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S, Fuis Gary, and Geological Survey (U.S.), eds. Empirical relationship among shot size, shotpoint site condition, and recording distance for 1984-1987 U.S. Geological Survey Seismic-Refraction Data. [Menlo Park, CA]: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989.
Find full textS, Fuis Gary, and Geological Survey (U.S.), eds. Empirical relationship among shot size, shotpoint site condition, and recording distance for 1984-1987 U.S. Geological Survey Seismic-Refraction Data. [Menlo Park, CA]: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989.
Find full textKowalsky, M. J. Shear behavior of lightweight concrete columns under seismic conditions. La Jolla, Calif: Dept. of Applied Mechanics & Engineering Sciences, Division of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 1995.
Find full textGibbs, James F. Seismic velocities and geological conditions at twelve sites subjected to strong ground motion in the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake. [Reston, Va.?]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1996.
Find full textF, Gibbs James, and Geological Survey (U.S.), eds. Seismic velocities and geological conditions at twelve sites subjected to strong ground motion in the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake: A revision of OFR 96-740. Menlo Park, CA: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1999.
Find full textCrespellani, Teresa, ed. Terremoto e ricerca. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.
Full textTan, Mai Thanh. The enhancement of seismic prospecting effectiveness for oil and gas under the conditions of the sedimentary basins in the continental shelf of Vietnam. Cracow: Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica w Krakowie, 1990.
Find full textLampropoulos, Andreas, ed. Case Studies on Conservation and Seismic Strengthening/Retrofitting of Existing Structures. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2020.
Full textTanaka, Osamu. Nihonjin to shihon shugi no seishin. Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Chikuma Shobō, 2017.
Find full textOguchi, Yūkō. Seishi ōkoku no jidai ni ikite. Nagano-ken Shimosuwa-machi: Azami Shobō, 1990.
Find full textMontejo, Luis A. Seismic behavior of concrete bridge columns at sub-freezing temperatures. Juneau, AK: Alaska Dept. of Transportation [and Public Facilities], Statewide Research Office, 2008.
Find full textHagiwara, Hikozō. Kannan kokkyō kōchitai junkōki. Kankyōsen. Seishin. Sŏul: Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 1989.
Find full textShamsher, Prakash, Dakoulas Panos, American Society of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical Engineering Division., and ASCE National Convention (1994 : Atlanta, Ga.), eds. Ground failures under seismic conditions: Proceedings of the sessions sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, October 9-13, 1994. New York: ASCE, 1994.
Find full textNihon-gata shihon shugi: Sono seishin no minamoto. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōron Shinsha, 2018.
Find full textKakuma, Takashi. "Shinjinrui"-gaku nyūmon: Dai-ni BB sedai no seishin bunseki. Tōkyō: Emjī, 1987.
Find full textShokugyō o ikiru seishin: Heisei Nihon ga ushinaishi mono. Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō, 2008.
Find full textNATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation (2008 Borovet︠s︡, Bulgaria). Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.
Find full textEiji, Umehara, ed. Kansai, sono katsuryoku no minamoto o saguru: Sangyō shūseki to kigyōka seishin. Kyōto: Hōritsu Bunkasha, 2000.
Find full textMura no kokoro: Shiryō ga kataru murabito no seishin seikatsu. Tōkyō: Yūzankaku Shuppan, 2001.
Find full textAsaba, Yoshimasa. Keizai taikoku no seisui 300-nen: Eikoku, Beikoku, Nihon, Chūgoku. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1997.
Find full textYomigaere basara no seishin: Ima nani ga Nihonjin ni wa hitsuyō na no ka? Tōkyō: PHP Kenkyūjo, 1990.
Find full textYomigaere basara no seishin: Ima nani ga Nihonjin ni wa hitsuyō na no ka? Tōkyō: PHP Kenkyūjo, 1987.
Find full textKurosaki, Seisuke. Nihon shihon shugi no seishin: Shinshū rinri to no kanren de. Tōkyō: Bunken Shuppan, 1991.
Find full textYamagishi, Takeshi. Tōkyō Pandemikku: Shashin ga toraeta toshi seisui = Tokyo Pandemic. Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2021.
Find full textAjia Taiheiyō keizaiken no seisei: Sono dōtai to tōgō mekanizumu no kaimei. Tōkyō: Chūō Keizaisha, 1994.
Find full textChiiki keizai to kigyōka seishin: Nara no jiba sangyō to keizai dantai no ayumi. Tōkyō: Zeimu Keiri Kyōkai, 2000.
Find full textSeishi kōjo to fukoku kyōhei no jidai: Kiito ga sasaeta Nnihon shihon shugi. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 2002.
Find full textUnited States. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement. Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region. Chukchi Sea planning area: Statoil USA E&P Inc., 2011 ancillary activities, Chukchi Sea, Alaska : environmental assessment. Anchorage, Alaska]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, Alaska OCS Region, 2011.
Find full text1958-, Okazaki Nobuo, ed. Seishinkai no honne tōku ga kikeru hon: Utsubyō no kakusan shihō seishin igaku no kadai kara shinsaika no kokoro no kea made. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 2012.
Find full textTakahashi, Misanori. Kigyōka no shakaiteki kōsei: Kigyō o kaishita soshiki shūdan no saiseisan to kigyōka seishin. [Hikone-shi]: Shiga Daigaku Keizai Gakubu, 2008.
Find full textTakahashi, Misanori. Kigyōka no shakaiteki kōsei: Kigyō o kaishita soshiki shūdan no saiseisan to kigyōka seishin. [Hikone-shi]: Shiga Daigaku Keizai Gakubu, 2008.
Find full textTakahashi, Misanori. Kigyōka no shakaiteki kōsei: Kigyō o kaishita soshiki shūdan no saiseisan to kigyōka seishin. [Hikone-shi]: Shiga Daigaku Keizai Gakubu, 2008.
Find full textTakahashi, Misanori. Kigyōka no shakaiteki kōsei: Kigyō o kaishita soshiki shūdan no saiseisan to kigyōka seishin. [Hikone-shi]: Shiga Daigaku Keizai Gakubu, 2008.
Find full textJinkō genshō shakai to iu kibō: Komyuniti keizai no seisei to Chikyū rinri. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Shuppan, 2013.
Find full textTosei minzoku no seishin: Yūjo, kabuki, ishi, ninkyō, sumō tosei no kin-gendaishi. Ōsaka-shi: Nenshōsha, 2002.
Find full textBakumatsu ishin seijishi no kenkyū: Nihon kindai kokka no seisei ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Hanawa Shobō, 1994.
Find full textKatō, Akira. Megane sanchi no seisui: Fukui-ken Sabae-shi to Itaria Berrūno sanchi hikaku no kēsu. Ishikawa-ken Nomi-shi: JAIST Press, 2008.
Find full textUnited States. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement. Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region. Chukchi Sea planning area, oil and gas lease sale 193 in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska: Revised draft supplemental environmental impact statement. Anchorage, Alaska]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Alaska OCS Region, 2011.
Find full textYamai no kyōdōtai: Hansenbyō ryōyōjo ni okeru kanja bunka no seisei to hen'yō. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shin'yōsha, 2014.
Find full textBaria, Roy. The use of seismic techniques to identify hazardous ground conditions associated with cavities: A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy of the Council for Academic Awards, March 1986. London: Middlesex Polytechnic, 1986.
Find full textRudnyk, O. V. Metody restavrat︠s︡iï pam'i︠a︡atok istoriï i kulʹtury v skladnykh inz︠h︡enerno-heolohichnykh ta seĭsmichnykh umovakh: Materialy Miz︠h︡narodnoï naukovo-praktychnoï konferent︠s︡iï (Kyïv, 25-26 z︠h︡ovtni︠a︡ 2018 r.) = Methods of restoring historical and cultural monuments in complex engineering, geological and seismic conditions : proceedings of the International scientific & practical conference (Kyiv, Oct. 25-26, 2018). Kyïv: Vydavnyt︠s︡tvo "Feniks", 2018.
Find full textKita Chōsen keizai taisei no henka, 1945-2012: Shakai shugiken no seisui to kaikaku, kaihō = Pukhan kyŏngje ch'eje ŭi pyŏnhwa, 1945-2012 = Bei Chaoxian jing ji ti zhi de bian hua, 1945-2012 = Change of the North Korean economic system, 1945-2012. Sapporo-shi: Hokkaidō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2013.
Find full textRobinson, Enders A. Seismic Velocity Analysis and the Convolutional Model. Pearson Education, Limited, 1988.
Find full textPrakash, Shamsher. Ground Failures Under Seismic Conditions: Proceedings of the Sessions Sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of (Geotechnical Special Publication). American Society of Civil Engineers, 1994.
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