processing field failure data as an aid to service, design and quality practitioners in their functional roles to support product performance, quality and reliability improvements. Extant research on field feedback process have examined field feedback as a fragmented process and focused mainly on improving the speed and quality of the information flow within. This study investigates such feedback as a holistic process and concentrates on operationalising and improving the feedback between service and design. Understanding what is pleasing and dissatisfying for customers is critical for success in today's competitive market environment. Thus, this requires a systematic process for obtaining feedback from the field about product-in-use performance to influence the design of future product and service market offerings that will genuinely contribute to increased customer satisfaction. The feedback of product-in-use performance data can be used by design engineers to identify potential product failures and prioritise reliability issues, and so prevent their reoccurrence. Furthermore, product innovation and development processes are increasingly driven by shorter time to market, increasing product complexity, and increasing customer demands, all of which have contributed to the challenges of improving feedback from the service to the design. Such challenges need to be addressed if firms wish to actively pursue sustainable product innovation and develop genuine levels of organizational learning. An in-depth case study was conducted with a sponsoring company and qualitative and qualitative data was collected through interviews, and questionnaire surveys. The results from the literature reviews and empirical work have been amalgamated to develop a conceptual framework for the effective field failure feedback process from service-to-design. The framework articulates the various stages of the feedback process and the operational conditions that privilege its effective management and organisation. This framework was subsequently validated with industrial experts using case study methods, following which refinements were incorporated into its overall design.
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Caemmerer, Barbara. "The management of customer feedback in the development of service orientation in the public sector." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2006.

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This thesis explores how service orientation can be developed in public sector settings, particularly through the management of customer feedback, in order to enhance service performance. This was seen as critical as public sector organisations have been experiencing increasing pressure to ameliorate services. However, little research has been conducted to understand how public management can achieve this objective. The research involved a literature review on service orientation, customer feedback in services and public sector management. The fieldwork which was undertaken at Scottish Enterprise included interviews with 18 members of senior management across the organisation's network, as well as an online survey of all business customer facing employees (322). The responses from 203 employees (63% response rate) were analysed in SPSS and AMOS. The findings suggest that there is a strong service orientation discrepancy in public sector organisations: while employees have a genui ne desire to deliver effective services to the public, management practices introduced to address the Modernising Government agenda may act as counterproductive in the development of organisational service orientation as they mainly focus on efficiency savings. However, organisational service orientation is critical as it seems to mediate the link between service performance and job satisfaction. One of the management practices impacting positively on organisational service orientation is the management of customer feedback. Directly gathered customer feedback at a business unit level is perceived as being more meaningful than customer feedback collected through national survey initiatives, as it helps to improve services and to motivate employees. Moreover, particularly interactive channels to communicate customer feedback are effective as they allow for the simultaneous analysis of the data and employee involvement in action planning. More research is necessary to understand how business unit management can be supported in the development of organisational service orientation within complex public sector settings.
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Speers, Wendy Jane. "Student nurses' feedback from mental health service users in practice : a participatory action research study." Thesis, Open University, 2012.

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This study involved student nurses, lecturers, mentors and service users in working together to design, evaluate and refine a system enabling student mental health nurses to seek feedback from service users. The feedback concerned students' interpersonal skills and occurred in practice, at the point of service delivery. Although the drive to engage service users in service delivery, research and education has mainstream acceptance, much remains to be learned about how to achieve meaningful involvement. Mental health professionals are striving to adopt the recovery model and harness service user expertise through the development of more reciprocal relationships. This research aims to contribute to this wider thrust, by exploring the experiences of those concerned when students attempt to learn from rather than about service users. Conducted over two years, a participatory action research approach was adopted. Data came from interviews held with those implementing the system for feedback, and from the deliberations of the participants guiding the process. Thematic analysis produced evidence of relevance to nurse educationalists, mental health nurses and researchers. Although contextual, findings indicated that service users volunteering to give feedback had a positive experience. Students' experience lay on a continuum. Those with a stronger sense of self were more willing and able to ask for feedback than less confident students. Cultural adjustment to the role change required presented a challenge and tested self-awareness. Over time, all students achieved deep learning and, for some, learning appeared transformative. Recommendations relate to the system for seeking feedback and the conduct of participatory action research. Overall, the study concluded that both allowed the development of more equitable relationsh ips, in which mental health nurses respected the expertise of service users. This potentially benefits student development, recoveryorientated practice, service users and Higher Education Institutions searching for meaningful ways to involve service users in learning and formative assessment.
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This study describes the findings of a qualitative study examining the understanding about the beliefs and practices about assessment of faculty who teach English as a foreign language. I analyzed the beliefs and practices of EFL faculty members as described in their responses upon the instructional process of the target language following a three-part approach proposed by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014), which is a concurrent flow of three activities: (a) data condensation, (b) data display, and (c) conclusion drawing/ verification. For the collection of data, I used two instruments: qualitative interviews, and documents. The following research questions guided this study: 1) what are the beliefs of faculty members about the role of assessment in the teaching of English as a foreign language in undergraduate programs in a higher educational institution in Colombia? 2) How do EFL faculty members describe the practice of assessment in a Colombian higher educational institution, both in terms of their teaching EFL pre service teachers and in their interactions with departmental colleagues? 3) How do EFL faculty members interpret the implications of the guiding principles about assessment of a Colombian university, contained in its undergraduate student manual, for their instructional practice of English as Foreign Language?
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Hey, Alexandra H. "Feedback und Beurteilung bei selbstregulierter Gruppenarbeit /." Berlin :, 2001.

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König, Claudia. "Audiovisuelles Feedback : Konzeptentwicklung - methodisches Vorgehen - Evaluation /." Aachen : Shaker, 2003.

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Khan, Marryam. "Gender Dynamics from the Arab World: An Intercultural Service Encounter." Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013.

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Arab countries strive toward the modernization and feminization of the Arab culture; however, some of these countries (i.e., Saudi Arabia) are culturally and legally governed by “sharia law”, and have maintained cultural norms regarding segregation of the sexes. In order to have a better understanding of the Arab travelers to the U.S., this research focuses on the gender dynamics between the service providers and Arab customers during a service encounter. Specifically, this research examines how the same and opposite genders of service-provider and customer influence Arab customers' emotional response (comfort), consequently their service encounter evaluation (satisfaction), and behavioral intentions (feedback willingness). This research also examines how the employees' efforts to solicit feedback from Arab customers may intensify the effect of gender dynamics on Arab customers' responses. Scenario-based online surveys are created and distributed to respondents of Arab descent in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and United Arab Emirates by using snowball sampling. The results based on 326 respondents show potential differences determined by gender interaction. Arab customers were more comfortable, more satisfied with the service encounter, and more willing to provide feedback, if the employee was the same gender as the customer, as opposed to the employee being the opposite gender from the customer. However, results showed that employee efforts to solicit feedback did not intensify the gender interaction effect. Additionally, through the service encounter, the Arab customers' comfort influenced their service encounter satisfaction and their willingness to provide feedback. The findings of this research provide valuable implications for hospitality managers to better cater to the needs of Arab customers by examining the dimensions of gender boundaries in an intercultural service encounter.
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Beukes, Isak. "An integrated feedback and strategic management process for the SA Police Service in the Western Cape." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000.

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Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The year 1999 was announced as the year of service delivery by the National Commissioner of Police, and the Police Plan for the RSA underwent a name change to the "policy priorities and objectives" in the same year. The Police Plan, consisting of policy priorities and objectives and internal focus areas, can be seen as the strategic plan of the South African Police Service. Such a strategic plan needs an implementation plan to put it into operation and ensure the involvement of every member in the Service. The prime objective of the South African Police Service is the establishment of a safe and secure environment in partnership with the community. The emphasis should therefore be on - • improving the quality and effectiveness of service to the community; • supporting the transformation process in South Africa in general and in the South African Police Service in particular; • instituting a new style of Community Policing and Management; and • establishing a process for efficient and effective policing. The above priorities consist of a number of objectives to put actions into operation in order to reach a desired outcome. These actions will be addressed at all managerial levels from top to lower levels through the integrated planning process. The South African Police Service in the Western Cape is divided into four policing areas at present, namely the Eastern Metropole, Western Metropole, Boland and Southern Cape. Each area consists of stations which are responsible to the Area, and each station must give feedback to the Area on its strategic management plan. The strategic management plan of the SAPS in the Western Cape can be seen as a combination of the Policing Priorities and Objectives for the province, the Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP) and the Area Operational Plan. The main goal of this research project is to design an integrated Strategic Management model through which every Police Station in the Western Cape can provide feedback in the Strategic Management processes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die jaar 1999 is tot die jaar van dienslewering deur die Nasionale Kommissaris van Polisie verklaar, en die Polisieplan vir die RSA het 'n naamverandering na die "beleidsprioriteite en doelwitte" in dieselfde jaar ondergaan. Die Polisieplan, wat bestaan uit beleidsprioriteite en doelwitte en interne fokusareas, kan as die strategiese plan van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens beskou word. So 'n strategiese plan benodig 'n implementeringsplan om dit in werking te stel en die betrokkenheid van alle lede van die Diens te verseker. Die hoofdoelwit van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens is om 'n veilige en beveiligde omgewing in 'n vennootskap met die gemeenskap te bewerkstellig. Daarom behoort die klem te val op - • verbetering van die kwaliteit en doeltreffendheid van die diens aan die gemeenskap; • ondersteuning van die transformasieproses in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen en in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens in die besonder; • die instelling van 'n nuwe styl van Gemeenskapspolisiëring en bestuur; en • die vestiging van 'n proses vir doelmatige en doeltreffende polisiëring. Bovermelde prioriteite bestaan uit 'n aantal doelwitte om aksies in werking te stel ten einde 'n beoogde resultaat te bereik. Hierdie aksies moet op alle bestuursvlakke vanaf topbestuur tot die laer vlakke deur die geïntegreerde beplanningsproses geloods word. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens in die Wes-Kaap is in vier polisiëringsareas opgedeel, naamlik die Oos-Metropool, Wes-Metropool, Boland en Suid-Kaap. Elke area bestaan uit stasies wat aan die Area verantwoordelik is, en elke stasie moet aan die Area terugvoer verskaf oor sy strategiese bestuursplan. Die strategiese bestuursplan van die SAPD in die Wes-Kaap kan beskou word as 'n kombinasie van die Polisiëringsprioriteite en Doelwitte vir die provinsie, die Dienslewering Verbeteringsprogram (DVP) en die Area Operasionele Plan. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is om 'n geïntegreerde strategiese bestuursmodel te ontwerp waardeur alle polisiestasies in die Wes-Kaap terugvoer kan gee in die Strategiese Bestuursprosesse.
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Howell, Emily A. "Using explicit teaching, modeling, and feedback to facilitate vocabulary instruction for early childhood educators." OpenSIUC, 2013.

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Early childhood teachers attend in-service trainings to continue their education after entering the workforce. The effectiveness of in-service training is being studied by many researchers. Some researchers postulate that adding modeling of the behavior and follow-up feedback to in-service trainings increases the ability of early childhood teachers to implement newly learned behaviors. The study investigated the effects of an instructional package (explicit teaching, modeling, and feedback) on early childhood students' implementation of vocabulary behaviors during shared storybook reading. The three vocabulary behaviors studied were selecting and stressing words, explaining and relating words, and repetition. Two case studies were completed with early childhood students, using a single-subject multiple-probe design across behaviors. Participants were baselined across all three behaviors. The behaviors were taught individually using explicit teaching and modeling. When criterion was reached, a new behavior was trained and modeled. Participants were given feedback on their performance, as well. Results showed the participants were able to implement selecting and stressing words and repetition during shared storybook reading after explicit training and modeling. The implementation of explaining and relating behaviors required additional feedback and reteaching for the participants to reach criterion. The study supports the research indicating that modeling and feedback improve early childhood students' abilities to implement newly learned skills.
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Guenette, Daniele. "The Cyberscript Project: a mixed method study of pre-service ESL teachers' corrective feedback beliefs and practices." Thesis, McGill University, 2010. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=86629.

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Prompted by the controversy regarding the effects of corrective feedback (CF) on second language (L2) acquisition, as well as the role of beliefs in teacher cognition, this mixed method study examines the CF practices of a group of pre-service ESL teachers (i.e., mentors) paired with high school learners. The primary objectives were to investigate which strategies and techniques pre-service ESL teachers use when providing CF on writing, as well as the correlation between the strategies adopted by the pre-service ESL teachers and the categories of error made by the learners. To this end, the email correspondence exchanged between the mentors and learners over a school semester was examined.
The secondary goal of this study was to investigate whether the CF practices of mentors corroborated their beliefs in this regard. To explore these issues, data in the form of questionnaires on beliefs, journals and semi-structured guided interviews were collected throughout the project to establish the congruence of mentors' actions and perceptions of their actions with their beliefs about CF, and provide a finer-grained interpretation of the quantitative data collected through the correspondence.
Descriptive and inferential statistics revealed that, similar to the findings of research on teacher feedback, the mentors, as a group, used direct corrections significantly more than other feedback strategies and that this correction pattern was constant irrespective of the error categories. However, great variability in the mentors' decision-making process regarding CF, as well as discrepancies between expressed beliefs and practices, were also apparent. Consistent with research on teacher cognition, this study revealed tensions resulting from a clash between theory and practice, and showed that an awareness of beliefs does not necessarily have an impact on CF practices, especially when beliefs cannot be reconciled with the pedagogical imperatives of the classroom. The study discusses the myriad of factors that influence the teachers' CF practices, and concludes with implications for future research and suggestions for second language L2 teacher training programs.
Inspirée par la controverse sur les effets de la rétroaction corrective sur l'acquisition de la langue seconde, ainsi que le rôle des croyances dans le développement de la cognition des enseignants, cette étude fondée sur des méthodes mixtes examine les pratiques de rétroaction corrective de futurs enseignants d'anglais langue seconde (i.e., les mentors), jumelés avec des élèves du secondaire. L'objectif principal était de recenser les stratégies et techniques de rétroaction corrective à l'écrit utilisées par les futurs enseignants, et d'établir une corrélation entre ces stratégies et les catégories d'erreurs commises par les apprenants. Dans ce but, la correspondance par courriel échangée par les mentors et les apprenants durant tout un trimestre a été analysée.
Le second objectif était d'examiner dans quelle mesure les pratiques de rétroaction corrective des mentors correspondaient à leurs croyances à cet égard. Afin d'obtenir une interprétation plus poussée des résultats des analyses quantitatives, des données qualitatives ont été recueillies (questionnaires sur les croyances, journaux de bord, entrevues semi-dirigées), afin de mesurer la congruence des pratiques des mentors et leurs perceptions de ces pratiques, en lien avec leurs croyances au sujet de la rétroaction corrective.
Des statistiques descriptives et inférentielles ont révélé une prépondérance significative de corrections directes de la part de tous les mentors, ainsi qu'une constance dans ces pratiques, indépendamment des catégories d'erreurs commises par les apprenants. Par contre, les analyses ont également mis au jour une grande variance dans le processus de prise de décision des mentors, ainsi que des contradictions entre leurs pratiques et les croyances exprimées. Conformément aux résultats des recherches en cognition des enseignants, cette étude a révélé des tensions qui proviennent d'un écart entre la théorie et la pratique, et a démontré que la conscience des croyances n'a pas nécessairement de répercussion sur les pratiques, particulièrement lorsque ces croyances sont en contradiction avec les impératifs pédagogiques de la classe de langue seconde. Cette étude illustre les nombreux facteurs qui influent sur les pratiques de rétroaction corrective des enseignants et, en conclusion, propose des avenues pour la recherche future et pour la formation des enseignants de langue seconde.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Remy, Sekou. "How to teach a new robot new tricks an interactive learning framework applied to service robotics /." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.

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Thesis (Ph.D)--Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.
Committee Chair: Dr. Ayanna M. Howard; Committee Member: Dr. Charles Kemp; Committee Member: Dr. Magnus Egerstedt; Committee Member: Dr. Patricio Vela. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Rickerson, Tamika Nicole. "Evaluation of Multiple Treatments to Impact Hand Washing in a Human Service Organization." Scholar Commons, 2013.

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Hand washing has been proven to be effective in preventing many serious diseases World Health Organization (WHO, 2009). Nonetheless, both the general public and many healthcare professionals fail to wash their hands. Very little research has been conducted outside of healthcare settings to evaluate the adherence of hand-washing procedures. This study investigated if hand washing adherence in a residential setting can be improved with the use of verbal and graphical feedback a probabilistic bonus. Results suggested that the probabilistic bonus had a substantial impact on hand washing performance: more so than signs, educational in-service, and verbal-graphical feedback alone. Reactivity data were collected and showed performance was weak to non-existent throughout all phases until the probabilistic bonus. This final phase improved performance when staff did not know they were being watched, however, performance was only moderate and variable both within- and between-staff
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Miller, Judith Bower. "An investigative social research study of selected variables that may be impeding feedback in the peer coaching model." Diss., Virginia Tech, 1990.

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Fernandes, Pereira Sonia, and Nejat Hamid. "Closed-Loop Orchestration Solution." Thesis, KTH, Hälsoinformatik och logistik, 2019.

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Computer networks are continuously evolving and growing in size and complexity. New technologies are being introduced which further increases the complexity. Net- work Service Orchestration is all about pushing configuration out into the network devices automatically without human intervention. There can be issues that causes the orchestration to fail. In many cases manual operations must be done to recover from the error which is very contradicting since the goal of orchestration is that it should be fully automated. There is some indication that the errors that are being solved manually could be de- tected and handled by a feedback mechanism. This thesis work aimed to build on current insight and if possible, verify that the feedback mechanism is a viable method. After consideration on different ways to solve the research question, the choice fell on creating a test environment where the approach was tested. The test environment was used to investigate if a network orchestration system could be integrated with a feedback mechanism. The result of this project presents a way to automatically de- tect a network failure and send feedback to a Network Service Orchestrator. The or- chestrator is then able to identify and correct the error.
Datornätverk utvecklas kontinuerligt och växer i storlek och komplexitet. Nyteknik införs som ytterligare ökar komplexiteten. Nätverksservice orkestrering handlar om att skicka ut konfiguration automatiskt till enheter i nätverket utan mänsklig in- blandning. Det kan finnas problem som gör att orkestreringen misslyckas. I många fall måste manuella åtgärder utföras för att lösa problemet, vilket är mycket motsä- gelsefullt, eftersom målet med orkestrering är att det ska vara fullt automatiserat. Det finns indikationer på att fel kan detekteras och hanteras av en återkopplings- mekanismen. Detta examensarbete syftar till att bygga på aktuell insikt, och om möj- ligt, verifiera att återkopplingsmekanismen är en möjlig metod. Efter överväganden på vilka olika sätt som projektmålet kunde uppnås föll valet på att skapa en testmiljö där ansatsen kunde testas. Testmiljön användes för att utreda om ett nätverksorkestreringssystem kan integreras med en återkopplings mekanism. Resultat av projektet presenterar ett sätt att automatiskt upptäcka ett nätverksfel och skicka återkoppling till ett nätverksorkestreringssystem. Nätverksorkestreraren kan sedan detektera och åtgärda felet.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Sayre, David B. "A Runtime Verification and Validation Framework for Self-Adaptive Software." NSUWorks, 2017.

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The concepts that make self-adaptive software attractive also make it more difficult for users to gain confidence that these systems will consistently meet their goals under uncertain context. To improve user confidence in self-adaptive behavior, machine-readable conceptual models have been developed to instrument the adaption behavior of the target software system and primary feedback loop. By comparing these machine-readable models to the self-adaptive system, runtime verification and validation may be introduced as another method to increase confidence in self-adaptive systems; however, the existing conceptual models do not provide the semantics needed to institute this runtime verification or validation. This research confirms that the introduction of runtime verification and validation for self-adaptive systems requires the expansion of existing conceptual models with quality of service metrics, a hierarchy of goals, and states with temporal transitions. Based on this expanded semantics, runtime verification and validation was introduced as a second-level feedback loop to improve the performance of the primary feedback loop and quantitatively measure the quality of service achieved in a state-based, self-adaptive system. A web-based purchasing application running in a cloud-based environment was the focus of experimentation. In order to meet changing customer purchasing demand, the self-adaptive system monitored external context changes and increased or decreased available application servers. The runtime verification and validation system operated as a second-level feedback loop to monitor quality of service goals based on internal context, and corrected self-adaptive behavior when goals are violated. Two competing quality of service goals were introduced to maintain customer satisfaction while minimizing cost. The research demonstrated that the addition of a second-level runtime verification and validation feedback loop did quantitatively improve self-adaptive system performance even with simple, static monitoring rules.
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Applied Behavioral Analysis
Staff members supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities often provide the primary supervision and direct instruction to those served. These services are often provided in locations with limited resources and funding, especially within adult services. Supervisors in these settings must ensure necessary documentation and job responsibilities are completed in order to meet regulatory requirements and ensure appropriate care and treatment for individuals’ served. By providing simple and cost effective feedback, supervisors can ensure the staff members are meeting job expectations while ensuring the individuals’ served are having their needs met. This study implemented a reversal design in two separate program rooms within an adult day program to examine the effects of posted group feedback, posted group feedback paired with goal setting, as well as the effect of the placement of the postings in a conspicuous versus non conspicuous location with staff completion of required daily documentation. Results in both rooms indicated that posting group feedback alone did not have as much effect on staff performance unless paired with goal setting. The posting locations in each room also did not seem to have an effect on staff performance.
Temple University--Theses
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Dulgheru, Natalia. "Hantering av QoS i Distribuerade MPEG-videosystem." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2004.

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With the advance in computer and network technologies, multimedia systems and Internet applications are becoming more popular. As broadband network is prevailing, more clients are able to watch streaming videos or to play multimedia data over the Internet in real-time. Consequently, there is an increasing demand in the Internet for streaming video systems. As the run-time environment of such applications tends to be dynamic, it is imperative to handle transient overloads effectively. The goal of this work is to develop an algorithm that would provide a robust and controlled behavior of the video system so that important data is delivered on time to the video clients. In order to address this problem, we propose a QoS-sensitive approach that is using the technique of imprecise computation and is based on the principle of tuning. Our algorithm is aimed to provide the best possible QoS to the clients in the current available network capacity. As an environment to work with we have used a video system called QMPEGv2. A set of experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Through experiments, we show that the system can adapt to dynamic changes in network conditions and provide almost always the best possible QoS to its clients. Guaranteeing a certain minimal QoS level to all clients is only possible when, in run time, an admission controller adjusts the number of clients admitted tothe system according to the capacity of the network and video servers.

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Curran, Chaney L. "In-service Teacher Perception of Feedback From Formative Evaluation Within the Teacher Appraisal Process and Its Relationship to Teacher Self-efficacy." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014.

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The purpose of the study is to describe the current status of and the relationships between teacher self-efficacy and in-service teachers’ perceptions and/or attitudes of (a) the quantity and quality of feedback from formative evaluation, (b) toward feedback from formative evaluation, and (c) the impact of feedback from formative evaluation on teacher self-efficacy. In addition to calculating correlation coefficients, 6 teachers were interviewed – 2 each from high, medium, and low efficacy schools. The quantitative data reported low, positive correlations between all of the factors. Statistically significant correlations were found between 8 of the 12 factors including teacher attitudes toward feedback from formative evaluation and: overall Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (r = .302), student engagement (r = .309), instructional strategies (r = .237) and classroom management (r =.266). Other statistically significant correlations were found between teacher perceptions of the impact of feedback from formative evaluation and its relationship to self-efficacy and: overall Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (r = .295), Student Engagement (r = .300), Instructional Strategies (r = .209), and Classroom Management (r = .282). The face-to-face interviews and online focus group supported the quantitative findings as the participants reported that they value formative evaluation and feedback and deem it a necessary component of professional growth. Participants felt that they would benefit from an increased number of formative evaluations followed by specific, frequent and positive feedback. The participants indicated that their self-efficacy was not negatively impacted by infrequent observations and/or feedback that lacks detail.
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Sousa, Nuno Miguel Rebouta de. "Home Service : Lean Startup na criação de um modelo de negócio." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2017.

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Mestrado em Gestão/MBA
Com o advento das Startups, e das metodologias denominadas Agile de criação e estruturação empresarial, os modelos antiquados de organização empresarial começaram a cair em desuso. Não obstante, bastantes Startups ainda se agarram a metodologias de desenvolvimento de produto, e deployment do mesmo sem qualquer análise prévia de viabilidade, apoiando-se nos tradicionais estudos de mercado como suporte de viabilidade, investindo de uma forma quase cega numa ideia/ produto, muitas vezes sem qualquer teste. A metodologia Lean Startup debruça-se sobre uma perspectiva diferenciada das comuns metodologias, baseando-se na interação do produto, e das várias fases de desenvolvimento do mesmo com o mercado. Podemos dizer que o produto nunca é algo acabado, mas sim algo que se vai desenvolvendo, aprimorando, adaptando-se ao mercado, e às suas variações, procurando um percurso em constante mutação. A relação desta metodologia com o mercado de aplicativos móveis, uma estrutura altamente volátil, em conformidade com as ditas "modas", é clara, carecendo qualquer produto de constantes updates, de forma a adaptar o mesmo às aparentes necessidades dos utilizadores, surgindo aqui o feedback por parte do end-user, e da criação de metodologias de obtenção deste fundamentais na viabilização do produto. Assim, o presente projecto passa por analisar a viabilidade desta metodologia ao desenvolvimento de uma proposta de valor para um MVP, utilizando o formato Business Model Canvas para analisar as variações das diferentes iterações, e obter uma proposta de valor, sobre a qual poderá ser desenhado o MVP, para ulteriormente se fazer o deployment.
With the continuous growth of the Startup business model, and the agile methodologies, the antique business organization models began their decay. Nevertheless, many startups still hold on to the normal product development and deployment methods, without previous feasibility analysis, supporting the idea on the traditional market survey, blindly investing on an idea/ product, many times without even a real test. The Lean Startup methodology focuses on a differentiated perspective, basing on a continuous testing of the product and its development phases in the market. We can say that the product is never concluded, but is ever developing, enhancing, adapting to its market, and its customers, seeking a viability path that is ever changing. This methodology relation with the App market, a fairly volatile structure, always subject to fashion trends, is clear, with products in permanent update, adapting to customer needs, surfacing the end-user feedback, and its methodologies as fundamentals in product feasibility. Thus, the present project analyses this methodology feasibility in creating a value proposition for a MVP, a smartphone app, using the Business Model Canvas to analyze variations in the different iterations, towards a final value proposition, with which we can draw a MVP, and prepare it´s deployment.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lee, Robert Henry. "Comments, compliments and complaints : the use of patient feedback in the management of hospitals in the National Health Service in England." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2015.

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Feedback from patients has become increasingly important in the provision of health care and the management of health services in many countries in the last 30 years. Government policy in England and the published research literature from different countries have focused more on the collection than on the use of patient feedback. There are significant gaps in the research literature relating to the ways in which patient feedback is used in the management of health services. The purpose of this research is to examine how feedback from patients is (or is not) used in the management of hospitals in the National Health Service in England. This thesis contains the results of a qualitative study of the use of patient feedback in two purposively selected NHS foundation trusts in England. Data were collected through interviews with managers, from government and Trust documents and websites, and through the observation of meetings. The findings show that qualitative feedback about patients’ subjective experience of their illness and services is used by managers to engage with and motivate staff, but that the quantified results of surveys are used to establish criteria and standards for service improvement. Although compliments and commendations by patients are used to praise staff they are not used to help set explicit standards for service improvement. Boards of directors sometimes use feedback from patients to help set strategies for quality improvement, but appear not subsequently to use that feedback explicitly to monitor the implementation of these strategies or assure the quality of services. The thesis fills gaps in the published literature by demonstrating that, although patient feedback is used in a variety of ways in the management of staff and in the development of strategies to improve the quality of services, managers in general and boards of directors in particular do not always use that feedback systematically to assure and improve the standards of service for patients.
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Lindkvist, Matilda, and Jekaterina Kononova. "Ledarskap på distans : En studie av ledarskapet på en serviceorganisation." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, 2015.

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Background Physical distance has in previous studies shown to affect leadership management since it has a negative influence on, for example, the exchange of information and the possibility to review achievements. The fast technology development has neutralized these effects to some extent as well as the possibility to be reachable virtually. The target of this study is a service organization which has managers and coworkers spread in multiple cities in the country. The organization has therefore had an interest of exploring how the geographical distance affects the leadership and its implications on the efficiency. Purpose The purpose of the study is to explore how the geographical distance affects the leadership in the organization based on communication, appraisal, support and motivation and also organizational participation. Furthermore, the purpose is also to highlight the strengths and challenges that the organization faces due to the above mentioned factors and finally present concrete suggestions of improvements. Execution A qualitative case study, consisting of 25 interviews with both managers and coworkers, has been executed. The interview guide used was based on the theoretical framework and the approach was therefore deductive. Result and conclusions The study shows that frequent communication exists today between managers and coworkers although there is a need to improve its regularity. Physical meetings are quite rare but that does not affect the operational workday for the coworkers. There is therefore a need to strengthen the personal relationship and also the exchange of experience between the coworkers. The study has also shown that the appraisal process is perceived positively by the respondents but there is a need to increase the number of follow ups and enhance the long term connection since that will strengthen the purpose and increase the possibilities for implementing the change. Both managers and coworkers request more feedback since it today is given on an irregular basis. The respondents consider both the goal converging in the organization and the degree of decentralization to be working well today. Lastly the study shows that many good solutions exist within the organization but in order to share these, effective communication channels are needed.
Bakgrund Fysisk distans har i tidigare studier visats försvåra ledarskapsarbetet då det har en negativ inverkan på exempelvis informationsutbyte och möjligheten att bedöma prestationer. Den snabba teknikutvecklingen har dock kunnat neutralisera dessa effekter till en viss grad, liksom möjligheten att vara tillgänglig virtuellt. Studieobjektet är en serviceorganisation med chefer och medarbetare spridda över ett flertal orter i landet. Organisationen har därför haft ett intresse av att undersöka hur den geografiska distansen påverkar ledarskapet och vilka implikationer detta medför på effektiviteten. Syfte Utifrån bakgrunden är studiens syfte därmed att undersöka hur den geografiska distansen påverkar ledarskapet inom organisationen med utgångspunkt i kommunikation, utvecklingssamtal, stöd och motivation samt organisationsdelaktighet. Detta för att lyfta fram de styrkor och utmaningar som finns inom organisationen vad gäller dessa samt hur de kan bemötas för att slutligen ge konkreta förbättringsförslag. Genomförande En kvalitativ fallstudie, bestående av 25 stycken intervjuer med både chefer och medarbetare inom organisationen, har genomförts. Angreppssättet för studien var deduktivt då den teoretiska referensramen legat till grund för framtagningen av intervjuguiden. Resultat och slutsatser Studien visar att frekvent kommunikation mellan chefer och medarbetare förekommer idag men det krävs mer regelbundenhet då den idag är händelsestyrd. Fysiska träffar sker mer sällan men detta påverkar inte medarbetarnas operativa vardag. Det finns däremot ett behov av att stärka relationer på det personliga planet och öka erfarenhetsutbytet mellan medarbetarna. Studien visar även att utvecklingssamtalsprocessen uppfattas på ett positivt sätt av respondenterna men det krävs fler uppföljningstillfällen och tydligare långsiktig koppling för att stärka syfte och öka möjligheterna till förändringsgenomförande. Både chefer och medarbetare efterfrågar mer feedback då det idag sker på mer oregelbunden basis. Respondenterna anser att det finns målkonvergering inom organisationen och att graden av decentralisering fungerar bra. Slutligen visar studien att det idag finns många bra exempel på lösningar inom organisationen men för att denna kunskap ska kunna överföras till andra i samma sits krävs effektiva kommunikationskanaler.
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Sanal, Erginel Senem. "Developing Reflective Teachers: A Study On Perception And Improvement Of Reflection In Pre-service Teacher Education." Phd thesis, METU, 2006.

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This study is a detailed examination of reflection in pre-service teacher education. It focuses on the process of the promotion of reflective teacher education. Within this process, it considers pre-service teachers'
perceptions on becoming reflective and their focus of attention throughout their practicum. In relation to these, it analyzes pre-service teachers'
improvement in reflection by focusing on various methods of promotion for reflectivity.
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Mbiko, Nkosiyakhetha Headman. "Developmental needs of HRD practitioners in the South African Public Service." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012.

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The purpose of the study was to determine the developmental needs of HRD practitioners in selected departments of the South African Public Service. Developmental needs as an independent variable and the role of HRD practitioners – marketing HRD interventions, conducting training needs analyses, designing and developing HRD interventions, implementing HRD interventions, and monitoring, evaluating and giving feedback on HRD interventions - were investigated. A sample of seventy (70) HRD practitioners working in seven public service departments was drawn. The developmental needs to market HRD interventions, conduct training needs analyses, design and develop HRD interventions, implement HRD interventions, and monitor, evaluate and give feedback on HRD interventions were determined within and between HRD practitioners and public service departments to establish differences and similarities. Results averred that HRD practitioners have developmental needs to perform the abovementioned functions. However, compared to Blacks and Whites, Coloureds and Indians seem to have more developmental needs in marketing, conducting training needs analysis, implementing HRD interventions and generic HRD skills. HRD practitioners from the departments of Health and Transport seemed to have more developmental needs in conducting training needs analyses and designing and developing HRD interventions when compared to other public service departments. Females need more development in marketing and implementing HRD interventions than males. HRD practitioner developmental needs in implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and giving feedback on HRD interventions were the same for all age groups. HRD practitioners in the department of Health and Transport need more development in generic skills compared to other departments. However developmental needs on generic skills are the same for all age groups.
Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
Human Resource Management
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Knoll, Tilmann. "Self-Awareness von Führungskräften: Messung und individuelle Unterschiede in einem 360-Grad-Feedback /." Göttingen : Cuvillier, 2005.

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Wennberg, Fanny, and Fidelia Karnéus. "Tjänsteutveckling med fokus på kvalitet och feedback : Att lyckas som nystartat företag." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och industriell teknik, 2021.

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This case study was conducted in collaboration with Brito AB, which recently launched a new service, the Brito solution. It aims to find development potential for Brito AB, that find themselves in the difficult phase of asserting themselves in the market. Brito AB's operations revolve around feedback and feedback management, which are key concepts in the study. Furthermore, this paper looks at quality function deployment (QFD), total quality management (TQM), knowledge management (KM), market orientation (MO), innovation and customer needs and customer fulfilment. To answer the study's questions, interviews and a survey will then be performed. The results show that there is a misunderstanding among some customers between how the Brito solution should work in theory and how it is implemented in practice. A potential customer of Brito AB appreciated the opportunity to test the service in their own organisation. The Brito solution consists of working according to the Brito management model, and results show that this model is effective. Brito AB and their Brito solution have several connections to the theoretical background and great potential to successfully work with quality development, due in particular to the Brito management model and its similarities with the PDSA-cycle. In summary, the study concludes that Brito AB is well on its way to remaining in the market, and it suggests integrating several of the studied quality tools to increase Brito AB’s chances and continue their ongoing development.
Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka Brito AB:s tjänst Brito-lösningen. Studien ser över hur Brito AB kan förbättra Brito-lösningen där målet är att komma fram till förbättringsförslag. Förslagen ska hjälpa Brito AB att skapa insikt i hur Brito-lösningen besvarar kundernas förväntningar och behov samt deras chanser att etableras på marknaden. Studien belyser forskning som förespråkar en kundcentrerad strategi. Teorierna som har valtsatt ligga till grund för undersökningen beaktar olika aspekter inom kvalitetsutveckling. Teorierna berör bland annat hur en organisation kan arbeta med kunskap på ett systematiskt sätt samt vikten i kundfokus där företag behöver förstå marknaden för att täcka kundernas förväntningar och behov. Vidare tas det upp hur företag kan täcka kunskapsluckor som finns inom organisationen med att systematiskt ta in feedback. Med hjälp av PDSA-cykeln analyseras Brito AB:s egen managementmodell. Som en del i att samla in data genomförs ett case som följs upp med både intervjuer och en enkät som ett sätt att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Resultaten visar att det finns ett missförstånd hos vissa kunder över hur Brito-lösningen ska fungera i teorin och hur den implementeras i praktiken. En potentiell kund hos Brito AB uppskattade möjligheten att testa tjänsten i sin egen organisation. Brito-lösningen består delvis av att arbeta enligt Brito managementmodell och modellen har visat sig vara effektiv. Brito AB och deras Brito-lösning har flera kopplingar till den teoretiska bakgrunden och potential att framgångsrikt arbeta med kvalitetsutveckling, särskilt på grund av Brito managementmodell och dess likheter med PDSA-cykeln. Sammanfattningsvis dras slutsatsen att Brito AB är på god väg att stanna kvar på marknaden, och de föreslås atti ntegrera flera av de studerade kvalitetsverktygen för att öka sina chanser och fortsätta sin pågående utveckling.
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Hjort, Erik. "Att arbeta med det större systemet : Feedback-informerad terapi och nätverksterapi inom socialtjänsten." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Centrum för social och affektiv neurovetenskap, 2019.

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate Feedback-Informed Therapy (FIT) (Miller & Bertolino, 2015) in the form of the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Group Session Rating Scale (GSRS) scales when used in network therapy within the social services. The study is quantitative and is based on collected ORS and GSRS forms from 10 network therapies, including 94 people. The material is collected by network teams in four municipalities in Sweden; Norrköping, Enköping, Gothenburg and Botkyrka. The protagonists have completed an ORS on three occasions during the treatment period; before, during and after. The closest relatives, mainly parents, have made parallel estimates on the same occasions. In each network therapy, a network meeting and a follow-up network meeting have been held. All participants have completed a GSRS after the meetings. Of the study participants, 38% estimated a Clinical Significant Change in ORS after the network therapy. 50% estimated a positive change that did not exceed the limit of clinical significance. 12% estimated a small deterioration. In the cases of a Clinically Significant Change or major change, the meeting participants at the network meetings have estimated high on the GSRS (36.5 in the first meeting and 37.1 in the second meeting. In those cases with a small positive change or decrease, the participants have estimated lower on the GSRS (33.5 in first and 31.8 in others). The results indicate that network therapy gives a good effect if measured with ORS and that this effect appears early in the treatment. The study also indicates that the limit value for GSRS does not appear to be lower in Network Therapy than in other group therapy. Furthermore, the study points out that the network therapies that have network meetings with balance from the different sectors in the protagonist's life provide the best results both on the GRSR and ORS.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Feedback-informerad terapi (FIT) (Miller & Bertolino, 2015) i form av skattningsskalorna Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) och Group Session Rating Scale (GSRS) när de används i nätverksterapi inom socialtjänsten. Studien är kvantitativ och utgår från insamlade ORS- och GSRS-formulär från 10 nätverksterapier som inkluderat 94 personer. Materialet är insamlat av nätverkslag i fyra kommuner i Sverige: Norrköping, Enköping, Göteborg och Botkyrka. Studiedeltagarna har fyllt i en ORS-skattning vid tre tillfällen under behandlingstiden; före, under tiden och efter. De närmast anhöriga, oftast föräldrar, har gjort parallella skattningar vid samma tillfällen. I varje nätverksterapi har det hållits ett nätverksmöte och ett uppföljande nätverksmöte. Samtliga deltagare har fyllt i en GSRS efter mötena. Av studiens deltagare skattade 38 % en klinisk signifikant förändring (KSF) på ORS efter nätverksterapin. 50 % skattade en positiv förändring som inte översteg gränsen för klinisk signifikans. 12 % skattade en försämring. I fallen med en klinisk signifikant förändring eller stor förändring har mötesdeltagarna på nätverksmötena skattat högt på GSRS (36,5 i första mötet och 37,1 i andra mötet. I de fall med liten positiv förändring eller minskning har deltagarna skattat lägre på GSRS (33,5 i första och 31,8 i andra). Resultaten pekar på att nätverksterapi ger god effekt om man mäter med ORS och att denna effekt visar sig tidigt i behandlingen. Studien pekar också på att gränsvärdet för GSRS inte verkar ligga lägre i Nätverksterapi än i annan gruppterapi. Vidare pekar studien på att de nätverksterapier som har nätverksmöten med balans från de olika sektorerna i huvudpersonens liv ger bäst resultat både på GRSR och ORS.
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Rosenqvist, Rebecka, and Maria Wikström. "Individualisation of a Driver Coaching Service : Combining Design Ethnography and Service Design to Gain Insights About the Coaches’ Role and Activities." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2018.

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Services surround us every day and companies all over the world have to adapt to the demand of services to make their products more successful and attractive. This master thesis has, on behalf of Scania in Södertälje, Sweden, focused on the service Driver coaching, a service where drivers are dedicated a personal coach who gives regular calls to the drivers. The aim of the thesis was to explore how a driver coaching service could be individualised to each driver. Furthermore, the aim was to develop a design proposal for Driver coaching that creates value for both coaches and drivers. Three coaches from Sweden, Finland and Norway were observed and interviewed to identify what role the coaches have in the service and all the activities they perform. During the analysis of the ethnographic findings, explorations were made on whether valuable insights can be found by interpreting the data with service design visualisations. A customer journey was created which catalysed the analysis phase and helped to generate insights in which pain points could be identified. Three important themes that emerged from the insights were individualisation, trust and communication. Insights from the ethnographic findings and the literature review show that a driver coaching service should, in fact, be individualised. The design proposal that was developed enables different arrangements of the service, which fit each driver’s needs and goals, with the help of a driver profile. Conclusions include information about what is important to think about when designing a driver coaching service that is individualised. Lastly, the thesis contributes to research with lessons learned about how ethnographic data can be used in a generative service design process.
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Choudhry, Waseem Uddin. "To enhance service performance by using Feedback and Compalint Management operation by involving customers : A case study of container terminal and its customers." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Avdelningen för företagsekonomi, 2012.

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Purpose The analytical purpose of this thesis is to link theory on how customerinvolvement should strengthen customer relationships, with empirical data on howtheir involvement looks like. The empirical purpose is to explore the importance ofcustomer feedback and complaint management in overall customer involvementprocess. This is analyzed, how the involvement can be done in different situations inwhich feedback and complaint management can play a strong role.In this case a service firm PICT (Pakistan international container terminal) will bestudied with its external customers and employees as internal customers. Method Qualitative research method with focus on in depth interviews is used inthe form of phone and Skype conversations. Eleven such interviews have beenconducted with representatives of the case company and its customers. There arethree departments of the case company, five shipping agents and three shippinglines are included. Findings The empirical data has brought several findings on what needs to be doneand thought through in order to optimize their feedback and complaintmanagement mainly in the whole process of customer involvement. One suchfinding is that PICT does not have thorough directions on how their feedback andcomplaint management process should work in which customer needing; customerrelationship marketing and service firm employee’s involvement plays a positiverole. Recommendations The author suggests having a proper feedback and complaint management systemfor the service firm PICT that satisfies their customers.
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Jäderlund, Maria. "Wed 2.0: improving customer experience with wedding service providers through investigation of the ranking mechanism and sentiment analysis of user feedback on Instagram." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DM), 2019.

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Instagram is one of the main social platforms for business promotion. Millions of potential customers and endless visual marketing opportunities makes Instagram a perfect place to increase online sales. There are many tools and mechanisms to promote brands on Instagram such as paid advertising or using a pre-generated set of popular hashtags. In this regard, the presence and content of users’ comments becomes an important socio-psychological factor in the motivation to buy or use a product or service. The goal of this degree project is to investigate natural language processing techniques applied to users’ comments on Instagram in order to determine a new algorithm that will include content analysis to the list of feed ranking factors. As it is now, the user has to read through posts on Instagram to get an idea of the quality of a product or service. Therefore, a way to classify and rank products and services is needed. We propose a new algorithm called "Wed 2.0" that can assist consumers in their search of wedding services and products on Instagram. Data mining techniques and sentiment analysis are used to define the mood of the comments and structure user opinions as well as to rank accounts based on this knowledge.
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Yildiz, Ismail. "Effects Of Scaffolding Strategies Embedded Within Web-based Peer Evaluation System On Pre-service Teachers." Phd thesis, METU, 2012.

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The educational community is increasingly concerned about the limitations of traditional teacher education programs to support teachers&rsquo
professional development. Beside the theoretical knowledge, the importance of the experience cannot be debated. The main problem of the teacher education institutions is that they fail to close the gap between the theoretical principles taught in the faculties of education and the experiences of teachers in the classrooms. Microteaching is the most popular method to prepare the PSTs for real-world teaching profession. However, literature showed that there are some barriers that PSTs face during the microteaching process, including limited and unreflective peer-feedback (Huang, 2001). In order to facilitate PSTs&rsquo
peer-interaction and reflective thinking during their microteaching process, a web-based video analysis environment was designed. In addition, in teacher education observation has a critical place. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of question prompts embedded within this environment on PSTs&rsquo
reflective thinking and self-efficacy levels. For this purpose, a true experimental study was designed and applied. 55 pre-service teachers were enrolled in this study. First finding of this study is that the use of question prompts embedded in a web-based video analysis system have a positive significant effect on pre-service teachers'
reflective thinking level. Second finding of this study is that the use of question prompts embedded in a web-based video analysis system did not have a significant effect on pre-service teachers'
self-efficacy. However, there was a significant linear trend indication for all types of self-efficacy factors for both control and experimental group over the time. For both groups this linear trend showed that self-efficacy scores of instructional strategies, classroom management, and student engagement developed over the time.
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Чайка, Тетяна Юріївна, and Вікторія Олександрівна Александрова. "Логістичне управління сервісними потоками готельно-ресторанного бізнесу." Thesis, Издательский дом "Интернаука", 2019.

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Cервісні потоки (поряд з матеріальними) – оосновні потоки логістичного контуру підприємств готельно-ресторанного бізнесу. Сервісні потоки – потоки послуг (нематеріальної діяльності), які генеруються логістичної системою. Потік – динамічний процес; як об'єкт логістики він характеризується наступними основними параметрами: величиною, часом, траєкторією. З огляду на особливості готельно-ресторанного бізнесу, сервісний потік в цій сфері вважаємо за доцільне деталізувати на зв'язаний з: 1) власне послугами; 2) товарами-послугами; 3) сервісним відкликом. Таке розмежування дуже важливо з точки зору логістичного управління. Основними традиційними послугами готельно-ресторанного бізнесу є: 1) розміщення (проживання); 2) організація харчування. Також можуть надаватися інші традиційні послуги (які входять або не входять в базову вартість обслуговування. Товар-послуга – інноваційна технологія, сенс якої полягає в тому, що покупець (споживач, клієнт) одержує фізичний товар в супроводі послуги, пов'язаної з самим процесом продажу. Таким чином, суб'єктивне сприйняття послуги, пов'язаної з процесом продажу товару, саме по собі викликає попит, потребу клієнта в товарі-послузі. Для готельно-ресторанного бізнесу як для сфери дозвілля роль товарів-послуг в підвищенні конкурентоспроможності дуже значна. Логістичні потоки, пов'язані з виробництвом продуктів-послуг, характеризуються дуже тісною взаємодією між їх сервісної та матеріальної складової. Тому виділення таких потоків в логістичному контурі представляється нам цілком закономірним і обґрунтованим. Сервісний відгук – технологія реагування на індивідуальні запити клієнтів як перед продажем продукції (товарів, послуг), так і під час післяпродажного обслуговування. Складність, комплексність, розтягнутість сервісного відгуку в часі також вимагає виділення даного виду сервісних логістичних потоків в окрему категорію.
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Burešová, Michaela. "Zefektivnění kvality zpětné vazby v České spořitelně, a. s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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The purpose of this diploma thesis is the fact that Ceska sporitelna a.s. doesn't succeed in fulfilling of the standard to solve 80 % of client feedback by 24 hours. The goal of this diploma thesis named "Quality improvement in client feedback process in Ceska sporitelna, a.s." is to define problem spaces of the client feedback process which are necessary to improve. At the beginning there is an explanation of some terms which are connected with a quality. Consequently there are mentioned certain methods of continuous improvement such as PDCA, Six sigma and so on. In practical part there is described contemporary client feedback process, they are introduced results of my own research and suggested ideas for improvement.
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Htait, Amal. "Sentiment analysis at the service of book search." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2019.

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Le Web est en croissance continue, et une quantité énorme de données est générée par les réseaux sociaux, permettant aux utilisateurs d'échanger une grande diversité d'informations. En outre, les textes au sein des réseaux sociaux sont souvent subjectifs. L'exploitation de cette subjectivité présente au sein des textes peut être un facteur important lors d'une recherche d'information. En particulier, cette thèse est réalisée pour répondre aux besoins de la plate-forme Books de Open Edition en matière d'amélioration de la recherche et la recommandation de livres, en plusieurs langues. La plateforme offre des informations générées par des utilisateurs, riches en sentiments. Par conséquent, l'analyse précédente, concernant l'exploitation de sentiment en recherche d'information, joue un rôle important dans cette thèse et peut servir l'objectif d'une amélioration de qualité de la recherche de livres en utilisant les informations générées par les utilisateurs. Par conséquent, nous avons choisi de suivre une voie principale dans cette thèse consistant à combiner les domaines analyse de sentiment (AS) et recherche d'information (RI), dans le but d'améliorer les suggestions de la recherche de livres. Nos objectifs peuvent être résumés en plusieurs points: • Une approche d'analyse de sentiment, facilement applicable sur différentes langues, peu coûteuse en temps et en données annotées. • De nouvelles approches pour l'amélioration de la qualité lors de la recherche de livres, basées sur l'utilisation de l'analyse de sentiment dans le filtrage, l'extraction et la classification des informations
The web technology is in an on going growth, and a huge volume of data is generated in the social web, where users would exchange a variety of information. In addition to the fact that social web text may be rich of information, the writers are often guided by provoked sentiments reflected in their writings. Based on that concept, locating sentiment in a text can play an important role for information extraction. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the book search and recommendation quality of the Open Edition's multilingual Books platform. The Books plat- form also offers additional information through users generated information (e.g. book reviews) connected to the books and rich in emotions expressed in the users' writings. Therefore, the previous analysis, concerning locating sentiment in a text for information extraction, plays an important role in this thesis, and can serve the purpose of quality improvement concerning book search, using the shared users generated information. Accordingly, we choose to follow a main path in this thesis to combine sentiment analysis (SA) and information retrieval (IR) fields, for the purpose of improving the quality of book search. Two objectives are summarised in the following, which serve the main purpose of the thesis in the IR quality improvement using SA: • An approach for SA prediction, easily applicable on different languages, low cost in time and annotated data. • New approaches for book search quality improvement, based on SA employment in information filtering, retrieving and classifying
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Desmorat, Guillaume. "L'entreprise à l'épreuve des facteurs humain et organisationnel : la pratique de l'analyse d'accident au service de la sécurité à GrDF." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012.

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L'ère industrielle et la formation des premiers systèmes socio-techniques modernes a conduit à l'irruption du risque dans le champ social. Le concept de risque a connu à cette occasion une évolution de son contenu : pensé, avant la Révolution Industrielle, d'un point de vue théologique, la nouveauté du risque industriel a imposé une nouvelle approche scientifique pour en décrire la réalité. D'abord focalisées sur l'aspect technique, les premières approches ont évolué vers une prise en compte des dimensions humaines et organisationnelles des organisations sous la pression de catastrophes majeures. Cette thématique du risque concerne très directement GrDF en raison de la nature dangereuse du gaz naturel. Cette entreprise est une organisation récente mais héritière d'une histoire importante où la volonté de maîtriser et réduire les risques est un élément clé de l'éthique de l'entreprise. Des accidents récents ont cependant souligné l'atteinte d'une asymptote dans ce domaine, suscitant une volonté managériale de changement majeur. Plusieurs démarches ont ainsi été lancées, avec pour point commun l'intégration du paradigme des facteurs humain et organisationnel de la sécurité. Les démarches de renouvellement du retour d'expérience et de création d'un simulateur à destination des responsables opérationnels de l'exploitation du réseau de distribution de gaz font l'objet de ce manuscrit. Les premiers résultats collectés montrent un changement en profondeur des comportements managériaux et de terrain. Cependant, des limites persistent et illustrent le conflit suscité par l'insertion dans une organisation structurée autour des principes de l'organisation scientifique du travail et du paradigme de la sûreté de fonctionnement d'une nouvelle approche de la sécurité. Ce cas d'étude vise ainsi, par la présentation des compromis opérationnels et managériaux observés, à proposer une meilleure compréhension des déterminants de la réussite d'un tel projet dans le cadre d'une opposition forte entre différentes conceptions de la sécurité.
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Fredrikson, Karin, and Elin Sweijer. "Please leave a comment : A case study of value co-creation in the Swedish telecom industry." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2013.

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The customer’s role as a co-creator of value is an essential element in the service-dominant (S-D) logic, highlighting the importance for firms to develop relationships with customers through dialogue. By providing feedback customers become co-developers, and help create a competitive advantage. Moreover, the Internet offers an abundance of digital channels for dialogue. Payne et al (2008) have developed a framework for value co-creation, which in this paper is adapted to communication in digital channels, focusing on a company perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate how companies in the Swedish telecommunication industry use digital channels, including social media, for value co-creation with customers. To enable this a case study is conducted with three network operators. The data collection consists of several interviews. Findings indicate that the companies are indeed customer-centric in their offerings, and that communication and feedback in digital channels are of strategic importance. Furthermore, changes in technology, industry logics and customer preferences offer opportunities as well as challenges. Another challenge lies in finding suitable metrics and in knowledge management. The concept of lead users is presented as a potential resource. It is concluded that communication in digital channels enhances the features of the S-D logic.
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Onisimchuk, Mariya, Марія Василівна Онісімчук, Oleksandra Kabluchko, and Олександра Максимівна Каблучко. "Logistics approach to forming customer loyalty." Thesis, National Aviation University, 2021.

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1. Loialnost klyentov. Kak vystroyt systemu loialnosty k kompanyy. Available at (last accessed 21.03.2019) 2. What is Customer Loyalty: Definition and Guide. Available at (last accessed 19.03.2019) 3. What is customer loyalty? Available at
In the modern world the problem of customer loyalty become more popular. In order to achieve the desired results, different companies resort to wrong actions, which only worsens the relationship with the client. A loyal customer is a satisfied customer who remains loyal to the company.
У сучасному світі проблема лояльності споживачів стає більш популярною. Для досягнення бажаних результатів різні компанії вдаються до неправильних дій, що лише погіршує відносини з клієнтом. Постійний клієнт - це задоволений клієнт, який залишається відданим компанії.
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Karlsson, Jessika. "A Novel Approach to Teaching Emotional Expression in Music Performance." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2008.

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Ferreira, Maria Carolina de Sousa Rodrigues da Silva Vidal. "Avaliação de Desempenho : sistema de feedback de apoio ao SIADAP 3 : aplicação no caso do Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2015.

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Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
O SIADAP (Sistema Integrado de Gestão e Avaliação do Desempenho na Administração Pública) é usado em todos os serviços da administração direta e indireta do Estado. Vocacionado essencialmente para avaliar o desempenho individual, a sua aplicação tem sido polémica. No caso do Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa apresenta-se mais problemática pela importância do desempenho de equipa que caracteriza as funções destes profissionais. Elaborou-se um projeto baseado num circuito de comunicação, para conceber um sistema de feedback, que forneça inputs aos avaliadores, pretermitindo-lhes cumprir a sua função de maneira informada, objetiva e justa. Em conjunto com os Sapadores/Bombeiros, desenhou-se um circuito de comunicação baseado nos sistemas de avaliação 360 graus, que sem custo monetários e sem causar entropia, permite ao avaliador obter informação sobre o desempenho individual e das equipas, mais fidedigna por ser reunida por várias fontes. O presente projeto em nada conflitua com o uso do SIADAP 3 e pode ser adaptado a qualquer outro sistema de AD que venha a ser adotado.
Lisbon professional firefighters use by legal imposition, the evaluation system SIADAP 3, the same used by all agencies in the direct and indirect administration of the State. This controversial system causes a few kinds of bias, but in the case of the firefighters, this system is totally inappropriate, since it is very difficult to set goals for their work, or even measure its accomplishment. This professional group has a great distance between the assessor and the assessed, and also SIADAP 3 fails to evaluate the team performance, sine qua non condition to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of firefighters work. This project aims to create a feedback system to use as support for SIADAP 3, which might bring some compensation to the deficiencies of this evaluation system.
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Nilsson, Daniel, and Henrik Norin. "Adaptive QoS Management in Dynamically Reconfigurable Real-Time Databases." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2005.

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During the last years the need for real-time database services has increased due to the growing number of data-intensive applications needing to enforce real-time constraints. The COMponent-based Embedded real-Time database (COMET) is a real-time database developed to meet these demands. COMET is developed using the AspeCtual COmponent-based Real-time system Development (ACCORD) design method, and consists of a number of components and aspects, which can be composed into a number of different configurations depending on system demands, e.g., Quality of Service (QoS) management can be used in unpredictable environments.

In embedded systems with requirementson high up-time it may not be possible to temporarily shut down the system for reconfiguration. Instead it is desirable to enable dynamic reconfiguration of the system, exchanging components during run-time. This in turn sets demands on the feedback control of the system to adjust to these new conditions, since a new time variant system has been created.

This thesis project implements improvements in COMET to create a more stable database suitable for further development. A mechanism for dynamic reconfiguration of COMET is implemented, thus, enabling components and aspects to be swapped during run-time. Adaptive feedback control algorithms are also implemented in order to better adjust to workload variations and database reconfiguration.

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Neumann, Stephanie. "Discussing the role of interaction design within design for sustainability." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020.

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This paper describes a research through design project for reducing student’s food waste in a Swedish high school canteen. It was found that the design outcome is influenced by how a designer approaches the chosen problem space of sustainability. Building only on the existing perspectives of eco-feedback technologies and persuasive frameworks within interaction design, immensely constrains the role interaction design could take in working with sustainability issues. The complexities of sustainability related problems should be seen as a rich opportunity space to approach by design. Ethnographic research methods should be used when designing for sustainability. Found strengths of interaction design within design for sustainability were the data measurement of consumption and change. Together with the communication possibilities of digital and connected devices. The design outcome became a digital tool for kitchen staff to use when evaluating the lunch menu. The research also led to four suggestions for future design projects.
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