Academic literature on the topic 'Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge'
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Journal articles on the topic "Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge"
Pavón Benito, Julia. "¿Es necesario seguir investigando sobre la muerte? Una reflexión historiográfica y nuevas perspectivas." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 12 (June 28, 2023): 65–83.
Full textSirat, Colette. "Les moyens d'investigation scientifiques et les manuscrits hébreux du Moyen âge." Scriptorium 40, no. 2 (1986): 278–96.
Full textMartín Iglesias, José Carlos. "La entrada Dentium proprietates et infirmitates del Armarium scripturarum de Juan Gil de Zamora (OFM) († ca. 1318) : editio princeps acompañada de un comentario gramatical." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 70, no. 1 (2012): 273–84.
Full textKogen, Helena. "La littérature française du Moyen Âge au Québec : trente ans de recherche (1980-2012)1." Tangence, no. 100 (August 14, 2013): 13–27.
Full textDíaz, Iñaki Bazán, Francisco Vázquez García, and Andrés Moreno Mengibar. "La prostitution au Pays basque entre XIVe et XVIIe siècles." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 55, no. 6 (December 2000): 1283–302.
Full textIbáñez Rodríguez, Miguel. "La traducción científico-técnica francés-español en el ámbito de la enología (1750-1850)." Çédille 11 (April 1, 2015): 273.
Full textMoulinier-Brogi, Laurence. "Y a-t-il de l’intraduisible ? Quelques exemples de résistances dans les écrits scientifiques du Moyen Âge." Médiévales 75, no. 75 (October 15, 2018): 117–36.
Full textTodeschini, Giacomo. "Servitude et travail à la fin du Moyen Âge La dévalorisation des salariés et les pauvres « peu méritants »." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 70, no. 01 (March 2015): 81–89.
Full textHall, Bert. "Un atelier de distillation du moyen âge. (Bulletin Archeologique du Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, N.S., 22). Isabelle Rouaze." Isis 83, no. 1 (March 1992): 122–23.
Full textLe Coze, Jean. "La trempe des aciers, points de vue techniques, historiques et scientifiques. Vingt-cinq siècles d’évolution de la trempe des aciers." Matériaux & Techniques 109, no. 2 (2021): 205.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge"
Balty-Guesdon, Marie-Geneviève. "Médecins et hommes de sciences en espagne musulmane (2ème 8ème-5ème 11ème siècles)." Paris 3, 1992.
Full textA directory of scientists of muslim spain to the 11th c. , established from the biographical collections (tabaqat) of scientists or andalusians is the basic material of a study of the integration of sciences (medicine ans philosophical sciences, in the medieval meaning of the expression) in culture of a particular medieval islamic society. An analysis of the treatment reserved to scientist's biographyes by the different authors (1st chapter) is followed by a study of the place of sciences in the diverse cultural policies at the periods of the umayyad emirs, the first two caliphs, the end of the califate and the party-kingdoms, particularly toledo, sevilla and zaragoza (chapters 2-5). The social and professionnal life of scientists as well as the place of sciences in al-andalus cultural identity, are the subject of the last two chapters (6-7)
Garcia, Charles. "Le Campo de Toro au Moyen Age : peuplement, seigneuries et société (IXe-XIVe siècles)." Paris 10, 1999.
Full textCharageat, Martine. "Mariage, couple et justice en Aragon à la fin du Moyen Âge." Paris 1, 2001.
Full textQuitman, Nathalie. "La Trinité, omniprésente et familière : polémique religieuse, connaissance de Dieu et dévotion en Espagne du XIIe au XVe siècle." Paris, EHESS, 2003.
Full textIn the middle ages, the Trinity of god is usually regarded as a théological subject. In Spain, in the context of coexistence of christians with jews and muslims, the Trinity was omnipresent and familiar to the laity. First, we show how the Trinity was inseparable with the themes of reconquista, conversion, proselytism. Then we analyse the part of the clergy in the promotion of Trinity as a polemic problem since wisigothic period. The last chapter insists on the role of the kings of Castille in the defense of the dogma and the ideological use of Trinity as an attribute of their image and power. The second part insists on the philosophical polemics. The spanish christians have mainly used philosophy of nature to convince the jews. The themes of cosmos, nature, divine attributes, natural generation in the trinitarian demonstrations give to Spain an intellectual originality in the west. The verses of the Old Testament, the exegese of Talmud, the verses of Coran, foundation of the polemis elsewhere, are used in Spain only in the mirror of philosophy. The last part tries to explain why and how in the XVth century Trinity became also a subject of individual devotion. The redemption of souls, visionnary litterature, devotion to the Virgen were inseparable with Trinity
Sitbon, Suzy. "Interdit de la représentation dans le judaïsme et création artistique : leçons des bibles médiévales de l'Espagne." Paris, EPHE, 2005.
Full textDo no graven images in the Judaism open another way of artistic creation toward abstraction and transcendence? We fix our choice on Massoretic Bibles of the Iberian Peninsula whose ornamentation I built on geometrical forms drawn by the Massore without figurative representation (Bibliothèque national de France, Hebrew 11-13-14-15-20-22-24-25-1314-1315 et 5-6 – 10 ; Bibliothèque municipale de Marseille, MS 1626/II et British Library OR 2201-2626-2628 et la Bible anciennement Sassoon 508). Four conceptualized and tested methods give another access to these ornaments. No graven images has opened the way to a visual artistic system on the move. The reader who stands himself gazing at these forms sprinfs up the image thanks to an inner physical, intellectual and spiritual moving. These bibles conceal a scriptural exegesis or mystical meaning in visible or hidden ways
Baloup, Daniel. "La croyance au purgatoire en Vieille-Castille : (vers 1230 - vers 1530)." Pau, 1999.
Full textIntroduced in Castile in the course of the XIII century, and mainly due to the influence of the indulgence preachers, the belief in purgatory took deep roots in the representations of salvation influenced by the ordeal of the reconquest. Yet, the cult of purgatory first developed in the last decades of the XVth century, through a wolly original iconography wich linked the salvation of the afflicted souls to Christ’s descent into Limbo and then trough the emergence of the brotherhoods of purgatory. After the first creation, in Valladolid, in 1492, initiated by a group of laymen, the number of brotherhoods increased through the impetus given by the clergy in an attempt to channel off obituary practices in favour of the parishes. The success of this devotion can be interpreted as an answer to the identity crisis wich was then rocking this border society, deprived of its traditional landmarks by the eviction of the Jews, the end of the reconquest (1492) and the mass conversions
Méouak, Mohamed. "Les structures politiques et administratives de l'etat andalou a l'epoque umayyade (milieu du iie viiie - fin du ive xe siecles) : etude prosopographique, essai de synthese sur les principales charges gouvernementales." Lyon 2, 1989.
Full textAfter the examination of the main arabic muslim sources, the study means, from a prosopographical study on the reconstitution of careers of officials, originally arabo-oriental, berber, emancipated and slavic, to check the permanency of eighteen families of dignitaries who held the leading posts of government from the begining of the emirate to the end of the hispano-umayyad caliphate. Besides, this research delas with the possible transmission of the main politico-administrative duties and of the sociopolitical part of those families. Starting from the study of the state main offices, can we decide that structure exist in the administrative organization of the andalucian state at the umayyad time ? this is one of the major problems studied in the light of the possible specific characteristics of the andalucian system. The latter was the heir to syria's umayyad traditions and found itself influenced by the politico-administrative organization of abbasid state for the most part
Coussemacker, Sophie. "L'ordre de saint Jérôme en Espagne : 1373-1516." Paris 10, 1994.
Full textEremitical in his beginning, the order of san Jeronimo experience a fast development in medieval Spain, with the support of the kings and of the aristocracy. The hieronymites meet with some crises before the 1470’s: scission of the isidorites, external attacks, internal crisis, under the generalat of Alfonso de Oropesa. The crisis increase with the establishment of an internal inquisition and the adoption of a statute of "limpieza de sangre", measures due to the opposition between two factions. The purge is violent, but however limitated. The catholic kings impose on hieronymites some economical and spiritual reforms, but associate them to their government, with Fernando de Talavera, their confessor, and some others reformators. Then in order to reestablish their image, the hieronymites resume the redaction of their general chronicle, started at the end of the 1480's. The conventual chronicles will be collected in 1539 by Pedro de la Vega and in 1596 by Jose de Siguenza
Soussen, Max Claire. ""Iudei Nostri", pouvoir royal, communautés juives et société chrétienne dans les territoires de la Couronne d'Aragon au XIIIe et première moitié du XIVe siècle." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2005.
Full textOur study considers the relationships between christians and jews in the Crown of Aragon during the Thirteenth and first half of the forteenth century. The legal definition of these relations is given by the Church and the contacts are disapproved by both Christiandom and authorities of the judaïsm. Despite the rules, men meet one another, and the royal power considers the jewish minority as an ally for economical and political reasons. The general context is the one of the Reconquista, which implies the need of trustful men. The jews play this role in the conquered territories and elsewhere. But during this period, the thinking of the Chruch is more and more exclusive and the mendicant orders preach to the jews for them to convert. The society itself is getting closed. The sources for this study are both religious (manuscripts) and from the royal power (chancellery registers)
Martin, Céline. "La géographie du pouvoir dans l'espace wisigothique." Paris, EHESS, 2000.
Full textBooks on the topic "Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge"
France) Utopies scientifiques au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance (Conference) (2017 Université Paris Est Créteil; École pratique des hautes études. Les utopies scientifiques au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance. Firenze: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2021.
Find full textL'église en Espagne au moyen âge: Ses combats du VIIe au XVe siècle. Limoges: Pulim, 2009.
Find full textLeveleux-Teixeira, Corinne. Consulter, délibérer, décider: Donner son avis au Moyen âge : France-Espagne, VIIe-XVIe siècles. Toulouse: Université Toulouse Le Mirail, 2010.
Find full text1936-, Durand Robert, Bourin Monique 1944-, and Boissellier Stephane, eds. L' espace rural au moyen âge: Portugal, Espagne, France, XIIe-XIVe siècle : mélanges en l'honneur de Robert Durand. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2002.
Find full textFrance) Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques (130th 2006 Grenoble. Au Moyen Âge, entre tradition antique et innovation: Actes du 131e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Grenoble, 2006. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2009.
Find full textLa pluie et le beau temps dans la littérature française: Discours scientifiques et tranformations littéraires, du Moyen Âge à l'époque moderne. Paris: Hermann, 2012.
Find full textCongrès national des sociétés savantes (118th 1993 Pau, France). Population et démographie au Moyen-Âge: [actes du 118e congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Pau, 25-29 octobre 1993]. Paris: Ed. du CTHS, 1995.
Find full textDehoux, Esther. Images et ornements autour des ordres militaires au Moyen Âge: Culture visuelle et culte des saints (France, Espagne du Nord, Italie). Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2016.
Find full textGroup, Cambridge Latin Therapy, and Whipple Museum of the History of Science, eds. Instruments of mystery. Cambridge: Whipple Museum in association with the Cambridge Latin Therapy Group, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge"
Mandosio, Jean-Marc. "Les lexiques bilingues philosophiques, scientifiques et notamment alchimiques à la Renaissance." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 175–226. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2001.
Full textDucos, Joëlle. "Latin et textes scientifiques français: bilinguisme, ignorance ou terminologie?" In Approches du bilinguisme latin-français au Moyen Âge: linguistique, codicologie, esthétique, 81–98. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
Full textLeroy, Béatrice. "La Civilisation juive en Espagne et en Languedoc au Moyen Âge." In La civilisation du judaïsme, 247. Editions de l'Éclat, 2012.
Full textCazes, Jean-Paul. "Les silos et leur signification dans le haut Moyen Âge." In Les sociétés méridionales à l’âge féodal (Espagne, Italie et sud de la France xe-xiiie siècle), 45–50. Presses universitaires du Midi, 1999.
Full textFeller, Laurent. "Pour une étude du fonctionnement des marchés fonciers durant le haut Moyen Âge." In Les sociétés méridionales à l’âge féodal (Espagne, Italie et sud de la France xe-xiiie siècle), 27–33. Presses universitaires du Midi, 1999.
Full textBRETON, Justine. "Comprendre les épidémies des séries arthuriennes au regard de la pandémie de 2020." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 45–54. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textParizot, Olivia. "Un noble au service d’un art : l’écuyer tranchant en Espagne et en Italie à la fin du Moyen Âge." In La table de la Renaissance, 131–50. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Scientifiques – Espagne – Moyen âge"
Rousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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