Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sediment transfert'
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Taccone, Florent. "Modélisation numérique du transfert sédimentaire en bassin versant montagneux fortement érodable." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PESC1040/document.
Full textIn some small mountain catchments, extreme rainfall events can lead to strong sediment exports. This large volume of sediment can have an impact on the management of hydraulic structures downstream these basins. Today, to represent erosion processes on a watershed scale, distributed conceptual models are mainly used (CASC2D, SHETRAN, DWSM). These models are based on global erosion formulas and are validated for coarse mesh sizes (> 30 m). On the other hand, there are models capable of finely representing gravity erosion processes, by multiphase flows, mainly used on small-scale cases. This thesis work proposes the development of a physics-based model capable of representing both hydraulic transfers and watershed hydrology, gravity-driven erosion processes and sediment erosion/deposition in the hydraulic network. This will quantify sediment export at the outlet of a basin for extreme events, identify areas of high sediment production and sediment storage dynamics in the hydraulic network to facilitate watershed management. The first step is to evaluate the resolution of the Saint-Venant equations for run off with low water depths on steep slopes. To diagnose the different numerical schemes that can be found in the literature, a test case, with an analytical solution of the Saint-Venant equations, representing a straight channel on which a constant rain falls is used. This test case includes a dry zone upstream and allows the evaluation of the key properties that a scheme must include to represent runoff over a watershed, such as positive water depths, the transition between dry and wet zones, the balance of the lake at rest and the non-limitation of the slope. The Chen and Noelle (2017) scheme is finally chosen.Then, with the addition of a Green-Ampt infiltration law (1911), the model will be evaluated in its ability to represent output hydrographs, but especially local flow velocities over real watersheds. For this, we evaluate the part of error coming from the numerical resolution and the physical modeling of the friction of the water on the bottom through four experimental cases from the laboratory scale to a basin of 1 km².A gravity erosion model, based on Takahashi's (2009) detachment and deposition criteria, is coupled to the global hydraulic model by a bottom evolution equation. The evolution of the sediment stock in the hydraulic network is modeled using an advection equation representing suspended sediments in the flow. The classic laws of Krone and Parthenades erosion and deposition are used for the recovery sediment deposition in the network.The erosion model is then validated on the Laval watershed (86 ha), instrumented and monitored by the ORE Draix-Bléone, on several very erosive events. Finally, the model is applied to two basins that are not instrumented but are of interest to EDF, for an ovoid dimensioning study in the Durance valley. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Bertin, Delphine. "Transfert des composés perfluorés des sédiments aux invertébrés benthiques." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO10274.
Full textThe accumulation of persistent compounds in biota creates environmental, health and regulatory concerns. Among these substances, the poly-fluorinated compounds (PFASs) represents a case of interest due to their specific physicochemical properties. So the PFAs behavior in the environment is difficult to predict as the existing tools are not suitable. Athough it is recognized that these compounds are persistent and accumulate in biota, many knowledge gaps remain, including the mechanisms of sediment-biota transfer and the factors that control them. This thesis examines the role of sediment in the accumulation process, especially (a) exposure routes of biota, (b) role of biodiversity in the accumulation, by exposing two benthic invertebrates (Chironomus riparius and Gammarus sp.) to natural sediment. The description of PFASs kinetics of accumulation and elimination have showed the biodisponibility of the compounds to organisms. Thus, a bioaccumulation model including the organisms growth and the specificity of the compounds was used to estimate the accumulation and depuration rate constants (ku and ke). A conceptual representation of compounds transfer allowed us to understand the major routes for organisms contamination. Moreover, the interspecific variability has been assessed by comparing the PFASs bioaccumulation and transfer pathways for both invertebrates. This thesis have helped to open up many issues, and especially the influence of both biofilm and organism bioturbation onPFASs bioaccumulation. Moreover some new perspectives on the study of biomagnification were opened
Chalaux, Thomas. "Impact of decontamination and recultivation of agricultural soils on sediment and radiocaesium transfers in Fukushima rivers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASJ037.
Full textSignificant quantities of radionuclides (mainly radiocesium) were deposited on the soils of Northeastern Japan after the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant in March 2011. Starting from late 2013, the Japanese authorities initiated an unprecedented large-scale decontamination programme in cultivated and residential areas affected by the main radioactive plume (8953 km2). The main objective was not to expose local inhabitants to radioactive doses exceeding 1 mSv yr−1 in addition to the natural levels, in order to allow a rapid return of the local inhabitants and the resumption of agricultural activities. In these areas, decontamination consisted of removing the uppermost 5-cm layer of soil that concentrated radiocesium (90-99%) and then replacing it with saprolite sand extracted from local quarries opened for this purpose. Decontamination targeted a minor proportion of the landscape, as farmland covers less than 10% of this region. Furthermore, as agricultural land started to be re-cultivated, many questions were raised regarding the impact of this decontamination work on the transfer of radiocesium into rivers and across landscapes. A multi-proxy sediment tracing approach was designed to quantify the evolution of sources of sediment and particle-bound radiocesium transiting river systems draining the main contamination plume since the accident, through the combined analysis of sediment cores and river flood deposits collected across the region. In 2021, Japanese authorities announced the potential reopening of parts of the Difficult-to-Return zone without obligatory decontamination from Spring 2023 onwards. The current research reconstructed and compared the sources and transfers of sediment and radiocesium in three contrasted catchments (i.e., Mano Dam, Yokokama Dam and Ogaki Dam) where different management modes (and schedules) were implemented. This will shed light into the impact of different management decisions and their timing (early-decontamination or late-decontamination) on sediment and radiocesium transfers in these unique post-accidental conditions
Gay, Aurore. "Transfert de particules des versants aux masses d'eau sur le bassin Loire-Bretagne." Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR4048/document.
Full textErosion and particles redistribution represent major environmental, societal and economic issues. To adopt protection measures, it is essential to identify and quantify sources and sinks of sediment and their spatial and temporal dynamic. The aim of this work is thus to establish a sediment budget for a large river basin (Loire and Brittany river basin 155,000 km2) with contrasted landscapes. On hillslopes, detached particles from the miscellaneous form of erosion (sheet and rill erosion, gullies and mass movements) represent a supply of 1.5 * 107 t.yr−1 (contribution to the stock of 82.4%, 12.9%, and 4.7% respectively). The consideration of the spatial distribution of processes involved in sediment transport and the characteristics of the study site (soil saturation and presence of hedgerows) in a qualitative landscape-based index allows us to assess the hillslope connectivity. Bank erosion also participates in the sediment budget with 6.9 * 105 t.yr−1 of material provided to the river network. In the end, only 5% of detached particles, from all sources of sediment, reach the basin outlet indicating a substantial deposition on the way from source to outlet. In parallel, the use of the database of dissolved elements allows us to highlight the importance of the dissolved sediment fluxes ( 90% of the total exports of the Loire river). The presentation of all results at different spatial scales permits to provide a qualitative approach of sediment source-to-sink transfers and to identify hotspots of erosion and transfers
Wu, Yingxin. "Surfactant-Assisted Zerovalent Iron Dechlorination Of Polychlorinated Biphenyl In Contaminated Sediment." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0066/document.
Full textSoil and sediment contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is a global health and environmental concern, since PCBs are toxic and recalcitrant. The aim of this thesis is to find a remediation process to PCBs contaminated sediments by using zerovalent iron (ZVI). To begin the studies on remediation, a survey was conducted on sites contaminated by e-waste recycling activities in south China. PCBs contamination was not as severe as previously, whereas the co-existence of PCBs and heavy metals increases the difficulty of remediation. Afterwards, the feasibility PCBs degradation by ZVI in aqueous solutions was investigated. Results confirmed the stepwise dechlorination of PCBs by ZVI and the major pathway with congener specifity and regiospecifity. The relative importance of the influential factors to ZVI degradation of PCBs was in the order of surfactants > humic acid > pH > Ni2+. Sediment decontamination was studied by 1) washing with an aqueous solution of surfactant followed by ZVI dechlorination of PCBs and 2) direct mixing with ZVI and surfactant solution. The second approach gave promising results for remediation
Wu, Yingxin. "Surfactant-Assisted Zerovalent Iron Dechlorination Of Polychlorinated Biphenyl In Contaminated Sediment." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0066.
Full textSoil and sediment contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is a global health and environmental concern, since PCBs are toxic and recalcitrant. The aim of this thesis is to find a remediation process to PCBs contaminated sediments by using zerovalent iron (ZVI). To begin the studies on remediation, a survey was conducted on sites contaminated by e-waste recycling activities in south China. PCBs contamination was not as severe as previously, whereas the co-existence of PCBs and heavy metals increases the difficulty of remediation. Afterwards, the feasibility PCBs degradation by ZVI in aqueous solutions was investigated. Results confirmed the stepwise dechlorination of PCBs by ZVI and the major pathway with congener specifity and regiospecifity. The relative importance of the influential factors to ZVI degradation of PCBs was in the order of surfactants > humic acid > pH > Ni2+. Sediment decontamination was studied by 1) washing with an aqueous solution of surfactant followed by ZVI dechlorination of PCBs and 2) direct mixing with ZVI and surfactant solution. The second approach gave promising results for remediation
Gomez, Delgado Federico. "Processus hydrologiques, écophysiologiques et de transfert de sédiments dans un bassin agroforestier caféier combinant des approches expérimentales et de modélisation pour les besoins des Services Hydrologiques Environnementaux." Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NSAM0032/document.
Full textThe profitability of hydropower is affected by soil erosion and sedimentation in dam reservoirs, which are influenced by land use, infiltration and aquifer interactions with surface water. In order to promote the payment of Hydrological Environmental Services (HES) in Costa Rica, a quantitative assessment of the impact of land uses (such as coffee farming) on the functioning of drainage basins is required. This thesis seeks: 1) to study the water balance partitioning in a newly installed coffee agroforestry basin 2) to estimate the water and sediment yield at various spatio-temporal scales: from plot to basin and from event to annual scale; and 3) to simulate the water and sediment yields, at both annual and peakflow scale, by including the surface runoff from hillslopes and roads. The main hydrological, ecophysiological and sediment processes were monitored during one year at the basin (rainfall, streamflow, evapotranspiration, soil humidity, aquifer level, turbidity) and at the plots (surface runoff and erosion). A new eco-hydrological model was developed to close the water balance, and the annual sediment yield was also quantified. Improvements are in progress to take into account the effect of roads in surface runoff generation. The low surface runoff, low plot erosion and low basin sediment yield observed under the current biophysical conditions (andisol) and management practices (no tillage, planted trees, bare soil kept by weeding), offer potential HES by reducing the superficial displacement capacity for fertilizers and pesticides, yielding low sediment loads and regulating streamflow variability through highly efficient mechanisms of aquifer recharge-discharge
Froger, Claire. "Sources et dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des contaminations en éléments traces et hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques du continuum atmosphère - sol - rivière d'un bassin versant contrasté." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS394/document.
Full textThe development of human societies since the 19th century has led to deleterious impacts on the Critical Zone (from atmosphere to river, including biosphere and soils). Despite the decrease of pollutions since the late 1960’s, contaminations remain especially in urban environment, concentrating human activities. To better manage this pollution, it is necessary to understand the dynamics and pathways of contaminants through the atmosphere – soil – river continuum. The goal of this study in thus to evaluate the temporal and spatial variations of two contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and trace elements (TE)) in the Orge River catchment (900 km2, France) being under increasing urban pressure from up to downstream. Several fingerprinting approaches were used to trace sediment dynamics in the river (radionuclides: ⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb, ¹³⁷Cs), to identify lead sources (lead isotopes) and PAH sources (PAH molecular ratios). The results demonstrated the strong influence of downstream urban areas on the river quality, with an increasing contamination for Cu, Zn, Sb, Pb and PAH in the particulate phase, and for SO42⁻, Na⁺ et Cl⁻, Cu, Zn and Pb in the dissolved phase. The sediment fingerprinting using radionuclides revealed a significant input of particles originating from urban areas and transferred through urban runoff, and identified road deposited sediments as the major source of contaminated particles downstream. Source tracking of Pb and PAH confirmed urban runoff as the main pathway of river contamination. In addition, annual and seasonal PAH and TE fluxes were estimated respectively for the atmospheric inputs, and riverine exports and revealed a global accumulation of contaminant over the catchment, already containing a significant stock of pollutants in its soils. Finally, this study highlights the need to integrate the Critical Zone and the potential of coupling multiples tracking approaches to properly evaluate the contaminant dynamics. These results may be used to establish a model of contaminants transfer in urban catchments
Morosanu, Gabriela Adina. "La dynamique hydro-sédimentaire du bassin de la rivière Jiu. Approche systèmique et multi-échelles." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAU036.
Full textThe doctoral thesis titled “The Hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the Jiu River Watershed. A systemic and multi-scale approach” aimed to investigate the dynamics of liquid and solid flows at various temporal and spatial scales, in the Jiu River Basin. The study area is located in southwestern Romania, Jiu River (339 km long) being one of the most important Carpathian tributaries of the Danube river.In the current context, marked by the need to elaborate integrated watershed management plans, the present study offers valuable and original information on the hydro-sedimentary dynamics in the Jiu River watershed, that stems from a cross-disciplinary research carried out at different temporal and spatial scales.The watershed under study is characterized by complex geographical particularities, determined by a great diversity of natural and socio-economic factors. From an economic standpoint, the element that individualizes Jiu’s watershed is the presence and exploitation of coal in its upper sector (black coal) and middle sector (lignite), activities that have left their mark on the hydrological characteristics of the rivers in the basin. The presence of coal resources has been relied upon in this paper in order to investigate the hydro-sedimentary dynamics on the basis of an analysis, carried out through different laboratory methods, of the coal associated elements’ content in the alluvium samples collected in the riverbeds of Jiu and its main tributaries.The present research seeks to answer the following two major questions:(i) Which are the natural and human factors that contribute to the production and transfer of the solid and liquid fluxes within the Jiu River basin?(ii) What is the importance of spatial and temporal scales in the analysis of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics with regards to sediment sources, extreme hydrological events, transfer paths and the most favorable accumulation areas?The scientific methodology that we adopted followed a perspective that shifted from the general to the specific.In the first part of the thesis, the analysis was carried out at the scale of the whole basin, in order to highlight the physico-geographical factors, as well as the man-made ones, controlling the liquid and solid fluxes. The issues that we approached refer to the connectivity between sources – transfer – accumulation areas, hydrological variability and the relationship between the solid and the liquid discharge, the geomorphological mapping of alluvium-generating processes.In the second part of the thesis, we shifted from the systemic perspective of the whole Jiu River Basin towards a smaller scale, both spatially and temporally, able to reflect the role of the largest floods recorded in Jiu River Basin in the hydro-sedimentary dynamics and the contribution of its main sub-catchments in the sediment transfer. From a methodological point of view, in this part of the thesis we moved from the classical, geographical and hydrological methods, employed in the first part (based on mapping and GIS analysis, as well as by statistical processing of data series) towards a complex methodology, integrating hydrological analysis (on the basis of flood indices), field research and the complex analysis of fine sediments in the laboratory (through techniques belonging to colorimetric tracing, geochemistry, organic petrology).The results of our research connected the elements and factors behind the hydro-sedimentary dynamics at various spatial and temporal scales into a systemic vision. The laboratory analyses of the sediment and coal samples, the study of flood events and the hydrological and geomorphological analyses of Jiu watershed’s particularities have contributed to a better understanding of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics, offering original insight into potential sediment sources, the composition and quantity of sediments and the transfer paths they follow in the system of Jiu River’s watershed
Coulon, Fanny. "Contribution à l’étude des sédiments marins lors d'opérations de dragage portuaire : re-sédimentation et mobilisation de la pollution organique." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MON20056/document.
Full textIn the framework of Port-Camargue dredge (ECODREDGE-MED project), the main objective was to study the dredged sediment re-sedimentation and matter transfers (particular and molecular matter). An experimental characterization approach was realized in order to study these phenomena working at different scales : macroscopic (sedimentation mechanisms), mesoscopic (particular matter mobilization) and molecular (sorption phenomena). These research works focused on study of five sediments and their granular fractions. A dispersion granular method was developed and highlighted the importance to verify dispersion quality of processes concerning study of granular fractions. Morpho-granular approach used in theses works permitted to highlight cohesive aspect of sediments and to identify different agglomerate types. This approach was also used to propose a classification method of sediments, based on limon/sand ratio determination by laser granulometry.Secondly, re-sedimentation behavior was investigated studying physico-chemical stability of particles in the water column with a suspension analyszer (Turbiscan MA2000). The results contributed knowledge on sedimentation mechanisms and parameter (limon/sand ratio, salinity and volume fraction) influence. With the use of TOC analyze (Total Organic Carbone), matter transfers were identified in water column, via interparticular phenomena (agglomeration/dispersion) and sorption phenomena (adsorption/désorption)
Viennet, David. "Utilisation de la morphogranulométrie dans le suivi source to sink du transfert particulaire dans les bassins versants." Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMR016.
Full textSource to sink is one of the main concepts in Earth Sciences for a better knowledge of hydrosystems dynamics. Regarding this issue, one challenge consists in the characterization by in-situ measurements of the sources of suspended sediment, or sediment source fingerprinting. Few methods can fully cover such requirements and among them, the methodology using the grain shape deserves to be developed. Indeed, morphometry of particles is widely used in sedimentology to identify different sedimentary stocks, source-to-sink transport and sedimentation mechanisms. Currently, most grain shape analyses are carried out with a scanning electron microscope coupled to image analysis to measure various size and shape descriptors on particles like elongation, circularity, bluntness or fractal dimension. However, complexity and time of analysis are the main limitations of this technique for a long-term monitoring of SPM transfers. Here we present an experimental morphometric approach using a morphogranulometer (a CCD camera coupled to a peristaltic pump). The camera takes pictures while the sample is circulating through a flow cell, leading to the analysis of numerous particles in a short time. The image analysis provides size and shape information discriminating various particles stocks by statistical analyses. The aim of this thesis is (1) to calibrate the device and understand how the size and shape data can discriminate pure sediment samples; (2) use those results to evaluate the contribution of contrasted sedimentary sources in a mix; (3) to establish a measurement and data analysis protocol; and (4) use those protocol and methodology for several case studies of sediment transfers in various hydrosystems. The first case study presented concern the watershed of the Thio river, on which there is mining activity. A sediment fingerprinting study using size and shape characterization was carried on. The sediment sources of the different tributaries of the Thio river were analyzed as sources and the sediments of the main river itself were used as mixes of these sources. A model of the contributions of the sources in the mixes was achieved and its results show great coherence. It brings information on the transfers of the sediments between the different tributaries and the Thio river which will be later combined to other studies using different fingerprinting methods to evaluate the impact of the mining activity in these transfers. The second study focus on the karstic watershed of the Hannetot spring. Measurements were carried out on various field samples, from suspended sediments to core samples. Several experiments allowed to identify the varying contributions of different sediment sources through time. Several proxies were identified, seasonal and meteorological, as controlling factor for these variations. The last study is also a fingerprinting study of a karstic system. Its aim is to evaluate the origin of sediment sampled during turbidity peaks in the drinking water well of the town of Gisors. The source contribution model identified several potential sources of sediments and shows the increased contributions of certain sources during the flood period. All those studies shows that size and shape measured with the morphogranulometer are a good tracer for fingerprinting studies. They also demonstrate that this technique performs better in combination to other methods and brings the need to carry more studies combining morphogranulometry with several other fingerprinting techniques
Warburton, J. "Alpine proglacial fluvial sediment transfer." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.234150.
Full textLayglon, Nicolas. "Comportement des éléments traces métalliques lors de la remise en suspension de sédiments contaminés en zone côtière." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOUL0009.
Full textTrace metal elements entering marine environment accumulate in the sediments. In harbor areas, sediment can be resuspended in the water column following natural (swells, storms ...) and/or anthropic events (maritime traffic, dredging activity). In particular, the Mediterranean Sea represents a significant maritime trade route, generating frequent resuspension events of anthropic origin, while being slightly subjected to the influence of natural tidal phenomena. In this context, the objectives of this thesis consisted in evaluating the potential of trace elements during re-suspension events in order to provide knowledge that would help to better predict and thus better manage the associated risk. The kinetics of trace metal elements, studied in laboratory experiments, were specified in light of the variability of harbor contexts. During the first 5 days of suspension, trace elements transfers appeared mainly determined by abiotic processes. The understanding of these processes partially explained the field observations performed during an impact study of a dredging operation
Grayson, Richard Philip. "Excess ²²â¶Ra chronology of lake and deep-sea sediments : an investigation of controls over sediment-water transfer." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.426105.
Full textDidoné, Elizeu Jonas. "Erosão bruta e produção de sedimentos em bacia hidrográfica sob plantio direto no planalto do Rio Grande do Sul." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/5573.
Full textThe impact of agriculture on water resources has been a focus for problems associated with reservoir siltation, depletion of water quality, reduced infiltration and soil water storage, formation of floods and low water availability during drought periods. In this sense the estimation of gross erosion and sediment yield monitoring reflect the dynamic that occurs in catchments and the processes observed in the rivers. Studies of erosion in grain crop agricultural areas using no-tillage systems are scarce at catchment scale. Thus, this study estimated gross erosion and sediment yield in a large catchment representative of grain crop cultivation and its potential impacts on land degradation and consequent impacts on water resources. The catchment is located on the Riograndense plateau characterized by deep and weathered soils and landscape is gently sloping. Gross erosion estimation was performed with the RUSLE model along with a Geographic Information System where the attributes of soil, climate, landscape, and land use and management were spatialized for the entire drainage area of the catchment (800 km2). The catchment is drained by the Conceição River, which includes towns such as Cruz Alta and Ijuí, among others. The hydrossedimentometric monitoring was carried out for twenty months with automatic instruments, daily sample collection and sampling during rainfall-runoff events. The variables monitored were rainfall, flow, turbidity and suspended sediment concentration. From this data set sediment yield was estimated for the period and a sediment discharge rating curve was established to extrapolate sediment yield for the last decade. The average results of gross erosion for the catchment are in the order of 8 t ha-1 year-1 and average sediment yield was 140 mg km-2 year-1, generating sediment delivery ratio values of 17.5 %. From the temporal and spatial variability of the results, this study seeks to highlight the erosion processes operating at this scale and the implications for management and water and soil conservation programs for similar regions.
O impacto da agricultura nos recursos hídricos tem sido enfoque para problemas associados ao assoreamento de reservatórios, depauperamento da qualidade da água, reduzida infiltração e armazenamento de água no solo, formação de enxurradas e baixa disponibilidade hídrica em períodos de estiagem. Neste sentido a estimativa da erosão bruta e o monitoramento da produção de sedimentos refletem a dinâmica que ocorre nas bacias vertentes e os processos observados nos rios. Estudos de processos erosivos em áreas agrícolas sob produção de grãos em sistema plantio direto são incipientes na escala de bacia hidrográfica. Este estudo estimou a erosão bruta e a produção de sedimentos em uma grande bacia agrícola que representa o processo de produção de grãos e o seu potencial reflexo sobre a degradação dos solos e o impacto nos recursos hídricos. A bacia se localiza no planalto Riograndense caracterizada por solos profundos e intemperizados e relevo suave ondulado. A estimativa da erosão bruta foi realizada com o modelo RUSLE acoplado a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, onde os atributos de solo, clima, relevo, uso e manejo foram espacializados para toda a área de drenagem da bacia (800 km2). A bacia em questão é drenada pelo rio Conceição que engloba os municípios de Cruz Alta e Boa Vista do Cadeado, dentre outros. O monitoramento hidrossedimentométrico foi realizado durante vinte meses com instrumentos automáticos, coletas de amostras diárias e amostras durante eventos de chuva-vazão. As variáveis monitoradas foram precipitação, vazão, turbidez e concentração de sedimentos em suspensão. A partir desse conjunto de dados foi estimada a produção de sedimentos no período, bem como estabelecida uma curva-chave de sedimentos utilizada para a extrapolação da PS para a última década. Os resultados médios da erosão bruta da bacia estão na ordem de 8 t ha-1 ano-1 e a produção de sedimentos média foi de 140 t km-2 ano-1, gerando valores de razão de entrega de sedimentos de 17,5%. A partir da variabilidade temporal e espacial dos resultados, o trabalho procura salientar os processos erosivos operantes nessa escala e as implicações para os programas de manejo e conservação de água e solo para regiões semelhantes.
Blaes, Estelle. "Détermination des constantes de temps des processus d'altération et de transfert sédimentaire par les nucléides des séries de l'U : étude d'un bassin versant de Porto Rico et du système himalayen." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013STRAH007.
Full textThis thesis proposes to define the time-scales of weathering processes on a spheroidal weathering profile, (Rio Icacos watershed, Puerto Rico ) and the transfer time of sediments within alluvial plains (Ganges and Brahmaputra basins). This issue is addressed through the analysis of the nuclides of the 238U decay chain. The study of a spheroidal weathering system developed on the site of Puerto Rico permit to develop a limited memory quasi-Newton algorithm in order to solve the system of equations that reflects the behavior of nuclides and the rate of formation of the saprolite and the rindlet zone. For the Ganges and Brahmaputra basins, sediments were collected from different tributaries and their outlets. The variation of 238U - 234U - 230Th disequilibria in the sediments, with different variation trends for suspended and coarse-grained sediments, is probably a general feature of all Himalayan rivers flowing across the Indo-Gangetic plain. For this work, we have shown the usefulness of including the analysis of 226Ra analysis of other nuclides in the chain of radioactive decay of 238U (238U - 234U - 230Th) to determine the weathering rate in a well-defined system. Nevertheless, the study of the Brahmaputra system shows that proposed method needs to be refined as the sediment transfer is a complex process due to the mineralogical variability, size and (local) dynamics of sediments samples collected
Preiss, Nicolas. "Etude du 210Pb d'origine atmosphérique dans l'air, la neige, les sols et les sédiments : mesures, inventaires et interprétation à l'échelle globale." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 1997. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00765239.
Full textGemmell, Sally L. G. "Sediment transfer from gravel bed rivers to beaches." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.274782.
Full textCox, Jonathan M. S. "Coastal-estuary sediment transfers : geochemical and mineralogical study of sources." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.302079.
Full textAdair, Susan Elizabeth. "Proglacial fluvial sediment transfer dynamics at Midre LoveÌnbreen, Svalbard." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.404957.
Full textWeber, Sofie Aimee. "Contaminant transport and mass transfer to runoff including infiltration." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1997. http://etd.library.arizona.edu/etd/GetFileServlet?file=file:///data1/pdf/etd/azu_etd_hy0151_sip1_w.pdf&type=application/pdf.
Full textYoung, Adam. "Sediment Processes Influencing the Coastline of Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick." Thesis, Fredericton: University of New Brunswick, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1882/35658.
Full textLapham, Wayne Wright, and Wayne Wright Lapham. "Conductive and convective heat transfer in sediments near streams." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/191144.
Full textNyander, Annie. "River bed sediment surface characterisation using wavelet transform-based methods." Thesis, Edinburgh Napier University, 2004. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/5885.
Full textReid, Simon Christian. "Coarse sediment delivery and transfer within an upland gravel-bed river environment." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.414171.
Full textBallantine, Deborah Jayne. "The implications of the catchment sediment budget for phosphorus transfers in river basins." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.426163.
Full textSmart, Martin James. "Deglaciation dynamics of the Feegletscher Nord, Switzerland : implications for glacio-fluvial sediment transfer." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2299/17094.
Full textRomas, Lisa. "Functional identification of microorganisms that transform mercury in marine sediments." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright1278616625.
Full textHodson, Andrew. "Climate, hydrology and sediment transfer process interactions in a sub-polar glacier basin, Svalbard." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.241002.
Full textOrr, Elizabeth N. "''Deciphering tectonic and climatic controls on erosion and sediment transfer in the NW Himalaya''." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1560866634385041.
Full textGHAITH, AFIF. "LEBANESE SUBMARINE CANYONS AND THEIR ROLE IN SEDIMENT TRANSFER FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WATER." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2488030.
Full textI movimenti di massa sottomarini con le loro conseguenze sono di un grande interesse per le comunità e le infrastrutture costiere e anche per lo sfruttamento e lo sviluppo delle risorse del fondale marino. L’elevata consapevolezza della necessità di una migliore comprensione del movimento di massa sottomarino è accompagnata da grandi avanzamenti nelle tecnologie di rilievi sottomarini durante gli ultimi due decenni. Il fondale marino nella baia di Jounieh e del Nord di Beirut (Libano) è caratterizzato dalla presenza di profondi canyons che raggiungono mille metri di profondità in prossimità della costa. I segni dell’instabilità del movimento di massa sottomarino relativi a tali canyons creano una connessione tra acque basse e acque profonde. La presenza di questi canyons in un’area tettonicamente attiva genera un particolare meccanismo di drenaggio del sedimento sotto la forma di movimento di massa e di crolli. Visto che l’area è poco esplorata, nel contesto di un progetto internazionale tra il servizio idrografico della Marina Libanese, il centro nazionale libanese per le scienze del mare, l’Università di Ferrara e l’istituto idrografico della Marina Militare Italiana, analizziamo i caratteri morfo-batimetrici e sedimentari dei settori costieri e della piattaforma continentale. Gli ecoscandagli multifasci ed i sistemi acustici ‶Sub-bottom profilers″, calibrati con dati reali (raccolta di sedimenti), in conformità con gli standard internazionali dell’idrografia, ci permettono di caratterizzare la natura del fondale e del sotto fondale. La rivelazione di oggetti sottomarini particolari fornisce delle mappe di dettaglio a supporto di analisi di morfodinamica litorale, trasporto costiero e budget sedimentario. Questi dati batimetrici da sistemi multifasci di alta risoluzione, integrati con i caratteri sedimentologici, forniscono dati utili per potenziali rischi naturali che potrebbero essere causati da tettonica attiva nella zona offshore, e per un alto rischio costiero in una delle regioni le più popolate del Libano. Questo studio ha lo scopo di valutare il ruolo dell’area dei canyons sottomarini nei movimenti di massa sottomarini, considerando: 1- La valutazione della condizione ambientale della baia di Jounieh. 2- Le dinamicità del deposito sedimentario lungo e attraverso la piattaforma continentale e lo slope libanese e finalmente, 3- Il movimento del sedimento nelle teste dei canyons nel bacino Jounieh-Beirut. Questi studi ci hanno permesso di scoprire che i canyons nell’area di ricerca nonostante la loro appartenenza allo stesso margine continentale, la condivisione più o meno della stessa morfologia e la loro presenza a pochi chilometri l’uno a altro, mostrino una relativa variabilità nella loro geometria, morfologia, e processi sedimentari, la corrente SW è la causa principale che controlla il movimento del sediment. Lo studio evidenzia il ruolo importante che il bacino di Jounieh-Beirut gioca nella dinamicità sedimentaria dei fondali libanesi, anche grazie al confronto tra il suo stato attuale (2019) e la situazione nel 1976.
Zhang, Li. "Clay Minerals Supporting Microbial Metabolic Activities in Natural Sediments." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1564142598119446.
Full textCakiroglu, Ayse Idil. "Salinity Inference In Inland Turkish Shallow Lakes On Paleoecology Using Sub-fossil Cladocera." Phd thesis, METU, 2013. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12615450/index.pdf.
Full textRouse, Helen Louise. "The development of a transfer function relating surface waves to bedload gravel transport using the self-generated noise technique." Thesis, University of Hull, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.265126.
Full textScott, Christine Helen. "Contemporary sediment transfer in Himalayan glacial systems : implications for the interpretation of the Quaternary record." Thesis, University of Leicester, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/34498.
Full textWathen, Simon John. "The effect of storage upon sediment transfer processes in a small Scottish gravel-bed river." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/3844.
Full textGravelle, Richard. "Temporal variability of meltwater and sediment transfer dynamics at an Arctic glacier, Storglaciären, northern Sweden." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2014. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/14412.
Full textDiaz, Mélanie. "Modélisation numérique des transferts sédimentaires de l'estuaire de la Gironde au plateau continental." Thesis, Brest, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BRES0095.
Full textEstuaries are major vectors of sediment (i.e. mud and sand) transfer between terrestrial environments and the seas. Contaminants, mostly arising from human activities along the shores, are potentially adsorbed on fine particles and transported to the sea through estuaries. Therefore, studying sediment dynamics in these zones is crucial for marine resource protection. However, the complexity of physical, biochemical and sedimentary processes taking place along the interfacial areas represent a highly challenging topic. The PhD project takes place in the framework of the ANR AMORAD project, which aims at improving understanding and numerical modeling of potentially contaminated sediment fluxes from continental areas to the sea. Thus, based on the Gironde Estuary study site and its adjacent continental shelf, this PhD thesis focuses on: (i) investigating the influence of hydro- meteorological events on sediment fluxes and (ii) determining the sediment accumulation and dispersion areas on the continental shelf and especially the role of the West Gironde Mud Patch on continental sediment trapping. To this end, a realistic 3D numerical model, based on the MARS3D hydrodynamic model, the WAVE WATCH 3® wave model and the MUSTANG sediment module, has been implemented on the Gironde Estuary and the adjacent continental shelf. Based on a sensitivity analysis to sediment parameterization, the uncertainties on sediment fluxes at the estuarine mouth have been quantified. Moreover, based on the previous sensitivity analysis and on the study of the spin-up period required for model stabilization, the latter has been calibrated from the estuary to the shelf. It has demonstrated a satisfactory validation state with good performance compared to observed SSC, and a remarkable robustness of sediment flux and distribution over 6 years. The study of residual sediment dynamics revealed a strong influence of baroclinic circulation on sediment exchanges at the estuary mouth, with enhanced sediment import into the estuary during wet season. Further analyses made it possible to study the areas of sediment accumulation and, more particularly, the storage conditions associated with hydro-meteorological forcing in the West Gironde mudflat. Trapping efficiency is negatively correlated with wave action (i.e. erosion) and positively correlated with river flow (i.e. accretion). On average, about 25% of the mud exported from the estuary is stored in the West Gironde Mud Patch
Garrett, Rhiannon Pamela. "Constraining upland erodibility and marine deposition: source-to-sink sediment transfer in the Gulf of Papua." Thesis, University of Sydney, 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/24021.
Full textDing, Xuesong. "Towards sequence stratigraphy 2.0: Dynamic topography, sea level change and sediment transfer from source to sink." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/20665.
Full textCausse, Jean. "Temporalité des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants à algues vertes." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REN1B012/document.
Full textIn Brittany (Western France), "green tides" are recurrent since the early 70s and have an important place in public debate in health, political and economic terms. In this thesis, a wide bibliographic review was performed on the export of nitrogen, and an innovative methodology has been set up to study the spatial and temporal variability of nutrient export in two coastal watersheds on an intra-annual basis and during extreme events (rainfall events, tourist periods of low water, ...). Watersheds selected for the field experiments are Ic and Frémur (Côtes d'Armor). 3 types of experiments were performed on these watersheds: 1) Campaigns of grab samples by dry and wet weather (32 stations, 27 campaigns); 2) automatic sampling during floods (3 stations, 8 floods); and 3) high frequency measurement (2 stations, continuous). Conventional hydrological and physicochemical parameters, suspended solids, UV spectra and all forms of macronutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) were analyzed during these experiments. The results confirm in part a number of results of the literature. Furthermore, it highlights the relationship carbon / nitrates far little studied at different spatial and temporal scales and during rainfall events, which however seems to be crucial in understanding of nitrate export. Finally, the analysis of all forms of nutrients reveals the importance of particulate forms from soil erosion. These results raise many research questions that merit further development in order to improve knowledge on nutrient transfers in watersheds and prioritize remediation actions. The prospects of this work are both scientific and practical. At the scientific level, research efforts on the relationship carbon / nitrate and identification of the assimilable fraction of organic carbon by denitrifying organisms must be continued. Similarly, the knowledge on nutrient export must be improved through the precise identification of particulate nutrient sources during the spring floods. On a practical level, it should contribute to the improvement of agricultural practices, the recognition of the interest of natural wetlands and improvement of the types of treatment used by treatment plants. The results obtained in this study should in particular be linked to the dynamics of nutrients in the foreshore observed during the development of green algae. Finally, an effort to improve access to certain types of data on watersheds is needed to improve understanding of nutrient transfers
MESSAITFA, AMAR. "Transfert d'eau, des sediments et des polluants associes sur le bassin de l'ill : cas du mercure." Strasbourg 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997STR13148.
Full textUber, Magdalena. "Suspended sediment production and transfer in mesoscale catchments : a new approach combining flux monitoring, fingerprinting and distributed numerical modeling." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALU011.
Full textThe study of soil erosion by water and the transfer of suspended solids from watersheds to rivers is crucial given the environmental and socio-economic issues with regards to growing human influence and the expected intensification of these processes under climate change. The objective of this thesis is to understand how rainfall variability controls the activation of different sediment source zones and the dynamics of hydro-sedimentary flows in two mesoscale Mediterranean catchments, i.e. the Claduègne (42 km², subcatchment of the Ardèche) and the Galabre (20 km2 , subcatchment of the Durance) which are members of the OZCAR critical zone research infrastructure.In the first part, the contributions of the erosion zones to sediment fluxes at the outlet of the Claduègne catchment were quantified at high temporal resolution with a low-cost sediment fingerprinting approach. Two sets of tracers (Color and X-ray fluorescence tracers) and three mixing models were compared to assess the sensitivity of estimated source contributions to these methodological choices. Marly-calcareous badlands were identified as the main sediment source. A similar approach carried out on the Galabre catchment area showed that badlands on molasses were the main source. The comparison of tracer sets and mixing models, showed that the methodological choices generated important differences. Thus, we suggest a multi-tracer-multi-model ensemble approach to obtain more robust results. The application of this approach to a large number of sediment samples highlighted the important within and between event variability in the contributions of different sediment sources, raising questions about the hydro-sedimentary processes that cause this variability.We hypothesized that this variability resulted from variable suspended sediment transit time distributions governed by the interplay of (i) catchment characteristics such as the location of different sources and how they are linked to the outlet (referred to as structural sediment connectivity) and (ii) the spatio-temporal characteristics of rain events that activate and impact transfer velocities (i.e. functional connectivity).Thus, in the second part, a distributed numerical model based on the resolution of Saint Venant equations coupled to a multi-source erosion module was used to evaluate the respective roles of structural and functional connectivity. Sensitivity analysis of the discretization and parameterization choices (i.e. threshold of contributing drainage area to identify the river network, values of roughness coefficients on hillslopes and the river) showed that the location of the sediment sources in the watershed was more important than the modeling choices when the parameters were limited to realistic range. A general temporal pattern of source contributions was observed. This was consistent with the results of the fingerprinting approach and the distribution of distances from the sources to the river and the outlet. The same pattern persists for different rainfall durations or intensities but became much more variable when bimodal hyetographs or spatially variable precipitation was applied. In addition, the location of the rainfall with respect to the sources determined the average contributions of the sources and thus differences between rainfall events.The two approaches, sediment fingerprinting and numerical modeling, were found to complement each other and their combined application has a high potential for understanding how interactions between structural and functional connectivity control the dynamics of sediment fluxes in mesoscale catchments
Waterhouse, Emma Kate. "Interactions between coarse sediment transfer, channel change, river engineering and flood risk in an upland gravel-bed river." Thesis, Durham University, 2008. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/2056/.
Full textPerks, Matthew Thomas. "Spatial and temporal dynamics of fine fluvial sediment transfer : implications for monitoring and management of upland river systems." Thesis, Durham University, 2013. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/7307/.
Full textTaddei, Dorothée. "TRANSFERT DE MATIERE ET D'ENERGIE DANS LES SEDIMENTS D'UN COMPLEXE RECIFAL ANTHROPISE (ÎLE DE LA RÉUNION, OCEAN INDIEN)." Phd thesis, Université de la Réunion, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00472730.
Full textPatault, Edouard. "Analyse multi-échelle des processus d’érosion hydrique et de transferts sédimentaires en territoire agricole : exemple du bassin versant de la Canche (France)." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Lille Douai, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018MTLD0003/document.
Full textWater erosion is a serious concern in global land degradation leading to multiple consequences: loss of arable lands, siltation of streams, mudflows. In France, the Hauts-de-France region is the most affected area, and soil loss can exceed 10 t ha-1 yr-1. Although hydro-sedimentary processes have been widely studied by the scientific community, there is still a lack of knowledge in the understanding of the spatio-temporal variabilities. Additionally, the effectiveness of recent erosion control policies so far cannot be quantified. This study proposes an analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of sedimentary transfer at different scaling (1-1000 km²), and an initial assessment of the effectiveness of management policies within a northern France catchment (the Canche river, 1274 km²). A high-frequency monitoring station was implemented at the outlet of a Canche sub-catchment (the Pommeroye, 0.54 km²) to quantify the hydro-sedimentary transfer over two contrasted hydrologic years. According to our results, sediment yield varies from 29.4 to 70 t km-2 yr-1. 40% of the flux is exported during 3 major erosive events (out of 48 recorded) and the forcing parameters are related to the duration and the amount of rainfall. In this sub-catchment, the centimeter-scale spatial prediction of the hydro-sedimentary transfer was carried out using the new soil erosion model WATERSED (BRGM) and the effectiveness of an anti-erosion management plan was quantified. Our results validate the operability of the model in this context. For a given event, sediment transfer can reach 76 t km-2 yr-1 in agricultural plots and are strongly depending on the soil surface state. A significant reduction (up to 84%) of sedimentary transfer by the anti-erosion plan was also observed. At the scale of the Canche catchment, the use of chemical and spectrocolorimetric tracers in a mixing model (Sed_Sat tool; USGS) evaluated the contributions of the Canche tributaries and sediment sources contributions (i.e. channel banks and soils; 30-70% respectively). Significant spatio-temporal variations have been observed and the results show a potential positive impact of the recent management policies. This study also shows that new tracers related to the specific signature of magnetic particles are promising in the context to trace soil erosion. For further analyses, this data could be included in sediment fingerprinting approaches. Thus, this study based on several spatio-temporal modalities and the coupling of experimentation and modelling improves our understanding of the Canche hydro-sedimentary dynamics. It provides essential results to guide the future erosion control policies
Shumskykh, Mykyta. "Release of trace elements from contaminated sediments into surface waters during sediments dynamics : an experimental study." Thesis, Tours, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUR4008.
Full textIn aquatic systems, most of trace metals (TM) are buried in sediments and then can be released according to chemical conditions and microbial activity occurring at the sediment-water interface. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of resuspension events (flood or maintenance operations for dam reservoir) on the mobility of some TM. Different batch experiment conditions were chosen to mimic those events: under oxic and anoxic conditions on raw sediments and on gamma-irradiated ones (“sterilized” one). The use of deionized water allowed maximizing the release process. Two sediment types issued from different contexts were selected: the Villerest dam reservoir (France) and the Xiang River (China). Long term experiments (30-day long) allowed identifying that organic matter degradation, microbial activity and alteration/dissolution of trace metal bearing phases were the main controlling factors. The gamma-irradiation did not sterilize sediments but only limited aerobic bacteria and enhanced anaerobic activity. The impact of such 24h resuspension event on reservoir waters and downstream biota is very limited as less than 1% of trace elements was released
Garyfalou, Aikaterini. "Integrated analysis of mass transport deposits : outcrop data, seismic interpretation & fast Fourier transform analysis." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2015. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=227755.
Full textAllison, Alivia Janeil Niemi Tina M. "Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of late Holocene coastal sediments along the southern Dead Sea transform in Aqaba, Jordan." Diss., UMK access, 2007.
Find full text"A thesis in urban environmental geology." Typescript. Advisor: Tina M. Niemi. Vita. Title from "catalog record" of the print edition Description based on contents viewed Nov. 13, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 187-195). Online version of the print edition.