Academic literature on the topic 'Sens et non-sens'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Catz, Frédéric. "L’étalon des prix : sens et non-sens." Économie appliquée 40, no. 1 (1987): 177–84.
Full textBeaud, Paul. "Sens et non-sens de l'information télévisée." Réseaux 148-149, no. 2 (2008): 241.
Full textBeaud, Paul. "Sens et non-sens de l'information télévisée." Réseaux 26, no. 148-149 (June 30, 2008): 241–53.
Full textAbel, Olivier. "Sens et non-sens de la peine." Études théologiques et religieuses 80, no. 2 (2005): 177.
Full textLegrand, Michel. "L’histoire de vie entre sens et non-sens." Horizons philosophiques 15, no. 1 (2004): 1.
Full textLegrand, Pierre. "Sens et non-sens d'un Code civil européen." Revue internationale de droit comparé 48, no. 4 (1996): 779–812.
Full textSoeters, Peter B., Jeroen W. Meijerink, and Maarten F. von Meyenfledt. "Sens et non-sens de la nutrition périopératoire." Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme 8, no. 3 (January 1994): 163–69.
Full textDussart, André. "Faux sens, contresens, non-sens… un faux débat ?" Meta 50, no. 1 (March 31, 2005): 107–19.
Full textGilbert, Patrick, Emmanuelle Gurtner, and Marion Soulerot. "Piloter la performance : sens et non-sens du travail." @GRH N° 38, no. 1 (April 20, 2021): 13–37.
Full textDiagne, Ramatoulaye. "La Métaphysique: Entre Quête du Sens et Non-Sens." Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 3 (2005): 115–34.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Boudreault, Lolita. "Sens et non-sens dans le théâtre de Réjean Ducharme." Thesis, McGill University, 1994. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=22566.
Full textThe first chapter examines the textual forces that allow one to trace the narrative structure in Ducharme's dramatic writing. It also describes the different actantial models as well as the mechanisms that regulate their function.
In the second chapter, an analysis of the characters adds a layer of significance to the analysis of the actants and reveals to us the "small world" of Ducharme's plays. The actants take shape, becoming characters who establish ties among themselves.
The third chapter describes the universe in which these "unusual" characters evolve. Space and time throw referential precariousness into relief which in turn, gives a sense of meaning and non-meaning to different objects as well as to the logic of events.
Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the discursive process and, more particularly, with the initiations that stem from the dialogues. With the advent of theatrical communication, the spectator or the narratee is also initiated into Ducharme's theatre where he or she re-assumes his or her place. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Lussac, Olivier. "Land art. Sens et non-sens de la sculpture contemporaine." Paris 3, 1995.
Full textLand art is an artistic movement, concerning different forms of sculpture in nature and landscape, during the 60s and 70s. This study propose historical and aesthetical analysis. Particularly we should try to understand what are the dialectic of sight and nonsight, the sublime and the picturesque in the gardens and land art, the photographic and cinematographic dimensions of sculpture. Having pionnered of earth art and land proving themselves in the pratice of both art and theory, r. Smithson, r. Morris, m. Heizer, w. De maria (and r. Long in england) developped a multiofaceded oeuvre that has nourished and challenged artistic traditions fixed in the field of the sculpture. The investigations of these artists took on a wide of range of forms from the very beginnings: object, photography, text, performance, installation, map. . . Land art attempts to go beyond the narrow sphere of sculpture, philosophical and historical questions of the day
Moskalenko, Svetlana. "Analyse de mutants faux sens et non sens dans le gène essential SUP45 chez saccharomyces cerevisiae." Rennes 1, 2003.
Full textFourlon, Christelle. "Le sens non-identifié de l'être et du temps." Paris 10, 2005.
Full textAsking about the question of being and time according to the understanding of their meaning as both a way (vector) and a meaning by the mixed of the being as the "something", the indefferented "there is", and time as an unilateral way of understanding the reality by its division, will drive us to define the meaning of being and time as a present participle, being non identified, approaching near an elusive religion, like the essential religare as the figure of a partipated join. The non identified meaning of being and time will give us the exam of the vector of reality, as the figure of the indefinite possible, because the philosophical quest gets free of itself in its own foundation. Therefore, whether the philosophical quest is focused on the non identified, it is able to escape from the non-being because of its attitude as a simple gesture, form, corresponding to a decomposition in the duration, that is to say it has to admit time as a necessary condition of its reality as a method, enunciation, progressive crescendo So that philosophy gains from time its reason to be. Whether time can be defined as the quantitative attitude generally speaking, the having action as the accumulation appears in the being chase
SANCHEZ, STEPHANE. "Le principe de non-specularité : le réel, l'être et le sens." Paris 10, 1999.
Full textPereira, Do Lago Marilucia. "De l'avènement du sujet à l'arrivée du VIH/Sida : structures non névrotiques, non-sens et maladie." Nice, 2004.
Full textBuilt into the psychoanalytic approach, this dissertation aims to contribute at the comprehension of HIV/AIDS since this one involves the universe of non-neurotic structures, like boderline cases, narcissiques structures, psychopathic personalities and the perverts. In order to reach this objective, the author structures a reflection in three parts. The first one includes a metapsychologic study of human psyche as well as the participating process in the subject construction. In the second part, the theoretical-clinics models support the author in order to identify the convergence lines of these different pathologies. The study is organized around the deficiencies in the sphere of mentalisation, representation and the fantasy and it concludes with a discussion of the issues (destiny) of the destructivity present in those structures. The third part is taken from the clinical experience with HIV/AIDS patients (non-neurotic structure) and it provides the results of “unconscious” intrapsychic processes, through the triptych Structure-History-HIV/AIDS
ELAISSAOUI, ABDELLAZIZ. "La notion de l'erreur et du non-sens de k. Popper a l. Wittgenstein." Montpellier 3, 1994.
Full textThe concept of "no-sense" evoqued in tractatus has overthrown all the relative ideals of contemporary culture. It is believed this concept will change the physionomy of the xx century philosophy. However, what is the real signification of the "no-sense" concept according to l. Wittgenstein reflection? k. Popper's philosophy is greatly against the "no-sense" concept. According to him the "non-sense" concept cannot be a criterion to distinguish betwen the rational and the irrational. Instead, he proposes the concept of "error" as a basis to explain rationalism and progress (the sciences, as well as in the society). However, according to our analysis, it. Can be admitted that "error" has tought by k. Popper is only what l. Wittgenstein refers to as "no-sense", that is to say "fondamental error", which prenvents human thoughts to ameliorate. Our thesis is based on major distinction between the positivist design in the "theory of type" by b. Russell and the original acceptation of "no-sense" by l. Wittgenstein. We propose to reconsider the controversial enigm problem and replace it by the couple enigm essence. Thus, antagonistic relationship existing between k. Popper and l. Wittgenstein could be reclassed to a mere terminological difference, having but a single goal: the distinction of subjectivism be it "no-sense" as fondamental error. Despite the numerous quarrels caused by misleading interpretations, k. Popper and l. Wittgenstein share similar views towards the world s a whole
Schmezer, Gerhard. "Entre le non-sens et l'exhortation : le religieux dans la recherche de Ludwig Wittgenstein." Paris 8, 2006.
Full textThis dissertation addresses the religious dimension of the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 1951). First of all, we demonstrate that this religious element in Wittgenstein’s thought cannot be understood in isolation from his life. Secondly, we show that their exists a close relationship between the traditional interpretations of his “religious point of view” and the history of the publication of his manuscripts. Thirdly, we sketch Wittgenstein’s religious biography, placing the various texts now available in their historical context, with the intention of reconstructing his “religious imagination”. We show how he addresses his own spiritual difficulties, dialogues with religious authors and often elucidates philosophical problems with religious examples. Finally, we examine the notion of “soul” as Wittgenstein’s describes it in his last philosophy as well as its role in post-Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion
Zhou, Alexandre. "Etude théorique et numérique de problèmes non linéaires au sens de McKean en finance." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the theoretical and numerical study of two problems which are nonlinear in the sense of McKean in finance. In the first part, we study the calibration of a local and stochastic volatility model taking into account the prices of European vanilla options observed in the market. This problem can be rewritten as a stochastic differential equation (SDE) nonlinear in the sense of McKean, due to the presence in the diffusion coefficient of a conditional expectation of the stochastic volatility factor computed w.r.t. the solution to the SDE. We obtain existence in the particular case where the stochastic volatility factor is a jump process with a finite number of states. Moreover, we obtain weak convergence at order 1 for the Euler scheme discretizing in time the SDE nonlinear in the sense of McKean for general stochastic volatility factors. In the industry, Guyon and Henry Labordere proposed in [JGPHL] an efficient calibration procedure which consists in approximating the conditional expectation using a kernel estimator such as the Nadaraya-Watson one. We also introduce a numerical half-step scheme and study the the associated particle system that we compare with the algorithm presented in [JGPHL]. In the second part of the thesis, we tackle the pricing of derivatives with initial margin requirements, a recent problem that appeared along with new regulation since the 2008 financial crisis. This problem can be modelled by an anticipative backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) with dependence in the law of the solution in the driver. We show that the equation is well posed and propose an approximation of its solution by standard linear BSDEs when the liquidation duration in case of default is small. Finally, we show that the computation of the solutions to the standard BSDEs can be improved thanks to the multilevel Monte Carlo technique introduced by Giles in [G]
Uhl, Patrice. "La poésie du "non-sens" en France aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles diversité et solidarité des formes /." Online version, 1986.
Full textBooks on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Yves, Pélicier, ed. Les ivresses: Sens et non sens. Bordeaux-Le Bouscat: L'Esprit du temps, 1994.
Find full textIII, Université de Paris, ed. Land Art: Sens et non-sens de la sculpture contemporaine. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1995.
Find full textRivière, Philippe. La métamorphose des médias: Sens et non-sens de l'art contemporain. Paris: La Manufacture, 1989.
Find full textBouveresse, Jacques. Dire et ne rien dire: L'illogisme, l'impossibilité et le non-sens. Nîmes: Jacqueline Chambon, 1997.
Find full text1960-, Mougin Sylvie, Grossel Marie-Geneviève, and Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Centre d'étude du patrimoine linguistique et ethnologique, eds. Poésie et rhétorique du non-sens: Littérature médiévale, littérature orale. Reims: Presses universitaires de Reims, 2004.
Find full textGénéreux, Jacques. Sens et conséquences du "non" français: Manuel critique du parfait Européen, la suite. Paris: Seuil, 2005.
Find full textSylvie, Mougin, and Grossel Marie-Geneviève, eds. Poésie et rhérotique du non-sens: Littérature médiévale, littérature orale [actes de deux journées d'études]. Reims: Presses universitaires de Reims, 2004.
Find full textUhl, Patrice. La constellation poétique du non-sens au moyen âge: Onze études sur la poésie fatrasique et ses environs. Saint-Denis: Bureau du troisième cycle et de la recherche, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université de la Réunion, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Arcaini, Enrico. "Entre sens et non-sens dans une perspective textuelle." In Foundations of Semiotics, 471. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1989.
Full textVan Uytfanghe, Marc. "Les Visiones du très haut Moyen Âge et les récentes "expériences de mort temporaire". Sens ou non-sens d'une comparaison." In Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 447–81. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1991.
Full textThoizet, Évelyne. "Représentations fantastiques du hors-temps." In Sylvie Germain devant le mystère, le fantastique, le merveilleux, 125–35. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2015.
Full textKiss, Sándor. "Grammaticalisation du verbe pronominal à sens non-actif – du latin aux langues romanes." In XXVe CILPR Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, edited by Maria Iliescu, Heidi Siller-Runggaldier, and Paul Danler, 2–361. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2010.
Full textBedos-Rezak, Brigitte Miriam. "Nom et non-sens." In Désir n’a repos, 189–204. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textCotteret, Jean-Marie. "Sens et non-sens de la représentation proportionnelle." In Droit, institutions et systèmes politiques, 277–82. Presses Universitaires de France, 1988.
Full textVan de Kerchove, Michel. "Introduction." In Sens et non-sens de la peine, 9–20. Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2009.
Full textVan de Kerchove, Michel. "Chapitre I. Les mythes de la peine : naturalisation et contractualisation de la peine." In Sens et non-sens de la peine, 23–64. Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2009.
Full textVan de Kerchove, Michel. "Chapitre II. Culpabilité et dangerosité. Réflexions sur la clôture des théories relatives à la criminalité." In Sens et non-sens de la peine, 65–93. Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2009.
Full textVan de Kerchove, Michel. "Chapitre III. Des mesures répressives aux mesures de sûreté et de protection. Réflexions sur le pouvoir mystificateur du langage." In Sens et non-sens de la peine, 95–155. Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Badir, Sémir. "La transition écologique : valeurs aspectuelles." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textBonéva, Ralitza. "La transition au sein de l’être humain : France (2021) de Bruno Dumont." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textBertrand, Denis. "Transition et transit : des petites théories à usage quotidien." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textSonesson, Göran. "Rhetoric from the standpoint of the Lifeworld." In Le Groupe μ : quarante ans de rhétorique – trente-trois ans de sémiotique visuelle. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2010.
Full textLabbé, Mickaël. "« L’espace indicible »: conceptions et textualités." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textDegorce, T. "Le défaut osseux antérieur : un défi esthétique et chirurgical." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Sens et non-sens"
Tea, Céline. REX et données subjectives: quel système d'information pour la gestion des risques? Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, April 2012.
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