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Tromp, Hylke W. "Interdependence and Security." Bulletin of Peace Proposals 19, no. 2 (April 1988): 151–58.

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Righetti, Francesca, Daniel Balliet, Catherine Molho, Simon Columbus, Ruddy Faure, Yaprak Bahar, Muhammad Iqmal, Anna Semenchenko, and Ximena Arriaga. "Fostering Attachment Security: The Role of Interdependent Situations." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 20 (October 20, 2020): 7648.

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This work adopts an Interdependence Theory framework to investigate how the features of interdependent situations that couples face in their daily life (i.e., situations in which partners influence each other’s outcomes) shape attachment security toward their current partners. An experience sampling study examined attachment tendencies and features of interdependent situations that people experience with their partner in daily life to predict satisfaction and trust in their relationship, and changes in attachment avoidance and anxiety toward their partner over time. Results revealed that encountering situations with corresponding outcomes (i.e., situations in which both partners have the same preferences) and with information certainty (i.e., situations in which there is clear knowledge of each partner’s preferences) assuage people’s insecurity. On the contrary, situations of mutual current and future interdependence (i.e., situations in which each person’s current or future outcomes are dependent on their partner’s behavior) undermined security for anxiously attached individuals. Power (i.e., the asymmetry in partners’ dependence) was not related to attachment security. This work underscores the importance of studying the role of the situations that partners experience in their daily life and the way they are related to relationship feelings and cognitions.
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Knapp, Kenneth J., and Claudia J. Ferrante. "Information Security Program Effectiveness in Organizations." Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 26, no. 1 (January 2014): 27–46.

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This research investigates the moderating role of task interdependence on factors influencing information security effectiveness in organizations. Drawing on the literature, the authors develop a theoretical model depicting top management support and awareness & training support as predictors of information security program effectiveness. Further, the model shows security culture as a partial mediator between the predictor and criterion variables. The authors then apply task interdependence as a moderator to the model. Results from a survey given to a sample of 371 certified information security professionals find support for the model while showing certain paths to be significant only under high task interdependence while others only under low task interdependence. In high task interdependence environments, security culture did not mediate the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables suggesting that managers focus on providing greater structural support to maximize security effectiveness. However, in low task interdependence, security culture fully mediated the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables suggesting that the role of culture is amplified and central in those environments.
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Sajeva, Maurizio, Mark Lemon, and Parminder Singh Sahota. "Governance for Food Security." International Journal of Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Business Models 2, no. 2 (July 2017): 67–84.

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Food security is one of the greatest challenges that characterises our times. One central argument in related conferences and symposia is the need to increase production for a growing population. However, major international organisations and other research institutions hold instead that food production exceeds current need and the reasons of food insecurity reside more in the complex concurrence and interdependence of poverty, access to food, local economic development and political and socioeconomic circumstances. Governance for sustainability is presented in this article as a process of multidisciplinary and participatory social learning about these interdependences, both general criteria and the context-based practices to which decision-makers are accountable. In order to reflect this approach a ‘GAME' (Governance Assessment Matrix Exercise) methodology and framework is developed to inform more evidence-based and accountable decision making.
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Litfin, Karen T. "Constructing Environmental Security and Ecological Interdependence." Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 5, no. 3 (August 3, 1999): 359–77.

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Kuper, Gabriel, Fabio Massacci, Woohyun Shim, and Julian Williams. "Who Should Pay for Interdependent Risk? Policy Implications for Security Interdependence Among Airports." Risk Analysis 40, no. 5 (February 22, 2020): 1001–19.

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Cossa, Ralph A., and Jane Khanna. "East Asia: economic interdependence and regional security." International Affairs 73, no. 2 (April 1997): 219–34.

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Park, Yung, and James W. Morley. "Security Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region." Political Science Quarterly 102, no. 4 (1987): 682.

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Hikmata, Sandy Angga, and Muhamad Syauqillah. "Ketahanan Energi Gas Alam Turki Pasca Konstruksi Tanap (Trans-Anatolian Pipeline)." JURNAL PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI DARUSSALAM 5, no. 2 (September 29, 2019): 199–226.

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Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perubahan ketahanan energi Turki setelah TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Pipeline) berhasil dibangun di Turki pada Juni 2018. TANAP merupakan proyek yang dibangun atas kerjasama Turki dan Azerbaijan. Turki merupakan negara dengan kebutuhan energi yang sangat tinggi dan kebutuhan ini meningkat sebanyak 8% per tahunnya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energinya, Turki sangat bergantung pada distribusi energi dari Rusia dalam bentuk gas alam. Namun, hubungan yang tidak stabil antara Rusia dan Ukraina membuat distribusi energi dari Rusia sering terhambat dan besarnya ketergatungan Turki terhadap sumber energi Rusia menyebabkan ketahanan energi Turki berada dalam kondisi yang tidak baik. Hal ini kemudian menggerakkan Turki untuk mencari sumber energi alternatif untuk mengatasi ketergantungan energi terhadap Rusia ini. Tesis ini pertama-tama akan menganalisa hubungan interdependensi dalam hubungan energi yang berpotensi bersifat asimetris antara Turki dan Rusia dan implikasi yang ditimbulkan dari hubungan asimetris ini. Setelah itu peneliti akan mengkaji pengaruh TANAP terhadap ketahanan energi gas alam di Turki dan pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan interdependensi antara kedua negara. TANAP ternyata tidak terlalu merubah interdependensi energi Turki terhadap Rusia secara signifikan. Abstract This paper reviews the change of Turkey’s energy security after Turkey managed to construct TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Pipeline) at June 2018. TANAP is a project built within cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Turkey is a country with vast energy needs with average increase of 8% per year. To meet their energy needs, Turkey highly rely on energy from Russia’s natural-gas. However, fragile relation between Russia and Ukraine caused energy distribution from Russia agitated, and Turkey’s high reliance on Russia’s energy supply causing Turkey in a low energy security state. For this reason, Turkey is looking for alternative energy source to overcome their high reliance on Russia’s natural gas. This thesis firstly will analyze interdependence relationship in the context of energy between Turkey and Russia that potentially has asymmetric nature and the implication that could arises in that relationship. Afterwards, author will review how TANAP change Turkey’s natural-gas security and how it changes interdependency between the two countries. As a result, TANAP does not significantly change Turkey-Russia interdependence.
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Poufinas, Thomas, and Victoria Pistikou. "The Myth of the Positive Impact of Asymetric Economic Interdependence on National Security. The Case of the Sino-Japanese Conflict." KnE Social Sciences 1, no. 2 (March 19, 2017): 142.

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<p>In this paper, the aim is to show that the impact of asymmetric economic interdependence on national security is more a myth than a reality. In order to contribute to the discussion we focus on interstate conflicts with territorial disputes. So far, this debate has been highlighted by Liberals, whose argument was that trade promotes peace. However, ourargument is built on the theoretical basis of Realism. We argue that the positive impact of economic interdependence is actually a myth, since it does not raise the levels of national security of the threatened state, therefore it cannot be considered as a power-balancing factor. In order to support our argument wedeveloped an analytical framework, which consists of variables representing economic interdependence and national security.Trade, FDI, energy supply, economic agreements and membership in common economic or monetary organizations are variables that show the level of economic interdependence.Military expenditures, number of violations, possession of nuclear weapons and membership in military alliances are variables that show the level of national security respectively. First, we determine, through objective and subjective factors, which of the two rivals is the threatened state. Second, comparing indicators of economic power, we define the asymmetry in economic interdependence. Third, we analyze the indicators of economic interdependence between the rivals and we examine their impact on the national security of the threatened state. To support our opinion that asymmetric economic interdependence has no impact on national security in this paper we examine the territorial conflict in Senkaku/Diaoyu islands between Japan and the People's Republic of China. We conclude that asymmetric economic interdependence is not a power-balancing factor and it has no positive effects on the national security of the threatened state. </p>
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Tanious, Mina E. "The impact of economic interdependence on the probability of conflict between states." Review of Economics and Political Science 4, no. 1 (January 14, 2019): 38–53.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore to what extent the economic interdependence can affect the likelihood of conflict between States. Specially, over the past few decades, there has been a huge interest in the relationship between economic interdependence and political conflict. Liberals argue that economic interdependence lowers the possibility of war by increasing the weight of trading over the alternative of aggression; interdependent states would rather trade than invade; realists dismiss the liberal argument, arguing that high interdependence increases rather than decreases the probability of war. In anarchy, states must constantly worry about their security. Design/methodology/approach This paper highlights the content and level of economic interdependence between China and the USA since the beginning of China’s economic reform in 1979 and examines the impact of economic interdependence between them on their relationship toward Taiwan since 1995 and the probability of conflict. Findings Economic interdependence is proved to significantly decrease the onset of conflict between the two parties. This can be shown by comparing the number of armed conflicts during the pre-interdependence period to the number of armed conflicts after the economic interdependence there was an overage of 0.79 militarized interstate disputes (MIDs)/year, compared to 0.26 MIDs/year following China’s economic reforms; also, the length of the hostilities was longer during the pre-interdependence period (with an average of 11.13 months versus 5.33 months). Originality/Value This means that economic interdependence does not completely prevent the outbreak of international conflicts, but it also plays a major role in influencing the conflict in terms of the conflict’s intensity, the use of armed force and the number of conflicts that occur between the economic interdependence states.
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Nazarova, G. V., and K. O. Demchenko. "Social Security vs Human Development: Conflict or Interdependence." Business Inform 5, no. 520 (2021): 6–15.

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The article examines the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the formation of social security and human development, their relationship and differences. The research is aimed at determining the relationship between social security and human development. In the process of research, general scientific and special research methods were used, among them: method of structural and logical analysis; methods of economic-statistical analysis; method of correlation analysis, etc. The tasks were solved using application packages such as Microsoft Excel, Statistica 10.0. Thus, in order to clearly understand the concepts under research, their uniqueness, a comparative analysis of the tasks and the research object, which are of close essence, but of different purpose, precisely the concepts of «human development» and «social security», was carried out. The analysis of both domestic and foreign methodological approaches to the measurement of social security allowed to substantiate the feasibility of applying the social protection expenditure factor to GDP for a correlation analysis. The results of the correlation analysis of the human development index (HDI) and the coefficient of social protection expenditures to GDP allowed to justify the hypothesis that there is a direct impact of social security on human development. In accordance with the results obtained and taking into account the analysis of the components of human development, appropriate recommendations have been developed to increase their level. Thus, present day reality emphasizes the need to search for powerful instruments to solve global problems that threaten the secure existence and development of society. This forces the international society to expand the security sphere and pay attention to the process of formation and active development of the theoretical foundations of human development and social security along with their practical implementation. As a result of the study, it is identified that the vast majority of scholars who study the problems of human development consider this concept as a certain process directed towards achieving the main goal.
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Crawford, Beverly. "The New Security Dilemma Under International Economic Interdependence." Millennium: Journal of International Studies 23, no. 1 (March 1994): 25–55.

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Pant, Girijesh. "Energy Security in Asia: The Necessity of Interdependence." Strategic Analysis 31, no. 3 (September 19, 2007): 523–42.

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Buszynski, Leszek. "Sino-Japanese Relations: Interdependence, Rivalry and Regional Security." Contemporary Southeast Asia 31, no. 1 (April 2009): 143–71.

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RADU, Gheorghe. "INTERDEPENDENCE AND ENERGY SECURITY – RUSSIA AND EUROPE – BUILDING BALANCE." Research and Science Today 20, no. 1 (March 15, 2020): 53–63.

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YOSHIMATSU, Hidetaka. "Economic Interdependence and Security Tension: China's Rare Earth Policy." East Asian Policy 04, no. 03 (July 2012): 55–63.

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China regards rare earth elements (REEs) as strategic products and fosters the REE industry with neo-mercantilist support. It then restrains exports of REEs as a means of exerting pressure on Japan in maritime security disputes. In response, Japan pursues a soft balancing strategy to strengthen linkages with Vietnam and India, and reconfirms the value of security linkages with Washington. Thus, the economic instrument became a catalyst in stimulating balancing behaviour.
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Kenneth Boutin, J. D. "Beyond interdependence: Economic security and Sino-American-Australian trilateralism." International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 70, no. 3 (May 12, 2015): 372–90.

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Papadimitriou, Pyrros, and Victoria Pistikou. "Economic Interdependence and National Security: The India-Pakistan Case." Procedia Economics and Finance 33 (2015): 234–55.

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Mastanduno, Michael. "Economic statecraft, Interdependence, and national security: Agendas for research." Security Studies 9, no. 1-2 (September 1999): 288–316.

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Málnássy, András. "Turkey and Its Northwest Borderland Region: Interdependence Within Southeastern European Relations." Foreign Policy Review 14, no. 3 (2021): 85–111.

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This paper examines the relationship between Turkey and the countries in Southeastern Europe in terms of complex interdependencies. The study uses Buzan and Waever’s Regional Security Complex Theory as a theoretical framework, in which Southeastern Europe is viewed as a regional security sub-complex. Sectors of interdependence are reviewed and examined in relation to the region, including the military, political, economic, societal, and environmental segments. The study focuses on the economy in more depth and sees it as a sector the development of which can promote and increase not only social welfare but also the stability of the region. In this sector, EU Member States are considered key players with respect to the region, although Turkey may also step up its efforts in the post-Covid period. The EU and Turkey represent two different poles in Southeastern Europe, geographically and economically. Ankara has strong positions mainly in the Balkan countries that are more dependent on Turkey and have significant Muslim minorities.
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Proedrou, Filippos. "EU Energy Security beyond Ukraine: Towards Holistic Diversification." European Foreign Affairs Review 21, Issue 1 (January 1, 2016): 57–73.

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The aim of the article is to explore the risks emanating from the EU’s gas security architecture, based on the twin pillars of diversification and enforced interdependence, in the context and aftermath of the crisis in Ukraine. Interdependence with external suppliers has been hit hard by the diversification rhetoric and rationale and given a crucial blow with the fallout in Ukraine and Russia’s opening to the East. Diversification, on the other hand, has added resilience to the EU gas market, but far from ensures the EU’s gas security in the mid- to long-term. The article thus argues that energy security is in need of a broader and more pragmatic understanding of diversification that will critically expand to renewables, energy conservation and efficiency. The pressing sustainability needs add further urgency to the switch from supply- to demand-side energy policies.
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Nadtochey, Y. "Facets of Interdependency in Russia-US Relations." International Trends / Mezhdunarodnye protsessy 18, no. 2 (2020): 48–70.

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The appliance of interdependence concepts in the International Relations studies can hardly be regarded as something new. However, slowing down globalization and rising international tensions even among partner or allied states make rethinking of these concepts relevant. The notion that interdependence may ease tensions was put under question and opposed by the idea that interdependence may become a source of conflict. Scholars also missed their focus on conceptualization of interdependence forgetting that it was not a product of globalization, rather a result of the Cold War era. Thus, it can be applied to relations not only between partner countries, but also rivals, as was in the case of the U.S.-Soviet relations. The dense fabric of bilateral agreements, institutions, and regimes in various fields (primarily in security domain) prevented superpowers from a destructive conflict. After the collapse of the bipolar world, both states tried to consolidate the legacy of interdependence by increasing cooperation, transferring relations from mutual assured destruction to sustainable partnership, from deterrence to security community. However, structural changes in world politics reshaped Russian-American relations. Unlike the Cold War period with its unique U.S.-Soviet interdependence model, which served as a necessary precondition for lasting peace, contemporary Russian, as well as American decision-makers do not tend to estimate cooperation between two countries as critical in terms of national security and conflict prevention. In contrast, they are more likely to treat bilateral relations as too costly and burdening. Moscow and Washington increasingly prefer to be unbound in achieving their short- or long-term political goals and choose the way of unilateral decisions and actions with no corresponding with the counterpart. These risky policies of mutual neglect increase the likelihood of future conflict between the two powers.
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Jordan, Bill. "Global Justice: The Terrors of Interdependence." Social Policy and Society 1, no. 2 (March 28, 2002): 119–29.

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This article reflects on the events of 11th September, 2001, in their immediate aftermath. Globalisation has brought economic interdependence without institutions for global distributive justice. The challenge for social policy of greater mobility of people, both within and between states, is as pressing as the problems of security highlighted by those events. These issues will demand attention long after the ‘war against terrorism’ has abated, because rich First World countries can no longer insulate themselves from the effects of poverty and injustice in the developing world.
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Cook, William L., and David A. Kenny. "The Actor–Partner Interdependence Model: A model of bidirectional effects in developmental studies." International Journal of Behavioral Development 29, no. 2 (March 2005): 101–9.

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The actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) is a model of dyadic relationships that integrates a conceptual view of interdependence with the appropriate statistical techniques for measuring and testing it. In this article we present the APIM as a general, longitudinal model for measuring bidirectional effects in interpersonal relationships. We also present three different approaches to testing the model. The statistical analysis of the APIM is illustrated using longitudinal data on relationship specific attachment security from 203 mother–adolescent dyads. The results support the view that interpersonal influence on attachment security is bidirectional. Moreover, consistent with a hypothesis from attachment theory, the degree to which a child’s attachment security is influenced by his or her primary caregiver is found to diminish with age.
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Trojnar, Ewa. "Taiwan’s Economic Security in the Context of Cross-Strait Interdependence." Teka Komisji Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych 11, no. 1 (September 17, 2018): 139.

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<p>W 2010 roku Tajwan i Chiny zawarły przełomowe w dziejach kontaktów bilateralnych porozumienie o współpracy gospodarczej. Wśród wielu konsekwencji wdrożenia jego postanowień uwagę zwraca rosnąca zależność gospodarcza Tajwanu od Chin. Bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne Tajwanu badane przez pryzmat asymetrycznej współzależności, osadzonej w neoliberalnej teorii stosunków międzynarodowych, wskazuje nie tylko na wysoką wrażliwość Tajwanu i Chin, ale i koszty jakie partnerzy musieliby ponieść w przypadku zmiany dotychczasowej polityki.</p>
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Nowotny, Thomas. "Security and Power through Interdependence: On the Morality of Globalisation." Global Society 21, no. 2 (April 2007): 179–97.

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Ayres, Jeffrey, and Laura Macdonald. "A community of fate? Nonpolarity and North American security interdependence." Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 18, no. 1 (March 2012): 92–105.

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Hausken, Kjell. "Income, interdependence, and substitution effects affecting incentives for security investment." Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 25, no. 6 (November 2006): 629–65.

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Moore, Sharlissa. "Evaluating the energy security of electricity interdependence: Perspectives from Morocco." Energy Research & Social Science 24 (February 2017): 21–29.

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Sokolinskaya, Yu M. "Monocities and regions of the Russian Federation: An algorithm of interrelation and interdependence in terms of economic security." National Interests: Priorities and Security 16, no. 6 (June 16, 2020): 1114–29.

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Subject. This article deals with the issues of economic security of the monocity and the region, focusing on determining an algorithm of these population areas' interrelation and interdependence. Objectives. The article aims to study the economic security of the monocity and the region within the framework of algorithmization, necessitating the need to design an inter-territorial system of communications, which would ensure interaction between the monocity and the region from the position of economic security of the Russian Federation. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of theoretical grounds, conceptual differentiation, structuring, grouping, modeling, algorithm presentation, and others. Results. The article presents a developed algorithm of interrelation and interdependence of monocities and the region (the subject) from the position of economic security of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. Transforming the process environment makes it necessary to focus on developing algorithms that help conduct research on several territorial objects at a time.
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Kozachenko, Ganna, Taina Zavora, and Liudmyla Shapoval. "Lombard activities and social security of the country: interrelation and interdependence." Independent Journal of Management & Production 11, no. 8 (May 1, 2020): 587.

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The place and value of pawnshops in the financial market are considered in the article. The main indicators of activity of pawnshops are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of using the pawnshop services by the population are substantiated. The growth rate of pawnshop activity in Ukraine is determined on the basis of the method of estimating the integral indicator. The nature and specifics of the influence of social security indicators on the activity of pawnshops in Ukraine by means of correlation analysis are revealed. In the constructed econometric model, the factors that influence are the social security indicators of the country and the dependent values are indicators of pawnshop activity. The obtained results revealed a significant correlation between the social security indicators of the country and the indicators of pawnshop activity. The detail of the analysis showed the greatest correlation between the pawnshops' performance and the social security indicator – the ratio of the average monthly nominal wage to the subsistence level for one able-bodied person.
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Ikenberry, G. John. "A Crisis of Global Governance?" Current History 109, no. 730 (November 1, 2010): 315–21.

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Bârsan, Ghiţă, Anca Dinicu, Vasile Năstăsescu, and Romana Oancea. "Estimating the Degree of Region’s Vulnerability in Case of Natural Disasters." International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION 22, no. 3 (June 1, 2016): 501–5.

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Abstract Estimating the degree of vulnerability of a region implies both the identification of the dependencies as well as of the interdependencies. The dependencies refer to a set of physical, social, economic, environmental and political-military conditions and processes and the interdependencies have in view physical, cyber, geographical and logical aspects that may indirectly affect the daily rhythm of the population, the economy or even the national security. The present paper aims at estimating the degree of vulnerability by constructing a model that would determine the index of vulnerability associated to a given area, an index that is directly dependent on demographic, economic, governmental factors, on the interdependence with other sectors and also on the history of the events that occurred in the area in the recent years.
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Boschee, Pam. "Comments: Upset in Energy Interdependence Rocks the World." Journal of Petroleum Technology 74, no. 04 (April 1, 2022): 10–11.

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What may have been a sense of uneasy security in countries around the world that relied on imported oil and gas has been shaken off. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and its role in supplying oil and natural gas to the EU, highlights just how quickly the sourcing of fuel can or must change because of the physical disruption of production, operations, and transportation, or because of sanctions or a country’s own concerns about energy security. The resultant market volatility is being felt around the world. The European Commission published plans on 8 March to cut Russian natural gas imports by two-thirds this year and end its reliance on Russian supplies “well before 2030.” About 40%, or 150–190 Bcm, of the gas supplied to the EU’s 27 countries is provided by Russia. EU Climate Policy Chief Frans Timmermans said, “The answer to this concern for our security lies in renewable energy and diversification of supply.” However, renewable energy sources are nowhere near the capacity needed to fill the supply gap and won’t be for many years to come. Diversification of supply is the most feasible alternative now. The commission said the US, Qatar, and others may be able to provide 60 Bcm of gas and LNG, equivalent to about a third of the Russian supply. Since December, US LNG exports have been heading to Europe to help refill its natural gas storage, which has been at its lowest level in at least 10 years. Storage injections in the summer were limited because of the high volume of LNG exports to Asia, high wholesale gas prices, and reduced supplies from Russia. US LNG exports in March were expected to reach about 8.84 Bcm (projection as of 16 March), exceeding a record 8.6 Bcm in January 2022. Qatar’s Energy Minister Saad al-Kaabi said in February that his country’s LNG volumes are committed in long-term contracts mostly to Asian buyers, adding that only 10–15% of the volumes may be divertible to Europe.
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Ishaque, Waseem, Muhammad Zia ur Rehman, and Noor Fatima. "Impact of Globalization on National Security." Global Social Sciences Review IV, no. I (March 30, 2019): 16–22.

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National security now-a-days is a much broader and comprehensive concept which apart from military security takes into account all dimensions affecting human security with inclusive consideration to all Elements of National Power of a Nation State. Similarly, globalization means interdependence, advancing integration, and homogenization of the world. Globalization has assumed profound power this century, which captures the opinion that happenings in one part of the globe will have significant influence on the regions and the world at large. This research article will explore several dimensions of notion of globalization, its linkages and effects on national security.
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Pearson, Margaret M., Meg Rithmire, and Kellee S. Tsai. "China's Party-State Capitalism and International Backlash: From Interdependence to Insecurity." International Security 47, no. 2 (2022): 135–76.

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Abstract Contrary to expectations, economic interdependence has not tempered security conflict between China and the United States. In response to perceived domestic and external threats, the Chinese Communist Party's actions to ensure regime security have generated insecurity in other states, causing them to adopt measures to constrain Chinese firms. Security dilemma dynamics best explain the subsequent reactions from many advanced industrialized countries to the evolution of China's political economy into party-state capitalism. Party-state capitalism manifests in two signature ways: (1) expansion of party-state authority in firms through changes in corporate governance and state-led financial instruments; and (2) enforcement of political fealty among various economic actors. Together, these trends have blurred the distinction between state and private capital in China and resulted in backlash, including intensified investment reviews, campaigns to exclude Chinese firms from strategic sectors, and the creation of novel domestic and international institutions to address perceived threats from Chinese actors. The uniqueness of China's model has prompted significant reorganization of the rules governing capitalism, both nationally and globally.
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The article through the interdisciplinary approach reveals the interdependence of civilization, economic system of society, institutional matrices, foreign language and national security. The nature, functionality and vital mechanisms of these phenomena are shown.
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Meckling, Jonas, and Llewelyn Hughes. "Global interdependence in clean energy transitions." Business and Politics 20, no. 4 (December 2018): 467–91.

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AbstractThe global energy industry is transforming as governments invest in clean energy technologies to address climate change, enhance energy security, and strengthen national competitiveness. Comparative research on clean energy transitions highlights the domestic drivers and constraints of clean energy transitions. This article contends that we need to understand the effects of global interdependence on clean energy transitions. Shifts in forms of interdependence between firms—influenced by the rise of global supply chains—have new implications for policy choices made by governments. Governments face more complex demands from domestic industries facing global economic competition, and act strategically in response to the actions of other governments, including sub-national actors, and firms in the global economy. We suggest that research on interdependence in clean energy transitions benefits from an analytical focus on mechanisms of transnational change such as cross-national and multi-level policy feedback and cross-national policy sequencing. Global interdependence has important implications for economic and environmental outcomes, affecting the durability of competitive advantage, and influencing the pace of the diffusion of clean energy technologies.
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The main purpose of the article is to define the essence of the economic security system of the fuel and energy complex. The essential features of the concept «system» are defined. The concept of «system of economic security» in the context of essential features has been formed as a divergence. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «economic security system» are defined. The interdependence of the hierarchy of goals of the economic security system of a complex socio- economic system is determined.
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HENTZ, JAMES J. "The Southern African security order: regional economic integration and security among developing states." Review of International Studies 35, S1 (February 2009): 189–213.

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AbstractTheories in international relations, predicated on particular assumptions, for explaining the relationship between regional economic integration and regional security miss the challenges to security in the developing world. Unlike the developed world, regional interdependence in much of the developing world engenders negative externalities. The relationship between regional economic integration and regional security depends on the nature of the security threats that define the region – traditional state vs state threats on one hand versus new security threats on the other hand. The nature of the security threat, or security dilemma, will determine how different forms of regional economic integration, laissez faire, functional, and developmental, define or re-define a particular regional security order. Building a ‘security community’ in the developing world, therefore, calls for new architectural principles. In the case of southern Africa, both, laissez faire (free trade area) and functional cooperation (spatial development initiatives) will foster insecurity rather than security.
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Vodenitcharov, Asen. "Civil Aspects Of National Security." International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION 21, no. 1 (June 1, 2015): 143–47.

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Abstract The article examines the national security as a state of society and state in which fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall be protected. It examines the interdependence between security in the civil society and the guarantees for full realization of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens. It specifies the question for social security of citizens and legal entities in: signing and realization of civil transactions; the regime of entries; the exercise of ownership and development of the substantive law relations; the relocation of trade companies from Bulgaria in other EU Member State and from another EU Member State in Bulgaria. This scientific study underlines the need for improvement of the regulation of civil transactions, in order to ensure the maximum social security of citizens and legal entities and forming of a favorable environment for their dynamic development.
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Garg, Suneela, Nidhi Bhatnagar, Ekta Arora, and Pradeep Aggarwal. "Revisiting Global Health Security Measures in COVID 19 Pandemic." Indian Journal of Community Health 33, no. 2 (June 30, 2021): 407–10.

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As the world has become a global village with increasing socio-economic interdependence, health, security and stability issues are imposing interrelated global impacts. Thus, activities supporting epidemic and pandemic preparedness are needed to minimize vulnerability to acute public health events. Coordination mechanisms must be pre-established for diagnostics, therapeutics and research as emergencies often lead to competition and shortage of resources. This paper attempts to discuss the available global health security measures at the time of COVID 19 pandemic.
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Mijatović, Dunja. "The Main Challenges for the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media." Security and Human Rights 24, no. 3-4 (April 30, 2014): 325–32.

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This article focuses on the interdependence between security and human rights. The author advocates that freedom of expression and free media – two basic human rights – play increasingly important roles in fostering a meaningful debate on security issues and that they can help us to effectively address new challenges, not least in the new digital era. The article addresses major challenges within media freedom such as Internet freedom and journalists’ safety and the importance these challenges play with regard to the link between security and human rights.
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Zverev, Yury M., and Nikolay M. Mezhevich. "The Republic of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region of Russia as a sub-regional security complex." Baltic Region 14, no. 3 (2022): 64–82.

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The formal indivisibility of security, which theorists in the field of international relations speak of, is an indisputable thing. Although the development of military technology, the format of globalization, a critical attitude towards classical geopolitics have led to an underestimation of the spatial factor, regionalisation has once again proved that it is an integral part of globalisation and its alter ego. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, political developments in Europe are closely connected with military security. Although this interdependence is not new, the regional security system has been relatively stable for quite some time. The steadily, albeit gradually aggravating situation around the Kaliningrad region and the Republic of Belarus has caused a response — co­ordinated cooperation in the framework of the Union State. The consequence of which was the formation of a sub-regional security complex (SRSC), which includes the Republic of Belarus and Russia’s Kaliningrad region. And a theoretical justification for the formation of this complex is the focus of this article. The authors determine the floating boundaries of the SRSC, where spatial effects of military-political ties take on a special character. This study aims to apply and adapt the concept of regional security complexes to the military-political space of the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. The practical implica­tions of this research include substantiating the interconnectedness and interdependence of security doctrines and practices in a troubled region of Europe.
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Krickovic, Andrej. "When Interdependence Produces Conflict: EU–Russia Energy Relations as a Security Dilemma." Contemporary Security Policy 36, no. 1 (January 2, 2015): 3–26.

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Khalili, Mohammad Mahdi, Parinaz Naghizadeh, and Mingyan Liu. "Designing Cyber Insurance Policies: The Role of Pre-Screening and Security Interdependence." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13, no. 9 (September 2018): 2226–39.

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Blanchard, Jean‐Marc F., Edward D. Mansfield, and Norrin M. Ripsman. "The political economy of national security: Economic statecraft, interdependence, and international conflict." Security Studies 9, no. 1-2 (September 1999): 1–14.

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Zha, Daojiong. "China and the global search for health security: history, vaccines, and governance." China International Strategy Review 3, no. 1 (March 24, 2021): 137–53.

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AbstractChina is a key player, not just an actor, in the global search for health security. Reiteration of this point is useful for International Relations studies, which often portray China as a factor to contend with, especially given the background of the country as the first to report the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper adopts an analytical framework developed through a summary of routines in Chinese engagement in global health from a practitioner’s perspective: aid, interdependence, governance and knowledge. These are the core elements in a country’s pursuit of engagement with the rest of the world. After the introduction, the second section of the paper reviews contributions from China in the history of global plague control over the past century. The third section discusses structural issues affecting access to vaccines, which are essential for bringing COVID-19 under effective control. The fourth section identifies a number of challenges China is facing in global health governance. The final section offers a few concluding thoughts, reiterating the nature of interdependence in the global search for enhancement of health security.
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Blakyta, Ganna, Olena Matusova, Halyna Lanovska, and Victor Adamenko. "Integral assessment of business environment security." Problems and Perspectives in Management 15, no. 4 (December 25, 2017): 280–92.

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The methodological approach to the integral assessment of business environment security is developed in the article; the blocks of factors of business environment security are identified and the indices which affect the formation of economic security of entrepreneurship are analyzed. The integral indicator for assessing business environment security is based on 6 indicators, which are the most significant elements of the business environment formation: the availability of basic economic freedoms, the favorable organizational conditions for doing business, the state of political and legal system, the level (quality) of life, resource provision and infrastructure development, innovation development. A comparative analysis of the integral indicator of business environment security of Ukraine with the Baltic countries, Black Sea region countries and the Visegrad Group countries is carried out. The article identifies interdependence between the business environment security and the share of unprofitable enterprises. The functional relationship of the business environment security with the number of bankrupt enterprises and the level of enterprises losses is substantiated as well. The model shows that the increase of environmental security leads to the decrease of a number of bankruptcies exponentially. The negative and positive factors which influence the formation of economic security of entrepreneurship are revealed.
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