Academic literature on the topic 'Sécurité des produits de la mer'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sécurité des produits de la mer"
Finkel, Caroline. "Henry Felix Woods and the Black Sea/Bosphorus Entrance Maritime Safety System, Then and Now." Northern Mariner / Le marin du nord 30, no. 4 (June 10, 2021): 379–418.
Full textArbour, J. Maurice. "La sécurité alimentaire des peuples autochtones quant à la réglementation internationale de la chasse à la baleine : un avenir mal assuré." Les Cahiers de droit 44, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 597–666.
Full textLecerf, Jean-Michel. "Les produits de la mer." Phytothérapie 5, S1 (June 2007): 1.
Full textMouthon, Gilbert. "Immunoanalyse et sécurité des produits d'origine animale." Annales de Toxicologie Analytique 21, no. 1 (2009): 45–48.
Full textLefrère, J. J., M. Maniez-Montreuil, P. Morel, C. Defer, and S. Laperche. "Sécurité des produits sanguins labiles et parvovirus B19." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 13, no. 4 (October 2006): 235–41.
Full textBazin, Agnès, Sophie Villedieu, Julie Mauny, Natacha Lopez, François Decourval, and Stéphane Cheze. "Transport des produits sanguins labiles et sécurité transfusionnelle." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 26, no. 3 (September 2019): S54.
Full textAddas-Carvalho, Marcelo. "Sécurité microbiologique des produits sanguins labiles au Brésil." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 28, no. 4 (November 2021): S19—S20.
Full textHermine, O., B. Lassale, P. Morel, C. M. Samama, G. Folléa, M. Monsellier, S. Noël, J. D. Tissot, and J. J. Lefrère. "Besoins, prescriptions et sécurité des produits sanguins labiles ; autosuffisance en produits sanguins labiles." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 21, no. 3 (June 2014): 120–31.
Full textFolléa, G., M. Monsellier, A. Grimfeld, B. Pelletier, B. Lassale, P. Morel, C. M. Samama, O. Hermine, and J. J. Lefrère. "Autosuffisance, besoins, prescription et sécurité des produits sanguins labiles." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 20, no. 2 (May 2013): 139–43.
Full textFoxall, Andrew, James Rogers, and Matthieu Chillaud. "Les perceptions britanniques de la sécurité en mer Baltique." Stratégique N°121-122, no. 1 (2019): 243.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sécurité des produits de la mer"
Wiernasz, Norman. "Amélioration de la qualité et de la sécurité des produits de la mer par la technologie des barrières incluant la biopréservation - Impact sur les écosystèmes microbiens." Thesis, Nantes, Ecole nationale vétérinaire, 2019.
Full textSeafood products count for an important part of our diet. However, they are fragile and have a limited shelf-life due to microbial spoilage. The objective of this thesis was to develop a biopreservation strategy applied to a salmon-based product, the gravlax, in order to improve its microbiological quality and safety. We firstly characterized this poorly known product on a microbiological (cultural analysis and metabarcoding of the 16S rRNA encoding gene), physico-chemical (biogenic amines and volatile organic compounds...) and sensorial point of view. Compared to smoked salmon packed under vacuum or modified atmosphere, the gravlax shows a higher microbial diversity, dominated by enterobacteria and linked to a specific volatilome and sensory profile. In a second time, six lactic acid bacteria strains were selected on technological criteria such as antimicrobial activity, spoilage potential, tolerance to freezing and chitosan, as well as safety criteria such as biogenic amines production and antibiotic resistance. These 6 strains were then applied on gravlax to evaluate their bioprotective potential. They are distinguished by their implantation capacity and their impact on the product microbial ecosystem, volatilome and sensory properties. A strain of Vagococcus fluvialis and Carnobacterium maltaromaticum were able respectively to control the sensorial spoilage and to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes, during gravlax refrigerated storage
Rivoal, Solène. "La Materia del pesce : structures, gestion et organisation des approvisionnements de Venise en produits de la mer au XVIIIe siècle." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textThis study analyses how the city of Venice managed to supply its fish markets in the 18th century, an organization system that involved actors, practices, spaces, and government strategies. The analyze focuses initially on the fish, which means to start by specifying the specimens that were captured to assess the production rhythms. All the mentioned aspects defined the exploitation system of this product, which became a crucial food resource for the city. In Venice, everybody ate seafood in their everyday life, from nobles to popolani. Such a remarkable place of the fish as basic food resulted in intensive reflections by the government and by the actors involved in the markets (merchants, fishermen, or fishmongers). They were particularly concerned about the management, the exploitation, and also the protection of these resources. Therefore, this study is related to historiography in several manners: Environmental history, Social history, and the History of the institutions; and it uses some approaches from Urban history and Economical history as well.The aim of this research is to determine how a management system of a capital resource for the city could be created and negotiated, a complex plan that involved political knowledge, technical skills, and particular uses of the exploitation of the lagoon. This interaction between politics and technique evolved during the 18th century, a period in which the economic life changed deeply. The materia del pesce, an expression used by the Venetian government, became a subject of negotiation between the authorities and the fish market actors
Sabino, Magali. "Bioaccumulation of trace elements in Seychelles marine food webs." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021.
Full textFood security, that is guarantying food supply and quality while sustainably managing resources, is closely linked to knowing the biology and ecology of consumed species. In a context of global changes that are threatening seafood safety, it is thus necessary to establish baselines on marine ecosystem functioning, as well as nutrient availability and contamination occurrence in seafood. This is all the more important in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), where populations rely on marine resources for their subsistence, and where capture fisheries resources are the main sources of proteins and micronutrients (i.e. essential trace elements) in local populations’ diet. In spite of the importance of tropical systems in ensuring food security, they remain largely understudied compared to polar and temperate systems. This thesis thus aims to better understand the functioning of tropical marine systems, and to establish a baseline on micronutrient availability and metal(loid) contamination in a wide diversity of capture fisheries resources from the Seychelles (Western Indian Ocean), a tropical SIDS. By investigating trace element concentration patterns at the inter- and intraspecific levels, it was possible to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing trace element bioaccumulation in tropical capture fisheries resources. We thus highlighted the importance of considering different scales (individual, species, and ecosystem) to better understand essential trace element availability and non-essential trace element occurrence in seafood
Gozlan, Estelle. "Commerce international et sécurité des produits." Paris 10, 2000.
Full textPerez, Laurence. "Les produits de contraste en IRM : biocompatibilité et sécurité." Paris 5, 1995.
Full textSantos, Akuété Pedro. "La sécurité des produits industriels et la protection des consommateurs." Dijon, 1986.
Full textBramat, Eric. "L'obligation de sécurité : produits et services mis sur le marché." Montpellier 1, 2000.
Full textDayyani-Najafabadi, Abdol Rasoul. "La responsabilité du fait de défaut de sécurité des produits." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996.
Full textThis study involes a preliminary part about doctrinal debates concerning the new regime of product liability as well as an analysis about its different material sources. The most important one is the council directive of 25th. July 1985, which study helps to find out its real position within the hierarchy of rules and also to precise its transposition into the different member state's legislation. Afterwards the two main parts exclusively concern the product liability in the french internal law. The fist part relates to define the notion of product liability, which possesses its proper characteristics and must to be distinguished from other similar notions, like regime of responsibility and its juridical obligations. Moreover, this same notion has got its proper scope of law and has to be carefully defined, that is to say the things which can be considered as a product, the person that are victims and responsible, and the damages concerned by the new dispositions. The second part deals with the regime of product responsibility itself. Primary, it depends on specific conditions which constitute the legal system, although the litigants are allowed to organise it through conventional modifications. Secondly, in case of interference of a foreign element during a litigation, its implement involves studying the international competence of law and jurisdiction. The specificity of this regime means that the victim's claim possesses a special jurisdictional treatment for the court. At last, both the producers' risks and the extent of reparation lead to a special study of the collective measure of compensation by of third party
Lagdami, Khanssa. "Les enjeux de la sécurité et de la sûreté maritimes en mer Méditerranée." Nantes, 2012.
Full textThe Mediterranean sea, semi-enclosed sea representing 1 % of the globe, is a compulsory sea road between Europe and Asia. It concentrates 25 % of world seaborne trade, including a third of oil supplies and a fifth container traffic passing through it annually. Every day a thousand ships transit at sea or stop at ports in full swing. Maritime activity is intense and inherent to this crossroads in a permanent movement. All the more so as that this sea is affected by a strong sinistrality (maritime accidents, oil dumping). Moreover, other dangers are strongly present, especially illegal immigration, drugs traffic, and the threat of terrorism. This fragility is amplified by a lack of uniformity in the application of the international regulations and by the particular status of the Mediterranean towards of the Law of the sea. Indeed, the delimitation of the EEZ in the Mediterranean is difficult. This situation favors the creation of lawless areas, and is the cause of several disputes in this sea. Through this thesis, we propose in a first step, a global view of the vulnerability of the Mediterranean and the various international and regional rules applying this and in a second step analyzes the actions to be taken by States (especially those in the south) to achieve efficiency in the application of international standards of maritime safety and security
Lauga, Francis. "De la mer au cœur." Bordeaux 2, 1995.
Full textBooks on the topic "Sécurité des produits de la mer"
Canada, Canada Santé. Rapport d'évaluation des activités de l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments reliées à la salubrité des produits aquicoles. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 2001.
Find full textCessna, Allan J. Les produits antiparasitaires et la sécurité. [Ottawa]: Direction générale de la recherche, Agriculture Canada, 1987.
Find full textCessna, Allan J. Les produits antiparasitaires et la sécurité. Ottawa, Ont: Agriculture Canada, 1988.
Find full textGuiffre, Philippe. Les produits de la mer. Paris: Economica, 1990.
Find full textBernier, Stéphane. 100 fiches pratiques: Sécurité des produits chimiques au laboratoire. 2nd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
Find full textLa qualité et la sécurité des produits agro-alimentaires: Approche juridique. Paris: Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textBeaudin, Maurice. La valorisation des produits de la mer dans l'Est canadien. [Moncton, N.B.]: Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional = Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development, 2001.
Find full textLes aliments de la mer: Se soigner, rajeunir, mieux vivre. Paris: Delville, 2006.
Find full textCommission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire. La mesure des produits de filiation du radon en suspension dans l'air dans les mines d'uranium et les usines de concentration d'uranium. Ottawa, Ont: Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire, 2003.
Find full texttransports, Faculté de droit et de science politique d'Aix-Marseille Centre de droit maritime et des. Le transport des produits pétroliers par mer: Colloque du 9 décembre 1999, Marseille, Aéroport Marseille-Provence. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sécurité des produits de la mer"
"La filière des produits de la mer." In Mare economicum, 23–24. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008.
Full text"Liens entre commerce agricole, sécurité alimentaire et changement climatique." In La situation des marchés des produits agricoles 2018, 13–32. UN, 2018.
Full textGuillotreau, Patrice, Laurent Le Grel, and Mehmet Tuncel. "Chapitre 5. La demande de produits de la mer." In Mare economicum, 193–239. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008.
Full text"Communication des dangers: fiches de données de sécurité (FDS)." In Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), 35–39. UN, 2017.
Full text"Communication des dangers : Fiches de données de sécurité (FDS)." In Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), 35–39. United Nations, 2021.
Full textBasurco, Bernardo, José Estors Carballo, and Audun Lem. "Chapitre 10. Les produits de la mer dans les pays méditerranéens." In MediTERRA 2014, 183–215. Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.
Full text"Bibliographie." In 150 fiches pratiques de sécurité des produits chimiques en laboratoire, 343–44. Dunod, 2018.
Full textLeclaire, Jacques. "L’aventure des produits inoffensifs : une approche pionnière de la sécurité en cosmétique." In Chimie, dermo-cosmétique et beauté, 229–50. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textLeclaire, Jacques. "L’aventure des produits inoffensifs : une approche pionnière de la sécurité en cosmétique." In Chimie, dermo-cosmétique et beauté, 229–50. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Document guide sur l’élaboration de fiches de données de sécurité (FDS)." In Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), 386–412. UN, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Sécurité des produits de la mer"
ARDHUIN, Fabrice, and Rudy MAGNE. "Modélisation des états de mer du globe à la plage : validation de nouveaux paramètres produits par Prévimer." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2010.
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