Academic literature on the topic 'SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT'
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Journal articles on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Chen, Chien-Ying, Monowar Hasan, and Sibin Mohan. "Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things." Sensors 18, no. 12 (December 10, 2018): 4356.
Full textDhirani, Lubna Luxmi, Eddie Armstrong, and Thomas Newe. "Industrial IoT, Cyber Threats, and Standards Landscape: Evaluation and Roadmap." Sensors 21, no. 11 (June 5, 2021): 3901.
Full textMahmood, Mohammed, and Jassim Abdul-Jabbar. "Securing Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT)- A Reviewof Challenges and Solutions." Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal (AREJ) 28, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 312–20.
Full textGeorge, Gemini, and Sabu M. Thampi. "A Graph-Based Security Framework for Securing Industrial IoT Networks From Vulnerability Exploitations." IEEE Access 6 (2018): 43586–601.
Full textDakhnovich, A. D., D. A. Moskvin, and D. P. Zegzhda. "Approach for Securing Network Communications Modelling Based on Smart Multipath Routing." Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 23, no. 4 (December 4, 2020): 386–96.
Full textYas, Harith, and Manal M. Nasir. "Securing the IoT: An Efficient Intrusion Detection System Using Convolutional Network." Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management 1, no. 1 (2020): 30–37.
Full textKurdi, Hassan, and Vijey Thayananthan. "A Multi-Tier MQTT Architecture with Multiple Brokers Based on Fog Computing for Securing Industrial IoT." Applied Sciences 12, no. 14 (July 16, 2022): 7173.
Full textElkanishy, Abdelrahman, Paul M. Furth, Derrick T. Rivera, and Ahameed A. Badawy. "Low-overhead Hardware Supervision for Securing an IoT Bluetooth-enabled Device: Monitoring Radio Frequency and Supply Voltage." ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 18, no. 1 (January 31, 2022): 1–28.
Full textKristen, Erwin, Reinhard Kloibhofer, Vicente Hernández Díaz, and Pedro Castillejo. "Security Assessment of Agriculture IoT (AIoT) Applications." Applied Sciences 11, no. 13 (June 23, 2021): 5841.
Full textJuma, Mazen, Fuad AlAttar, and Basim Touqan. "Securing Big Data Integrity for Industrial IoT in Smart Manufacturing Based on the Trusted Consortium Blockchain (TCB)." IoT 4, no. 1 (February 6, 2023): 27–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Milinic, Vasilije. "Investigating Security Issues in Industrial IoT: A Systematic Literature Review." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2021.
Full textKadhum, Hamza. "Enhancing Zigbee Security for Industrial Implementation." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.
Full textZigbee nätverk är ett populärt val vid uppsättning av ett nätverk med låg strömförbrukning. Zigbees användningsområde är olika men den är väldigt populär inom industriell områdesövervakning och hemautomation. Däremot har Zigbees säkerhet varit en nackdel, då det har framkommit att den inte möter kraven för industriell användning. Arbetet kom till genom ett samarbete med Ericsson och KTH för att undersöka Zigbee nätverks implementation och säkerhet. Arbetet bearbetar olika säkerhetslösningar för Zigbee nätverk och hur den kan implementeras för att uppnå långtidsanvändning utan batteribyte. Säkerhetslösningar bygger på public-key samt symmetric key kryptografi algoritmer för att förbättra och öka Zigbees säkerhet genom autentisering och tillåtelse av noder som ansluter sig till nätverket. Nätverkets konfiguration för långtidsanvändning redovisas genom att jämföra olika polling tidsintervaller mellan meddelanden. Långtidsanvändning utan batteribyte är viktigt för att nätverket kommer implementeras i ett avlägset område som är svåråtkomlig. Arbetet redovisar och jämföra olika lösningar för att öka säkerheten för Zigbee nätverk. Den optimala lösningen för att uppnå autentisering samt tillåtelse av noder som ansluter sig uppnås med nyckel skapande genom secret-splitting metoden. Metoden följer NIST rekommendationer och anses vara säker, därav uppfyller den kraven för industriell implementation. Nätverkets säkerhet ökar samt bibehåller ett nätverk med låg strömförbrukning.
Scata', Marialisa. "Security Analysis of ICT Systems based on Bio-Inspired Models." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2012.
Full textArlotti, Luca. "Studio di fattibilità tecnico economico per l'automazione di un reparto presse tramite l'applicazione di cobot." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Full textRasori, Marco. "Security & Privacy in Smart Cities and Industrial IoT." Doctoral thesis, 2020.
Full textGhufli, Suhail Mubarak Al. "Urban and industrial air pollution: engineering and strategic planning for environment security." Thesis, 2011. http://localhost:8080/iit/handle/2074/6294.
Full textRaposo, Duarte Miguel Garcia. "Monitoring Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: A model to enhance Security and Reliability." Doctoral thesis, 2020.
Full textA new generation of industrial systems are growing, in a new industrial evolution that connects wireless technologies with powerful devices, capable to make their own decisions. In the Industry 4.0 paradigm, industrial systems are becoming more powerful and complex in order to keep with the requirements needed to build Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs). To achieve such paradigm, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) are a key-technology capable to achieve micro-intelligence, with low-cost, and mobility, reducing even further today’s already short production cycles, and at the same time allowing new industrial applications. Specifically, in the last decade, more reliable and deterministic standards were proposed, all of them sharing the same base technology, the IEEE802.15.4 standard. At the same time, until now, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have remained disconnected from the Internet, relying in the airgap principle to ensure security. Nevertheless, there is a lack of post-deployment tools to monitor technologies like the WirelessHART, ISA100.11a, WIA-PA and the ZigBee standards, contrary to what happens with most common wired technologies. The lack of these tools can be explained by several characteristics present in current IoT devices like the fragmentation of the operating systems, the need to develop specific firmware for each application, different hardware architectures; etc. Thus, in this thesis, and looking for the current challenges of industrial IoT technologies, a monitoring model is proposed, capable not only to monitor current industrial networks based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, but also the in-node components of sensor nodes, in several hardware and firmware architectures. The proposed architecture explores several techniques to obtain free monitoring metrics; agents in charge of processing these metrics; and relies in management standards to share all the monitoring information. To prove the performance of this proposal, a WirelessHART testbed was built, as well as the different components presented in the architectural model. Additionally, using representative anomalies, injected in a WirelessHART testbed, an Anomaly Detection system capable to detect network anomalies and security attacks was built, proving the effectiveness of the presented model in the network perspective. In the same way, in order to prove the effectiveness in the detection of firmware and hardware anomalies, an Anomaly Detection system for in-node components was also built. The two Anomaly Detection systems were able to detect with high recall and low false positive ratio the anomalies inserted in the systems, proving that the proposed model can be used as a post-deployment tool in real industrial scenarios.
Atualmente assiste-se a uma nova geração de sistemas industriais, numa evolução que junta tecnologias sem fios com dispositivos embebidos, cada vez mais inteligentes e capazes. No âmbito da Indústria 4.0, os sistemas industriais tornaram-se mais potentes e complexos, em resposta aos requisitos impostos pelos novos Sistemas Ciber-Físicos. No panorama atual, as Redes de Sensores Sem Fios Industriais são uma tecnologia-chave, capaz de fornecer micro-inteligência, e mobilidade, a um baixo-custo, reduzindo cada vez mais os ciclos de produção industrial, e permitindo novos tipos de aplicações. Por esta razão, durante a última década, várias tecnologias baseadas na norma IEEE802.15.4 foram desenvolvidas e propostas, oferecendo técnicas de transmissão mais fiáveis e determinísticas. Ainda, no domínio da segurança, assistimos também a uma mudança de paradigma neste tipo de sistemas. O paradigma utilizado até então, regia-se através de políticas de segurança que privilegiavam o isolamento. Porém, a conexão destes sistemas à Internet origina um novo conjunto de ameaças externas, que tem crescido progressivamente. De modo a manter a fiabilidade, as ferramentas de monitorização em ambiente de produção permitem uma constante monitorização dos sistemas, prevenindo eventuais falhas. Contudo, existe uma ausência de ferramentas para normas como o WirelessHART, ISA100.11a, WIA-PA e ZigBee, ao contrário do que acontece no caso das tecnologias legadas. Esta lacuna pode ser explicada pelas diferentes características presentes nos dispositivos IoT, como por exemplo, a fragmentação dos sistemas operativos, a necessidade de desenvolver firmware específico para cada aplicação, e os diferentes tipos de arquitecturas de hardware existentes. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese, apresenta um novo modelo de arquitetura de monitorização, não só capaz de monitorizar as tecnologias industriais baseadas na norma IEEE802.15.4, como também os próprios componentes internos dos nós-sensores (em diferentes arquiteturas de firmware e hardware). O modelo de arquitetura proposto apresenta técnicas que permitem obter métricas de estado sem custos, partilhadas através de protocolos de gestão, por agentes responsáveis pela respetiva aquisição. Para confirmar o baixo impacto da arquitetura proposta foi criada uma testbed utilizando a norma WirelessHART, com todos os agentes. Adicionalmente, para provar a eficácia e utilidade da arquitetura foram desenvolvidos dois sistemas de deteção de anomalias: o primeiro permite a deteção de anomalias de rede; e o segundo possibilita a deteção de anomalias no firmware e hardware nos nós-sensores. Estes sistemas foram avaliados, através da injeção de anomalias de rede, firmware e hardware. Os dois sistemas de deteção propostos conseguiram identificar os comportamentos anómalos com alto recall e baixo false positive ratio, provando assim, que o modelo proposto poderá ser utilizado como ferramenta de diagnóstico em redes de sensores sem fios industriais.
Manna, Michele La. "Applying Attribute-Based Encryption in IoT and Automotive Scenarios." Doctoral thesis, 2022.
Full textALSHAYA, SHAYA ABDULLAH. "A Comprehensive Cyber Security Enhancing Strategy for Industrial Control Systems in Oil Industry." Doctoral thesis, 2017.
Full textBooks on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Karimipour, Hadis, and Farnaz Derakhshan, eds. AI-Enabled Threat Detection and Security Analysis for Industrial IoT. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textElectronics, Maplin, ed. Home security projects: [a collection of useful design ideas for security devices around the home]. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995.
Find full textLobanov, Aleksey. Biomedical foundations of security. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2019.
Full textPlaskova, Nataliya, and Natal'ya Prodanova. Economic analysis. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.
Full textGadzhiev, Nazirhan, Sergey Konovalenko, and Mihail Trofimov. Theoretical aspects of the formation and development of the ecological economy in Russia. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.
Full textButun, Ismail. Industrial IoT: Challenges, Design Principles, Applications, and Security. Springer International Publishing AG, 2021.
Find full textButun, Ismail. Industrial IoT: Challenges, Design Principles, Applications, and Security. Springer, 2020.
Find full textLe, Dac-Nhuong, Souvik Pal, and Vicente García Díaz. IoT: Security and Privacy Paradigm. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textLe, Dac-Nhuong, Souvik Pal, and Vicente García Díaz. IoT: Security and Privacy Paradigm. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Kłos, Mateusz, and Imed El Fray. "Securing Event Logs with Blockchain for IoT." In Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 77–87. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textVijayalakshmi, S. R., and S. Muruganand. "Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart Industries." In Securing IoT in Industry 4.0 Applications with Blockchain, 51–79. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications, 2021.
Full textSundaram, Saravana Kumari. "Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Applications." In Securing IoT in Industry 4.0 Applications with Blockchain, 115–36. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications, 2021.
Full textManzoor, Amir. "Securing Device Connectivity in the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)." In Computer Communications and Networks, 3–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textNagarajan, G., R. I. Minu, and T. Sasikala. "Intelligent Securing the Industrial IoT Data Based on Consensus Mechanism." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 373–80. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textVijayakumar, J., and R. Maheswaran. "PLC and SCADA as Smart Services in Industry 4.0 for Industrial Automation Techniques." In Securing IoT in Industry 4.0 Applications with Blockchain, 297–318. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications, 2021.
Full textMaji, Raghunath, Atreyee Biswas, and Rituparna Chaki. "A Novel Proposal of Using NLP to Analyze IoT Apps Towards Securing User Data." In Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 156–68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textAgrawal, Megha, Jianying Zhou, and Donghoon Chang. "A Survey on Lightweight Authenticated Encryption and Challenges for Securing Industrial IoT." In Security and Privacy Trends in the Industrial Internet of Things, 71–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textAhmed, Monjur, Sapna Jaidka, and Nurul I. Sarkar. "Security in Decentralised Computing, IoT and Industrial IoT." In Industrial IoT, 191–211. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textLedwaba, Lehlogonolo P. I., and Gerhard P. Hancke. "Security Challenges for Industrial IoT." In Wireless Networks and Industrial IoT, 193–206. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Forsstrom, Stefan, Ismail Butun, Mohamed Eldefrawy, Ulf Jennehag, and Mikael Gidlund. "Challenges of Securing the Industrial Internet of Things Value Chain." In 2018 Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT. IEEE, 2018.
Full textO'Raw, John, David Laverty, and D. John Morrow. "Securing the Industrial Internet of Things for Critical Infrastructure (IIoT-CI)." In 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT'19). IEEE, 2019.
Full textUsman, Muhammad, and Nazar Abbas. "On the Application of IOT (Internet of Things) for Securing Industrial Threats." In 2014 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). IEEE, 2014.
Full textKolluru, Katyayani Kiranmayee, Cristina Paniagua, Jan van Deventer, Jens Eliasson, Jerker Delsing, and Rance J. DeLong. "An AAA solution for securing industrial IoT devices using next generation access control." In 2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS). IEEE, 2018.
Full textMurray, Iain. "Keynote Address-2: Securing critical infrastructure and the IIoT." In SLIIT 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology. SLIIT, 2023.
Full textAsare, Bismark Tei, Kester Quist-Aphetsi, and Laurent Nana. "A Hybrid Lightweight Cryptographic Scheme For Securing Node Data Based On The Feistel Cipher And MD5 Hash Algorithm In A Local IoT Network." In 2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Remote Sensing, Information Systems and Industrial Information Technologies (ICMRSISIIT). IEEE, 2019.
Full textKumar, Rakesh, Bipin Kandpal, and Vasim Ahmad. "Industrial IoT (IIOT): Security Threats and Countermeasures." In 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA). IEEE, 2023.
Full textNeville, Karen, and Philip Powell. "Securing Security through Education." In 2003 Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2003.
Full textNikolić, Vojkan, Zoran Stević, Stefana Janićijević, and Dragan Kreculj. "Possibilities of IIOT application platforms in the electrical power systems." In 8th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. SMEITS, 2020.
Full textFabri, Vladimir, Miroslav Stefanović, Đorđe Pržulj, Teodora Vučković, and Rogerio Dionisio. "INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS (IIOT) - SECURITY WEAKNESSES AND MOST COMMON TYPES OF ATTACKS – A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW." In 19th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems. Faculty of Technical Sciences, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "SECURING INDUSTRIAL IOT"
Falco, J., K. Stouffer, A. Wavering, and F. Proctor. IT security for industrial control systems. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002.
Full textKelsey, Tom. When Missions Fail: Lessons in ‘High Technology’ From Post-War Britain. Blavatnik School of Government, December 2023.
Full textHinojosa, Jorge Luis, Saúl Villamizar, and Nathalia Gama. Green Hydrogen Opportunities for the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2023.
Full textCarlile, Rachel, Matthew Kessler, and Tara Garnett. What is food sovereignty? TABLE, May 2021.
Full textTorvikey, Gertrude Dzifa, and Fred Mawunyo Dzanku. In the Shadow of Industrial Companies: Class and Spatial Dynamics of Artisanal Palm Oil Processing in Rural Ghana. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), March 2022.
Full textHrytsenko, Olena. Sociocultural and informational and communication transformations of a new type of society (problems of preserving national identity and national media space). Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2022.
Full textZholdayakova, Saule, Yerdaulet Abuov, Daulet Zhakupov, Botakoz Suleimenova, and Alisa Kim. Toward a Hydrogen Economy in Kazakhstan. Asian Development Bank Institute, October 2022.
Full textHarangozó, Dániel. Serbia and the Russia–Ukraine War: Implications and Challenges II. Külügyi és Külgazdasági Intézet, 2022.
Full textWendt-Lucas, Nicola, and Ana de Jesus. The Role of 5G in the Transition to a Digital and Green Economy in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: Analytic Report. Nordregio, June 2023.
Full textLazonick, William, and Matt Hopkins. Why the CHIPS Are Down: Stock Buybacks and Subsidies in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, September 2021.
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