Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sens et non-sens'
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Boudreault, Lolita. "Sens et non-sens dans le théâtre de Réjean Ducharme." Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=22566.
Full textThe first chapter examines the textual forces that allow one to trace the narrative structure in Ducharme's dramatic writing. It also describes the different actantial models as well as the mechanisms that regulate their function.
In the second chapter, an analysis of the characters adds a layer of significance to the analysis of the actants and reveals to us the "small world" of Ducharme's plays. The actants take shape, becoming characters who establish ties among themselves.
The third chapter describes the universe in which these "unusual" characters evolve. Space and time throw referential precariousness into relief which in turn, gives a sense of meaning and non-meaning to different objects as well as to the logic of events.
Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the discursive process and, more particularly, with the initiations that stem from the dialogues. With the advent of theatrical communication, the spectator or the narratee is also initiated into Ducharme's theatre where he or she re-assumes his or her place. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Lussac, Olivier. "Land art. Sens et non-sens de la sculpture contemporaine." Paris 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA030036.
Full textLand art is an artistic movement, concerning different forms of sculpture in nature and landscape, during the 60s and 70s. This study propose historical and aesthetical analysis. Particularly we should try to understand what are the dialectic of sight and nonsight, the sublime and the picturesque in the gardens and land art, the photographic and cinematographic dimensions of sculpture. Having pionnered of earth art and land proving themselves in the pratice of both art and theory, r. Smithson, r. Morris, m. Heizer, w. De maria (and r. Long in england) developped a multiofaceded oeuvre that has nourished and challenged artistic traditions fixed in the field of the sculpture. The investigations of these artists took on a wide of range of forms from the very beginnings: object, photography, text, performance, installation, map. . . Land art attempts to go beyond the narrow sphere of sculpture, philosophical and historical questions of the day
Moskalenko, Svetlana. "Analyse de mutants faux sens et non sens dans le gène essential SUP45 chez saccharomyces cerevisiae." Rennes 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN10168.
Full textFourlon, Christelle. "Le sens non-identifié de l'être et du temps." Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100013.
Full textAsking about the question of being and time according to the understanding of their meaning as both a way (vector) and a meaning by the mixed of the being as the "something", the indefferented "there is", and time as an unilateral way of understanding the reality by its division, will drive us to define the meaning of being and time as a present participle, being non identified, approaching near an elusive religion, like the essential religare as the figure of a partipated join. The non identified meaning of being and time will give us the exam of the vector of reality, as the figure of the indefinite possible, because the philosophical quest gets free of itself in its own foundation. Therefore, whether the philosophical quest is focused on the non identified, it is able to escape from the non-being because of its attitude as a simple gesture, form, corresponding to a decomposition in the duration, that is to say it has to admit time as a necessary condition of its reality as a method, enunciation, progressive crescendo So that philosophy gains from time its reason to be. Whether time can be defined as the quantitative attitude generally speaking, the having action as the accumulation appears in the being chase
SANCHEZ, STEPHANE. "Le principe de non-specularité : le réel, l'être et le sens." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100055.
Full textPereira, Do Lago Marilucia. "De l'avènement du sujet à l'arrivée du VIH/Sida : structures non névrotiques, non-sens et maladie." Nice, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NICE2023.
Full textBuilt into the psychoanalytic approach, this dissertation aims to contribute at the comprehension of HIV/AIDS since this one involves the universe of non-neurotic structures, like boderline cases, narcissiques structures, psychopathic personalities and the perverts. In order to reach this objective, the author structures a reflection in three parts. The first one includes a metapsychologic study of human psyche as well as the participating process in the subject construction. In the second part, the theoretical-clinics models support the author in order to identify the convergence lines of these different pathologies. The study is organized around the deficiencies in the sphere of mentalisation, representation and the fantasy and it concludes with a discussion of the issues (destiny) of the destructivity present in those structures. The third part is taken from the clinical experience with HIV/AIDS patients (non-neurotic structure) and it provides the results of “unconscious” intrapsychic processes, through the triptych Structure-History-HIV/AIDS
ELAISSAOUI, ABDELLAZIZ. "La notion de l'erreur et du non-sens de k. Popper a l. Wittgenstein." Montpellier 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994MON30026.
Full textThe concept of "no-sense" evoqued in tractatus has overthrown all the relative ideals of contemporary culture. It is believed this concept will change the physionomy of the xx century philosophy. However, what is the real signification of the "no-sense" concept according to l. Wittgenstein reflection? k. Popper's philosophy is greatly against the "no-sense" concept. According to him the "non-sense" concept cannot be a criterion to distinguish betwen the rational and the irrational. Instead, he proposes the concept of "error" as a basis to explain rationalism and progress (the sciences, as well as in the society). However, according to our analysis, it. Can be admitted that "error" has tought by k. Popper is only what l. Wittgenstein refers to as "no-sense", that is to say "fondamental error", which prenvents human thoughts to ameliorate. Our thesis is based on major distinction between the positivist design in the "theory of type" by b. Russell and the original acceptation of "no-sense" by l. Wittgenstein. We propose to reconsider the controversial enigm problem and replace it by the couple enigm essence. Thus, antagonistic relationship existing between k. Popper and l. Wittgenstein could be reclassed to a mere terminological difference, having but a single goal: the distinction of subjectivism be it "no-sense" as fondamental error. Despite the numerous quarrels caused by misleading interpretations, k. Popper and l. Wittgenstein share similar views towards the world s a whole
Schmezer, Gerhard. "Entre le non-sens et l'exhortation : le religieux dans la recherche de Ludwig Wittgenstein." Paris 8, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA082626.
Full textThis dissertation addresses the religious dimension of the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 1951). First of all, we demonstrate that this religious element in Wittgenstein’s thought cannot be understood in isolation from his life. Secondly, we show that their exists a close relationship between the traditional interpretations of his “religious point of view” and the history of the publication of his manuscripts. Thirdly, we sketch Wittgenstein’s religious biography, placing the various texts now available in their historical context, with the intention of reconstructing his “religious imagination”. We show how he addresses his own spiritual difficulties, dialogues with religious authors and often elucidates philosophical problems with religious examples. Finally, we examine the notion of “soul” as Wittgenstein’s describes it in his last philosophy as well as its role in post-Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion
Zhou, Alexandre. "Etude théorique et numérique de problèmes non linéaires au sens de McKean en finance." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PESC1128/document.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the theoretical and numerical study of two problems which are nonlinear in the sense of McKean in finance. In the first part, we study the calibration of a local and stochastic volatility model taking into account the prices of European vanilla options observed in the market. This problem can be rewritten as a stochastic differential equation (SDE) nonlinear in the sense of McKean, due to the presence in the diffusion coefficient of a conditional expectation of the stochastic volatility factor computed w.r.t. the solution to the SDE. We obtain existence in the particular case where the stochastic volatility factor is a jump process with a finite number of states. Moreover, we obtain weak convergence at order 1 for the Euler scheme discretizing in time the SDE nonlinear in the sense of McKean for general stochastic volatility factors. In the industry, Guyon and Henry Labordere proposed in [JGPHL] an efficient calibration procedure which consists in approximating the conditional expectation using a kernel estimator such as the Nadaraya-Watson one. We also introduce a numerical half-step scheme and study the the associated particle system that we compare with the algorithm presented in [JGPHL]. In the second part of the thesis, we tackle the pricing of derivatives with initial margin requirements, a recent problem that appeared along with new regulation since the 2008 financial crisis. This problem can be modelled by an anticipative backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) with dependence in the law of the solution in the driver. We show that the equation is well posed and propose an approximation of its solution by standard linear BSDEs when the liquidation duration in case of default is small. Finally, we show that the computation of the solutions to the standard BSDEs can be improved thanks to the multilevel Monte Carlo technique introduced by Giles in [G]
Uhl, Patrice. "La poésie du "non-sens" en France aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles diversité et solidarité des formes /." Online version, 1986. http://bibpurl.oclc.org/web/33702.
Full textUhl, Patrice. "La poesie du "non-sens" en france aux treizieme et quatorzieme siecles. Diversite et solidarite des formes." Paris 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA030120.
Full textThe poetry of the "fatrassiers" is the result of a converging set of influences within the stream of carnival productions. Within the micro and macrostrophic framework devised by beaumanoir, later imitated by the arras "group", the "fatrasie" mixes the most diverse influences: "adynata" of the goliards, poems of lies, "devinalh", burlesque mock-epics. . . . Yet such a blending is accompanied by an intensification of the characteristic effects of each technique, assuring the toppling over of the speech into nonsense. As for the "resverie", it adapts to the rules of a conversational "sprachspiel" jugglery techniques with metres and structures common to some burlesque soliloquies and dramatic performances. The analysis of texts (ars versificatoria, lexicons, syntax, themes) serves to make conspicuous the underlying links uniting typologically and functionally distinct genres, both from a synchronic and a diachronic viewpoint: interfering registers, transfers, formal "bridges". Upstream, the bestourne appears like a "junction work" : absolute and relative nonsense, "opposita", "menteries" intertwine in a chaotic way. Downstream, the "sotes chancons" of chaillou de pesstain, who invented the fatras, initiate the process of "rectification" which, from watriquet to the rhetoriqueurs, will result in the break-up of the nonsense register. A loosening of the formal constraints of polar genres, followed by their progressive giving-up -sometimes under the influence of neighbouring fields (parody, satire)- and the shift of their late offspring towards new varieties of speech characterize such a process. Finally, though there is in the middle ages an european tradition of the "world turned upside down", only in picardie, where all "objecti- ve" and "subjective" conditions were gathered, could an autonomous register of nonsense be born, develop and last
Uhl, Patrice. "La Poésie du "non-sens" en France aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles diversité et solidarité des formes /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37601659x.
Full textMusso, Daniela. "Structures textuelles et logique carnavalesque dans la poésie française du non-sens des XIIIè et XIVè siècles : fatrasie, fatras, resverie." Poitiers, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990POIT5004.
Full textAccording to an analysis of formal structures, we can find a "logic" of fatrasie and fatras based on its own prinicples; this being the principle of symmetry and the principle of generalisation; which is similar to the bi-logic of inconscious system studied by i. Matte blanco. However, we also find that the logic of fatrasie and fatras seems to be coherent with the carnivalesque logic of popular culture studied by m. Bachtin. In all likelihood, symmetrical thought should provide us with a model of mythological thought, and fatrasie and fatras seem to continue this mythological thought process right until its conclusion. Resverie, however, follows a different logic system to fatrasie and fatras, but one which is still related to the same culture and socioanthropological context
Hervois, Pauline. "Du non-sens de recenser les insensés : fabriquer le chiffre de l'infirmité, en France, au XIXe siècle." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01H089.
Full textThe enumeration of the infirm in France in the 19th century had several objectives: to map their geographical distribution, in order to better understand the causes of these disabilities and to provide suitable facilities (asylums, educational institutions), but also to track trends in view to potentially control and decrease the size of this group. This study addresses the quantification of disability through two data sources: the five-year censuses (1851-1876) and the reports of army recruitment (published from 1818 onwards).We study how these figures were constructed, from their initial implementation until they started being challenged. To do so, we also explore the place of the disabled in society, and the role of the State in their care. We deal with the interactions between scientists (gathered in learned societies or in conferences to share their research) and various governance bodies (mayors, prefects, ministries). The former studied this population for scientific reasons, while the latter for administrative purposes. Comparing these divergent interests highlights however a common anxiety: that they were observing a degeneration of the population. Because of the regularity of data outputs, time trends, which until then had not been available, could now be constructed. Statisticians and doctors could therefore use these new statistical figures to demonstrate the exaggeration of these fears
Rauch, Sophie. "Travail et non-travail : telle est la gestion ? : une étude du travail, du professionnalisme et de leurs (non)sens a la lumière des activités de non-travail au bureau." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023PA01E011.
Full textWe argue that non-work-related activities - which we conceptualize as (inter)actions expressing autotelism, not or not directly instrumental, functional - are important in everyday work, apprehended in the space-time of the office working day. We assess the limitations we see in the "classic" interpretations of these activities in research ('mainstream', 'critical', and 'occupational health/suffering'-oriented approaches), from which we develop our theoretical conceptualization, as well as a specific methodological design aimed at apprehending them. This qualitative, abductive and constructivist design combines diaries and a dialogical exploration (interviews or written exchanges). Our results lead us to apprehend them as dynamic processes structuring daily work life, before proposing two specific articulations: First, we study their links with professionalism, questioning the dominant reading of them as opposed to it; we suggest instead that these activities, in their behind-the-scenes qualities (Goffman, 1973), reveal the tension between prescribed, actual and desired professionalism. Lastly, we examine the possible relationships between these activities and the creation of (non)sense related to work. We propose to articulate the (non)meanings produced at two distinct scales: daily work ((non)meaning at work), and work in daily life ((non)meaning of work), while raising the possibility of a null meaning. We contribute to the operational theorization of these activities and work itself (by distinguishing them from out-of-work and antiwork), and in practice, to the re-interrogation of everyday work, its conditions and its meaning, at multiple levels
Guillet, Christophe. "Instabilité de systèmes hamiltoniens au sens de chirikov et bifurcation dans un problème d'évolution non linéaire issu de la physique." Besançon, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BESA2069.
Full textWe prove the existence of a minimal geometrico-dynamical condition to create hyperbolicity in section in the vicinity of a transversal homoclinic partially hyperbolic torus in a near integrable Hamiltonian system with three degrees of freedom. We deduce in this context a generalization of the Easton's theorem of symbolic dynamics. Then we give the optimal estimation of the Arnold diffusion time along a transition chain in the initially hyperbolic Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom with a surrounding chain of hyperbolic periodic orbits. In a second part, we describe geometrically a mechanism of diffusion studied by Chirikov in a near integrable Hamiltonian system with three degrees of freedom and depending of two parameters, involving a layer of nearby parallel resonant planes and a resonant plane crossing this layer in a same given energy manifold. Thus, we prove that under some threshold about the dominating parameter, we can construct a transition orbit drifting through this modulational layer. One of the sketches proposed, the mechanism of modulational diffusion, based on the existence of heteroclinic connections between partially hyperbolic tori of two nearby resonant planes of the layer, is valid when an overlapping condition is satisfied. We finally study the bi-dimensional model describing a laminar flow with mixed convection between two parallel plane plates and inside a vertical tube. With reduced boundary conditions, we prove via the central manifold theorem that the system has a primary pitchfork bifurcation for a critical value of the Rayleigh number
Bencheikh, Oumaima. "Analyse de l'erreur faible de discrétisation en temps et en particules d'équations différentielles stochastiques non linéaires au sens de McKean." Thesis, Paris Est, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PESC1030.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the theoretical and numerical study of the weak error for time and particle discretizations of some Stochastic Differential Equations non linear in the sense of McKean. In the first part, we address the weak error analysis for the time discretization of standard SDEs. More specifically, we study the convergence in total variation of the Euler-Maruyama scheme applied to d-dimensional SDEs with additive noise and a measurable drift coefficient. We prove weak convergence with order 1/2 when assuming boundedness on the drift coefficient. By adding more regularity to the drift, namely the drift has a spatial divergence in the sense of distributions with [rho]-th power integrable with respect to the Lebesgue measure in space uniformly in time for some [rho] superior or egal to d, the order of convergence at the terminal time improves to 1 up to some logarithmic factor. In dimension d=1, this result is preserved when the spatial derivative of the drift is a measure in space with total mass bounded uniformly in time. In the second part of the thesis, we analyze the weak error for both time and particle discretizations of two classes of nonlinear SDEs in the sense of McKean. The first class consists in multi-dimensional SDEs with regular drift and diffusion coefficients in which the dependence in law intervenes through moments. The second class consists in one-dimensional SDEs with a constant diffusion coefficient and a singular drift coefficient where the dependence in law intervenes through the cumulative distribution function. We approximate the SDEs by the Euler-Maruyama schemes of the associated particle systems and obtain for both classes a weak order of convergence equal to 1 in time and particles. We also prove, for the second class, a trajectorial propagation of chaos result with optimal order 1/2 in particles as well as a strong order of convergence equal to 1 in time and 1/2 in particles. All our theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments
Moll, François. "Bergson et la parole : la qustion de l'inexprimable." Aix-Marseille 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX10033.
Full textArazam, Yannis. "Les lois logiques sont-elles révisables ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAC027.
Full textThe problem of revising logic permeated the thinking of the major authors of the analytic tradition in the 20th century. From Wittgenstein to Dummett and through Quine, Putnam or Kripke, authors have tackled afresh a problem that has taken various forms throughout the history of philosophy. Developments in mathematical logic following the fregean revolution, or even the formalization of quantum mechanics, have both renewed and sharpened the problem. Is there any sense in questioning logical laws classically acknowledged since Aristotle? More simply put, is it intelligible to change our logic ? Are the intuitionnistic refusal of the law of excluded-middle and, more generally, the emergence of "alternative logics" constitutive of a turning point in the history of logic ? The difficulty faced stems from the constitutive nature of logic for thought : if logical laws are the norms of intelligibility, how can they be challenged without undermining the very possibility of meaning ? This work traces this difficulty back to the classical analytical corpus, and gets new perspectives out of it by means of the concept of paradigm, alongside logical developments in the second-half of the 20th century
Clavel, Christophe. "La cresme philosophale des questions enciclopédiques de Pantagruel : un opuscule chimérique dans la bataille des arts : entre non-sens et signification." Paris 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA040149.
Full textThe Philosophical Cream is a curious opuscule added to the end of the editions published after its author's death: what does it tell us about the tradition of The Works of Rabelais ? And how should we read it ? These are the two questions that are discussed in this thesis. In the first part, we have retraced its critical reception (17th-20th c. ), then its editorial tradition in the editions of the 16th century. After which, the issue of its attribution gives place to three hypotheses : the complete authenticity, the partial attribution (translated opuscule) and, finally, the unauthenticity. In the second part, after describing the stakes involved and the different types of quaestio - the genre to which this opuscule pertains, belonging to the history of scholasticism -, the tradition of criticisms is discussed, this being the object in the frame of the battle of arts, since then a frontal debate in the Reformation times. Then, as an anticlimax, several opuscules of parodic nature are discussed, as belonging to the festive production of clergymen, always in relation with the quaestio. Finally, the internal study as well as the comparison between these data and the previously examined texts enable us to state that the work is an opuscule, at the borderline of several discourse spheres, lying on a strategy of mimetic satire. Several procedures are consistent with the Rabelaisian use of figures. But this opuscule in particular confirms the necessity to confront the history of literature with the history of University. The study is complemented by the first critical edition of this opuscule, followed by wide appendixes containing several other opuscules, remained unpublished in French
Guillet, Christophe. "INSTABILITE DE SYSTEMES HAMILTONIENS AU SENS DE CHIRIKOV ET BIFURCATION DANS UN PROBLEME D' EVOLUTION NON LINEAIRE ISSU DE LA PHYSIQUE." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011975.
Full textNous décrivons ensuite géométriquement à partir d'un système Hamiltonien presque intégrable à trois degrés de liberté à deux paramètres dû à Chirikov, un mécanisme de diffusion mettant en jeu un réseau de plans résonnants parallèles et voisins et un plan résonnant transversal au réseau. Ainsi, nous montrons qu'en dessous d'un certain seuil atteint par le paramètre prépondérant, on peut construire une orbite de transition dérivant en action à travers ce réseau modulationnel. Un des scénarii envisagés, le mécanisme de diffusion modulationnelle, basé sur l'existence de connexions hétéroclines entre tores partiellement hyperboliques issus de deux plans résonnants distincts est valide lorsqu'une condition de chevauchement est vérifiée.
Nous étudions enfin le modèle bidimensionnel décrivant un écoulement laminaire avec convection mixte entre deux plaques planes puis dans un tube vertical. Avec des conditions aux bords réduites, nous montrons via le théorème de la variété centrale qu'il existe dans le premier cas une bifurcation de pitchfork pour une valeur critique du nombre de Rayleigh.
Apidianaki, Marianna. "Acquisition automatique de sens pour la désambiguïsation et la sélection lexicale en traduction." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00322285.
Full textNous proposons une méthode d'acquisition de sens permettant d'établir des correspondances sémantiques de granularité variable entre les mots de deux langues en relation de traduction. L'induction de sens est effectuée par une combinaison d'informations distributionnelles et traductionnelles extraites d'un corpus bilingue parallèle. La méthode proposée étant à la fois non supervisée et entièrement fondée sur des données, elle est, par conséquent, indépendante de la langue et permet l'élaboration d'inventaires sémantiques relatifs aux domaines représentés dans les corpus traités.
Les résultats de cette méthode sont exploités par une méthode de désambiguïsation lexicale, qui attribue un sens à de nouvelles instances de mots ambigus en contexte, et par une méthode de sélection lexicale, qui propose leur traduction la plus adéquate. On propose finalement une évaluation pondérée des résultats de désambiguïsation et de sélection lexicale, en nous fondant sur l'inventaire construit par la méthode d'acquisition de sens.
Massot, Emilie. "La construction d'une communauté de sens sur l'Alto Momón. Genèse et (re) production du système social égalitariste de communautés rurales non-indiennes en Amazonie péruvienne (fleuve Momón, Loreto, Pérou)." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030026.
Full textThis research, based on three ethnographic fieldtrips, analyses the social system of rural non-Indian communities in Peruvian Amazonia. During the 1920s, a few families decided to settle down on the higher part of the Momón river (Alto Momón), a sub-affluent of the Amazone, close to Iquitos, after the collapse of the rubber industry. Those “pioneers” occupied depopulated Alto Momón, without preliminary consultation, and took the opportunity to create a specific life style, which combines subsistence farming, urban economic exchanges and seasonal work for wood extraction. With this specific configuration (being close to the Iquitos market but relatively autonomous from the structural constraints of capitalism) the dwellers of Alto Momón created an alternative social system, which they managed to reproduce in the long run. This system departs both from the urban world and from the neighboring autochthonous Amerindian communities. At first, those new dwellers were only neighbors, but one century later, they are organized as acephalous and egalitarian communities, with an original communitarian use of communication (in the Spanish language). This dissertation presents the historical genesis of those communities, and then describes and analyses their institutions and material practices
Floquet, Célia. "Translecture, antibiotiques et stratégie thérapeutique." Paris 11, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA112204.
Full textTen percent of human diseases are linked to the occurrence of a nonsense mutation that leads to premature translation termination and triggers the synthesis of a truncated protein. For the past ten years, therapeutic strategies have emerged in the attempt to use molecules that facilitate tRNA incorporation opposite to this premature stop codon (= readthrough), thus allowing for the synthesis of a full length protein. Molecules currently used for this approach are mostly aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, amikacin) that bind the decoding center of the ribosome. Readthrough level is depending on the nucleotide context in the vicinity of the stop codon, such that only few nonsense mutations are sensitive to aminoglycoside treatment. To better understand the influence of the stop codon sequence context on readthrough level and response to treatment, I studied 66 nonsense mutations for their basal and gentamicin induced readthrough levels. This analysis revealed that the nucleotide upstream to the stop codon is a major determinant in gentamicin response. I also investigated the possibility to rescue two tumor suppressor genes, p53 and APC, altered by a nonsense mutation and frequently mutated in human cancers. By selecting nonsense mutations sensitive to treatment, I demonstrated that p53 and APC proteins could recover biological activities. For p53, I also determined that the full length protein, re-expressed after treatment, was able to induce apoptosis in a human cancer ceIl line. This work provides the proof of principle that the use of readthrough promoting molecules as a therapeutic approach couId be applied to re-express nonsense mutated tumor suppressor genes
Zerrougui, Mohamed. "Observation et commande des systèmes singuliers non linéaires." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00705339.
Full textZerrougui, Mohamed. "Observation et commande des systèmes singuliers non linéaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nancy 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NAN10143.
Full textThis thesis work is realized in the Research Center in Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN). It concerns the observation and control of nonlinear singular systems. Firstly, we were interested in the observer design and H infinity filtering for singular bilinear systems. In a second step, we studied the observers design for Lipschitz nonlinear singular systems. The last part of this work relates to the stabilization and observer based controller for a classe of singular nonlinear systems. The objective is to develop a simple and straightforward results which covers a large class of nonlinear systems. The main contribution of this thesis is in the H infinity observers design for nonlinear singular systems. It is based on the parametrization of the solution of the constrained generalized Sylvester equation. The second contribution relates to the design of stabilizing control and using the proposed observer to design an obsever based controller for nonlinear singular systems. Solutions of these problems are obtained by using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) Formulation
Turki, Karima. "Nouvelles approches pour la synthèse de lois de commande non linéaires robustes. Application à un actionneur électropneumatique et proposition d'une solution au problème de redécollage." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00564361.
Full textTurki, Karima. "Nouvelles approches pour la synthèse de lois de commande non linéaires robustes : application à un actionneur électropneumatique et proposition d'une solution au problème du redécoolage." Phd thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2010. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2010ISAL0059/these.pdf.
Full textPart of the work presented in this thesis is inspired by the mathematical model written as "semi strict feedback" form of the electro-pneumatic cylinder within Ampere Laboratory’s in the « Fluid Power Center». Indeed, this model has led to a deepening of research on the synthesis of robust nonlinear control laws of systems written as "strict feedback" form in general. Thus, two approaches are developed to direct the development of control laws in continuous mono and multidimensional trajectory tracking. The global exponential stability of equilibrium point is proved for the nominal system. The proof of Input-State Stability is also proposed in the case of parametric variations or poorly modeled dynamics. In addition, a solution to the problem of trajectory tracking for a class of nonlinear systems mono-dimensional as "strict feedback" with a minimum or non-minimum internal dynamic phase is set. After a review of used simulation and control models, the implementation of the proposed approaches electro-pneumatic actuator is then described. The experimental results are convincing and have filled the benchmark of the overall work of the group “Automation, Control and Mechatronics” laboratory by extending the comparative table initialized in 1999 control laws applied to this type of actuator. Finally, a solution is proposed to solve the problem of the “Stick-Slip”. This phenomenon, encountered by the group for many years concerning all linear and nonlinear, mono and multidimensional control laws studied in the laboratory. It results in a jerky movement of the actuator when the position trajectories include static phases. It follows from the existence of dry friction and the fact that the system achieves at these plans only a mechanical equilibrium, meanwhile pressures in the rooms continue to evolve. To overcome this drawback, the last part of this thesis proposes to switch the control law on two regulation pressures when the system reaches the partial equilibrium. This technique is finally implemented and its effectiveness is proven
Cherrier, Estelle. "Estimation de l'état et des entrées inconnues pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00118483.
Full textL'émetteur retenu est un système non linéaire chaotique dont la dynamique comporte un retard, ce qui lui confère un comportement particulièrement complexe. La conception du récepteur repose sur la synthèse d'un observateur non linéaire, dont la stabilité et la convergence garantissent la synchronisation avec l'émetteur. L'insertion du message est réalisée par modulation de la phase d'un signal porteur chaotique. Le décryptage de l'information s'apparente à une restauration d'entrée inconnue au niveau du récepteur.
Une étude de la sécurité du processus de cryptage/décryptage a été menée, reposant sur des techniques standard de cryptanalyse. Des multimodèles chaotiques ont été proposés pour renforcer la sécurité du processus de synchronisation.
Cherrier, Estelle. "Estimation de l'état et des entrées inconnues pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006INPL062N.
Full textIn a general way, this thesis deals with state and unknown input estimation for a class of nonlinear systems. In a more particular way, the problem is addressed from a secure communication system design point of view, based on chaotic systems properties and synchronization ability. Our work deals with three main points: selection of the transmitter, design of the receiver, and development of the information (or message) transmission process. The chosen transmitter is a time-delay nonlinear chaotic system: the main reason is that a very complex behavior is brought about by the delayed state feedback. The receiver design relies on a nonlinear observer synthesis, whose stability and convergence ensure synchronization with the transmitter. The message insertion is realized through a chaotic carrier phase modulation. The decryption process is similar to an unknown input recovery, at the receiver side. The security of the proposed encryption/decryption process is studied using standard cryptanalysis techniques. Chaotic multimodels are defined to tighten up the synchronization process security
Barbier, Jérôme. "Rôle de la protéine EWS dans les effets de p53 sur la transcription et l'épissage." Paris 7, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA077173.
Full textCells undergo different stress especially genotoxic stress which can lead to DNA mutations. Cells detect and respond to those stress thanks to activation of effectors. One of essential effector is the p5 protein. This transcription factor mediates expression of genes involved in various fonctions composing cellular response, in particular during genotoxic stress. In addition, the use of genotoxic stress inducers appears interesting in chemiotherapy because those inducers can induce apoptosis of tumoral cells. However, this use provocates side effects and résistance. The study of cellular response to genotoxic stress is thus an important issue in cancerology. The objective of my thesis was to study molecular mecanisms concerned during modulation of genes expression with genotoxic stress and/or during activation of p53 protein. First of all, I studied the regulation of target gene expression of p53 in response to genotoxic stress, camptothecin (CPT), focusing on H-ras gene which is one of most overexpressed or mutated prot-oncogenes in cancers. This gene generates two transcripts containing or not exon 5. 1 showed that transcript with exon 5 carrying a premature STOP codon is degraded by Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) and that its production is stimulated by CPT in a p53-dépendant way. My works indicate that a genotoxic stress lead to synthesis of H-ras transcript not translated, degraded by NMD and p53 modifies at the same time transcriptionnal activity of H-ras gene but also the splicing of its products
Durand, Sébastien. "Développement de molécules chimiques capables d’inhiber l’épissage et le Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD)." Montpellier 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON20072.
Full textRNA splicing involves the processing of pre-messenger RNA molecules by the excision of introns and the precise joining of exons to form the mature messenger RNA that is exported from the nucleus for translation. Exon usage is often alternative, i. E. The cell decides whether to remove a part of the pre-mRNA as an intron or include this part in the mature mRNA as an alternative exon. Alternative splicing is therefore, a genetically economical process that enables a single gene to increase its coding capacity, allowing the synthesis of several structurally and functionally distinct protein isoforms. To avoid accumulation of aberrantly spliced mRNAs, several quality control processes determine the fate of mRNA in the cell. Among these processes, Nonsense-Mediated mRNA decay (NMD), is able to degrade mRNA containing premature termination codons (PTCs), preventing accumulation of truncated with deleterious effects for the cell. As central mechanisms controlling gene expression any disturbance of either splicing or NMD can lead to genetic diseases. Indeed, the numbers of diseases shown to be caused by a defect in pre-mRNA splicing or NMD is rapidly growing. For example, in ataxia telengectasia or type I neurofibromatosis, 54% of disease-inducing mutations affect mRNA splicing. Moreover, one third of acquired and inherited pathologies are due to nonsense creation that elicits NMD. Consequently, mRNA splicing and NMD represent a potential targets for new therapeutic strategies. During this thesis, we have screened a small chemical library to find splicing and NMD inhibitors. We have identified some molecules that modulate mRNA splicing efficiency by affecting SR proteins activity. We have also isolated the first specific inhibitor of NMD that blocks hUpf1 functions. These compounds allowed us to decipher splicing and NMD mechanisms and to propose a new model to describe the NMD-subjected mRNP transit trough the processing-Bodies. The next challenge will be to demonstrate the functional utility of these molecules in preclinical models of human disease
Loret, Camille. "Maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth : création de modèles cellulaires neuronaux via les technologies hiPSCs et CRISPR-Cas9 et test de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Limoges, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LIMO0067.
Full textCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common hereditary peripheral neuropathy in humans. It affects motor neurons (MNs) and Schwann cells (SCs). Most of the genes involved, such as SH3TC2 and GDAP1, can be affected by nonsense mutations. As of 2021, few human cellular models existed, and no curative treatment was available for patients. This thesis primarily focuses on SH3TC2, responsible for the most common autosomal recessive demyelinating form of CMT, known as CMT4C or AR-CMTde-SH3TC2, and on GDAP1, notably responsible for an axonal form, AR-CMTax-GDAP1. In the first part of this work, we analyzed a cohort of 103 patients with SH3TC2 mutations and demonstrated that more than 80% of the patients carried at least one allele with a nonsense mutation, associated with increased clinical severity. We also identified 22 new pathogenic mutations in this gene. The second part of my work involved creating the first human neuronal cell models for SH3TC2. Using induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) derived from a control individual, we employed CRISPR-Cas9 technology to generate, with over 90% efficiency, two in vitro human models containing nonsense mutations inducing a premature stop codon (PTC): a homozygous p.(Arg954*) model (UGA-type PTC) and a homozygous p.(Gln71*) model (UAG-type PTC). These controls and mutated hiPSCs were then differentiated into Schwann cells (SCs). We observed early SH3TC2 expression in control SCs. In AR-CMTde-SH3TC2 SC models, reduced SH3TC2 expression, delayed maturation, impaired ability to support MNs in co-culture, and abnormalities in transferrin receptor recycling were noted. Finally, we tested several therapeutic molecules targeting nonsense mutations, including readthrough agents and inhibitors of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMDi). In a model of neuronal progenitors derived from hiPSCs carrying the homozygous nonsense mutation p.(Ser194*) (UGA) on GDAP1, we tested one of these molecules and demonstrated that it stabilizes the mutated GDAP1 mRNA, restores its protein expression, and corrects mitochondrial morphology. In the SC models created in this thesis for SH3TC2, our early results suggest a positive effect of two of these molecules on protein re-expression for both UGA and UAG codons. In the fourth part of this work, we developed a 3D co-culture model of SCs/MNs that enables myelination, the ultimate step to studying demyelinating diseases such as AR-CMTde-SH3TC2. The identified therapeutic molecules can be tested on these co-culture cellular models and potentially in vivo to evaluate their capacity to induce remyelination. This thesis highlights the importance of appropriate cellular models to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of CMT and opens promising perspectives for new therapeutic approaches
Sargsyan-Sablong, Anna. "D'une confrontation traumatisante à une rencontre libératrice : éducation non formelle et conditions d'une réciprocité relationnelle sourds-entendants." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAG028/document.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to focus on interpersonal relationships between deaf and hearing people who share multiple borders - spatial, social and intersubjective. The communicative incompatibility leads to relational and interactional barriers, generating an unbalanced relationship between the dominant hearing society and deaf minority. From one side, a deaf person constantly faces a social space where they’re not able to express themselves authentically, which hinders their identity affirmation and affects their social image. From the other side the hearing person encounters communicational obstacles that make their emotional experience difficult.Questioning the abovementioned eternal communicative failure process, the objective of this research study is to think about a possible deaf and hearing rapprochement beyond of sharing of language skills through the transformation of social spaces into learning ones. The current study was conducted in the context of non-formal education, by establishing a multicultural meeting of among, young deaf and hearing people from 18 to 30 years in France, Armenia, Germany and Belarus in 2011. Developing appropriate pedagogical tools, participants have been invited to create their own forms of communication, trying to overcome language barriers, but also the representational and personal ones, in order to overcome relational distances. This study particularly focused on the hearing participant’s personal experience. The analyses lead the researcher to model the observed hearing participant’s experiences of the learning space, in a possible evolution of sense, projected along spatial and temporal tri-dimension – Eros (sensory -emotional) , Logos (socio- cognitive) and Muthos (openness to new self-questioning capacities)
Lima-Neto, Fernando Cardoso. "Le sens des ONG au Brésil : justice sociale, philanthropie et écologie." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0032.
Full textThe object of this thesis is the notion of Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in Brazil. The main objective is to identify the social values that gives meaning to this notion by analyzing its variations of meaning throughout history. In the first part of the thesis, l propose a macro sociological approach in order to deal with the formation of the NGO field in Brazil. The connexions betweenchurch, state and society on the promotion of social welfare in Brazil promoted the three major social values that provide meaning to the NGOs' experience : social justice, philanthropy and ecology. In the second part, l propose a micro sociological approach ir order to interpret these values in the light of four individual trajectories. Each trajectory represents a different point of intersection between the various macro historical processes that consolidated the NGO field, as discussedin Part 1. The research results indicate the social value' of social justice, philanthropy and ecology as the main cultural codes that give meaning to the phenomenon of NGOs in Brazil. The first two have a common historical origin, since the organizations of lay catholics were always present in the context of promoting social welfare in Brazil. In turn, the consecration of the value of ecology concerns a different context, dating mainly from the decades of 1990 and 2000
Stillpass, Zoe. "Vers le non-humain : quelques sujets émergents de l'art récent (1987-2018)." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH109.
Full textIn recent years, the authority of human exceptionalism has increasingly come into question by a number of contemporary artists. Their non-anthropocentric works acknowledge the fundamental role that non-human actors play in artistic production. For them, the non-human includes both biological and non-biological, corporeal and incorporeal entities. This dissertation examines several artistic practices that, in various ways since the 1990s, draw attention to non-human agency. To this end, I analyze these works in the context of corresponding cross-disciplinary theories which developed concurrently with these practices. In addition, I contrast them with influential theoretical approaches that reduce art to social constructions. This dissertation is divided into three parts, each matching the three boundaries that Donna Haraway identified as dissolving at the end of the 20th century: the boundary between humans and animals, between organisms and machines, and between the material and the immaterial. With the dissolution of these boundaries and the granting of agency to non-human entities, the art world begins to encompass more complex and multifarious assemblages. Accordingly, this paper attempts to show the novel forms and meaning that emerge as artists adopt a non-anthropocentric point of view
Xia, Bo. "Equations aux dérivées partielles et aléas." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS171/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we consider a wave equation. We first showed that the equation is almost sure global well-posed via Bourgain’s high-low frequency decomposition under the regularity assumption s > 2(p−3)/(p−1). Then we lowered down this regularity requirement to be (p−3)/(p−1) by invoking a probabilistic a priori estimate. We also consider approximation of the above achieved solutions by smooth solutions and the stability of this approximating procedure. And we concluded that this equation is everywhere ill-posed in the super-critical regime. Next, we considered the quintic beam equation on 3D torus. And we showed that this equation is almost sure global well-posed in certain super-critical regime. Lastly, we proved that the image measure of the Gaussian measure under the generalized BBM flow map satisfies a log-Sobolev type inequality with a little bit loss of integrability
Ledoux, Audrey. "Vers des traitements morphologiques couleur et spectraux valides au sens perceptuel et physique : Méthodes et critères de sélection." Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00965767.
Full textMadeiro, da Silva Gustavo. "Changements de sens et la construction du rapport entre ONG et développement : le cas d'une ONG française et ses partenaires au Brésil." Paris, CNAM, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CNAM0622.
Full textDans les dernières décennies, les ONG ont pris une place centrale dans la gouvernance mondiale, notamment dans les projets de développement. Elles sont en effet liées aux principaux centres de décision mondiale, soit en tant que consultantes, soit en tant qu’institutions exécutrices des projets sur le terrain. Même si les plus connues sont les plus anciennes et les plus structurées, de petites associations prolifèrent partout dans le monde et dans tous les domaines. Conjointement à ce foisonnement associatif, se développent de nombreuses théories contemporaines mettant l’accent sur les liens de confiance et sur l’engagement civique en tant que déclencheurs du développement économique, et sur les bienfaits des associations en tant qu’espaces créateurs/reproducteurs de ces caractéristiques. Ce travail de recherche repose sur la conviction que cette place centrale prise par les ONG dans le développement est étroitement liée à l’évolution des propres théories sur le développement. Notre objectif a donc été d’analyser les changements qui ont marqué ces théories puis leur influence sur le rôle joué par les associations dans le développement. Notre analyse des discours de plusieurs associations françaises et de leurs partenaires au Brésil met en évidence une tendance à amplifier le développement (d’un point de vue économique, social et personnel). Elle révèle que les principales défaillances de l’action de ces organisations sont la prédominance d’une vision culturaliste du développement (associant plus ou moins directement les conditions de vie aux caractéristiques culturelles), les ambitions de développement personnel, et le vide organisationnel existant dans les communautés concernées
Diop, Omar. "L'interaction de la prosodie et de la gestuelle dans la construction du sens : cas des contes Wolof." Caen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CAEN1708.
Full textThe verbal utterance is not the only component of oral discourse; there are also sounds, intonations, gestures and melodies of songs. In this paper we try to get into terms that present no difficulties as far as syntax is concerned but that may be difficult to grasp if the translator does not have the cognitive, thematic and non linguistic knowledge that are necessary for decoding the message. The problems we meet when translating texts from oral tradition are twofold: the first concerned the understanding of lexical components and the second one is about the comprehension of non verbal signs. We judged necessary and even unavoidable to combine these two elements of the oral discourse to give the full message with all its emotional aspects
Rault, Wilfried. "Donner sens au Pacs : analyse sociologique du Pacte civil de solidarité par son enregistrement." Paris 5, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA05H049.
Full textThe French civil solidarity pact (Pacs) is a contract binding two adult in order to organise their common life. Partners commit to mutual and material help. The Pacs also provides social and fiscal rights. Compared to most European legislations on same-sex partnershps, it dispalays some specificities, such as for instance the fact that it applies to both same-sex and different-sex couples. On the one hand the Pacs is supposed to recognize same-sex couples, on the other, it providesan alternative fordifferent sex couples who are not willing to chose marraiage. Thus, the Pacte civil de solidarité has potentially several meanings. This dissertation is based on the partners symbolic expectations toward the Pacte civil de solidarité. It focuses on the way contractants regard their own Pacs and experience the mode of registration on a personal level
Canabate, Alice. "Les visions du monde des dirigeants associatifs de protection de la nature : entre quêtes de sens et rationalité d'actions." Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05H067.
Full textForty years ago, during the 1960-1970's euphoria of the economical growth, associative gathering around the question of the future of the planet was born. The shared consciousness and denunciation of the lack of sustainability in the way nature is administered, reveals Economy as the origin and the central concern of ecological contestation. Nevertheless some of the organizations born in this context of ecological mobilization are today consulted and thus, in a way, engaged with the institutional and political apparatuses that make up public environmental policy. As a consequence, this new form of political associations enables certain directors - however they are lightly representative of the array of organizations - to emerge on the public space on these questions. However their position is ambiguous. First of all, because there is an epistemic contradiction between ecological and economical rationality and secondly because the imperatives and the visions of future of the political power, and 'more over the economical one, cannot be structurally, historically, and ideologically the same as theirs. The world views of these directors is relevant to understanding the contradictions of their positions in social and ontological terms, as well as to underlining the heteronomy they confront as they stand between the quests of meaning that their initial dissenting position yields, and the rationality of actions they are bound to conform to
Rigaud, Alexandre. "Analyse des notions de stabilité pour les modèles 2D de Roesser et de Fornasini-Marchesini." Thesis, Poitiers, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022POIT2307.
Full textThis thesis presents the results of research work on different notions of stability used in the literature of multidimensional dynamical systems. More precisely, within the framework of the 2D Roesser and Fornasini-Marchesini models, we analyze the notions of stability in the sense of Lyapunov, asymptotic stability, exponential stability(ies) and structural stability, as well as the relations between these different properties. The first chapter of this thesis carries out a certain number of reminders concerning the definitions of stability and the links which exist between them, with the aim of establishing a solid framework in order to extend these notions from the 1D case to the 2D case. Once these reminders have been established, we present the 2D models that we are studying. The second chapter lists the stability definitions used for the 2D Roesser and Fornasini-Marchesini models and establishes the links between these different definitions. In the third chapter, we propose a necessary and sufficient condition of asymptotic stability for a certain class of linear discrete 2D Fornasini-Marchesini models. The fourth and last chapter proposes a detailed study of a non-linear 1D model which has the rare characteristic of being both attractive and unstable, and we generalize this particular model to the 2D case in order to establish which properties are conserved. or not when passing from the 1D case to the 2D case
Renaux, Alexandre. "Contribution à l'analyse des performances d'estimation en traitement statistique du signal." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00129527.
Full textLa difficulté majeure provient du fait que l'EQM de l'estimateur d'un paramètre à support borné se divise en trois régions : la plage asymptotique, souvent caractérisée par un grand nombre d'observations ou un faible niveau de bruit, où l'erreur d'estimation est faible, la plage de décrochement où l'EQM se dégrade rapidement et la zone a priori où les observations se réduisent principalement à la seule contribution du bruit et donc, n'apportent pratiquement plus d'informations sur les paramètres à estimer. Beaucoup de résultats sont disponibles pour la zone asymptotique : distribution des estimées, biais, variance. En revanche, le comportement des estimateur dans les zones de décrochement et a priori a été beaucoup moins étudié. Pourtant ces zones non-asymptotiques constituent au même titre que le biais ou la variance une caractéristique fondamentale d'un estimateur puisque qu'elle délimite la plage acceptable de fonctionnement optimal.
Le but de cette thèse est, dans un premier temps, de compléter la caractérisation de la zone asymptotique (en particulier lorsque le rapport signal sur bruit est élevé et pour un nombre d'observations fini) pour les estimateurs au sens du maximum de vraisemblance dans un contexte traitement d'antenne. Dans un second temps, le but est de donner les limites fondamentales de l'EQM d'un estimateur sur ses trois plages de fonctionnement. Les outils utilisés ici sont les bornes minimales de l'EQM autres que les bornes de Cramér-Rao dont la validité n'est qu'asymptotique.
Les résultats obtenus sont appliqués à l'analyse spectrale et à l'estimation de porteuse dans le contexte des communications numériques et fournissent de surcroît des outils intéressants pour prédire la zone de décrochement d'un récepteur.
Yilmaz, Deniz Ayca. "Émergence du « sujet col blanc » dans la société turque : expériences vécues, raisons d'agir et visions du monde." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCB066.
Full textThis thesis focuses on "white-collars", a new phenomenon, emerging in Turkey in the 2000s: a small group of salaried, non-salaried and unemployed workers who call themselves "white-collars" and who initiated a social mobilization through the various platforms called Plaza Action Platform, Run Away and Come to Us, Workers on White Collar. By mobilizing the theoretical and methodological tools of Critical Theory and Phenomenology, and by comparing the Turkish "white-collars" with Charles Wright Mills' analysis of American white-collars, the thesis analyzes their visions of the world, their reasons to act and the finalities of their mobilizations.The objectives of "white-collars" in Turkey are to initiate a debate about their experiences at work as well as to problematize the socio-political issues of the society for the past decade. To understand "white-collars", we first focused on their experiences at work: experiences of seriality, the opposite of their initial expectations of finding at work opportunities to develop their freedom of expression and their individual autonomy. Based on these experiences, "white-collars" try to (re)construct themselves as subjects through their public mobilizations. It is a process of subjectivation and a quest for meaning. The "white-collars", especially through their education, have the necessary intellectual and professional skills not only to analyze themselves but also to analyze the social situation in Turkey. They also develop a real willingness to overcome this situation by constructing an alternative individual life to their current situation as well as in their search for another form of living together
FARSSI, ZIANE. "Attracteurs etranges dans les signaux electroencephalographiques humains." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988STR13181.
Full textDuboeuf, Patrick. "Diversité et confrontation intergénérationnelle dans la construction du sens : comprendre la Perception et le management de la reconnaissance au sein les laboratoires de recherche." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON30009/document.
Full textIn the light of the current evolutions of the device of treatment of retirement pensions, to face the ageing of the employees, the action of seniors within organizations becomes a stake in major management. This search aims at the understanding of the specificities of the relation age-activity professional within the framework of the necessary reinstatement / conservation of quinquas with a prospect of organizational efficiency, emptied of any orientation of instrumentalisation of the troops seniors. The consideration of the property to live professional actors, with objectives of organizational results, can be a frame of reflection in sciences of management.The positive representations are a key of a better collective performance of groups of heterogeneous actors in age. This heterogeneousness is the frame of sets of comparison limiting thecommitment of seniors. The understanding of the mechanisms of gratitude of the actors, as value and manager action, is put as a focal point, a source of knowledge. More exactly, this approach tries to answer the question: how the management of the gratitude adapted to seniors will allow them " to play a role " within organizations by their contributory action the collective performance? To bring elements of answer, we analyze the constituent schemas of the representations of referee of more than 50 years old according to the model cognitiviste proposed by Cossette (2004). From the update of the individual schemas linkin grateful entities, seats of gratitude and commitment, we elaborated and analyzed fifteen cognitive maps of researchers and engineers of search, to pull elements of understanding and explanation, by means of thesoftware Decision investigate.The results bring to light at first the types of gratitude received or waited in terms of means and objective. Two units of time of analysis are then proposed. They allow to distinguish and to move closer to the gratitudes of utility and membership within the framework of interactions connected to the situation, of the gratitude of connected to the personal capacities in echos with the age-related specificities. The crossing, between frame of the units of time, the entities and the seats of gratitude, constitutes)a compass for the possible acts of management of gratitude directed seniors
Gaudy, Camille. "Espoirs et désillusions des auditeurs financiers dans le champ de la RSE : une ethnographie en cabinet non-Big." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOU10052.
Full textWhile audit firms have traditionally been active in the control of accounting data, they are increasingly offering their services in other spheres, even though these are far from financial concerns. This is the case of the CSR Assurance market, which has been dominated by the accounting industry (and in particular the Big Four) for twenty years. Despite the efforts made by these professionals to institutionalize the CSR Assurance practice and legitimize their place, some researchers do not hesitate to question some of the "sacred cows" of auditing (Andon et al., 2015). Thus, this thesis seeks to gain a more detailed understanding of how financial auditors experience their legitimacy in this new field, even more when excluded from the Big Four elite. As a former financial auditor, I spent nine months working for two non-Big audit firms offering CSR auditing services in France between 2018 and 2019. Surprisingly, the data analysis highlights auditors with a strong need for their legitimacy recognition (Honneth, 2006) despite French political support, resulting at the individual level in a deep search for meaningfulness. Thus, it nuances the auditors' utilitarian image, still predominant in the academic literature. This doctoral work questions the desirability of the current audit system, driven by liberalism and transposed to CSR, generating strong disillusionment among professionals sensitive to CSR, likely to push them to disengage. The conversion of the audit function into an advisory function finally appears to be an effective means for these professionals to struggle for their recognition, and to compete with the Big Four
Bel, Haj Frej Ghazi. "Estimation et commande décentralisée pour les systèmes de grandes dimensions : application aux réseaux électriques." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0139/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the decentralized estimation and control for large scale systems. The objective is to develop software sensors that can produce a reliable estimate of the variables necessary for the interconnected nonlinear systems stability analysis. A decomposition of a such large system into a set of n interconnected subsystems is paramount for model simplification. Then, taking into account the nature of the subsystem as well as the interconnected functions, observer-based decentralized control laws have been synthesized. Each control law is associated with a subsystem which allows it to be locally stable, thus the stability of the overall system is ensured. The existence of an observer and a controller gain matrix stabilizing the system depends on the feasibility of an LMI optimization problem. The LMI formulation, based on Lyapunov approach, is elaborated by applying the DMVT technique on the nonlinear interconnection function, assumed to be bounded and uncertain. Thus, non-restrictive synthesis conditions are obtained. Observer-based decentralized control schemes have been proposed for nonlinear interconnected systems in the continuous and discrete time. Robust Hinfini decentralized controllers are provided for interconnected nonlinear systems in the presence of perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Effectiveness of the proposed schemes are verified through simulation results on a power systems with interconnected machines
Bel, Haj Frej Ghazi. "Estimation et commande décentralisée pour les systèmes de grandes dimensions : application aux réseaux électriques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0139.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the decentralized estimation and control for large scale systems. The objective is to develop software sensors that can produce a reliable estimate of the variables necessary for the interconnected nonlinear systems stability analysis. A decomposition of a such large system into a set of n interconnected subsystems is paramount for model simplification. Then, taking into account the nature of the subsystem as well as the interconnected functions, observer-based decentralized control laws have been synthesized. Each control law is associated with a subsystem which allows it to be locally stable, thus the stability of the overall system is ensured. The existence of an observer and a controller gain matrix stabilizing the system depends on the feasibility of an LMI optimization problem. The LMI formulation, based on Lyapunov approach, is elaborated by applying the DMVT technique on the nonlinear interconnection function, assumed to be bounded and uncertain. Thus, non-restrictive synthesis conditions are obtained. Observer-based decentralized control schemes have been proposed for nonlinear interconnected systems in the continuous and discrete time. Robust Hinfini decentralized controllers are provided for interconnected nonlinear systems in the presence of perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Effectiveness of the proposed schemes are verified through simulation results on a power systems with interconnected machines