Academic literature on the topic 'Sepsis'

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Journal articles on the topic "Sepsis"


Vosylius, Saulius. "Sepsio diagnostika." Lietuvos chirurgija 6, no. 4 (January 1, 2008): 0.

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Saulius VosyliusAnesteziologijos ir reanimatologijos klinika, Vilniaus universitetas,Šiltnamių g. 29, LT-04130 VilniusEl paštas: Įvadas / tikslas Sepsio diagnostika visada buvo diskusijų objektas. Anksti patvirtinta diagnozė ir pradėtas gydymas yra labai svarbūs sepsiu sergantiems kritinių būklių pacientams. Metodai Sepsio diagnostikos kriterijai ir su juo susijusios būklės yra nepakankamai aiškiai apibūdinamos. Tarptautinė intensyviosios terapijos draugijų sutarimo konferencija 1991 metais pasiūlė, o vėliau 2001 metais papildė sepsio ir su juo susijusių būklių diagnostikos rodiklius. Rezultatai Infekcija pasireiškia patologiniu procesu patogeniniams mikroorganizmams patekus į normaliai sterilius audinius, ertmes ar skysčius. Sepsis diagnozuojamas nustačius sisteminio uždegimo atsako simptomus, susijusius su kliniškai aiškia infekcija. Sepsiui būdingi klinikiniai simptomai yra nespecifiniai infekcijai. Diagnozei patvirtinti ir paciento būklės kitimui įvertinti būtina naudoti kriterijų derinius. Sepsio diagnozė, pagrįsta klinikiniais kriterijais, patvirtinama laboratoriniais ir mikrobiologiniais tyrimais. Sunkus sepsis – sepsis, komplikavęsis audinių hipoperfuzija ar organų funkcijos sutrikimu. Sepsinis šokas yra sepsio sukeltas ūmus kraujotakos nepakankamumas, pasireiškiantis su kitomis priežastimis nesusijusia arterine hipotenzija, išliekančia infuzine terapija koregavus hipovolemiją. Išvados Ankstyva sepsio diagnostika leidžia užtikrinti tinkamą gydymą ir pasiekti geresnius gydymo rezultatus. Sepsio klinikinės diagnozės, būklės sunkumo, gydymo efektyvumo įvertinimo kriterijų paieška tebevyksta. Jie turėtų būti specifiški infekcijai, vertinti sisteminio uždegimo atsaką, jo intensyvumą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: sepsis, diagnozė, infekcija, sisteminio uždegimo atsako sindromas, dauginis organų nepakankamumas, uždegimo mediatoriai Diagnosis of sepsis Saulius VosyliusClinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Vilnius University,Šiltnamių str. 29, LT-04130 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: Background / objective The diagnosis of sepsis has always been an object for discussion. Early diagnosis and therapy are important in the management of critically ill patients. Methods Diagnostic criteria for sepsis and related states are still not well defined. The International Intensive Care Society conference held in 1991 proposed and later in 2001 revised the definitions of sepsis and related conditions. Results Infection is a pathologic process caused by the invasion of normally sterile tissue or fluid or body cavity by pathogenic microorganisms. Sepsis is defined as systemic inflammation caused by infection. Clinical signs related to sepsis are not specific to infection. To diagnose and monitor sepsis and to guide therapy, currently it is necessary to employ a combination of parameters. The diagnosis of sepsis is supported by clinical criteria and confirmed by laboratory parameters and microbiological data. Severe sepsis are confirmed when sepsis is complicated by tissue hypoperfusion and organ dysfunction. Septic shock refers to a state of acute circulatory failure characterized by persistent arterial hypotension unexplained by other causes. Conclusions Early diagnosis of sepsis is crucial in providing adequate therapy and improving the outcome. The search for the parameters of the diagnosis and monitoring the progress of sepsis is continuing. It should be specific for the diagnosis of infection, reflect the systemic inflammation, and correlate well with inflammation intensity. Key words: sepsis, diagnosis, infection, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiple organ failure, inflammation mediators
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Gaižauskas, Ernestas, Šarūnas Judickas, Lukas Balčiūnas, Nadežda Ščupakova, Lina Mockutė, Mindaugas Šerpytis, and Jūratė Šipylaitė. "SUNKAUS SEPSIO IR SEPTINIO ŠOKO SUKELTOS ORGANŲ SISTEMŲ DISFUNKCIJOS PREVENCIJA IR GYDYMAS." Medicinos teorija ir praktika 22, no. 1 (January 11, 2016): 67–76.

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Reikšminiai žodžiai: sunkus sepsis, septinis šokas, plaučius tausojanti ventiliacija, pakaitinė inkstų terapija, stresinės opos. Sepsis – žalingas sisteminis organizmo atsakas į infekciją, sukeliantis daugelio organų sistemų pažeidimą. Sepsio atvejų skaičius kasmet didėja ir pastaraisiais metais aplenkė sergamumą miokardo infarktu. 2007 m. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose sergamumas sunkiu sepsiu pasiekė 343 atvejus 100 000 gyventojų, o sergančiųjų miokardo infarktu skaičius 2008 m. – 208 atvejus 100 000 gyventojų. Deja, nepaisant vis naujų gydymo naujovių, mirtingumas nuo sepsio pasaulyje išlieka didelis – nuo 30 iki 50 atvejų 100 000 gyventojų per metus. Sunkus sepsis pažeidžia daugelį organų sistemų, o jų nepakankamumo derinys – dauginis organų disfunkcijos sindromas – pagrindinė didelio mirštamumo priežastis. Net ir laiku diagnozavus bei pradėjus pradinį gydymą, išlieka didelė organų sistemų pažeidimo rizika. Atsiradus organų pažeidimui, kitas uždavinys – laiku ir tinkamai užtikrinti saugią pažeistų organų sistemų veiklą. Šių principų pritaikymas klinikinėje praktikoje siejamas su mažesniu mirštamumu, hospitalizacijos trukme ir gydymo sąnaudomis. Šios apžvalgos tikslas – pateikti įrodymais pagrįstas sunkaus sepsio ir septinio šoko sukeltos organų sistemų disfunkcijos prevencijos ir gydymo rekomendacijas.
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Vosylius, Saulius, and Milda Nekrašienė. "Sepsis – infekcijos sukelti organų funkcijų sutrikimai, pavojingi gyvybei." Lietuvos chirurgija 17, no. 1-2 (November 4, 2018): 9–16.

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[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Sepsis lemia blogas infekcijų baigtis, ypač kai laiku neatpažįstamas ir nepradedamas tinkamai gydyti. Ankstyva diagnozė ir laiku skirtas tinkamas gydymas yra būtinos sąlygos siekiant įveikti sepsį. Naujausi medicinos tyrimai patikslino sepsio patofiziologijos sutrikimus, tačiau gydytojai ir tyrėjai vis dar ginčijasi bandydami tiksliau apibrėžti sepsio diagnostinius kriterijus, ieško aiškesnių ir specifiškesnių požymių. 2016 m. paskelbtas sepsio ir sepsinio šoko diagnostikos Trečiasis tarptautinis sutarimas, kurio esminis skirtumas nuo ankstesnių sutarimų yra siekis kuo anksčiau pastebėti infekcijos sukeltus organų funkcijų sutrikimus. Ekspertų sutarimu atsisakyta sisteminio uždegiminio atsako sindromo ir sunkaus sepsio terminų. Lokali infekcija tampa sepsiu, kai dėl paciento išbalansuoto organizmo atsako į infekciją kyla organų funkcijų sutrikimų. Sepsinis šokasapibūdinamas kaip sepsis, esant atkakliai arterinei hipotenzijai, išliekančia infuzine terapija koregavus hipovolemiją, kai reikalinga vazopresorių infuzija, siekiant arterinio kraujo spaudimo normos, tačiau kartu reikia patvirtinti hiperlaktatemiją. Įvairių specialybių gydytojų ir mokslininkų kartu pasiūlyti atnaujinti sepsio diagnostiniai kriterijai yra žingsnis į priekį, skatinantis naujus epidemiologinius ir klinikinius tyrimus, diagnostikos ir gydymo kokybę gerinančias iniciatyvas
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Adukauskienė, Dalia, Jovita Stankūnaitė, and Sandra Navickaitė. "Pasaulinei sepsio dienai 2016: sepsio ir sepsinio šoko diagnostikos naujienos pagal trečiąjį tarptautinį sutarimą (Sepsis-3)." Sveikatos mokslai 26, no. 6 (January 19, 2017): 173–77.

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Naujai peržiūrėjus sepsio kaip polimorfiško patobiologinio ir klinikinio specifinio infekcijos sukelto sindromo išraišką Trečiajame tarptautiniame sutarime (Sepsis-3) pateikti ir nauji sepsio ir sepsinio šoko diagnostikos kriterijai, tuo remiantis patikslinti jų apibrėžimai. Sepsis – gyvybei grėsminga būklė, kai dėl sutrikusio organizmo atsako į infekciją žalojami audiniai bei organai ir sukeliama organų disfunkcija. Šio sutrikusiojo sisteminio uždegimo atsako neatspindi jokie specifiniai kriterijai, todėl sutarimas Sepsis-3 organų disfunkciją klinikinėje praktikoje rekomendavo vertinti SOFA (angl. Sequential (sepsis-related) Organ Failure Assessment) kriteri�- jais, kai balų pokytis ≥2 lyginant su pradiniu. Ambulatoriniams, skubios pagalbos ar terapijos skyrių pacientams su įtariama infekcija sepsio rizika esti nustačius 2 iš 3 qSOFA (angl. quick SOFA) nurodytų kriterijų. Sepsinis šokas apibūdinamas kaip sepsis su gydymo eigoje išliekančia hipotenzija, kuomet toli pažengę visų organų ląstelių, metabolizmo ir kraujotakos pokyčiai sąlygoja dar didesnį mirštamumą. Įvertinus naują patobiologinį požiūrį į sepsį, atsisakyta termino „sunkus sepsis“. Išvados: Sepsis- 3 sutarime pateikti klinikiniai kriterijai nuosekliau siejami su atnaujintais sepsio ir sepsinio šoko apibrėžimais, geriau ir patikimiau užtikrina ankstyvą sepsio ir sepsinio šoko diagnostiką, greitesnę pagalbą ne tik pacientams, kuriems sepsis jau pasireiškė, bet ir esant didelei sepsio išsivystymo rizikai, siekiant gerinti baigtis. Pateiktas supaprastintas praktikoje lengvai taikomas algoritmas, kuris gali būti naudojamas ne tik pradiniame, bet ir pakartotiniame objektyviame paciento būklės vertinime tiek ambulatorinėje, tiek įvairiausio profilio stacionarinėje medicinos praktikoje.
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BAŞBAKKAL, Zümrüt, and Ayşe KAHRAMAN. "Nursing Approach in Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock: Case Report." Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing 8, no. 2 (2016): 176–86.

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Avva, Dr Veena Santhoshi. "Elevation of Troponin-I in Sepsis & Septic Shock." Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 05, no. 01 (January 24, 2017): 15935–43.

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Engelmann, L., and H. P. Schuster. "Sepsis? Sepsis!" Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 41, no. 7 (October 2004): 449–50.

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Fontela, Patricia, and Jacques Lacroix. "Sepsis or SEPSIS." Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 15, no. 9 (November 2014): 893–94.

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Ghosh, Purbasha, Rabindra Nath Misra, and Retina Paul. "Neonatal Sepsis-Culture Positive Sepsis Vs Clinical Sepsis." International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2017): 1362.

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<p><strong>Background</strong>: The incidence of sepsis is increasing globally, with high morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis of neonatal sepsis is still a clinical and laboratory challenge. Though blood culture is gold standard, it sometimes gives false negative result. So, judgement of clinical condition along with various investigations is important.</p><p><strong>Objectives</strong>: To find out the risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis, to isolate&amp;amp;identify the pathogens from various clinical specimens and to find out antimicrobial susceptibility of the pathogens.</p><p><strong>Material and methods</strong>: Blood culture, sepsis screen, haematological&amp;amp;biochemical markers, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) study, radiology, MRSA (methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus) surveillance were carried out in this study. Some samples were processed in BacT/ALERT-3D system (BioMerieux ) and identified by VITEK-2 (BioMerieux). Epi Info Software system was used to calculate statistics.</p><p><strong>Results</strong>: One seventy (65.9%) were culture positive and 88 (34.1%) were culture negative out of 258 clinically suspected cases. Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) 66 (38.82%) was the commonest organism. Among 88 culture negative cases, 38(43.2%) babies were two or more sepsis screen tests positive, 40(45.5%) culture negative babies were with risk factors and 5(5.7%) had radiological evidence of pneumonia.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The clinical diagnosis of it remains difficult as the symptoms are nonspecific. So, blood culture is mandatory. Other diagnostic tests also help in this situation. Blood culture is still the "Gold standard" for the diagnosis of septicaemia in neonates, but culture negativity cannot exclude the sepsis as a whole.</p>
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Ghosh, Purbasha, Rabindra Nath Misra, and Retina Paul. "Neonatal Sepsis-Culture Positive Sepsis vs Clinical Sepsis." International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2017): 1362.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Sepsis"


Santos, Rui Pedro Lopes dos. "Marcadores bioquímicos de sepsis." Master's thesis, [s.n.], 2014.

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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
A sepsis é uma reação sistémica grave que leva muitas vezes o paciente à morte. É uma complexa cadeia de inventos que envolve processos inflamatórios e não inflamatórios, reações humorais e celulares e anormalidades circulatórias. Esta resposta origina-se não só pela presença de um agente patogénico mas principalmente pela resposta exuberada do organismo a esse agente externo que provoca lesões em tecidos e órgãos e que é a maior causa dos problemas. Devido à sua agressividade, é necessário um rápido diagnóstico, e para tal, tem-se recorrido a biomarcadores específicos para este quadro. Biomarcadores são entidades objetivamente medidas e avaliadas como um indicador de processos biológicos normais, processos patológicos ou resposta farmacológicas a uma determinada terapêutica. Sepsis is a severe systemic reaction that often leads the patient to death. It is a complex chain of invents involving inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes, humoral and cell reactions and circulatory abnormalities. This response arises not only by the presence of a pathogen but mainly by exaggerated body's response to this foreign agent that causes lesions in tissue and organs and is the major cause of the problems. Due to its aggressive, rapid diagnosis is needed and for this it has been resorted to specific biomarkers for this illness. Biomarkers are characteristics objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathological processes, or pharmacological response to a particular therapy.
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Radhakrishnan, Jayachandran. "Functional genomics of severe sepsis and septic shock." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to an infection. Severe sepsis with multi organ failure is one of the commonest causes of admission to intensive care units, and is associated with poor early and late outcomes. The pathophysiology of sepsis is complex, and poorly understood. This is reflected in the limited and contentious treatment options for sepsis. Genetic factors have been shown to be associated with the risk of and subsequent outcomes from infection. However, clear associations with bacterial sepsis are rare, and even when associations are present their functional effects are often unknown. Gene expression signatures in sepsis are investigated in this project using serial samples obtained from patients admitted to intensive care units with community-acquired pneumonia or faecal peritonitis. The evolving gene expression signatures that define the response to sepsis were identified with large changes seen in genes coding for ribosomal proteins RPS4Y1 and RPS26P54. The differences in the sepsis response between the two diagnostic classes were examined. The gene expression predictors of mortality in sepsis were determined and include genes from the class II MHC HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 and the T cell differentiation protein MAL. The effects of important covariates on gene expression were investigated and their impact on survival related expression determined. The findings were confirmed in a validation cohort. A novel clustering of samples representing distinct inflammatory patterns in a clinically homogeneous population of sepsis patients was identified and related to differences in clinical behaviour. The biological relevance of the differentially expressed genes was ascertained by identifying enriched gene sets. The gene expression changes in sepsis were examined in the context of related clinically relevant immune phenomena: the sterile systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery and the phenomenon of endotoxin tolerance in PBMCs derived from healthy volunteers. The results highlight the complexities of clinical sepsis and identify hypotheses for future investigations.
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Svärdh, Elinor, and Sandra Persson. "Hur påverkas livet efter sepsis eller septisk chock?" Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, 2020.

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Bakgrund: Sepsis och septisk chock är ett akut livshotande tillstånd där en tidig behandlingär livsavgörande. Många människor drabbas och fler människor överlever idag jämfört medför några år sedan. Detta leder till fler komplikationer och konsekvenser som kan påverkamänniskans vardagliga liv exempelvis nedsatt ADL. Vid akut sjukdom genomgår människanen traumatisk upplevelse som kan påverka hälsa, välbefinnande och livskvalitet.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att, ur ett patientperspektiv, beskriva upplevelser av hurlivet påverkas efter sepsis eller septisk chock.Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ innebördsanalys. Informanter kontaktades viaFacebookgruppen, Sepsisforum. Informanterna beskrev hur deras liv påverkades efter sepsisoch septisk chock. Analysen framställde fyra teman vilket lade grund till resultatet i studien.Resultat: Resultatet belyser fyra teman; oro och rädsla hos personer skapar lidande, enobeskrivlig trötthet, att inte klara av vardagen och uppnå hälsa, bristande eftervård ochvårdpersonalens ansvar.Konklusion: Komplikationerna som kan uppstå efter sepsis eller septisk chock är mångaoch kan vara livslånga. Detta påverkar personen på olika sätt såsom livskvalité och hälsa.Vården har ett stort ansvar och eftervården behöver utvecklas.
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Furebring, Mia. "C5a Receptor Expression in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2005.

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Motzkus, Christine. "Recent Trends in Sepsis Mortality, Associations between Initial Source of Sepsis and Hospital Mortality, and Predictors of Sepsis Readmission in Sepsis Survivors." eScholarship@UMMS, 2017.

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Background: Sepsis, a leading cause of US deaths, is associated with high mortality, although advances in early recognition and treatment have increased survivorship. Many aspects of sepsis pathophysiology and epidemiology have not been fully elucidated; the heterogeneous nature of infections that lead to sepsis has made fully characterizing the underlying epidemiology challenging. Methods: The University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) from 2011-2014 and the Cerner HealthFacts® database from 2008-2014 were used. We examined associations between infection source and in-hospital mortality in the UHC dataset, stratified by age and presenting sepsis stage. We examined recent temporal trends in present-on-admission (POA) sepsis diagnoses and mortality and predictors of 30-day sepsis readmissions following sepsis hospitalizations using the HealthFacts® dataset. Results: Patients with sepsis due to genitourinary or skin, soft tissue, or bone sources had lower mortality than patients with sepsis due to respiratory sources regardless of age or presenting sepsis stage. Overall diagnoses of sepsis increased from 2008-2014; however, POA diagnoses and case fatality rates decreased. Factors that predicted re-hospitalization for sepsis included discharge to hospice, admission from or discharge to a skilled nursing facility, and abdominal infection. Conclusion: Further investigation will reveal more detail to explain the impact of infection source on in-hospital sepsis mortality for all age groups and sepsis stages. Decreasing mortality rates for all POA sepsis stages and all age groups suggest current approaches to sepsis management are having broad impact. Sepsis survivors are at significant risk for re-hospitalization; further studies are needed to understand the post discharge risks and needs of survivors.
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Motzkus, Christine. "Recent Trends in Sepsis Mortality, Associations between Initial Source of Sepsis and Hospital Mortality, and Predictors of Sepsis Readmission in Sepsis Survivors." eScholarship@UMMS, 2004.

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Background: Sepsis, a leading cause of US deaths, is associated with high mortality, although advances in early recognition and treatment have increased survivorship. Many aspects of sepsis pathophysiology and epidemiology have not been fully elucidated; the heterogeneous nature of infections that lead to sepsis has made fully characterizing the underlying epidemiology challenging. Methods: The University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) from 2011-2014 and the Cerner HealthFacts® database from 2008-2014 were used. We examined associations between infection source and in-hospital mortality in the UHC dataset, stratified by age and presenting sepsis stage. We examined recent temporal trends in present-on-admission (POA) sepsis diagnoses and mortality and predictors of 30-day sepsis readmissions following sepsis hospitalizations using the HealthFacts® dataset. Results: Patients with sepsis due to genitourinary or skin, soft tissue, or bone sources had lower mortality than patients with sepsis due to respiratory sources regardless of age or presenting sepsis stage. Overall diagnoses of sepsis increased from 2008-2014; however, POA diagnoses and case fatality rates decreased. Factors that predicted re-hospitalization for sepsis included discharge to hospice, admission from or discharge to a skilled nursing facility, and abdominal infection. Conclusion: Further investigation will reveal more detail to explain the impact of infection source on in-hospital sepsis mortality for all age groups and sepsis stages. Decreasing mortality rates for all POA sepsis stages and all age groups suggest current approaches to sepsis management are having broad impact. Sepsis survivors are at significant risk for re-hospitalization; further studies are needed to understand the post discharge risks and needs of survivors.
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Pereira, Flavia Helena. "Estudo da correlação entre temperatura corporal e dosagem de óxido nítrico plasmático em pacientes com sepse, sepse grave e choque séptico." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.

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O choque séptico é a complicação mais comum da sepse e responsável por um grande número de casos de morte em unidades de terapia intensiva. Em pacientes com diagnóstico de sepse, a febre é um dos sinais mais comuns, entretanto a hipotermia pode ocorrer e geralmente está associada a infecções severas, prognóstico pior e alta mortalidade. A confluência de vários fatores contribui para a deterioração da condição clínica do paciente que evolui para choque séptico. Um dos principais fatores é a aumentada síntese de óxido nítrico, que pode mediar alterações na função cardiovascular e termorregulatória. O enfermeiro é capaz de detectar o início dos sinais clínicos desses quadros, que incluem: complicação do quadro pulmonar (com presença de taquipnéia), sudorese fria, confusão mental, oligúria, taquicardia, hipotensão arterial e alteração da temperatura corporal. A detecção desses sinais pode ser facilmente realizada com instrumentos apropriados e exame físico. Neste estudo, o objetivo foi correlacionar os valores de temperatura e as concentrações plasmáticas de óxido nítrico em pacientes com diagnóstico de sepse, sepse grave e choque séptico. Nossos dados mostram que existe uma correlação negativa (p<0.0037; r2=0,1593; Coeficiente de Pearson -0,3991) entre os valores de temperatura corporal e os valores de concentração plasmática de nitrato em pacientes com diagnóstico de choque séptico. Estes dados mostram que quanto mais baixa a temperatura corporal, mais altas são as concentrações plasmáticas de nitrato.
Septic shock is the most common complication of sepsis and responsible for a large number of cases of death in intensive care units. In patients with sepsis, fever is one of the most common signs, but hypothermia can occur and is usually associated with severe infections, worse prognosis and high mortality. The confluence of several factors contributing to the deterioration of the clinical condition of patients who progress to septic shock. A key factor is the increased synthesis of nitric oxide may mediate changes in cardiovascular and thermoregulatory function. The nurse is able to detect the onset of clinical signs in these tables, which include: a complication of pulmonary symptoms (presence of tachypnea), cold sweating, mental confusion, oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, and changes in body temperature. The detection of these signals can be easily accomplished with appropriate instruments and physical examination. In this study, we aimed to correlate the temperature and plasma concentrations of nitric oxide in patients with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. Our data show that there is a negative correlation (p <0.0037, r2 = 0.1593, Pearson´s coefficient of -0.3991) between the values of body temperature and the values of plasma nitrate in patients with septic shock. These data show that the lower body temperature, the higher plasma concentrations of nitrate.
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Saha, Dhanonjoy C. "The effects of endotoxin and monophosphoryl lipid A on monocyte activity." Thesis, University of Surrey, 1996.

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Wilson, Susan. "Lipopolysaccharide-activated signal transduction in cardiac and vascular smooth cells." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2000.

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Yates, Amanda Marie. "Prediction of sepsis." Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 2006.

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Books on the topic "Sepsis"


Walker, Wendy E., ed. Sepsis. New York, NY: Springer US, 2021.

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Baudouin, Simon V., ed. Sepsis. London: Springer London, 2008.

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Rello, Jordi, and Marcos I. Restrepo, eds. Sepsis. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Mancini, Nicasio, ed. Sepsis. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2015.

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Reinhart, Konrad, Klaus Eyrich, and Charles Sprung, eds. Sepsis. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.

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Reinhart, K., and K. Eyrich, eds. Sepsis. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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Ortiz-Ruiz, Guillermo, Marco A. Perafán, and Eugen Faist, eds. Sepsis. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2004.

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Ward, Nicholas S., and Mitchell M. Levy, eds. Sepsis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Reinhart, K., and K. Eyrich, eds. Sepsis. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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Ortiz-Ruiz, Guillermo, Marco A. Perafán, Eugen Faist, and Carmelo Dueñas Castell, eds. Sepsis. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2006.

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Book chapters on the topic "Sepsis"


Gaugler, Andrew C., and Nicholas Namias. "Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock." In Principles of Adult Surgical Critical Care, 257–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Theisler, Charles. "Sepsis/Septic Shock." In Adjuvant Medical Care, 315–17. New York: CRC Press, 2022.

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Aydin, Ani, Daniel Joseph, and Melissa Joseph. "Sepsis, Septic Shock." In Simulation in EMS and Critical Care Transport, 325–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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Garay-Fernández, Manuel. "Sepsis Management: Non-antibiotic Treatment of Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Sepsis, 117–33. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2017.

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Sheagren, J. N. "Pathophysiology of Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Sepsis, 23–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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Ceriana, Piero. "Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Challenging Topics in Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical Care, 317–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Hurst, Gina, Jayna Gardner-Gray, Jacqueline Pflaum-Carlson, Brad A. Johnson, Lauren N. Rodriguez, and Emanuel P. Rivers. "Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Emergency Department Critical Care, 331–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Khilnani, Praveen. "Sepsis and Septic Shock." In ICU Protocols, 361–65. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Reddi, Benjamin. "Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Mechanisms of Vascular Disease, 395–414. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Sarti, Armando, Simone Cipani, and Germana Tuccinardi. "Sepsis and Septic Shock." In Echocardiography for Intensivists, 327–32. Milano: Springer Milan, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "Sepsis"


Mullapudi, S., and V. Arelli. "Sepsis, Sepsis, Sepsis! Except When It’s Not." In American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18, 2022 - San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2022.

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Eskandari, Rasa, Stephanie Milkovich, Farah Kamar, Donald G. Welsh, Daniel Goldman, Christopher G. Ellis, and Mamadou Diop. "Assessing Progressive Microvascular Dysfunction in Early Sepsis with Non-invasive Optical Spectroscopy." In Clinical and Translational Biophotonics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Peripheral microvascular dysfunction is an early indicator of sepsis, a life-threatening host response to an infection. Peripheral and cerebral microvascular oscillations were continuously monitored in septic rats with non-invasive optical spectroscopy to detect impaired vasomotion.
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Miller, Russell R., Li Dong, Nancy C. Nelson, Daniel R. Probst, Kathryn G. Kuttler, Todd L. Allen, and Terry P. Clemmer. "Multicenter Implementation Of Sepsis Bundle And Decreased Mortality In Severe Sepsis And Septic Shock Patients." In American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California. American Thoracic Society, 2012.

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Schuh, Ch J. "Sepsis and Septic Shock Analysis using Neural Networks." In NAFIPS 2007 - 2007 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2007.

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Pitts, Lucas, Michael Moncure, Chad Cannon, and Steven Simpson. "Improved Recognition And Treatment Of Severe Sepsis And Septic Shock Reduces Costs Associated With Acute Sepsis Care." In American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California. American Thoracic Society, 2012.

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Sankari, L., J. Alunilkummannil, C. Greig, A. Prech, N. Santa Ziembicki, H. Hicks, K. E. Remy, F. J. Jacono, and R. B. Hejal. "Sepsis R Us: Augmenting Inpatient Sepsis Recognition and Management." In American Thoracic Society 2023 International Conference, May 19-24, 2023 - Washington, DC. American Thoracic Society, 2023.

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Zaidi, S. R., S. H. Syed, S. H. A. Zaidi, and M. AlJasmi. "Beware of Sneaky Lymphomas, When Sepsis Is Not Sepsis!" In American Thoracic Society 2024 International Conference, May 17-22, 2024 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2024.

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Holder, A., K. Uppal, D. P. Jones, and A. M. Esper. "Metabolomics-Based Differentiation Between Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock." In American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA. American Thoracic Society, 2020.

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Shiraishi, Diogo, and Ernesto Marujo. "Predição de sepse em unidade de terapia intensiva: uma abordagem de aprendizado de máquina." In Anais Principais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.

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A sepse e uma disfunção orgânica com risco de vida e uma das principais causas de mortalidade em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). O diagnóstico precoce da sepse é fundamental, considerando que a pronta intervenção médica melhora o desfecho do paciente. O início do protocolo de tratamento de sepse no tempo certo reduz a mortalidade. Nosso objetivo é prever a sepse seis horas antes do desenvolvimento dos sintomas que levariam a um diagnóstico clínico de acordo com as diretrizes da Sepsis-3.
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Martínez-Brotóns, F., J. R. Oncins, J. Mestres, V. Amargós, and C. Reynaldo. "KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM IN PATIENTS WITH SHOCK. COMPARISON BETWEEN SEPTIC AND CARDIOGENIC SHOCK." In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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Alterations of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) consistent with activation and increased consumption have been reported in septic patients and it has been suggested that this activation could contribute to the development of septic shock. As similar alterations have been found in other critically ill patients, many of them prone to shock, we wonder if activation of the KKS could be a consequence rather than a cause of the hemodynamic instability. To answer this question we compared 12 patients with septic shock (8 fatal) with 10 cases of cardiogenic shock secondary to myocardial infarction (8 fatal) as a model of non septic shock. In adition 25 episodes of uncomplicated sepsis and 10 intra-intensive care unit controls were studied. A functional measure of factor XII, high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) (coagulative methods), prekallikrein (PK), Cl-inhibitor (Cl-INH), α2-macroglobulin (α2-M)- Antithrombin III (AT-III) and kallikrein inhibitor activity (KIA) (chromogenic methods) was performedRESULTS: Patients with septic shock, specially in fatal cases, showed a highly significant decrease in activities of factor XII (P<0.001), PK (P<0.0001), HMWK (P<0.005), α2-M (P<0.001), AT-III (P<0.0001) and KIA (P<0.005). Cl-INH activity was increased in uncomplicated sepsis (P<0.001) but came back to normal or was slightly decreased in septic shock. Components and inhibitors of the KKS were within normal limits in all patients with cardiogenic shock.Our findings support the idea of a contribution of the KKS to the development of septic shock but this system neither seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of cardiogenic shock nor to be altered as a consequence of it.
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Reports on the topic "Sepsis"


Neodo, Anna, Fiona Augsburger, Jan Waskowski, Joerg C. Schefold, and Thibaud Spinetti. Monocytic HLA-DR expression and clinical outcomes in adult ICU patients with sepsis – a systematic review and meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, November 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The scope of this review was defined using PICOTS framework where 1) population: adult critically ill patients with sepsis or septic shock; 2) index prognostic factor: cell surface protein expression of mHLA-DR in blood; 3) comparative factor: none; 4) outcomes to be predicted: mortality, secondary infections, length of stay, and organ dysfunction score (sequential organ failure assessment [SOFA], multiple organ dysfunction score [MODS], logistic organ dysfunction score [LODS]), composite outcomes where component endpoints consist of at least one of the outcomes stated above (e.g., “adverse outcome” defined as death or secondary infection), 5) timing (of the prediction horizon and the moment of prognosis): any; and 6) setting: ICU. Condition being studied: Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to severe infections. It can further progress to septic shock, which includes hemodynamic failure and increased mortality rates. A recent worldwide epidemiological study estimated 48.9 million sepsis cases and 11 million of sepsis-related deaths (~20% of global deaths in 2017). Although its management has advanced considerably, sepsis remains deadly and challenging to treat. The 28/30-day mortality averages around 25% for sepsis and 38% for septic shock in high-income countries. Current models describe the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of sepsis as an interplay between concurrent dysfunctional pro- and anti-inflammatory immune response.
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Kundu, Souvik. Overview of Sepsis and Sepsis Biomarker Detection. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2019.

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Cherian, Jerald, Jodi Segal, Ritu Sharma, Allen Zhang, Eric Bass, and Michael Rosen. Patient Safety Practices Focused on Sepsis Prediction and Recognition. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), April 2024.

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Objectives. Patient safety practices (PSPs) focused on sepsis prediction and recognition, encompass interventions designed to identify patients with sepsis early and improve timely adherence to guidelines. Our objectives were to review the evidence published after the previous Making Healthcare Safer (MHS) report to determine the effectiveness of sepsis prediction and recognition PSPs on patient safety related outcomes. Methods. We searched PubMed and the Cochrane library for systematic reviews and primary studies published from January 2018 through August 2023, supplemented by gray literature searches. We included reviews and primary studies of sepsis prediction and recognition PSPs reporting measures of clinical process (time to diagnosis or treatment, adherence to guidelines, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Early Management Bundle), patient outcomes (hospital or intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay, mortality), implementation (use, barriers, and facilitators), or costs. Findings. We focused on 7 systematic reviews and 8 primary studies that were eligible for full review, and briefly summarized 36 pre-post studies that lacked a separate comparison group. All the sepsis prediction and recognition PSPs were multi-component interventions. Across the systematic reviews and primary studies of neonates, the PSPs improved clinical process measures (low strength of evidence), but evidence was insufficient about length of stay or mortality outcomes. Across the systematic reviews and primary studies of adults, the PSPs did not demonstrate an effect on clinical process, length of stay, or mortality outcomes. In primary studies of adults, evidence was insufficient in the prehospital setting for mortality, length of stay, and clinical process measures. In the emergency department setting, strength of evidence was low for mortality and clinical process measures and insufficient for length of stay. In ward or hospitalwide settings, strength of evidence was low across all three outcome types. The secondary outcome of alerting system performance (e.g., positive predictive value) could not be meaningfully compared across studies due to diversity in populations and interventions. Conclusions. This review finds that recent primary studies and systematic reviews do not support that specific PSPs for sepsis prediction and recognition are effective at reducing mortality or length of stay or improve clinical processes in adults in pre-hospital, emergency department, or hospitalwide settings as compared to usual care. Sepsis prediction and recognition PSPs may improve clinical process outcomes in neonates in ICUs.
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Rosa-Mangeret, Flavia, Otis Olela, Francisca Barcos-Munoz, Noemie Wagner, Olivier Duperrex, Marc Dupuis, and Riccardo E. Pfister. Drug Resistant Bacterial Neonatal Early Onset Sepsis in Africa: A 20 year- prevalence review and metanalysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, January 2022.

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Review question / Objective: What is the prevalence of drug-resistant pathogens associated with neonatal Early Onset Sepsis (NEOS) in the African continent and their likelihood of resistance to commonly used antibiotics in the NEOS, and what is the trend through time? Condition being studied: There is no consensus on the definition of neonatal sepsis. Two main categories of neonatal sepsis are widely accepted: early-onset sepsis (EOS) defined as occurring in the first 72 hours of life, hence representing perinatal vertical infection; and late-onset sepsis (LOS), which occurs between 72 hours to 28 days and can be hospital or community-acquired. Information sources: Pubmed, EMBASE, Web of Science. All authors from papers with missing information were contacted before article exclusion.
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Munroe, Elizabeth, Raya Bani Kenana, Philip Papaioannou, Thomas Cho, Alexandra Capellini, and Hallie Prescott. Inclusion of patients with hospital-onset sepsis in sepsis trials: A scoping review protocol. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, June 2024.

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Ding, Huaze, Yiling Dong, Kaiyue Zhang, Jiayu Bai, and Chenpan Xu. Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus propofol in mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of dexmedetomidine compared with propofol in mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis. Condition being studied: Sepsis, which is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, contributes the highest mortality to intensive care units (ICU) worldwide . Because of the high incidence of respiratory failure in sepsis care, mechanical ventilation is always adopted to give life support and minimize lung injury . And sedation is a necessary component of sepsis care who suffers from mechanical ventilation. The Society of Critical Care Medicine suggested using either propofol or dexmedetomidine for sedation in mechanically ventilated adults. However, it remained unknown whether patients with sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation will benefit from sedation with dexmedetomidine.
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Liu, Haoran. Risk factors of sepsis associated acute kidney injury in patients with sepsis: a meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, September 2022.

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MARTÍNEZ LEAL, LAURA DE LA CRUZ, and Carlos Romá Mateo. Preliminary proteomics analysis of the potential use of HMGB1 as sepsis biomarker. Fundación Avanza, May 2023.

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With this study, we evaluate the first steps into the development of a new possible biomarker for sepsis disease consisting in detection of HGMB1 protein in plasma, using mass spectrometry (MRM-MS), that could improve sepsis clinical management.
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Ciapponi, Agustín. Do birth kits improve newborn and maternal outcomes? SUPPORT, 2016.

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Sepsis is one of the conditions contributing significantly to both maternal and newborn mortality. Poor hygiene during the intrapartum period has been recognised as a critical risk factor for sepsis. Clean birth is an essential intervention estimated to avert 20–30% of newborn deaths due to sepsis and tetanus, and requires the availability of a few essential supplies. Since birth kits have been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a means of ensuring supplies and to ‘strengthen standards of cleanliness’ in home deliveries, more than 50 low and middle income countries have introduced birth kits, which are now receiving renewed international interest.
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Yan, Miao, Shuang Xia, and Yichang Zhao. Risk of sepsis in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a safety meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The aim of this meta-analysis is to estimate the risk of sepsis in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Condition being studied: Sepsis-related toxicities in cancer patients received immune checkpoint inhibitors. Information sources: Electronic databases:Medline; Embase; Central; Trial registers: EU Clinical Trials Register. International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. Regarding RCTs for which we had neither available adverse events on nor available adverse events in publications, corresponding authors or sponsors of the study were contacted by e-mail to provide the required information.
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