Academic literature on the topic 'Sculpture sur bois de la Renaissance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Sculpture sur bois de la Renaissance"
Klein, Alice. "Les gravures sur bois en clair-obscur de la Renaissance." Nouvelles de l'estampe, no. 247 (June 1, 2014): 64–66.
Full textPommier, Édouard. "Diabolisation, tolérance, glorification ? La Renaissance et la sculpture antique." Études littéraires 32, no. 1-2 (April 12, 2005): 55–70.
Full textVignaud, Laurent-Henri. "Le zoophyte comme limite du merveilleux naturel à la RenaissanceLe cas des conches anatifères." Revue de Synthèse 143, no. 1-2 (February 17, 2022): 125–55.
Full textDuhem, Sophie. "« Quant li goupil happe les jélines... », ou les représentations de Renart dans la sculpture sur bois bretonne du XVe au XVIIe siècle." Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’Ouest 105, no. 1 (1998): 53–69.
Full textRiall, Nicholas. "The early Tudor Renaissance in Hampshire: Anthony Blunt and ?L?influence Fran�aise sur l?architecture et la sculpture d�corative en Angleterre pendant la premi�re moiti� du XVIme si�cle? revisited." Renaissance Studies 21, no. 2 (April 2007): 218–53.
Full textPeltier, Regis. "Quelle place pour l’agroforesterie dans l’avenir des forêts tropicales ?" BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 341 (August 20, 2019): 3.
Full textMasten, Ric. "Killer Zucchini." M/C Journal 2, no. 7 (October 1, 1999).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Sculpture sur bois de la Renaissance"
Nieddu, Luisa. "Retables peints en Corse aux XVe et XVIe." Thesis, Corte, 2022.
Full textThe research project carried out here is the result of a territorial census connected with an action of identification and recognition of the movable heritage of the XV-XVI century in Corsica, which I commenced on behalf of the Directorate of the Heritage of the Collectivité de Corse, back in 2004. This discussion therefore presents for the first time an analytical inventory of the wooden altarpieces of the chronological phase in question, in which, on the basis of formal and stylistic values, the pictorial evidences are linked to their possible cultural matrices of reference. In 1453 the Republic of Genoa transferred the island to the powerful institute of the Bank of Saint George, which possessed it at least until 1562. However, the island, Genoese from a political-administrative point of view, was not Genoese from a cultural-figurative one. In general, it would seem that the local artists refashioned in a reductive and basically modest way the styles of the masters working in the North Western Italian area (from Liguria to the Oltregiogo, to the Po Valley, and to Nice region), creating their own language, so much reworked in its simplification to make hardly recognizable any figurative matrices of the mainland. However, thanks to the commercial flows and the constant political relations with the Motherland, the island proved to be receptive to the impulses coming from the entire coastal arc of Liguria, in equal measure from the two shores of Ponente and Levante, as proved by the retable of Cassano, signed and dated by Antonio da Calvi in 1505. There was also a flow of up-to-date creations along the transalpine traffic routes into Corsica, such as the polyptych of the Assumption of Canari attributed to the mature phase of the Piedmontese Agostino Bombelli (1530 ca.). The sending of this work documents the spread in the territory of a "Palladian window" architectural scheme, with a triumphal arch, based on more modernized criteria, similar to the polyptychs of Moltifato and Tox. There are also cases that suggest adhesion to Lombard naturalism, and more specifically the Ligurian-Pavese one, such as the Madonna and Child of Piedicroce. The critical rediscovery of the figurative heritage of Corsica thus highlights how much this is the product of heterogeneous conjunctures, expressed by native masters who reworked multiple stylistic features according to their own means, so that perhaps we can finally speak of a "Corsican pictorial school"
Muffert, Sabine Elisabeth. "Renaissance überschränke mit Holzeinlegearbeiten aus dem Rheinland /." Arnsberg : Becker, 1999.
Full textBertoni, Cren Nadia. "La sculpture sur bois polychrome des XIe et XIIe siècles en Bourgogne." Thesis, Dijon, 2013.
Full textFor the first time, the corpus of Roman wood sculptures from Burgundy is gathered together in a catalogue, with added photographic documents and bibliography. The twenty-five sculptures are listed and studied from a stylistic, iconographic and technical point of view. In the XIIth century, an actual school of monastic wood sculpture seemed to develop within the boundaries of the duchy of Burgundy, bringing a great diversity as far as formal and technical contributions are concerned. The sculptures that are the most representative to help the understanding of those numerous contributions are thoroughly studied. Their stylistic relationships with manuscripts dating back from the Carolingian Renaissance, with the Ottonian sculpture and the contemporary monumental stone sculpture, are pointed out with the analysis of internal characteristics, setting apart different formal languages. The iconographic description shows the specific denotation used in the representation of the holy character. The technical processes of creation are compared through the direct examination of the sculptures and through the collection of usable information. For several pieces, a new dating was suggested; new sculptures and specific artists are brought to notice.The contributions of the wood sculpture from the Auvergne region are specified. The tradition of inserting relics into sculptures is put in relation to the relatively important influence it can have on the building of the shape. One chapter is dedicated to the methodology in the study of wood sculptures’ polychromes. The conservators-restorers play a crucial part in the act of scientifically collecting information attesting the evolution of artistic techniques. Some suggestions are put forward to improve the processes of examination and the collecting of information
Mertz, Mechtild Anneliese. "Wood and Traditional Woodworking in Japan : as perceived by the Craftsmen." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2003.
Full textJapan is known to be a country of wood and "wood culture". Written sources on the practical aspect of traditional woodcraft, however, are scarce. Hence it was decided to undertake a study based on in-depth interviews of craftsmen who are specialised in various fields of traditional woodworking. From the data thus obtained it was possible to study the materials, the techniques, the nomenclature, the aesthetics and the culture of the various fields of woodcraft. As a result the technical, symbolic and aesthetic properties of wood and woodworking become apparent, as seen from the point of view of Japanese craftsmen who owe their skills to traditions passed from one generation to the next. As such, this study contributes towards opening a new field of research for art historians, ethnobotanists, archaeologists and japanologists by supplying them with new tools to supplement their own. This study ties in with an academic trend that has been developing in Japan over the past few decades
Sibeth, Achim. "Vom Kultobjekt zur Massenware : Kulturhistorische und kunstethnologische Studie zur figürlichen Holzschnitzkunst der Batak in Nordsumatra - Indonesien /." Herbolzheim : Centaurus Verl, 2003.
Full textCambazard-Amahan, Catherine. "Evolution du décor architectural sur bois à Fès du XIIe siècle à la fin du XIIIe siècle." Paris 4, 1985.
Full textLuh, Peter. "Kaiser Maximilian gewidmet : die unvollendete Werkausgabe des Conrad Celtis und ihre Holzschnitte /." Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang, 2001.
Full textBialler, Nancy Ann. "Hendrick Goltzius and the Netherlandish Chiaroscuro Woodcut /." Ann Arbor (Mich.) : University microfilms international, 1987.
Full textBoulay, Roger. "La Grande case kanak de Nouvelle-Calédonie : les rapports entre architecture et sculpture en Nouvelle-Calédonie." Paris 1, 1986.
Full textRodrigue, Maurice. "Moi, l'art et le mouvement." Thèse, Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal, 1991.
Full textCe travail de recherche a été réalisé à l'UQAC dans le cadre du programme de maîtrise en arts plastiques de l'UQAM à l'UQAC. CaQCU Bibliogr.: f. 18. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
Books on the topic "Sculpture sur bois de la Renaissance"
Baselitz, Georg. Georg Baselitz: Gravures sur bois et linoleum. Nantes: Ecole Regionale des Beaux-Arts, 1995.
Find full textBerthod, Eric. La sculpture sur bois au Moyen Âge: Techniques et savoir-faire, le retable de Vex, les reliefs de sainte Catherine. Sion: Musées cantonaux du Valais, 1995.
Find full textBlanton, Rita. Chipping Away presents 110 patterns for chip carvers. Kitchener, Ont: Chipping Away, 2001.
Find full textIrish, Lora S. Chipping Away presents chip carving classics "one". Kitchener, Ont: Chipping Away, 1999.
Find full textMusée des beaux-arts du Canada., ed. Le tabernacle de Paul Jourdain. Ottawa, Ont: Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 1990.
Find full textExchange Exhibition of Wood Sculpture, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan R.O.C (2003 : Miao-li hsien, Taiwan). 2003 Zhong Ri Han mu diao yi shu jiao liu zhan =: Exchange exhibition of wood sculpture, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan R.O.C. Miaoli Shi: Miaoli Xian wen hua ju, 2003.
Find full textDagan, Esther A. Man and his vision: The traditional wood sculpture of Burkina Faso = L'homme et sa vision de la nature : la sculpture traditionnelle sur bois du Burkina-Faso. Mtl., Qué., Canada: Galerie Amrad African Arts, 1987.
Find full textStucki, Rosmarie. Alte Schnitzkunst: Ein Kunsthandwerk als Hobby mit Knochen, Holz, Plexiglas und Speckstein = Sculpture ancienne : sur os, bois, plexiglas et steatite. [Zweisimmen]: R. Stucki, 1997.
Find full text1940-, Lunman Larry, ed. Decoys of the Thousand Islands. Erin, Ont: Boston Mills Press, 1992.
Find full textChatenet, Monique. Le château de Madrid au bois de Boulogne: Sa place dans les rapports franco-italiens autour de 1530. Paris: Picard, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Sculpture sur bois de la Renaissance"
Marguerite, Marie-Lys. "Albus et candidus: usages du blanc sur quelques sculptures pisanes en bois de la fin du xive au début du xve siècle." In Études Renaissantes, 35–47. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textFanchette, Sylvie, and Nicholas Stedman. "Itinéraire 5. Laque, sculpture sur bois et objets en corne (au sud de Hà Nội)." In À la découverte des villages de métier au Vietnam, 194–219. IRD Éditions, 2009.
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