Academic literature on the topic 'SensorART'

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Journal articles on the topic "SensorART"


Karvounis, E. C., M. G. Tsipouras, A. T. Tzallas, N. S. Katertsidis, K. Stefanou, Y. Goletsis, M. Frigerio, et al. "A Decision Support System for the Treatment of Patients with Ventricular Assist Device Support." Methods of Information in Medicine 53, no. 02 (2014): 121–36.

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SummaryBackground: Heart failure (HF) is affecting millions of people every year and it is characterized by impaired ventricular performance, exercise intolerance and shortened life expectancy. Despite significant advancements in drug therapy, mortality of the disease remains excessively high, as heart transplant remains the gold standard treatment for end-stage HF when no contraindications subsist. Traditionally, implanted Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) have been employed in order to provide circulatory support to patients who cannot survive the waiting time to transplantation, reducing the workload imposed on the heart. In many cases that process could recover its contractility performance.Objectives: The SensorART platform focuses on the management and remote treatment of patients suffering from HF. It provides an inter-operable, extendable and VAD-independent solution, which incorporates various hardware and software components in a holistic approach, in order to improve the quality of the patients’ treatment and the workflow of the specialists. This paper focuses on the description and analysis of Specialist’s Decision Support System (SDSS), an innovative component of the SensorART platform.Methods: The SDSS is a Web-based tool that assists specialists on designing the therapy plan for their patients before and after VAD implantation, analyzing patients’ data, extracting new knowledge, and making informative decisions.Results: SDSS offers support to medical and VAD experts through the different phases of VAD therapy, incorporating several tools covering all related fields; Statistics, Association Rules, Monitoring, Treatment, Weaning, Speed and Suction Detection.Conclusions: SDSS and its modules have been tested in a number of patients and the results are encouraging.
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Fərid Ağayev, Fərid Ağayev, Ruslan Dadaşov Ruslan Dadaşov, and Cavidə Dəmirova Cavidə Dəmirova. "KİMYƏVİ QAZ SENSORLARININ YÜKSƏK BİNALARIN ELEKTRON YANĞIN TƏHLÜKƏSİZLİK SİSTEMLƏRİNDƏ İSTİFADƏSİ PERSPEKTİVLƏRİ." PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 20, no. 09 (September 14, 2022): 83–94.

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Yüksək çoxmərtəbəli binalar onların tərkibində müxtəlif təyinatlı sistemlərin istifadəsi ilə əlaqədar olaraq mühəndis-texniki baxımdan mürəkkəb obyektlər sayılır. Çox sayda müxtəlif sistemlərin bu tip binalarda geniş istifadəsi, onları yaşayış üçün istifadə edən və texniki baxımdan istismar edən insan faktorları bu binaların istismarını yanğın təhlükəsizliyi baxımından ön plana çəkir. Təqdim edilən məqalənin yazılmasında əsas məqsəd yüksək çoxmərtəbəli binaların yanğın təhlükəsizliyi baxımından effektivliyinin artırılması üçün müxtəlif sensorların istifadə perspektivlərinin araşdırılması təşkil edir. Məqalənin əvvəlində adətən geniş istifadə edilən yanğın xəbərdarlıq sensorları araşdırılmış, onların istifadəsinin müsbət və mənfi cəhətləri göstərilmişdir və sonra kimyəvi qaz sensorlarının təyinatı, təsnifatı və onların yanğın təhlükəsizlik sistemlərində istifadə edilməsi xüsusiyyətləri verilmişdir. Kimyəvi sensorların işləmə xüsusiyyətləri nəzərə alınaraq onların yaxın gələcəkdə ənənəvi istifadə edilən detektorlara, ya alternativ bir variant kimi və ya onlarla birgə istifadə edilməsi perspektivləri araşdırılmışdır. Artıq praktikada həm ənənəvi və həm də kimyəvi sensorların birgə kombinə edilmiş sensor kimi istifadə edilməsi tendensiyası göz qabağındadır. Qeyd edək ki, şübhəsiz bu tip detektorlar keyfiiyət göstəriciləri baxımından ənnəvi detektorlardan üstündür, lakin bu yanaşmaya əsaslanan bu həll sensorların və son nəticədə sistemin də qiymətinin artmasına qətirib çıxarır və bəzi hallarda bu sistemləri istifadə edən subyektlər üçün yolverilməz olur. Bu sensorların istifadə edilməsi perspektivliyini araşdırmaq üçün təbii olaraq həm ənənəvi və həm də kimyəvi sensorların müqayisəli analizi verilmişdir. Bu zaman hər iki tətbiq variantlarının istismar xüsusiyyətlərinə təsir edən obyektiv və subyektiv səbəblər araşdırılmışdır, çünki bu səbəblər bir vəhdət təşkil edərək təhlükəsizlik məsələlərinin həllində bu və ya digər qərarların qəbulunda böyük rol oynayırlar. Məqalədə kimyəvi sensorların istifadəsi zəruriliyi əsaslandırılmışdır, çünki bildiyimiz kimi bu və ya digər ənənəvi istifadə edilən sensorlar heçdə optimal deyillər və onların yanğın hadisəsinə reksiya müddəti ya çoxdur, və ya onlar müəyyən xarici təsirlər nəticəsində qeyri-effektivdirlər. Kimyəvi sensorların məqalədə qısa xülasəsi öz əksini tapmışdır. Onların təsnifatı, işləmə prinsipləri və istifadə xüsusiyyətləri verilmişdir. Bu zaman əsas diqqət elektrokimyəvi və kimyəvi optik sensorlara verilmişdir. Optik kimyəvi sensorların işləməsinin əsasını təşkil edən əsas fiziki hadisələr nəzərdən keçirilmişdir. Absorbsiya tipli inteqrasiya olunmuş optik kimyəvi sensorun iş prinsipi təsvir edilmişdir. İnteqrasiya edilmiş optik sensorların istifadəsinin potensial imkanları göstərilmişdir. Açar sözlər: yanğın, yanğın xəbərdarlıq sistemləri, yanğın sensorları, kimyəvi sensorlar, qaz sensorları.
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Mehparə Vəliyeva, Maya Kərimova, Mehparə Vəliyeva, Maya Kərimova. "NEFT SƏNAYESİNDƏ İNTELLEKTUAL ÖLÇMƏ VASİTƏLƏRİNİN ƏHƏMİYYƏTİ." PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 22, no. 11 (November 16, 2022): 105–15.

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Elm və texnikanın sürətli inkişafı bütün sahələrdə özünü göstərir. Neft sənayesi də günümüzdə bu inkişafı özündə tam əks etdirən əsas sahələrdən biridir. Rahat quraşdırılan cihazlar, nəqliyyat vasitələri, avadanlıqlar, binalar və demək olar ki, hər hansı digər əşyalar elektronika, proqram təminatı, sensorlar və şəbəkə bağlantısı ilə birləşdirilrək fəaliyyət göstərir. İnsanların qarşılıqlı əlaqəsini tələb etmədən məlumatların ötürülməsi imkanı əvvəllər görünməmiş həcmdə məlumatların toplanmasına və digər cihazlarla və ya mərkəzi platforma vasitəsilə mübadiləsinə imkan verir. İrəli düşünən neft və qaz təşkilatları getdikcə təşəbbüslərini daha çox əsas sensorlara, cihazlara və “ağıllı” cihazlara və daha çox məlumatların idarə edilməsi infrastrukturundan istifadə etmək və yeni biznes modelləri hazırlamaq üçün cəsarətli yanaşmalar üzərində cəmləşdirir. Araşdırmada yerli və beynəlxalq ədəbiyyatlara müraciət edilmişdir. Əsasən beynəlxalq miqyasda istifadə edilən intellektual ölçmə vasitələrinin istismarı araşdırılmışdır. Sensorlar neft və qaz sənayesində real vaxt rejimində avadanlığın işinə və inventar səviyyələrinə nəzarət etmək üçün bulud əsaslı rəqəmsal tablolara məlumat təqdim edir. Neft və qaz sənayesində qurudakı neft çənlərinin inventar səviyyələrinə nəzarət edən sensorlar çənlərin boşaldılması lazım olduqda avtomatik olaraq yük maşınlarını göndərir. Sensorlar həmçinin texniki xidmət qruplarını potensial və aktual problemlər barədə xəbərdar etmək üçün yerüstü nasosların işinə nəzarət edir və xəsarətlərin və ölüm hallarının qarşısını almaq üçün işçilərə mümkün təhlükəsizlik problemləri barədə erkən xəbərdarlıq əlamətləri təqdim edir. Real vaxt rejimində neft çəni sensoru bildirişləri inventar nəqlini optimallaşdırarkən və dayanma xərclərini minimuma endirməklə yanaşı, fasiləsiz nasosa imkan verir. Bulud əsaslı rəqəmsal tablosunun vizualizasiyası qərar qəbulunu təkmilləşdirən məlumatı anlaşıqlı şəkildə ötürür. Araşdırılan ölçmə vasitələri ilə belə bir nəticəyə gəlindi ki, müasir neft sənayesində intellektual ölçmə vasitələrinin tətbiqi daha geniş miqyasda aparılmalıdır. İntellektual ölçmə vasitələri vahid zaman kəsimində daha çox və daha dəqiq ölçmələr aparmaqla vaxta qənaət və ölçmə dəqiqliyini maksimum həddə çatdırır. Neft sənayesində ölçülən əsas parametrlər olan temperatur, təzyiq, sərf və səviyyənin intellektual ölçmə vasitələri ilə ölçülməsi ölkə iqtisadiyyatının əsas tərkibi olan neft və neft məhsullarının maneəsiz bazarda daha sürətli mübadiləsinə təkan verəcəkdir. Açar sözlər: neft sənayesi, intellektual ölçmə vasitələri, sensorlar, ölçmələr.
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Çinarə Məmmədova, Hikmət Əsgərov, Çinarə Məmmədova, Hikmət Əsgərov. "MÜXTƏLIF İŞ MAYELƏRINDƏ TEMPERATUR SENSORLARI ÜÇÜN KALIBRLƏMƏ METODUNUN SINAQLANMASI." PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 22, no. 11 (November 16, 2022): 04–11.

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Temperatur həyatın hər sahəsində həlledici parametrlərdən biridir, buna görə də onu dəqiq ölçə bilmək vacibdir. Soyuq keçid kompensasiyası kimi K tipli termocütdən və MAX6675 modulundan istifadə edilir. Temperatur məlumatlarının əldə edilməsi, mövcudluğu və nisbi istifadə rahatlığı səbəbindən tədqiqatçılar tərəfindən getdikcə daha çox istifadə olunur. K tipli termocüt və MAX6675 sensorları düzgün kalibrləndikdə etibarlı məlumat əldə etmək üçün istifadə edilə bilər. Kalibrləmə ətraf mühitin enerjisindən istifadə etməklə həyata keçirilir, burada dörd K-tipli termocüt və MAX6675 sensoru,iki DS18820 sensoru ilə birlikdə 24 saat ərzində ətraf suda kalibrlənir. K tipli termocüt və MAX6675 sensorlarının dəqiqliyini artırmaq üçün Arduino kodlaşdırmasında sadə riyazi üsullardan istifadə olunmuşdur,bununla da avtomatik kalibrlənmiş dəyərlər təmin edilmişdir.Təklif olunan üsulla kalibrləmə aparıldıqdan sonra sensorlar ətraf mühitin və suyun temperaturlarının oxunmasında istifadə edilmişdir. Kalibrləmədən əvvəl səhv dəyəri ətraf suda və ətraf havada kalibrləmədən sonra müvafiq olaraq 0,42% və 0,61% ilə müqayisədə 4,9% təşkil etmişdir. MAX6675 termocütünün digər cihazların səhv başa düşə biləcəyi çox zəif gərginlik siqnalı olduğundan, o, birbaşa deyil, termocüt siqnal normallaşdırıcısı vasitəsilə Arduino ilə əlaqələndirilir. Bundan əlavə, dəqiq məlumat əldə etmək üçün ölçü dövrəsi ilə ölçmə dövrəsi arasında baş verən soyuq keçid və temperatur qeyri-dəqiqlikləri kompensasiya edilməlidir. Telli termocütlər Daxili soyuq keçid kompensasiya sxemi ilə MAX6675 K Tipli Termocüt Siqnal Kondisioneri bu problemləri tamamilə aradan qaldırır. Normalizator siqnalı artırmağa, soyuq qovşaqda yaradılan termal EMF-ni tənzimləməyə və analoq siqnalı rəqəmə çevirməyə imkan verir. DS18B20 və LM35 kimi temperatur sensorları əvvəllər istifadə olunurdu, lakin onlar yalnız 125°C-dən aşağı temperaturları izləyə bilirlər. MAX6675 yüksək temperaturun ölçülməsi üçün ən yaxşı seçimdir.Yüksək temperaturları izləyərkən termocütün istifadəsinin sadəliyi əhəmiyyətli bir üstünlükdür. Qeyri-təmaslı termal temperatur silahı belə yüksək temperaturu ölçmək üçün yeganə alternativ seçimdir. Bu MAX6675 çipi xüsusi olaraq ən məşhur çip K-Tip termocütlə istifadə üçün yaradılmışdır. DS18B20 və termistor kimi adi sensorlar yüksək temperaturun ölçülməsi üçün kifayət deyil. Açar sözlər: arduino; kalibrləmə; MAX6675; K tipli termocüt; aşağı qiymətli məlumatların əldə edilməsi
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Tavakoli, Arsalan, Prabal Dutta, Jaein Jeong, Sukun Kim, Jorge Ortiz, David Culler, Phillip Levis, and Scott Shenker. "A modular sensornet architecture." ACM SIGBED Review 4, no. 3 (July 2007): 49–54.

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Tavakoli, Arsalan, David Chu, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Phillip Levis, and Scott Shenker. "A declarative sensornet architecture." ACM SIGBED Review 4, no. 3 (July 2007): 55–60.

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Eriksen, Sara Kristine, and Bjørn Erik Rasch. "En eller to sensorer?" Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 50, no. 03 (October 13, 2009): 293–312.

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Choi, Jung Il, Jung Woo Lee, Megan Wachs, and Philip Levis. "Opening the sensornet black box." ACM SIGBED Review 4, no. 3 (July 2007): 13–18.

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Mills, Eugene. "Introspection in Michael Pelczar’s Sensorama." Analysis 76, no. 4 (July 1, 2016): 461–71.

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Gurbanova, Lala. "Sensors for analysis of hydrogen peroxide." Scientific Bulletin 3 (2020): 169–74.

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The physico-chemical properties of new type catalase sensors, the so-called biomimetic sensors modulating some of catalase biosensor functions were investigated. These sensors have technological advantages ever their biological analogs due to the properties usually attributed to chemical sensors. The development electrochemical system stands in between bio- and chemical sensors.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "SensorART"


VERDE, ALESSANDRO. "Dal Progetto Europeo SensorArt all’attività di ricerca clinica: focus sui pazienti in assistenza ventricolare meccanica." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2016.

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Heart failure (HF) is defined as a clinical syndrome due any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the heart to pump blood to meet organ needs. After a diagnosis of HF, survival estimates are 50% and 10% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. HF is characterized by periodic exacerbations and is the single most frequent disease that cause hospitalization. Although heart transplantation (HTx) is still regarded as the gold standard in the surgical treatment of terminal HF affecting patient under 65 years old, this solution has been decreasing progressively in recent years. A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical pump that's used to support heart function and blood flow in people who have weakened hearts. VAD takes blood from a lower chamber of the heart and helps pump it to the body and vital organs, just as a healthy heart would. An implantable VAD has its pump located inside of the body and its power source located outside of the body. A cable connects the pump to the power source through a small hole in the abdomen. Implantable VADs are used mainly for people who are waiting for HTx or as a long-term solution for people who can't have HTx. SensorART aims at sensorizing VADs, in order to turn VADs from mechanical devices into intelligent systems allowing patients suffering from heart failure to conduct normal lives and help healthcare professionals to monitor patient status remotely and in real-time. In practice this means that in patients with implanted sensorised artificial heart, the device is linked wirelessly to an external control unit. The artificial heart is powered wirelessly by an innovative system for energy transfer via the skin. Thanks to different assembled sensors, as well as to special algorithms, the control unit can monitor the patient’s physiological conditions and optimise support from the pump. In this way, the empowered patient can lead a normal life. Moreover, via wireless Internet communication, the control unit allows doctors to monitor the patient’s status in real-time and remotely, and to take immediate action when required. There are two distinct periods in the VAD patient management: the immediate postoperative in-hospital phase and the later phase after discharge. The immediate post- operative phase is characterized by adverse events like post-surgical bleeding, tamponade, multiple-organ failure and possibly death. It is intuitive that inflammatory parameters can play an important indicative role in this first phase. Although not negligible, altered inflammatory signals during chronic phase of VAD support might affect biological systems, such as von Willebrand factor system and coagulation, that impact on long-term outcome. Indeed, in the second phase of care during follow up, major adverse events in patients with mechanical circulatory support are VAD malfunction, thrombosis, bleeding and infection (driveline or device infection). In this work we specifically analysed biomarkers that can be expected to be related with VAD related adverse outcomes: 1) the role of inflammatory biomarkers and new biomarkers associated to cardiac injury and catabolic state, particularly, in the early postoperative phase after VAD implantation, and 2) the role of inflammatory biomarkers in the chronic phase.
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Karlsson, Daniel, and Jesper Eriksson. "Uppkopplade Sensorer." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2018.

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Internet of Things blir allt mer vanligt i hemmet. På senare år har utbudet av uppkopplade enheter som hjälper till att automatisera delar av hemmet ökat. Uppkopplade sensorer är en del av detta och de erbjuder övervakning av till exempel temperatur, luftfuktighet, rörelse och ljus. Genom att presentera mätvärden från sensorer via ett grafiskt gränssnitt har man möjligheten att agera — manuellt eller automatiskt — på dessa värden för att till exempel justera temperatur i god tid. Målet med detta arbete är att utveckla en IoT-produkt som ett sensornätverk för övervakning av mätvärden från sensorer på enkortsdatorn Raspberry Pi. Syftet är att skapa ett skalbart system med en modulär design. Två Raspberry Pi användes för att utveckla ett IoT-system där en enhet läser in mätvärden från sensorer och en annan enhet exponerar ett REST API som möjliggör kommunikation via HTTP-protokollet för att skicka och ta in mätvärden. Mätvärden lagras i en databas och de senaste mätvärdena presenteras i ett grafiskt användargränssnitt. Resultatet är ett sensornätverk med en modulär design som kan användas för att övervaka senast uppmäta värden av temperatur och luftfuktighet i omgivningen. Dessa värden presenteras i ett grafiskt gränssnitt.
Internet of Things is becoming more common in the home. In recent years, the availability of connected devices that help automate parts of the home has increased. Connected sensors are part of this and they offer monitoring of, for example, temperature, humidity, motion and light. By presenting measurment values from sensors via a graphical interface, you have the option to act — manually or automatically – on these values, to for example, adjust the temperature in good time. The aim of this report is to develop an IoT product as a sensor network to collect data from sensors connected to the single board computer Raspberry Pi. The purpose is to create a scalable system with a modular design. Two Raspberry Pi were used to develop an IoT system where a device collects measu- rement values from sensors and another device which exposes a REST API that enables communication through the HTTP-protocol to send and recieve data. Measurment values are stored in a database and the latest measurement values are presented in a grahpical user interface. The result is a sensor network with a modular design that can be used to collect humi- dity and temperature values in the enviroment. These values are presented in a graphical user interface.
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Bohman, Johan. "Sensorer i brownout." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2013.

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När en helikopter befinner sig i brownout saknar besättningen referenser till omvärlden vilket kan försämra det spatiala medvetandet. Om besättningen inte har koll på helikopterns position i luftrummet kan det leda till skador på både materiel och besättning i samband med landning. Denna rapport undersökte, på ett övergripande plan, vilka möjligheter sensorer inom det elektromagnetiska spektret hade att bidra med information till det spatiala medvetandet. Rapporten fann att sensorerna behöver vara anpassningsbara till följd av stoftmolnets vida varierande karaktäristik. Sensorerna hade möjlighet att generera en bild av landningsplatsen före brownout inträffar. Radar lämpade sig bäst till att uppdatera bilden när brownout inträffat då de elektrooptiska sensorerna kraftigt begränsas av stoftmolnet. Däremot genererade de elektrooptiska sensorerna en bild av omgivningen som motsvarade ögats tolkning av samma omgivning, något som en radar har svårare att göra.
When a helicopter is in brownout the crew looses references to the world outside which could decrease the spatial awareness. If the crew does not know the accurate position of the helicopter it can lead to damage on both equipment and crew when landing. This report examined, on a general level, how sensors within the electromagnetic spectrum could contribute with information to the spatial awareness. The report found that the sensors need to be adaptable due to the widely varying characteristics of the dustcloud. The sensors were able to generate an image of the landingsite prior to brownout. Radar was best suited to updating the image when brownout had occurred, whereas the electro-optical sensors are highly attenuated by the dust cloud. However, the electro-optical sensors generated an image of the environment corresponding to the eye's interpretation of the same surrounding, something that a radar has greater difficulty with accomplishing.
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Degirmenci, Cecilia, and Hamed Alsakban. "Laborationer med trådlösa sensornät." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Teknik och samhälle, 2009.

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Trådlösa sensornät (eng. Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN) är ett snabbt växande teknikområde med många applikationer. Ett typiskt WSN består av en mängd små billiga och energisnåla enheter, så kallade sensornoder, som mäter någon miljöparameter och via radio skickar ett datapaket med uppmätt värde till en basstation som ofta är kopplad till en PC. Informationen kan därefter analyseras eller redovisas grafiskt för användaren. Sensornätverkets storlek kan variera från några få noder på en liten yta till nätverk med tusentals noder som täcker flera kvadratkilometer stora områden. Ett avsnitt om trådlösa sensornät ingår i kursen Data- och telekommunikationsteknik II, DA122T, vid Malmö högskola. Denna rapport presenterar ett examensarbete med att utveckla laborationer och studiematerial om sensornät till kursen.Utrustningen som används i laborationerna är ett paket innehållande sex sensornoder, en basstation och nödvändig programvara. Tillverkare är Crossbow Technology, världens ledande företag inom WSN.Resultatet av arbetet är två laborationshandledningar, beskrivning av utrustning som används i laborationerna samt en rapport – Introduktion till WSN. Handledningarna och det övriga materialet är skrivna på svenska.Den första laborationen, i vilken man bygger ett enkelt WSN, ger studenten förståelse för principen hos trådlösa sensornät och för hur hårdvaran och programvaran samverkar med varandra. I den andra laborationen lär sig studenten programmera sensornoder för att sedan studera kommunikationen mellan noderna och basstationen samt undersöka olika nätverkstopologier.
Wireless sensor networks, WSN, is a rapidly growing field of technology with many applications. A typical WSN consists of many small, inexpensive and energy-saving devices, called sensor nodes. These nodes measure an environmental parameter and the radio sends a data packet with the measured value to a base station, which is often connected to a PC. The information can then be analyzed and presented graphically to the user. A sensor network's size can vary from a few nodes in a small area to a network with thousands of nodes that covers several square kilometers of area. A section on wireless sensor networks is part of the course in Computer and telecommunication technologies II, DA122T, at Malmö University. This thesis reports on the development of study material for the practical laboratory motes on sensor networks for the course. The equipment used in the practical experiments is a package containing six sensor nodes, a base station and the necessary software. The manufacturers are Crossbow Technology, the world's leading company of WSN products. The results of the work are two practical exercises, a description of the equipment used in practical experiments and a report – Introduction to WSN. These guides and other materials are written in Swedish. The first lab in which to build a simple WSN, gives students an understanding of the principle of wireless sensor networks and how the hardware and software interacts with each other. In the second exercise, students will learn to program the sensor nodes to study the communication between the nodes and the base station and to explore the different network topologies.
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Najar, salwan. "Simulering av 1-Wire sensorer." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för teknik och hälsa (STH), 2012.

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The 1-wire bus is a communication bus system which is designed to provide data, signals and power over a single signal with low data rates, a high resolution and a long range. It is typically used to communicate with small inexpensive devices, as temperature sensors, which is worked as a slave with the master computer (PC). The 1-wire bus system provides the sufficient control and operation signal, a unique ID serial number of each sensor and it supports multiple temperature sensors by a driving power (Parasite Power) on single line. On the 1-Wire bus system, temperature sensors are supplied by two types of power supplies, external Power supply and Parasitic Power. The aim of this project is to program the microprocessor (Arduino) by using Arduino programming language to work as a temperature sensor type DS18B20 and also as a slave on the 1-Wire bus system. This report explains the 1-Wire bus system techniques and how the communication is achieved between the master and the slave (sensors) to measure the temperature values. The measured temperature values are collected from the output of each active sensor on the 1-Wire bus. These data are displayed by the personal computer (PC) which is worked as a master on the 1-Wire bus, and the data are represent the measured temperature values from twelve active sensors on the bus system. In this thesis, the temperature values from the 12 active sensors can be read and displayed on the master (PC) by using the following programs: Open Logger One Wire (OLOW) program, One Wire Viewer, DigiTemp and OWFS and I validated all the temperature values from these active sensors which are read and monitored by the drive bus programs. The comparison is done among the measured temperature values to see if the active sensors are given accurate temperature values with different drive bus programs. The project shows that the sensors can be connected in a network with the master, by using 1-Wire bus techniques. This thesis will be used by Karolinska University Hospital, and it can also be developed for different requirements in the future.
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Hjelmberg, Eric, and Henrik Rowell. "Persondetektering i inomhusmiljö med enkla sensorer." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Datorteknik, 2015.

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Denna rapport syftar till att beskriva arbetet kring att kunna detektera närvaro i ett rum medhjälp av så enkla sensorer som möjligt, kopplade till en Arduino. Samtidigt som detta skerså används också systemet till att med samma sensorer visa klimatet i rummet. Läsaren fåren inblick i problematiken med att detektera människor samt inom funktionen av de valdasensorerna. Utöver detta studeras energiförbrukningen i systemet. Rapportenmynnar ut i enslutsats där en procentuell chans för närvaro presenteras via en internetuppkoppling medhjälp av en omfattande testning av sensorernas beteende.
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Ljungberg, Andreas. "Mätningssystem för inbyggda sensorer i hälsoteknik." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2016.

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Medicinsk personal och har använt ett Go/No-Go test, som ett verktyg för att diagnostisera ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) hos patienter. I testen används en uppsättning av sfärer i olika sekventiella mönster där patienten med hjälp av en tryckknapp markerar när en specifik färg visas på skärmen. Till testet finns en kamera som registrerar patientens rörelser. Problemet med testet är att flera individuella testomgångar och utvärderingar krävs för att urskilja personer med ADHD ifrån personer utan ADHD. Frågan som undersökts är hur och om det är användbart att tillföra ytterligare inbyggda sensorer och bättre analyseringsmjukvara för att förbättra, korta ner och förenkla den nuvarande utvärderingsprocessen.En bakgrundsstudie har utförts för att få fram en bra grund till implementationen och teoretiskt fastställa om systemet är användbart vid diagnostisering av ADHD. Prototypen användes sedan med sensorer av psykologer som fick utvärdera principen. Både teorin och användartesterna framförde tydliga resultat på att flera sensorer och bättre mjukvaruimplementation kommer leda till kortare diagnostiseringsfaser hos patienter med ADHD.
Medical personnel have been using a Go/No-Go test, as a tool to diagnose ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in patients. Such tests use a set of sequential patterns with different colored spheres where the patient is supposed to click on a button when a specific colour appears on the screen. A camera is used to track the patient’s movements during the test. The problem with such tests is that multiple, individual test and evaluations runs are required to distinguish people with ADHD from those without ADHD. This thesis is focused on finding out how and if it’s useful to add additional embedded sensors and better analysis software in order to improve, shorten and simplify the current evaluation procedures.A background study has been conducted to obtain strong grounds for the implementation of a new analysis software. A prototype of the software was tested with various sensors to enable psychologists to evaluate if this software would be beneficial for their evaluation process. This background study also contributed with theoretical results, showing that adding additional sensory devices as well as the new analysis software would be useful.Both the theoretical results and user tests indicated a strong basis that more sensors and better software will contribute to shorter diagnosis evaluations for patients with ADHD.
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Alrashid, Ivan. "Ljudhändelsedetektor med distribueradeLoRa-anslutna akustiska sensorer." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Elektroniska Kretsar och System, 2021.

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Att detektera ljudnivå ger mycket information i stadsområde såsom bullernivå, antal skottlossningar, antal kollisioner och detekterar plats på en ljudkälla. I detta projekt monteras en ljuddetektor som kommunicera via LoRa Long Range när ljudet överstiger ett tröskelvärde. Ljuddetektorn implementeras som en fristående modul bestående av tre befintliga moduler. Modulerna som används i projektet innefattar: Lopy4 med Expansionskort 3.1, GPS modul och Ljud sensor  Ljudnivån, batterinivå, koordinater, datum och tid överförs via LoRa-nät till en gateway och vidare till The Thing of Network, TTN websidan och samtidigt sparas data lokalt i ett SD minneskort när ljudet överstiger ett tröskelvärde. Tröskelvärdet kan modifieras efter användarens önskningar.
Detecting noise levels explains a lot in urban areas such as noise levels, number of shots, and number of collisions. In this project, a sound detector is installed that communicates via LoRa, Long Range when the sound exceeds a threshold value. The sound detector is implemented as a stand-alone module consisting of three existing modules. The modules used in the project include Lopy4 with Expansion Card 3.1, GPS module, and Sound sensor. The sound level, battery level, coordinates, date, and time are transferred via LoRa to a gateway and on to The Thing of Network, TTN website, and at the same time data is saved locally in an SD memory card when the sound exceeds a threshold. The threshold can be modified according to the user's wishes.
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Nygård, Skalman Jonas. "Molnkopplade koldioxid sensorer : Prototypkonstruktion och strömmätningar." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för elektronikkonstruktion, 2017.

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Dagens stora miljöutmaningar i form av förbränning av fossila bränslen och medföljande koldioxidutsläpp har också gjort att många individer blivit allt mer miljömedvetna. Avancerade sensor för att mäta koldioxid finns numera på marknaden i form av lågenergiförbrukande alternativ som Senseairs LP8. Att utveckla firmware och att bedriva utveckling med sådana avancerade sensorer är något som inte är speciellt enkelt för vanliga användare. I detta projekt har en plattform byggd på bluetooth och enkla gratis utvecklingsverktyg tagits fram. Denna prototyp ugör en grund för utvecklingen av ett klimatsmycke där CO2 skall rapporteras till en molntjänst via mobiltelefon. Med prototypen har det utförts mätningar av strömförbrukningen genom att mäta urladdningstid av superkondensatorer, spänningsfallmätningar av cr2032 batterier samt kompletterande kapacitansmätningar av superkondensatorerna. Dessa mätningar visar att strömförbrukningen för prototypen ligger i intervallet 1-2 mA, beroende av vilka inställningar som önskas. Metoderna är väldigt enkla men ger en relativt god uppskattning av den totala strömförbrukningen.
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Eriksen, Oddbjørn. "High-frequency pressure measurements in the refining zone of a high-consistency refiner." Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, 2003.

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This thesis is based on an experimental study of the pressure conditions in the refining zone of high-consistency refiners used in paper making. The work presents the findings from two different mill-scale experiments in addition to results obtained from a pilot refiner study. The experiments have been performed using two different types of pressure sensors:

• Fibre-optic pressure sensors based on extrinsic Fabry Perot interferometer (EFPI).

• Piezoresistive temperature and pressure transducers.

This study has shown that it is possible to establish high-frequency pressure measurements in the refining zone of high-consistency refiners. Data have been collected at rates up to 20 million samples per second. The fibre-optic sensors seem to be preferable to the piezoresistive transducers as the fibre-optic sensors were working well after long exposure to the harsh environment inside the refining zone. Reliable measurements were still obtained after 1000 operating hours. On the other hand, the piezoresistive sensors suffered from problems caused by the wet environment inside the refiner as well as from the electrical dependent circuits and transmission cables. However, in the pilot refiner under less harsh environment, the piezoresistive transducer functioned well.

The main focus in this thesis has been related to the second mill-scale experiment which used fibre-optic pressure sensors. The results obtained from this experiment are considered to be more valuable than those from the first mill-scale experiment which used combined piezoresistive pressure and temperature transducers. Furthermore, pulp samples were collected during the second mill-scale experiment allowing an even more comprehensive analysis. However, the results from the first mill-scale experiment are shown as a comparison and in order to demonstrate the challenge of selecting the appropriate technology. Results from a successfully test performed in the pilot refiner, which also used a combined piezoresistive pressure and temperature transducer, are shown as well. In addition, as a supplement to the results from the mill-scale experiment with fibre-optic sensors, an experiment which employed external accelerometers for measuring the high-frequency vibrations in the mill refiner is discussed. Another supplement was made through an experiment measuring the deviation of the rotational speed of the refiner shaft.

The main objective of this study has been to find out how to make high-frequency pressure measurements in the refining zone of a mill-scale high-consistency TMP refiner. The study has particularly focused on the signal analyses and the reliability of the pressure measurements. Since the investigations have been focused on the experimental issues, assessments are primarily made regarding the recorded data and the related process observations.

One of the challenges was to find suitable technology for use in a harsh environment. Obtaining and selecting an appropriate sensor was extremely important. A fast responding sensor was prerequisite. It was of particular interest to investigate the pressure pulses generated from the squeezing of wood particles between the sensor surface and the bars on the opposite disc. In addition, the dimension of the sensor surface had to be small so that the peak pressures could be determined. The size should preferably be smaller than a width of a bar. Especially the fibre-optic sensors met this criterion as they had a surface diameter of approximately 1 mm. The piezoresistive sensors had a surface diameter of 3.8 mm.

Mill-scale experiments were conducted to test the sensors in a realistic environment. The design of the experiments was important in the assessment of the performance of the sensors during different controlled conditions. Collecting of pulp samples to assess the pulp quality of the primary refining in comparison to the process behaviour and the pressure signals were matters of additional interest.

The analyses of the experiment should give conclusions about the reliability of the sensors. A goal of the present work has also been to examine the behaviour and the properties of the pressure signals, and investigate the origin of the pressure pulses. Most of the results are from high-frequency measurements of pressure in the refining zone of a high-consistency TMP refiner. Combined temperature and pressure measurements are shown from the test in the pilot refiner. The fast development within sensor and computer technology has made it possible to achieve measurements that have not been performed earlier. The use of fibre-optic sensor technology in chip refiners has not been reported earlier. The high-frequency recordings using sample rates of up to 20 MSamples/s suffered from the lack of demodulation technology such that the accuracy of the absolute pressure readings is limited. However, this study indicates average pressures between 20 and 30 bar in the intermediate zone.

Even more interesting is the fast pressure changes obtained using frequency analysis. Common frequencies indicating vibrations in the discs appearing from the pressure pulses when the pulp is squeezed between the bars of the stator and rotor disc have been observed. This observation was supported by vibration analysis using external accelerometers. It is claimed that there is a relationship between vibrations in the refiner discs and the pressure pulses that are generated from the squeezing of pulp between bars on the rotor and stator disc. However, nobody has investigated this particular relationship although this study strongly indicates that this relationship exists. Furthermore, it is shown that the pressure sensors were not affected by vibrations operating in resonance. This strongly supports the conclusion that the fibre-optic pressure sensors were solely measuring the activities in the refining zone.

The frequency analysis of the different recordings gave firm evidence of the process related influences of the pressure readings. The reliability of the performance of the sensors was clearly visible through this analysis technique. Several analyses found that the shift in the bar crossing frequencies was directly proportional to and caused by fluctuations in the rotational speed of the refiner. However, local bar crossing frequencies were generally not as clear as expected. The measurements indicated that some specific radial positions determined by the tapered plate pattern, dominated the responses. Among the most dominating frequencies were periodicities associated with the rotational speed of the refiner, the number of bars in the breaker bar and coarse zones as well as the transition zone between the intermediate and fine bar zones. When the plates were new, a 25.2 kHz periodicity that arose from a bar-to-bar passage in the fine bar zone dominated the pressure readings. These pulses probably propagated in the disc so that the whole disc vibrated. It is not assumed that these vibrations generated large plate gap variations. However, these fluctuations were predominant compared with the local generated pressure pulses. The pressure variations probably propagated through the steam and pulp pad as pressure waves. Thus the pulp and steam flow through the whole refining zone was affected. The local bar crossing frequencies were suppressed and only visible to a minor extent. It is conceivable that the steam and pulp interacts through a two-phase flow. Thus the steam may have a repressive effect on the interaction between the pulp pad and the bar patterns on the discs.

Recordings during different controlled operating conditions were used to study the reliability of the sensors. The relationship between the pressure signals and the process variables has been investigated as well. The most reliable relationship was obtained when changing the chip flow to the refining zone after 1000 hours of operating time. The motor load and acceleration variables were strongly correlated with the pressure readings. No strong correlations were found between the data from the pressure sensors and the process variables shortly after start-up using new plates. The pulp samples that were collected and analysed did not give a good relationship between the pressure signals and the quality data. However, during this period other process disturbances affected the conditions in the refining zone more than the randomized manipulation of the control variables. This was observed as time dependent variations in the pressure recordings as well as several process variables. The most probable disturbance was the amount of chips fed to the refiner and subsequent changes of the plate gap. Further indications imply that the pressure sensors were sensitive to variations in the incoming stream of chips. Besides the successful test when changing the chip flow to the refining zone, frequency analyses have showed that the sensors also were affected by periodicities in the pulp flow that were related to the inner part of the refining zone and the breaker bar section. This was shown both as sideband effects as well as plain peak frequencies. Sideband effects are interpreted as periodic waves of pulp flow propagated through the refining zone.

This study indicates that the average pressure in the intermediate zone of the refining zone of the mill-scale TMP refiner was as high as 20-30 bar. This was somewhat higher than expected from the theoretical considerations. However, the theoretical calculations have some limiting factors, which there are some disagreement in the literature. The area where the energy is applied in the refining zone as well as the tangential friction coefficient is not clearly determined. Both are included in one of the theoretical approaches. Thus there are some uncertainties associated with the models. However, some uncertainties are related to the determination of the pressure levels for the measurements using the fibre-optic sensors as well. This is mainly due to the lack of well-established demodulation techniques for the sinusoidal relation between the sensor signal and the pressure. This is the greatest weakness in this part of the investigation. The pressure levels obtained using the piezoresistive sensors were to some extent agreeable with the fibre-optic measurements. However, there was greater uncertainty in the piezoresistive measurements due to probable disturbances related to electromagnetic noise or moisture having a detrimental influence on electric circuits in the sensors. The most interesting results obtained using the piezoresistive sensors in the mill-scale experiment have been observations of process relevant periodic signal patterns. Stable average pressures between 2 and 4.5 bar were found in the atmospheric pilot refiner during normal operating conditions. Since the local bar crossing frequency did not dominate the periodicities obtained from these recordings it is assumed that the steam affected the pressure conditions in the refining zone. This is assumed despite the fact that the refiner was atmospheric. Pressure peaks above 10 bar were observed frequently. When the plate gap decreased, the pressure pulses were considerably higher. Pressure peaks up to 60 bar were observed during operation with a small plate clearance. The local bar crossing frequency was clearly visible under such conditions, not otherwise.

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Books on the topic "SensorART"


Véronique, Bellon-Maurel, ed. Sensoral 98: International workshop on Sensing Quality of Agricultural Products = Colloque international sur "les capteurs de la qualité des produits agro-alimentaires", Montpellier 24-27 février 1998. Montpellier: Cemagref, 1998.

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Ashley, Allen. Sensorama. Eibonvale Press, 2015.

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Sensorama: A Phenomenalist Analysis of Spacetime and Its Contents. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Šneiders, Maksims. Acetona tvaiku koncentrācijas noteikšanas metode, izmantojot p-n pārejas optisko stimulāciju. RTU Press, 2022.

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Promocijas darbs veltīts jaunas acetona tvaiku koncentrācijas noteikšanas metodes un sensora izstrādei, kas paredzēta medicīniskiem mērķiem (biomarķieru noteikšanai), darba, apkārtējās vides, kā arī pretterorisma aizsardzībai. Līdz šim piedāvātie risinājumi nesniedz iespēju noteikt zemas acetona tvaiku koncentrācijas to darbības procesu nepilnību dēļ. Promocijas darbā pirmo reizi demonstrēta iespēja samazināt acetona tvaiku koncentrācijas noteikšanas slieksni līdz 0,636 ppm, realizējot metodi ar jauno sensoru acetona tvaiku koncentrācijas noteikšanai.
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Book chapters on the topic "SensorART"


Park, Unkyu, and John Heidemann. "Provenance in Sensornet Republishing." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 280–92. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Löscher, Andreas, Nicolas Tsiftes, Thiemo Voigt, and Vlado Handziski. "Efficient and Flexible Sensornet Checkpointing." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 50–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Boano, Carlo Alberto, Thiemo Voigt, Nicolas Tsiftes, Luca Mottola, Kay Römer, and Marco Antonio Zúñiga. "Making Sensornet MAC Protocols Robust against Interference." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 272–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Huaifeng, Qin, and Zhou Xingshe. "RBLS: A Role Based Context Storage Scheme for Sensornet." In Embedded Software and Systems, 96–106. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Dunkels, Adam, Luca Mottola, Nicolas Tsiftes, Fredrik Österlind, Joakim Eriksson, and Niclas Finne. "The Announcement Layer: Beacon Coordination for the Sensornet Stack." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 211–26. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Finne, Niclas, Joakim Eriksson, Nicolas Tsiftes, Adam Dunkels, and Thiemo Voigt. "Improving Sensornet Performance by Separating System Configuration from System Logic." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 194–209. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Österlind, Fredrik, Adam Dunkels, Thiemo Voigt, Nicolas Tsiftes, Joakim Eriksson, and Niclas Finne. "Sensornet Checkpointing: Enabling Repeatability in Testbeds and Realism in Simulations." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 343–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Nguyen, Trong-The, Tien-Wen Sung, Duc-Tinh Pham, Truong-Giang Ngo, and Van-Dinh Vu. "A Hybrid Swarm Evolution Optimization for Solving Sensornet Node Localization." In Intelligent Systems and Networks, 101–8. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Pazurkiewicz, Tomasz, Michal Gregorczyk, and Konrad Iwanicki. "NarrowCast: A New Link-Layer Primitive for Gossip-Based Sensornet Protocols." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1–16. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Shankar, Mallikarjun, Bryan L. Gorman, and Cyrus M. Smith. "SensorNet Operational Prototypes: Building Wide-Area Interoperable Sensor Networks – Extended Abstract." In Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 391–92. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Conference papers on the topic "SensorART"


Arjunan, Pandarasamy, Nipun Batra, Haksoo Choi, Amarjeet Singh, Pushpendra Singh, and Mani B. Srivastava. "SensorAct." In the Fourth ACM Workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Huaifeng, Qin, and Zhou Xingshe. "Context aware sensornet." In the 3rd international workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2005.

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Campbell, A. "Session details: Sensornet services." In SenSys05: ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2005.

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Keppitiyagama, Chamath, Nicolas Tsiftes, Carlo Alberto Boano, and Thiemo Voigt. "Temperature hints for sensornet routing." In the 11th ACM Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Wu, Min-You. "Anti-sensornet: Intruders and countermeasure." In 2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). IEEE, 2009.

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Nanni, Stefania, and Gianluca Mazzini. "Sensornet Early-warning System Integration." In 7th International Conference on Sensor Networks. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.

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Huaifeng, Qin, and Zhou Xingshe. "Integrating Context Aware with Sensornet." In 2005 First International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid. IEEE, 2005.

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Zhao, Feng. "Sensornet 2.0: The New Frontier." In Proceedings of 2006 IEEE 27th Real-Time Systems Symposium. IEEE, 2006.

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De Poorter, Eli, Ingrid Moerman, and Piet Demeester. "An Information Driven Sensornet Architecture." In 2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM). IEEE, 2009.

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Lee, Kyeseon, Sang Gi Hong, and Nae-Soo Kim. "Plug and Play SensorApp Service scenarios." In 2015 17th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). IEEE, 2015.

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Reports on the topic "SensorART"


Gorman, Bryan. Bragg Experimental SensorNet Testbed (BEST). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2010.

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Searl, Leon S., Ed Komp, Dan DePardo, Dan Deavours, and Martin Kuehnhausen. SensorNet 3 Requirements Document: Container Transportation Security Network. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2011.

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