Academic literature on the topic 'SEIG'
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Journal articles on the topic "SEIG"
Al-Senaidi, Saleh, Abdulrahman Alolah, and Majeed Alkanhal. "Magnetization-Dependent Core-Loss Model in a Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generator." Energies 11, no. 11 (November 21, 2018): 3228.
Full textMadeira, Filipe C., João F. P. Fernandes, Modesto Pérez-Sánchez, P. Amparo López-Jiménez, Helena M. Ramos, and P. J. Costa Branco. "Electro-Hydraulic Transient Regimes in Isolated Pumps Working as Turbines with Self-Excited Induction Generators." Energies 13, no. 17 (September 1, 2020): 4521.
Full textDalei, Jyotirmayee, and Kanungo Barada Mohanty. "An approach to estimate and control SEIG voltage and frequency using CORDIC algorithm." Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 39, no. 6 (July 22, 2016): 861–71.
Full textR., Essaki Raj, and Sundaramoorthy Sridhar. "Grey wolf optimizer algorithm for the performance predetermination of variable speed self-excited induction generators." COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 41, no. 1 (December 8, 2021): 319–33.
Full textGreiner, Alyson L. "In MemoriamLouis Seig (1931-2003)." Journal of Cultural Geography 21, no. 1 (September 2003): 121–26.
Full textStubhaug, Arild. "Haldningar er ein seig materie." Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 134, no. 17 (2014): 1720.
Full textNazir, Refdinal, Syafii Syafii, Andi Pawawoi, Fajril Akbar, and Yudi Arfan. "Effect analysis of residual magnetism availability level on the success of voltage generation processes in self-excited induction generators." International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 11, no. 3 (September 1, 2020): 1211.
Full textBenhacine, Tarek Zine Eddine, Ali Nesba, Said Mekhtoub, and Rachid Ibtiouen. "A new approach for steady state analysis of three-phase SEIG feeding single-phase load." COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 38, no. 1 (January 7, 2019): 46–67.
Full textAlkhayyat, Mahmood T., Ziad Saeed Mohammed, and Ahmed J. Ali. "Performance improvement of stand-alone induction generator using distribution SSC for wind power application." Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11, no. 2 (April 1, 2022): 589–601.
Full textNazir, Refdinal, Krismadinata Krismadinata, and Rizka Amalia. "The Camparison of Harmonic Distortion Self-Excited Induction Generator with Isolated Synchronous Generator under Non-linear Loads." International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 6, no. 4 (December 1, 2015): 759.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SEIG"
von, Loë Stefano. "\(Nakano Seig\bar{o}\) and the Politics of Democracy, Empire and Fascism in Prewar and Wartime Japan." Thesis, Harvard University, 2011.
Full textEast Asian Languages and Civilizations
Mayer, Giovano. "Condições de existência de autoexcitação em geradores de indução conforme suas condições operativas." Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, 2012.
Full textThe use of alternative sources of energy requires electromechanical conversion equipments that exhibit low installation, operating and maintenance costs. In such way, small energy resources that are not connect to the power system (PS) can be benefited by the use of squirrel-cage induction generators (IG) which show such characteristics. When operating in an isolated mode, the IG is called SEIG - Self Excited Induction Generator, and in this configuration its self excitation is promoted through the connection of appropriate capacitors to the terminals of the machine stator. The existence of self-excitation in the IG depends on the value of the capacitor connected to the stator, the mechanical velocity and the load. This work aims to study the conditions of existence of self-excitation in induction generators having in mind applications in isolated generators systems. Towards this goal, initially the conditions for the existence of self-excitation are stated in terms of appropriate parameters, units and quantities, so as to highlight its relations with the operative characteristics of the machine. It is considered that the induction generator is connected to a load that contains both reactive and active components, parameterized in terms of its rated power. The self-excitation capacitors are represented by its reactive power, called self-excitation reactive power (PRAE). Self-excitation existence regions are defined which explicitate conditions for the existence and maintenance of self-excitation over, a region of operating conditions (OR) of the generator. Through the analysis of the existence of the self-excitation over the OR and the parameterization of the PRAE and the load in terms or rated power, procedures for SEIG design are established. With these procedures, the design of the SEIG is defined by the maximum load power, the worse load power factor condition, and the minimum self-excitation speed of the generator. The process of self-excitation of the generator and the design procedures are analyzed with the aid of dynamic simulations of the SEIG complete model, including the non linear model of the magnetizing inductance representing the magnetic saturation. A laboratorial bench was developed to allow studies with asynchronous generation, in particular with the SEIG. The parameters of the generator were identified experimentally and used all along the work, especially in the dynamic simulations showed. The results were also compared with experimental data collected from self-excitation tests performed with the developed laboratory bench.
A utilização de fontes alternativas de energia requer equipamentos de conversão eletromecânica que apresentem baixos custos de implantação, operação e manutenção. Desta forma, pequenos recursos energéticos não ligados ao sistema elétrico de potência (SEP) podem ser beneficiados pelo emprego do gerador de indução (GI) com rotor em gaiola, que apresenta tais características. Quando operado de forma isolada, o GI é denominado de SEIG Self Excited Induction Generator, e nesta configuração sua autoexcitação é promovida através do acoplamento de capacitores apropriados aos terminais do estator da máquina. A existência da autoexcitação no GI depende do valor do capacitor conectado ao estator, da velocidade mecânica e da carga. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar as condições de existência da autoexcitação em geradores de indução visando sua aplicação em sistemas isolados de geração. Neste sentido, inicialmente as condições de existência de autoexcitação são colocadas em termos de parâmetros, unidades e grandezas apropriadas, a fim de explicitar as relações com as características operativas da máquina. Também é considerado que o gerador de indução é acoplado a uma carga que contém componentes tanto ativos quanto reativos parametrizados em termos de potência. Os capacitores de autoexcitação são representados por sua potência reativa denominada de potência reativa de autoexcitação (PRAE). São definidas regiões de existência de autoexcitação explicitando condições para a existência e a manutenção da autoexcitação em torno de regiões operativas (RO) do gerador. Através da análise da existência da autoexcitação em torno da RO e da representação da PRAE e da carga em termos de potência, são estabelecidos procedimentos de projeto do SEIG. Com estes procedimentos, o dimensionamento do SEIG fica em função da carga máxima a ser acionada, da pior condição de fator de potência da mesma e da velocidade mínima de autoexcitação do gerador. O processo de autoexcitação do gerador e os procedimentos de projeto são analisados com o auxílio de simulações dinâmicas do modelo completo do SEIG, incluindo o modelo não linear da indutância de magnetização representando a saturação magnética. Uma bancada laboratorial foi desenvolvida para possibilitar estudos com geração assíncrona, em particular com o SEIG. Os parâmetros do gerador foram levantados experimentalmente e utilizados em todo o trabalho, inclusive nas simulações dinâmicas apresentadas. Os resultados foram confrontados também com dados experimentais de testes de autoexcitação obtidos com a bancada desenvolvida.
Diest, Paul J. van Baak Jan P. A. "Quantitative cyto- and histoprognosis in breast cancer /." Amsterdam ; London ; New York [etc.] : Elsevier, 1992.
Full textThèse soutenue par P. J. van Diest. Bibliogr. à la fin de chaque chap. Index.
Moreau, Damien Labbe-Devilliers Catherine. "Conduite à tenir après le diagnostic de lésion épithéliale atypique du sein sur macrobiopsie assistée par aspiration surveillance ou chirurgie systématique /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Full textHenning, Annegret Lucie. "Klaus Joachim Zülch sein Leben, sein Werk, Werkverzeichnis /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Full textDeville, Jeannick. "Intérêt et limites de l'échographie en pathologie mammaire actuellement : diagnostic, dépistage, surveillance des malades traités." Montpellier 1, 1990.
Full textPechoux, Christine. "Rôle de la thrombospondine (TSP1) dans le développement prénatal de la glande mammaire humaine, et dans le cancer du sein chez la femme : développement d'un modèle de primo-culture de cellules mammaires humaines foetales en milieu chimiquement défini." Lyon 1, 1993.
Full textHoupert, Pierre-Patrick. "Les tumeurs phyllodes du sein : bilan actuel, essai de synthèse." Montpellier 1, 1989.
Full textTjindra, Claudia. "Josef Koncz (1916 - 1988) sein Leben und sein Werk /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Full textSantos, Juliana de Brito Marques dos. "Era uma chapeuzinho, seis surdos, seis histÃrias." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2006.
Full textEste trabalho tem como objetivo a investigaÃÃo da singularidade da escrita dos surdos, observando e analisando como a histÃria de vida de cada um influencia no portuguÃs escrito. Para a realizaÃÃo da pesquisa, foram analisados os textos escritos e reescritos da histÃria Chapeuzinho Vermelho, produzidos por seis alunos surdos, da 7Â. sÃrie, do Instituto Cearense de EducaÃÃo de Surdos, com o intuito de observar as caracterÃsticas individuais presentes nos textos de cada um dos sujeitos. AlÃm da coleta dos textos, que ocorreu, respectivamente, em maio e novembro de 2005, foram realizadas trÃs entrevistas, todas com o auxÃlio de um intÃrprete. A primeira, direcionada por meio de um questionÃrio, ocorreu em maio de 2005; e as duas Ãltimas, uma nÃo estruturada e outra semi-estruturada, ocorreram em novembro de 2005. As entrevistas tiveram como objetivo coletar dados sobre a histÃria de vida dos sujeitos, suas vivÃncias na escola e na famÃlia, suas opiniÃes sobre a importÃncia e o uso da lÃngua portuguesa e da LIBRAS etc. As informaÃÃes, obtidas nas entrevistas, foram comparadas com a anÃlise das caracterÃsticas dos textos dos sujeitos, procurando observar como a histÃria de cada um pode estar presente em seus discursos, posto que acreditamos ser o desempenho na escrita um reflexo de sua formaÃÃo discursiva. Para a realizaÃÃo desta pesquisa, foi assumida a concepÃÃo sÃcio-interacionista da linguagem, corroborando com Vygotsky e de Bakhtin. AlÃm de revisitar os preceitos destes cÃlebres autores, tambÃm apresento neste estudo um breve histÃrico da educaÃÃo dos surdos e algumas caracterÃsticas da LIBRAS, por compreender serem estes alguns dos fatores que influenciam a escrita dos surdos.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the singularity of deaf studentâs writing, observing and analyzing on how their life story influences on their written Portuguese. The research was based on the analysis of the texts that were written an rewritten about the fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood, written by six deaf students, of the 7th grade, that study at the Instituto Cearense de EducaÃÃo de Surdos (ICES), with the objective of observing the individual characteristics present in each texts of written by the six students. Besides the collection of the texts, in May and November 2005, there were carried out three interviews, all of them made with the help of an interpreter. The first interview was made through a questionnaire, in May 2005; the second one was structured, and the other was semi-structured, both were made in November 2005. The objective of the interviews sere to collect data on the life story of the six students subjects, and also on their experiences in the school and with their families, and their opinion on the importance of the use of Portuguese language and of LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). The data collected in the interviews, was compared with the analysis of the characteristics of the studentâs text, trying to observe how their life story could be present in their writing, as we believed that the act of writing is a reflex of our discursive formation. This research, was carried out based on the social-interactive of the language, agree with the studies of Vygotsky and Bakhtin. Besides the review of great researchers Vygotsky and Bakhtin, I also present in this study a brief history deaf education and some characteristics of the LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language), as I agree these are some of the factors that influence the writing of the deaf.
Books on the topic "SEIG"
Marcus, Lutter, and Hommelhoff Peter, eds. SE-Kommentar: SE-VO, SEAG, SEBG, Steuerrecht. Köln: O. Schmidt, 2008.
Find full textFulda, Theologische Fakultät, ed. "Seid ihr bereit ...?": Priester sein in unserer Zeit. Würzburg: Echter, 2011.
Find full textWelches Deutschland soll es sein?: Frankreich und die deutsche Einheit seit 1945. München: Beck, 1986.
Find full textVásquez, Alejandro. Seis fotógrafos, seis visiones. Maracaibo, Venezuela: PEQUIVEN, 1997.
Find full textLehming, Eva-Maria. Carl Hundhausen: Sein Leben, sein Werk, sein Lebenswerk. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 1997.
Full textGregor-Dellin, Martin. Richard Wagner: Sein Leben, sein Werk, sein Jahrhundert. München: R. Piper, 1995.
Find full textLangendörfer, Hans. Danke, Benedikt: Sein Leben, sein Pontifikat, sein Rücktritt. Freiburg: Herder, 2013.
Find full textNasrine, Callet, and Fourme Emmanuelle, eds. Cancer du sein: Comprendre pour mieux faire face. Paris: In press, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "SEIG"
Mohanty, Soumya, Swagat Pati, Sanjeeb Kumar Kar, and Janmajaya Gantayat. "Sliding Mode Control-Oriented Electric Spring for SEIG-Based Micro-Grid." In Smart Technologies for Power and Green Energy, 439–48. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textChaturvedi, Yatender, Varun Gupta, Arunesh Chandra, and Ankit Goel. "Performance Evaluation of SEIG Under Unbalanced Load Operations Using Genetic Algorithm." In Communication and Intelligent Systems, 265–74. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textKhatua, Subhendu, Abhijeet Choudhury, Swagat Pati, Sanjeeb Kumar Kar, and Renu Sharma. "Voltage Stabilization in a Single-Phase SEIG System with Electronic Load Controller." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 637–46. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textFadi, Ouafia, Soufiane Gaizen, and Ahmed Abbou. "SM Versus PI Tunning for PWM Rectifier for SEIG in Wind Energy Application." In Digital Technologies and Applications, 1675–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textChaurasia, Ravi, Rajkumar Viral, Divya Asija, and Tarannum Bahar. "Performance Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) with ELC for the Wind Energy System." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 219–36. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textKundu, Sombir, Madhusudan Singh, and Ashutosh K. Giri. "Design and Control of a Standalone Wind–Solar System with SEIG Feeding Linear/Nonlinear Loads." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 317–27. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textNeumann, Bernd. "Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit ist unerreichbar – bis heute. Zu Kafkas zentraler literaturtheoretischer Kategorie eines immerwährenden „Ansturms gegen die Grenze“." In Umrisse einer Dritten Kultur im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft, 259–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textPlener, Peter. "Vor- & Mit-Schriften zweiter Ordnung. Das administrative Protokoll und sein Apparat." In AdminiStudies. Formen und Medien der Verwaltung, 249–71. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.
Full textJansesberger, Viktoria, and Gabriele Spilker. "Umwelt- und Klimapolitik." In Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs, 345–63. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022.
Full textVogel, Claudia, Alberto Lozano Alcántara, and Laura Romeu Gordo. "Steigende Wohnkosten im Alter – (k)ein Problem?" In Vechtaer Beiträge zur Gerontologie, 247–62. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "SEIG"
Jain, Silki, Monika Jain, Deepti Jain, and Deepika Masand. "FUZZY-PI BASED SEIG FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION." In 2018 IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS). IEEE, 2018.
Full textGhuman, Puneet Singh, and Rachna. "Wind energy electricity generator system using SEIG and STATCOM." In 2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). IEEE, 2017.
Full textVarshney, L., and R. K. Saket. "Reliability evaluation of residual magnetism in rotor of SEIG." In 2013 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES). IEEE, 2013.
Full textVarshney, Lokesh, and R. K. Saket. "Power estimation of MWW based generation system using SEIG." In 2012 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS). IEEE, 2012.
Full textGopikaramanan, R., R. Sridevi, and C. Kumar. "Steady state analysis of SEIG using fuzzy logic approach." In 2014 International Conference On Computation of Power , Energy, Information and Communication (ICCPEIC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textRavi Kiran, S., S. P. Singh, and P. V. Balasubramanyam. "Voltage control of variable speed SEIG with Z-Source inverter." In 2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). IEEE, 2012.
Full textDyanamina, Giribabu, and Sanjay Kumar Kakodia. "SEIG voltage regulation with STATCOM Regulator using Fuzzy logic controller." In 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET). IEEE, 2021.
Full textVerma, Vishal, Peeyush Pant, and Bhim Singh. "VSC supported active load control for SEIG under load perturbations." In 2010 India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE). IEEE, 2011.
Full textAttuati, Gabriel, Robinson Figueiredo de Camargo, and Lucas Giuliani Scherer. "Proportional-Resonant Stator Current Controller Applied to SEIG Based Systems." In 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America). IEEE, 2019.
Full textKumar, Navin, and Giribabu Dyanamina. "Performance improvement of SEIG based WECS using Artificial Neural Network." In 2023 IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS). IEEE, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "SEIG"
Rozynek, Caroline, Giulio Mattioli, and Christoph Aberle. Was darf die ÖPNV-Nutzung im Kontext sozialer Teilhabe kosten? : Ideen für Indikatoren der ÖPNV-Erschwinglichkeit. Goethe-Universität, Institut für Humangeographie, Arbeitsgruppe Mobilitätsforschung, July 2023.
Full textGarcia, Jose Maria, Javier Garcia-Guzman, Javier Garzas, Amit A. Javadekar, Pat Kirwan, Joaquin Lasheras, Erich Meier, Arturo Mora-Soto, and Ana M. Moreno. SEPG Europe 2012 Conference Proceedings. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2012.
Full textvon Balthasar, Hans Urs. Lässt sich Christ-sein definieren? Saint John Publications, 2022.
Full textvon Balthasar, Hans Urs. sei yohane kyoudoutai. Saint John Publications, 2023.
Full textBelding, Scott, Kathleen Krah, and Rick Armstrong. SEIN: Breaking Barriers Resilient Energy System Analysis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2022.
Full textDöring, Thomas, and Franziska Rischkowsky. Lohnsubventionen zum Abbau von Arbeitslosigkeit im Niedriglohnsektor – Kritische Anmerkungen zu Edmund Phelps. Sonderforschungsgruppe Institutionenanalyse, 2011.
Full textJohnson, Albert. SEI Software Engineering Education Directory. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1987.
Full textShell, Peter. World Modeler SEI Library Builder. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1987.
Full textStreicher, Jürgen, Marija Breitfuss-Loidl, Michael Ploder, and Eva Buchinger. Zwischenevaluierung des Förderprogramms IÖB-Toolbox. Joanneum Research, August 2021.
Full textMarsden, Eric, Noëlle Laneyrie, Cécile Laugier, and Olivier Chanton. La relation contrôleur-contrôlé au sein d’un réseau d’acteurs. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, June 2023.
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