Academic literature on the topic 'SELECTED PUBLIC'

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Journal articles on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Zweig, Alan. "Selected Songs for the end of the world." Public 24, no. 48 (December 1, 2013): 141–49.

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Gola, Jan. "Public supervision on the public procurement market in selected EU member states (selected aspects)." Ekonomia XXI Wieku 2020, no. 23 (2020): 35–44.

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Joshi, Alpa. "A Study on Profitability Analysis of Selected Public Sector Banks." Indian Journal of Applied Research 3, no. 5 (October 1, 2011): 113–14.

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Vadrale, Kavita S., and V. P. Katti. "Branch Productivity of Selected Indian Public and Private Sector Banks." Contemporary Social Sciences 27, no. 4 (October 1, 2018): 135–46.

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Zielińska, Edyta. "Selected determinants regarding public rail transport." AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe 19, no. 12 (December 31, 2018): 845–49.

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This article describes the rail transport engaged in passenger carriage in Poland over the years 2015-2017. The demand for this type of services in our country is presented along with the information about transport performance by means of rail transport in the recent years. The aim of the articles is also to compare the number of passengers carried in Poland by rail and by other available modes of transport. Moreover, the article contains data about the accident rate in rail transport.
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Grenade, Kari, and Allan Wright. "Public Spending in Selected Caribbean Countries." Public Finance Review 42, no. 4 (August 29, 2013): 487–510.

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Wakuła, Monika. "Public management – the essence and selected concepts." Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces 199, no. 1 (March 18, 2021): 155–63.

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The paper is an attempt to characterise the most significant concepts of public management. The starting point for the considerations is definition of the term “public management”. Next, the author presents directions of the evolution of changes that have been taking place in public sector management. The last part of the paper outlines the assumptions of two modern concepts of public management, i.e., New Public Management and Public Governance.
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Schröder, Judith, Susanne Moebus, and Julita Skodra. "Selected Research Issues of Urban Public Health." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 9 (May 3, 2022): 5553.

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Health is created within the urban settings of people’s everyday lives. In this paper we define Urban Public Health and compile existing evidence regarding the spatial component of health and disease in urban environments. Although there is already a substantial body of single evidence on the links between urban environments and human health, focus is mostly on individual health behaviors. We look at Urban Public Health through a structural lens that addresses health conditions beyond individual health behaviors and identify not only health risks but also health resources associated with urban structures. Based on existing conceptual frameworks, we structured evidence in the following categories: (i) build and natural environment, (ii) social environment, (iii) governance and urban development. We focused our search to review articles and reviews of reviews for each of the keywords via database PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar in order to cover the range of issues in urban environments. Our results show that linking findings from different disciplines and developing spatial thinking can overcome existing single evidence and make other correlations visible. Further research should use interdisciplinary approaches and focus on health resources and the transformation of urban structures rather than merely on health risks and behavior.
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Raźny, Bartosz. "Ethics in the public services – selected aspects." Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka - Refleksje 38, no. 38 (December 18, 2020): 89–110.

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The article discusses various aspects of the theoretical foundations and genesis of the canon of ethics of the Polish public services. A well-functioning public administration is the foundation of the modern state. Working in the public services entails a great deal of responsibility as administration employees must meet certain special requirements. Society expects that the administration, serving its citizenry, act with the common good in mind, which requires that the officials possess a degree of ethical awareness. Officials responsible for decision-making must adhere to applicable laws, in addition to taking into consideration the public interest and the rights of citizens, which frequently leads to conflicts of interest, in particular on the interface of the administration, economy and politics. The purpose of this paper is to present the role of ethics in the functioning of public administration organs in a modern democratic state adhering to the rule of law. Ethical issues are closely related to the legal and institutional aspects of public administration – and should be analysed as such. The article discusses various theoretical and general aspects of the relations between law, morality and ethics, the role of ethics infrastructure in public administration and the institutional and legal instruments used to prevent pathological behaviours.
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Bartes, Richard. "Evolution of Public Finance in Selected Countries." Financial Law Review, no. 23 (3) (2021): 163–84.

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This contribution deals with the evolution of public finance in two selected European countries. France and Germany were selected as countries to compare their evolution of public finance. The reason why the two countries were chosen is their general proximity to each other in many respects. From a professional point of view, i.e. from the point of view of the discipline of public finance, however, these are countries with different concepts of public finance disciplines. The contribution presents the historical background, context and consequences of this evolution. The relevant public finance evolution is divided into several historical stages in each country. The contribution focuses on each stage separately and points out solutions and effect of each stage. The main aim of the contribution is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that the evolution of the public finance discipline was different in each of the selected countries. The scientific methods used in the article are analysis and synthesis, description and comparative methods.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Eedle, Elizabeth Margaret, and n/a. "Resoure allocation in selected Australian universities." Swinburne University of Technology, 2007.

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Australian universities are multi-million dollar operations employing tens of thousands of people. They attract revenue from a variety of government and non-government sources, and yet, as non-profit organisations they are judged by governments, peers and their communities on their performance in teaching and research rather than on a financial bottom line. In order to achieve these results, university managers must make decisions on how to allocate available funding throughout the university. Faced with competing demands on scarce funds, how do university managers make these choices? One option is to use a resource allocation model to 'crunch the numbers'. Resource allocation models can incorporate a number of elements - student and staff numbers, weightings and performance data, for example - to allocate available funds. These allocation models are used in different ways in different universities, but serve the same basic purpose of assisting decision-making on how much to allocate to different sections of the organisation. Such models operate within a process and context that includes the strategic aims of the University, the organisation structure, its committees and culture. This thesis contains case studies of resource allocation models and processes used in three Australian universities. It examines the methods used for resource allocation at the first and second levels within each university; that is, from the Vice-Chancellor to Dean (or equivalent), and from Dean to Head of School (or equivalent). Observations and conclusions are drawn on the models used, the processes surrounding the models, and the continuity between the two layers of allocations. The research finds all the case-study universities operate models at multiple levels in their organisations, and that there is a concerning lack of consistency and flow-through at these different levels. The messages that the university leadership intends to send through the allocations may be lost to managers one-process removed from them. The research also concludes that transparency is the most important element of the resource allocation process. University staff dealing with allocation processes will accept the results, even if they are not ideal, if they can understand how and why decisions were made. As a professional doctorate thesis, the aim is to provide a practical aid to people with responsibility for resource allocation in universities.
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Eedle, Elizabeth. "Resoure allocation in selected Australian universities." Australasian Digital Thesis Program, 2007.

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Thesis (DBA) - Faculty of Business and Enterprise, Swinburne University of Technology, 2007.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorate of Business Administration in the Faculty of Business and Enterprise, Swinburne University of Technology, 2007. Typescript. Bibliography: p. 209-227.
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Ackroyd, Stephen. "Selected essays in social organisations 1990-1995." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1995.

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Coolbaugh, Carrie Weaver. "Personality types of selected California public library directors planning implications /." La Verne, Calif. : University of La Verne, 1993.

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Dewah, Peterson. "Knowledge retention strategies in selected Southern Africa public broadcasting corporations." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2012.

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Knowledge is now regarded as the most important resource surpassing other resources like land and capital. It is a foregone conclusion that knowledge flows out of organizations through various ways such as resignations, retirement and death yet, it does not seem as if organizations are employing strategies to retain such a vital component of production and service delivery. This study investigated the knowledge retention strategies in three Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) public broadcasting organizations of the South African Broadcasting Corporation in South African (SABC), the Department of Broadcasting Services (DBS) in Botswana and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) in Zimbabwe. The aim of this study was to establish how knowledge is captured and retained at such organizations. The objectives of the study were; to find out the types of strategies the three broadcasting organizations employ to capture and retain knowledge; establish how the three broadcasting organizational cultures enable knowledge acquisition, transfer, sharing and retention; establish the role of ICTs as tools and enablers of knowledge retention, creation, transfer and sharing in the three broadcasting organizations; and to propose recommendations on the best strategies for retention of knowledge in the three public broadcasting organizations as well as suggest areas for further and future research. v The study used the survey method and employed the triangulation design for data gathering. Data were collected from three SADC public broadcasting organizations. The population sample comprised 240 professional staff including 38 managers from different sections of the broadcasting organizations. The researcher collected data by administering a questionnaire to staff, interviews with managers and observations. Documentary analysis was also conducted in order to supplement data and fill in gaps. The researcher was mainly interested in gathering data that would give a comprehensive picture about knowledge retention methods in broadcasting organizations. There were four main findings. First, knowledge management as a relatively new concept and practice has not yet been properly embraced in the public broadcasting organization system in order to capture and retain knowledge that is acquired and generated in the organizations. There are no measures put in place in the organizations to retain the knowledge to ensure that once those who hold vital tacit knowledge are gone, the knowledge may still be available and accessible. Second, the study established that the respective organizational cultures impede on organizational knowledge retention. The study established that there was no culture of knowledge sharing. It also emerged that employees were not free to share their knowledge because of government regulations, prevailing political contexts, mistrust and general lack of incentive to share knowledge. Third, the study established that the organizations have no strategies or systems in place to capture the experts‟ knowledge or the knowledge of experienced staff and vi those approaching retiring age. The Human Resources Departments hold exit interviews that cover issues purely to do with why the person is leaving the organization instead of recording the work experiences and expertise of the departing employees. Fourth, the study revealed that the public broadcasting organizations still lag behind in collaborative and communicative technologies that facilitate knowledge transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge but retention of knowledge generally. The study also found that, some of the organizations studied did not have internet connectivity and websites were not yet functional, which hampered acquisition and sharing of knowledge for retention purposes. The importance of this study is that it has made a contribution and provided literature on knowledge retention strategies for public broadcasting corporations as part of knowledge management practice. On the basis of these findings the study recommended the following: appointment of knowledge management officers, establishment of Communities of Practice, encouraging knowledge sharing between employees, introduction of joint programmes with other broadcasting organizations by managers and their supervision of mentoring programmes; organizations to facilitate acquisition of information and communication technologies that enable knowledge management
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Nimmanphatcharin, Nut-tapon, and nut_tapon@hotmail com. "Strategic management practices by selected Thai banks and financial organisations (database)." Swinburne University of Technology, 2002.

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In recent year, there has been virtually no research into the strategic management practices of the Thai financial services sector. The aims of this research is to explore the strategic management practices of the Thai financial services sector (both banking companies and non-banking companies), and also seeks to identify whether there are differences in the strategic management practices on the basis of size, business type, and ownership respectively. The findings from this research will provide a benchmark against which further research into strategic management in Thailand can be undertaken. The Thai economic crisis (approximately 1997 to 1999) has impacted very strongly on the Thai financial services sector, as evidenced by the reduction in the number of companies and the dramatic increase in non-performing loans. It is against this background, that this research investigates the strategic management practices (including the general environments, the immediate environments, the internal environments, the corporate strategies, and the planning and planning system) of the Thai financial services companies to gain an understanding of their strategic management practices (year 2000) and the changes to their strategic management practices. This research also examined the impact of both internal environmental factors and external environmental factors on the strategic management practices of the Thai financial services companies. The process for this research was based on a through literature review, an analysis of the industry, the development of a conceptual framework (building on prion research overseas), and the development of a survey approach based on personal interviews with carefully selected respondents. This research has selected all the companies in the Thai financial services sector (13 domestic banks, 5 major government banks, 33 foreign bank�s branches, 33 finance and securities companies, and 10 credit foncier companies) who survived the economic crisis in Thailand. In total of the 99 approached to participate companies, 71 (72%) Thai financial services companies participated in the survey, consisting of 26 finance and securities companies, 18 foreign bank�s branches, 13 domestic banks, 9 credit foncier companies, and 5 major government banks. In respect to the data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilised in this study, using both univariate and multivariate techniques. Of the 71 companies who participated in this research, 80% (N=57) had a formalised strategic planning (FSP) system, which presented 94% of large companies, 100% of medium sized companies, which was 97% of banking companies and 63% of non-banking companies. Whereas, 72% of the small companies has no formalised strategic planning (NFSP) system which was 100% of credit foncier companies and 15% of finance and securities companies. This research also shows that only 6% of foreign majority ownership companies and 32% of Thai majority ownership companies in the Thai financial services sector did not have FSP system. Of the NFSP companies, 50% would implement a FSP system over the next five years. These findings show that the Thai financial services companies have adopted a fairly traditional approach to strategic management and rely heavily on formalised strategic planning system. For these reasons, the major focus of the analysis of this research is on the FSP companies. Of the FSP companies, define their strategic management as the process of sharing the organisational structure, the company�s resources, the company�s culture and managerial style, the company�s long-term goals, the company�s mission statement, the company�s strategies, the company�s planning, and the external environmental factors to build a market position strong enough and an organisational capable enough to achieve successful performance despite unforeseeable events, potent competition, and internal problems. This research shows that there are significant differences in the organisational structure, process, and system either for size, business type, and ownership aspects. Overall, the large companies that comprised most of the domestic banking companies with Thai majority ownership and the foreign bank�s branches believe they were more likely to be strategically managed through their structures, processes and systems than the other groups of FSP companies. The findings in this thesis shows that these banking companies identified a much clearer managing of planning and planning system which including corporate plans, second level long-term plans, planning�s objectives, planning�s roles, planning�s processes, planning�s coordination issues, planning�s structures than the other group of FSP companies. In contrast, of the NFSP companies, the strategic issues and strategies emerged from the vision of the CEO, whereas did not appear to have roles, objectives, etc. for their strategic issues identification and strategy development process, anywhere as clearly as the FSP companies identified for their planning. The evidence from this research shows that the FSP companies were more likely to consider they were strategically managed than the NFSP companies. This research has identified a schematic representation of the strategic management practices of the companies with a FSP system and a NFSP system. The results of this research enables a better understanding of the strategic management practices of the Thai financial services sector. Also, prospective researchers can use data and the conceptual model generated from this research to further develop the theories of strategic management and to explore whether meaningful differences occur between strategic management practices of other Thai industries and the Thai financial services sector. This research as the first significant study of strategic management practices for the Thai financial services sector, provides an important benchmark for future research e.g. strategic management practices of the Thai financial services companies in the next five years, how the Thai financial services companies seek to recover from the major economic crisis etc. Both further research and replication of this research would enhance a meaningful understanding of strategic management practices.
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Khalil, Ali Saied, and askhalil2004@yahoo com. "Heavy-Ion-Irradiation-Induced Disorder in Indium Phosphide and Selected Compounds." The Australian National University. Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, 2007.

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Indium phosphide (InP) is an important III-V compound, with a variety of applications, for example, in light emitting diodes (LED), InP based photonic crystals and in semiconductor lasers, heterojunction bipolar transistors in integrated circuit applications and in transistors for microwave and millimeter-wave systems. The optical and electrical properties of this compound can be further tailored by ion implantation or prospectively by swift heavy ion beams. ¶ Thus knowledge of ion-induced disorder in this material is of important fundamental and practical interest. However, the disorder produced during heavy ion irradiation and the subsequent damage accumulation and recovery in InP is far from being completely understood. In terms of the damage accumulation mechanisms, the conclusions drawn in the numerous studies performed have often been in conflict with one another. A factor contributing to the uncertainties associated with these conflicting results is a lack of information and direct observation of the “building blocks” leading to the ultimate damage created at high ion fluences as an amorphous layer. These building blocks formed at lower fluence regimes by single ion impacts can be directly observed as isolated disordered zones and ion tracks for low energy and swift heavy ion irradiation, respectively. ¶ The primary aim of this work has thus been to obtain a better understanding of the disorder in this material through direct observations and investigation of disorder produced by individual heavy ions in both energy regimes (i.e. elastic and inelastic energy deposition regimes) especially with low ion fluence irradiations. In this thesis the heavy ion induced disorder introduced by low energy Au ions (100 keV Au+) and high energy Au (200 MeV Au+16) ion irradiation in InP were investigated using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS/C) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). ¶ The accumulation of damage due to disordered zones and ion tracks is described and discussed for both low energy and swift ion irradiation respectively. ¶ The in-situ TEM annealing of disordered zones created by 100 keV Au+ ion irradiation shows that these zones are sensitive to electron beam irradiation and anneal under electron energies not sufficient to elastically displace lattice atoms, i.e. subthreshold energies for both constituent atoms In and P. ¶ Ion tracks due to swift heavy ion irradiation were observed in this material and the interesting track morphology was described and discussed. The surface nanotopographical changes due to increasing fluence of swift heavy ions were observed by AFM where the onset of large increase in surface roughness for fluences sufficient to cause complete surface amorphization was observed. ¶ In addition to InP, the principle material of this project, a limited amount of TEM observation work has been performed on several other important compounds (apatite and monazite) irradiated by 200 MeV Au+ ions for comparative purposes. Again the observed segmental morphology of ion tracks were shown and possible track formation scenario and structure were discussed and similarities were drawn to the previously observed C60 cluster ion tracks in CaF2 as more knowledge and data base exist about defect dynamics and formation in that material.
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Fitzhardinge, Jocelyn, and n/a. "Secondary teachers' perceptions of selected professional development needs and delivery mechanisms." University of Canberra. Professional & Community Education, 1996.

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This study highlights the professional development needs and perceptions of secondary teachers in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) as these relate to teacher promotion level, years of teaching experience, and subject specialisation. The study also investigates the delivery mechanisms best suited to these needs and perceptions. In a devolving education system, effectiveness of teachers' professional development will depend on finding an appropriate balance between the systems' needs, the schools' needs and the needs of individual teachers. A mismatch appears to exist between the provision of professional development and teachers' perception of their professional development requirements. This study was conducted in secondary government high schools and colleges in a selected school region of the ACT. It involved circulating, collecting and analysing a survey which included seven questions related to four selected themes on professional development. These are � teachers' participation in professional development activities by time and provider � teachers' perception of the effectiveness of formal and informal professional development in and away from the workplace � teachers' preferred delivery system of professional development � professional development and the role of the Advanced Skills Teacher classification. The overall findings of this study indicate that the professional development needs of secondary teachers in the ACT are as multifaceted and diverse as those found in other studies such as Logan (1990), DEBT (1991), Boomer (1988) and the Schools Council (1990). A less centralised more devolved system of professional development has a greater chance of meeting the varied needs of individual teachers according to the DEBT (1991) study and the ACT review (ACTDET, 1993: 52). In the ACT a centralised program of professional development is provided by the Professional Development Section of the ACT Department of Education and Training (ACTDET). This centralised model of professional development delivery is the most used provider of professional development services and programs within the ACT, although 43% of the respondents in this study did not attend any courses offered by the Professional Development Section. Overall this study found very little variation occurred in teachers' beliefs about whether professional development is more effective if conducted through formal courses, or by informal associations with teachers, students and parents. The findings imply the need for a balance between on-site and off-site delivery mechanisms of professional development. Working with colleagues for professional development purposes is supported by the respondents who agreed with involving the proposed Advanced Skills Teacher 2 classification (AST 2) with specific organisational and leadership responsibilities for professional development. This study found that respondents in Health/PE and Science had very low participation rates in courses offered by the Professional Development Section, compared to other key learning areas, and they perceived that they improved their knowledge and skills to a greater degree 'on' the job, that is, at school. Teachers with extended teaching experience perceived formal courses to be a more effective means of improving their skills and knowledge. In conclusion this study raises the question of balancing the needs of the individual teacher with those of the school and the system. It has highlighted the need for a more structured professional development plan for ACT teachers so that funding and programs do not focus solely on system priorities or school priorities at the expense of the individual teachers' needs and priorities.
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Wilton, Kylee Margaret, and res cand@acu edu au. "Coastal Wetland Habitat Dynamics in Selected New South Wales Estuaries." Australian Catholic University. School of Arts and Sciences, 2002.

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Intertidal wetland habitats in southeastern Australia have changed significantly during the past sixty years. Mangrove habitats have expanded both seawards and landwards, the latter being at the expense of saltmarsh habitats. This relatively common phenomenon is generally suggested to be an outcome of sea-level rise. Several factors potentially responsible for this change are examined, including changes in mean sealevel during the past 50 to 100 years, changes in climate, population growth, catchment landuse, and estuary type. A protocol for mapping estuarine habitats was developed and implemented, incorporating the application of geographic information systems. Spatial and temporal coastal wetland habitat changes at nine sites along the New South Wales coast are illustrated. These habitat dynamics were shown to not correlate between sites. The results demonstrate that sea-level rise in this region cannot solely account for the extent of change during the past sixty years. With the exception of one site (Careel Bay), there have been no correlations between contemporary mean sea-level rise and mangrove incursion of the saltmarsh habitats at the study sites, or with rainfall patterns, at the scale of observation in this study, which was largely decadal. The only correlations determined during this study have been between population growth and coastal wetland habitat dynamics in some sites. In spite of saltmarsh habitat loss being a regional phenomenon, local factors appear to have a profound bearing on the rates of change. Neither contemporary mean sea-level rise, rainfall patterns, estuary type, catchment landuse, catchment natural cover nor population pressure can account solely for the patterns in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the coastal wetlands of New South Wales. It seems apparent that regional factors create preconditions favourable for mangrove incursion, but that localised conditions have been responsible for the extent of these incursions from site to site. That is, despite higher sea-level and greater rainfall, the extent of change has been determined by the unique characteristics of each site. The results have important implications for current estuary management practices in the state of New South Wales. The lack of spatial and temporal trends in coastal wetland habitat dynamics point to the need for management to be conducted on a localised, rather than regional scale. Additionally, anthropogenic influences must be carefully managed, since the extent of mangrove habitat expansion into saltmarsh areas is unlikely to be a natural occurrence.
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Davies, Warren Raymond, and warren davies@optusnet com au. "Effects of the Cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena on Selected Estuarine Fauna." RMIT University. Applied Sciences, 2007.

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Nodularia spumigena is an estuarine cyanobacteria that produces the toxin nodularin. This toxic cyanobacteria is known to have caused death to domestic and wild animals and is recognised as dangerous to human health. N. spumigena causes harmful algal blooms in many parts of the world including Australia. The toxic solutes of N. spumigena are potentially dangerous when contact is made to contaminated water bodies or is ingested by primary consumers. In Australia blooms of N. spumigena are common in the Gippsland Lakes in South-eastern Victoria and cause socio - economic hardships to the local communities. This PhD investigates the toxic effects of N. spumigena and its solutes to a range of aquatic life. A method known as SPME - HPLC showed promise in environmental monitoring of N. spumigena toxins by measuring nodularin from water samples. Other research presented study into the lethal and sublethal effects of on an extract from N. spumigena to aquatic fauna. Resu lts showed the N. spumigena extract was not lethal to many aquatic fauna although zooplankton from the Gippsland Lakes showed mortality at environmental relevant levels. Biochemical studies focusing on animal detoxification and antioxidation enzymes and DNA integrity showed sublethal effects to the N. spumigena extract. Results presented in this thesis show that an extract of N. spumigena elicited detoxification and antioxidation responses in animals tested. Furthermore, the use of the COMET assay showed increased damage to DNA of animals tested. Results also showed that different organs in animals tested responded differently to the aqueous extract, suggesting mode of uptake maybe important in toxicosis. Further, feeding studies with N. spumigena help elucidate mode of uptake using enzyme response biomarkers. The overall results of this research provided an assessment of the toxic affects of N. spumigena on aquatic fauna with special reference to the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria, Australia.
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Books on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Huether, Gordon. Gordon Huether, selected works. Napa Calif.?]: Gordon Heuther., 2006.

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W, Hoffmaister Alexander, and International Monetary Fund, eds. Spain, selected issues. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund, 2003.

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1940-, Kernaghan Kenneth, ed. Public administration in Canada: Selected readings. 5th ed. Toronto: Methuen, 1985.

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F, Ryan Diana, and Reigeluth Charles M, eds. Public school restructuring: A selected bibliography. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Educational Technology Publications, 1996.

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US GOVERNMENT. Compilation of selected public buildings laws. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2000.

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Simms, Marian. Militant public servants: Politicisation, feminisation, and selected public service unions. South Melbourne: Macmillan, 1987.

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Centre for Education and Communication (New Delhi, India), ed. Wither public enterprises?: Dossier of selected annotations. New Delhi: Centre for Education and Communication, 1998.

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1921-, Blum John Morton, ed. Public philosopher: Selected letters of Walter Lippmann. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1985.

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Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service., ed. Amtrak: Background and selected public policy issues. [Washington, D.C.]: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 1999.

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Richard, Arnott, ed. Public economics: Selected papers by William Vickrey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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Book chapters on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Seal, Vera G., and Philip Bean. "On Public and Private Honesty." In Barbara Wootton Selected Writings, 28–36. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Gong, Guang, Lein Harn, and Huapeng Wu. "The GH Public-Key Cryptosystem." In Selected Areas in Cryptography, 284–300. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Cai, Jin Yi, and Thomas W. Cusick. "A Lattice- Based Public-Key Cryptosystem." In Selected Areas in Cryptography, 219–33. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Rassia, Stamatina Th. "Selected Research Methods of Data Collection." In SpringerBriefs in Public Health, 29–31. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Jha, Raghbendra, M. S. Mohanty, Somnath Chatterjee, and Puneet Chitkara. "Tax efficiency in selected Indian states." In Advances in Public Economics, 91–104. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD, 2000.

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Seal, Vera G., and Philip Bean. "The Changing Ethic of British Public Life." In Barbara Wootton Selected Writings, 96. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Cook, Chris, and John Stevenson. "Selected Holders of Major Public Office." In British Historical Facts, 1688–1760, 54–92. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1988.

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Paroissien, David. "The Novelist and his Public Responsibility." In Selected Letters of Charles Dickens, 344–59. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1985.

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Khachatrian, Gurgen H., Melsik K. Kuregian, Karen R. Ispiryan, and James L. Massey. "Fast Multiplication of Integers for Public-Key Applications." In Selected Areas in Cryptography, 245–54. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Heidarvand, Somayeh, and Jorge L. Villar. "Public Verifiability from Pairings in Secret Sharing Schemes." In Selected Areas in Cryptography, 294–308. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Conference papers on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Kamrádová, Lucie, and Marie Sciskalová. "Selected problems of public administration officials." In 11th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2020“. VGTU Technika, 2020.

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The aim of the article is to present the position of public administration officials with a focus on the Czech Republic as an example of good practice. In today’s globalized society, the term clerk (or official) appears in a rather negative connection, following the organizational structure and bureaucratic apparatus. However, it is difficult to identify from the perspective of the media and the society itself what the view of the officials themselves on their profession and the difficulty of this profession is. The aim of the paper is to describe the position of the official and his/her performance connected with the view of the difficulty of this profession. The paper uses quantitative research methods through a questionnaire survey in public administration aimed at officials as respondents. Other methods used in the paper are analysis, comparison and description. All these methods of research give an overview of the selected view of officials on the performance of their profession in the selected group.
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Rashid, M., M. Rahman, and O. Dev. "INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING PRACTICES IN SELECTED RURAL COMMUNITY." In International conference on public health. The International Institute of Knowledge Management, 2022.

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George, Roshni Ann. "Public Sector Performance Management: Insights from Selected Literature." In ICBSI 2018 - International Conference on Business Sustainability and Innovation. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.

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MALIŠOVÁ, Daniela, and Jana ŠTRANGFELDOVÁ. "Economical Evaluation of Public and Foreign Finances of Selected Secondary Schools." In Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2020.

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The present situation of education in Slovakia is affected by various negative factors, like decrease of students for demographical reasons, discrepancy between kind and number of secondary schools and disregard to reactions of labor market. But, the main reason is an underfinancing across the education. Allocation of public finance by means of normative funding is inadequate. Normative funding forced secondary schools to accept students with low study score to gain more public finance. In the result it is wrong that school must find another foreign or external financial resource like grants and projects of the European Union. The aim of this paper is to assess the economy of selected secondary schools. Ten Business academies, with pupils aged 15-19 years old, established in Banská Bystrica and Žilina self-governing regions were examined. We used panel data gathered in school year 2013/2014 – 2017/2018 from valuable and verifiable sources like Annual reports of education and financial statements of schools. In paper we use qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with professionals in field to find out which indicators are suitable for economy measuring. Based on qualitative method we determined quantitative and financial indicators, like rate of public and external finance. We´re editing data by part of multi-criteria analyze, in the concrete standardized method. We get the economy result of selected secondary schools by integral indicator of applied mathematical method. In the conclusion of paper, we create economy ranking of schools and we suggest the economical solutions for schools with under average results. Our finding is designed by hands of Business academies for comparison with competition, founders of secondary school and resort of education.
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Hossain, S. M., U. Ara, S. Huq, M. M. Hossain, A. I. Ibne Mahmud, and K. R. Isalm. "KAP STUDY ON HYGIENE AND SANITATION IN A SELECTED RURAL AREA OF BANGLADESH." In International Conference on Public Health. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), 2017.

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Pjanić, Miloš, and Mirela Mitrašević. "Analysis of Public Debt in Selected Western Balkan Countries." In International Scientific Conference on Digital Transformation in Business. Basel Switzerland: MDPI, 2023.

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Njie, Baboucarr, Soaib Asimiran, Ramli Basri, and Suhaida Abdul Kadir. "Quality Assurance Implementation Practices in Selected Malaysian Public Universities." In International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Paudel, P., J. Thapa, Y. Marasini, B. Timilsina, and SK Shah. "HEALTHCARE WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN SELECTED HEALTHCARE FACILITIES: A QUANTITATIVE CROSS-SECTIONAL DESCRIPTIVE STUDY." In The 6th Global Public Health Conference. The International Institute of Knowledge Management, 2023.

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S.J. Liwanag, Ma Cristina, and Irynne Cabanban. "HEALTH PROFILE AND STATUS OF CHILDREN IN A SELECTED FOUNDLINGHOME: BASIS FOR A PROPOSED HEALTH MONITORING PROGRAM." In International Conference on Public Health. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), 2017.

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Kubaľák, Stanislav, Ambróz Hájnik, and Veronika Harantová. "Preference for public transport vehicles in selected area of Púchov." In 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2021.

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The paper deals with ensuring the preference for public transport vehicles in the selected area of Púchov.The main aim of the paper is to analyze the current traffic situation within the selected area in the cadastral area of Púchov, near the "Nástupište, MŠK (Makyta)" bus stop, focusing on the delay of public transport vehicles due to the large number of bus lines arriving and departing from the stop; and emerging delays of these vehicles at entry and exit. Moreover, the partial aims of the paper are to evaluate traffic surveys, to design alternative solutions to the new organization of transport, and to select the optimal option which will predict the most significant time savings of public passenger vehicles. The necessary basis of the paper was the elaboration of several traffic surveys. The application of preferential tools enables to improve the throughput and fluency of problematic sections, to eliminate large delays achieved in the most stressed sections, to improve conditions for passengers, to increase attractiveness for public transport, also to observe timetables, reduce road accidents and driving safety, and ultimately reducing financial costs.
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Reports on the topic "SELECTED PUBLIC"


Tomar, Louisa, William Guicheney, Hope Kyarisiima, and Tinashe Zimani. Big Data in the Public Sector: Selected Applications and Lessons Learned. Edited by Benjamin Roseth and Sebastián Acevedo. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2016.

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Author, Not Given. Final report on implementation of energy conservation practices training in selected public housing developments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1991.

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Esantsi, Selina, Francis Onyango, Gloria Asare, Emmanuel Kuffour, Placide Tapsoba, Harriet Birungi, and Ian Askew. Understanding the reproductive health needs of adolescents in selected slums in Ghana: A public health assessment. Population Council, 2015.

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Estache, Antonio, Renaud Foucart, and Tomás Serebrisky. When can lotteries improve public procurement processes? Inter-American Development Bank, November 2022.

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We study the potential benefits of adding a lottery component to cut the main risks associated with standard negotiated and rule-based auction procurement procedures. We show that adopting a two stage approach in which bureaucrats first negotiate with a small number of bidders to assess their eligibility and, next, rely on a lottery to award the contract reduces corruption risks often observed in negotiated procedures. For rule-based procedures, we show that a “third-price lottery” in which the two highest bidders are selected with equal probability and the project is contracted at a price corresponding to the third highest bid can reduce limited liability, renegotiation, bid rigging and collusion risks.
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Cristia, Julian P., Pedro Bernal, Julieth Santamaria, Paula Algarra, Carolina Bernal, Lisseth Escalante, Andrés Gallegos, et al. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Selected Digital Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2022.

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The increase in access to digital technologies is opening up opportunities for governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to offer digital public services. However, there is scarce evidence regarding the benefits and costs of potential projects which makes it difficult for governments in the region to prioritize digital projects for implementation. As part of the report titled “Digitalizing Public Services: Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean,” produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (Cristia and Vlaicu, 2022), a set of cost-benefit analyses of the digital public services were performed. The present document complements the mentioned report by presenting the methodology, assumptions, and results of these cost-benefit analyses. To increase the comparability of the results across digital public services evaluated, common assumptions and a standardized methodology were used. Moreover, contextual conditions were fixed across projects by estimating results for a base country, Peru. The robustness of the results were examined by replicating the analysis for Chile, El Salvador, and Jamaica. Digital public services were evaluated in three sectors: education, health and government administrative services (e.g. production of identity cards). For each sector, the benefits and costs of two digital projects were estimated. For some these digital projects, only one policy option was assessed but, in other cases, several policy options were analyzed. A total of 11 policy options were assessed as part of this exercise. Results indicate that, in general, the policy options analyzed produced positive net present values. However, there is wide variation in the net present value across policy options suggesting that governments should carefully evaluate which digital public services they should prioritize for implementation.
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Petrik, W. A. Estimated use of water in the United States 1990, selected large Alaskan public water suppliers documentation and data forms. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1991.

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Survant, Cerinda. (Re)Presenting Peoples and Storied Lands: Public Presentation of Archaeology and Representation of Native Americans in Selected Western U.S. Protected Areas. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Muralidharan, Karthik, and Abhijeet Singh. Improving Public Sector Management at Scale? Experimental Evidence on School Governance in India. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), November 2020.

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We present results from a large-scale experimental evaluation of an ambitious attempt to improve management quality in Indian schools (implemented in 1,774 randomly-selected schools). The intervention featured several global “best practices” including comprehensive assessments, detailed school ratings, and customized school improvement plans. It did not, however, change accountability or incentives. We find that the assessments were near-universally completed, and that the ratings were informative, but the intervention had no impact on either school functioning or student outcomes. Yet, the program was perceived to be successful and scaled up to cover over 600,000 schools nationally. We find using a matched-pair design that the scaled-up program continued to be ineffective at improving student learning in the state we study. We also conduct detailed qualitative interviews with frontline officials and find that the main impact of the program on the ground was to increase required reporting and paperwork. Our results illustrate how ostensibly well-designed programs, that appear effective based on administrative measures of compliance, may be ineffective in practice.
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Research Institute (IFPRI), International Food Policy. Safety and quality of food (rice and wheat) distributed through Public Food Distribution System (PFDS) in Bangladesh: Results from laboratory tests for selected contaminants. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2019.

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Krishnaswamy, Sudhir, Jayna Kothari, Satya Prasoon, and Ashwini Tallur. Rights in Review: The Supreme Court in 2016. Centre for Law and Policy Research, April 2016.

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“Rights in Review″ is an annual review of Indian Supreme Court decisions on constitutional fundamental rights cases in the year past. In 2016 we surveyed all reported decisions of the Supreme Court adjudicating fundamental rights challenges from January 2016 to December, 2016. Once again we selected cases which extend or modify existing legal doctrine, apply the law to new factual circumstances or otherwise have a significant impact on public policy or public affairs.
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