Academic literature on the topic 'Sens et sensations – Méthodologie – Analyse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sens et sensations – Méthodologie – Analyse"
Pozierak-Trybisz, Izabela. "Analyse contrastive français-polonais des verbes supports de la classe d’objet "attaques"." Neophilologica 2019 34 (December 12, 2022): 1–19.
Full textContente, Madalena, and João Magalhães. "Dictionnaire multilingue de médecine — vers une dictionnairique d'apprentissage." Meta 42, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 114–20.
Full textIwuchukwu, Matthew O. "Théorie du sens et sociocritique en traduction littéraire." Meta 55, no. 3 (December 9, 2010): 529–44.
Full textRakotobe D’Alberto, Noro. "«Vous les entendez ? »." Mnemosyne, no. 3 (October 11, 2018): 9.
Full textDufour, Jean-Marie, and David Tessier. "La causalité entre la monnaie et le revenu : une analyse fondée sur un modèle VARMA-échelon." L’économétrie de la politique économique 73, no. 1-2-3 (February 9, 2009): 351–66.
Full textGarel, Jean-Pierre. "Bienveillance et exigence pour un enseignement inclusif." Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Vol. 6, No. 2, Volume 6, Numéro 2 (September 8, 2020): 91–108.
Full textBarthes, Angela, and Sylviane Blanc-Maximin. "Quelles évolutions de l’école française face à l’éducation au patrimoine?" Revue des sciences de l’éducation 43, no. 1 (November 21, 2017): 85–115.
Full textEch-Chbani, Amina. "COMMUNICATION DIGITALE ET PROCESSUS DE DIGITALISATION DANS LES COLLECTIVITES TERRITORIALES MAROCAINES." Conhecimento & Diversidade 15, no. 39 (November 6, 2023): 39–55.
Full textHémon, Stéphanie, Annie Gentès, and Dominique Bessières. "Le design à l’épreuve du territoire : pratiques exploratoires et métiers émergents." Sciences du Design 17, no. 1 (July 18, 2023): 82–100.
Full textBenedetti, Davia. "Les gestes dans l’apprentissage en danse contemporaine, entre mise en mots et mise en corps." Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, no. 99 (2018): 3–8.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sens et sensations – Méthodologie – Analyse"
Jallat, Jérôme. "Mise au point d'une méthode sensorielle d'analyse descriptive des odeurs de parfumerie." Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (Paris ; Nancy ; 1968-2006), 1995.
Full textThe creation of a perfume is an artisanal process: a creator. The perfumer, composes "a juice" using a greater or lesser number of natural or synthetic natural or synthetic raw materials. The process is in the sense that the perfumer uses his or her know-how and personal taste to create an original work of art. But perfume is also a product intended for consumption, which must please and be sold to the greatest number. It is therefore necessary for perfumers to have a tool for communicating with communication with consumers, in order to create a juice as close as possible to market trends". Dialogue between perfumers and consumers is generally ensured by the marketing departments of perfume companies. But the absence lack of any real method of descriptive odor analysis leads these departments to not the fragrance itself. It therefore appears necessary to devise a method for descriptive odor analysis to enable effective dialogue between the various players in a perfume company. Our approach is in line with this need. We carried out our work as part of a CIFRE contract, within the sensory analysis laboratory of the Bourjois company. This company was one of the first companies in its field to develop sensory analysis as a tool for research into fragrance perception
Thomas, Arnaud. "Analyse sensorielle temporelle descriptive et hédonique." Thesis, Dijon, 2016.
Full textOver the last years, so-called rapid methods for sensory evaluation have been developed to collect sensory description of products from consumers. Moving forward in this direction, this thesis proposes to pair Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) with dynamic liking. This new method, named Temporal Drivers of Liking (TDL), highlights sensory drivers of consumer liking and determines how the dynamic perception can impact the hedonic response. This work proposes to compute the Liking While Dominant (LWD) score as the average liking scores given to a product while a given attribute was perceived as dominant and to look at its deviation from the mean liking score of this product. When significantly higher (resp. smaller) than 0, it denotes a positive (resp. negative) TDL.TDL method can evaluate temporality within intake (bites, sips…) but also between successive intakes in order to study perception along the consumption of the full food. In this case, other parameters can be asked repeatedly to the consumers such as wanting, state of hunger or thirst… Temporal drivers of these other parameters can be computed in the same way than the TDLs. The TDL method has also been deployed outside the sensory lab to place consumers in real-life conditions, for example at home. TDL concept has also been extended where subjects did TDS while the aromas released in their nose during mastication were simultaneously collected by a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer. It makes it possible to collect simultaneously kinetics of sensory attributes and of active chemical compounds; the latter being expected to explain the former
Lecuelle, Guillaume. "Analyse et modélisation de la Dominance Temporelle des Sensations à l'aide de processus stochastiques." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019.
Full textTemporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) is a technique to measure temporal perception of food product during tasting. For a panelist, it consists in choosing in a list of attributes which one is dominant at any time. This work aims to model TDS data with a stochastic process and proposes to use semi-Markov processes (SMP), a generalization of Markov chains which allows dominance durations to be modeled by any type of distribution. The model can then be used to compare TDS samples based on likelihood ratio. Because probabilities of transition from one attribute to another one can also depend on time, we propose to model TDS by period and we propose a method to select optimally the number of periods and the frontiers between periods. Graphs built upon the stochastic pattern can be plotted to represent main chronological transitions between attributes. Finally, this work introduces new statistical models based on finite mixtures of semi-Markov processes in order to derive consumer segmentation based on individual differences in temporal perception of a product.The methods are applied to various TDS datasets: chocolates, fresh cheeses and Gouda cheeses. Results show that SMP modeling gives new information about temporal perception compared to classical methods. It particularly emphasizes the existence of several perceptions for a same product in a panel, whereas classical methods only provide a mean panel overview. Furthermore, as far as we know, this work is the first one that considers mixtures of semi-Markov processes
Lamrani, Yasmine. "Flaveur de quelques aliments de base." Paris 5, 1998.
Full textIbo, Lydie. "Esthésie et perception dans le nouveau roman français. Sémiotique du sensible." Limoges, 1999.
Full textKergoat, Marine. "Approche psychosociale et différentielle des évaluations sensorielles : intensité affective et préférences tactiles." Thesis, Paris 10, 2010.
Full textThe blind sensory evaluation of consumer products often yields to heterogeneous clusters of preference. For instance, some participants have a preference for soft textiles whereas others do not have such a preference. To understand these preferences, 9 studies were conducted (N = 1128) according to a double approach: differential and functional. A differential approach systematically explored the cognitive, affective and social determinants of sensory preferences. The visual-tactile evaluation of fabrics (car seat fabrics and fabrics mainly treated with softener agents) coupled to dispositional measures highlighted the predictive value of the Affect Intensity construct (Larsen, 1984). Within a functional approach (i.e. function of attitudes; Katz, 1960; Smith, Bruner, & White, 1956) we tested the hypothesis that function of arousal regulation (Larsen, 2009) was the motivational mechanism underlying these preferences. Consumers liking soft textiles live more intensely their positive emotions and react more intensely to stimuli inducing negative emotions. On the basis of a multidimensional approach of the Affect Intensity construct (Bryant, Yarnold, & Grimm, 1996), we discussed the motivational determinants likely to be involved in consumer preference for soft textiles
Delaunay-El, Allam Maryse. "L'expérience sensorielle du nouveau-né et sa rétention à long terme : une analyse expérimentale de l'apprentissage des odeurs chez l'enfant humain." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2007.
Full textconnus. Leur compréhension est pourtant utile à l'explication du développement des préférences olfactives et de leur influence à long terme. Ce travail vise à examiner le développement des réponses sélectives envers les odeurs et leur rétention après des délais variant de quelques heures à plus d'un an. La démarche, la fois expérimentale et “naturaliste”, met à profit un contexte d'apprentissage écologique: la tétée au sein.
Elle comporte 3 objectifs: 1) confirmer l'acquisition néonatale des odeurs naturelles du sein maternel;
mettre en évidence l'acquisition d'une odeur artificielle lors des premiers épisodes de tétée; 3) évaluer rétention à très long terme de l'odeur acquise au sein au cours des premières semaines postnatales.
1) Le nouveau-né de 3-4 jours détecte les odeurs maternelles. Toutefois, la présentation (tests
double-choix) de substrats odorants d'origine mammaire (sein, sécrétions aréolaires, lait) et non mammaire
(cou) donne lieu à des réponses indifférenciées: les nouveau-nés sont également attirés vers ces odeurs
naturelles distinctes. Cette équivalence hédonique est explicable soit par la présence d'odorants communs
aux substrats échantillonnés, soit par leur association à des renforcements similaires. 2) L'utilisation locale
d'une pommade appliquée sur le sein a été mise à profit pour analyser l'acquisition d'un odorant exogène
(camomille) pendant la tétée. Cet odorant engage une préférence olfactive chez les enfants qui y ont
exposés au sein pendant 3-4 jours, mais pas chez des enfants qui n'y ont pas été exposés. La camomille
devient aussi attractive que le lait au bout de 3-4 jours si, en moyenne, 50% des tétées sont associée à
camomille. En somme, l'association d'odorants distincts aux mêmes renforcements peut déterminer
niveau d'attraction similaire. 3) La rétention de l'odeur de camomille acquise lors des premières semaines
de tétées est effective lors de tests réalisés à 6-8 et à 18-23 mois. Différentes épreuves olfactives adaptées
aux différents âges montrent que les enfants retiennent l'odeur exogène pendant au moins 15.5-22.5 mois
après cessation de l'exposition.
Ces résultats démontrent que: le nouveau-né humain est attentif aux propriétés olfactives de sa mère,
et que la tétée au sein est favorable à l'établissement de préférences olfactives multiples. Les préférences
olfactives acquises au sein sont suffisamment stables pour pouvoir être retenues pendant plus d'un an. Elles
sont donc en mesure d'influencer les comportements ultérieurs de choix alimentaires ou sociaux.
De, Brito E. Silva Dos Santos Catarina. "Le sujet formateur Sensible : analyse qualitative de l'influence de la posture de sujet Sensible sur l'action pédagogique auprès d'une population de formateurs universitaires." Paris 13, 2012.
Full textThis research aims to identify how university professors are influenced by the Sensible paradigm. The author examines the position of this subject and seeks to clarify how their teaching is transformed by the Sensible. Through comprehensive and interpretive investigation, the author questions why and how subjective and singular experience of the Sensible body enriches the professor’s posture within the university context. The author, from this perspective, elaborates the different profiles of the subject in training by primarily focusing on the Sensible paradigm. The aim is to show how the Sensible inaugurates a Sensible subject that emerges from the fulcrum of corporeal experience. 6 university professors are interviewed with the intention of better understanding the following: 1) the posture of the subject prior to encountering the Sensible dimension of the body and the varieties of indicators that accompany the pathway to encountering the Sensible; 2) the experience and discovery of the Sensible; 3) the varieties of indicators that reveal how the subject is renewed/transformed by the Sensible; and 4) how knowledge extracted from the experience of the Sensible is appropriated within the subject’s university identity
Park, Ji-seon. "La langue alchimique : analyse stylistique dans les œuvres de Rimbaud." Paris 4, 1998.
Full textConsidering that “the confusion of all the senses” applies to the level of sensation and meaning, we studied the transformation that occurs over the course of this confusion which is also a result of a change in identity by “'I is another”. “I” and “another” merge despite their contradiction in their flamboyant universe. Here, a succession rather than a simultaneity occurs. A being or an element is able to transform into different forms by assimilation and by contradiction. Using the stylistic method, we analyzed all of the rimbaldian texts to identify the characters who are sometimes vague and to establish precisely the relationship between the transmitter and the receiver. The change in perspective in each poem represents to us his transition towards the absolute. Regarding the “senses-sensations” we contemplated the colors, the sounds, and the odors. Through his system of sensation, he succeeds in expressing that which is inexpressible. Therefore, it is to this transformation of identities that we attribute his alchemic language
Tremault, Éric. "Structure et sensation dans la psychologie de la forme, chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty et William James." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textWe are trying here to object to Maurice Merleau-Ponty's attempt to reduce qua/ia to structural predicates, which is the way we understand his ontology of the "flesh", as he seems to us to develop it already in his first works on "expression". We are more generally objecting through him to any kind of "structural" theory concerning sensation, meaning by this any theory which claims that one cannot attribute a relation to a sensorial content without intrinsically altering it. Our task is complicated by the great number of empirical facts that Merleau-Ponty calls for to prove his structural theory. He notably finds great help in the structural interpretation Kurt Koffka had already laid down for these facts as a Gestalt psychologist. Consequently, we begin with the examination of this theory and of the facts that support it, showing that they cannot seem to corroborate a structural theory unless one confuses "abstraction" and "real separation" of a qua/e from its context. We then call for William James to support these conclusions, reminding that he had already showed the illegitimacy of the claim by the neo-Hegelian writers of his time to find empirical proof for their own structural theories in similar psychological data. He had also suggested a "knowledge by acquaintance" theory against those writers that we are trying to use in defense for introspection pure and simple
Books on the topic "Sens et sensations – Méthodologie – Analyse"
Mach, Ernst. L' analyse des sensations: Le rapport du physique au psychique. Nîmes: Éditions J. Chambon, 1996.
Find full textEdgar, Chambers, Wolf Mona Baker 1949-, and ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products., eds. Sensory testing methods. 2nd ed. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 1996.
Find full textSkeates, Robin, and Jo Day. Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textSkeates, Robin, and Jo Day. Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textSkeates, Robin, and Jo Day. Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textSkeates, Robin, and Jo Day. Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Find full text(Editor), Edgar IV Chambers, and Mona Baker Wolf (Editor), eds. Sensory Testing Methods (ASTM Manual Series, No. 26) (Astm Manual Series). 2nd ed. ASTM International, 1996.
Find full textHamilton, Paula, and Damousi Joy. Cultural History of Sound Memory and the Senses. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textHamilton, Paula, and Damousi Joy. Cultural History of Sound, Memory, and the Senses. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textConference papers on the topic "Sens et sensations – Méthodologie – Analyse"
CHEVALLIER, Marius. "La recherche locale au service de la transition socio-écologique : une analyse à partir de travaux en sciences sociales." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
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