Academic literature on the topic 'Sémantique diachronique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sémantique diachronique"
Dhoukar, Asma. "Aucun, évolution diachronique." SHS Web of Conferences 46 (2018): 03001.
Full textPlanelles Iváñez, Montserrat. "Les mots de la guerre au Moyen Âge : étymologie, usage et évolution sémantique." Linguistica 58, no. 1 (March 13, 2019): 9–21.
Full textHénault-Sakhno, Christine, and Serguei Sakhno. "Typologie des langues et sémantique diachronique : le problème des universaux." Linx, no. 45 (December 1, 2001): 25–35.
Full textTersis, Nicole, and Marc-Antoine Mahieu. "Sémantique des affixes incorporants en langue inuit (Groenland oriental)." Note de recherche hors thème 30, no. 1 (August 1, 2007): 157–81.
Full textFAGARD, BENJAMIN, and MICHEL CHAROLLES. "Ailleurs, d'ailleurs, par ailleurs : De l'espace à l'humain, de l'humain au discours." Journal of French Language Studies 28, no. 3 (February 12, 2018): 351–75.
Full textDe Mulder, Walter. "La linguistique diachronique, les études sur la grammaticalisation et la sémantique du prototype : présentation." Langue française 130, no. 1 (2001): 8–32.
Full textOsseiran, Leila. "La vitalité linguistique de l'amour." Hawliyat 12 (November 19, 2018): 75–94.
Full textSchreier, Daniel. "Dynamic mixing or archaic retention?" Diachronica 19, no. 1 (October 22, 2002): 135–76.
Full textDE MULDER, WALTER, and ADELINE PATARD. "Marqueurs verbaux de TAM en diachronie." Journal of French Language Studies 25, no. 2 (June 4, 2015): 153–63.
Full textBertin, Annie, and Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot. "Présentation : Les conjonctions en diachronie : parcours sémantiques." Linx, no. 59 (December 1, 2008): 7–14.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sémantique diachronique"
Saikali-Sleiman, Dana. "L’absence d'article en français : étude diachronique et sémantique." Paris 10, 2006.
Full textThis thesis deals with two important issues concerning the absence of the article in French : diachronic and semantic approach. Our method consist to apply an empirical study on a corpus formed of three versions of a historical text called the Conquest of Constantinople: the original version written by Geoffroy Villehardouin in 13th century, the second translated by Blaise de Vigenère in 16th century and the third by Edmond Faral in the modern French. We have find that the nominal group without an article according to their syntactical functions (nominal group with preposition, subject, noun with verb, noun with adjective grand, attribute and apposition) in this three versions. At first, this method allows us to test the traditional assumption that there has been progressive extension of the use of the French article. However, the statistical analysis of our corpus showed that the evolution of the absence of the article does not follow a linear curve. The curve at prepositional nominal group and coordinate nominal group reveals that the sixteenth century was a period in which the absence of the article was quiet frequent, we propose to explain this result by a typological and sociolinguistic causes. Secondary, we ask ourselves about the semantic value of the absence of the article. We used the Guillaumien’s framework in which we confront “article zero” and absence of article. The statistical study showed that the frequency of the absence of the article is not correlated with the syntactical functions of nominal group and that in the three synchronies (AF, MF, and FM). The application of Guillaume’s studies on the corpus confirm the presence of an ‘article zero’ that has an absolute semantic value and that in the three different versions of our corpus
Englebert, Annick. "Analyse sémantique et fonctionnelle du "petit mot" DE: étude synchronique et diachronique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1987.
Full textChateau, Smith Carmela Mary Bernadette. "Changements de paradigme et prosodie sémantique : étude d'un corpus diachronique d'anglais géologique." Lorient, 2012.
Full textWas the transition from a fixed Earth to continental drift and plate tectonics a paradigm shift? The history and philosophy of science in the mid-twentieth century suggests that it was. To examine this hypothesis further, a purpose-built diachronic corpus of geological English (WebsTerre) was compiled in order to investigate possible changes in language during a paradigm shift. The baseline is a sub-corpus of Lyell’s works, from 1830-1871, representative of the initial paradigm in geology. The second sub-corpus represents the Precursors to the paradigm shift, Taylor, Wegener and Du Toit. A micro-corpus of six core texts from the key period (1962-1966) and an outer core of texts (1948-1971) are contrasted with three sets of articles by Partisans and Opponents from 1962 to 1990. Several types of software are used to analyse the WebsTerre corpus, while reference corpora from 1961 and the early 1990s serve as markers to establish general language use for key terms before and after the paradigm shift. The semantic prosody for individual words as well as multi-word units is examined and evidence of prosody transfer from general to specialised usage is brought to light. Parallels are drawn between the history of Geology and that of Linguistics during the twentieth century. Earth Science and Corpus Linguistics, the new science of language, are both found to have experienced instrument-based (or technology-led) paradigm shifts in the second half of the twentieth century. The neutral semantic prosody of ‘plate tectonics’ seems easier to accept than the conflicting semantic prosodies of ‘continental’ and ‘drift’, separately and as a fixed expression, in British and American English
Baider, Fabienne. "Collocation, connotation, contamination, analyse sémantique et diachronique des collocations du type adjectif et femme/homme." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Full textOisel, Guillaume. "Morphosyntaxe et sémantique des auxiliaires et des connecteurs du tibétain littéraire : étude diachronique et synchronique." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2013.
Full textJendraschek, Gerd. "Les notions modales de possibilité et de capacité en basque : morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique, variations diachronique et sociolinguistique." Toulouse 2, 2004.
Full text'Possibility' can be defined as a functional domain corresponding to an array of structures that we have described for Basque. This description is based on several corpora of written Basque, representing mainly the standard(s), but also regional and classical varieties. These corpora, as well as informant work with several native speakers, have shown a great deal of variation, both synchronically and diachronically. One way of expressing possibility in Basque is by means of a special set of auxiliaries. These do not distinguish epistemic from non-epistemic possibility, but media language makes frequent use of specific markers. Only the most frequent of the auxiliary forms can resist to gradual obsolescence. This evolution must be seen in connection with the external history of Basque, which is caracterized by dialect levelling, attrition, and creolization
Tahar, Chloé. "La négation explétive : des impératifs aux connecteurs : approche diachronique et formelle." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2022.
Full textExpletive negation is a non-canonical negation marker whose distribution is limited, across languages, to a certain set of predicates: apprehensive attitude verbs (‘fear’) exceptive (‘unless’) and prospective connectives (‘before’), comparative clauses (‘more/ less than’). In synchrony, it proves difficult to determine (i) which formal property the heterogeneous set of predicates in the scope of which expletive negation occurs have in common and (ii) which kind of syntactic and semantic dependency to the matrix clause predicate it is involved in. This dissertation investigates those questions from a comparative and diachronic perspective
Croy, Sandrine. "Analyse Synchronique et diachronique de l'item à choix libre "n'importe quel" : comparaison avec "tout"." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2009.
Full textThe aim of the present dissertation is to give a synchronic and diachronic analysis of the French determiners tout and n’importe quel. As for tout, we focus on its use as a free choice determiner. Whereas tout can have other interpretations, n'importe quel can be interpreted only as a free choice item. Free choice determiners allow a random selection of a referent from a set of possible individuals. The synchronic analysis of tout and n'importe quel starts by considering several analyses provided for the English determiner any. Then, we present the distribution of the two determiners in French. We analyze the role of context on their interpretation and determine their quantificational force. The differences between tout and n'importe quel are pointed out with respect to both their syntax and their semantics. As for the diachronic analysis, we start by pointing out two differences between the two determiners: their origin and the period of time when they entered the French lexicon. Because of these differences, our analysis of the diachrony of tout is carried out in a different way from the analysis of n’importe quel. In the case of n'importe quel, we describe the process which led to its formation which began with the entry of the verb importer in the French lexicon. We explain why the determiner n'importe quel appeared, despite the existence of other free choice items, such as un…quel qu'il soit which have an interpretation that is very close to that of n'importe quel. Our analysis of tout is based mainly on the evolution of its distribution and on the fact that this determiner is not necessarily a free choice item
Domont, Ludivine. "Minéral/minéralité : étude diachronique de la construction discursive d'un descripteur sensoriel dans les textes prescriptifs et descriptifs de la filière vitivinicole." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019.
Full textMineral/minerality: diachronic analysis of the discursive construction of a sensory descriptor in prescriptive and descriptive texts from the wine industryAbstract: This thesis aims to analyze the sensory descriptors mineral and minerality in discourse with an empirical bottom-up and hypotheticodeductive approach. The first part is dedicated to the constitution of the corpus of study MINERS in the theoretical framework of corpus-based Linguistics and on the basis of selection criteria defined for the design of a comparable specialized corpus. In a second part dedicated to empirical analysis, exploitation of the corpus is based on the methodological framework of a computational and situated discourse analysis in order to reconstruct emergence and diffusion of the use of mineral and minerality. In a short-term diachronic and comparative perspective (1981-2014) between prescriptive and descriptive discourses in French, the methodological framework of discursive and lexical semantics is applied in order to carry out a semantic mapping of retained sensory descriptors. The goal of these lexical, semantic, discursive, pragmatic and cognitive analyses is to establish an "identikit" definition based on the underlying processes of categorization and conceptualization of the lexemes in question. The circularity of these concepts is also observed via a synchronic perspective (2006-2014) in German and English lingua franca descriptive discourses in order to take into account the conditions of diffusion and the uses of competing forms.Key words: corpus linguistics, comparable corpora, specialized discourses, oenology, discursive semantic, lexicology, categorization
Tomara, Ourania. "Étude diachronique de traductions en grec moderne de deux textes du dix-huitième siècle français : les Lettres Persanes de Montesquieu et Zadig de Voltaire." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013.
Full textThe thesis studies the translations into Modern Greek of two works of the French Enlightenment. It examines the ideological hallmarks of the Greek Enlightenment in light of the sociocultural reality of the Greek-speaking world, in order to elucidate the origins of the language controversy as well as the various forces shaping translations and language at that time. It also explores the ideological affinities between Montesquieu, Voltaire and the Greek Enlightenment, as well as the reception of the two writers in Greece. The art of translation is separately analyzed and discussed, as is language as key to a novel methodological approach towards translation in the Greek-speaking world of the 19th century. Throughout the thesis, linguistic matters are addressed against the backdrop of ideological developments. The approach to the individual works is intended to reveal the linguistic choices that were made, how these affected the lexicological development of the language, and the sociocultural context in which this occurred. The thesis concludes with an extensive lexicological analysis of terms found in the corpus, predicated on a comparison of the different translations of the two works in question, from the 19th century to the present. The semantic evolution of the terms studied is traced in detail, using a wide range of literary sources and dictionaries, going back to the 1700s. Based on this historical cultural and lexicological groundwork, a number of conclusions are drawn. In the end, this study of the language and vocabulary reveals certain tendencies and, more generally, sheds new light on the dynamics and advancement of the Modern Greek lexicon as a whole
Books on the topic "Sémantique diachronique"
La notion modale de possibilité en basque: Morphologie, syntaxe, sémantique, variations diachronique et sociolinguistique. Paris: Harmattan, 2007.
Find full textLes connecteurs contenant des prépositions en français: Profils sémantiques et pragmatiques en synchronie et diachronie. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2013.
Find full textBaider, Fabienne. Collocation, connotation, contamination: Analyse sémantique et diachronique des collocations du type adjectif et femme/homme. 1999.
Find full textSémantique et diachronie du système verbal français. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004.
Find full textSémantique et diachronie du système verbal français. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sémantique diachronique"
Viaro, Mário Eduardo, and Sandra Aparecida Ferreira. "Sémantique diachronique du suffixe portugais -eiro." In XXVe CILPR Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, edited by Maria Iliescu, Heidi Siller-Runggaldier, and Paul Danler, 2–593. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2010.
Full textBecker, Martin. "Les lectures de ‹devoir› en diachronie: une analyse modo-sémantique." In Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románica, edited by Emili Casanova and Cesáreo Calvo, 5–16. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2013.
Full textLagorgette, Dominique, and Pierre Larrivée. "Variation sémantique synchronique et diachronique : l'exemple de ONC." In Représentation du sens linguistique II, 293. De Boeck Supérieur, 2007.
Full text"Passé composé et passé simple : Sémantique diachronique et formelle." In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, 121–51. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
Full text"Vers une sémantique diachronique cognitive ? Réflexions sur l'évolution de la préposition sur." In Les nouvelles ambitions de la linguistique diachronique, 129–38. Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2000.
Full text"Preliminary Material." In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, a—iii. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
Full text"Tense and Context in French." In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, 1–21. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
Full text"Sémantique de l’imparfait : dépasser l’aporie de la poule aspectuelle et de l’œuf anaphorique ? Eléments pour avancer." In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, 23–46. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
Full text"Le(s) futur(s) dans les langues romanes : évolution linéaire ou cyclique ?" In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, 47–62. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
Full text"The Sign through Time: a Sign-oriented Diachronic Analysis of the French Present and Imperfect Subjunctives." In Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français, 63–89. Brill | Rodopi, 2007.
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