Academic literature on the topic 'Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives"
Gallo, Elena. "Voyage au bout de la pub : les discours des campagnes sociétales." SHS Web of Conferences 138 (2022): 01019.
Full textN’Guessan Konan, Lazare. "L’Adjectif Substantif et Aspects de la Définitude dans l’écriture de Kourouma." Traduction et Langues 20, no. 1 (August 31, 2021): 224–38.
Full textPetrault, Jade, Julien Longhi, Carine Duteil, and Arnaud Richard. "Triche et signalement sur Strava : analyse des stratégies discursives et des positionnements énonciatifs à l’œuvre dans le contrôle de la performance sportive." Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, no. 118 (2022): 69–77.
Full textJacquin, Jérôme, Ana Claudia Keck, Clotilde Robin, and Sabrina Roh. "Les verbes d’apparence dans le français-en-interaction. Formes, fonctions et distributions de sembler, paraître, avoir l’air, avoir l’impression et donner l’impression dans un corpus de débats politiques et de réunions d’entreprise." SHS Web of Conferences 138 (2022): 01012.
Full textSoare, Gabriela, and Jacques Moeschler. "Figement syntaxique, sémantique et pragmatique." Pratiques, no. 159-160 (December 15, 2013): 23–41.
Full textBobińska, Anna. "Les formes d’adresse : quelques remarques sur les échanges émotionnels dans le récit bédéistique." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, no. 16 (May 19, 2021): 13–22.
Full textKleiber, Georges. "Sémantique et pragmatique du déterminant possessif." L'Information Grammaticale 129, no. 1 (2011): 3–13.
Full textHewson, John, and Jean Cervoni. "La préposition: Etude sémantique et pragmatique." Language 69, no. 1 (March 1993): 196.
Full textLéard, Jean-Marcel. "Dialogue et connecteurs propositionnels : syntaxe, sémantique et pragmatique." Langue française 75, no. 1 (1987): 51–74.
Full textNáray-Szabó, Márton. "Pragmatique et sémantique des phrases figées situationnelles." Verbum 8, no. 2 (December 2006): 473–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives"
Chagh, Faddel. "La pragmatique de la négation et des expressions à polarité négative dans le Coran : étude énonciative polyphonique." Paris 5, 1994.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the fact that the polyphonic approach to all types of negations in the quran is very fruitful and interesting in all respects. Here are four chapters and a long introduction devoted to various polyphonical aspects in all quran: the first chapter exposes the main features of the theory of polyphony elaborated by Oswald Ducrot. The second one is a critical review of all trends in modern linguistics which have discussed the problem of negation in natural languages. The third is an analysis of different occurences of the negation in the quran. The last chapter tends to verify the reliability of the theory of polyphony to account for this expressions we commonly call negative polarity items (npi) which never occur without a negative context
Attruia, Francesco. "La politique de communication de la Commission Européenne en matière d'emploi et de lutte contre la discrimination : une approche sémantico-énonciative et discursive." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to analyse, from a semantic and enunciative point of view, the European Union's discourse on employment and the fight against discrimination. The Corpus is made up of 155 documents published between 2004 and 2011 by the European Commission's DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. Our goal is to observe the way linguistic phenomena described in this work contribute to the construction and discourse stabilization of the linguistic sense and reference. The thesis is structured as follows: the first part will be dedicated to the presentation of the corpus and problematic. This section also contains the fundamental principles of enunciative semantics along with a description of the AntConc software we will employ in order to explore the reference corpus. The second part is focused on the corpus analysis and is divided into three chapters. The first one deals with the linguistic expression of subjectivity and will concentrate on the study of the enunciative modalities. The second one is dedicated to an analysis of the enunciative heterogeneity of the European Union's discourse, in particular from the Scandinavian Theory of Linguistic Polyphony's point of view. Finally, in the last chapter, we will observe the way a verbal sequence ? whether it be a collocation, a simple or complex syntagma, may create a speech event
Gallo, Elena. "Les discours de la publicité sociétale : analyse de campagnes italiennes et françaises." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThis research aims at enriching the field of critical discourse analysis through the study of messages which have been little explored until now, namely the discourse of social advertising. This term refers to campaigns that ask for a donation, or try to discourage or advocate certain behaviours in the name of public interest. The corpus is made of 57 social campaigns, promoted in Italy and in France between 2018 and 2020. No limit of topic has been fixed. As far as advertisers are concerned, campaigns promoted by public institutions, private companies and non-profit organisations have been analysed. The focus lies on the discourse strategies used in this corpus, which is very recent and has been studied from a comparative point of view. The aim was to see if major similarities or differences would be revealed, depending on the topic, the advertiser, the target and the objective. This research has been carried out from a sociolinguistic perspective, and more specifically from the point of view of critical discourse analysis, argumentation, rhetoric, semantics and pragmatics. In order to examine the corpus chosen, an analysis table has been created, so as to make the most of the resources provided by the different branches of linguistics. This table is organised into three plans – which do not correspond with a hierarchisation –, namely a linguistic plan, a pragmatic plan and a rhetorical plan
Romero, Clara. "L'intensité en français contemporain : analyse sémantique et pragmatique." Paris 8, 2001.
Full textBracops, Martine. "Le système de CAR: étude grammaticale, sémantique et pragmatique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1995.
Full textKerfelec, Valérie. "L'exclamation : syntaxe, sémantique, pragmatique en anglais et en français." Paris 4, 2002.
Full textThe 'exclamatory examples' given by linguistic and grammatical reference books or even by native speakers when asked are extremely varied in number and quality. This goes well beyond the usual confusions typically brought about by the categories of Traditional Grammar. Eventually one has to admit there exists a wide gap between how confident the speaker feels about naming proper forms and how uncertain the actual contours of the category are. Accordingly the aim of our research is not so much to design a theory of exclamation as to understand the way it functions. This implies investigating the phenomenon without losing sight of the forms that make it up and considering how one proceeds from exclamation to exclamations and exclamatory sentences. The analysis is based on a corpus of 672 examples illustrating all the disparities observed and includes critical reading of past and current literature on the subject. All the forms and hypotheses that can be met with being thus gathered , the analysis tries to select among them or synthesize them. It generalizes whenever possible but is mainly set on discriminating and classifying , so as to come to a better understanding of what exclamation can possibly be both in extension and intention
Atifi, Hassan. "Communication,interaction et publicité télévisée : étude pragmatique et éthologique." Lyon 2, 1993.
Full textThis study deals with television adverstising as a communication, an interaction and a social situation. Our linguistic approach is new : pragmatic, interactional and communicative. Four parties make up the overall dissertation. In the firs t theoritical part, we present the interactional disciplines, we define advetising and we summarise several previous advertising studies. The second part is a review of our data, our methodology and a first emperical analysis of the communicative situation : participants, scene, product, senders, genre and time. In the third part, we intend a typologi cal classification of advertising interactions and we try to deal with this question : is television advertising interactional? the last chapter is a functional study of the verbal and non verbal elements which form a single global speech act
Naray-Szabo, Marton. "Les phrases à sujet figé : étude pragmatique, syntaxique et sémantique." Paris 13, 2006.
Full textVarious networks, gathered under the generic term of educational digital network, developed in the French school system since 1987 to 2005: telematics, local area networks, Internet, Intranet and digital spaces were laminated, gradually working out a component of a mediatized school communication. This research is located under lightings of the technique, the uses and the organization; it takes as a starting point the actor-network theory (ANT), in an analysis of the conditions of sociotechnic innovations establishment. It reveals heavy and concomitant tendencies, determining in a general globalisation and vulgarizing process of the communication functions at school: progressive organization of a total architecture of information, assertion of the importance of a strategic step which puts the dynamic ones of use on the second level, logic of industrialization and progressive extension of the school field towards the residence
Malan, Naomi. "Sémantique, syntaxe et pragmatique de la relative en anglais contemporain." Paris 3, 1998.
Full textBianchi, Claudia. "Flexibilite semantique et sous-determination." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 1998.
Full textBooks on the topic "Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives"
Les prédicats statifs: Étude sémantique et pragmatique. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck-Duculot, 2009.
Find full textMartin, Fabienne. Les prédicats statifs: Étude sémantique et pragmatique. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck-Duculot, 2009.
Find full textGavoille, Laurent. Oratio ou la parole persuasive: Étude sémantique et pragmatique. Louvain [Belgium]: Peeters, 2007.
Find full textLes interjections du théâtre grec antique: Étude sémantique et pragmatique. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2009.
Find full textEntre conjonction, connecteur et particule: Le cas de epei en grec ancien : étude syntaxique, sémantique et pragmatique. Prague: Univ. Charles de Prague, Ed. Karolinum, 2011.
Find full textMuchnová, Dagmar. Entre conjonction, connecteur et particule: Le cas de epei en grec ancien : étude syntaxique, sémantique et pragmatique. Prague: Univ. Charles de Prague, Ed. Karolinum, 2011.
Find full textTordesillas, Marta, ed. Sémantique et pragmatique générales contemporaines: Les défis de la linguistique française au XXIème siècle. España: Libros Pórtico, 2016.
Find full textColloque "Entre sens et signification" (2006 : Lille, France), ed. Entre sens et signification: Constitution du sens : points de vue sur l'articulation sémantique-pragmatique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textThe pragmatics and semiotics of standard languages. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives"
Posner, Roland. "La syntactique. Sa relation à la sémantique et la pragmatique, à la morphologie et la syntaxe, et à syntagmatique et la paradigmatique." In Exigences et perspectives de la sémiotique, 73–96. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1985.
Full textPitar, Mariana. "Nici : syntaxe, sémantique et pragmatique." In La Négation, 213–33. Artois Presses Université, 2015.
Full text"Sémantique et pragmatique des propositions en SI." In Temporalité et attitude, 51–66. BRILL, 2005.
Full text"4 Modèle pragmatique et sémantique des connecteurs prépositionnels." In Les connecteurs contenant des prépositions en français, 165–226. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2013.
Full textSchrott, Angela. "Hans Petter Heiland — Sémantique et pragmatique temporelles. Futur simple et futur périphrastique." In 1998, 209–16. De Gruyter, 1999.
Full textCobbaut, Jean-Philippe. "Quelle tâche pour une éthique du soin aujourd’hui ? Assurer l’articulation du sémantique et du pragmatique." In La philosophie du soin, 87. Presses Universitaires de France, 2010.
Full textJ.G. Möhlig, Wilhelm. "L’importance du serment dans la procédure judiciaire chez les Chagga du Kilimanjaro (Tanzanie) : une analyse sémantique et pragmatique dans une perspective historique." In Le Serment, 299. C.N.R.S. Editions, 1992.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives"
Kalinina, Irina. "Appréciation individuelle des termes du métier par des spécialistes en ostéopathie biodynamique en anglais, français et italien." In Language for International Communication. University of Latvia Press, 2023.
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